In cold water, beauty will last longer. Stars obsessed with a healthy lifestyle Children of Polina Kitsenko

Entrepreneur Birthplace Alexandrov Instagram @polinakitsenko

Russian businesswoman Polina Kitsenko is best known as the owner of the Podium chain of fashion stores. We can say that the woman stood at the origins of the fashion industry of modern Russia. A public figure can often be found at social events in the company of celebrities. Among Polina's friends are Ksenia Sobchak, Natalia Vodianova, and recently the singer Cher. Kitsenko is involved in charity work and is seriously interested in sports.

Biography of Polina Kitsenko

The woman very successfully keeps silent about her age. Her date of birth cannot be found even in all-knowing encyclopedias like Wikipedia. It is known that Polina was born in Aleksandrov, Vladimir region. Her father was an official and held a high position in the prosecutor's office. In elementary school, his daughter dreamed of becoming a geologist.

At the age of 11, the girl moved to the capital with her parents. Already in Moscow, Kitsenko graduated from an English special school and, on the advice of her father, entered the then new university - the International University. Upon completion of her studies, Polina received a law degree.

IN student years As an exchange, she came to America, which made a strong impression on the girl. Then, in 1991, Kitsenko began to wear things that were truly chic - Reebok sneakers, Lee jeans. According to the woman, she herself developed her taste for things.

At first after university, the girl worked in a serious position in a bank, dealing with plastic cards. From the age of 18 I was interested in fitness and in one of the halls of the World Class club I met my husband, Eduard Kitsenko. The man owned the Podium company and one store. Despite his reluctance to work together with his wife, Polina was able to take important place in his business.

The woman educated herself in the fashion industry, learned all the intricacies and intricacies of doing business. Thanks to her efforts, a chain of stores opened throughout the country. Over time, the first Podium Market was opened, that is, a boutique aimed at a wider range of customers. Celebrities can be seen wearing clothes from foreign and domestic designers purchased in P. Kitsenko’s stores. The woman herself often attends social and charitable events in the company of her friends Ulyana Sergeenko, Ksenia Sobchak, and much less often in the company of her husband, who is reluctant to attend.

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What woman doesn’t dream of doing fashion and getting paid for it? But making a career in the fashion industry is not as easy as it seems. Polina Kitsenko began building her business at the end of the last century, when the fashion industry was just beginning to develop in Russia. Today she is the owner of a network of luxury boutiques, a philanthropist and just a happy woman.

Biography of Polina Kitsenko

It is unknown how old our heroine is. This information is carefully hidden from the press. According to some sources, she was born on April 14, 1975. But you can hardly give Polina Kitsenko more than 35 years old. The girl has a model height (181 cm) and controls her weight within 60 kg.

The biography of Polina Kitsenko begins in the Vladimirov region. It was there that Polina lived with her family. The girl's father was a prosecutor, so the family lived in abundance.

When the daughter was eleven years old, her father was offered a position in Moscow and the family moved to the capital. Here the biography of Polina Kitsenko is connected with an elite special school and the International University. On the advice of her father, the girl studied to become a lawyer. The specialty did not arouse much interest in the fashionista, but she studied diligently, thanks to which she came to America as an exchange student. It was a different, previously unknown world. The splash of colors and riot of fashionable outfits amazed the girl. She bought herself some fashionable jeans and branded sneakers and was incredibly happy about it.

After graduating from university, the girl worked in a bank. But Polina Kitsenko reluctantly remembers this short period of her biography. And after meeting her husband Eduard Kitsenko, she made her dream come true and opened a fashion boutique.

First steps in the fashion business

Together with her husband, who at that time owned the Podium company, Polina Kitsenko, whose age is carefully hidden in her biography, opened the first store with the same name - “Podium” in 1994. The woman was actively engaged in self-education, studied fashion trends, and followed new products. She supplied products from well-known brands and brands to her salon. Kitsenko's dream was to make fashionable clothing accessible to Russian citizens. Our heroine stood at the origins of the domestic fashion industry.

At first, the salon brought in little profit; on the contrary, it required colossal financial investments and effort from our heroine. But the biography of Polina Kitsenko proves that nothing is impossible. The woman independently looked for ways to import clothes, tracked each shipment, and personally went for the goods.

As a result, from the mid-90s of the last century, her business began to gain momentum.

Business development and social life

Today our heroine is the owner of an entire fashion empire “Podium Fashion Group” and famous person. Her company is always one of the first to grasp new fashion trends. Polina collaborates with the stars of the domestic show business and is a regular visitor to all fashion parties.

The woman managed to achieve her goal - she spread fashion to the people. Outfits from Polina Kitsenko, whose biography is no less interesting than her brainchild, are now chosen by ordinary citizens. This is exactly what she dreamed of at the beginning of her business career.

Polina Kitsenko is a socialite who boasts online about her friendship with Ksenia Sobchak, Natalia Vodianova, and Ulyana Sergienko. Girls can often be seen in the same company at a party. Polina recently vacationed on Lake Baikal with Ksyusha Sobchak and Ulyana Sergeeva. She immediately posted a report about the train on Instagram.

Polina Kitsenko and her husband are also involved in charitable activities.

Personal life

The biography of Polina Kitsenko is closely connected with her husband Eduard. It is he, as the businesswoman admits, who is her support and support in everything. Eduard Kitsenko also successful businessman, it was he who helped his wife build her fashion empire.

Our heroine speaks reluctantly to journalists about her personal life. But she claims that she is a very happy woman, because he always protects her loving husband. And wonderful children are waiting at home - a son, Yegor, and a little daughter, whose name is not yet known to the press.

Regular exercise helps Polina keep herself in excellent physical shape. Kitsenko loves to take family bike rides and go on trips with the whole family. Polina regularly exercises, goes for morning runs and leads a healthy lifestyle.

It is known that before gaining great popularity and fame, Polina Kitsenko was actively involved in the fashion business. The essence of this enterprise was the sale of clothing, which was supplied from fairly well-known world brands. Polina managed to establish a channel through which such products were imported into Russia. As a result, the first fashion salon was created in 1994, which received the promising name “Podium”.

Kitsenko made a very large investment in this project so that the business began to generate huge profits. In the mid-nineties of the last century, Kitsenko’s business began to gain rapid momentum in order to soon turn into a real fashion empire.

On this moment Polina owns a huge business in the field of fashion and style, called “Podium Fashion Group”. Back in 1994, the grand opening of the boutique took place fashionable clothes, which is located in the capital of Russia. Since then, the marketing policy of the owner of a stylish business has been to provide the broad masses of people with fairly fashionable clothes, but at an affordable price. Everything that was previously available only to privileged segments of the population has now become widespread for the average citizen of Russia. Thus, we can say that the fashion business has become widespread among the masses.

Activities and years of activity

Polina Kitsenko works as a top manager in the fashion industry. It was after her business underwent serious formatting that the woman became widely known. The meaning of the reformatting was that Polina’s company decided to quickly grasp various trends that take place in modern world fashion and style. In addition, a lot of work was done to make all kinds of new products available to the average consumer.

It is known that Kitsenko leads an exclusively stellar lifestyle and very often meets with celebrities such as Ksenia Sobchak and Ulyana Sergeeva. Moreover, accompanied by her famous friends, she visited Lake Baikal. This event was joyfully received by fans of the star friends. True, this kind of trip, among other things, contributed to the emergence of a lot of gossip, without which star life cannot exist.

Kitsenko often takes part in various social events and activities. You can often meet her close friends at these events. In one of the interviews, Polina stated that she was very proud of her connections with Ksenia Sobchak, who, according to her, is a role model. Sobchak often speaks of Kitsenko as a person with a strong will and character.
Relationships and family

It is known that Polina Kitsenko is happy in her personal life and has long been married to Eduard Kitsenko, who is also very successful person. Eduard owns an entire business empire, which he created with his with my own hands. The family has a desired child named Egor. Polina can't boast a large number interview, but it is still known that she pays great attention to her husband and child. For a happy woman, this marriage brings great pleasure in order to provide the energy necessary for full life. It is also known that the woman has been involved in sports for a long time and is trying to promote sports culture to the masses.

Polina does not like to show off her life. In her social networks there are very few pages dedicated to family or everyday life, but there are so many sports recommendations, direct PR for a healthy lifestyle and beautiful photographs of celebrities themselves in expensive outfits and at social events.

It is known that Kitsenko was born in the Vladimir region into a family of officials. Her parents moved to Moscow when she was 11. There, the capable and diligent girl went to an English special school, and after graduating, to the International Institute. Kitsenko studied to become a lawyer, but the student paid a lot of attention to languages.


Developer Vadim Raskovalov and co-owner of Podium Fashion Group Eduard Kitsenko (from left to right) at the new annual project “Metamorphoses” of the Silver Rain radio station and SNC magazine at the Gogol Center.

It’s hard to say when Polina became a fan of a healthy lifestyle and became so passionate about sports that now she can easily carry millions of fans with her on morning jogs and healthy eating. However, it is known that her passion for an active lifestyle is fully shared by her husband, entrepreneur Eduard Kitsenko, whose last name she bears.

When the lovers got married, Edward owned the Podium company and one store and, according to rumors, was against his wife also doing business.

The young people met many years ago and soon created the very family that many only dream of throughout their lives. In one of her interviews, Polina calls herself Chekhov's Darling, and Ksenia Sobchak (her friend and author of that interview) reveals secrets: the star always personally prepares breakfast for her husband and comes home early to be with him.

Kitsenko has two children - a son and a daughter, the age difference between them is 12 years. As a family, they travel a lot, often having active holidays: skiing, biking, mountaineering... They, one might say, also work together. When the lovers got married, Edward owned the Podium company and one store and, according to rumors, was against his wife also doing business.


However, the girl was extremely interested in fashion. In an interview, she admits that she still feels delighted when she finds unusual and beautiful things - even a sweater for a thousand, even a priceless couture dress.

It was at her instigation that stores selling premium clothing brands first developed into a chain, and then some of them were modified into Podium Market, a more affordable boutique serving a wide audience.

Polina studied the special knowledge that the fashion industry required of her on her own. The businesswoman says that her husband helped her in many ways.

Most kind

She calls him the kindest and most patient man and talks about his subtle, unsurpassed taste, with the help of which his husband guides Polina herself. Well, what else can you expect from a man whose business is directly related to the fashion industry?

Kitsenko also talks about how a husband can give practical advice on his wife’s image. Legendary hairstyle It was he who invented the blondes. He can also casually note which outfit suits Paul better.

Maybe that's why Polina calls her husband her most best friend, and family - not sports or work - is the closest sphere in which she is ready to realize herself endlessly.

My transition to the fashion industry happened, one might say, due to family circumstances. I am a certified lawyer, graduated from the Faculty of Law with honors and worked for two and a half years in commercial banks in payment card departments. After marriage, I didn’t work for a short period of time, but gradually began to work my way into the Podium company created by my husband. He was not eager to hire me, but I studied because I really wanted to work in this field and spent a lot of time on self-education. I wanted to prove that I could handle it, and the moment came when I began to give him so much interesting tips and suggestions that he understood: I can really be useful. The most important thing, it seems to me, in any business is desire and enthusiasm. If a person has them, he can achieve whatever he wants. And I had great interest, enthusiasm and love for fashion. Although in the business that we do, in addition to fashion, there is a lot of mathematics, economics and jurisprudence every day. You always receive any education at work, and any university or university provides basic knowledge, develops the ability to learn and nothing more.

In addition to the powerful business component, Podium Market is also a story about style and beauty. Have you been a fashionista since childhood? Do you remember your first truly fashionable item?

In childhood and adolescence, I was probably the same fashionista as all ordinary Soviet girls - a fashionista with minimal opportunities. My parents didn't work abroad and I didn't have the chance to wear imported clothes. We lived quite modestly. They got out of the situation the same way as most women in our country - “mom sewed it.” Of course, the main part of my growing up took place during the transition period and the consequences of the fall of the Iron Curtain, the collapse of Soviet Union and already changes in the economic situation. But I remember how, for example, going to GUM and seeing a long line, we first took it, and then ran to the beginning, sometimes several hundred meters, in order to find out what they were selling there. Just in case, we kept her busy. And then suddenly there are some boots “on semolina”, or, God forbid, a GDR coat. These memories are still fresh.

What are the current trends in the Russian capital? What items and accessories do Muscovites buy up the fastest?

Muscovites are now very advanced. Today they are no different from, for example, world girls, they quickly pick up everything that is fashionable, and I cannot say that we are behind or ahead. After all, globalization is doing its job, so Muscovites now want to wear approximately the same as Parisians or representatives of other world capitals. Of course, we cannot exclude the absence of street style and street shopping as such. Plus, everything is multiplied by climatic features. Warm clothes are a good choice in winter, and bright ones in summer. We are hungry for the sun, its rays and joyful mood, such a slight Scandinavian syndrome... But basically everything the same as abroad is quickly sold out. Bell-bottoms have become fashionable - bell-bottoms are selling out, parkas have become fashionable - for the third or fourth season now, everyone is willingly taking them. I can say that what traditionally sells poorly is Brown color and all its shades.

How is the current crisis affecting your business?

When creating Podium market, we foresaw that world economy would be unstable, and they understood that there would not be as much space for the suite as there was before. In general, a global trend of high “overconsumption” has emerged in the world: of everything, no matter what. We saw for ourselves a large economically interesting niche in creating a fashion segment in which everything is fashionable and inexpensive, in which the luxury of consumer goods becomes more accessible.

Polina, besides work and business, what does your day consist of?

Sports occupy an important place in my daily routine. This is the same mandatory part as brushing your teeth or combing your hair. That's mine Physical Culture, my contribution to myself and my health. The day begins with training, breakfast and getting ready. Leo Tolstoy also said that “you must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be morally healthy.” So I firmly believe that people who engage in physical education are less susceptible to stress. Besides, sport is a good psychological release, exercise, recharge, reboot... Therefore, every morning I recharge my tired hard drive for a new program for the coming day.

Polina, why, in your opinion, has a healthy lifestyle gained such popularity in the world over the past couple of years? Why are parties and going to bars replaced by jogging, gym classes, and proper nutrition?

Nowadays, I would describe the fashionable concept of a healthy lifestyle with the term physical culture, which has set our teeth on edge since childhood, which we, unfortunately, did not understand before, and these activities were associated with a nondescript physical instructor who requires us to invariably jump over a goat. In fact, physical education is a healthy lifestyle. This is a culture of taking care of yourself, a culture of being healthy and fit. Not a single most expensive and classy thing will fit well on a limp or unkempt body. Everything revolves around the same thing - things are for us, not we are for things. In all centuries, humanity has been interested in the search for the elixir of immortality; people wanted to live long, happily and not grow old. And at the beginning of the third millennium, people realized that the elixir of immortality had never been invented, and it was replaced by a combination of healthy eating and a culture of taking care of oneself. People who take care of themselves and treat themselves as a valuable vessel develop themselves both spiritually and physically, remain healthy and beautiful longer, and, I would even say, interesting to everyone. This is physical culture.

In one of your interviews, you said that more than anything in the world you love being at home, that for you it is a natural habitat. Have you furnished your home yourself?

Home is truly the most desirable habitat for me and the most important point on the map of my daily journey. This is the place where I want to be every minute. My husband furnished our house. He is not a professional designer, it's just a hobby, but he has excellent taste, so he arranges our property in his spare time. I only add my own small touches to his work with large strokes.

What, in addition to design ideas responsible for comfort, helps create the right and healthy atmosphere in the house? Do you have any secrets on how to clean the air in the house where you and your family live?

Since I lead a healthy lifestyle, I love that everything in my arrangement during the day is designed to improve the health of myself and the inhabitants of my home. I'm obsessed with things like air humidification. To keep your skin youthful in winter and summer, I use an air purifier with a professional filtration and humidification system from Philips. This is the best prevention of all respiratory viral infections, especially during long periods of inclement weather. winter time our harsh climate.

Where do you prefer to go on vacation to breathe clean air?

I love nature very much, I prefer to relax in the mountains, fields and rivers... I don’t like heat. The older I get, the more I realize that I like the sea, but not the heat. And I like it even more mountain lakes. Beauty is preserved better in the cold.
