According to Feng Shui, what is best to depict in the toilet. How to properly place a toilet in an apartment

Useful tips

Everyone is familiar with the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. It helps you make the space at home harmonious and organize it correctly. To save your home from negative energy, observe the basic prohibitions of the teaching so that your home becomes the place where you restore your strength and energy.

Space in the home is extremely important for a person’s emotional health, for his sense of security and for living in harmony with his household and with himself. Feng Shui knowledge that has been accumulated over centuries will help you organize it correctly.

Feng Shui rules

Prohibition No. 1

Don't hang a mirror opposite front door and in the bedroom

This way you can protect your home from unnecessary energy entering. Mirrors in the bedroom have a negative impact on family life. They attract homewreckers into your life. Mirrors in any other room are not dangerous, but it is important to remember that if a chip or crack appears on the mirror, it must be thrown away immediately. It is desirable that the existing mirror reflects the person to his full height, without breaking him into pieces.

Prohibition No. 2

The trash can should not be located opposite the front door

Any unnecessary trash, dust and dirt negatively affect the energy of the space, and the health and energy of all residents suffer. Immediately get rid of old, unnecessary things, make room for beautiful and useful acquisitions that will definitely appear in your home after the old items disappear.

Prohibition No. 3

Do not use or store broken items

Any broken items that you plan to continue using need to be repaired. Throw away what cannot be restored without regret. This way you will get rid of negative energy and attract joy and abundance into your life. Moreover, broken objects lead to quarrels and conflicts.

According to Feng Shui, every faulty item takes away one problem from a person’s life, and by throwing away this thing, a person also throws out the problem. Please pay Special attention on leaking taps and pipes. Any leak requires immediate repair, as a constant flow of water does not contribute to increasing the joy in your home.

Prohibition No. 4

Don't make multi-level floors

Floors of different levels are a real stumbling block for the free flow of positive energy in the house. Such floors split your destiny into parts, which leads to failures and troubles both in your personal life and in business.

Prohibition No. 5

Sharp corners in the house are a danger

Furniture with protruding sharp corners must be placed so that the tip of the corner looks into an empty space, where your resting place will not be located. Think about what to do with hanging shelves, since they are the cause of negative energy. Round and disguise their corners, for example, with some kind of amulet made of coins or beads.

Prohibitions in Feng Shui

Prohibition No. 6

Do not start cleaning the bathroom and toilet

It is more important to maintain cleanliness in these two rooms than others. Close doors and clean promptly to keep your home comfortable. If an animal lives with you in the house, and there is a place for it in the bathroom, then still do not leave the doors open or use built-in doors.

Prohibition No. 7

We must not forget about regular ventilation of premises

The more time the windows and vents in your home are open, the more often energy renewal occurs in the space. And in order to avoid catching a cold, ventilate your home while you are away.

Prohibition No. 8

Don't work in an improperly organized space

It is very important to pay attention to the proper organization of your workspace in order to complete your tasks much more efficiently. Make sure you sit with your back to a solid wall that has no doors or windows. As a last resort, block all openings to avoid the outflow of energy. Arrange items on your desk wisely, and the absence of unnecessary items will give you the opportunity to concentrate on important matters, without being distracted by nonsense.

Prohibition No. 9

Do not block the area adjacent to the house

The area adjacent to the house should be open to the maximum. Trees and cars that block the passage prevent positive energy from entering your home. The exception is plantings that fence off the entrance to the house from the roadway. The same must be said regarding the space in the corridor. Shoes should be kept in a specially designated place for them, and piled-up items should be disposed of.

Prohibition No. 10

Don't buy a home next to "bad" buildings

The best location for housing is near a fountain, park or square; dangerous neighbors are a prison, a cemetery and a hospital. Such a “neighborhood” carries a huge charge of negative energy, which can have a bad impact on your life as a whole.

Thus, by changing the space of your home, you change your life for the better. Just remember that harmony in the home is easy to achieve, you just need to follow the recommendations to make your home a repository of positive energy.

- the bathroom should not be located in the center of your home

The center of the house is not the place for the toilet, bathroom and kitchen, places where a lot of dirt collects. When the bathroom is located in the center of the house, the bad energy that we wash off with water spreads to other rooms, causing development various diseases at households. If a bathroom located in the center of the house is already a fait accompli, then the only option is to remodel it.

- the bathroom and toilet should not be located opposite the front door

If this is so, then luck will leave the house, and the owners will be constantly haunted by unforeseen expenses, which will certainly complicate the process of saving money for large purchases.

- the bathroom door should not open close to the door to the living room

Try to avoid this, otherwise a restless and nervous atmosphere will be created in the house. If there is a stove on the same line with the toilet, the health of the residents may suffer because of this.

- the toilet should not be located opposite the bedroom

People become more vulnerable during sleep, so at night the influence of negative energy is especially strong. If the head of the bed is in contact with the wall of the bathroom or toilet, then the person sleeping on that bed can become seriously ill.

Cleanliness in the house is important for every person. The practice of the Taoist monks of the East, which is commonly called the science of Feng Shui, eliminates any type of pollution in the house. Science claims that they interfere with the movement of energy flows. At the same time, it is important correct location certain objects, their shape and color.

Dressing room, which is decorated in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui

Apartment owners often adhere to the principles of Feng Shui, but forget that the toilet also needs to be properly decorated. Cleanliness in this room is extremely important. Negative energy most often accumulates here, this happens due to the fact that in the toilet we physically cleanse ourselves. To eliminate this phenomenon, it is recommended to pay attention to the rules and decorate the toilet according to Feng Shui.

What are the main requirements for a toilet?

According to Feng Shui rules, a toilet has a number of mandatory requirements. When you perform them, you will definitely notice a positive result: cleanliness and order, excellent mood, and a decrease in the number of quarrels with household members.

First: a clean toilet. This is an adequate requirement both from the point of view of Feng Shui and in relation to basic hygiene rules.

Attention! Trash cans, brooms and mops are not placed in the corner of the toilet room. These are symbols of negative energy, of which there is already too much in the toilet. Do not increase its concentration.

Second, make sure the toilet lid remains closed. When open, it promotes the outflow of energy, which is unacceptable. Surely each of us has heard that sewerage is conventionally compared to a vacuum cleaner that is stolen positive energy. The lid becomes a kind of barrier to this. And don't look down the drain.

A toilet design option that fits into the rules of Feng Shui

The third requirement concerns the drain tank. Water should not leak out of it. This will lead to an increase in negative energy, while material costs increase and the functionality of the toilet itself is disrupted. In any case, Qi energy is consumed and water bills increase.

The energy of success and wealth is observed in those houses where the ventilation system in the toilet works well. It is recommended to install forced ventilation. If this is not possible, then clean the ventilation grilles regularly.

Additionally, symbols that carry positive energy are added to the interior of the toilet: a picture of a sunrise, a flashlight in red shades. This will make the interior more attractive and direct Qi energy into the house.

It is important to take care of additional elements. The science of Feng Shui says that a minimalist style is welcome in the toilet. There shouldn't be anything superfluous here. You can install a toilet and bidet. If you want to additionally install a faucet, water supply, pipes or meters, all this will have to be hidden behind the box. This will allow you to achieve a clean and laconic design in the room.

Toilet designed according to Feng Shui principles

The main element of any toilet is the toilet. If you follow the recommendations of Feng Shui, place it correctly. According to Feng Shui, a toilet in the west of an apartment brings positive energy and promotes harmony. It is not recommended to place the toilet opposite the door. This is the most wrong position. It is believed that such a choice will bring bad luck to the owner.

The toilet cannot be placed so that, if there are no walls, it is opposite the bed. This is explained by the fact that during sleep a person is highly susceptible to the influence of negative energy. Placing the toilet opposite the living room is also not the best solution. This will bring nervousness and tension into the room.

The toilet should be the most inconspicuous room in the house. Unfortunately, when there is a lack of free space, it is not always possible to adhere to the recommendations described above. In this case, an additional element in the toilet is allowed - a mirror that is hung on the door. It will become a kind of blocker of negative energy. You cannot place a mirror opposite the door.

Toilet connected to the bathroom, which is decorated according to Feng Shui

If possible, it is not recommended to locate the toilet and bedroom in adjacent rooms. For multi-storey country houses, it is important to note that sleeping under or above the toilet room is highly not recommended. If possible, the same recommendation is followed in apartments. The door to the toilet is always kept closed. This will additionally eliminate unpleasant odors.

Important! If you have an aquarium, choose an appropriate place for it in the house. It should not be the toilet or the walls bordering it. It is best if the aquarium is located as far as possible from this room.

Selecting the color of the toilet

The science of Feng Shui also teaches how to choose the right colors for rooms. Choose snow-white toilet models. This is considered the best option and there are no exceptions to this rule. Both the sink and the bidet when installing them should be snow-white. The design of the room itself should also be dominated by white. This does not mean that the room will become like a hospital ward. Additional colors will help make it cozy. Cold and muted shades that belong to the element of Water are preferred. Among them are the following:

  1. Blue.
  2. Grey.
  3. Black.
  4. Blue.
  5. Silver.

Feng Shui of the toilet, which is combined with the bathroom, is made in a minimalist style

Take a closer look at neutral tones in moderation. These include light peach, juicy green, pink, cream, beige. However, shades of cool colors should prevail. Bright colors are used for decoration, and cold colors are used for walls, floors and ceilings.

Pay attention to the choice of lighting according to Feng Shui. In order not to stop the flow of Qi, you will need bright lighting, this will add comfort and harmony to the room. Nai the best option– a window in the bathroom, but not all rooms have it. An alternative is artificial lighting.

Lighting fixtures are made as invisible as possible. They are placed so as to achieve uniform light close to natural. If possible, choose lamps that imitate sunlight. Sufficient lighting will ensure that the white earthenware sparkles.

The room should not be located in the southeast or southwest part of the house; it is better if it is in the north.

A restroom is not just a place for toileting, but a full-fledged room, the design and decoration of which must be taken care of at the proper level. Cleanliness in the toilet and design according to the science of Feng Shui will be the first step in helping you achieve harmony in your own home, success and a prosperous course of affairs. Many people consider Feng Shui just a fashionable invention today, but this ancient science has proven its effectiveness and efficiency more than once. When in doubt, try a few tips and see how your life changes.

Toilet with bathroom, decorated in white colors according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the toilet is a special place in the house, where cleanliness and order reign. If you don't like any of the recommendations, skip them. In the art of Feng Shui, it is important to adhere to the main principles, achieving comfort and a positive attitude for yourself and your family members. The arrangement of the toilet is approached with special care, because it is one of the significant parts of the house.

From the point of view of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, the bathroom is the key carrier of water in the house and is therefore endowed special properties patronizing element. It cleanses the energy of the house from negativity outside world, brings material well-being and health, regulates cash flows.

But in order for the element of Water to work for good and bring the energy of “prosperity” into the house, it is necessary to correctly think through the design of the bathroom according to the rules of Feng Shui.

The invisible energy Qi, filling space and permeating all things in the world, fills them with movement and strength. But when it finds itself in unfavorable conditions, when harmony is disturbed, it turns into its opposite - Sha energy, which, like a harmful breath, can destroy everything in its path.

Taking into account all the subtleties in the design of a bathroom according to Feng Shui, you can fill the space of the room with beneficial Qi, preventing stagnation of destructive Sha.

Since Water as an element is responsible for prosperity and material well-being, it is very important to respect the location of the bathroom

If we consider the position of the bathroom relative to the center of the house, then the most favorable directions are considered to be north and east. It is highly desirable to locate the bathroom in the southeast side. It acts as a zone of “wealth”, the accumulation of which will simply “flow through your fingers.”

Ideally, this room should be located as far away from the front door and kitchen as possible. It should be, as it were, hidden from the eyes of strangers coming into the house.

In some homes, bathrooms are located next to the bedroom. From a practical point of view this is very convenient, but from the point of view ancient philosophy such a neighborhood is unfortunate

“Unfortunate neighborhood” is explained by the fact that the energy accumulated in the bathroom is “contaminated”, transformed into destructive Sha, and flows into the bedroom - the room that most needs a clean flow of “breath of life”

In such cases, the energy flow can be adjusted by frequently ventilating the damp room. To clearly delimit spaces, the door adjacent to the bedroom should always be kept closed.

If the bath is still located in one of the undesirable places, in order to protect the Qi flows from “pollution,” you can erect a “barrier” using elements of the Earth element.

To make the bathroom less defenseless and vulnerable to energies coming from outside, decorate the walls of the room with ceramic tiles

A mirror hung from the outside of the door will also help save the situation. It will reflect the flow of energy.

Selection and placement of plumbing fixtures

A bathtub or shower stall is the main element of the interior.

Owners of apartments whose area is quite limited most often choose rectangular models when arranging bathrooms.

The choice of rectangular models is often justified by considerations of space saving. But if you focus on the philosophy of Feng Shui, rectangular bathtubs are far from the best option. Their sharp corners as if aimed poison arrows, accumulate and release negative energy.

It is better to give preference to round or oval shaped models, the smooth curves of which, reminiscent of the rounded edges of coins - a symbol of money of the water element, will attract prosperity

If we imagine that our home functions like a living body, then according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the bathroom is associated with the intestinal tract of the human body, which is responsible for removing waste substances. This room in the house is designed to cleanse our physical and slim body from dirt.

But when using bathrooms, it is very important to monitor water consumption.

The installed plumbing must work properly so that water does not just run out, otherwise at the energy level this can lead to frequent illnesses in the household

Water is directly related to the circulating flow of energy, so when installing a toilet a number of important points should be taken into account:

  • In a combined bathroom, the toilet should be located away from the entrance so that when viewed from the entrance it does not come to the fore. If it is not possible to move the toilet to the far corner, use “distracting” techniques: screens and partitions.
  • Each visit to the toilet is accompanied by a mandatory flush of water, along with which the energy of material well-being “leaks away”. You can stop the flow of leaking energy by keeping the toilet lid always closed.
  • In the toilet, the passive lunar energy “yin” predominates, bringing calm and tranquility to the space; it can be balanced by adding the male elements “yang”, filling the space with warmth and energy of the Sun.

It is believed that a separate toilet with a bathtub is better than a combined one.

In any case, it is better to place the toilet as close to the sewer as possible so that contaminated water along with waste Qi leaves as quickly as possible

To prevent Sha energy from the sewer line from penetrating back into the home, it is better to line the outside of the pipe with tiles or bricks.

Ventilation design

High humidity in the bathroom stops the flow of Qi. Drops of condensation settling on walls and pipes, preventing energy from circulating, form a stagnant atmosphere.

Some people mistakenly believe that it is enough to dry the air by installing heating elements, and the flow will improve. But that's not true. Only an influx of fresh air can establish the circulation of Qi energy.

It is ideal if the bathroom has a window that can be opened at any time, allowing a stream of fresh air into the room.

This problem can be solved by ventilating the room as often as possible. Air conditioners are not suitable for this purpose.

Correct lighting device

Natural light is ideal for the bathroom. The rays penetrating through the windows unwind stagnant Qi energy and charge the space with solar energy.

To decorate a window opening, it is better to use slightly shading blinds, keeping them open during the day, allowing the sun's rays to freely penetrate the room

Curtains made of heavy and dense fabrics are not suitable for this purpose.

If the bathroom does not have a window, fill the space with artificial light. When designing room lighting, consider the placement of lamps so that they illuminate the entire room as much as possible. Bright rays lighting fixtures will revive the energy field.

Choosing flooring

A properly selected coating can enhance the flow of Qi energy. Porcelain stoneware or tiles are ideal for floor decoration.

Materials with a smooth surface, such as marble, tile or glass, can neutralize negative energy

The main thing is that the coating is not too cold. You can solve this problem by installing a “warm floor” system, or by choosing tiles that quickly adapt to the ambient temperature.

Fortunately, the wide range of products on the market allows you to choose a coating that will successfully combine decorative properties and excellent performance.

Design subtleties of space design

The bathroom is the place where the Pisces aura reigns supreme. Therefore, when designing this room, the harmony of elements is very important. In addition, the chosen design should act as a continuation of the interior of the remaining rooms in the house.

This is the only way to achieve the energy of a pacifying sign.

When arranging a bathroom, you should be guided by the rule that no matter where you are in the room, you should be able to see the person entering the room

Plumbing equipment and pieces of furniture should be arranged in such a way that the entrance door to the room is within visible sight.

Shelves filled with all sorts of tubes and bottles of body care cosmetics also contribute to the stagnation of Qi energy.

To restore normal flow circulation, carry out an “audit” on the shelves, leaving only those products that you often use. Put the rest of the bottles away, hiding them in a closet or cabinet under the sink.

Winning color solutions

The bathroom is the room in which it is pleasant to relax after a hard day of work, enjoying water treatments. Many people have probably noticed that after taking a bath they feel relaxed and energized.

This is due to the fact that the water energy field, acting in resonance, corrects our aura, making it softer and more sensitive.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, light and calm colors contribute to the creation of a relaxing and tranquil environment in the bathroom.

Most favorable colors:

  • White is a synthesis of all colors. It is the color of purification, which contains the energy and power of transformation. But an absolutely white room will lack comfort and attractiveness. Colored furnishings in blue, gold and apricot shades will help dilute the white tones.
  • Green is the color of nature. He calms down nervous system and promotes inner harmony. The color used to decorate the room should be bright green, like spring foliage, calm emerald, like the dense crown of trees, but in no case dirty green or khaki.
  • Blue is the color of the sky. It erases aggressive thoughts, relieves tension and harmonizes energy flows. According to Feng Shui philosophy, the color blue, which belongs to the element of Water and symbolizes heavenly blessings, is ideal for wall decoration.
  • Light brown – light wood tone. Acting as an element of the Earth, the light brown shade helps to harmonize the masculine and feminine principles present in each of us. It gives a feeling of security and inner peace. But only light shades of brown are endowed with these properties.

Colorful accents for stimulation energy flows It is better to create in certain areas by complementing the interior with small bright accessories

In a combined bathroom, to harmonize the space, the plumbing fixtures should have the same color and design. It is preferable to choose white earthenware.

Mirror surfaces

What is a bathroom without a mirror? It acts as a connecting element that connects our physical body with the subtle “I”, restoring harmony between them.

When choosing the shape of a bathroom mirror according to Feng Shui, be guided by your zodiac sign and the element that protects you:

  • Round - symbolizes Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), but takes on the energy of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Earth.
  • Oval – compatible with the power of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Fire.
  • Square – combined with the biofield of Air and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).
  • Rectangular – complements the energies of Water and Fire.

If difficulties arise with choosing favorable elemental energies, give preference to the stronger one. In descending order they will be arranged as follows: Fire, Earth, Air, Water.

If there are representatives of several signs among the household members, choose the form that will be most favorable for everyone

The properties of mirrors to visually expand space from the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui should not be actively used. For the same reason, it is not advisable to install magnifying mirrors.

According to Chinese beliefs, it is not advisable to look at small mirrors installed nearby at the same time: when the reflection is fragmented, the personal energy Qi is also fragmented

For this reason, you should not decorate the walls of the room with mirror tiles or install cabinets whose doors are decorated with an ornament of individual mirror elements.

Use of live plants

The bathroom is one of the most ascetic rooms where most of us like to be alone with ourselves. But snow-white plumbing fixtures, the shine of metal taps and the shimmering surface of tiles are not able to bring a “living” note to the interior. Only fresh flowers in beautiful ceramic pots will prevent energy from stagnating in the corners.

Some people think that the bathroom is not the best option for green “pets”. But the humid environment that prevails indoors is ideal for growing decorative foliage plants.

The stumbling block in the issue of landscaping is the lighting that flowers need.

In rooms where there are window openings through which people can penetrate Sun rays, in combination with high humidity, rooms are created ideal conditions for the "Garden of Eden"

In “dead” baths, you have to think about the presence of lighting fixtures, guided by the rule that there is never too much light. To ensure that the plants receive a sufficient amount of light, install fluorescent lamps around the perimeter of the room, placing them at a distance of 30-45 cm from the flowers.

Considering the high humidity in the room, it is better to equip the devices with cartridges equipped with sealed tips. You can buy them in stores specializing in aquarium equipment.

Many exotic shade-loving plants that prefer humid climate: dieffenbachia, calathea, ferns, cyperus

They can be placed in floor pots or hanging planters using vertical gardening techniques. Against the backdrop of sparkling snow-white plumbing fixtures, the decorative miniature palm tree, cordeliana and the exotic beauty allocasia will look impressive.

Green-leaved dracaenas can be a worthy interior decoration, taking their place in the corner of the bathroom or near the shower stall. They are easy to care for and do not require frequent watering, which is especially appreciated by owners who forget to water their flowers.

For more spacious rooms, you can safely choose larger green “pets”: evergreen heptapleurum, framed with leathery leaves of ficus, liana-shaped monstera

These plants should be watered sparingly to avoid stagnation of water. Fertilize and replant in the same way as when caring for other indoor plants.

Among the beautifully flowering indoor plants, it is worth highlighting orchids.

Phalaenopsis feel comfortable under artificial lighting and high humidity, because in natural conditions they grow in coastal rocks near bodies of water

Exuding a light, subtle aroma, they will set you in a positive mood. Aromatic oils will also help create an environment conducive to relaxation. Lavender, geranium and bergamot will help relieve nervous tension, and a few drops of lemon or chamomile will lift your spirits and tone the body.

Surround yourself with useful and beautiful objects - and you will create a beneficial flow of Qi energy around you, which will help you find harmony with the world around you and yourself.

Video: secrets of decorating a bathroom according to Feng Shui

Moving a little slower than I would like due to limited funding and frequent business trips of the main repairman, I continue to study various aspects of the possible interior of our home. And after we have looked at how to arrange it, let’s move on to studying the features feng shui toilet. In most of our apartments, the toilet is a relatively small place, but, according to Feng Shui, several powerful energies circulate there, so it is important to control their flows so that there is no imbalance and predominance of one energy over another, which can sometimes lead to disastrous consequences. Feng Shui presupposes the presence of a separate toilet, without direct proximity to the bathroom. If for some reason this is not possible, then you must separate the bathtub from the toilet (for example, using a screen), thereby creating a toilet space. All sewer pipes in the toilet should be insulated in a decorative box. Ideally, according to Feng Shui, there should be one toilet in the toilet. Well, there is always something to strive for!

Basic requirements for a toilet according to Feng Shui

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to is. It should always be kept perfectly clean, the lid should be down so that there is no outflow of energy. After all, the sewer, figuratively speaking, like a powerful vacuum cleaner, can begin to suck in the positive energy of Qi. And the toilet lid will be an obstacle in her way. Look into the toilet drain hole as little as possible. Also, according to Feng Shui in the toilet, it is impossible for water from the flush tank to constantly flow through the toilet into the sewer. This is not only a careless waste of water, but also a leakage of the same positive energy Qi, invisible to our eyes. By the way, since we are talking about this energy, in order for it to have a favorable circulation, bringing wealth and success into the house, you should take care of good ventilation of the toilet. Vacuum the vents in your closet frequently, and if there are none, or they are sealed or blocked, do it right immediately.

The toilet, as such, enhances Yin energy, and in order to restore balance, you need to place symbols of Yang energy in the toilet to activate it. To do this, just place a picture of a sunrise in the toilet, or hang a red lantern above the entrance. Any red decorative element will activate the Yang energy we need.

Toilet location according to feng shui

If you follow the laws of Feng Shui to the end, then the toilet itself in the living room should be in a favorable place. Please note the following: if the toilet is located opposite the front door, then you may be haunted by constant failures; if the toilet is located opposite the bed, then this is a particularly dangerous location, because in a dream a person is more vulnerable to the harmful Sha energy that takes place in the toilet; if the toilet is located opposite the living room, then the atmosphere in the living room will be tense and nervous. It follows that the toilet door should be veiled, made less noticeable, or a mirror should be hung on the outside of the toilet door. And don’t forget that the door to the toilet should always be tightly closed!

Pay attention to the position of your bed. The head of the bed should not be adjacent to the wall of the toilet. The bed should not be on the lower floor under the toilet. Therefore, when placing your bed, find out what your neighbors have behind the wall. If there is a toilet, then you are guaranteed a leak of good energy and an influx of negative energy.

If you have an aquarium in your home, try to place it as far as possible from the toilet. The aquarium, although it symbolizes well-being, is located close to the toilet room, where water is constantly draining, this desired well-being is invisible and will constantly flow out of your home into the sewer.

And yet, in feng shui toilet It is forbidden to place a trash can or broom in a corner! The fact is that a trash can is a symbol of the abyss, which can begin to intensify its harmful effects in the toilet. Well, if the toilet is located in your home where the Wealth Zone is concentrated, then write - it’s gone. Let us remind you that the Wealth Zone is located in the southeast of the house. And if there is no way to remove the toilet from there, then the only way to restore the balance of energies according to Feng Shui is to hang a mirror on the outside of the door of your toilet, which will reflect these energy flows and make the toilet more invisible.

These easy-to-follow tips will help you live in harmony, happiness and prosperity.

How to decorate a bathroom and toilet according to Feng Shui to attract wealth

Naturally, the toilet and bathroom must be kept perfectly clean. Leaking taps are a symbol of lost money.

A window in the bathroom is by no means a luxury, but a necessity, as it allows you to ventilate the room and free the apartment from negative energies. The absence of a window in the bathroom is not a reason for despondency. It is enough to choose an air fragrance with a smell that is pleasant to all family members and use it regularly. From time to time, you can carry out energetic cleansing of the room using essential aromatic oils. Geranium, pine, and tea tree oils are perfect for this purpose. One drop of oil is enough to refresh the energy of the room.

The bathroom does not have a decisive impact on the financial situation, so it is enough to observe general principles its design, allowing not to disturb the harmonious flow of energy in the apartment. The location of the toilet is much more important. After all, it is from there that the water, and therefore the qi energy and your wealth, is regularly and intentionally “washed away.”

Feng Shui toilet

  • The toilet is a powerful source of negative energy, so it should be as inconspicuous as possible, so the size of the toilet should be modest. The basic rule regarding the toilet is to always keep the door closed, as well as the toilet lid. Separate bathroom and toilet are preferable. If the bathroom is combined, it is advisable to separate the toilet from the bathtub with a low partition or screen. Also, the toilet should not be the first thing that catches your eye. This problem can be easily solved if you hang the door so that it “covers” the toilet, or fence it off with a screen.
  • The worst option is toilet in the center of the apartment, as it spreads negative energy throughout the living space. But even in this case, you can symbolically “hide” it, using the same tiles, mirrors, and even better - construction foil, especially on the external walls adjacent to the living rooms.
  • The toilet must have good ventilation so that negative energy quickly left the room.
  • It is very important to know the direction toilet location. A toilet located in the southeast will “wash away” your wealth, and a toilet located in the north direction will slow down your career advancement. If the toilet is poorly located, its door should be covered with a full-length mirror.
  • Under no circumstances should you place it near the toilet. aquarium and fountain. Despite the fact that the aquarium and fountain are symbols of monetary luck, located next to the toilet, they will provoke losses.

Feng Shui bathroom

  • The main piece of furniture in a bathroom is the bathtub itself. As a rule, it has a rectangular shape. However, if it is possible to purchase a semicircular or oval bathtub, it is advisable to do so. Baths of this shape good because they reproduce the curves of a coin, and this, combined with the element of water, symbolizing money, attracts abundance into the house.
  • The dominant color in the bathroom should be white or very soft pastels, and bright and flashy colors are frankly inappropriate. White color It also harmonizes perfectly with the bathroom and toilet, but you shouldn’t overuse it, as too much white makes us think unpleasantly about the hospital. If the bathroom is combined, then the bathtub and toilet should have the same color and style. It is advisable to lay the floor in the bathroom and toilet with tiles.
  • Shelves, cabinets and bedside tables in the bathroom should be combined with general style bathroom. The most important thing is that you need to constantly use them and keep them clean and tidy. In a bathroom that is filled with all sorts of little things - shampoos, lotions, creams, which are used only from time to time, energy will stagnate, and therefore create stagnation in financial matters.
  • Seashells are ideal symbols of wealth for the bathroom. They can be placed on a shelf or glued to tiles.
  • In the bathroom, it's good to hang a mirror or two inside. But do not cover the walls with mirror tiles. Such tiles will energetically cut the human body into pieces, creating a grid effect and restraining the flow of money into the house.