How to do big ablution ghusl for men. How to properly perform ablution for women

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Should I wash immediately after having intimate relations with my spouse?

After an intimate relationship with your husband (wife), there is no need to immediately perform (ghusl). You can put it off until the morning. The wife of the Prophet Muhammad ‘Aisha reported: “After an intimate relationship, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) [sometimes immediately] fell asleep without touching the water at all [in any way, not even partially washing].”

The main reason that leads to the need to commit complete ablution(ghusl), is the beginning of the next obligatory prayer-namaz, the performance of which requires ritual purity.

I know that a woman must perform a complete ablution after sexual intercourse, but what about oral sex and masturbation? Should a woman perform ablution after this?

After oral sex between husband and wife, is it necessary for the wife to take a full bath?

After oral sex or any other form of bringing the husband to ejaculation, the wife does not need to perform a full ablution. If this concerns the wife herself, then bringing her to orgasm in this way with the presence of appropriate discharge will require performing a complete ablution.

If spouses accidentally touch their genitals in a dream, is it necessary to perform a full ablution?

Such contact, which would disrupt complete ablution, cannot occur in a state of sleep. What appears to be is usually the whispers of Satan, complicating our lives and religious practices.

When a husband touches his wife's genitals with his hand, do they need to perform a complete ablution?

No, don't.

Is the lubricant released during arousal considered impurity (najasa)? If yes, what should you do about it? underwear: Should I put it in the wash or can I just wipe it off?

Does not apply to uncleanliness. You can just wipe it off.

If a man had sexual intercourse with his wife and wants to repeat it, should he perform ablution? Yavar, 24 years old.

Full and small ablutions are necessary before performing the next obligatory (or additional) prayer-namaz. If you are not going to perform the prayer immediately, then you do not need ablution. That is, you can repeat sexual intercourse ten times, without performing a full ablution, if the time for the next obligatory prayer has not arrived or is no longer over, for which you need to restore ritual purity - perform a full ablution.

After my husband and I have sexual intercourse, I perform complete ablution (ghusl). But it happens that after a complete bath, remnants of sperm still come out of me. What should I do in such a situation? Should I renew my complete ablution? Dilia.

No no need.

Do I need to perform a full ablution after my wife kissed (and not only) my genitals? There was no sperm discharge.

Neither you nor her need it.

Is it obligatory to go to relieve yourself after intimacy with your spouse before taking a full bath? Is this fard, wajib? Is failure to do so a sin? Abd, 33 years old.

Not necessary, but it helps the release of residual sperm, if any. That is, you can do without it, it’s up to you to decide.

Answer the question about the ritual bathing of spouses after intimacy. In what cases and what is the procedure for ablution for women?

1. Complete ablution is necessary in all cases of ejaculation and after copulation (even in the case of only direct contact-penetration of the genitals).

If a wife does not achieve orgasm during intercourse with her husband, does she need to perform a complete ablution? Rimma, 27 years old.

She still performs a complete ablution to acquire ritual purity, which was violated as a result of the obvious contact-penetration of the genitals.

I touched my child after intercourse. Should he be bathed?

No, don't.

1. Do parents have the right to touch a child if they previously had intimate intimacy and did not have time to perform a full ablution?

2. Is it possible to get by with a small ablution in this situation, especially in cases where the child is small and needs to be fed, or at least picked up so that he stops crying?

1. There are no canonical censures or restrictions in this regard.

2. If you want, you can just wash your hands and wash your face. Although there is no particular need for this.

If after sexual intercourse a person falls asleep, is it permissible to remember Allah (God, Lord) after waking up (before taking a complete ablution) or is this a sin?

See, for example: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Compendium of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 49, Hadith No. 228, “sahih”.

Also see, for example: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Compendium of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. P. 48, Hadith No. 226, “sahih”; al-Ghazali M. Ihya ‘ulum ad-din. T. 2. P. 110; al-Khattabi H. Ma'alim al-sunan. Sharh sunan abi dawud. In 2 vols., 4 parts. T. 1. Part 1. P. 65, hadith No. 73 and an explanation to it.

See, for example: al-Buty R. Ma'a an-nas. Mushawarat wa fatawa. P. 22.

Regardless of the reason for ejaculation, including as a result of emission, complete ablution is required.

The exception (according to most scholars) is when sperm is released due to illness or a strong blow, in which case a small ablution (wudu’) is sufficient. Shafi'i theologians do not share this opinion. For more details, see, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. V. 11 t. T. 1. P. 514–516; Majduddin A. Al-ikhtiyar li ta'lil al-mukhtar [Choice to explain the chosen ones]. In 2 volumes, 4 hours. Cairo: al-Fikr al-‘arabi, [b. G.]. T. 1. Part 1. P. 12; al-Khatib ash-Shirbiniy Sh. Mughni al-mukhtaj. In 6 vols. T. 1. pp. 146–148.

And also in the case of an orgasm experienced by a woman in a dream or for any other reason.

Rinsing the mouth and rinsing the nose is obligatory (fard) among the Hanafis, and desirable (sunnah) among the Shafi'is.

Without special ablution it is impossible to perform a single prayer. After all, one can appear before Allah only after being ritually purified. This procedure is important and raises many questions among women. Therefore, let's figure out how to properly perform full and small ablutions for women.

There are two types: small ablution and complete ablution.

How to perform ablution correctly

Complete ablution is called ghusl in Islamic culture. For women, it is performed after sexual intercourse with a man, postpartum hemorrhage, the end of critical days, as well as before prayers on Fridays and for holiday prayers.

Let us describe how to properly perform a full ablution for women point by point:

  • First, you need to have an intention in your heart and say that you intend to perform a complete ablution for the pleasure and blessing of Allah.
  • Before undressing, say: “Bismillah” to begin your action with the name of the Gracious and Merciful.
  • Wash your hands three times.
  • Wash thoroughly, clean the genitals from traces of intimacy, menstruation, etc.
  • Perform small ablutions.
  • Pour water over the entire body three times: start with the head, then move to the shoulders: first the right, then the left; wash your entire body and only wash your legs at the very end.

If a woman has her hair tied up during complete ablution, there is no need to deliberately let it go. The main thing is that while pouring, the roots of the hair are wet. It is also necessary to remember that complete ablution is considered completed if a Muslim woman has washed her entire body, cleared her nose and rinsed her mouth.

How to do ablution correctly

Lesser ablution is called wudu. When is small ablution necessary for a woman? For example, after a complete ablution, you visited the restroom, fell asleep, fainted, started bleeding, began to pus, vomited, or became intoxicated or any other type of mental confusion. Touching the genitals also obliges one to perform wudhu.

How to properly perform ablution for a woman:

  • It is necessary to begin small ablution with words about the intention to perform the ritual for the pleasure of Allah.
  • Next, you need to say: “Bismillah” to begin the small ablution in the name of the compassionate protector.
  • Wash your hands up to your wrists.
  • Rinse your mouth three times.
  • Clean your nose three times.
  • Wash your face three times.
  • Wash your hands again, but this time up to the elbows (also three times).
  • Wipe your head and clean your ears: index fingers wipe the inside, and use your first fingers to wipe the outside. All these manipulations are repeated only once.
  • At the end of the small ablution, wash your feet three times. The first time you need to rinse between your fingers.

Ablution is an important but not difficult process before appearing before Allah Almighty. If you know all the nuances and perform them in the required sequence, this will ensure the ritual purity of a Muslim woman before

Complete ablution is called ghusl. This is the process of pouring water over the entire surface of the body. A woman is required to perform a complete ablution after the cessation or postpartum bleeding, as well as after intimacy.

Procedure for performing complete ablution:

  • Perform (niyat) the intention with the words: “I intend to perform a complete ablution for the pleasure of Allah Almighty.”

  • Before undressing, you must say the words: “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah). Since a naked person cannot say a prayer and it is undesirable to talk.

  • First of all, you need to wash your hands.

  • Wash yourself, wash your private parts, remove everything unclean from your body.

  • Perform a small ablution without washing only your feet.

  • Pour water over the body three times, starting from the head and moving to the right shoulder, then to the left, wash the whole body, lastly the legs.

If the hair is braided, a woman is not required to undo it if nothing prevents water from reaching the roots of the hair. That is, there is no need to let your hair down, the water should get to the roots of the hair, but not necessarily the hair.

Full ablution is considered valid if a person has rinsed his mouth, washed his nose and washed his entire body. That is, three mandatory actions must be completed.

Lesser ablution

Lesser ablution is called wudu.

Procedure for performing small ablution:

  • Intention: “I intend to perform ablution for the sake of the pleasure of Allah Almighty.”

  • Saying the word: “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah).

  • Washing hands up to wrists.

  • Rinse your mouth three times.

  • Rinse your nose three times (suck in water through your nose and blow your nose).

  • Rinse your face three times.

  • Wash your hands up to the elbows three times.

  • Wiping the head, wetting the hands only once, wiping the ears without re-wetting the hands and neck back side brushes Rub with your index fingers inner side ears, large - outer (all this is done only once).

  • Wash your feet three times. First, rinse once between your fingers.

Minor ablution is spoiled by any discharge from the genitals and anus (feces, urine, gases, etc.), discharge of blood, pus from the body, vomiting, loss of consciousness, sleep.

Without complete ablution, the minor ablution is considered invalid. After complete ablution, there is no need to take small ablution again.

Ghusl this is complete washing the whole body with water according to the rules established by religion. Such purification is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman after sexual intercourse, ejaculation, menstrual cycles (haid) and postpartum period(nifas). Done clean water and is not valid in the case of simply wiping the body with a damp towel.
Those who are obliged to commit G. (junub) are prohibited from reading the Koran, touching it, or entering mosques in a desecrated state (except for some special cases).
The need to perform G. is stated in the verse: “And if you are in ritual defilement, then bathe. If you are sick or on a trip, if one of you relieves himself or comes into contact with a woman and cannot find water, then perform ablution with clean, fine sand, wiping your face and hands with it” (5:6).

Ghusl in linguistic meaning is the spilling of water on any place1. Ghusl is also the water used for bathing.
In Shariah meaning, ghusl is washing the whole body with clean water. Ghusl means cleansing the body of Janaba, Haydah and Nifas.
Janaba (great defilement) is a state that occurs as a result of sexual intercourse, regardless of whether it was accompanied by ejaculation or not, or after ejaculation accompanied by pleasure (even without sexual intercourse). In Shariah meaning, ghusl is washing the entire body with clean water. water. Ghusl means cleansing the body of Janaba, Haydah and Nifas.
Rukn Ghusla is the washing of all parts of the body that are accessible for ablution with clean water.
The ruling of ghusl in this life is the permissibility of what was forbidden before the performance of ghusl. Hukm in the next life is a reward for performing ghusl, provided that the person had the appropriate niyat.

There are seven things that make ghusl obligatory:

1. The release of semen from the genital organ.

The semen (المَنِي) of a man is a liquid white, thick, with a smell reminiscent of date ovary or dough in a liquid state, and the smell of egg white in a dry state. A woman's semen is not a thick liquid with a yellowish tint.

Imams Abu Hanifa and Muhammad said that in order for ghusl to become obligatory, the beginning of the release of semen from its source must be accompanied by sexual pleasure, and it does not matter whether the release of semen directly from the genital organ was accompanied by pleasure. According to Imam Abu Yusuf, for ghusl to be obligatory, it is necessary that pleasure accompanies not only the beginning of the release of semen from its source, but also the direct release of semen from the sexual organ.

Example: If a person, after the release of semen, performed ghusl, then performed prayer, but after the prayer the remains of the seed came out, he is obliged to perform ghusl, according to Imams Abu Hanifa and Muhammad (despite the fact that he did not feel pleasure at the moment of release of the seed) , and is not obliged, according to Imam Abu Yusuf. However, his prayer is valid according to the opinion of all the sheikhs.

The opinion of Imams Abu Hanifa and Muhammad is strong in the madhhab, but in a difficult situation4 a person has the right to follow the opinion of Imam Abu Yusuf. For example, if a person who knows that it will be difficult for him to perform ghusl, felt that his semen was starting to come out, squeezed his sexual organ for a while, and then released it and the semen came out without any sexual pleasure accompanying it, ghusl for this a person, according to Imam Abu Yusuf, is optional.

If a person has released the remains of his semen after he has relieved himself, woke up, or walked some distance, he does not need to perform ghusl.

2. Insertion of the head of the genital organ (الحَشَفَة) of a man5 into the vagina (or anus) of a living woman.

Ghusl is not required if a finger, artificial genital organ, dead human genital organ, amputated genital organ or animal genital organ is inserted. If part of the head of the genital organ is missing, the requirement for ghusl is to insert its remaining part.

If a person had sexual intercourse through a barrier6 and there was no release of semen, one must perform ghusl as a precaution, and it does not matter whether the sexual intercourse was accompanied by pleasure or not.

3. Sexual intercourse with a dead person or animal, accompanied by the release of semen.

4. If a person finds a thin liquid in the place where he slept, does not remember whether he had a wet dream in the dream, and doubts whether it is mani7 or ointment8 (المَذْي), or doubts whether it is mani or wadi9 (الوَدْي), then, according to According to Imams Abu Hanifa and Muhammad, he is obliged to perform ghusl, but according to Imam Abu Yusuf, he is not obliged. If he doubts whether it is wadi or ointment, ghusl is not obligatory, according to the opinion of all the sheikhs. If a person remembers that before going to bed his genitals were in an excited state, he is not obligated to perform ghusl, since this liquid is most likely an ointment, and its release does not make ghusl obligatory.

5. If a person, after being in a state of alcoholic intoxication or after fainting, finds traces that, in his opinion, with more than 50% certainty, are traces of semen, he is obliged to perform ghusl as a precaution.

6. Ghusl becomes obligatory after a woman has cleared herself of hayd and nifas.

7. A person who has accepted Islam is obliged to perform ghusl if before Islam he was in a state of janab, haida or nifas and did not perform ghusl before accepting Islam.

The Muslim community has an obligation (fard-kifaya) to perform complete ablution of a deceased Muslim. An exception is made for a person who has committed certain types of crimes, such as refusing to obey the law.

Fardi Ghusl:

1. Rinse your nose.
2. Mouth rinse.
3. Washing the whole body.

A person must remove from the body anything that prevents water from reaching the skin, such as wax or dough. An exception is made for the painter (if he performs ghusl on top of the paint on his body, his ghusl is valid). If a person has dirt under his nails, his ghusl is valid, and it does not matter where he lives - in a city or in a village.
Be sure to wash your entire body once.
4. A man who has not been circumcised must retract the foreskin and bring water to the head of the genital organ. If this action causes him pain or difficulty, he is allowed not to do it.
5. Washing the navel, including its inner part.
6. If a person has any folds or depressions on his body, he is obliged to wash them. If the resulting folds of skin have grown together, a person is not obliged to move them apart/tear them to wash them if this causes him pain.
7. If a man has braids on his head, he must undo them to perform ghusl, since getting water on all the man’s hair is obligatory. According to the unanimous opinion of scholars of the Hanafi madhhab, a woman is allowed not to unravel her braids if they do not interfere with water reaching the scalp. A woman can only wash outer part braid without bringing water inside the braid. If the braids interfere with washing the hair roots, unbraiding them is fard.
8. During Ghusl, a man must completely wash his beard and the skin under the beard, even if it is very thick.
9. Washing the mustache and the skin underneath.
10. Washing the eyebrows and the skin under them.
11. A woman is obliged to wash the external part of the genital organ.

Sunnat of Ghusl:

1. Saying basmala while washing your hands before performing ghusl.
2. Expressing the intention (niyata) in the heart to perform the ghusl at the same time as reciting the basmala.
3. Washing the hands, including the wrists.
4. Removing najasa from the body before performing ghusl after washing the hands.
5. Wash the genitals and anus area.
6. Performing ablution before starting the ghusl2.
7. Washing the feet at the end of performing ghusl, if a person stands in a place where water collects.
8. Washing the whole body three times.
9. Begin complete ablution from the head.
10. After washing your head, pour water first on right shoulder, then to the left.
11. Wiping parts of the body (الدَلْك) after a person has completely washed the body with water for the first time.
12. Continuous performance of ablution.

Adab Ghusla:

The adabs of ghusl are the same as the adabs of wudhu, but while performing ghusl, a person should not turn towards the qibla, since his awrah is revealed. You should also remain silent and stop making dua.
It is advisable to perform ghusl in a place where no one can see you.
After performing ghusl, it is advisable to perform two rak'ahs of prayer, as after wudhu.
The unwanted actions during Ghusl are the same as during Wudhu. The exception is the recitation of dua: during wudhu the dua is mandub, and during ghusl it is makrooh.

Situations in which it is advisable to perform ghusl

There are four cases in which ghusl is sunnah.
1. Before Friday prayer.
According to Imam Abu Yusuf, ghusl should be performed specifically for prayer, and not for the day of juma. Thus, if a person performs ghusl before Friday prayer, but after that his ablution is broken, he will not be considered to have fulfilled the sunnah. And this opinion is the strongest in the Hanafi madhhab.
2. Before two holiday prayers (Eidul-Fitr and Eidul-Adha).
Ghusl for holiday prayers should be performed in the same way as for Friday - immediately before prayer.
3. Before entering ihram during Hajj or Umrah.
Ghusl in this case is performed not for the purpose of ritual purification, but to cleanse the body of dirt and eliminate unpleasant odors, therefore such ghusl is sunnah even for a woman during Haidah or Nifas. If there is no water to perform ghusl, there is no need to perform tayammum.
4. While standing on Arafat during the Hajj, when the sun rose from its zenith.

Explanation of situations in which it is advisable (mandub) to perform a complete ablution

It is advisable to perform Ghusl:

1. A person who accepted Islam, being pure from Janaba, Haida and Nifas.
2. A person who has reached the age of majority2, but has not previously observed signs of adulthood3.
3. To someone who has regained sanity after madness, sobered up after being drunk, or woke up after fainting.
4. After performing hijama.
5. After washing the deceased.
6. On the night of Baraat.
7. To the one who realized that Laylatul-Qadr5 has arrived.
8. When visiting the Medina.
9. During your stay in Muzdalifa, when the time of Fajr holiday approaches.
10. Before entering Mecca to perform any tawaf.
11. Before performing tawaf az-ziyarah (طواف الزيارة).
12. Before performing prayers for solar and lunar eclipses.
13. Before asking for rain with dua, istighfar or prayer.
14. After a fright.
15. After it suddenly gets dark during the day.
16. During a hurricane or strong wind.
17. After repentance, returning from a journey, the end of istihadah, to a person who was wanted to be killed, but was not killed, before throwing stones during the Hajj, to a person who does not know exactly where on his body the najasah fell.

All Praise be to Allah. Bismillah.

A small reminder for women on how to perform full ablution (ghusl) after sexual intercourse, menstruation, postpartum bleeding, and also for Friday prayer and prayers of two holidays. In fact, Praise be to Allah, the question is simple.

First, check out a few hadiths from Sahih al-Bukhari.

Sahih al-Bukhari (Mukhtasar)

Book 5: Book of Complete Ablution
179. (248). It is reported from the words of the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, 'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that when performing a complete ablution after desecration, (the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,) began by washing his hands, then performed the following the same ablution as before prayer, then immersed his fingers in water and combed the roots of his hair with them, then poured three handfuls of water on his head, and then poured water over his entire body.

180. (249). It is reported that the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Maymunah, may Allah be pleased with her, said:
“(First) the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed the same ablution that he performed before prayer, except for washing his feet, then he washed his genitals, washing away all the secretions, then poured water on himself, and then moved his legs and washed them. This was his complete ablution after desecration.”

The comments indicate that this hadith lists all the necessary actions performed by a person during complete ablution, but they are not listed in order of priority, since first of all one should wash the genitals, and then do everything else.

This means that the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, moved to another place.

190. (272). It is reported that ‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said:
“When performing a complete ablution after desecration (janaba), the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, (first) washed his hands and performed the same ablution as before prayer, then washed his body completely, and then combed his hair with his hand; feeling that the skin (of the head) was moistened, he doused (the head) with water three times, after which he washed the other (parts) of the body.”

206. (314). It is reported that ‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said:
“One woman asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) a question about complete ablution after menstruation, and he explained to her how it should be done, saying: “Take a piece of wool soaked in musk and cleanse yourself with it.” She asked: “How can I purify myself (with this)?” He said, “Cleanse yourself with this.” She (again) asked: “How?” - and then (the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), exclaimed: “Glory to Allah! Cleanse yourself!”
(‘Aisha said):
“Then I drew her to me and said: “Wipe with this (the places where there are) traces of blood.”

You can use cotton or something similar.

How a woman performs ghusl (ablution)

For simplicity, we will describe point by point one of the common options for performing ghusl according to reliable hadiths:
      1. Have the intention in your heart to perform the appropriate ghusl (i.e., if after menstruation, then intend to do a complete ablution to cleanse yourself from menstruation, etc.)
      2. Say Bismillah (preferable)
      3. Wash your hands three times.
      4. Wash the genitals, thoroughly removing any traces of menstruation, residual fluid after sexual intercourse, etc. After this, you cannot touch the genitals, so as not to spoil the ablution.
      5. Wash what is washed in the process of ablution (hands, nose-mouth, face, arms from fingertips to elbows, wipe head and ears, wash feet from feet to ankles).
      6. Water and wash your hair three times until the water touches the scalp.
      7. wash your ears.
      8. Thoroughly wash the right half of the body (including the right leg)
      9. Thoroughly wash the left half of the body (including the left leg)
      10. Ablution is completed.

In sha Allah, it's simple.

I would like to note that breaking the sequence by mistake does not ruin the complete ablution, unless you touch the genitals in the middle of ablution.

Scientists believe that complete ablution will be valid if a person with due intention is completely immersed in water (whether in the sea or in a bath) and clothing does not prevent the water from touching the skin over the entire surface of the body.

And Allah knows best.


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