Morning exercises with Alexandra Bonina. How effective is Alexandra Bonina's gymnastics for the spine and joints? Articular gymnastics 60 Alexander Bonin

How To Be Active And Cheerful Even After 60 Years?

Get a specially designed age complex of health-improving gymnastics from an exercise therapy doctor, which will help get rid of joint pain and weakness in the body, even if you are many years old!

Alexandra Bonina has created a unique set of health-improving exercises with elements of articular gymnastics, which is suitable for people of age.

In the video course "Articular gymnastics 60+" Alexandra Bonina additionally included a set of exercises with soft training of the cardiovascular system without high loads on the heart. This approach to training and the combination of two components will allow you to achieve improved well-being and physical condition at the same time - at any age.

With age, mobility in the joints of the human body begins to decline and the condition of the spine worsens. complexes special exercises Articular gymnastics will restore joint mobility and activate the spine. Due to the fact that during the video course there will be a massage effect on the tissues of the joints, they will contribute to the production of joint fluid. With each new session of physical therapy exercises, you will feel lightness in movements, pain and crunching in the joints will go away.

As for the complexes of exercises for the cardiovascular system, they will restore and normalize blood circulation in the joints and muscles, increase the body's ability to deliver oxygen to tissue cells. It turns out such a delicate cardio workout for people of age, which will make you more resilient during exercise and in ordinary life. In the video course "Articular gymnastics 60+" Alexandra Bonina included such exercise therapy exercises that load the muscles in the right degree and sequence.

In total, 5 complexes are waiting for you in the course, which include 9 exercises for different groups muscles. Plus about 50 simple and easy exercises. A full workout can be done in just 12-15 minutes a day!

The video course "Articular gymnastics 60+" is perfect for older people, because the technique does not include excessive muscle and heart loads, spinal compression, etc. You need to do it in unloading positions, so a person at any age will be able to perform Alexandra Bonina's articular gymnastics complexes for the age category " 60+".

Exercises are based on the basis of exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises). Half of them are stretching, the rest are strengthening and developmental exercises. But the technique is based on restorative therapeutic exercises, which have proven effective on thousands of people.

A minimum of time and effort will be required from the student, because the lessons on the video course "Articular gymnastics 60+" take no more than 12-15 minutes a day. And it is convenient and affordable - practice anytime and anywhere - at home, in nature, at a party, and anywhere.

With the help of the video course of articular gymnastics by Alexandra Bonina for 60+, you can safely restore the health of your joints, strengthen your spine and support the cardiovascular system at any age. Weight normalizes - you will lose weight, if necessary, and you will feel lightness in your legs and knees. Chronic diseases will worry you less. There will be more energy to communicate with loved ones, and this is very important at age!

In a word, the author of the video course took into account the wishes, needs and problems of the older age category. And as a result, we got the best video guide for people 60+, which has no analogues either on the Internet or in real life. Reviews of people who have already taken Alexandra Bonina's courses,.

Maria left a review about the courses of Alexandra Bonina. The review is interesting, lively, real:

Maria suddenly had a pain in her lower back, her leg, knee, hip, almost to the foot hurt. I went to a neurologist - the doctor gave injections, prescribed physiotherapy. Did not help. Helped. Maria also uses other courses.

The woman also expresses her gratitude to Alexandra Bonina for the fact that her neck stopped hurting after performing. I got results within two weeks. Previously, my shoulders hurt and cracked, I did a week of exercises, now the pain in my shoulders is almost not felt, my arms rise freely up.

former teacher, now retired

Sports doctor, exercise therapy doctor, practicing trainer, fitness instructor, specialist in healthy eating. Developed unique complexes physical therapy exercises to restore the spine and joints - without surgery, pills and great effort on yourself!

I have been a client of Alexandra Bonina for a long time and bought many of her programs and video courses on restoring the health of the spine and joints. And I can honestly say that these courses help me, there are noticeable results. None of the doctors helped me as much as the therapeutic gymnastics of Alexandra Bonina helped! The main thing is to practice every day, especially at first, and osteochondrosis of the spine and other problems will go away.

And now to business. It became known to me that Alexandra Bonina is now conducting a short-term unplanned action only for their clients. This action is closed and the main subscribers of the author do not know about it. Only Alexandra Bonina's clients who bought her courses earlier know about the sale. But I try to tell readers about this or that discount in order to give as many people as possible the opportunity to save money on buying different courses.

The terms of the promotion are: the duration of the action is two days (June 25-26, 2017); discount size - 60%; All courses, seminars, books and programs of Alexandra Bonina are included in the sale separately (not kits, you can order any product separately). Go ahead, the timer is ticking!

Do not delay with the decision to order and right now follow the links below to the page of a particular course and place your order. For convenience, published short descriptions each program participating in the June promotion. There are 12 courses in total.

Alexandra Bonina has never set such a huge discount, and it is unlikely that there will be similar sales in the foreseeable future, because it devalues ​​the work of the author. She put her whole soul, all her experience and a huge amount of time and effort into her programs. Some products were rewritten 3 times, there were several reissues, wishes were taken into account and shortcomings were corrected. And now the complexes of physical therapy exercises have been brought to perfection and give good results! Read the reviews on the author's website!

List of training courses, health programs and seminars by A. Bonina, which can be obtained with a 60% discount (June 25-26 only):

Video course "Secrets of a healthy neck 3.0"

The course is for you if you have problems in the cervical spine and the following symptoms appear: pain and pinching in the neck, the neck crackles, there are pain in the shoulder (diagnosis of “shoulder-scapular periarthrosis”), frequent dizziness, “flies” in the eyes, impaired / impaired hearing and vision, attacks of VVD (vegetovascular dystonia) and PA (panic attacks) appear, hands go numb, suffer from hypertension due to for clamps in the neck.

This video exercise program for exercise therapy by Alexandra Bonina for the cervical spine is suitable not only for people suffering from osteochondrosis of any stage. You can and it is even desirable to use these exercises for prevention, so that the disease never overtakes you. The program is especially relevant for students and people of sedentary professions (programmers, office workers, drivers, etc.), since such people are constantly in suspense cervical region spine.

With the help of exercises for the neck from Alexandra Bonina, you will work out the muscles surrounding the cervical spine at a deep level. You will strengthen and stretch them, due to the work with the muscles, the cervical region is stabilized and the entire load in the neck area is transferred from the vertebrae to strong muscles (muscle corset).

Video course "We eliminate thoracic osteochondrosis 3.0"

These exercise therapy exercises, which were developed and systematized by Alexandra Bonina, are perfect for you if you have problems in the thoracic spine. The symptoms are as follows with this ailment: point stabbing pains in the region of the heart, pain behind the shoulder blades and between the shoulder blades. Also common symptoms thoracic osteochondrosis are sharp shooting pains along the ribs during inhalation or when changing the position of the body.

Video course "Secrets of a healthy lower back"
The usual cost is 5990 rubles. The price per share is 2390 rubles.

The video system is for you if you have the following symptoms: aching pains in the lower back, shooting pains, stretching and descending down the leg along the buttocks and thighs, you feel stiffness in the lower back, while bending there are pains in the lower back, pain when turning torso caused by lumbar osteochondrosis spine.

The author has selected excellent sets of exercise therapy exercises and they will help you not only if you have problems in this department. If you are an inactive person, lead a sedentary lifestyle, then lumbar osteochondrosis, protrusions, intervertebral hernias and other associated diseases will be provided to you if you continue in the same spirit. Therefore, you can prevent lower back problems if you do preventive exercises!

During classes, you will deeply work out in stages all the muscle groups that surround the lumbar spine (muscle corset). Restore the balance and endurance of this corset, which will restore the stabilization of the lumbar region. Strong muscles will make it possible to unload the spine and form its muscular support.

Video seminar “Infringement of the sciatic nerve. Treatment and recovery methods of exercise therapy "

A course for people with problems in the piriformis muscle area caused by pinching / pinching of the sciatic nerve (sciatica). Common symptoms: sharp pain on the back of the thigh, in the buttock. Pain from a pinched sciatic nerve can radiate from the buttock through the thigh and down the leg.

Take the course if you already have USN. Also use the exercises and tips from Alexandra Bonina's workshop if you want to never have these sciatic nerve problems in the future. The course is especially relevant for people who have problems with the lumbar spine, because often the USN is directly related to the lower back.

At the seminar on the infringement of the sciatic nerve, Alexandra Bonina gave complete theoretical information about this disease. Plus, you will get a competent set of stretching exercises and working out the piriformis region. And clear recommendations of the author on the exercise. Plus, answers are given to dozens of questions from the seminar participants.

And it will be easy and pleasant for you to do it! There is nothing complicated!

Video course “No arthrosis!”
The usual cost is 4990 rubles. The cost per share is 1990 rubles.

Alexandra Bonina created this video course for people who have problems with knee and hip joints due to their atrosis. Symptoms of osteoarthritis: pain in the groin area, in the hips, in knee joints. With arthrosis, a sick person feels stiffness of movements and limited mobility of the joints, especially in the morning. There is a limitation of abduction of the affected leg to the side or during extension of the legs at the knee. In severe cases of the disease (at an advanced stage of the disease), there is lameness, gait is disturbed, shortening of the leg, and atrophy of the femoral muscles. All this can be accompanied by a crunch and clicks in the affected joints.

If you don’t have arthrosis, but you are a middle-aged person, and especially if you are an elderly person, then you should definitely start studying with Alexandra Bonina’s video course “No Arthrosis!” If you don’t want these problems to arise in the future.

Classes on the course will unload the knee and hip joints, strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints. Due to the strengthening of the muscles, stabilization will go on, the entire load on the joints will be transferred to strong muscles, and the pain will pass over time. Classes have helped hundreds of Alexandra Bonina's clients to alleviate the course of the disease and get rid of arthrosis. Read reviews on Alexandra's website.

Video course " healthy spine in 2 weeks"
The usual cost is 4990 rubles. The cost per share is 1990 rubles.

People who have already completed in-depth programs, courses and seminars of Alexandra Bonina on the cervical, thoracic, lumbar regions, and who have “worked through” their problems in these departments, can move on! Such people can work out all parts of the spine at once, and not separately!

Video seminar "Secrets of competent nutrition for the health of the spine and joints"
The usual cost is 2990 rubles. The price per share is 1190 rubles.

In order for the spine and joints to be healthy, it is necessary not only to lead an active lifestyle and perform physical exercise. We need to take care of them from the inside as well.

We need to do what we eat every day, because food directly affects the condition of the joints and spinal column. You need to give your ligaments, bones, joints and muscles enough nutrients for their normal functioning. Both exercise and proper nutrition are important!

By the way, if you normalize the weight, then this will additionally have a positive effect on the spine, joints and the whole body as a whole. How less weight you "carry on yourself", the less load falls on the muscles, ligaments, vertebrae!

At the seminar, Alexandra Bonina will tell you how to detoxify and restore the normal functioning of the intestines, how to make the intestines absorb important nutrients and not removed from the body. Further, the author of the seminar will talk about the substances that you need for health and what products contain them and how to extract them from products without losing value. Tips on how to properly distribute the diet throughout the day, the secrets of cooking, a list of simple and healthy recipes for every day and more.

And at the end of Alexander Bonin's seminar on nutrition for the spine and joints in live answered dozens of questions from the audience of the seminar. Learn and apply the material! It will be interesting and useful!

Video course "Royal Posture"
The usual cost is 4990 rubles. The cost per share is 1990 rubles.

A person with a beautiful posture is perceived by other members of society as more self-confident. Such a person visually has a higher status in society. According to statistics, people with correct posture and no stoop become more successful in their careers, business, and personal lives.

The second point about the importance correct posture is health problems. If there are various kinds of curvature of the spine, then the load on it increases. Curvature increases your chances of earning osteochondrosis, hernia and other diseases on your ass. A crooked spine creates pressure on internal organs, there is a lack of oxygen (hypoxia, oxygen starvation) due to the constantly compressed chest. And this leads to associated diseases ...

Before you is the program of Alexandra Bonina, which is prepared for people who want to correct their posture, eliminate stoop and curvature, and also make their posture truly royal!

With regular exercise, you will deeply work out the muscular corset and strengthen the whole body. The chest, muscles of the shoulder blades, the entire body and other parts of the body are being worked out.

Video course "Articular gymnastics 60+"
The usual cost is 1990 rubles. The cost per share is 790 rubles.

Who is the Joint Gymnastics 60+ system suitable for? The course is designed for older people aged 50-60 who have reduced physical activity.

Simple and effective exercises can solve two main problems of older people. The first task is to restore mobility to the joints and normalize the functioning of the spine. It will become easier for you to move, pain will go away, joints and bones will stop crunching.

The second objective of the Joint Gymnastics 60+ course is to restore blood supply to the joints and muscles and increase the body's ability to supply oxygen to tissues. In a way, you will do delicate gentle cardio training during the exercises, which will make you more enduring both during the exercises themselves and in the usual household life. The sets of exercises are chosen by the author competently and load the muscles in the right degree and sequence. Watch the video and do the exercises with Alexandra Bonina! And you will notice how in a few weeks you will become active person lose weight and even look younger!

Video course "Morning exercises with Alexandra Bonina"
The usual cost is 1600 rubles. The cost per share is 690 rubles.

The video course will appeal to everyone who wants every morning immediately after waking up in just 10 minutes to quickly and without stress for the body switch from a state of sleep to a state of wakefulness. You will do simple and pleasant exercises every morning with the author of the course. The videos were recorded right in the bedroom, so the atmosphere in the video classes is as similar as possible to your place of sleep))

It is no secret that every morning after waking up, an ordinary person experiences some kind of stress. And if you also have an alarm clock and you need to quickly get up, eat and run to work, then this is double stress for the body. The body is still "sleeping", and you are trying to "start" it in a couple of minutes. This negatively affects health. Therefore, the first and important task of Alexandra Bonina's exercises is to rid the body of stress after sleep.

There is a second important moment of morning exercises. Proper exercise has a great effect on the state of the body all day long. Morning exercises fill the body with energy for the whole day, you lose weight, the habit of getting up early is developed, the body hardens and a kind of protection against various diseases. And a lot of useful things from morning exercises!

And it is important to know that many exercises are harmful in the morning! And few people know about it! Alexandra Bonina in the video course "Morning exercises with Alexandra Bonina" told and showed harmful exercises and actions that you CANNOT DO after waking up! Download the free PDF book on harmful exercises.

Video course "Strengthening the buttocks in 5 weeks"

Do you want to have strong and toned buttocks? Do you want to increase the strength and endurance of the gluteal muscles? Do you want to have a beautiful butt shape? Then this training method is for you!

If a person's gluteal muscles are weak and undeveloped, then they lead to various distortions. An increased load on the spine and joints is created. In the video course, you will deeply work out the gluteal muscles through 57 different exercises for the priests. Alexandra Bonina is well versed in this topic, because she is not only an exercise therapy doctor and a sports doctor, she is also a fitness instructor with many years of experience. The girl even performed herself at competitions and won prizes!

You will start with the simplest exercises and gradually increase the load so that the gluteal muscles receive more stimulus to strengthen and improve tone. The emphasis in the course is not on the gluteus maximus muscle (for most people, this muscle is already developed). The emphasis is on the small and medium gluteal muscles (they are practically not loaded in an ordinary person).

Squat Progression Video Course
The usual cost is 5900 rubles. The price per share is 2390 rubles.

A course for everyone who wants, firstly, to have beautiful ass and strong, toned buttocks. Secondly, with the help of exercises, you can strengthen all the muscles of the legs and restore their balance.

Alexandra Bonina in the course "Squat Progression" will teach you the correct technique of different types of squats, taking you step by step through the progression of these exercises. Start classes with Alexandra Bonina with the simplest lightweight types of squats, they are not difficult to perform, everyone can do it without preparation. Then you will gradually move to their complication.

At the end of the program, you will master the technique of doing squats and learn how to squat correctly, that is, creating a load only on the necessary muscles of the legs and buttocks, and not on the back. I will work the muscles, not the spine with the knees.

Book Alexandra Bonina's courses and start exercising in the near future, and gradually in a matter of weeks and even days you will feel positive results in health.

I wish you and your loved ones positive and easy days!

In contact with

Video lessons on fitness, Pilates, yoga are designed for young people and middle-aged people. For older students, the exercises are quite difficult to repeat, moreover, lessons can not always be found in free access and use them for free. Bonina's articular gymnastics will help older people get rid of pain and illness.

A little about the author

Alexandra Bonina - doctor physiotherapy exercises and sports medicine, fitness trainer, author of methods for improving the spine and joint gymnastics. Alexandra maintains her blog on the Internet, you can communicate with her directly on VKontakte or via e-mail. Especially for people retirement age the course "Articular gymnastics 60+" was developed.

Why do you need joint gymnastics for the elderly

Articular gymnastics by Alexandra Bonina serves to treat and prevent age-related changes in the body. The exercises are aimed at:

  • improved coordination;
  • increased flexibility;
  • the production of joint fluid, which provides lubrication of the articular surfaces;
  • prevention of pain, discomfort, reduction of daily fatigue;

They inspire self-confidence, increase physical comfort, and stabilize the standard of living.

A prerequisite is that classes should be daily, regular, physical activity is calculated taking into account the capabilities of a particular person.

The course includes exercises of varying complexity, including those for people with limited physical mobility, as well as age-related cardio loads. As part of the course, the exercises are divided into separate categories:

  1. A series of exercises on the back;
  2. A series of sitting exercises;
  3. A series of exercises while sitting with support;
  4. A series of coordination exercises;
  5. A series of exercises to increase the elasticity of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus;
  6. A series of exercises for the hip joint and leg joints (lying and sitting).

You can buy the whole course (if after daily classes for six months there is no relief and noticeable results, the author of the methodology promises to return the entire amount paid). There is no possibility to download a video course of articular gymnastics for the elderly on the Internet for free. A free program for the treatment of osteochondrosis is offered for review.

And on the YouTube channel on the Internet you can find exercises for the joints of the upper and lower parts of the body. Short introductory videos (8 and 5 minutes, respectively) will give you an idea of ​​the structure of the classes and the opportunity to try individual exercises.

By purchasing full course articular gymnastics, as a gift, you can get exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the spine, and membership in closed club supporters of the methodology of Alexandra Bonina.

What else can help the joints?

Severe pain, health problems will help to remove medications prescribed by a specialist, as well as physiotherapy:

  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • mud baths and applications;
  • water treatment.

Articular gymnastics is perfectly combined with medical and physiotherapeutic treatment.
