Daniel Westling and Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden. Inspiration from Princess Victoria of Sweden Crown Princess Victoria

Today, July 14, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden is accepting congratulations and gifts in honor of her birthday. On this occasion, we present to your attention a traditional selection interesting facts about the royal person.

1. Crown Princess Victoria was born on July 14, 1977 in the family of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Queen Silvia, older sister Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine, in Stockholm. She is the first child in the family. After her birth she received the status of "Her Royal Highness Princess Victoria of Sweden".

2. Victoria was born as a princess, but after the constitutional reform of 1979, which changed the order of succession to the throne in accordance with the principle of absolute primogeniture, the girl became crown princess, ahead of her in line royal throne his younger brother, Prince Carl Philip.

3. At the moment, Victoria is the only princess in the world who is first in line to the royal throne.

4. In addition, she is also the heir to the British throne thanks to her father, Carl Gustav, Elizabeth II’s second cousin. True, in this queue the girl takes 205th place.

5. If Victoria ever ascends to the throne, she will become Sweden's 4th reigning queen since 1720.

6. The Crown Princess's educational record is impressive. She studied at the Western Catholic University in Angers, France, at Yale University in America, interned at the Swedish Embassy in Washington, served in the Swedish army, completed a course at the Swedish National Cathedral College, interned at the UN in New York and in the offices of the Swedish trade organization in Berlin and Paris, gave a course of lectures at the National Defense College in Stockholm. In addition, her “baggage” also includes an internship at the Swedish representative office European Union and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Uppsala University.

Princess Victoria poses near the Getty Center art museums

7. As a direct heir, Victoria is obliged to replace King Carl XVI Gustav in cases where he himself cannot fulfill his duties for some reason. Her “job” includes official visits, representing the country and the royal family at events.

King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia and Crown Princess Victoria at a luncheon for Queen Margrethe II of Denmark

8. Victoria is godmother to many of Europe's royal children. These include her niece, Princess Leonore, as well as Prince Constantine Alexios of Greece, Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway, Prince Christian of Denmark, and Princess Eleanor of Belgium.

9. In 1997, it was announced that Princess Victoria had anorexia. The official statement said she was receiving professional help and was continuing her studies at Yale University. During this difficult time, the royal court tried to ensure that Victoria could live in privacy and recover, without experiencing pressure from the press.

Princess Victoria, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine

10. It is not easy for the Crown Princess to remember this time. In 2002, she said in an interview:

I had an eating disorder and deep depression. I, Victoria, did not exist. I only felt that everything in my life and around me was controlled by others. The only thing I could control was my food intake. I feel good now and hope I can help someone else.

11. Before meeting her husband, Daniel Westling, Victoria was also in a relationship with Daniel, but Kollert, the stepson of the influential Swedish banker Göran Kollert. Their romance did not surprise anyone - from childhood they were next to each other - they studied at the same school, were friends and moved in the same social circles. The relationship was officially confirmed by the Crown Princess herself in 2000, but the royal court ignored this statement. Victoria's relatives did not like Victoria's choice, and the girl's parents stated that they were against the marriage. And in this case, as you know, the heir to the throne has to choose - either he submits to the will of his father and mother and subsequently becomes a monarch, or he follows his feelings and is deprived of the throne. There was no happy ending - the young people broke up in 2001.

Carl XVI Gustaf, Princess Madeleine, Queen Silvia, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Victoria

12. Victoria met her true love in 2002. Her second chosen one, Daniel Westling, also could not boast of noble origin. Moreover, he worked as the princess's personal sports trainer. For a long time they did not confirm their relationship and rarely went out together. In 2009, rumors appeared about an upcoming wedding, which soon turned into an official engagement. The royal family liked the new chosen one of the heiress, and on June 19, 2010, on the 34th anniversary of the marriage of Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, Daniel and Victoria officially became husband and wife.

Daniel Westling and Princess Victoria at a basketball game in Stockholm, 2003

Daniel Westling and Princess Victoria at her birthday party

13. The wedding ceremony took place at the Stockholm Cathedral. More than 1,200 guests were invited to it. This event was watched not only by the whole of Sweden, but also by millions of television viewers around the world. The ceremony was subsequently called "Europe's biggest royal wedding" since the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana in 1981.

Wedding of Daniel Westling and Princess Victoria

14. In August 2011, it became known that the Crown Princess was expecting a child. The baby, Princess Estelle, was born in February 2012.

Princess Victoria with her daughter, Princess Estelle
Daniel Westling, Crown Princess Victoria and their daughter, Princess Estelle

15. Victoria does not stay away from many good deeds. The heir to the Swedish throne supports a number of charities and travels on “good” missions around the world. She is also a member of the Honorary Council of the International Paralympic Committee.

Happy Birthday, Victoria!

Princess Victoria holding a wombat at Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary

Daniel Westling and Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden

An ancient popular expression says: “What is permitted to Jupiter is not permitted to the bull.” And we alternately find ourselves - due to gender, age, position in society and the like - either in the place of Jupiter, who is “allowed”, or in the place of the bull, who is “not allowed”. So what if crown princes, future kings, in our age, are already allowed to marry for love, does this apply to crown princesses, future queens? For centuries, marriage “raised” a woman to the level where her husband stood, but vice versa... But times really change. And the heiress to the Swedish throne proved this by obtaining permission to marry the man she fell in love with - even if he was just her fitness trainer. It’s not all up to princes to turn Cinderellas into princesses - princesses also have the right to turn their Cinderellas into princes! And on the morning of June 19, 2010, Daniel Westling became Prince Daniel, the husband of Princess Victoria, the future queen.

And this was the first wedding of the heiress to the throne in Sweden (and in all long history of this monarchy, only three women ruled the country; Victoria will be fourth). The date was chosen to be special - on the same day in 1976, the princess’s parents, King Carl XVI Gustaf and Sylvia Sommerlath, were married, and before that, two more royal weddings in Sweden took place on June 19, in 1823 and 1850.

In honor of the holiday, Stockholm was, of course, decorated with flowers, in the delicate colors of the northern summer; and not only proud orchids and luxurious roses, but also delphinium, lobelia, sweet peas and even wildflowers. The ancient cathedral, where the wedding was supposed to take place in the presence of more than a thousand guests, was also decorated.

As for the ceremony itself, discussions suddenly flared up before the wedding. Usually in Sweden the bride goes to the altar together with the groom - this is a Swedish church tradition. In addition, the transfer of a bride from father to groom is considered outdated and demeaning to a woman, who, like some kind of property, is passed on by one man to another. As a result, a compromise was finally found, and the king escorted his daughter, but not all the way to the altar.

Royal Palace in Stockholm, where the wedding banquet was held in honor of Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden, and Daniel Westling

The bride's dress was deceptively simple, but not deceptively elegant - the thick silk satin held its shape perfectly, so the lines of the dress were very clear, as if drawn. A corsage with a very wide belt made of the same fabric, emphasizing the feminine figure of the bride; a lapel neckline that reveals beautiful shoulders and short plain sleeves that are barely visible; only a slightly flared skirt, virtually no folds. No embroidery, no lace - simple but perfect lines.

The day before the wedding, at a formal dinner, Victoria wore a cream sparkling dress with a long train, which Daniel carefully straightened as his bride stepped onto the red carpet. But the train wedding dress was much longer - almost five and a half meters of the same thick satin went from the waist, fell along the skirt and stretched behind, creating a very elegant silhouette.

On the crown princess's head was not a diamond tiara, as is most often the case at a wedding of this level, but a tiara decorated with pearls and cameos. It is believed that in 1809 Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte presented this tiara to his first wife Josephine, and she gave it to the daughter of her son, Eugenie de Beauharnais - the younger Josephine, the namesake of her famous grandmother, in 1823 became the wife of the future King of Sweden Oscar I. So the tiara got into Swedish royal family and was used several times during weddings - it was in this tiara that princesses Desiree and Birgitta, sisters of the current king of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf, got married; Sylvia, his wife, now queen; and then, finally, their daughter, Princess Victoria. And the luxury of the tiara - gold, pearls, cameos - contrasted perfectly with Victoria’s strict outfit (the bride’s bracelet also consisted of cameos connected by pearl threads, and the diamond earrings were decorated with cameos). As for the elegant lace veil, it once belonged to Sofia, the wife of King Oscar II, and has also seen many royal weddings.

Among the eight little bridesmaids were two not just princesses, but the eldest daughters of the heirs to the throne, that is, in turn, future queens: Katharina Amalie of the Netherlands, Ingrid Alexandra of Norway. Women have ruled and will continue to rule!

Next to the altar, again according to tradition, there were tables on which rested the regalia of the Swedish monarchy - the crown of the heir to the Swedish throne and the crown of Prince William - and the insignia of the Order of the Seraphim, the highest order of Sweden.

The newlyweds left the cathedral “through the gauntlet” under crossed swords. An open, horse-drawn carriage was waiting for them, and, greeted by joyful spectators, they went... no, not straight to the palace, but to the harbor. There, at the pier, a gilded royal longboat with eighteen oarsmen was waiting for them. Victoria and Daniel stood at the stern, and the ship moved to the pier at the palace to greetings from land, water and even air (an air parade of 16 fighter planes).

In the evening, a wedding banquet took place at the Royal Palace of Stockholm. The huge cake was decorated with roses and caramel lilies, and its sides were decorated with a four-leaf clover pattern. It symbolized a newlywed couple, but let's not forget that finding a four-leaf clover is lucky!

What makes this wedding memorable, one of many luxurious, including royal, weddings recent years? Probably because few brides shone on their day as much as Victoria. She really literally beamed with happiness - so much so that it was simply impossible not to notice it. And even if someone who did not know the story of Victoria and Daniel saw the princess that day for the first time, he would have no doubt - this is a marriage of love, of great love.

And her husband at the wedding banquet said:

“Crown Princess Victoria, Princess of Sweden, the princess of my heart.

Nine years ago I had the honor of meeting a young woman with an amazing sense of humor, a strong sense of duty and extremely wise. We became friends. And the more I got to know her, the more irresistibly I was drawn to her. These were best years of my life.

There were times when Victoria's official duties separated us, often sending her to distant countries, to distant continents. I will never forget how a few years ago she went on one of many such trips, this time to China.

We had to spend a whole month apart. The evening before her departure, she returned home late after an official event and had a lot to do before the intense month-long program that awaited her. Instead of getting a good night's sleep, she wrote all night. In the morning, when she left, I found the box. And in it are thirty wonderful letters addressed to me. A letter for every day while she is away.

This romantic gesture, Victoria, is all you. It gives you an idea of ​​how you know how to love.

Once upon a time, at the beginning of a fairy tale, one young man was, although not a frog, as in the story first told by the Brothers Grimm, but certainly not a prince. And the first kiss didn't change that.

His transformation would not have been possible without the support wise king and queens who ruled the kingdom for many years and who had wisdom, experience and kind hearts. They knew what was best and gently guided the young couple, generously sharing their valuable experience.

I am extremely grateful to Your Majesties, the King and Queen, for your heartfelt support and for the way you have accepted me into your family. And now, naturally, my thoughts turn to my own family. To my father and mother, my sister and her daughters.

Mother, father, all my childhood, all my adult life, you gave me your unconditional love. You helped me with your wisdom, and your life values ​​guided me and helped me gain self-esteem and confidence in the future.

Today, as we drove through the streets of Stockholm, people greeted us with joy and warmth. This memory will stay with us forever.

In the years that Victoria and I spent together, I felt the support of a huge number of people I met along the way. This support was incredibly important to me. Thank you.

I have the deepest respect for the responsibilities that will soon be assigned to me. There is no doubt that this will be a serious test. I will do my best to live up to expectations. I will make every effort to support my wife, the Crown Princess of Sweden, in her important mission.

My dear Victoria, I am so proud of what we have. I'm so happy to be your husband. And I will do my best to keep you as happy as you are today.

Victoria, there is nothing higher than love. I love you so much".

Yes, in ordinary life a kiss cannot turn a frog into a prince. But mutual love, long-term work on oneself, and support from loved ones (and distant ones) can accomplish such miracles that make fairy-tale miracles pale next to them.

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If earlier kings and queens dictated conditions to their subordinates, today it is the opinion of the subjects of the crown that influences the representatives of the royal court: they are spied on, they are condemned, they are told. In such conditions, maintaining a brand is not so easy, but we know good examples: the British Duchess Kate Middleton, the Spanish Queen Letizia and Crown Princess Victoria, our today's heroine.

Unlike Kate and Letizia, who acquired status after marriage, Victoria was condemned to the royal mantle from birth. At first she was a princess, and after constitutional reform she received the right of first succession (she overtook her younger brother Carl Philip in line for the throne) and became crown princess. Victoria, thanks to her father (Carl Gustav is Elizabeth II’s second cousin), can still lay claim to the British throne (however, the Swede ranks 205th in the list of heirs).

Victoria received an excellent education: she graduated from the Western Catholic University in France, studied at Yale University in the USA, interned at the Washington Embassy and at the UN in New York, and completed a course at the Swedish National Cathedral College. Victoria even served in the Swedish army for a month. She achieved all this despite dyslexia, a reading disorder that was passed on to her from her father.

As a child, the princess had serious problems: her classmates laughed at the girl who had difficulty reading and spelling. But as she grew up, Victoria became convinced that this was not a curse, but an experience that needed to be shared with others. Therefore, she spoke about her illness at one of the Swedish conferences - to the surprise of other participants: no one expected such frankness from a high-ranking person.


“I'm not afraid to speak openly about my problem. For some it may seem insignificant, but it is not so. Because of the constant ridicule, I considered myself stupid and slow to think, but the support of my family saved me,” Victoria opens up on BBC Online.

Victoria did not hide her story with an eating disorder from the public. Even while studying at Yale, Swedish journalists suspected the girl of being too thin. The royal family laid all their cards on the table and admitted that the young heiress does indeed suffer from anorexia. The shocking confession was greeted with emotion, because it turned out that the mighty of the world face the same questions that plague their subordinates. The ratings of the Swedish monarchs increased, and the paparazzi left Victoria for a while, giving her a time-out for 18 months - that’s how long the princess was treated for the disorder.

Having coped with the disorder, the princess began dating former classmate Daniel Collert. The press liked to discuss the possibility of their lavish wedding, but Victoria's family was not delighted with the choice of the heiress: his pedigree clearly lacked royalty. And soon their romance fizzled out.

Victoria soon found happiness in the arms of another Daniel, Westling, the owner of the fitness club where the princess worked out. For the sake of love, Victoria was ready to give up the throne. For several years, the lovers waited for approval from the Prime Minister, who finally made concessions, allowing the princess to tie the knot with a mere mortal without losing her title. The celebration in 2010 in Stockholm received the title of “the largest royal wedding in Europe,” until the British William and Kate took over the palm. And in 2012, 34-year-old Victoria gave Sweden a new heir - Duchess Estelle.

Fotobank/Getty Images

Along with caring for the child, the princess did not forget about her charitable mission, traveling to dozens of countries for humanitarian purposes and being a member of the Council of the International Paralympic Committee.

The moved residents of Sweden called their era “the time of queens” in honor of the crown princess and her daughter, and 59% of the population said they wanted the king to leave the throne early and give it to Victoria.

Despite the people's love, the royal family was always under attack: Victoria and Daniel were accused of corruption with billionaire Bertil Hult (he was the one who paid for the newlyweds' honeymoon), they were accused of non-existent novels and even accused of not following traditions. The strongest blow came in 2011, when the book “Carl Gustav - the Reluctant Monarch” was published, which told about the turbulent youth of the king, who knew no limits either in alcohol or in girls.

The peaceful splash of blue lakes, small summer houses on skerries, cobblestones of old streets, countless signs of past knightly grandeur in Stockholm... All this is Sweden. This blissful land is not too fond of change. Monarchy is the key to stability and order, rituals are unshakable.

To be born into the Swedish royal family means to know your destiny in advance. So did Crown Princess Victoria. A girl who managed to comply with all the rules of behavior befitting the heir to the throne... and deceive fate. And become happy.

Her Royal Highness Victoria of Sweden, Crown Princess of Sweden, Duchess of Västergotland... The owner of all these magnificent titles was born into the most ordinary, loving - albeit crowned - family. The family chronicle is replete with touching memories. The newborn's head was covered with dark curls, over which dad burst into tears of emotion. Two years later, Victoria had a brother, and three years later, a sister ()... The children grew up friendly, baked cookies together, took care of pets - the rabbit Snuff and the puppies Dino and Chili. Every “equally happy” family, according to Tolstoy, has such warm memories. That's just a glimpse of gold from royal crown makes them stand out from the ordinary. Baby Wiccan had to take on the burden of responsibility early on. From childhood she was prepared for the idea that she would one day become queen.

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden grew up as a correct and obedient girl. I tried to live up to the loud title. She took care of the younger ones. She studied diligently, although it took a lot of work: from her father, Carl XVI Gustav, she inherited not only regalia and titles, but also a disease - dyslexia.

What Victoria was definitely spared from was problems with choosing a profession. While her classmates were looking for themselves, she was already learning to perform royal duties. And she performed with all her might. Friends joke that Victoria has long had a callus on her hand from scissors, which are used to cut red ribbons on the occasion of some opening. Ribbons are a small thing.

But becoming a general in the Air Force and Army, as well as an admiral in the Navy, is a rare achievement for a young girl. What does the role of heir to the throne not oblige you to do?

Co adulthood Adult problems also began. To prepare for the role of a queen is to know that you cannot slip up: only impeccable style and strict suits, only social etiquette in every detail. Anorexia due to nervousness. " I was trying too hard to please everyone, to be the best, and it threw me off balance." In the same way, my first great love unbalanced me, deprived me of peace and sleep. When Victoria was sixteen, she met handsome eighteen-year-old Daniel Collert at a friendly party. They were together for more than seven years. How do you say “tili-tili-dough, bride and groom” in Swedish? The press was preparing to perform the teaser in different voices. At one of the press conferences, Victoria blurts out: yes, there are feelings. Yes, maybe there will be a marriage. And Daniel was terrorized with questions. When is the wedding? What is it like to be a princess's groom? Journalists are persistent. This was probably a test of strength. Few people can withstand such pressure. Daniel couldn't. The couple broke up. Victoria, how quite modern girl, went to the gym to relieve stress from the breakup.

And I met... Daniel again. Only different. The one who became her beloved husband. Daniel Westling is a fitness trainer and businessman. The elite fitness club “Master Trailing”, where Victoria came to train, is his brainchild. With her, as a VIP client, Daniel conducted training himself. No one except this couple knows exactly what happened within the walls of the club - but “ to a simple guy»» Daniel managed to melt the heart of the strict and correct princess. With the endurance of a true athlete, he went through the targeted fire of questions from journalists, low-flying jokes (at first in Sweden they really liked to make fun of the fact that the princess had chosen a “close-minded” and “dumb” lover) and even through a scandal related to the fact that “ Master Training was shady with taxes (it turns out that Daniel was deceiving his own future relatives, the royal family?). Love has won.

The wedding of the princess and the fitness trainer was celebrated by the whole country. On June 19, 2010, more than half a million Swedes saw off the wedding procession with enthusiastic exclamations. Stockholm on this June day turned into a raging sea; no one was indifferent to the wedding here. The princess's ratings skyrocketed - residents, whatever one may say, were pleased to learn that the strict and correct " Snow Queen“A warm heart beats in the chest, capable of ardent love for a “mere mortal.”

Today, this love has a charming three-year result - Princess Estelle Sylvia Eva Mary. Someday she will learn from her mother how to properly prepare for the inheritance of the throne, observing all the rules of etiquette - and most importantly, do not forget to trust your feelings.

38-year-old Victoria, as befits a future monarch, wants to be closer to her subjects. The Crown Princess shared sweet photos of her 4-year-old daughter and newborn son. Touching photos appeared on the Swedish royal court's Facebook page.

Caring mother

The official photo shoot took place at Haga Castle, under the direction of famous photographer Keith Gabor. In the photo, the Crown Princess of Sweden, who became a mother for the second time on March 2, cuddles her treasure, three-week-old Prince Oscar. The baby, who was recently born, has already become a public favorite.

Commenting on the photo, Victoria thanked everyone for the good wishes they received the day before on Princess Estelle's birthday, as well as for the congratulations on the birth of Prince Oscar. The future queen added that she and her husband are grateful that ordinary Swedes share their worries and joys.

Read also
  • The Royal Palace of Sweden has published new portraits of Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar
  • The Royal Family of Sweden unveils a new official portrait of Crown Princess Victoria

Big sister

According to users, the most touching was the shot in which Princess Estelle, who will take the throne after her mother, carefully holds her little brother in her arms, who is sleeping sweetly in his native arms. The girl, looking at Prince Oscar, smiles at him, it is obvious that she has managed to fall in love with him and feels responsible for the baby. The author of this touching photo was the children's father, Prince Daniel.
