Are there days off in the army? Soldier's joys

The routine in the army can be divided into the following days:

  • The first is bath days.
  • The second is ordinary days.
  • And, of course, weekends and holidays.

Bath days are Monday and Thursday

Although in most cases there is no bathhouse as such, the word has stuck. On this day, soldiers wash and take a shower. Change underwear. Usually this happens 1-2 times in 7 days, per week.

Let's take a closer look at this day.

Rise, as on regular days, at 6:00. The orderly’s command sounds in the company: “Company, get up!” After this command, the military personnel must quickly gather and march at a pace morning exercises. There is construction, verification and exit.

The next command is to exercise! From 6:05 to 6:30 morning exercises in the fresh air.

From 6:30 to 7:00 morning toilet, make the beds.

From 7:00 to 7:20 there is a morning inspection, checking appearance military personnel. This inspection includes checking both clothing, shoes, and appearance. Patients are identified, and if there are any, they are immediately sent to the infirmary.

Now all the necessary preliminary morning chores have been done, now it’s time to have breakfast. Breakfast lasts from 7:20 to 8:00.

The next event is the divorce, raising the flag, morning training. Time from 8:00 to 9:00. Conventional training is carried out in drill training, public and state training, as well as in such types as radiation, chemical and biological protection (hereinafter referred to as RCBD) and some other subjects.

From 9:00 to 14:00 studies take place with 10 minute breaks in each academic hour.

Before lunch there is a control check - this is from 14:00 to 14:20. The presence of military personnel on site is checked, if not, then where?

Favorite pastime: lunch! From 14:20 to 15:00. After lunch, personal time and divorce for the afternoon - this happens until 15:30.

And here are the features of the bath day. These events separate these days - Monday and Thursday - from the general days of service. These days, military personnel do the following things: wash, shave, and do personal hygiene. The time allocated for all this is from 15:30 to 18:00.

The next control check takes place from 18:00 to 18:20.

Military dinner – 18:20-19:00.

The warrior’s personal time is from 19:00 to 21:00. During this time, the serviceman can attend to his personal affairs: write a letter, read a book, or do other things.

It is mandatory to watch information programs like “Time” from 21:00 to 21:15.

Then the military personnel take an evening walk - marching with songs. Time – 21:15-21:35.

After the walk - evening check - 21:35-21:45 and then the command is given: “All clear”! This already means 22:00. It's time to get into bed and sleep until the next morning.

Regular days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

The daily routine on ordinary days is slightly different from bath days and weekends. Let's look at how they differ.

Wednesday, morning training, classes on NBC protection. They are practicing personal protective equipment.

But from 15:30 to 18:00 they take place training sessions- this is Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. That's probably all the differences between these days.

Weekends and holidays – Saturday, Sunday and holidays

On Saturday from 6:00 to 15:30 the daily routine is similar to the routine on ordinary days (getting up, morning exercises, checking, classes in the morning, lunch for military personnel).

From 15:30 to 15:30 the results of the past week are summed up and plans for the next week are outlined.

From 16:00 to 18:00, park and housekeeping activities, putting things in order in the premises and on the territory.

Further times (18:10-22:00) are the same on weekdays. Moreover, from 19:00 to 21:00 is personal time.

In Sunday the rise occurs a little later, namely at 7:30, that is, the military personnel are allowed to sleep for as much as 9.5 hours! In addition, there is no mandatory morning exercise. So, after getting up, the routine will be as follows.

We have already talked to you in a separate article. It's time to talk about a shorter period of life - a week. I will say right away that the weeks themselves are extremely similar to each other.

Therefore, I will group the most similar days among themselves and analyze them in detail. First weekdays, then weekends. Let's take a look at the daily routine in the army right now.

Daily routine in the army

Of course, dividing the days of the week into micro groups is conditional. Officially there is no division. Everyone has the right to figure out how to divide them. Some people don't share at all. I have developed the following scheme for dividing the days of the week based on my service experience:

  • Bath days.
  • Common days.
  • Weekend.

The first two types relate to everyday life, but the last one is not worth commenting on yet. We will analyze the weekend in detail at the end of the article. Let's go in order.

Daily routine in the army. Bath days: Monday and Thursday

The word “bathhouse” comes from “banya”. Previously, soldiers washed in baths 1–2 times a week. The number of bath days has remained unchanged even now, but we do not have a bathhouse itself.

Therefore, our bathhouse is being replaced by taking a shower, but the very name “bath days” is still actively used in colloquial speech military personnel of any ranks. You can't escape tradition!

So, what is the peculiarity of bath days in relation to other types? Let's figure it out from the very beginning.

06.00 — rise

The orderly's command sounds to the entire company location: “Company, get up,” after which each serviceman blows himself up and quickly gets ready for morning physical exercises.

Upon returning to the company after charging, we are divided into approximately two halves. The first ones make their beds first, then go wash. The latter, on the contrary, wash themselves first. We do this so as not to create a long queue at the sinks.

06.30-07.00 - making beds and morning toilet

At 07.00 the entire company is already standing on the central aisle wearing the required uniform and preparing to conduct morning inspection.

07.00-07.20 - morning inspection of the appearance of military personnel

In 20 minutes, squad commanders conduct a morning inspection of all servicemen of their squads, and, therefore, of the entire company.

Your appearance and availability of necessary things with you are checked.

For example, the cleanliness of combat boots, the neatness of uniforms, the length of hair on the head, the smooth shavenness of each soldier, and much more are often checked. The same thing is checked every day, so there is no need to panic here.

You will go through this once, and then you will know and follow everything you need. Moreover, during the morning inspection, military personnel are given time to eliminate the noticed defects in appearance.

One of the important parts of the morning inspection is the recording by the company duty officer of all military personnel who need to go to the infirmary. We are very concerned about and care for our patients. No one here wants the whole company to be sick. If you cough, go to the infirmary. If your temperature rises, go to the infirmary.

“There’s no need to be a hero! You’ll be patient now, and tomorrow you’ll infect your comrade.” This is how we are taught.

07.20-08.00 — breakfast

We have breakfast in the dining room with the whole company. And even more precisely - to everyone. One by one. We come to the dining room one at a time and have breakfast, respectively, also in turn. I will also write a separate article about food in the army, because there is something to tell there too. Overall - good!

For this purpose, on Mondays there is a general institute divorce and raising of the flag on the large parade ground.

An army parade is an event on a large/small parade ground, when all units of the institute/battalion gather, greet the chief, listen to a speech, or hold important events (for example, award ceremonies).

The ceremonial raising of the flag may also take place on the large parade ground. Russian Federation and the performance of the Russian Anthem by military personnel.

After the end of the planned events, all units take turns marching in front of the commander to the accompaniment of a military orchestra or artificial musical accompaniment (music in the speakers on the parade ground).

On Thursdays, in turn, from 08.00 to 09.00 there are morning training sessions and training sessions on the small parade ground.

08.00-09.00 - raising and raising the flag on the large parade ground on Mondays/morning training and raising the flag on the small parade ground on Thursdays

Morning training is a half-hour event aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and developing skills on specific topics of the lesson.

Sometimes they are carried out after serious jambs of a platoon/company in order to eliminate such jambs in the future. An example on jambs - a training session on making beds.

Sometimes morning training sessions are replaced by morning information sessions. Usually once a week. Then the company sits down in the information and leisure room and listens last news in the country and in the world over the past week.

09.00 - 14.00 - training sessions (pairs)

The schedule is:

  • 09.00-10.45 - I pair.
  • 10.50-12.40 - II pair.
  • 12.50-14.00 - III pair.

In fact, according to the schedule, the 3rd pair goes longer. But it is deliberately shortened in order to return the company to the barracks, build on the central aisle and hold the next event.

14.00-14.20 - control check

It is very important to understand that in the army there are 2 events that are similar in meaning, but different in meaning and name. This control examination And evening verification. I will talk about the latter later.

The meaning of the control check is clear from the name. The company duty officer checks the presence of military personnel. Is everything in place? And if not, where is it?

14.20-15.00 - lunch

Another one of my favorite activities every day. Lunch may be a little late, because they really give you a lot to eat. And we are happy about it!

15.15-15.30 - divorce

This divorce, unlike the morning ones, takes place on a small parade ground and not for the entire institute, but for our battalion. It is conducted by the battalion commander or, in the absence of the latter, by his deputy.

15.30-18.00 – bath day events

And here is what sets Monday and Thursday apart from the general mass of days. These are bath days, which means after lunch we will go wash/shave/do personal hygiene. A little time for yourself won't hurt.

18.00-18.20 - control check

Another control check on the central passage in the barracks. We check whether everyone managed to do everything that was needed. That is, they brought themselves and their appearance into full order.

18.20-19.00 - dinner

I wanted to write that this is the final pleasant event for the day, but no... There is one more thing. Want to know which one? - Read on! ;-)

19.00-21.00 - time for personal needs

Wash, shave, iron, hem, mend. You can continue verbs endlessly.

IN Lately They began to actively go to the company gym at this time. You can find half an hour or an hour of free time a day here. And nowhere else.

21.00-21.15 — watching the TV program “Time”

This is what I don’t like. I don't like watching TV at all. But in the army it doesn’t matter what you like and what you don’t. There is such a word - necessary.

21.15-21.35 - evening walk

We get dressed, line up and go outside. We walk around the territory as part of the company and sing drill songs. We already have 5 of these in our company. We are learning a few more.

At the same time, they can take those who smoke to the smoking room to smoke. But this is not about me. At this time I’m just standing on the sidelines with the guys who don’t smoke. We communicate on different topics.

21.35-21.45 — evening verification

And here she is. Evening verification, not just another check. So what is it?

After walking on the command of the company duty officer, “Company, for evening roll call - STAND UP,” the deputy platoon commanders line up their units for roll check. The company duty officer, having formed the company, reports to the foreman about the formation of the company for the evening roll call.

The company sergeant major or the person replacing him gives the command “Attention” and begins the evening roll call. At the beginning of the evening roll call, he names the military ranks, the names of the servicemen who were included in the company list forever or as honorary soldiers for their feats. Having heard the name of each of the indicated servicemen, the deputy commander of the first platoon reports: “So-and-so ( military rank and surname) died a brave death in battle for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland - the Russian Federation" or "An honorary soldier of the company (military rank and surname) is in the reserve."
After this, the company sergeant-major verifies the company personnel according to the name list. Hearing his last name, each serviceman answers: “I am.” Squad commanders are responsible for those who are absent.
For example: “On guard”, “On vacation”.
At the end of the evening roll call, the company sergeant major gives the command “FREE”, announces orders and instructions regarding all military personnel, the order for the next day and makes (specifies) the combat crew in case of alarm, fire and other emergencies emergency situations, as well as in case of a sudden attack on the location of a military unit (unit).

Got it? Verification is a sacred military ritual and dates back to the times of the Great Patriotic War. It was then that it was invented and began to be actively used.

Soldiers must know the names of the heroes of our time. I really respect and honor this event. That’s why I cringe when another orderly, standing on the bedside table, pronounces the wrong command: “Company, stand up for the evening inspection!”

22.00 — lights out

But on the contrary, I really love the command of the same orderly “Company, lights out!” After it, everyone scatters to their sleeping places and goes to bed. The most pleasant moment of every day...

Daily routine in the army. Regular days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

If you have read the entire article up to this point, then I can congratulate you. You have read more than one and a half thousand words. That's why I don't want to describe these ordinary days in detail either. Moreover, they are not much different from bathhouses.

Let's talk about the differences.

08.00-08.40 — morning training on NBC protection on Wednesdays

Wednesday is RCBD day. This means that Wednesday is the only day of the week when we all receive our gas masks in the morning, put them on ourselves and wear them all day.

No, no, you misunderstood me. We don’t put it on our faces… We put bags with gas masks on our shoulders. :-)

But we put it on our heads at the command “Gas!”

The correct execution of this particular command is practiced at the morning training on NBC protection every Wednesday.

Yes, and during the day it can sound several times. Therefore, Wednesday is a day of maximum concentration!

15.30-18.00 - training sessions

Yeah. These are not bath days. We have couples here on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Here, in fact, are all the main differences between bath days and ordinary days.

Let's move on to the most interesting...

Daily routine in the army. Days off: Saturday and Sunday

The schedule for both days is developed in the week before their occurrence.

Usually on Wednesday. On Wednesday, the schedule for the next weekend is worked out, printed and approved.

It has regular events and ones that change every week. I also suggest going in order!


06.00-15.30 - same as normal days

Rise, exercise, inspection, breakfast, steam before lunch, lunch, return to the company. But then...

15.30-15.55 - summing up the week

Summing up is carried out in the following format.

The company is seated on the central aisle or in the information and leisure room, after which the company commander or his deputy for work with personnel sums up the results.

The best and worst military personnel are celebrated. By discipline and knowledge. Sometimes they are singled out by sport. For example, a week ago I was tagged in better side, because I ran 3rd from the platoon at a distance of 1 kilometer.

After this, priority tasks for the next week are identified and those responsible are assigned to the premises of the barracks for further activities of the park and economic day.

16.00-18.00 - carrying out park and business day activities

In general, if you translate from Russian into Russian, it will turn out like this: “Saturday = subbotnik.”

We generalize everything we see. Both the barracks and the territory on the street assigned to the unit.

And so every week...

In parallel with this, creative people are developing their skills. Namely, by issuing combat leaflets. I will write a separate article about what this is about creative implementation in the army. (Yes, yes. There is plenty of that here too!)

18.10-22.00 - same as usual days

With one very important exception. It is on the weekend that you have the opportunity to watch a good army-themed movie on TV.

This happens between 19.00-21.00. In personal time. Everyone is invited to the information and leisure room, where they watch a great movie. Last Saturday we watched the movie “We are from the Future”.


Have you ever heard that the Russian army now has days off? No? Then now know. There are! Only they are very special. Army.

And if you are one of those people who, like me, heard about this before reading this article, then get ready to learn the whole truth about the routine of a typical weekend in the army.

07.30 — rise

That's cool! The most beautiful moment of the week is the “lights out” command the day before on Saturday. Great because you realize the amount of time you can sleep: a whole 9 and a half hours!

The only lines that come to my mind are lines from a song by a famous performer with the words: “This is probably my paradise...”

What do you think? Are we running to exercise? No matter how it is! There is no charging on Sunday. The only morning of the week without morning physical exercise.

Therefore, from the very moment we get up until breakfast, we spend our time making the beds and cleaning ourselves in the morning.

07.30-08.30 - morning toilet and examination
08.30-09.00 — breakfast
09.00-09.30 - watching the TV show “Serving Russia”
09.30-10.00 - legal information for military personnel

We sit down in the information and leisure room for half an hour and listen to what we can and should do and what we cannot do. An example of a legal information topic: “Responsibility of military personnel for the theft of weapons and ammunition.”

10.00-11. 00 - mass sports work

A whole hour of sports! On a weekend! Do you know what I mean?

On the last Sunday the following exercises were performed:

  • Pull-up on the bar.
  • Raising your legs to the bar.

I did 19 pull-ups. Not enough, because they did it with the position fixed from below. As expected. Nevertheless, the second most times in the company. The first one did 20, but I never managed to do it. Next time I will definitely be the first!

11.00-13.00 – watching documentaries

Sometimes there is one long film, sometimes there are several different ones. The point is that we watch war documentaries. Have you watched any? Maybe you can advise? I'll offer it next Sunday.

14.30-15.00 - lunch
15.30-16.30 - sleep

It's time to sleep. It happens and it helps.

16.40-17.20 - conversation with personnel

At this time, the officer conducts a conversation with us on various topics. Not about whatever comes into his head, of course.

An example of a conversation topic: “Intense combat training is a guarantee of strong military discipline.”

17.30-18.10 - soldier's writing hour

The favorite event of all out-of-towners. We write letters to our family and friends. I once wrote and sent two letters to my grandmother. Still keeps it. And I have her letter too.

18.10-22.00 - same as Saturday

Watching a film in your own time is also included in the program.
In total, over the weekend we watch at least one documentary and two feature films.

How's your day off? Better than in civilian life?

I miss sports. But I found a way out. I described this solution in the article ““.

P.S. I think it’s enough to burden you with our daily routine in the army. I think I described it in quite detail.

The main thing is to understand that all days/weeks are extremely similar to each other. The events that I described above take place with me and my comrades every week. It’s very rare that something out of the ordinary happens!

So, how do you like it? Would you like to live with such a daily routine in the army? Share your opinion in the comments right now. It is very interesting to me!

We are waiting for your comments,

The army teaches soldiers discipline and order, and therefore it is not surprising that there is a clear daily routine. The daily routine in the army is determined by the unit commander. This regime is approved for the entire department, and the need to comply with it is the direct responsibility of each soldier. The daily routine may differ significantly for military personnel serving under conscription and under contract. In this case, the officers are given their own special regime.

Following a certain daily routine is one of the basic principles army service. This is one of the main factors of military discipline, the observance of which is very important. In case of violations of the daily routine, the soldier can expect various sanctions in the form of disciplinary sanctions.

The daily routine in the army may vary depending on the following factors:

  • specifics of task execution;
  • type of army.

By call

Military training is compulsory

For conscripted soldiers, a specific plan is established, which involves the conduct and implementation of a number of activities. Part of the time is allocated for study and personal needs of the serviceman.

Routine in weekdays and weekends may vary slightly.

Let's look at an approximate daily routine for conscripts:

  1. 06:00-07:50. At this time, soldiers wake up, do morning exercises, and make their beds. Inspection of military personnel, breakfast and preparation for classes are carried out.
  2. 08:00-08:45. Listening to radio broadcasts. Commanders inform personnel and conduct training. After this, the soldiers are sent to informational sessions.
  3. 09:00-13:50. Class time. Typically there are 5 lessons, each one hour long. There are 10-minute breaks between them. At the end of classes, soldiers are given 10 minutes to clean their shoes.
  4. 14:00-14:30. Lunch time.
  5. 14:30-16:00. Half an hour is allocated for personal time, when soldiers can go about their business. Then there are self-study classes for another hour.
  6. 16:00-18:00. Maintenance in progress military equipment and weapons. After this, the servicemen change their clothes and clean their shoes. After this, the results of the day are summed up.
  7. 18:00-19:00. This time allocated for educational and sports activities.
  8. 19:00-21:00. Hygiene.
  9. 21:00-22:00. Watching television programs of an informational nature, after which 20 minutes are allocated for an evening check.
  10. 22:00. Lights out.

For good service, a serviceman may receive leave for a certain period of time.

As mentioned above, the schedule may vary depending on the day of the week and the need for additional activities. For example, on Mondays before classes there is a general divorce on the parade ground. The purpose of the event is for the commander to announce the results of the past week. He also sets specific tasks and goals for the next week.

Friday is often called “park day” because it involves cleaning and maintaining military equipment. Of course, a certain time is allocated for such actions in the general daily routine.

Saturday also has some differences. There are no usual classes on this day. Instead, soldiers clean the units' premises and surrounding areas. These events are held as part of a park and economic day or PCB.

Sunday is the favorite day of most military personnel. The fact is that the rise on this day is an hour later than usual, thanks to which the soldiers have the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

If the soldier does not have any violations, the commander may release him. This allows the serviceman to leave the territory of the unit. Otherwise, the soldier carries out his free time without leaving the perimeter.

Bath days are also held, which involve allocating a certain time for washing personnel. Most often they are held twice a week. However, an unscheduled shower after housework is possible.

Bath days got their name because previously soldiers actually washed in baths. At the moment, special shower rooms have been installed on the territory of the unit for hygiene procedures.

Daily routine for contract military personnel

The service regime of a contract soldier differs from that of a conscript soldier.

Contract service is work that requires the presence of a soldier in a unit only at a certain time established by regulations. Such soldiers spend the night outside the unit, for which an apartment or dormitory can be used.

The daily routine of a contract soldier is planned in such a way as to maximize his use of combat and service training tasks within the 40 hours per week allocated for service by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If a serviceman is called upon to serve in excess of the weekly norm described above, then the commander is obliged to provide him with a certain time for rest.

Let's consider some features of contract service:

  1. The regulations involve allocating time to the soldier for physical training, lunch and training.
  2. In special cases, round-the-clock duty is possible, but it is carried out only with the appropriate order from the senior command.
  3. When a soldier is called to duty on his day of rest, he automatically receives the right to time off.
  4. By law, a contract soldier has the right to two days off per week. If this is impossible, then overtime is paid or replaced by time off.

Thus, the daily routine of a contract soldier has the following differences from that of a conscript soldier:

  1. Arrival at the unit is carried out daily, from Monday to Friday, at 08:45.
  2. At 17:45 the contract worker's working day ends.
  3. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays physical training from 15:00 to 17:00.
  4. Lunch time is an hour - from 14:00 to 15:00. Contract soldiers have breakfast and dinner at home.

Officers' daily routine

Throughout the day, the officer maintains order and is responsible for each soldier

An officer's daily routine is not much different from the routine of an ordinary soldier. However, in this case, the officer controls his subordinates, and, if necessary, organizes additional events.

The officer is required to arrive at the unit 10-15 minutes before the general rise. After the personnel have risen, a half-hour exercise is carried out. When soldiers are busy in their personal toilet, the officer is given about an hour to plan the day, keep appropriate logs, etc. Part of this time can be used to hold meetings with unit commanders.

After this, the officer accompanies the personnel for breakfast. Then the soldiers line up and are told the plans for the day or some other important information.

While the personnel are in class, the officer is engaged in official business, namely:

  • work with documents;
  • organization of the functioning of the internal outfit;
  • training with personnel;
  • examination internal order etc.

When personnel return from training, the officer is required to take the soldiers to lunch. After this, he continues to monitor compliance with the daily routine until the evening check, carried out 20 minutes before bedtime. Thus, after 22:00 the officer may be free until the next day.

General daily routine of soldiers

Thus, the daily routine of various military personnel is largely similar and involves the following stages:

  1. Morning. Classes are held in the morning and last until lunch.
  2. Day. Lunch, personal time and maintenance of military equipment.
  3. Evening. Sports and educational activities, hygiene, recreation.

Daily routine in the classroom

The training period is up to six months

After conscription, some soldiers are assigned not to combat units, but to training units. Military personnel come here to gain certain skills and knowledge. The training period is 3-6 months, after which young soldiers are distributed to various units.

The approval of the daily routine in the training unit is carried out by the commander. Here, more time is devoted to training personnel in any special skills. Other aspects of the soldiers' lives are practically no different from those typical for combat units.

After a soldier completes training, he can receive one of the following specialties:

  1. Gunner operator, including any related specialties.
  2. Mechanic-driver of military equipment.
  3. Truck crane operator, operator of heavy installations and machines.
  4. Specialties related to radio engineering, airborne and engineering troops.

Often, successful training in a training unit allows a soldier to receive the rank of junior sergeant. To do this, he is additionally trained in the basics of managing a unit, organizing work with subordinates, and gaining basic command skills.

Daily routine at a military school

In this case, the daily routine differs little from that found in military units. Rise at 6 a.m., bedtime at 10 p.m. Many future students of military universities do not even imagine the full extent of the difficulties they will have to face during their studies. The fact is that in the military educational institutions discipline plays no less a role than in a conventional military unit.

Therefore, during the first weeks it is especially difficult for students to get used to their new life, because only a few adhere to such a routine under normal conditions. However, in order to obtain an officer rank and make a career in the army, you have to sacrifice something.
