Dolphins are small whales. Egg-laying animals Dolphins are very smart

Option 2

Part 1

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3

(1) In recent years, much has been written about the dolphin's outstanding intelligence for animals, about its rare learning abilities. (2) (…….), dolphins are very smart: in the seas they save their wounded brothers, together or alone water so that the victims can breathe; more than once, these animals and people have been saved. (3) The fact that in captivity they have learned to do many different tricks also speaks of the intelligence of dolphins, but the fact that the intelligence and abilities of a dolphin are equal to human ones will hardly ever be proven.

1. Indicate two sentences in which the HOME information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) It will hardly ever be proven that the intelligence and abilities of a dolphin are equal to those of humans, although their mind allows them to save their fellows, and sometimes people, in the wild, and in captivity to master various tricks.

2) In recent years, much has been written about the dolphin's outstanding intelligence for an animal, about its rare learning abilities, and someday it will be proven that the intelligence and abilities of a dolphin are equal to those of a human.

3) Dolphins are very smart, their mind allows them to master various tricks in captivity, but it will hardly ever be proven that dolphins have speech abilities.

4) In recent years, much has been written about the dolphin's outstanding intelligence for an animal, about its rare learning abilities, about the fact that dolphins are representatives of the second earthly civilization.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place

gaps in the second sentence? Write out this word.

In fact


Without a doubt

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word ABILITY. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first sentence. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

ABILITY, -i, f. 1. Natural giftedness, talent. A man of great ability. S. to music. 2. Ability, as well as the ability to perform some action. The ability to move. purchasing power of the population.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted. Write out this word.



call me

5. In one of the sentences below WRONG highlighted word is used. Correct the lexical error by choosing to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

There were a GREAT crowd of people, as if the whole city wished to see the poet and hear his amazing voice.

The system of PRACTICAL training is widespread in high school.


HUMANE laws are possible only in a mature society.

The language in which the works of oral folk art are written is rich, bright, COLORFUL.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

a pair of BOOTS

much better

FOUR ways

kilogram of APPLES

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) build error complex sentence

C) a violation in the construction of a sentence with

Inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms


1) When I first started working on the jury of a film festival, it helped me to take a fresh look at our profession.

2) Planting and caring for flowers in the garden is by no means easy.

3) Anyone who has watched the film “The meeting place cannot be changed” at least once will easily recognize quotes from it.
4) The picture depicted a ship rising on the crest of a sea rampart.

5) Thanks to the hard work of the participants of long-term expeditions in Novgorod, it was found and described a large number of ancient birch bark letters.

6) Doctors believe that the disease is so serious that one has to fear for the life of the patient.

7) There are a lot of interesting tasks for elementary school students.

8) The kid shouted loudly that I want this car.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter

pereg.. roaring

try .. fight,

cf .. attentive,


9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letters.


h..frequently, p..yesterday

previous..history, not..famous

pr..location, pr..huge, ra..think

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the gap.

pleasing..y otta..wat

otkle..vat vol..howl


11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.

envy .. you are indignant .. you

sticking out .. my breeze .. shushing

12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written separately? Open the brackets and write out this word.

The (un)expressed reproach shone in Sofya Nikolaevna's eyes.

Whales often swallow objects that are obviously (not) food for them.

I settled in a (not) large, bright room.

Everything in the apartment has remained (un)touched since the day Lisa left.

The climber is attracted by (un)conquered peaks.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(On) this path has not been traveled for a long time, (from) that road is overgrown with thick grass.

My friend, just like me, chose for a long time what to read to him.

I had to abandon (abandon) what was planned, since the money (to) the account was not received.

In order to study the behavior of these animals, biologists had to observe them for a long time, for (then) the results of the observations turned out to be very interesting.

The first few years lived in Vienna were for Beethoven (FOR) the happiest time of his life, BECAUSE it was here that he gained real fame.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which it is written NN.

The owner was wearing a fabric (1) shirt, sub-belts (2) leather (3) th belt, and pants (4) that had not been ironed for a long time.

15. Set up punctuation marks. Choose two sentences in which you want to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Both ours and the enemy army languished in anticipation of a real battle.

2) Our inner world tuned sensitively and subtly and responds to the most imperceptible sounds of life.

3) Protection medieval warrior a simple quilted tunic or details of armor served.

4) The house was cleaned for the holiday with rose hips and white chamomile.

5) Gray clouds appeared in the sky () and dampness wafted in the air.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Throwing on elegant dresses (1), the birches were the first to enter (2) the autumn dance (3) that merrily and quickly captured (4) the entire forest.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

What do dialect words mean? Undoubtedly (1) many dialect words refer to rural realities: the word "golbets" (2) for example (3) in the northern regions is called an extension near the Russian stove. However (4) there are many more such words that serve as local names for ubiquitous objects.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence

Thinking (1) provides a person's ability to respond correctly to a new situation (2) for the resolution (3) of which (4) there is no ready-made recipe.

19. Place punctuation marks: enter all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

When it was necessary to rush to the gymnasium (1), Nikolenka tried his best to keep up with his older brother (2) and (3) since he always moved rapidly (4), the first grader often had to catch up with him skipping.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25

1) It was one of those autumn days when debilitating melancholy crushes the heart, when dank dampness penetrates the soul and there, as in a cellar, it becomes dark and cold. (2) The wind blew impetuously, and the still-heavy water in the puddles began to become covered with black pimples. (3) White icicles, similar to gnawed fish bones, rang thinly on the edges of the asphalt. (4) Sagging cement-colored sky, frozen aspens wrapped in dirty gray bandages of morning hoarfrost, whitewashed by the night cold cheekbones of buildings ... (5) On such days it seems that the sun will never appear again, that the light has faded forever, that our life will be joyless smolder in the midst of this stupefyingly gray, sciatic twilight ... (6) I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop, returning from a business trip: in a small Volga town, I inspected the safety of the gas equipment of the city boiler house. (7) There was a whole bunch of prescriptions in my portfolio, and this check threatened someone with dismissal from work. (8) That's why I was met and seen off with a doomed-sour half-smile, as if I were an anthrax bacillus, from which it is impossible to escape. (9) They timidly tried to hand me a package with a souvenir and invited me to a family holiday that supposedly coincided with my arrival, but I categorically refused. (10) Although I carried out all my checks in strict accordance with job descriptions, a stone lay in my soul. (11) The people at the bus stop, as if prisoners bound hand and foot, froze in place and looked apathetically in the direction from which the late bus was supposed to appear. (12) No irritable word, no funny joke, no laughter ... (13) We have all become an integral part of the dreary bad weather. (14) Suddenly, from somewhere out of the alley, a tall man came out, fat man, who led by the hands of two chubby girls. (15) They circled around their father, clapped one another on the shoulders and laughed selflessly. (16) The father laughed with them, straightening the girls' hoods, which now and then slipped over their eyes. (17) This merrily humming trinity came to a stop. (18) Fighting off the children, the father looked at the schedule, then glanced at the clock and, apparently realizing that he still had time, completely devoted himself to the game. (19) They noisily ran after each other, circling with a clatter around concrete slabs piled in a heap. (20) The children laughed so that they sometimes stopped and, bending over, grabbed their father so as not to fall. (21) That one, big and fat, with a wide, fleshy face, hurriedly, almost excitedly, told them something funny, and they, clasping their hands, began to laugh even harder. (22) An elderly woman, hiding her face from the wind, looked askance at this jubilant family and shook her head reproachfully: (23) - Well, is it really possible ?! (24) And I looked at them and envied. (25) You envy people living in a cozy and warm village, past the lights of which you rush on a train on a frosty winter night ... (26) A bus approached, one of the girls, after reading the sign on the windshield, happily waved her hand inquiringly nodding to her father :( 27) - Not ours! (28) Let's play! (29) We gloomily got on the bus and drove off, and they stayed, chasing each other around the empty stop with a blissful squeal.

(According to I. Novikov)

20. Which statement contradicts the content of the text?

1) Looking at the jubilant family, the hero of the story would also like to enjoy life.

2) Autumn bad weather filled the souls of people with despondency.

3) A man approached and his two daughters annoyed some people standing at the bus stop with their unbridled merriment.

4) The hero of the story is in a depressed state due to the fact that during the check he violated job description.

21. Which answer option lists all types of speech presented in sentences 14 - 25?

1) narration

2) description and reasoning

3) narration, description and reasoning

4) Description

22. In what sentence is phraseological unit used?

1) 8 2) 10 3) 20 4) 4

23. Among sentences 19 - 26, find one that connects with the previous one using adverbs and word forms. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20 23. This fragment deals with language features text.

Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write in the table under each letter

the corresponding number. Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of

task numbers 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “In order to recreate the oppressive atmosphere of autumn bad weather, at the beginning of the text the author uses such paths as _____ (“dank damp”, “still-heavy water”), _____ (“frost bandages”, “cheekbones of buildings”). _____ in sentence 15 acts as a means of characterizing the characters of the text. A technique such as _____ (sentence 29) helps to emphasize the contrast between the jubilant family and the dejectedly numb crowd.

List of terms:

1) comparative turnover

2) a number of homogeneous members

3) epithets

4) dialectism

5) opposition

7) lexical repetition

8) metaphors

9) parceling

Part 2

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your answer, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers to option

Option 2


business trip

Pair of boots





Not employees

We do not know who caught the first platypus, but when and where it happened is known for sure: Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australia, November 1797. When a year later the skin of an incredible creature (though very poorly preserved) was seen by English scientists, many of they decided it was a fake. They thought that the pranksters sewed a duck's beak to the skin of some tropical animal. (We note, however, that the internal structure of the beak of a platypus is completely different from that of birds.)

A year passed before Dr. George Shaw, a naturalist at the British Museum, ventured to examine the skin of a platypus. Having examined it carefully, he did not find any fake: the skin, no doubt, was the creation of nature, and not human hands.

For about a hundred years, the dispute about the position of the platypus in the animal kingdom lasted. Who is he: a beast with a bird's beak, a bird with an animal body, or maybe a lizard covered with wool? The temperature of his body, for example, is unheard of low for animals (about 25 ° C) and, moreover, constantly

Extinct animals:

1. Mastodon. 2. Mammoth. 3. Cave bear.

4. Indricotherium. 5. Dinotherium.

6. Wintatherium. 7. Saber-toothed tiger.

fluctuates greatly (from 22 to 36 ° C). Yet it seemed that further research would resolve the issue in one direction or another. For example, it turns out whether the platypus feeds its cubs with milk, like animals? Does it lay eggs like birds and reptiles, or does it give birth to live young?

In 1824, mammary glands were discovered in female platypuses, however, without nipples. The discussion seemed to be drawing to a close: the platypus is a mammal. But five years later, news came from Australia that four eggs had been found in a platypus hole. The scientific world was irritated, and soon a “verdict” was issued based on the drawings of eggs sent to Europe - to consider the platypus a mammal, therefore, it does not carry eggs, and the eggs found belong to the local species of turtles.

During this time, by the way, a relative appeared at the platypus: in Australia, they discovered another strange creature with a "bird's" beak, covered with thorns and similar to a hedgehog - an echidna.

In 1884, a meeting of the British Scientific Association was held in the city of Montreal. And then a telegram was brought to the presidium of this association. Directly from Australia - from W. Caldwell, a member of the association. With his own eyes, he saw how the female platypus laid an egg!

A rare coincidence: on the same day in Australia, another researcher, Wilhelm Gaacke, showed the assembled scientists the egg of a “relative” of the platypus, the echidna. He found it in a brood pouch on her belly.

“The attendant,” said Gaacke, “was holding a female echidna in front of me by the hind leg in the air, and I felt the belly of the animal. Here I found a large bag, wide enough to hold a man's watch. It was a brood pouch formed before an egg was laid for adoption. Later, as the cub grows, it expands, and when he leaves the bag, it disappears again. Only a zoologist will understand how amazed I was when I pulled the egg out of the bag. The first mammalian egg discovered by science... This unexpected discovery confused me so much that I did the stupid thing by squeezing it hard between my fingers, and it cracked slightly. The length of the egg was approximately fifteen, and the width was thirteen millimeters. The shell was hard, like parchment, like many reptiles.

So, it turns out that the platypus and echidna are both oviparous and mammals at the same time. In this rare combination, we see signs of that era when our distant ancestors were already covered with wool and began to feed their cubs with milk, but did not completely lose some of the features of their progenitors - reptiles: according to the old tradition, they continued to lay eggs.


Echidnas live in forests and bushes throughout Australia and Tasmania. There are two types of them: Australian And tasmanian. AND Australian echidnas live in New Guinea, and in addition, there are three more species of the so-called prochidni. They are larger than echidnas, their beaks (curved slightly downwards) are longer than those of echidnas, and the needles are shorter and the hair growing between them is denser.

The main food of echidnas and proechidnas are ants and termites. They hunt them, like the anteaters of America: they allow insects to stick around their long sticky tongue, and then they, stuck, are pulled into a narrow beak along with the tongue. They "chew" Ants, rubbing them between the horny tubercles on the tongue and on the palate. Australian and Tasmanian echidnas flow in winter V hibernation, and in the spring, waking up from a stupor, they molt, shedding old needles and wool. The needles are excellent protection for echidnas, as well as for hedgehogs. Just like hedgehogs, they curl up into a prickly ball; or they quickly dig into the ground with powerful claws and bury themselves in a moment when they are in danger. Echidnas have small stature, but their strength is not great: it is not easy to tear them off the ground when they cling to it with all four clawed paws.

A zoologist once locked an echidna in his kitchen for the night. The next morning he came and saw: all the kitchen furniture - a heavy sideboard, table, cabinets, chairs - was moved from its place, from the walls to the middle of the kitchen, as if not a small animal, but a bear had worked here.

Echidnas spend a lot of time on the toilet. Nature endowed them with a special “comb”: the second toe of the hind foot has a serrated claw. The animals clean their skin with them.

Task 1 in the KIMs of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language has undergone many changes over the past few years. But even from the very beginning of its appearance, it caused great difficulties for graduates.

Firstly, educational and scientific texts were selected from the popular science magazines "Science and Life", "Russian Language and Literature for Schoolchildren", "Technology for Youth", from the encyclopedias "Animal World", from universal directories for schoolchildren.

Secondly, any work with the text involves its reading, understanding and analysis of causal or spatio-temporal relationships. With a swoop, quickly, as a rule, it is not possible to make the right choice from the proposed options. Thirdly, among the answers there are often options with secondary, and not the main information. These answers contain distorted or inaccurate facts.

Recall what this task looked like in the recent past. It was in the final part of the test before a large text and brought only one point, since the correct answer was in one of the 4 sentences.

A27. Read the text.

(1) In recent years, much has been written about the dolphin's outstanding intelligence for animals, about its rare learning abilities. (2) Undoubtedly, dolphins are very smart: in the seas they save their wounded brethren, together or alone, pushing them out of the water so that the injured can breathe; more than once saved these animals and people. (3) The intelligence of dolphins is also evidenced by the fact that in captivity they learned to do many different tricks, but the fact that the intelligence and abilities of a dolphin are equal to human ones will hardly ever be proven.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys home information contained in the text?

1) In recent years, much has been written about the dolphin's outstanding intelligence for an animal, about its rare learning abilities, and someday it will be proven that the intelligence and abilities of a dolphin are equal to those of a human.

2) In recent years, much has been written about the dolphin's outstanding intelligence for an animal, about its rare learning abilities, about the fact that dolphins are representatives of the second earthly civilization.

3) Dolphins are very smart, their mind allows them to master various tricks in captivity, but it will hardly ever be proven that dolphins have speech abilities.

In the first version of the answer, there is a statement that contradicts the content of the text: someday it will be proved that the intelligence and abilities of a dolphin are equal to those of a human. The text says otherwise: but the fact that the intelligence and abilities of a dolphin are equal to those of a human is unlikely to ever be proven.

To solve this problem, it was important to turn Special attention to sentence 3, which contained a conclusion containing the most important thing in the text.

In the second version, it is said that dolphins are representatives of the second earthly civilization. But the text says nothing about it.

The third and fourth options are close to the original text, and now you need to choose one of them is correct. Consider the third option: it deals only with tricks, and dolphins save both their fellows and people, without this fact the answer is incomplete. Therefore, the correct choice is for 4 sentences.

Many assignments from previous years have been reworked to reflect new version Kimov 2015.

The task that we have already analyzed was supplemented with the fifth answer option, in which all the information is summarized and conveyed briefly:

Since 2015, in task 1, two answers are considered correct and 2 points are assigned for the correct solution. This is signaled by two windows, where two numbers are entered. Answer: 45.

To find the correct answer, you need to find two similar statements, they coincide in meaning, but differ in syntactic structure.

4) It will hardly ever be proven that the intellect and abilities of a dolphin are equal to those of humans, although their mind allows them to save their fellows, and sometimes people, in the wild, and in captivity to master various tricks.

, (which is O and O), (although O, but O).

5) Despite the fact that the mind of dolphins allows them to save their fellows, and sometimes people in the wild, and even master various tricks in captivity, it will hardly ever be proven that the intelligence and abilities of a dolphin are equal to human ones.

(Despite the fact that both O and O), , (that O and O).

Task variant A27 in KIMs 2012 has also been redesigned according to the new demo version. And now it has changes related to the linguistic phenomena presented in the text: the omission of a word or a combination of words in one of the sentences, the definition of the meaning of a word from the text according to the dictionary entry.

(1) It happens that individual whales or whole schools of dolphins are washed ashore and die, and this happens in the same places. (2) For a long time, scientists could not explain this phenomenon, but later it was found out that whales and dolphins send sound waves and perceive their reflections from any obstacles: a whale or a dolphin swims, sends sound signals, picks up their reflections and bypasses the obstacle. (3)<...>when the bottom rises to the shore gradually, according to the rules of physics (the angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection), the sound waves sent by the animal, hitting the flat bottom, do not return to it, but go into the air, and, without receiving an "echo", whales and dolphins swim forward and are stranded.

2) Whales and dolphins send sound waves and perceive their reflections from any obstacles: a whale or a dolphin swims, sends sound signals, picks up their reflections and bypasses the obstacle.

3) Scientists have found that entire flocks of dolphins wash ashore and die in the same places, because sound waves go into the air.

5) According to the rule of physics, the angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection, so individual whales or entire flocks of dolphins are washed ashore and die in the same places.

To solve this task, you need to work with the keywords that we write out on a draft: whales, dolphins, are washed ashore, die, sound waves, reflections, bypasses an obstacle, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, a flat bottom, go into the air, are stranded.

Putting the key words together, we get an explanation, according to the rule of physics, why whales and dolphins are washed ashore: animals, not catching the reflection of sound waves on a flat bottom, are stranded and die. Similar information is found in two sentences of different structure. Correct answer: 14.

1) The sound waves that whales or dolphins send, being on a flat bottom, go into the air, the animals do not catch them and die when they are stranded.

[ , (which, DO), ], [ , DO].

4) When the bottom is flat, the sound waves sent by the whale or dolphins go into the air, so the animals, not catching their reflections, are stranded and die.

[When ], (), [ , TO, O and O].

In screening tests, sometimes there are texts consisting of 5-8 sentences:

(1) Over time, the shape of the banknote changed. (2) Skins, stones, shells, skulls were money. (3) Gradually, people abandoned bulky and too heavy money. (4) Roll a heavy stone in front of you, monetary unit, which once circulated in the Caroline Islands, was not much easier than leading a cow. (5) For another reason, seashells did not fit this role - they were too accessible. (6) An attempt by the Roman emperor Caligula to replenish his treasury with such money failed, since the shells were of no value. (7) They were everywhere, and everyone could get as many of them as they wanted. (8) ... as a result of evolution, money won in the form of coins and banknotes.

1)B different time skins, shells, stones, skins, skulls were money.

3) People began to use coins and banknotes relatively recently.

4) Mankind has come to modern form banknotes.

It is not easy to work with such large texts, the time spent on this task also increases, and the conclusion says little about the main thing, and keywords do not help here, since there is a lot of secondary descriptive information. Here, the text compression technique works, for example, up to three sentences:

Over time, the shape of the banknote has changed. But people have given up on bulky money and affordable shells. Money won in the form of coins and banknotes.

The same information in sentences is structurally expressed in different ways:

2) Gradually, people abandoned both very hard money, such as stones, and very affordable ones, such as shells.

[both O, BB, and O], (what).

5) Over time, people realized that money should not be either bulky or easily accessible.

, (which is neither O nor O).

Correct answer: 25.

In the rehearsal test, students made mistakes most often in the task where a text about petrified trees was offered:

(1) A corner of the forest that covered the Earth about 8 million years ago was discovered by Hungarian archaeologists in the northeast of the country, where almost all petrified trees, mainly cypresses, found in a worked-out mine at a depth of 60 meters, retained their tree structure and did not turn into usually coal. (2) The thickness of their trunks is 2-3 meters, and the height is up to 6 meters, and the fossils of the plant world died at the age of 300-400 years as a result of a natural disaster. (3)...prehistoric pets of the flora were the victims dust storm; buried under a thick layer of soil, they have preserved their trunks in their “pristine beauty” to this day.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1) Hungarian scientists got a unique opportunity to study the fossils of the plant world due to the fact that the plants found by archaeologists, petrified about 8 million years ago as a result of a natural disaster, retained their woody structure, and did not turn, as it happens, into coal.

2) Hungarian archaeologists have found trees petrified about 8 million years ago as a result of a natural disaster.

3) Fossil trees that grew on Earth about 8 million years ago died at the age of 300-400 years.

4) According to scientists, the cause of the death of trees growing on Earth about 8 million years ago was a catastrophic dust storm.

5) Scientists from Hungary are very lucky, because in connection with the discovery by archaeologists of an ancient corner of the forest, they will be able to study the flora of their country in its original form, that is, the way it was about 8 million years ago.

The combinations "Hungarian scientists" and "Hungarian archaeologists" are confusing. Some students considered them synonyms, and this led to an error. Meanwhile, there is a difference between scientists and archaeologists, which can be read from the text: archaeologists from Hungary found petrified trees, and scientists were able to study the flora of their country in its original form.

There was no phrase about scientists in the original text. It was restored from the next task, where among the proposed options was the phrase "according to scientists." The options in sentences 2, 3, 4 turn out to be incorrect, since they carry incomplete information and report only the cause of death of the trees and their age. Correct answer: 15.

Let's consider one more task. Unlike the previous task, the missing word "therefore" in the 3rd sentence does not play a significant role.

(1) Neuroscientists in the course of experiments managed to find out that during sleep, new interneuronal contacts are formed in nerve cells, which are necessary for remembering information. (2) This has been explained for a long time known fact that memory consolidation - the transformation of short-term memory into long-term - occurs most actively during sleep, when our nervous system is engaged in sorting the information received during the day, until external signals interfere. (3)<...>to remember the textbook read before the exam, you need to sleep, then the information, as they say, will settle in the head, that is, it will go into long-term storage.

1) In order to better prepare for exams, you need to sleep more, and not deal with sorting received during school year information.

2) In the course of experiments, neuroscientists managed to find out that memory consolidation - the transformation of short-term memory into long-term memory - occurs most actively during sleep.

3) Consolidation of memory occurs most actively during sleep, when new interneuronal contacts are formed in nerve cells, which are necessary for remembering information.

4) Sleep is just another form of brain activity, and at night our nervous system works much more and more efficiently, because external signals do not prevent it from sorting out the information received during the day.

5) During sleep, when new interneuronal connections are formed in nerve cells, the transformation of short-term memory into long-term memory is most active, which contributes to the memorization of information.

We use the keyword selection method. It turns out that important information should pass through keywords. Let's pay attention to the phrase from the first sentence: "new interneuronal contacts". It will be repeated exactly in 3 and 5 answer options. Correct answer: 35.

Let's test the hypothesis: it is easier to solve the task where the text is very short - 55 words.

(1) Sometimes not small fragments break off in the mountains, but huge blocks of rock; falling down, they break into smaller parts, cluttering up the valleys. (2)<...>the phenomenon is called collapse. (3) Most often, rocks composed of layers of sedimentary rocks collapse in this way, and these layers should lie not horizontally, but at an angle to the horizon - cracks pass through these layers, leading to a collapse.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) A collapse is a clutter of valleys with huge blocks of rocks that have broken into smaller parts.

2) A collapse - the collapse of rocks and their cluttering up with fragments of valleys - usually leads to the appearance of cracks in layers of sedimentary rocks lying at an angle to the horizon.

3) Rocks, composed of layers of sedimentary rocks, always collapse into valleys and clutter them with huge boulders.

4) A collapse is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of the collapse of small fragments of sedimentary rocks into the valleys.

5) As a result of the formation of cracks in the layers of sedimentary rocks lying at an angle to the horizon, the collapse of rocks is created and they are cluttered with fragments of valleys, or, in other words, a collapse.

In answer options 1 and 4, only the definition of the concept of “collapse” is given, in option 3 we are talking about one of the causes of collapses - layered sedimentary rocks. And answers 2 and 5 combine not only the main cause of collapses, but also the definition of this concept. This is the correct answer. But the length of the text doesn't matter. The hypothesis is not confirmed.

However, let's take another text, there less words- about 40.

(1) Rice requires slightly less fertilizer than other crops. (2)<...>due to the fact that specific nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the root zone of rice plants. (3) As a result, even without nitrogen fertilization, the rice plantation can maintain its yield for a long time.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Rice plantation can maintain yields for a long time without applying nitrogen fertilizers due to nitrogen fixing bacteria, which reduces the need for fertilizer for rice plants.

2) Compared to other crops, rice requires slightly less fertilizer.

3) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which reduce the need for rice plants in fertilizers, can maintain the yield of rice plantations for a long time without applying nitrogen fertilizers.

4) Rice plantation can maintain yield for a long time due to bacteria.

5) Specific nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the roots of rice plants.

Pupils find a purely visually correct answer: where there is a large sentence, one should look for the correct answer. It doesn't always work. Rather, only the presence of key phrases"nitrogen-fixing bacteria", "rice plantations", "need for fertilizers", "preserve crops", "nitrogen fertilizers". All these combinations can be found in the correct answer: 13.

The highest difficulty are those tasks in which there are many names and dates. You need to figure out who is who, what year belongs to what. The time spent thinking about the answer increases by two to three times. The number of words in such a text is about 100.

(1) We owe the appearance of the thermos not only to the fundamental science of physics, despite the fact that scientists have done a lot for this: A.F. Weinhold invented in 1881 a glass box with double walls, between which air was pumped out, and J. Dewar in 1892 turned this glass container into a flask with a narrow neck. (2)<...>it was brilliant scientific point of view, an invention, but impractical, which was understood by the Berlin glassware manufacturer R. Burger, who in 1903 improved the Dewar vessel by adding a metal case, a cork and a glass lid to it. (3) Having received a patent, the enterprising industrialist Burger founded a thermos company of the same name, and from March 1904 the Thermos trademark began to be used for commercial purposes.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) We owe the appearance of the thermos primarily to the German physicist A.F. Weinhold, who at the end of the 19th century created a heat-insulating glass container with air pumped out between the walls.

2) The thermos became popular thanks to R. Burger, who turned a heat-insulating glass box into a flask with a narrow neck, thereby improving an impractical, albeit scientifically brilliant, invention.

3) The mechanism of the thermos was invented by A.F. Weinhold, who invented a double-walled glass box, J. Dewar turned this container into a flask with a narrow neck, and R. Burger improved the vessel by adding a metal case, a cork and a glass lid , and began to sell it under the brand name "Termos".

4) The Dewar vessel, commonly called a thermos, is designed for thermal insulation, long-term storage, transportation and further use of the substance contained in it.

5) We owe the appearance of the thermos not only to physicists, but also to industrialists: the first Dewar vessels for commercial use were produced by the founder of the Thermos company, R. Burger, who improved the invention of A. F. Weinhold and J. Dewar.

First, we find out that three names are used in the text, then we correlate the dates and discoveries with them: A.F. Weinhold in 1881 invented a glass box, J. Dewar in 1892 turned it into a flask with a narrow neck, the Berlin glass manufacturer and industrialist R. Burger in 1903 improved the Dewar flask, received a patent, founded a company for the production of thermoses and became use since 1904 trademark"Thermos". All three names, but without dates, are repeated in sentences 3 and 5.

No less difficult is the task where the text contains 120 words and the names of cities and towns are added to the dates and names. cultural objects, as well as numerical indicators and classification of objects. It's easy to get confused about the differences in planetarium designs.

(1) The history of planetariums decisively changed its course in the 20th century,<...>This is due to the founding of the German Museum in Munich in 1903: it was a new type of museum, where artifacts are not just exhibited, but are working models of scientific and technical inventions. (2) With the prompting of the astronomer Max Wolff, director of the astronomical observatory in Heidelberg, the Deutsches Museum wanted to get working models of planetariums - like historical ones, but improved, and in 1918 a group led by F. Mayer designed and built a mechanical (Copernican) planetarium. (3) The difference between this design and typical historical models is that if the latter give the form solar system from above, then the design of the Mayer group is a view from below: in a cylindrical room with a diameter of 12 m and a height of 2.8 m, a viewer standing on the floor sees the planets suspended from a drive mechanism under the ceiling.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The foundation in 1903 of the German Museum in Munich, which ordered improved models of planetariums, changed the course of the history of planetariums: in 1918, a mechanical planetarium was built by the F. Mayer group, which, unlike historical models, gave a view of the solar system not from above, but from below.

2) Founded in 1903, the German Museum in Munich was a new type of museum, where artifacts are not just exhibited in a cylindrical room with a diameter of 12 m, but are working models of scientific and technical inventions that work on a drive mechanism.

3) When the director of the Astronomical Observatory in Heidelberg, Max Wolf, advised the Deutsches Museum to get working models of planetariums - like historical ones, but improved - this decisively changed the course of development of the history of planetariums.

4) In 1918, a mechanical planetarium was built by F. Mayer's group, which gave a view of the solar system not from above, like historical models, but from below: this event, which changed the course of the history of planetariums, was the result of work on the order of the German Museum founded in 1903 in Munich.

5) A group led by Mayer, who had been working on the creation of a planetarium since 1903, built a cylindrical room with a diameter of 12 m and a height of 2.8 m, in which the audience saw models of the planets.

In the text on the history of planetariums in version 2, attention is focused on the drive mechanism, although given fact non-defining. In version 3 there is no description of the new planetarium model, in version 5 it is not clear how the audience saw the planets.

The text mentions the German Museum founded in 1903 in Munich, then the director of the astronomical observatory in Heidelberg, Max Wolf, and then provides information about the group created in 1918 under the leadership of F. Mayer. As it turns out, a mechanical planetarium was built, called "Copernican", it showed the viewer the planets suspended from the ceiling. Only options 1 and 4 speak of this important change in the history of planetariums.

Let's continue working with the text about the planets, but with different information explaining the features of the Copernican planetariums. The text also contains about 120 words and a particularly long second sentence. That is what has important information which students immediately pay attention to.

(1) Many have dreamed of simulating the starry sky indoors since ancient times, suffice it to recall,<...>, Archimedes, who allegedly built a device that simulates starry sky with the planets, and even described it in the essay "On the manufacture of the celestial sphere." (2) The invention of the telescope at the beginning of the 17th century and the rapid development of astronomy associated with it became an incentive for the construction of mechanical models of the astronomical vision of the world, and above all, they began to build mechanical models of the heliocentric system in order to popularize the still contested theory of Copernicus: since all the planets move around the Sun in one direction and almost in the same plane, then with the help of a set of shafts and gears, devices were made where balls - planets - moved around the central ball - the Sun - observing the same relative speeds and distances as in the sky. (3) These models were called Copernican planetariums.

Indicate two sentences in which the MAIN information is correctly conveyed,
contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In order to popularize the still contested theory of Copernicus, at the beginning of the 17th century, models of the heliocentric system were created: using a set of shafts and gears, devices were made where balls - planets - moved around the central ball - the Sun - observing the same relative velocities and distances as and in the sky.

2) The impetus for the construction of planetariums, the first of which was supposedly built and described by Archimedes, was the development of astronomy associated with the creation of a telescope at the beginning of the 17th century, and above all, mechanical models of the heliocentric system, called Copernican planetariums, were created.

3) At the beginning of the 17th century, Copernican planetariums were created - mechanical models of the heliocentric system, which are devices in which balls - planets - moved around the central ball - the Sun - observing the same relative speeds and distances as in the sky.

4) Presumably, the first planetarium was built and described by Archimedes, but the development of astronomy was caused by the creation of a telescope in the 17th century, which led to the construction of planetariums, and first Copernican planetariums were created - mechanical models of the heliocentric system.

5) Archimedes also built a device that imitates the starry sky with planets, and even described it in the essay “On the manufacture of the celestial sphere”, which confirms the existence of the desire of people to create a starry sky indoors in ancient times.

The first and third versions do not contain the title of the work of Archimedes and describe only the model of the Copernicus planetarium, in the fifth there is not a word about Copernicus at all. So the correct answer is 2 and 4.


When reading the proposed text from several sentences, we establish logical connections between the initial facts, write out key expressions, shorten the text if it is too large, we usually look for a conclusion at the very end of the text, we find sentences similar in meaning in the answer options, we try to isolate the main thing, if in the text many names, dates, numbers, objects.


USE. Russian language: typical examination options: 36 options / ed. I.P. Tsybulko. - M.: Publishing house "National Education", 2017.

Option No. 5442638

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the no-measure of the pre-lo-zhe-ny, in some it is true re-re-yes-on the MAIN in-for-ma-tion, so-der-zha-scha -I'm in the text. For-pi-shi-te no-me-ra of these pre-lo-same-ny.

1) In recent years, a lot of pi-sa-li about you-da-yu-schem-sya for the animal-no-go in-tel-lek-te del-fi-na, about his red- some ability to learn, and someday it will be up to-ka-for-but that in-tel-lect and the ability to del-fi-are equal che-lo-ve-che-sky.

2) In recent years, there has been a lot of pi-sa-li about you-y-y-u-schem-sya for the animal-no-go in-tel-lek-te del-fi-na, about his red- some abilities for learning, about the fact that del-fi-ny are pre-hundred-vi-te-whether the second earthly qi-vi-li-za-tion .

3) It is unlikely that it will ever be before-ka-for-but that in-tel-lect and the ability of del-fi-na are equal to human-lo-ve-che-sky, although their the mind allows them to save their fellow brothers, and sometimes people, in the wild, and in the absence of master various tricks.

4) Del-fi-ns are very co-ob-ra-zi-tel-nas, their mind pos-in-la-et them in not-in-le master-and-vat various personal tricks, but hardly will it ever be up to-ka-for-but that del-fi-us about-la-da-yut re-che-you-mi-so-but-stya-mi.

5) Despite the fact that the mind is del-fi-new and allows them to free-save their fellow brothers, and sometimes people, and even master different personal tricks in non-in-le, it is unlikely that there will ever be before-ka-for-but that in-tel-lect and the ability to del-fi-na are equal to -lo-ve-che-skim.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second sentence?

Despite this,

Despite this



Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word UM. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

MIND, -and husband.

1. The ability of a person to think, the basis of a conscious, intelligent life. Mentality. Someone of sound mind and solid memory.(completely normal). Gives nothing to the mind or heart(doesn't do any good). None of your business(you are not smart enough to judge this, it is not for you to decide; colloquial neod.). W. is good, but two is better(last). How many heads, so many minds(last). They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind(last).

2. Such ability, developed to a high degree, high intelligence development. Brilliant at. Be different in mind. Natural at. Someone's crazy.(very smart; colloquial).

3. trans. About a person as a carrier of intellect. The best minds of mankind(great thinkers, scientists; high).


In one of the words given below, there is a mistake in the hundred-new-ke hit-re-niya: NOT-VERY-BUT you-de-le-on a letter, denoting cha-yu-shchaya shock-ny vowel sound. You-pi-shi-te this word.





In one of the prepositions given below, NOT-VERY-BUT mentions-required-le-but you-de-len-th word. Correct-those lek-si-che-error-ku, after-bringing to you-de-len-no-th word pa-ro-nim. For-pi-shi-te in-do-swear word.

PREDATORY before-by-cha mi-not-ra-catching already on-nes-la not-sun-half-no-my damage at-ro-de not-pain-sho-go af-ri-kan-sko th state-su-dar-stva.

Members of the Olym-piy-sko-go-ko-mi-te-ta is-pol-not-us RE-SHI-MO-STI to-beat-you-with-to-go quality under-go- tov-ki tracks for ski races and bi-at-lo-on.

Many te-at-ra-ly consider that the main thing in the spec-so-le is the director’s for-we-sat, someone-ry usi-li-i-mi of all the participant-ni-kov of the pro-cess creates a new SCE-NOT-CHE-SKY real-ness.

In order to increase the activity and PRO-DUCT-TIV-NESS of work, psycho-ho-lo-gi co-ve-tu-yut four-re-to-vat types of de -I-tel-no-sti.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

mountain of oranges

MOST relevant

THEIR affairs


all ages


Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) misuse case form noun with preposition

C) an error in constructing a sentence with a participial turnover

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) an error in the construction of a complex sentence

1) Every summer dawn, Gerasim, despite his blindness, went to the fields to catch quails.

2) In his articles, this journalist raised questions that concern many of his contemporaries.

3) D.S. Likhachev, who passionately loves his native culture, appears before us in the book “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful”.

4) Contrary to the prediction of my companion, the weather cleared up.

5) Upon graduation from the institute, our graduates can count on employment in specialized companies.

6) The silence of waiting was already mixed not so much with the audible as with the guessed noise of the inevitable movement of the train.

7) Having received his primary home education in Moscow, Radishchev was enrolled in the St. Petersburg Corps of Pages.

8) In the abandoned tavern, in front of which stood the doctor's wagon, about five officers had already gathered.

9) She dreams that she is walking along a snowy meadow, and wonderful birds are flying around.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.


lake .. ry-Xia



next .. alive


Define-de-li-te a row, in some-rum in both words pro-p-shche-on the same letter. You-pi-shi-those these words, inserting a missed letter.

and..ras-ho-to-vat, and..under-tish-ka;

pr .. haul-but-sit, pr .. deaf-sew;

d..white, not..grasping;

previous .. history, inter .. nsti-tut-sky;

not .. look-ri-tel-ness, pr .. slav-vyan-sky.


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.


unfastened .. fallen

dapper.. wadded

listen.. to listen



Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.



Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

(Not) pre-beautiful-shchav-sha-i-sya in those three days a blizzard for-me-la a hundred horns with snow.

After the re-mon-ta com-na-ta still (not) with-ve-de-na in a row-dock.

(Not) remembering evil, we reward for the good.

(Not) the usual ob-hundred-new-ka me-sha-la co-medium-to-chit-sya.

(Not) need to ask about what happened.


Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Along the coastline (FOR) a kilometer there are recreation centers with restaurants and cafes, as well as detached cottages.

Alexei (HOW) managed to earn enough money (WHAT) WOULD his brother continue to study.

(C) IN THE BEGINNING it seemed to me that there was nothing special in the works of Nikolai THEN (SAME).

In the evening, Pyotr Ivanovich sat again AT (THAT) same table, listened to Nastasya Ivanovna and tried to understand WHY (WHY) he felt so good in this house.

(B) FOR two hours, climbers climbed the mountainside, then moving (B) FORWARD, then sliding down again.


Indicate all the numbers, in place of someone write NN?

The numbers indicate in a row the age of the race.

By virtue of his non-definable business (1) th in the same way, Ar-se-niy could not for-no-mother only mu-zy-koy: he is welcome -di-moose you-half-take also the household (2) obligations (3) awns.


Place pre-pi-na-niya signs. Indicate two prepositions, in some you need to put ONE for the fifth. For-pi-shi-te no-me-ra of these pre-lo-same-ny.

1) In 1856, in the German city of Karlsruhe, the first edition of the poem "Demon" was published in the former in-ru-chi-ka Ten-gin-sko- of the first regiment of M. Yu. M. Vru-be-la gave birth to a son - bu-du-schi hu-dozh-nik Mi-kha-il Vru-bel.

2) Many in-lot-on I.K. im-pro-vi-for-tion.

3) For the first time in such long military years, from the park to-but-strength, the ringing of children's laughter and the creak of pro-rzh-ve-shih from the rain ka-che-lei.

4) With-this-mi-de-cab-ri-hundred-mi-po-zi-to-ra A.A. many circumstances of life and difficult personal fate.

5) In the Meshchersky Territory, the is-to-ki of rivers and rod-no-ki and groves and oak-ra-you became for-by-ved-us.


You-so-kaya grass (1) on-klo-niv-sha-i-sya to the ground (2) gently rolled around (3) on-wet-rain (4) stem-loving de re-vieve.


Fill in all the missing punctuation marks:

Tell me (1) uncle (2) it's not for nothing (3)

Moscow burned by fire

given to the French?

After all (4) there were fighting fights,

Yes (5) they say (6) what else!

No wonder (7) the whole of Russia remembers

About the day of Borodin!

(M. Lermontov)


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

Winding paths (1) smooth lines (2) which (3) beckon into the depths of the site (4) make the garden mysterious.


Arrange all the signs of pre-pi-na-niya: indicate the number (s), in place of someone swarm (s) in the pre-lo-s-the-s should stand for the fifth (s).

His hand trembled (1) and (2) when Ni-ko-bark pe-re-da-val horse ko-no-wo-du (3) he felt-stvo-val (4) like with a thump, blood comes to the heart.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) The narrator still does not know whether his friend saved him or betrayed him.

2) Seryozhka Leontiev courageously dragged a wounded comrade on himself.

3) Sergei did not know if the narrator would still be alive, so he gave Galka what his friend asked for.

4) Everyone laughed at the narrator, and it was very insulting.

5) Sergei deliberately told about the request of a friend in order to show himself more favorably.

I said to Sergei:

(According to M. Khudyakov*)

*Mikhail Georgievich Khudyakov


Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 27-30 present reasoning.

2) Sentences 3-5 contain a descriptive fragment.

3) Sentence 25 confirms the judgment made in sentence 18 of the text.

4) Sentences 10-12 list events occurring one after another.

5) Sentences 22-23 contain a fragment of reasoning.

(1) He carried me eight kilometers. (2) Eight thousand meters on hot ground. (3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, like acid, corroded the skin on his hands. (4) And the white distance, like a starched hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in detail, in colors. (6) But still I can’t understand anything. (7) And today, many years later, when I remember that incident, my wisdom, having lost its balance, helplessly gets stuck in a thick quagmire of bewilderment: our whole life seems incomprehensible and strange to me, especially if you try to understand it.

(8) We were thirteen then - me and my bosom friend Seryozhka Leontiev. (9) We went fishing far away to an old, shallow pond. (10) I suddenly felt like refreshing myself, and I climbed into the water, but before I could take a step, I cried out from a sharp pain in my leg. (11) Seryozhka rushed to me, he dragged me ashore. (12) I saw with horror that a fragment of a bottle neck was sticking out of the heel, and thick blood was dripping onto the grass. (13) Eight kilometers Seryozhka carried me on himself.

- (14) Seryon, leave me! I whispered with dry lips.

- (15) No! - croaked a friend. (16) It was like in a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend out of the battlefield. (17) Bullets are whistling, shells are exploding, and at least henna to him. (18) He is ready to sacrifice his life, give his heart, his soul, ready to give everything in the world ... (19) I was dizzy from weakness, and suddenly, I don’t know why,

I said to Sergei:

- (20) Seryon, if I die, then say hello to Galka Korshunova from me! (21) Tell her that I loved her.

(22) Seryozhka, blowing drops of sweat from his face, tore his T-shirt into shreds and from fatigue, it seems, he no longer understood what I was saying. (23) He dragged me to the hospital, then, breathing heavily, sat on the couch and watched the doctor treat my wound.

(24) And the next day, when I, limping, went out into the yard, everyone already knew that before my death I asked to say hello to Galka Korshunova. (25) And I became the laughingstock of the whole school. (26) My appearance now caused convulsions of mocking giggles in everyone, and I, a naturally cheerful boy, became withdrawn and shy to the point of pain.

(27) Why did he tell them about my greetings? (28) Maybe he just outlined all the details of that case, not assuming that my request would make everyone laugh so much? (29) Or maybe he wanted his heroism to look more impressive against the background of my frail acting? (30) I don't know!

(31) He carried me eight kilometers along the sun-drenched road. (32) But I still don’t know if he saved me or betrayed me.

(33) The scar on my leg has almost completely healed, but my heart is still bleeding. (34) And when they say to me: “So-and-so said hello to you,” I freeze with horror and goosebumps run down my back.

(According to M. Khudyakov*)

*Mikhail Georgievich Khudyakov(1894-1936) - historian, archaeologist, folklorist, author of a number of ethnographic and archaeological essays on the history of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples.

(3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, like acid, corroded the skin on his hands. (4) And the white distance, like a starched hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in detail, in colors.


From sentence 9 you-pi-shi-te phra-zeo-logism

(1) He carried me eight kilometers. (2) Eight thousand meters on hot ground. (3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, like acid, corroded the skin on his hands. (4) And the white distance, like a starched hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in detail, in colors. (6) But still I can’t understand anything. (7) And today, many years later, when I remember that incident, my wisdom, having lost its balance, helplessly gets stuck in a thick quagmire of bewilderment: our whole life seems incomprehensible and strange to me, especially if you try to understand it.

(8) We were thirteen then - me and my bosom friend Seryozhka Leontiev. (9) We went fishing far away to an old, shallow pond. (10) I suddenly felt like refreshing myself, and I climbed into the water, but before I could take a step, I cried out from a sharp pain in my leg. (11) Seryozhka rushed to me, he dragged me ashore. (12) I saw with horror that a fragment of a bottle neck was sticking out of the heel, and thick blood was dripping onto the grass. (13) Eight kilometers Seryozhka carried me on himself.

- (14) Seryon, leave me! I whispered with dry lips.

- (15) No! - croaked a friend. (16) It was like in a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend out of the battlefield. (17) Bullets are whistling, shells are exploding, and at least henna to him. (18) He is ready to sacrifice his life, give his heart, his soul, ready to give everything in the world ... (19) I was dizzy from weakness, and suddenly, I don’t know why,

I said to Sergei:

- (20) Seryon, if I die, then say hello to Galka Korshunova from me! (21) Tell her that I loved her.

(22) Seryozhka, blowing drops of sweat from his face, tore his T-shirt into shreds and from fatigue, it seems, he no longer understood what I was saying. (23) He dragged me to the hospital, then, breathing heavily, sat on the couch and watched the doctor treat my wound.

(24) And the next day, when I, limping, went out into the yard, everyone already knew that before my death I asked to say hello to Galka Korshunova. (25) And I became the laughingstock of the whole school. (26) My appearance now caused convulsions of mocking giggles in everyone, and I, a naturally cheerful boy, became withdrawn and shy to the point of pain.

(27) Why did he tell them about my greetings? (28) Maybe he just outlined all the details of that case, not assuming that my request would make everyone laugh so much? (29) Or maybe he wanted his heroism to look more impressive against the background of my frail acting? (30) I don't know!

(31) He carried me eight kilometers along the sun-drenched road. (32) But I still don’t know if he saved me or betrayed me.

(33) The scar on my leg has almost completely healed, but my heart is still bleeding. (34) And when they say to me: “So-and-so said hello to you,” I freeze with horror and goosebumps run down my back.

(According to M. Khudyakov*)

*Mikhail Georgievich Khudyakov(1894-1936) - historian, archaeologist, folklorist, author of a number of ethnographic and archaeological essays on the history of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples.

(9) We went to fish for three-de-vyat lands on an old, about-me-left pond.


Among prepositions 22-25, find such(s), some-swarm(s) connected-for-but(s) with the previous -shchi of a personal-no-go-sto-name. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

(1) He carried me eight kilometers. (2) Eight thousand meters on hot ground. (3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, like acid, corroded the skin on his hands. (4) And the white distance, like a starched hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in detail, in colors. (6) But still I can’t understand anything. (7) And today, many years later, when I remember that incident, my wisdom, having lost its balance, helplessly gets stuck in a thick quagmire of bewilderment: our whole life seems incomprehensible and strange to me, especially if you try to understand it.

(8) We were thirteen then - me and my bosom friend Seryozhka Leontiev. (9) We went fishing far away to an old, shallow pond. (10) I suddenly felt like refreshing myself, and I climbed into the water, but before I could take a step, I cried out from a sharp pain in my leg. (11) Seryozhka rushed to me, he dragged me ashore. (12) I saw with horror that a fragment of a bottle neck was sticking out of the heel, and thick blood was dripping onto the grass. (13) Eight kilometers Seryozhka carried me on himself.

- (14) Seryon, leave me! I whispered with dry lips.

- (15) No! - croaked a friend. (16) It was like in a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend out of the battlefield. (17) Bullets are whistling, shells are exploding, and at least henna to him. (18) He is ready to sacrifice his life, give his heart, his soul, ready to give everything in the world ... (19) I was dizzy from weakness, and suddenly, I don’t know why,

I said to Sergei:

- (20) Seryon, if I die, then say hello to Galka Korshunova from me! (21) Tell her that I loved her.

(22) Seryozhka, blowing drops of sweat from his face, tore his T-shirt into shreds and from fatigue, it seems, he no longer understood what I was saying. (23) He dragged me to the hospital, then, breathing heavily, sat on the couch and watched the doctor treat my wound.

(24) And the next day, when I, limping, went out into the yard, everyone already knew that before my death I asked to say hello to Galka Korshunova. (25) And I became the laughingstock of the whole school. (26) My appearance now caused convulsions of mocking giggles in everyone, and I, a naturally cheerful boy, became withdrawn and shy to the point of pain.

(27) Why did he tell them about my greetings? (28) Maybe he just outlined all the details of that case, not assuming that my request would make everyone laugh so much? (29) Or maybe he wanted his heroism to look more impressive against the background of my frail acting? (30) I don't know!

(31) He carried me eight kilometers along the sun-drenched road. (32) But I still don’t know if he saved me or betrayed me.

(33) The scar on my leg has almost completely healed, but my heart is still bleeding. (34) And when they say to me: “So-and-so said hello to you,” I freeze with horror and goosebumps run down my back.

(According to M. Khudyakov*)

*Mikhail Georgievich Khudyakov(1894-1936) - historian, archaeologist, folklorist, author of a number of ethnographic and archaeological essays on the history of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples.

(22) Seryozhka, blowing a drop of sweat from his face, tore his T-shirt to los-ku-you and from fatigue, it seems, he no longer co-ob-ra-stinged, what I say. (23) He dragged me to the pain, then, breathing heavily, he sat on the couch and looked like a doctor about-ra-ba-you-va- et my wound.

(24) And the next day, when I, limping, went out into the yard, everyone already knew that before I died, I asked to re-re-give hello to Gal-ke Kor -shu-no-howl. (25) And I made a laugh for the whole school.


Pro-chi-tay-te fragment of re-census. In it, there are races-smat-ri-va-yut-xia languages ​​​​especially-ben-no-sti of the text-hundred. Some-one-rye ter-mi-ns, used-pol-zo-van-nye in re-censions, pro-forests. Insert the numbers in the places of the passes, corresponding to the vet-stvo-th-no-me-ru ter-mi-na from the list.

“Hero M. Khu-dya-ko-va recalls the case, someone made him think about many things. Techniques such as (A) _____ (“carried me seven kilo-meters”, “seven kilo-meters ... carried me” in pre-lo-zhe- ni-yah 1, 13, 31; “remember” in preposition 5) and (B) _____ (preposition 3-4), in co-che-ta-ni with cf. -ni-tel-ny-mi ob-ro-ta-mi for-da-yut alarming-but-tense tone to the whole text-stu. Pro-ti-vo-re-chi-vost-to-step-ka Earrings Leon-tie-va emphasizing such a lek-si-che-remedy as (B) _____ (“saved” - “ betrayed" in preposition 32), and such a trope as (D) _____ ("heart-blood-to-chit" in preposition 33), ne- re-gives a shake-up of the hero.

Spi-juice ter-mi-nov:

1) contextual an-to-no-we

2) me-ta-fo-ra

3) ri-to-ri-che-sky question

4) steam-target-la-tion

5) whether something

6) dia-lectism

7) a number of one-native members

8) epi-tet

9) lek-si-che-sky in the second

Write down the numbers in response, sort them out in a row, corresponding to the letter-to-you:


(1) He carried me eight kilometers. (2) Eight thousand meters on hot ground. (3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, like acid, corroded the skin on his hands. (4) And the white distance, like a starched hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in detail, in colors. (6) But still I can’t understand anything. (7) And today, many years later, when I remember that incident, my wisdom, having lost its balance, helplessly gets stuck in a thick quagmire of bewilderment: our whole life seems incomprehensible and strange to me, especially if you try to understand it.

(8) We were thirteen then - me and my bosom friend Seryozhka Leontiev. (9) We went fishing far away to an old, shallow pond. (10) I suddenly felt like refreshing myself, and I climbed into the water, but before I could take a step, I cried out from a sharp pain in my leg. (11) Seryozhka rushed to me, he dragged me ashore. (12) I saw with horror that a fragment of a bottle neck was sticking out of the heel, and thick blood was dripping onto the grass. (13) Eight kilometers Seryozhka carried me on himself.

- (14) Seryon, leave me! I whispered with dry lips.

- (15) No! - croaked a friend. (16) It was like in a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend out of the battlefield. (17) Bullets are whistling, shells are exploding, and at least henna to him. (18) He is ready to sacrifice his life, give his heart, his soul, ready to give everything in the world ... (19) I was dizzy from weakness, and suddenly, I don’t know why,

I said to Sergei:

- (20) Seryon, if I die, then say hello to Galka Korshunova from me! (21) Tell her that I loved her.

(22) Seryozhka, blowing drops of sweat from his face, tore his T-shirt into shreds and from fatigue, it seems, he no longer understood what I was saying. (23) He dragged me to the hospital, then, breathing heavily, sat on the couch and watched the doctor treat my wound.

(24) And the next day, when I, limping, went out into the yard, everyone already knew that before my death I asked to say hello to Galka Korshunova. (25) And I became the laughingstock of the whole school. (26) My appearance now caused convulsions of mocking giggles in everyone, and I, a naturally cheerful boy, became withdrawn and shy to the point of pain.

(27) Why did he tell them about my greetings? (28) Maybe he just outlined all the details of that case, not assuming that my request would make everyone laugh so much? (29) Or maybe he wanted his heroism to look more impressive against the background of my frail acting? (30) I don't know!

(31) He carried me eight kilometers along the sun-drenched road. (32) But I still don’t know if he saved me or betrayed me.

(33) The scar on my leg has almost completely healed, but my heart is still bleeding. (34) And when they say to me: “So-and-so said hello to you,” I freeze with horror and goosebumps run down my back.

(According to M. Khudyakov*)

*Mikhail Georgievich Khudyakov(1894-1936) - historian, archaeologist, folklorist, author of a number of ethnographic and archaeological essays on the history of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples.


Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two illustration examples from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid over-quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic relationship between them.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated with 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) He carried me eight kilometers. (2) Eight thousand meters on hot ground. (3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, like acid, corroded the skin on his hands. (4) And the white distance, like a starched hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in detail, in colors. (6) But still I can’t understand anything. (7) And today, many years later, when I remember that incident, my wisdom, having lost its balance, helplessly gets stuck in a thick quagmire of bewilderment: our whole life seems incomprehensible and strange to me, especially if you try to understand it.

(8) We were thirteen then - me and my bosom friend Seryozhka Leontiev. (9) We went fishing far away to an old, shallow pond. (10) I suddenly felt like refreshing myself, and I climbed into the water, but before I could take a step, I cried out from a sharp pain in my leg. (11) Seryozhka rushed to me, he dragged me ashore. (12) I saw with horror that a fragment of a bottle neck was sticking out of the heel, and thick blood was dripping onto the grass. (13) Eight kilometers Seryozhka carried me on himself.

- (14) Seryon, leave me! I whispered with dry lips.

- (15) No! - croaked a friend. (16) It was like in a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend out of the battlefield. (17) Bullets are whistling, shells are exploding, and at least henna to him. (18) He is ready to sacrifice his life, give his heart, his soul, ready to give everything in the world ... (19) I was dizzy from weakness, and suddenly, I don’t know why,

I said to Sergei:

- (20) Seryon, if I die, then say hello to Galka Korshunova from me! (21) Tell her that I loved her.

(22) Seryozhka, blowing drops of sweat from his face, tore his T-shirt into shreds and from fatigue, it seems, he no longer understood what I was saying. (23) He dragged me to the hospital, then, breathing heavily, sat on the couch and watched the doctor treat my wound.

(24) And the next day, when I, limping, went out into the yard, everyone already knew that before my death I asked to say hello to Galka Korshunova. (25) And I became the laughingstock of the whole school. (26) My appearance now caused convulsions of mocking giggles in everyone, and I, a naturally cheerful boy, became withdrawn and shy to the point of pain.

(27) Why did he tell them about my greetings? (28) Maybe he just outlined all the details of that case, not assuming that my request would make everyone laugh so much? (29) Or maybe he wanted his heroism to look more impressive against the background of my frail acting? (30) I don't know!

(31) He carried me eight kilometers along the sun-drenched road. (32) But I still don’t know if he saved me or betrayed me.

(33) The scar on my leg has almost completely healed, but my heart is still bleeding. (34) And when they say to me: “So-and-so said hello to you,” I freeze with horror and goosebumps run down my back.

(According to M. Khudyakov*)

*Mikhail Georgievich Khudyakov(1894-1936) - historian, archaeologist, folklorist, author of a number of ethnographic and archaeological essays on the history of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples.

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Dolphins are one of the most mysterious animals on our planet. The intelligence of these marine inhabitants is considered so high that they are called "people of the sea." Scientists say that dolphins are smarter and smarter than all other animals.

Dolphins live in the water, but they are not fish, but mammals from the order of cetaceans. That is, they need air - they breathe with lungs, not gills. People can always see dolphin faces on the surface of the sea because dolphins can stay underwater for about 3-5 minutes on average (although there have been cases where dolphins have been underwater for 10 to 15 minutes). Dolphins feed their young with milk.

Dolphins are found in many seas and oceans of the world, including the Black Sea.
Dolphins live up to 75 years, usually about 50, in captivity usually about 30. With the help of its 88 teeth, the Black Sea dolphin eats about 30 kg of fish per day, the mass of dolphins is up to 500 kg. The body temperature of a dolphin is the same as that of a human, 36.6 degrees. The gestation period for dolphins is about 12 months. The female dolphin usually brings one cub 50-60 cm long and carefully guards it for some time.

At the mention of a dolphin, a person is more likely to imagine a species of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Bottlenose dolphins owe their popularity in part to numerous references in cinema and fiction and high learning ability.

The skin of dolphins is a miracle of nature, they are able to extinguish water turbulences near the surface of a rapidly swimming body, which reduce the speed of movement - submarine designers learned from dolphins, creating artificial skins for submarines. And the feeling of dolphin skin to the touch is quite unusual, and also brings joy: it looks like it is dense, like made of plastic, and when you run it with your palm, it is tender and soft, it seems like thin silk.

When dolphins began to be studied and trained in the middle of the last century, the first results of this work seemed so unusual, and even surprising (they talked about it a lot, wrote about it and made films), that a legend gradually emerged about the unusually high intelligence of dolphins; one could often hear that they are no more stupid than a person, only their mind is different.

The brain of an adult dolphin weighs about 1700 grams, while that of a human weighs 1400. The dolphin has twice as many convolutions in the cerebral cortex. At the same time, there are relatively few neurons in a cubic millimeter of its substance (less than in the brain of primates).

The results of research on the behavior and physiology of the dolphin brain are highly controversial. Some put their learning ability at about the level of a dog and show that dolphins are very far from chimpanzees. On the contrary, studies of dolphin communication methods lead to the conclusion that we have not yet come close to understanding this form of life in natural conditions and it is simply incorrect to compare the level of intelligence of dolphins and chimpanzees. One property of the dolphin brain is quite unique: it never truly sleeps. Sleep - alternately - then the left, then the right hemispheres of the brain. The dolphin needs, from time to time, to float to the surface to breathe. At night, the awake halves of the brain are responsible for this, in turn.

Dolphin language can be divided into 2 groups: Sign language (body language) - various postures, jumps, turns, various ways swimming, signs given by the tail, head, fins.

The language of sounds (language itself) is a sound signaling expressed in the form of sound impulses and ultrasound. Examples of such sounds can be: chirping, buzzing, screeching, grinding, clicking, smacking, creaking, clapping, squeaking, roaring, screaming, screaming, croaking, whistling.

The most expressive are whistles, of which dolphins have 32 species. Each of them can denote a specific phrase (pain signals, alarms, greetings and a call to me, etc.). Scientists studied the whistle of dolphins using the Zipf method, and obtained the same slope coefficient as that of human languages, that is, they carry information. Recently, about 180 communication signs have been discovered in dolphins, which they are trying to systematize, compiling a dictionary of communication of these mammals. However, despite numerous studies, it has not yet been possible to fully decipher the language of dolphins.

Each dolphin has its own name, to which it responds when relatives address it. This conclusion was reached by American scientists, the results of which were published in the Bulletin of the US National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Moreover, experts who conducted their experiments in the US state of Florida found that the name is given to the dolphin at birth and is a characteristic whistle.

Scientists caught 14 light gray bottlenose dolphins in the wild with nets and recorded various sounds made by these mammals in the process of their communication with each other. Then, with the help of a computer, “names” were isolated from the records. When a name was "played out" for a pack, a specific individual responded to it. The "name" of a dolphin is a characteristic whistle, the average duration of which is 0.9 seconds.

Everyone has heard that sometimes dolphins and other whales wash ashore. Sometimes this happens due to illness, poisoning or injury. There is another hypothesis explaining the reason for such strange behavior of dolphins: it turns out that with a certain shape of the coast, composed of certain types of precipitation, among the cacophony of sounds generated by the surf, sometimes there is a sound that exactly corresponds to the dolphin's cry for help. Animals, having heard these sounds, instinctively rush to help - and end up on the shore.

Dolphins eat fish. A lot of fish: each member of the flock, per day, must eat 10-30 kilograms. Dolphins are warm-blooded, they need to maintain a high body temperature sometimes in very cold water. The subcutaneous layer of fat also helps this - it acts as a heat insulator and energy source for the intracellular stove: burning fats and carbohydrates with the release of thermal energy. Fuel reserves must be replenished all the time, so they are constantly hunting. They catch up with a flock of fish - no one in the sea swims faster than them, and surround it. If this happens very close to the shore, the dolphins form a half ring and press the fish to the beach; squeezing their hunting formation, they push the fish to the very shallow water and eat it there - while they swim into the very waves of the surf, so shallow that their dorsal fins stick out of the water, and their pectoral fins touch the sand at the bottom.

Having surrounded the school of fish further into the sea, the dolphins do not rush, each separately for prey, but in an organized way keep the flock in the ring, preventing the fish from dispersing, and plunge into the school one by one. Having caught the prey, they return to their place in the paddock.

Where there are fish, there are dolphins. At Black Sea coast fish are most numerous in spring and autumn - when schools of mullet, anchovy go for summer feeding in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, or return for wintering in the Black Sea - along the coast of the Caucasus. Therefore, dolphins most often appear here in April-May and in September-October. And in the Kerch Strait itself - the gate Sea of ​​Azov- hundreds of dolphins stand as an outpost, meeting migrating fish herds.

In summer, it is also not uncommon for bottlenose dolphins to come right up to the beach - more often they can be seen early in the morning or in the afternoon - perhaps because there are fewer swimmers at this time.

Dolphins live in packs in which everyone is relatives, which is why their mutual assistance is so well developed. They always help a weakened dolphin to stay near the surface so that it does not choke; there are stories about how dolphins came to the aid of drowning people. They never act hostile. Dolphins learn tricks very quickly - they only need one correct exercise on a signal, for which they will be rewarded with a fish, so that the skill is fixed in memory. True, they also easily forget their skills if the coach forgets to reinforce a good habit.

Dolphins live for about 30 years. Baby dolphins are born about once every two years. At this time, the dolphin is trying to jump high so that the cub can take its first breath. Dolphins are very touching parents who take care of their cubs for about five years. And even reaching puberty, the cub still remains strongly attached to the mother, and tries to follow her everywhere.

For a long time, scientists were baffled by the question of how dolphins sleep. Indeed, in the sea you can easily drown or become a victim of an attack by other predators. However, now it turned out that the sleep of dolphins is not like the sleep of ordinary animals - during sleep, one hemisphere of the dolphin is resting, and the second is awake. Thus, the dolphin is always in control of the situation and, at the same time, gets a good rest.

Definitely, something makes us treat dolphins differently than other animals - “human friends” ... Friendly, funny, cute ... They are really friendly and curious: they are not afraid to swim up and play with a person, although more often - or not pay attention to people, or simply float away - they have their own worries in the sea. Maybe it's the dolphin's smile? After all, they always smile - that’s how, for some reason, their face is arranged (I don’t even want to call it a muzzle!). And this smile with big eyes - one of those smiles that make us smile involuntarily in response - not all people know how to smile like that.
