How to read the festive prayer for Kurban Bayram. Kurban Bayram or "Eid al Adha"

All about religion and faith - "Kurban Bayram 2015 holiday prayer" with detailed description and photographs.

If possible, it is obligatory to attend Eid prayers in the mosque. The holiday prayer is performed after sunrise. According to the Sunnah, there are desirable things that need to be done in the morning before performing the Eid prayer:

Dress best clothes.

Use incense (perfume).

Use a miswak (teeth brushing stick).

Do not eat anything before Eid al-Adha

Unlike Friday prayer(juma), which is not considered valid without the recitation of the khutbah (a two-part sermon that is delivered before the prayer), the khutbah during holiday prayers is read after the prayer, so it does not apply to the conditions for the validity of the prayer. Eid prayer without khutbah ( holiday prayer) will be valid, but this is undesirable, just as undesirable as reading the khutbah before the holiday prayer.

Sacrifice (qurban) - slaughtering an animal (sheep, goat, cow or camel) for the sake of the Almighty Creator on the 10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah (that is, on the holiday “Eid al-Adha” or otherwise “eid al-Adha”) and in the next three days. This is one of the types of worship established by the Lord of the worlds through His prophets. This is the sunnah of our forefather - the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him. And the sunnah of our prophet - the Messenger of Allah - Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Speaking about animals slaughtered for His sake, the Creator says in the Koran: “Neither their blood nor their meat reaches Allah. But your fear of God comes through.” The Almighty does not need shed blood and does not need meat. However, as it does not need anything else, the essence of this ritual is submission to the Creator by slaughtering the cattle given by Him and the subsequent distribution of part of the meat to those in need and donating part of it to neighbors and relatives. It is this desire - to achieve the favor of Allah and show obedience to Him, the willingness to part with property and something loved for the soul for His sake, humility before Him - this, and precisely this, brings a person closer to the Creator.

When we perform Kurban, we remember the story of our forefather Ibrahim (Abraham), which marked the beginning of this godly act. This story provides an example for all of us of how to respond to the call of the Creator, how to fulfill His commands. The Almighty does not impose on us what He imposed on Ibrahim. The All-merciful Creator does not order any of us to place our child on our forehead for slaughter. He simply commands us to lower our foreheads in bows, praying to Him while performing prayers; giving purifying alms - zakat; fast - observe the fast during the month of Ramadan; perform Hajj and commands us to perform other pious deeds, not because he needs them, but because he wants to save us through these deeds and give us a great reward.

 Sheep – from 1 year. 6 months are allowed, with a strong consistency, similar to one-year-old ones.

 Goats – at least 1 year. An age of less than a year is not desirable, since from animal husbandry practice it is believed that animals reach full consistency only by 1 year.

 Cows (bulls) – at least 2 years

 Camels – at least 4 years. Everything else cannot be Qurbani. And there cannot be chickens, horses, or any other animals.

A prerequisite for all types of sacrificial animals is their external usefulness. Therefore, animals that have obvious defects: broken or deliberately cut off horns, ears and tails are not allowed. Lame, blind, flabby, frail, and obviously sick animals are also not allowed. Females close to the time of giving birth are undesirable. The small livestock sacrifice is made from one person. As for cattle, it can be carried out by seven people.

Dear brothers and sisters, do not forget that Kurban cannot be performed before the end of the holiday prayer. If you slaughter an animal earlier, it will not be considered Qurbani, but will simply be meat slaughtered to feed the family. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) performed the festive prayer, then delivered the festive sermon (khutbah) and only then performed the qurban, as reported in the “Sahih” of Imam al-Bukhari.

When cutting an animal, you must say: “Bismi-Llah! Wa-Allahu Akbar!” This means: “In the name of Allah! Allah is the greatest!” You can't torture an animal! It is necessary to cut it easily and quickly, having previously sharpened the knife in the best possible way. Moreover, you cannot sharpen a knife in front of the animal, as this frightens it. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When one of you slaughters cattle, let him do it in the best possible way. Let him sharpen his knife and strive to make death easier for the animal.”

The person eats the meat of the sacrificial animal himself and treats it to the poor, neighbors, and relatives. Some predecessors divided the Qurbani meat into 3 parts: they kept one part for themselves and their families; the second part was distributed to the poor; and the third part was treated to neighbors and relatives. No part of a slaughtered animal, including the skin of the animal, should be given as payment to the butcher! A person who intends to perform Qurbani is not allowed to cut his nails and hair or remove anything from his hair or skin from the 1st day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. Why is this ban imposed? It is, in a way, an opportunity for people who are not on the Hajj to feel a sense of community with the pilgrims who are in Mecca at this time, and who, as you know, in the state of ihram, are forbidden to cut their hair and nails.

You can perform Kurban for 4 days, more precisely, from the end of the holiday prayer until sunset on the 4th day of the holidays, that is, the 13th Dhul-Hijjah.

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What date is Eid al-Adha in 2015

Russia is preparing to celebrate the most important Muslim holiday – Kurban Bayram 2015, called the “Feast of Sacrifice” in the Muslim community. During the celebration, which is considered the completion of the sacred ritual for all Muslims called Hajj, animals are sacrificed. According to the canons, Kurban Bayram is celebrated during the pilgrimage to Muslim shrine– Mecca on the 10th day of the 12th Muslim month lunar calendar which is called Dhul-Hijjah and lasts for 2-3 days. Those believers who, for various reasons, were unable to perform the Hajj, celebrate the “day of sacrifice” on the spot - in the cities in which they are currently located.

What date does Eid al-Adha begin in 2015?

Eid al-Fitr will begin in 2015 in September on the 24th (to be precise - the 23rd after sunset) and will continue until the 27th of September(again, before sunset on the 26th, this is important).

When will Kurban Bayram be celebrated in 2015 in Moscow?

In Moscow, the holiday will be held on the same dates, based on the data of the Muslim lunar calendar. It is noteworthy that in preparation for the event, the city authorities and the Muslim community of Russia managed to complete the construction and reconstruction of the largest cathedral mosque in Europe, the opening of which was personally attended by:

- head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov,

– Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin,

– Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas,

– Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan,

– Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Ravil Gainutdin,

– ambassadors different countries and other high-ranking guests.

Where will Eid al-Adha be celebrated in Moscow 2015. Sermon and prayer

A sermon and festive prayer will take place on September 24. In Moscow in 2015 it will be held at the following addresses:

Address: Vypolzov lane 7, (metro station Prospekt Mira).

Opening time of the prayer hall: from 04:00 am.

The beginning of the holiday sermon: from 07:00 to 08:00

Address: st. Bolshaya Tatarskaya, 28, building 1, (Novokuznetskaya metro station).

The beginning of the holiday prayer: from 09:00 to 10:00.

Address: Minskaya, 2b.

The beginning of the holiday prayer: from 07:00 to 08:00.

1. Tent next to the Izumrudny sports and recreation center

Address: Yuzhnoye Butovo, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 96 (metro station Buninskaya Alleya).

Beginning of prayer: at 07:00

Address: Projected passage No. 4062, 11, building 2

Beginning of prayer: at 06:30.

What date is Kurban Bayram in 2015 and how is it celebrated. Video

Briefly, you can get acquainted with the main provisions of Eid al-Adha by watching this video:

Eid al-Fitr 2015 holiday prayer

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The festive prayer on Eid al-Fitr, the first day of which in 2015 fell on September 24, will be held at 39 venues in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The festive prayer on Eid al-Adha, the first day of which in 2015 fell on September 24, will be held at 39 venues in Moscow and the Moscow region from 7 to 10 am, depending on the location.

Eid al-Adha is one of the two main Muslim holidays. On this day, Muslims who have financial means sacrifice a ram or a cow. It is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Zulhija, exactly 70 days after the end of the 30-day fast in the month of Ramadan. The festival of sacrifice lasts three days.

In the capital, in addition to three mosques, two additional sites will be opened on this day at the following addresses: Yuzhnoye Butovo district, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 96 (metro station "Buninskaya Alleya", next to the Izumrudny sports and recreation complex) and South River Station, Proektiruemy Proezd No. 4062, 11, bldg. 2 (metro station "Kolomenskaya"). At the first site, prayer will begin at 07:00, and at the second - at 06:30.

Later than everyone else in Moscow, the festive prayer will begin in the Historical Mosque (metro stations “Novokuznetskaya”, “Tretyakovskaya”, Bolshaya Tatarskaya St. 28, building 1) - from 09:00 to 10:00. At the Shahada Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Gora (2b Minskaya St.), the holiday prayer is scheduled to begin at 07:00-08:00.

According to tradition, most parishioners come to the Cathedral Mosque (metro station “Prospekt Mira”, Vypolzov lane, 7), the doors of the prayer hall of which will open at four o’clock in the morning this year, and collective prayer will take place from 07:00 to 08:00. Despite the fact that after reconstruction the area of ​​this mosque has expanded significantly, it is not able to accommodate everyone and therefore most of Muslims will settle down on the streets adjacent to it. In this regard, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia (DUM RF) asks parishioners to use other nearby metro stations on this day, since repair work is underway on the circle line of the Prospekt Mira station, and to be patient after prayer.

“At the end of the holiday prayer, please observe “Sabr” - calmness! Please walk calmly to the metro station, following the signs. Follow the instructions of police officers and volunteers. When entering the metro and boarding cars, show respect to elders and be attentive to women and children,” the RF Muslim Spiritual Directorate calls for.

Every year, more than 100 thousand Muslims take part in festive events in honor of Kurban Bayram in the capital.

Holiday prayer in the Moscow region will be held at 34 sites, which are located in almost all districts of the region (see list below).

The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Moscow Region expects up to 80 thousand parishioners on this day, including at the expense of residents of the capital.

“According to our forecasts, about 70-80 thousand of our co-religionists will take part in the Eid al-Adha holiday in the Moscow region,” said Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Rushan Hazrat Abbyasov.

One of the main rituals of this holiday is sacrifice (“qurban” is translated from Arabic).

According to the Koran, the angel Gabriel appeared to the prophet Ibrahim in a dream and conveyed to him a command from Allah to sacrifice his first-born son Ismail. Ibrahim went to the Mina valley to the place where Mecca now stands and began preparations. However, this turned out to be a test from Allah, and when the sacrifice was almost made, Allah replaced the sacrifice of a son for Ibrahim with the sacrifice of a lamb (lamb).

Since then, paying tribute to the feat of the Prophet Ibrahim, who showed the highest degree of righteousness and love for Allah, Muslims have slaughtered a sacrificial animal as a rite of worship to God.

The slaughter of animals on the streets of Moscow is prohibited, and on this day traffic police officers can check vehicles for the presence of animals brought to the capital for sacrifices. For these purposes, the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Russian Federation has organized 15 sites in the Moscow region, where it will be possible to conduct the ritual of sacrifice (see list below).

Venues for Eid al-Fitr in the Moscow region on 09/24/2015 (Starts at 07:00-08:00)

  1. Balashikha village Purshevo, st. Novoslobodskaya, 15 (DC "Rassvet")
  2. Balashikha, st. Parkovaya, 1 (city stadium)
  3. Volokolamsk, Northern Highway, 21
  4. Voskresensk, st. Chapaeva 1, cultural center "Tsementnik"
  5. Yegoryevsk, st. Paris Commune, 1B
  6. Zvenigorod, st. Novaya, 29 (mosque)
  7. Klinsky district, Teterino village, Klinskoye Zaozerye LLC
  8. Kolomna, st. October revolution, house 324 (Youth Sports School)
  9. Korolev st. Sovetskaya, 18 (stadium)
  10. Krasnogorsk, Opalikha microdistrict, st. Novo-Nikolskaya, 2A
  11. Lobnya, village Kiovo, 100 (JSC Krasnopolyanskoye)
  12. Mytishchi, st. Ulyanovskaya, 53
  13. Naro-Fominsk, st. Volodarskogo, 123 (mosque)
  14. Noginsk, st. South 35 (mosque)
  15. Odintsovo, st. Solnechnaya, 9 (Solnechny House of Culture)
  16. Orekhovo-Zuevo, st. Lapina, 28 (mosque)
  17. Podolsk, sports club "Bodrost", Yunykh Lenintsev Ave., 84B
  18. Podolsk, arena of the Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve, st. Gaidara, 11A
  19. Podolsk, Domodedovskoe highway, 35 (house of worship)
  20. Pushkino, st. Embankment, 8 (Pushkino Sports Palace)
  21. Roshal, st. Friedrich Engels, 24/8 (mosque)
  22. Sergiev Posad, st. Dolgokuevskaya, 52A (mosque)
  23. Solnechnogorsk, st. Ekaterininskaya, 7 (mosque)
  24. Khimki, Sheremetyevo, Planernaya microdistrict, ow. 1, sports center "Olympic"
  25. Shchelkovo, st. Sovetskaya, 10 (mosque)
  26. Elektrogorsk, st. Sovetskaya, 43
  27. Elektrostal, st. Karla Marksa, 7 (behind the Vasiliev Palace of Culture, gym)
  28. Dmitrovsky district, Yakhroma, st. Pesochny deadlock, 9A (mosque)
  29. Domodedovo, Vostryakovo microdistrict, st. 2nd Clubnaya, 1
  30. Istrinsky district of the village. Kholsheviki st. Kuchi, 39G
  31. Lyubertsy district, village. Malakhovka, Teatralny proezd st., 1A or Shosseynaya st., no. 2 (CDC "Soyuz", culture and recreation park).
  32. Noginsky district, Staraya Kupavna, st. 2nd Razina, 62 (house of worship)
  33. Ramensky district, village. Springs (territory of the city cemetery, mosque on the Muslim site)
  34. Sergievo-Posad district, Krasnozavodsk, st. Gorkogo, no. 2.

Sites for sacrifice on Eid al-Fitr (24.09.2015)

  1. Balashikha, village New Ticket
  2. Balashikha, village Purshevo (meat processing plant)
  3. Domodedovo, village Starosyanovo, st. Sadovaya, 4 (farm)
  4. Istrinsky district, pos. Manikhino, OPH "Manikhino"
  5. Kolomensky metropolitan area, s. Gorodets (farm)
  6. Krasnogorsky district, pos. Nakhabino, st. Volodarskogo, 1
  7. Noginsky district, Psarki village (farm)
  8. Podolsk city district, village. Satino-Tatarskaya (slaughterhouse)
  9. Pushkinsky district, village. Metropolie (slaughterhouse)
  10. Ramensky district, village. Aksenovo
  11. Ramensky district, village. Volodarsky (farm)
  12. Ramensky district, village. Fominskaya
  13. Sergiev Posad district, Yaroslavl region, Pereslavl district, village. Berendeevo
  14. Solnechnogorsk district, village. Ozhogino
  15. Shchelkovsky district, village. Big Stallions, SPK "Romashka"

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History and traditions of the Islamic holiday of sacrifice Eid al-Adha

Is it possible to replace a sacrificial ram with a cow and what are “takbir” and “khutbah”

Festive prayer during Eid al-Adha at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque in 2015

On September 1, 2017, Muslims will celebrate one of the main Islamic holidays, Eid al-Adha (Arabic name - Eid al-Adha) or the holiday of sacrifice, dedicated to the end of the Hajj - the pilgrimage to Mecca. TASS tells how to find out the date of the holiday and what traditions are associated with it.

Hajj is one of the main duties of a Muslim, guaranteeing him the remission of sins and the achievement, according to beliefs, of eternal bliss in the afterlife. Every believer, according to Islamic doctrine, is obliged to perform the Hajj at least once in his life. After this, he has the right to be called “haji” - this is an honorable and respected address to a Muslim.

The holiday is based on a story from the Koran, similar to the biblical one - the angel Jabrail (Archangel Gabriel) appeared to the prophet Ibrahim (biblical Abraham) in a dream and conveyed to him the command of Allah to sacrifice his first-born Ismail. Father and son went to what is now Mecca to make a sacrifice.

Convinced that Ibrahim had passed the test, Allah sent him a lamb, which they sacrificed to the Almighty.

Today, Muslims perform this kind of sacrifice whether they are in Mecca or not.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah - the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar. Due to differences in the Gregorian and Muslim calendars, the date of the celebration moves back by 11 days every year. This year it falls on September 1st.

The holiday lasts three days, which are non-working days in most Muslim countries. You can make a sacrifice in any of them.

On the day preceding Eid al-Adha (Arafat Day), it is customary to fast.

The celebration begins at sunrise. Muslims perform a full ablution, put on new clothes and head to the mosque for morning prayer.

At the end of the morning prayer, believers return home, and then gather again in the courtyards or on the street to sing in chorus the praise of Allah (in Arabic “takbir” - TASS). Then the mullah delivers festive sermons (in Arabic “khutbah” - TASS note), after which Muslims visit cemeteries to pray for the dead at the graves.

Then comes the time of the sacrificial ritual. By decision of the Spiritual Administrations of Muslims in the cities of Russia, areas are allocated for the slaughter of sacrificial animals. special places. At these sites, rules agreed upon with veterinary services must be observed.

Much attention is paid to the festive decoration of the table, as well as the preparation of numerous sweets. People try to give gifts to close friends and relatives on holidays. In the next few days, they usually go to visit family, friends and acquaintances.

First of all, it should be noted that, according to Islamic theologians, not only rams, but also camels, buffaloes, bulls or cows, sheep and goats can be sacrificial animals. However, the age of animals going to slaughter is strictly defined: a ram should be no more than a year old, a cow - two years old, a camel - five years old.

Animals must be purchased by believers exclusively with honestly earned money, without which the sacrifice is not considered accepted by Allah.

One animal from one family is sacrificed. The meat is divided into three parts: one is given to the poor, the second is prepared as a treat for relatives, neighbors, and friends, and the third can be left by believers for their family.

Aslan Mataev, the owner of a sheep farm from Gudermes, who helps local residents slaughter sheep

Read more about how to combine sacrifice with love for animals and where there is a place for business here on the website "This is the Caucasus"

17.08.2018 09:59:18

Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Adha)- Feast of Sacrifice, the most significant holiday in Islam. It falls on the tenth day lunar month Dhul-Hijjah - month of Hajj. The three days following Eid al-Adha (that is, the 11th, 12th and 13th) are called “tashriq” days. Beginning at sunset on the eve of Eid al-Adha, Muslims recite the takbir: Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar Lailaha illallahu wallahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd - three times. Then - Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar kabiran walhamdulillahi kasiran wa subhanallahi bukratan wa asila.

Takbir is read in mosques, at home, on the street, and in squares - everywhere men read it out loud, and women silently. In addition, the takbir is read after each prayer, before the start of azkars (prayers read after prayer), ending with the pre-sunset prayer last day Tashriq, that is, the 13th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah.

In the morning, putting on clean clothes (if possible, new ones), perfumed with incense, they go to the mosque to perform the holiday prayer. The time for performing 'id-namaz begins 15-20 minutes after sunrise and continues until lunch. In the mosque, Eid prayer is performed approximately 45 minutes after sunrise (check with the imam of the mosque in advance about the time of its performance). If it is not possible to go to the mosque, then you can perform ‘id-namaz at home with your family and separately.


Eid prayer is performed in the same way as on the day of Eid al-Adha. Whoever does not know how the holiday prayer is performed, let him perform the usual sunnah prayer of two rak'ahs, with the intention of performing the holiday prayer. But since such an opportunity appears once a year, you should try to perform it in a mosque.

At the beginning of the Eid prayer, they say “Allahu Akbar” while mentally pronouncing the intention (niyyat): “I intend to perform a two-rakah sunnah prayer on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, in the name of Allah.”

Then, who knows, let him read “Vajakhtu”. After this, in the first rak’ah they say “Allahu Akbar” 7 times, while simultaneously raising their hands to ear level. After each “Allahu Akbar”, with the exception of the last one, say: “Subhanallahi walhamdulillahi wa la ilaha ilallahu wa lahu akbar”. After the last “Allahu Akbar”, Surah al-Fatiha is read. In the second rak'at, “Allahu Akbar” is read 5 times. After the holiday prayer, the imam delivers a holiday sermon.

On the day of Kurban Bayram, they slaughter a sacrificial animal - Kurban, and distribute its meat to those in need, visit relatives, neighbors, friends, other fellow believers, visit the graves of relatives, receive guests, congratulate each other, express joy and fun on the occasion of the holiday.


Sacrifice (qurban) on the day of Eid al-Adha or the next three days is an urgent Sunnah to which our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) addressed Special attention(Sunnat ul-muakkada).

Sacrifice these days is a highly rewarded act. In a hadith narrated from Ali-askhab, it says: “Whoever leaves home to pick up an animal for Qurbani, for every step he takes, 10 good deeds are written and 10 sins are erased, his conversation during the purchase and sale will be recorded as tasbih (remembrance of Allah), for each dirham given for the animal, 700 good deeds are recorded . When he throws the animal to the ground to slaughter it, all creation, from this place to the seventh heaven, will ask for forgiveness of his sins, from every drop of the animal's blood angels will be created, who before the coming doomsday they will also ask for forgiveness of his sins.”

Pious Muslims try to make a sacrifice every year. “The best of my ummah cut the Qurbani, the worst do not cut it,” says the hadith. Imam Shafi'i said: “I do not approve of (permitting) someone who has the ability to cut it not to cut the Qurbani.”Ibn 'Abbas recommends slaughtering at least a rooster, if there is no other possibility, although this will not be considered a full-fledged qurbani. The meaning of this is that on this day it is advisable to sacrifice at least something, showing respect for this holiday. In sacrifice the main manifestation of submission to the Almighty. The sacrifice is made for an adult Muslim with the appropriate intention.

Camels, cows (bulls), rams or goats can be used for sacrifice (other animals are not suitable). Their preference follows the order in which they are listed. At the same time, a camel and a cow can be slaughtered for seven, but a ram and a goat can only be slaughtered for one Muslim. But it is better to sacrifice a ram or a goat for everyone than to slaughter one cow for seven. If one ram or goat is slaughtered in a family, then the whole family receives a reward.


1. It is necessary that the person directly cutting the animal be a Muslim and that he cuts with sincere intention for the sake of Allah.

2. It is necessary to have the appropriate intention (niyyat) before the sacrifice. It is better for men to cut for themselves, but they can also authorize another (wakil - representative) to do it. The intention should be done like this: “I intend to perform the desired (sunnah) sacrifice from myself (or from the one who made me a wakil), in the name of Allah.” In the case when a vow (nazr) was made, the niyat will be as follows: “I intend to perform the obligatory (nazru) sacrifice in the name of Allah.”.

3. The sacrificial animal must be an adult: a ram - a year old, in the second year of life; goat and cow (bull) - two years old, in the third year of life; camel - five years old, in the sixth year of life.

4. The sacrificial animal must be healthy, without significant defects.

It is desirable that the animal be well-fed (a very thin animal should not be slaughtered) and without signs of illness.

5. The timing of the sacrifice must be observed. The period of sacrifice begins after the festive prayer and continues until sunset on the 13th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah.

Before starting the sacrifice they read: Bismillahi rrahmani rrahim. Allahumma swali ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin wasallim.

Then the takbir is read. (see above).

It is best to distribute the meat of a sacrificial animal raw to those in need, leaving a small piece at home for barakat. But you can give away a third or at least some part. The minimum requirement for Qurbani Sunnah is to give part of the raw meat to a Muslim who is due zakat. In the case where the Qurbani was fulfilled as a vow - i.e. Qurbani was obligatory and all the meat had to be distributed.

Nurmagomed Izudinov,

Education Department of the Muftiate of the Republic of Dagestan

The start date of Eid al-Adha in 2018 falls on August 22, but the celebration begins the evening before. This holiday is one of the main ones for Muslims all over the world. They observe their traditions, wherever they are at the moment.

The second name of the holiday is Eid al-Ahda. It does not have a fixed date; it is celebrated depending on the date of another important Muslim holiday, Eid al-Adha.

The beginning of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr falls on August 22, but the celebration will begin much earlier - in the evening of the 21st. This important holiday does not have a fixed date and lasts several days. Its end in 2018 falls on August 25th.

In Moscow important place The gathering place for believers is the main mosque of the capital, which is located on Prospekt Mira. Muslims will begin to gather near it when it is still dark outside.

The holiday begins early in the morning even before the first prayer. The culmination of Eid al-Fitr is prayer. Traditionally, the head of the Council of Muftis of Russia addresses the believers.

Traditions of Eid al-Adha in 2018

Eid al-Fitr is a holiday of sacrifice in the name of Allah. By this, the believer confirms his devotion to the Almighty and gets the opportunity to become closer to him.

Before the holiday, it is customary to observe a 10-day fast, not indulge in carnal pleasures, and be pure and sinless. The premises should be kept clean and tidy.

Before going to the mosque, a Muslim man must perform ablution using aromatic products. Be sure to wear clean (and ideally new) clothes. After prayer, a person goes to the mosque for festive prayer.

Women prepare for the holiday at home. There must be dishes on the table made from the meat of an animal sacrificed. It is prepared according to a specific recipe. The end of the meal is sweets. The most important condition should be the festive appearance of all dishes.

Muslims invite guests to their home for the holiday. These could be friends, family, or even completely strangers. You should share your feeling of joy with anyone you meet along the way.

Festive events for Eid al-Adha in Moscow in 2018

In 2018, in the Moscow region, 40 sites are being prepared for Kurban Bayram, where all believers will be able to perform the festive prayer. This can be done in mosques or houses of worship. The regional authorities are preparing separate places specifically for ritual sacrifices.

Various events dedicated to the history of the holiday and Muslim traditions will be held in Moscow parks on Kurban Bayram. Last year everything was held on the territory of Sokolniki Park.

All residents of the capital should be patient during the celebration, as the operation of public transport will change slightly.

On the first day of the holiday, the Prospekt Mira metro station will be open exclusively for exits from 5:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. It will not be possible to use the Minskaya station. It will be completely closed to entry from 7:00 to 8:30 am.

Motorists should also expect traffic closures near all mosques in the city.

namazvdom   |   08/31/2017

In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful! Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad. And then:

Qurbani should be performed only for three holidays, or more precisely on the 10th, 11th and 12th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. Only on these days the sacrifice is considered an act of worship, which cannot be performed on other days of the year.

Although Kurban is permitted during the above three days, it is preferable to do this on the 10th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah in the daytime. It is important to know that you cannot make a sacrifice before the holiday prayer itself.

There is no alternative for Kurban

Some people mistakenly believe that instead of sacrificing an animal, they can give away the value of that animal in the form of alms. This is a wrong opinion. In fact, there are different types of obligatory worship for Muslims. Each of them has its own meaning, and one cannot replace the other. A Muslim cannot pray instead of fasting during Ramadan, just as he cannot give alms instead of fasting. obligatory prayer. The same applies to Kurban - this separate species worship, which cannot be replaced by almsgiving.

Animals for Kurban

The following animals are allowed to be slaughtered as Kurban:

1. A male goat or female goat at least one year old.
2. A ram or ewe at least six months old.
3. A bull or cow at least two years old.
4. A camel or she-camel at least five years old.

One goat/goat or ram/sheep is Qurban for one person. But the remaining animals (cow, bull, camel) are seven Qurbani in one, which allows people to perform a sacrifice in a group of seven people.

If the seller of an animal claims that the animal has reached the required age, and there is no evidence to the contrary, the seller's words can be trusted and the sacrifice of such an animal will be valid.

Sacrifice according to the sunnah

It is better for a Muslim to slaughter an animal for Qurbani with my own hands. However, if he does not have the opportunity to slaughter the animal himself or does not want to do it himself for some reason, he can instruct another person to slaughter the animal on his behalf. In this case, it is advisable to at least be present at the sacrifice. If a person has instructed someone to slaughter an animal on his behalf, the Qurbani will be valid even if the person was not present when it was performed. It is Sunnah to place the animal facing the Qibla and recite the following verse of the Holy Quran:
“I turned my face to the One Allah, with all my soul I surrendered to Him - the Creator of heaven and earth - and deviated from every path except His straight path. I am not one of those who associate partners with Him.”
But the most important thing to say when slaughtering an animal is the following:
"Bismillah, Allahu Akbar."
(In the name of Allah, Allah is supreme)
If a person intentionally does not pronounce these words, his Qurbani is invalid, moreover, the meat of an animal slaughtered in this way is haram, that is, it is prohibited to eat it. But, if a person did not utter these words out of forgetfulness, and not intentionally, his mistake is forgiven - both the Qurbani and the slaughter of an animal according to Sharia are valid.
If a person cannot say “Bismillah, Allahu Akbar” in Arabic, he can say the name of Allah in his own language, for example: “In the name of Allah.”

How to divide meat?

If an animal is slaughtered by several people, as in the case of a cow or camel, its meat must be divided into equal parts by weighing, and not simply by eye. Even if all participants agree to share the meat without weighing, it is still prohibited according to Sharia.
However, if for some reason it is not possible to weigh the meat and all participants agree to divide the meat without weighing, it is allowed to divide the meat by eye, but on the condition that each part contains either an animal’s leg or some part of its liver .
Despite the fact that the person who performed Qurbani is allowed to keep all the meat for himself, it is better to give one third to the poor, one third to relatives, and keep the rest for himself.
It is permissible to use all parts of an animal slaughtered for Qurbani for one’s own needs, but one cannot sell any of them or give them to a butcher as payment for his work. If a person sold part of the meat or the skin/skin of an animal, he must give the money received from it as alms to a person who is among those to whom zakat is paid.

Takbirs of the holiday!

From the time of Fajr on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah until the time of Asr prayer on the 13th, every Muslim must recite the Takbir of Tashriq after every obligatory prayer.

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallahu, wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahil-hamd.

According to reliable Islamic sources, every Muslim man is required to recite this takbir after every obligatory prayer. For women, it is advisable to read this takbir, but not obligatory. In this case, it does not matter whether a person performs prayers in the jamaat or alone. You must recite takbir. Men are loud and women are quiet.


The following actions are Sunnah on the day of Eid ul-Adha:

1. Get up early in the morning.
2. Perform complete ablution.
3. Wear the best clothes available.
4. Anoint yourself with incense.
5. Do not eat before Eid prayer.
6. Read takbir tashriq on the way to the holiday prayer.


The Eid prayer consists of two rak'ahs with an additional six takbirs - three additional takbirs are performed at the beginning of the first rak'ah, and another three before ruku ( bow from the waist) in the second rak'ah.

Important (!)

Dear brothers and sisters, on the holiday of Eid al-Adha, the first prayer is performed, followed by the sermon (khutbah).
Both namaz and khutbah are one worship, so we warn you against the mistake of leaving the mosque immediately after performing namaz.

Other FAQ on this topic I have collected for you this link
Pictures with takbir and congratulations on our website Telegram channel
Holiday stickers

Religious reading: Eid prayer to help our readers.

Important rules of Eid al-Adha. Read it yourself and be sure to pass it on to a friend!

Festive prayers performed during the holidays of Eid al-Adha and Kurban Bayram

Both prayers are wajib for those who must attend juma (the person must be a man, free - not in prison, not have illnesses or physical disabilities that prevent him from coming to the mosque, and not be a traveler).

Unlike the Friday prayer (juma), which is not considered valid without the recitation of the khutbah (a two-part sermon that is delivered before the prayer), the khutbah during holiday prayers is read after the prayer, so it does not apply to the conditions for the validity of the prayer. Without the khutbah, Eid prayer (holiday prayer) will be valid, but this is undesirable, just as undesirable as reading the khutbah before the holiday prayer.

As for the celebration Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr), for him mandub (preferably) 13 things (for the holiday Eid al-Adha- the same thing, with a small difference, see below):

1. Before going to prayer, it is advisable to eat something, it is good if it is dates in odd quantities (during the holiday of Kurban Bayram, on the contrary, it is advisable to eat after performing the festive prayer).

2. Take a complete ablution (ghusl).

3. Use miswak.

4. Use incense.

5. Wear your best clothes.

6. If a person has the obligation of sadaka-fitr, then pay it before prayer (applies only to the holiday of Eid al-Fitr).

7. Show your joy, go to the mosque in a good mood.

8. As far as possible, distribute during the Sadaqah holiday.

9. Get up early on the day of the holiday and come early to the place of prayer.

11. Then go to the place of holiday prayer on foot, saying the takbir to yourself (for the holiday of Kurban Bayram, on the contrary, it is good to say the takbir out loud).

12. Stop making takbir when you reach the place of prayer (according to one opinion). According to another opinion, takbir can be read before the holiday prayer begins.

13. Return home by a different route.

The start time of the holiday prayer: from the time the sun rises to the height of a spear or two spears and until the beginning of the time of zaval (when the sun from its zenith begins to lean towards the west).

The procedure for performing holiday prayer (this applies to both holidays, Uraza and Kurban Bayram):

The intention for the holiday prayer is made. The opening takbir is pronounced. The dua “Sana” is read.

Additionally, three takbirs are pronounced (the phrase “Allahu Akbar”), raising your hands each time.

Then “Auzubillah”, “Bismillah” are pronounced, Surah Fatiha and another Surah are read.

When one rises from sajd to the second rak'ah: pronounce "Bismillah", read al-Fatiha, the second sura - it is advisable to read sura al-Gashiya in the second rak'ah.

In the second rak'ah, before ruku' (bow), you must also say takbir three times, raising your hands each time.

After the prayer, the imam pronounces two khutbahs, in which he teaches believers the rules for paying fitr-sadaqa (accordingly, during the festive prayer of Kurban Bayram - the rules for performing kurban, sacrifice).

Anyone who misses the holiday prayer does not make up for it. If the prayer was missed for a valid reason, then it can be left for the next day.

Regarding the holiday Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Adha)): almost the same thing is done as for the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, with a small difference:

– It is not advisable to eat before prayer, as in the previous case, it is advisable to do this after prayer.

– On the way to the holiday prayer, it is advisable to pronounce the takbir loudly.

– During the khutbah, talk about the sacrifice (qurban) and its rules.

– During the khutbah, takbir tashrik is pronounced.

– If the holiday prayer was missed for a good reason, then it can be postponed for up to three days (because the holiday lasts three days, and not one day, as in the first case).

– It is wajib to pronounce tashriq takbir.

According to Abu Hanifa, it must be said starting from the morning prayer of the day of Arafat (the day before the holiday) until the Asr prayer of the day of the holiday, it is read immediately after each farz prayer, which is performed along with the jamaat. This is wajib for the imam who lives in the city (not a traveler) and for those who pray behind him, even if he is a traveler, a slave or a woman.

According to imams Abu Yusuf and Muhammad, this is obligatory to do after every fard prayer that a person has read, even if he is alone (not in the jamaat), even if he is a traveler. This is done before the time of Asr prayer on the fifth day after the day of Arafat.

The fatwa is given according to the second opinion.

The following phrase is called takbir tashrik: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illallahu wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahi l-hamd.”

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    “This year, Eid al-Adha is different in that more than one holiday will be gathered on one day: Eid al-Adha, Friday and the Day of Knowledge. So many holidays are superimposed on one day, which only increases our joy.”

    Method of performing Eid prayer (salaat ul-id)

    On the eve of the upcoming holiday of Eid-ul-Fitr, we invite readers to familiarize themselves with the material revealing the features of the holiday prayer (salat-ul-id or id-namaz), which is an important component of this day.

    According to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa

    ‘Eid is a holiday named in honor of the fact that the mercies of Allah Almighty descend on His servants and that they return every year with joy.

    Both ‘id prayers were established in the Shariah in the first year of the Hijri. From Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) they say that when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) moved to Medina, the inhabitants of this city celebrated for two days. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked about this, he was told that during the days of jahiliyya they had fun on these days. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that the Almighty gave them two days better than before - these are Idul-fitr (the holiday of breaking the fast) and Idul-adha (the holiday of sacrifice).

    Everyone who is obliged to perform Juma prayer must perform ‘id-salat. Holiday prayer has the same conditions as Friday prayer, i.e. two rak'ahs and a khutbah. For ‘id prayer, the khutbah is read (sunnat) after the prayer. But on Friday it is necessary (fard) to read the khutbah before prayer.

    The time for both holiday prayers comes when on this day the sun rises above the horizon by the size of a bayonet. This is the time for Zuha prayer to begin. In terms of time, it will be 30 minutes after sunrise. The period expires before the lunchtime prayer, i.e. to the zenith.

    The procedure for performing ‘id prayers

    The prayer begins with the words “assalatu jamia,” which literally means “come to the collective prayer.” Everyone stands in rows and makes the intention (imam and ma'moom) for the holiday prayer. Ma'moums echo the imam when they intend. After saying the words “Allahu Akbar,” the ma’moums performing prayer behind the imam fold their hands on their stomachs. Read the dua “Sana” (“Subhanaka Allahuma tabaraka ismuka wa ta’ala jadduka wala ilaha gairuka”). Then the imam begins to recite takbir. They are also called added. These are three takbirs, not counting the takbir when entering prayer, with each of them they raise their hands, as if entering prayer, then lower them, but do not fold them. Each takbir is pronounced separately from each other three times, with an interval of time during which you can say “Allahu akbar” or read “subhanallahi walhamdulillahi wa illaha illallahu wallahu akbar.” After reciting the third added takbir, the hands are folded on the stomach. The imam reads Surah Al-Fatihah and preferably Surah A'la out loud, then performs Ruku' and Judgment and stands for the second rak'ah. The imam reads Surah Al-Fatihah, then preferably Surah Al-Hashiya. After reading, they begin the takbirs, they are pronounced, as for the previous rak’ah, three times and the fourth takbir for ruku’a. They perform ruku’ judgment, read “Attahiyata” and, as usual, leave the prayer with salam. After salam, they remain seated and the imam reads both khutbahs. After this, he reads a sermon (about the sacrifice or the holiday of breaking the fast, respectively).

    Takbir read on tashriq days

    Tashrik is the name given to drying meat. Therefore, the 11th, 12th, 13th days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, i.e. following Eid al-Adha, are called days of tashrik (ayamu tashrik). These days, after performing all farz prayers, men and women must read takbir. It is read before afternoon prayer on the 13th day.

    The order of reciting the takbir is as follows: “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar. Allahu akbar walilahil hamd.” It is necessary to read once after each prayer, and to read three times is the sunnah.

    Desirable actions on both days

    On these days, everything that is desirable on Friday is desirable: take a bath, use siwak, perfume yourself with incense, put on the best clothes, go to prayer early. But for the holiday there is also additional sunnat: before going to the festive prayer of breaking the fast, it is advisable to eat something, preferably an odd number of dates. And before the Eid al-Adha prayer, it is advisable to postpone eating in order to eat from the sacrificial meat.

    On the way to the mosque (for prayer) they read the takbir (on the day of breaking the fast - silently, on Kurban Bayram - out loud). It is advisable to go one way and return another. Distribute zakatul fitr before leaving for prayer. It is advisable to perform ziyarat at the cemetery after prayer and give out alms as much as possible.

    Both holiday nights are spent in vigils, time is spent in worship of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), reading the Koran, performing namaz, remembering Allah.

    It is advisable to perform both of these prayers in the field; it is condemned to perform them in mosques without a good reason.

    Some solutions related to both holidays

    If you were unable to perform a collective holiday prayer (behind the imam), you do not need to make up for it yourself. If the time for ‘id-namaz has passed (i.e., the time for lunch prayer has come) and you did not have time for prayer, then it can be performed the next day. Eid al-Adha prayer can be performed on three more subsequent days if there was a reason for which it was postponed.

    The one who enters prayer after the imam, having read the takbirs, begins to read Surah Al-Fatiha, will read the takbirs, following the imam, if he does not miss his hand. If he does not have time to follow the imam, he, having entered the prayer, will go to the ruku’ and read the takbirs there. If he enters the prayer after the imam rises from the ruku’a, he will restore what he missed after the imam completes the prayer.

    It is disgraceful to perform Sunnat prayers before or after ‘Id prayers. They can be done upon arrival home. The khutbah begins with reading the takbir: the first - 9 times, the second - 7 times. On the days of tashriq, the takbir can be continued by adding: “...Allahu akbar kabiran walhamdulillahi kasiran wa subhanallahi bukratan wa asila la ilaha illallahu wahdahu sadaqa wa'dahu wa nassara 'abdahu wa a'aza jundahu wa gazamal ahzaba wahdahu la ilagya illa llahu wala na'budu illa Iyyahu mukhlisina lahuddin wa love karihal kafiruna. Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin wa ‘ala ashabi Muhammadin wa ‘ala azwaji Muhammadin wa salim taslima.”

    According to the madhhab of Imam al-Shafi'i

    The holiday prayer has two rak'ahs, and the intention to perform it is made as follows: “ I intend to perform the desired Eid prayer of two rak'ahs in the name of Allah (following the imam)».

    After saying “Allahu Akbar” when entering the prayer, it is advisable to read the prayer “Vajjahtu”, then it is advisable to raise your hands seven times as when entering the prayer and say “Allahu Akbar”, and after six times read the prayer “Subhana Allah Walhamdu Lillahi wa la Ilaha illallahu wallahu” Akbar." And after the seventh “Allahu Akbar” you should read Surah al-Fatihah. (If the collective prayer is read aloud by the imam first, and the mammums read it later). After Surah al-Fatiha, it is advisable to read Surah al-Kaf or Surah al-A'la.

    In the second rak'ah, after saying "Allahu Akbar" and getting up for the second rak'ah, it is advisable to say "Allahu Akbar" in the above-mentioned way and read the prayer "Subhana Allahu Walhamdu Lillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu Akbar" after four, and after the fifth read Surah "Al-Fatihah". After Surah al-Fatiha, it is advisable to read Surah al-Qamar, or al-Gashiya.

    If the prayer was a collective one, after it two khutbahs should be read with the same conditions that should be observed for the khutbahs of Friday prayer.

    If a person cannot perform prayer in the above-mentioned way, he makes an intention for the holiday prayer and performs the usual desired prayer of two rak'ahs.

    And since the Eid prayer occurs once a year, a Muslim should not neglect it, and if he missed it for a good reason, it is advisable for him to make up for it.

    Eid al-Fitr 2017: prayers, traditions and customs of Muslims

    Kurban Bayram in 2017 for all believers will come on September 1: the Muslim holiday, which began to be celebrated under the Prophet Muhammad, is the second largest after Ramadan Bayram

    It is also called the “Feast of Sacrifice” (Eid al-Adha). The holiday symbolizes absolute, pure and sincere faith in the Almighty, unity with him.

    history of the holiday

    The story of Kurban Bayram is very interesting; it is connected with the prophet Ibrahim, who was tested by Allah and was always distinguished by exorbitant obedience.

    The Prophet did not have children until he was 86 years old, until his first son, Ismail, was born. But one day in a dream, Ibrahim saw that the Almighty was asking him to sacrifice only son. Not daring to resist the will of Allah, the man came to the Mina valley, where the city of Mecca was later built. Here he made all the necessary preparations for the sacrifice. Ibrahim's son Ismail did not resist his father, also being obedient to the will of the Almighty, humbly accepted the fate prepared for him and was ready to give his life in the name of Allah.

    At the last moment, when the prophet was ready to make a sacrifice, Allah condescended to him, saying that he had passed the test, proving obedience and devotion. The human sacrifice was replaced by a ram. This is how the tradition of making sacrifices arose in Islam.

    Since then, the act of the prophet has been considered a symbol sincere love to the Almighty. As a sign of righteous faith, all Muslims sacrifice a ram or other animal. This story serves as an example for Muslims of obedience to God. And the Eid al-Adha holiday symbolizes the mercy and greatness of God and the fact that faith has been and will be the best sacrifice of man.

    Preparation for the holiday

    Preparations for the holiday begin ten days before it. Fasting is observed, and believers do general cleaning in their homes. The holiday itself lasts three days, during which Muslims adhere to certain traditions.

    Before the holiday of Kurban Bayram, Muslims fast. From dawn until the end of the morning holiday prayer - prayer, you cannot eat anything. After prayer, it is allowed to eat sweets.

    The holiday begins at night, before dawn. According to tradition, you need to wash your entire body and put on your best attire. At dawn, believers go to the mosque for a festive service - prayer. It is not necessary to take children to prayers. Eating before the service is prohibited.

    After prayer, people return home, where they begin the festive feast. After this, Muslims return to the mosque, where they listen to the sermon and different stories related to the holiday. Also on this day, Muslims go to visit loved ones and relatives, visit cemeteries, where they pray for the dead. On this day it is customary to give gifts to each other.


    Performing a sacrifice is wajib for every adult believer. The most important condition for performing a sacrifice is the sincerity of the intention - slaughtering an animal for the pleasure of the Almighty. The Koran says: “Neither their meat nor their blood reaches Allah, but your piety reaches Him. So He subordinated them to you, so that you exalt Allah for bringing you to the straight path, and you give joy to those who do good!” (22:37).

    It is also worth observing certain rules regarding the animal itself: it must be adult and healthy. According to established tradition, the meat of the sacrificial animal is divided into three parts: one remains for the family, the second is distributed to relatives and friends, and the third is given to the poor and needy. Sacrificial animals can be sheep, goats, cows, bulls, buffalo and camels. The time of sacrifice begins after the time of the festive prayer of Eid al-Fitr and lasts three days.

    It is not necessary for the person performing the act of worship to perform the sacrifice. A person can choose a trusted person who will do this in accordance with all Islamic norms, in a halal manner.

    Festive feast

    Not a single table these days is complete without the usual sweets, homemade bread, pies, scones and biscuits. As a favorite dessert, Muslims prefer dishes made from almonds and raisins.

    On the first day, dishes from the liver and heart are prepared, the second day must begin with soups cooked with lamb heads and legs. Meat is also roasted or stewed, and beans, vegetables or rice are used as a side dish. On the third and fourth days, Muslim tables include soups made from lamb bones, fried lamb ribs and, of course, traditional manti, lagman, shish kebab, pilaf, beshbarmak, chuchvara.

    For true Muslim believers, it is important that during the holiday not a single person goes hungry, which is why the doors of the houses of followers of Islam are open to all guests.

    The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

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