Jensen ackles body. Jensen ackles, biography, news, photos

"Supernatural" has been a mega-popular TV show on American television for 10 years now. The series has gained a truly huge army of fans. The characters Sam and Dean Winchester are now iconic, and the actors who played them, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, have become idols for millions of fans around the world. Fans are always interested in any information about their favorites, whether it's his favorite dish, new novel or biography. Jensen Ackles is no exception. His rise to fame and personal life have also become public.

Jensen Ackles. Biography of young years

The future Dean Winchester was born in Dallas, Texas on March 1, 1978. His father is quite famous actor Alan Roger Ackles and mother Donna John Schaeffer. The Texan's ancestors included Irish, Scots, and English. Own rare name he received from his mother, who for a long time chose something unusual for her son and eventually took the name of one of the authors of church hymns. WITH young years Jensen tried his hand as a model in an advertisement for children's products. Then there was a break, and he returned to advertising at the age of 10 years. At school, Ackles was a very athletic boy, playing football and lacrosse. Diverse and his school biography. Jensen Ackles attended Dartmouth Elementary School (1990), Apollo High School (1993) and High School. Lloyd W. Berkner (1996).

Carier start

After school, Ackles was going to become a physiotherapist and even already filed everything Required documents when his friends dragged him to an acting class where the young talent was spotted by his future agent and manager. After auditioning for one of the projects, Jensen had no idea how his biography would change later. Jensen Ackles withdrew documents from Texas Tech University and moved to Los Angeles, where he first appeared in small cameo roles in TV shows. The first long-term and permanent work of Ackles was the series "Mr. Rhodes", in which the actor starred for 18 weeks. In 1997, he was approved in the well-known project Days of Our Lives for the role of Eric Brady. This series was a successful start to his career. For his work in this TV show, the actor received several prizes and awards. After three years, in 2000, Ackles left Days of Our Lives because he wanted to be able to try his hand at other projects.

Young, beautiful, talented

These qualities are always in high demand in Hollywood, so Ackles received an offer to star in the film "The Unkissed" with Drew Barrymore at her personal request, but due to inconsistencies in filming schedules, Jensen could not appear in this film. But he played in a mini-series about Marilyn Monroe called "Blonde". Significant for Ackles' career was the role of Alec McDowell in "Dark Angel", where his partner on the set was Jessica Alba. Following his filmography was enriched by a role in the popular youth series "Dawson's Creek" (2002-2003). Jensen auditioned for the role of Clark Kent in the Superman series Smallville, because of this he even turned down a role in the series Return from the Dead, where he could play the boyfriend of the main actress Eliza Dushku. However, he did not pass, but after a while, in 2004, he was approved for the role of Jason Teague in the same series. 2005 was a turning point in the fate of the actor, when his further biography changed dramatically: Jensen Ackles got the lead role in the TV series Supernatural, where Jared Padalecki became a partner and brother in the script.


Actually, a TV show about two brothers who hunt evil spirits gave him a permanent job on television for as long as 10 years. But the actor then still could not know for sure about this, so he decided to try himself in cinema as well. The first test was the short film "The Trouble in the Clownan", on the set of which he met his future wife Danny Harris. In the same 2005, he played in the horror film Soul Eater. This was his first the main role in a big movie, he was also lucky to work on the same site with his father. In 2007, Jensen Ackles was approved for the role of Priestley in the comedy "Ten Inch Hero", whose biography once again changed dramatically, because the love between his hero and Tish, played by Danneel Harris, moved from the screen to real life. And in 2009, another horror film with his participation called "My Bloody Valentine" was released. In 2010, Ackles took part in the dubbing of the animated film Batman: Under the Red Hood.

Personal life before marriage

The happy husband and father of Jensen Ackles. Biography, personal life

As mentioned above, love on the screen grew into something more. Ackles and Danneel met for 3 years, and in 2010, May 15, at hometown the actor had a luxurious wedding ceremony for the couple. Despite the fact that Danneel Harriss is also quite popular actress and a fashion model, she took her husband's surname after the wedding. On May 30, 2013, the Ackles couple had a daughter, who was named Justice Jay "JJ" Ackles. So handsome Jensen settled down and became an exemplary family man, just like his on-screen brother and best friend Jared Padalecki. Takova short biography Jensen Ackles.

The esthete woke up, stretched freely and inadvertently woke up the classifier, who was lightly asleep on the left side of the double brain.
And these two decidedly ... no, with unshakable determination (c) set out to tell the world about their (my) aesthetic preferences.
(We agreed to choose only the most successful photos and angles and not take into account the current status: alas, everyone is getting old, and this is not for many people).
Began, of course, an aesthete.

"Manly handsome."

My aesthetic ideal, my model of the perfect male beauty, my standard foreva - Dolph Lundgren.

Type is male. This is it, this is a man.
Square chin, clear cheekbones, wide-set eyes, antique lip pattern…
Short hedgehog, cold look... Warrior.
Light irony in a smile or look, slightly falling out of the image and treacherously indicating the presence of intelligence and a sense of humor.
Here he is, handsome:

I can admire this face like a work of art. Meditatively. For a long time. Every movement, every turn of the head, every angle. As a whole, and in parts: every detail is perfect. Perfect nose line, perfect lip pattern, perfectly sculpted cheekbones... And my fetish, my quirk, my personal IT is a square jaw. Nearly 90 degree mandibular angle. I'm trudging. What's in men, what's in women.
Dolph... Perfect.
I admire. I admire the power of nature, creating such perfection.

Dolph is no longer young, but he is still amazing:

And one more thing: the finishing touch that turns a simple work of art into the ultimate masterpiece: a slightly beaten muzzle. Well, a little like that. A little. Like he just got into a fight. And, of course, he won. (Well, since he is alive, he can be considered to have won)))

It is clear that we will delicately keep silent about acting, because the category of his films contributes little to an objective assessment. However, this worthy descendant Scandinavian Vikings face is able to portray not only the Scandinavian iceberg. Which is nice. Intelligence and humor still left their mark.
And, besides, this face is so antique, classical and sculptural that every emotion expressed on it is just as classical and sculptural, and worthy of carving in marble and casting in bronze, and placing under glass with the inscription: standard of skepticism, standard surprise, the standard of rage, the standard of fear ...
By the way, this is precisely the expression of restrained irony and skepticism - slightly raised eyebrows, slightly closed eyes, slightly curved corners of the lips - the expression with which he looks from top to bottom (and there is no other way with his height) at every little thing that bounces, puffs up and he builds something out of himself somewhere at the level of his knee - he does it absolutely deliciously. Reference.

And the smile of this guy is damn charming.

Completely fit my standard. From the first season. Separate angles - just up to bouncing in the chair. The type is the same, only a little softer. And warmer. So… velvety.

Favorite angle - three-quarters and a little from below

No, well, you can live like that, huh?

Well, then, of course, it’s already complete insanity.
Now Jensen is already so "something more" ... To say about him simply "beautiful" is to say less than nothing.
All the nuances of emotions on THIS face can be observed endlessly. Like a burning fire. Like flowing water. Like a sky with moving clouds.
And admire endlessly. Every movement of the eyelashes.
Which can depict with one eye the full star and the Apocalypse, and with the other - the quiet smile of the Madonna at Christmas ...
And the rest of the face at the same time - the same Scandinavian iceberg.
Moreover, if the script requires it, then at the same time.
And it doesn't matter if it's open or closed.
Moreover, if necessary, then in general with one silhouette ...

(At that moment, the classifier, who had finally lost his patience, covered the raging aesthete with a blanket with his head, wrapped it tighter and himself began his favorite business: to classify).

The type is the same as number one, but smaller in caliber:

And, it seems, I liked these square jaws since childhood, ever since the clippings from the Soviet Screen magazines. Here is a photo, I remember, flashed in clippings:

Vasily Lanovoy in Scarlet Sails.
Tellingly, there were no other pictures of this actor in my collections at the time. He is ugly. Not ideal. And on this one - just the same favorite angle.

And by the way, since we remembered the past: one more curious face: Jean Marais.

On the surface, he looks like a handsome man. But the feeling is strange: the type is the same, but either something is missing, or something is superfluous ...
Not enough, not enough... The jaw is not enough! Not square! And in general, if you look in detail - the face is rough: the nose is wide, the lips are thin, the lower eyelids are heavy ...
And too much - some kind of sweetness, or something. No. Well, something false. How can I put it... Well, here is Marais - a handsome man. And Dolph is a handsome man. And Jensen is a handsome man (silence, blonde right brain, march back under the covers!)
But here is Dolph - you can see from him that it’s more important for him that he is a man. And for Marais - that he is handsome. Too emphasized, protruding, exploited "beautifulness". The image is not "man", but "handsome man". And Lanovoy is the same. And in general, all the then movie stars are the same. Both ours and foreign ones. (And women too, but they are more forgivable). It seems that this was the then photographic fashion.

For comparison, here is Dolph:

in jeans, in the gym, in a biker jacket, in a bulletproof vest, in armor, in blood, in mud, unshaven ... And at the same time - handsome.
And it is clear that it is not for the sake of beauty that he is so beautiful stuck in the frame. A man is busy with business, but he cherishes and demonstrates his beauty. And what is beautiful is inadvertently, a coincidence, an accident, and in general - it’s not about beauty.

in jeans, in T-shirts, wrapped in a hundred layers of clothes, in mud, in blood, unshaven, killed against the wall, thrown on the floor, digging in the ground and giblets, entangled in droppers and wires, frightened to death, drunk in the trash ... And in any sight is beautiful.
Not an end in itself - beautiful, but as if in passing. It doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter that it's beautiful. It’s as if you can see, and understand, and feel that the meaning of his presence in the frame is not that he is handsome, but that he does.
You can't say the same about Marais. This has the meaning of being in the frame - namely, that he is handsome. Such is the feeling

In general, when you - the viewer - are forced to admire beauty, when they poke and stick out, and demand: “look, look, admire” - you want to turn away. Here's how his, Jensen, model young pictures. Such a handsome man ... already embarrassing. Too frank.
(yes, get under the covers, finally!)

In general, I don’t like male glamorous licked staged photos “for beauty”.

James Marsden. Cyclops from Xmen.

Matt Cohen. Young Dad John from Supers (and then suddenly who does not know).

And further Tom Welling. Superman from Smallville (and then suddenly someone did not know this).

Hmmm... Perceptual dissonance. Handsome, actually. But too ... gentle. Too cute smile. Not a warrior. Such a romantic prince. (And it’s hard to get rid of the image of Clarke, where he is a real Ivanushka the Fool. Klumsy and a hopeless romantic. Not my hero. Even the evil image, red kryptonite, black skin and a bike don’t save him from this cute smile. “Would he be a girl - he wouldn’t have a price ”(c)))

And by the way: Alain Delon, yeah. Right here.

Special cases:

Amazing face. Amazing.
Here, for example, Dolph: the face is perfect both in whole and in parts.
And Cruz ... Individually - not a single correct feature. Too wide eyebrows, a hooked nose, narrow lips, smeared cheekbones, heavy angles of the lower jaw ... Everything is wrong.
But when he moves, lives... in some unknown way, all these irregularities add up to a strikingly beautiful overall picture.

I do not like. I don't like the facial expression. More precisely, perhaps, such an arrangement of the facial muscles, which in a state of rest, when a person depicts nothing, adds up to a certain expression.
This is the expression on the face of an offended child.
Such a… defenseless victim.
With such a face, they get a boot in the face for nothing.
I don't like that look on a grown man's face.
Victimism doesn't appeal to me. Not my hero.
In general, he is good.

The photo is interesting. Off topic, just interesting in and of itself.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

(the esthete quietly vomits in the far corner of the skull).
I saw this in The Tudors. The first reaction: “what kind of eared degenerate is this?” (usually I try so hard not to think about people - it's not their fault that they were born like that - and then the ethicist in me had not yet had time to wake up and crush this thought as unworthy).
According to my criteria - a real quasi-modo. Everything about this face is wrong. And in whole, and in parts, and in combination. One solid stigma of dysembryogenesis. In its own way, too, the standard. On the other end of the scale. Ideal spherical quasimodo in vacuum.
And the more surprising for me was the fact that someone (many) considers him beautiful. Not just charismatic there, or talented, but beautiful. I had an extra reason to practice tolerance.

In general, The Tudors is a worthy series. Colorful, luxurious, photo, again, of excellent quality. (Photoshopper in me greedily rubs his hands). Don't like anything else.
In the process of searching for Tudor photographs, I found something. Sho means - a good angle ... I even left it in the collection.

Keanu Reeves. David Duchovny.

Long, thin bodies, long irregular faces, protruding bones in the wrong places, inconsistent facial features ... Not mine. I don’t fall for asthenics. (“I don’t throw myself on the bones”, yes)))

But from such characters stylish are obtained. What is Neo, what is Constantine. And Agent Mulder.

Close to the previous type: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom

Nervous grasshoppers with shining eyes and small, irregular features.
Actually not mine. Completely misses the radar.

Jared Padalecki

Here too ... past the radar. Not at all. Nothing that I could call beautiful.
So I was surprised ... Someone (many !!!) finds it just beautiful!
Okay, the first couple of seasons - there was still such an awkward teenage charm. The deer Bambi is so two meters tall. Elk. Puppy.
But further?
I would have been surprised quietly if I hadn’t started watching photos and videos from all sorts of conventions. How the camera does not like him, it turns out!

There are such persons - a state of rest is categorically contraindicated for them. All errors are visible. They are truly attractive only when they are alive. They laugh, get angry, communicate, listen carefully, chasing what the interlocutor says on their face as on a screen. Photographing such faces is a real punishment. You listen, you look - alive. Diverse. But it is worth stopping a moment - a mask. Ugly, and. They need bright emotions on their faces.

Here is Alpha Sam in a rage - magnificent. Evil Sam is great.

Laughing Jared is wonderful. Just sunny. Bonfire in which firecrackers were thrown.
Even just smiling is good. You just don't see the error.
The guilty, pleading, sorrowful expression on his face does not color him, and this is very mildly said.
They don’t let him smile in the frame, but this is the most beautiful thing about him.
However, the type is still off the radar.
Although individual photos ...

Quite a funny type of face for a man: "cat faces".

Eikka Toppinen, the rampaging thrash cellist from Apocalyptic (what does it sound like, huh? "thrash cellist"...)

Yngwie Malmsteen, favorite forever hard-guitar virtuoso

Karl Urban, Eomer from Rohland, he is also a glorious doumer Reaper

Laaapochka ... At least scratch right behind the ear. Cute.

Difficult case: Southerners. Italians, Spaniards, Latinos

Adrian Paul. Oh Gorets...

Mark Frankel. Favorite vampire from the most beloved vampire series.

Jason Momoa
Specialist Ronon Dex from Atlantis.
Quite a special case.
What is called, torknulo. It just clicked, jumped and sunk. Instantly. It is on the character (as usual, however). Appearance and personality...
Appearance, if you look closely - well, yes. It. The shape of the eyes, the shape of the eyebrows, the beloved jaw, again. The jaws here under the beard are not visible at all, but it is there, exactly, exactly, I checked it from other pictures. Facial features are smoother and more rounded, not as hard and defined as those of Dolph's favorite Caucasoid Iceberg Viking; Our Jason is a Hawaiian-Polynesian, such a bright exotic tropical orchid, Malibu lifeguard. Kr-razavchik.

And this wild orchid will be the new Conan the Barbarian, after all ...
And the character of the hero ... He hooked something in me. Some kind of cunning mechanism in the psyche worked ...
Firstly, there is such a confident feeling that if I were a man and find myself in a similar situation ... Well, this is what would have happened from me.
And secondly…
(Shush, right-brain! I know your "second" and why are you so dragged by him: he looks like your first. Imprinting. And now - conditioned reflex. And plus the projection on similarity, that's the whole "mechanism")
How I love his smile! So mocking, and you won’t understand whether he is laughing at you, or at himself. Or over the situation in general.

Another indicative type.
Mel Gibson. Harrison Ford. Bruce Willis.

The type is called "ordinary man".
Nothing special in appearance. Zero point. They do not attract attention either by beauty or ugliness.
On the radar they are reflected in the background. Ordinary normal average men.
Invisible until they move. They won't smile, they won't give anything out into space. That's when...

Terribly charismatic men, monstrously. So powerful charisma that the appearance is simply not visible.

Jason Statham. Russell Crowe. Sam Worthington

Type of ... um ... "hello tree."
Repeats the previous one, but without that stunning charisma. Ordinary.
No, really? This is the last one, which is Worthington: and this is Perseus in the "Clash of the Titans", an ancient hero, a demigod, a golden-haired handsome man? What, really? You are a Marine, Jake Sully. And do not climb on Pegasus, do not make people laugh.

An interesting type is “synthetic people”.
Like, beautiful. But definitely not men (it's especially funny to watch them paired with the previous type)
Some kind of third gender or androgyne. So angels were painted on medieval frescoes. Synthetic sexless beauty. Doll.
Models mainly: Andrej Pejic, Paul Boche, Roger Garth, Martin Cohn, James Varley, Anatoly Elgert

The classifier dried up and fell silent: without the enthusiastic cries of the aesthete - boring ...

And the esthete grabbed a gigabyte pile of Dean-Jensen photos under him, curled up on it, like a dragon on countless treasures, and, blissfully squinting and rumbling with satiety, calmed down ...

Hello Jensen Ackles. Briefly and interestingly about him in our review. :)

Jensen Ackles Born March 1, 1978 in Dallas (Texas, USA) in the family of actor Alan Roger Ackles and Donna Joan Schaeffer. Jensen has an older brother, Joshua (b. 1975) and a younger sister, Mackenzie (b. 1985). Has Irish, English and Scottish roots.
Jensen Ackles graduated from Dartmouth Elementary School in Richardson, Texas in 1990, then moved to Apollo High School, graduating in 1993, and graduated from Berkner High School in 1996. After graduating from high school, Jensen was going to attend the University of Texas as a physical therapist, but then decided to become an actor and moved to Los Angeles.

Even as a child, he starred in advertising for children's products. Jensen Ackles' acting career began in 1996 when he appeared in cameo roles on television series such as Mister Rhodes, Sweet Valley High, and Cybill. In 1997, he landed the role of Eric Brady on NBC's Days of Our Lives.

Personal life
After three years Dating, Jensen announced his engagement to American actress, fashion model and gymnast Danneel Harris in November 2009. On May 15, 2010, in Dallas, Texas, they got married. On May 30, 2013, the couple had a daughter, who was named Justice J "JJ" Ackles.

The time of year that Eccles prefers:
- Autumn (but earlier Jensen replied that it was: "Definitely Christmas - holidays, cold, lights, air!", as well as New Year's Eve 1999, which Jensen spent with his close friends in Texas).
Jensen on his qualities:
Its best quality:
- My best feature is that I am patient, and it is easier for me to live with it.
Its worst quality:
- I am very, very competitive, especially in video games.
- I was often afraid out of insecurity, but now I'm getting above it.
What he dislikes most about his appearance:
- Hair.

Jensen Ackles likes:
Jensen loves to take pictures and go horseback riding. He likes boogie boarding. Jensen loves "root bear" - a fizzy drink made from root vegetables, flavored with nutmeg, etc.
The best gift Jensen has ever received:
- Love
What did he like to do high school:
- I was an athlete in high school. He played on the lacrosse and baseball teams. I started taking acting lessons just for fun. I was the only athlete in the theater department.
City he likes:
- Austin, Texas.

About food:
Jensen's food preferences:
- Steak (Jensen previously mentioned pasta, preferably penne with red meat sauce, and something called "Chicken noodle soup").
"Snack" for the night:
- Dark Chocolate and Cracker Animals (Jensen previously listed Gummi Bears and Fruit Smoothies as appetizers)
Least favorite food:
- Sushi.

The first thing Jensen would do when visiting New York:
- Probably would have run into “Ray's pizza” ... (“Ray's Pizza”)
If he ate last time in life:
- ... the biggest steak and the biggest potatoes that could be. And I would share it with my family.

About sport:
Sports Jensen prefers to play:
- Football. Jensen has also had the good fortune to try out snowboarding, surfing and, thanks to Tom Welling (Kent Clarke in Smallville), Jensen has tried his hand at golf, although, by his own admission, he is not very good at it.
Sports that Jensen likes to watch when he has free time:
- Basketball,
and he is rooting for:
- Dallas Mavericks (we are talking about the basketball team)
Jensen himself often played basketball for the Hollywood Knights.

Jensen took part in the recording of three albums of his good friend Steve Carlson. His backing vocals can be heard on: “Spot in the Corner” and “Rollin' On”, and some of his vocal performances can be found both in his acting work and on some shows and performances.
Jensen's favorite songs:
- "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen, performed by Jeff Buckley. Jensen's previous favorites: Lynyrd Skynyrd "Freebird".

Jensen's favorites among musical artists:
- Ben Harper, Nina Simone, Martin Sexton, Jeff Buckley, Chet Baker

Some humorous quotes about the actor unknown author (

Jensen Ross Ackles is the erogenous zone of the universe.
If you count all the freckles of Jensen Ross Ackles, then the Higher Truth will open.
One copy of Jensen Ross Ackles is forever hidden in the Paris Chamber of Weights and Measures, for it is absolute.
In fact, Jensen Ross Ackles' legs are parallel and the geometry is wrong.
Kissing Jensen Ross Ackles is officially the death penalty.
Only Jensen Ross Ackles can resist Jensen Ross Ackles because "what didn't I see?"
There are no mirrors in Jensen Ross Ackles' house because Jensen Ross Ackles is irresistible.
In fact, Jensen Ross Ackles' lashes are removed in mascara ads, and strangers are added to them later in Photoshop.
Jensen Ross Ackles clothes fight in his closet at night for the right to put on his body in the morning.

Compilation Iris Lubov23

Briefly about the main:

Full name: Jensen Ross Ackles
Height: 1 meter 83 cm
Eye color: green walnut; sometimes wears colored contact lenses
Nickname on the set of the series: Jay
Date of Birth: March 1, 1978
Zodiac sign: Fish
Place of Birth: Dallas (Texas, USA)
Parents: Alan Roger - actor and Donna Joan Schaeffer
Older brother: Joshua (DR 1975)
Younger sister: Mackenzie (DR 1985)
Primary School: Dartmouth Elementary, Richardson, Texas Graduated in 1990
Incomplete high school: Apollo Junior High, Richardson, Texas Graduated in 1993
High school: LV Berkner High School, Richardson, Texas Graduated in 1996
graduate School(postgraduate): sports medicine, wanted to become a physiotherapist
Model work: from age 2 to 4, then resumed filming at age 10 until he moved to California - at that time he was 18. He was especially busy in his early years.
Actor career: started after high school, upon arrival in Los Angeles (for college).
Hobby: sports, video games, horseback riding, and having fun with friends. Jensen is a fan of the Dallas Cowboys.

Full filmography:

1965 - 2008 Days of Our Lives (TV Series) - ...Eric Brady
1995 - 1998 Wishbon the dreamer dog (TV series) - ...Michael Duss
1995 - 1998 Cybill (TV series) - ...David
1998 - 2003 Dawson's Creek (TV series) - ...C.J.
2000 - 2002 Dark Angel (TV Series) - ...Alec
2001 Marilyn Monroe (TV) - ...Eddie G
2001 - 2008 Smallville (TV Series) - ...Jason Teague
2002 - 2008 Advertising Space (TV Series) - ...plays himself
2003 - 2008 Jimmy Kimmel live(series) - ...plays himself
2005 Devourer of Souls - ...Jake Gray
2005 - 2008 Supernatural (TV series) - ...Dean Winchester
2007 Ten inch hero - ...priestly
2009 My Bloody Valentine 3-D - ...Tom
2004 - The Plight of Clownana

Jensen Ackles has Irish, English and Scottish roots. Jensen's parents named him Jensen because they found other names too common and simple, like Justin. After the birth, Jensen remained nameless for three days. His mother looked through the psalter in the church and, finally, the surname of the author who wrote one of the church hymns was chosen in his name.

Jensen's attitude towards faith:

I consider myself an unfanatic Christian. I grew up in the church, on the teachings of the Bible, and I still keep the faith close to me. (But at the same time, the Dean character himself can be called a 100% skeptic regarding religion, because he believes only in Demons).

What's especially Texan about Jensen:

I'm from Texas and I'd like to do an old-fashioned Western gun-throwing (We're talking about the classic Western gun-slinging and tossing, which is considered an honor for every self-respecting cowboy to do).

Jensen's preferred time of year:
- Autumn (but earlier Jensen replied that it was: "Definitely Christmas - holidays, cold, lights, air!", as well as New Year's Eve 1999, which Jensen spent with his close friends in Texas).

Jensen on his qualities:

Its best quality:
- My best feature is that I am patient, and it is easier for me to live with it.

Its worst quality:
- I am very, very competitive, especially in video games.
- I was often afraid out of insecurity, but now I'm getting above it.

What he dislikes most about his appearance:
- Hair.

Jensen Ackles likes:

Jensen loves to take pictures and go horseback riding. He likes boogie boarding. Jensen loves "root bear" - a fizzy drink made from root vegetables, flavored with nutmeg, etc. Jensen's favorite subject in school was Algebra.

The best gift Jensen has ever received:
- Love

What he liked to do in High School:
- I was an athlete in high school. He played on the lacrosse and baseball teams. I started taking acting lessons just for fun. I was the only athlete in the theater department.

The city he likes
- Austin, Texas

Jensen spends his time driving between Burbank, California and Vancouver, British Columbia.

Preferred public organization:
- "Young Life" (Young Life). It is a Christian organization for high school teenagers, under the auspices of the Ministry of Youth. They offer picnics and ski trips and they have a camp (referring to Jensen's teenage years).

About food:

Jensen's food preferences:
- Steak (Jensen previously mentioned pasta, preferably penne with red meat sauce, and something called "Chicken noodle soup").

"Snack" for the night:
- Dark Chocolate and Cracker Animals (Jensen previously listed Gummi Bears and Fruit Smoothies as appetizers)

Gummi Bear Cookies for Jensen:
- I'm a crazy Gummi fan. I always have Gummy in my trailer. But you won't be able to eat a lot of them, because then you get a tummy just like a Gummy, and that doesn't make sense. I can't believe I'm saying this out loud.

Least favorite food:
- Sushi.

The first thing Jensen would do when visiting New York:
- Probably would have run into “Ray's pizza” ... (“Ray's Pizza”)

If he ate for the last time in his life:
- ... the biggest steak and the biggest potatoes that could be. And I would share it with my family.

About sport:

Sports Jensen prefers to play:
- Football. Jensen has also had the good fortune to try out snowboarding, surfing and, thanks to Tom Welling (Kent Clarke in Smallville), Jensen has tried his hand at golf, although, by his own admission, he is not very good at it.

Sports that Jensen likes to watch when he has free time:
- Basketball,
and he is rooting for:
- Dallas Mavericks (we are talking about the basketball team)

Jensen himself often played basketball for the Hollywood Knights.

Jensen's idol among athletes:
- Steve Nash

Even though basketball's favorite Steve Nash plays for the Phoenix Suns, who bought him from the Dallas Mavericks.


Jensen took part in the recording of three albums of his good friend Steve Carlson. His backing vocals can be heard on: “Spot in the Corner” and “Rollin' On”, and some of his vocal performances can be found both in his acting work and on some shows and performances.

Last gig Jensen went to:
- A very close friend of mine, Jason Manns, gives performances... quite often, and I often go to them (and take part in the recording of songs very often)... Other than him... I think it was Martin Sexton.

Jensen's favorite songs:
- "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen, performed by Jeff Buckley. Jensen's previous favorites: Lynyrd Skynyrd "Freebird".

Jensen's favorites among musical artists:
- Ben Harper, Nina Simone, Martin Sexton, Jeff Buckley, Chet Baker, to name a few (Jensen previously singled out Garth Brooks - country style)

Favorite CD:
- The Steve Miller Orchestra - the greatest hits.

Leisure Jensen Ackles:

Jensen likes to spend holidays:
- In Bora Bora, Napa Valley

Jensen's favorite books:
- "The Source" (by Ayn Rand) and the Bible.

Movies Jensen watches:
- It changes all the time (however, earlier Jensen quite specifically stated the trilogy “Indiana Jones” and noted the film “Good Will Hunting”). As a child, Jensen enjoyed watching Thundercats (“Thundercats”).

Favorite TV Show:
- "Practice". Previously - "West Wing" - "West Wing", and to the show of a scandalous nature, for example, like the J. Springer show, Jensen dislikes.

"Dislike" by Jensen Ackles:

Biggest Concern:
- Change (become different). Also professional advancement in Hollywood ... Ackles is not particularly keen on this.

Jensen is angry:
- Lateness, late visits, stoppages in business, unforeseen obstacles (Jensen gave the same answer earlier).

Jensen's most hated part of homework:
- Cleaning the toilet. With three guys in the same house, it can be a little disgusting (probably talking about a long time ago, when Jensen did not yet have his own personal apartment and was forced to share shelter with several guys).

Why Jensen doesn't want to be on some reality shows (when many have already been on them):
- You know... I wrote a long explanation of what I thought about this, I think... but decided not to voice it, because it's all about how our world and reality are already corrupted enough, plus - I can get enough of it from newspapers and news... I like to watch TV. And movies to distance yourself from reality into a fictional world. Why do you think we read fictional books and stories in school? To expand our knowledge and creativity. In reality, you don't get that by watching reality TV contestants.

Jensen Ackles Talents:

Nobody knows that Jensen can:
-…… belly dance............. I'm just kidding.... no, seriously (in his early replies, Jensen said: "No one knows that I can sing" - he plays on guitar and singing.His vocal abilities have been appreciated by fans on Supernatural and some fan meetings, as well as by those who listen to John Munns recordings).

What would be amazing to know about him:
- I make better fruit smoothies than anyone else

Biggest achievement:
- Independent life In Los Angeles.

Jensen Ackles Career:

Jensen's first television appearance was in "Wishbone"; He was still in high school then.

The most awesome thing Jensen has ever done:
- Graduated from High School and moved to Los Angeles (in order to become an actor) in 1996.

How Jensen got interested in acting:
- My father is an actor in Dallas. I grew up surrounded by his work - not in the sense that I was immersed in it all the time, I was just familiar with his work, saw and studied scripts (and to this day for Jensen, the main idol is his father, who gives support to his son, gives advice sharing experience).

How Jensen Became a Discovery:
- When I was a sophomore, a friend asked me to go to a local audition with him. Two guys (Ackles' future manager Craig Vogo and agent Michael Einfeld) were very interested in me and wanted me to go to Los Angeles. But I first wanted to finish High School before anything like that. I thought they would just forget about me, but they stuck around for two years.

How did he decide to come to California:
- Before I got higher education, I came to Los Angeles for literally two weeks to see what was discussed (we are talking about a project where Jensen was offered a role). I was already registered for admission to the University Technical College. I had the whole set of disciplines, I even chose a profile. However, I went to my first audition, a guest role on Sweet Valley High. I auditioned for an "independent film" but I wasn't able to participate because I wasn't going to stay in the city long enough. After that, my manager and agent told me that I should be here. I was still quite skeptical, so I went back home and talked to my parents. I always consult with my parents when I ask myself the question: “What should I do?”. In the end, I decided to stay here for a semester or two. If nothing had happened, I would have returned home. I was here in September 1996.

How I got into Days of Our Lives:
I started auditioning for Days of Our Lives on April 1st but didn't actually play on tape until July. And on my first day, I walked into the dressing room, where there was a stack of letters, about 50 envelopes, waiting for me from fans. It was a bit overwhelming. I walked around thinking, "This can't be my room," but it was her. It was crazy. I read each letter individually.

Jensen auditioned for the role of Eric in "Days of Our Lives" with Christy Clark (photo), who was supposed to play his sister. However, in the scene they acted out, Christy was not his sister and they were supposed to kiss.

First real breakthrough in Hollywood:
- The first time I tried comedy on NBC was Mr. Rhodes. I played Malcolm, one of the students. This lasted 18 weeks. It was really cool to get my first full-time job. I was able to provide for myself right away.

Impressions from the first filming of "Days of Our Lives":
- My first scenes were with Drake Hogestyn and Deidre Hall (John and Marlena). They were both very nice. They came up to me, introduced themselves, and said, "Welcome to the family." This made me feel at home.

Failed project:
Jensen was supposed to play the role of Michael Vartan in "Never Been Kissed" at the special request of Drew Barrymore, but, unfortunately, he was unable to take part in this project due to inconsistencies between the schedules of the new project with the already launched "Days of our lives."

Memorable moment for Jensen in his career:
- Working with James Cameron (in Dark Angel).

Jensen's impressions of the underwater stunt in "Supernatural":
The trick under water with breath holding was performed with the participation of a 10-year-old actor.
- Before this trick, I didn't know what it was like to be held underwater against your will, but it's a very unsettling feeling... Holding your breath long enough for the camera to rotate was very hard mentally. I held the life of a 10-year-old co-star in my hands.

Jensen on his injuries on the set of Supernatural:
- I step into the shower, and it will be something like this: “Stop!” I will find a new abrasion, scrape or bruise... I will feel it on my elbow and I will think: “Oh, amazing!”

What Jensen has to say about Dean and Sam:
- Our characters never know who or what they will be dealing with on any given occasion. They live their lives in uncertainty and not at all a little fear.

What Jensen likes the most about his job:
- What I enjoy the most is traveling to different places and meeting new people. For me, all this is important, it is a new experience, new knowledge about life, and I am very grateful that my work allows me to do so many interesting things.

Jensen on the script:
- It's a bit scary... David Winkler, the son of the famous director Irwin Winkler, snaps the screen, directs the process, the shooting goes on - it's always such a tricky situation... I think the existing script is completed, but it is being rewritten during filming. This lengthens the whole process for a somewhat longer period than one might imagine.

Favorite episode of Jensen in "Supernatural":
- "Home". This provided a good impetus for further fate Dean and Sam.

Jensen's impressions from the filming of "Supernatural":
- While working on the show, I study what all this stuff means... like white spots or some kind of electromagnetic waves, or crackling noises, dim lights and everything like that that we deal with every day. And when I'm in a hotel room, it gets really cool when the lights start to flicker... an acquired reflex is triggered: "So! Where are my weapons and salt when I need it..."

Jensen on his roles:
- Every role that I chose to audition, I really wanted to get ... If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t have achieved it.

Some facts from acting career Jensen:

The theme of many of Jensen's acting works is somehow connected with evil spirits. So, in the television series "Days of Our Lives" the mother of his hero was possessed by the devil; in the film Soul Eater, his character was the son of Satan; in the television series "Supernatural" Jensen's character fights against the creatures of evil. In one of the episodes of "Supernatural" - "Scarecrow" Jensen and Jared Padalecki in between takes, to brighten up the expectation, fought over an apple. While filming the episode "Bugs", Jensen was repeatedly stung by bees.

- Clone history: In "Dark Angel", Jensen's character Alec has a clone who becomes an assassin in the sequence. In "Supernatural", Dean is attacked by a monster that takes the form of Dean and harms people on his behalf.

Jensen starred in Soul Eater with his father Alan.

Jensen auditioned for the role of Kent Clark in Smallville but lost out to Tom Welling. However, he got the role of Jason Teague; he and Kristin Krek (photo) had a spontaneous mutual liking during the audition process.

In 2004, Jensen was the executive producer of The Plight of Clownana.

Jensen was offered the role of Eliza Dushku's boyfriend (photo) in the series "Back from the Dead", I himself wanted to get a role in "Smallville". Ultimately, the role of the boyfriend went to Eric Christian Olsen (photo).

Jensen has been on three WB projects: Dawson's Creek, Smallville, and Supernatural.

Jensen Ackles and his entourage:

Jensen is friendly with his real-life Supernatural co-stars, especially Jared Padalecki and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

Jensen is rumored to be friends with Jessica Simpson (photo) - they both lived in Texas. Jensen also maintains a friendship with country singer LeAnn Rimes (photo). She asked Jensen to match her at one of the award ceremonies. But both say they are just friends (note: LeAnn is married). More Jensen in good relations with Alona Tal and Christian Kane (photo).

Jensen's opinion about his main partner in the series - Jared Padalecki:
When Jared and I met, we immediately became friends. He's five years younger than me, so that was great. I knew that it would spur my desire to be a big brother, and he knew that it would spur his desire to be younger brother- we simply and quickly converged in the same rhythm ... I try to corrupt the little guy, but sometimes I have to respect his relationship with actress Sandra McCoy (photo).

What gives him strength:
- Family support (Jensen's grandmother sent him messages and cards once a week so he wouldn't be homesick when he was busy filming Days of Our Lives).

Jensen on his father:
- I talk to my dad a lot. He gives me a lot important tips. And he has the best sense of humor. He is my hero.

The quality Jensen likes the most in a co-star:
- Sense of humor.

Jensen on fans:
- The fans are very cool. And they are avid fans of the genre. When they come up to us, the conversations are not necessarily personal about us - they are about work... It's very flattering.

Jensen on women:
- Me and my buddies say “He who has IT”: sarcasm, high-brow humor. Ultimately, someone you can be friends with and be intimate with. Someone who can laugh at your jokes may sound bad, but someone who can be your best friend can also be your lover.

I love the smell of shampoo on a girl's hair. You might be walking past someone and all of a sudden, “Wow, you took a shower this morning, didn't you? Because you smell great!”

What Jensen likes about women's clothing:
- Dressed in a variety of ways: blue jeans and a tight top are super sexy. But the sexiest thing on a girl is when I see it, it's, "Oh my God!" - men's wide underpants (similar to boxers). Don't get me wrong, G-strings are great, but this wrap is too small to cover what needs to be...

Jensen's best gift to a woman:
- It was a pearl ring of my design, which I ordered for her. I also chose pearls myself.

Funny "features" of Jensen:

The last thing he does before he goes to bed is:
- I read prayers ...

The first thing Jensen does in the morning is:

Jensen was named "Sexiest Ghostbusters" in 2005, as was co-star Jared Padalecki.

Memories of Jensen Ackles:

Memorable event from school days:
- When I was in High School, some of my so-called friends found pictures in a catalog of me wearing Superman's pajamas. They made as many copies as they could and posted them all over the school...

Worst gift Jensen ever gave:
- The worst gift I ever gave a girl was a suitcase for Christmas. It was something like this: “I couldn’t figure out what to give you, but ... here is a new suitcase.” And a little later I was worried: “What were you thinking, idiot?”

A memory that confuses Jensen:
- I was about 13 years old at the time and participated in a photo shoot for a catalogue. The shooting took place on the territory of one educational institution. I was wearing jeans about three sizes too small, so they pulled together at the “back” and ended up tearing my leg when I leaned too hard on one leg. Everything looked great from the front, but from the back……… Suddenly the bell rang and the students poured into the street… And at that time I was standing with my bare “rear”… It was not funny.

First kiss:
- I was still a preschooler (up to 7 years old), and one girl kissed me on the cheek. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what that meant, so I immediately grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips. But the girl immediately pulled away from me.

Extreme fan case:
- Sometimes if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time... and you're walking out of a bar and some guy's girlfriend recognizes you.... Then her boyfriend gets excited - which can be bad. The same thing happened to me and Jared once.


Jensen Ackles
c/o Jensen Ackles Fan Club
PO Box 850812
TX 75085-0812

Jensen Ackles
c/o Warner Bros.
4000 Warner Boulevard
Burbank CA 91522
