How do the phases of the moon affect women? How does the full moon affect a person?

Feminine nature feeds on several types of natural energy (that is, the energy that comes from nature). Earth energy, Water energy and Moon energy. There is also Divine Energy that feeds all living beings, but let us now focus on those that are important specifically for women.

The first two of them - Earth and Water - are stable and unchanging, do not have any cyclicity, and are always the same. The main thing is that they are simply present in your life, preferably every day. Walk on the ground, better barefoot (of course, not in the snow), live on the ground, and not on the 31st floor from it, bury yourself in the ground if possible (for example, in the sand on the beach, on the shore of a reservoir this is even more healing), interact with earth (for example, dig, grow something in it), take a bath in natural bodies of water, or at least put a basin of living earth under the bed at home and add water from the natural sources(for residents of the metropolis this is at least some option for maintaining communication) and so on. This is what makes our psyche more stable and stable, what grounds us (even the word is clear where it came from) and calms us, fills us with strength and health, makes us more flexible and softer.

The energy of the moon has a different feature. It's cyclical. Like a sine wave - remember from school curriculum What does such a curve look like? Every month the Moon goes through its own cycle of 28 days, each day it is different. It gradually reaches its maximum (on the day of the full moon), then also gradually decreases to its minimum (on the new moon), and then - in the new cycle - again tends to the maximum. And it's endless.

Do you see the intersection with feminine nature? A woman is also different every day, her mood is different, her feelings and thoughts are different. But, although she doesn’t know it herself, she still repeats herself, although not too often.

A woman lives cyclically, also reaching the minimum and then the maximum of her energy in turn. And all because it very much depends on the same cyclical nature of the Moon.

Which important days do lunar cycles exist for everyone?

New moon.

Usually the hardest day is when we can be visited by loss of strength and depression, irritability and inadequacy. The energy of the Moon, which we feed on, is zero on this day. The days before the new moon and the first days of the “new” moon can be very difficult. It is on these days that “kind” women are usually especially active on the Internet, on forums and in in social networks, on these same days, grandmothers and aunties encountered in line are especially dangerous. These same days, men get a lot of trouble (who most often do not understand what is happening at all).

Full moon.

On this day, on the contrary, there is so much lunar energy that you can get an “overdose,” especially if you don’t know how to implement it and cope with it. Or if this energy in you is not entirely pure and blissful. Therefore, many women are almost as inadequate and irritable.

Women's cycle.

But nature is very wise in such matters. A woman also has a second cycle on which she depends - the female one. Which also has its own minimums and maximums, which is also similar to a sine wave. The only question is how these two sinusoids - lunar and female - relate to each other.

The most difficult days are the days of menstruation. It’s not for nothing that there are so many terrible and unfunny jokes about women’s PMS. It really exists, especially for those whose feminine energies are unbalanced. There are also days of flight and increased energy for a woman - when ovulation occurs. True, it also happens that ovulation is very painful for a woman. This is most often associated with certain problems with childbearing, for example, if you really want children, but your partner does not want them or does not have one at all, or if you want children, but definitely not from him. Then these days a woman may also feel increased irritability.

So, a woman’s harmonious female cycle is equal to the cycle of the Moon (plus or minus a couple of days) and is arranged in such a way that ovulation occurs on the new moon, and menstruation occurs on the full moon.

Then the peak opposite values ​​of the two cycles create a kind of golden mean in terms of female mood, she becomes more stable, calm and harmonious. And life is easier for everyone. Although this does not mean that she does not have difficult days or bad moods.

The most severe type of cycle overlap is when the peaks of zero and maximum activity coincide. That is, on the new moon - menstruation (this is very difficult to endure, especially for her loved ones), and on the full moon - ovulation (then she can be hyperenergetic and completely out of control, not being able to “digest” so much energy). In this case, the woman is like a constant volcano that is ready to explode at any moment: either she is in a low-key mood and “don’t get involved, she’ll kill you,” or she runs around the house like crazy and doesn’t know what to do with herself, urgently.

How to rebuild the cycle?

The female cycle is built by itself, by our body, based on our energies in the body. If now it is not harmonious, it means that there is no harmony inside me - specifically with the feminine principle. The task is not to “drag” the cycle where it needs to be so that it feels good, but to change your sense of self, to discard the unnecessary things that prevent you from feeling like a woman.

If you change, reveal your feminine nature, discover in yourself everything that is inherent in you from birth, the cycle itself will gradually shift.

I speak from the experience of hundreds and thousands of girls who tried all this and got exactly the same result. And besides, I experienced this myself - once everything was “not necessary” for me, but thanks to my internal changes, without any direct efforts in this direction, in about a year everything fell into a harmonious rhythm. Every month our cycle can shift by 1-2-3 days, and thus, after a few months it will settle in better position, helping us feel happy.

I won’t recommend you any special exercises for this; I’m not a fan of any “feminine practices” and all that. But you can start by wearing knee-length skirts wherever you can. This will already change a lot in your hormonal system, again it has been tested by thousands of women, for the majority it works.


Two more difficult days in each lunar cycle are Ekadashi. They affect everyone, not only women, but also men. 11th day after the new moon and 11th day after the full moon. These are emotionally very difficult days. Most people feel them one way or another. Tension seems to hang in the air, and people seem to turn into bare wires.

But as for Ekadashi, everything is much simpler here. Do you want these days to pass easier? Then I recommend that you keep the post. At a minimum - for meat, fish, eggs, alcohol. The optimal level is that in addition to the above, also exclude grains and legumes. Advanced level - full fast on the water or even without it at all.

Ekadashi is calculated according to a special system so that the fast is most effective. If at least a few minutes of the 11th lunar day pass into the next day, then they fast on the very next day. Therefore, it is better to search on the Internet for the “Ekadashi calendar” for the current year. The time of leaving the post will also be indicated there - which is also important. Each zone has its own, usually the first two hours after sunrise. At this time, if you fasted without grains and legumes, you need to eat something grain (at least one grain). If you were starving, you can eat at least something.

This is not a religious fast, it is intended to reduce the impact of a difficult lunar day on our bodies. This day is also ideal for prayers, spiritual practice, pilgrimages, going to temples, austerities, and reading scriptures. And the next day - on Dvadashi - it is ideal to make donations, this will only bring benefit to everyone.

Rest lunar days They also have an influence, but not as strong. This is individual and will not suit everyone.

What does this influence depend on?

The moon, as I already said, affects all women. Whether we like it or not. But its influence may be different. There are happy women who do not see any difference between lunar days. And there are those who find it difficult even on a conditionally favorable full moon. What does it depend on:

The moon can also influence men, for example, if they do not have a very good position in the horoscope, a lot feminine traits character, there are problems with the daily routine, and so on. But these are rather exceptions to the rule, although this does happen, there is no point in focusing on it.

What to do during difficult periods?

If you understand that there is a new moon or a full moon coming up, which is not easy for you, then what can you do about it?

Sometimes women say that there are no difficult periods or changes in their lives. Most often, not only negative emotions are “absent” in their emotional life, but also positive ones. Therefore, if you notice that nothing affects you - neither the new moon nor menstruation - check yourself again. Do you have periods of happiness, creative flight, an open heart, boundless joy? If yes, then everything is in order, it means that you and Luna a good relationship, and there is no need to change anything about it.

But if you realize that all your emotions and sensations in your body are simply blocked, then it’s time to start clearing out these blockages before they lead to big problems.

Women's calendar

The point is simple - for several months, try to track your emotional condition. You can take a regular calendar or draw your own sign on a piece of paper - and write every day:

  • Today is such and such a date (according to the regular calendar).
  • Such and such a lunar day (according to the count) - you can find a lot of lunar calendars that will help you decide.
  • Such and such a day of the cycle (day 1 is the day the menstruation begins) - if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or no longer have Women's Day– you can skip this point.
  • And then describe in three words, briefly: how did you feel? Was there anything unusual? How was this day overall in terms of emotions?

What could be so “unusual”:

And so on. There can be many options. Just record the general mood of the day and some unusual moments for you. ordinary life condition. For several months - at least two or three - you keep your own sign, where you note all this. Every day. It takes very little time.

And then you can make predictions with varying degrees of accuracy - based on how such a lunar day and the day of the cycle usually look like for you. For example, in the morning you can fry yourself some potatoes, or in the evening stock up on chocolate, provide for your energetic energy in front of work, and so on.

At a minimum - and more importantly - warn your loved ones. Forewarned is forearmed. It has nothing to do with them that this has nothing to do with them. It’s just that you’re expecting a day like this. Believe me, your husband will be especially grateful to you for such forecasts for the coming day.

Perhaps this is, in brief, the most important thing about the Moon that every woman should know. It’s a pity that they didn’t teach us this at school – it would definitely be useful.

The influence of the moon on humans has long been proven, but a few decades ago people did not have any information and could only make assumptions. There are many legends and various superstitions associated with the Earth’s satellite that people still use to this day.

How does the full moon affect a person?

According to existing statistics, it is on full moon days that the number of crimes, suicides, road accidents, quarrels, etc. increases. It is believed that on the full moon you can win the love of the desired person. Astrologers say that Cancers and Pisces are the most sensitive to the energy of the moon. When understanding the topic of why the full moon affects a person, it is important to note that this is a time for creative individuals, since a new grand idea may come to mind. Everything related to creativity on such days goes off with a bang. The full moon is an ideal time for card readings, as you can get a truly truthful interpretation.

It’s also worth understanding how the full moon affects sleep. Many people complain of insomnia on such days, but this is purely an individual feature. Since ancient times, people have believed that the full moon increases the chance of seeing prophetic dream. In most cases, they are very bright and memorable, and appear closer to the morning. It is recommended to listen to the recommendations received in your sleep so that problems do not arise.

How does the full moon affect human health?

  • arises headache;
  • weakness appears;
  • existing diseases worsen;
  • problems with the stomach, kidneys and heart occur;
  • Vision may deteriorate.

How does the full moon affect women?

Since ancient times, it has been noticed that on such days, the fair sex’s subconscious is activated and intuition awakens. Eat There are many different beauty rituals that should be performed exclusively on the full moon, since it is believed that the energy of this day is special and everyone will be realized. Many people believe that the moon gives strength to the female sex and cleanses them of negative energy.

How does the full moon affect the health and condition of men?

On such days, representatives of the stronger sex gain strength that helps them cope with all the accumulated matters. It has been noticed that during the full moon the effect of alcohol on the body increases. Given the increase in emotional stress, on such days it is recommended to behave as restrained as possible so as not to provoke the emergence of many problems.

The influence of the Moon on all life processes on our planet is extremely great. The force of gravity forces the Moon to rotate in a certain orbit around the Earth. The same force causes the ebb and flow of the oceans on Earth. This same force affects all life on our planet, including the human body.

The influence of the Moon on a woman can be seen especially clearly. It is obvious that many processes that occur in the female body are associated with the so-called lunar phases. The most clear illustration of this theory is the menstrual cycle. Its average duration is 28-29 days, approximately the same as one lunar month.

Moon and beauty. How are they interconnected?

It is not surprising that with such dependence of the female body on the Moon, our beauty also extremely depends on lunar phases.

Each lunar month the Moon goes through four phases or quarters. The countdown of lunar phases begins with the new moon. Each phase lasts 7.4 days. What happens to a woman’s body and their beauty and appearance during each of the indicated phases of the Moon?

The influence of the moon on a woman in the first phase of the lunar cycle

This phase begins at the new moon and continues until the moon reaches its first quarter.

For a woman, this phase of the moon is quite difficult. The influence of the Moon during this period suppresses us and spoils our mood.

However, during this period, women's metabolic processes in the body slow down. Therefore, at this time we do not experience a manic craving for gluttony. Use this phase of the Moon to your advantage - go on a low-calorie diet, cleanse your intestines, these procedures will bring undoubted benefits to your beauty!

The influence of the moon on a woman in the second phase of the lunar cycle

In this phase the Moon is waxing. It continues until the full moon. During this period, as in the previous one, you can calmly “sit” on a diet.

The woman’s mood during this period is good and upbeat. However, on a full moon, many representatives of the fair sex experience strong emotional stress, which is why ethnoscience recommends that most women take control of their emotions during this period.

In the second phase, you should avoid any surgical interventions in the body, including plastic surgery, because significant blood loss is possible. A trip to the dentist can also end unfavorably.

The second phase of the moon is favorable for hair and skin care. Pamper yourself with masks and other caring procedures - they will bring undoubted benefits to your beauty.

There is also sad news - during this period there is a high probability of insomnia. This is especially true for people with low blood pressure. Keep this in mind and try to establish a calm emotional background in your life, drink tea from calming herbs. After all, healthy sleep is simply necessary for your beauty!

The influence of the moon on a woman in the third phase of the lunar cycle

This is the phase of the waning moon. The Moon has a very contradictory effect on women during this period, because The influence of the full moon is still very strong.

This period is favorable for removing unwanted hair, because... During this phase, growth processes in the body slow down. Any hair removal will have a long-lasting effect.

This period is also excellent for removing spider veins, moles and warts.

It is useful to cleanse your facial skin at this time.

The fight against cellulite in the third phase will also be very effective.

The influence of the moon on a woman in the fourth phase of the lunar cycle

This is the phase of the waning moon, until the new moon. Immunity during this period is at "0". Energy and strength will also decrease.

Therefore, during this phase you should not torment yourself with diets or serious cosmetic procedures.

It is better to relax in a warm bath and calmly contemplate your inner world.

The Moon is a natural satellite of planet Earth, and it is also a clot of hidden hidden fears and unconscious desires of a person. It is stupid to say that this heavenly body has no effect on people. It has long been proven that the Moon regulates. There is a myth that during the full moon werewolves turn into wolves, during this period witches become active and carry out their dark deeds. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, and this must be taken into account.

An adult's body is 70% water, and a baby's body is 80%. Since the Moon controls the water masses of the Earth, it also influences people. That is why in the old days small children were put to bed in such a way that moonlight did not fall on them. In this article we will look at how the full moon affects a person. After all, if you know what to expect from this difficult period, you can prepare for it in advance, and even benefit from it for yourself.

Impact on human health

Physically and mentally healthy people practically do not feel the influence of the heavenly body. They don’t even pay attention to what kind of moon is in the sky now - waning or waxing, whether the full moon or new moon is approaching. But today there are very few absolutely healthy people. That is why on a full moon hospitals are overcrowded with patients admitted with cardiovascular diseases and migraines. And how much work is added to surgeons during this period! The full moon is the peak of traffic accidents, people get involved in quarrels, fights, and street clashes. If at any other time a person would avoid bad company and would not dare to express his dissatisfaction with someone or something, then the full Moon “loosens” the tongue and forces one to take rash actions.

Scientists have proven that women are more susceptible to the influence of the heavenly body than men. Children and unhealthy people also react painfully to it. The full moon and human health are interconnected. During this period, chronic diseases may worsen and stomach problems may appear. During the full moon, people suffering from high blood pressure feel unwell. blood pressure, migraines. Bleeding may occur and fluid may accumulate in the tissues.

Some people note that during the full moon they feel a surge of strength and energy, they want to do something, run somewhere. Appetite may increase, and subsequently weight. During the full moon, the number of rapes increases because people cannot cope with the irresistible urge to opposite sex. At this time, the medications act with double strength, so you need to be wary of an overdose. Alcohol and drugs are destructive during this period. Insomnia, excessive sensitivity or tearfulness may occur. We don’t know how the Moon influences a person, but the fact that it controls our animal nature is for sure. Therefore, you need to control yourself, try to avoid places with large crowds of people, and stock up on medications in a timely manner in case of exacerbation of diseases.

How does the full moon affect the human psyche?

The moon controls people's feelings and emotions, making them rely more on the heart than on the mind. How does the full moon affect a person? It should be noted that it is different for everyone. Some people feel a surge of strength, excessive excitement, others, on the contrary, fall into depression, they give up, what to do. There is a full moon greatest number declarations of love, because feelings overshadow the voice of reason. Unfortunately, many suicides occur during this period because emotions get out of control and the person is unable to cope with internal demons.

Mentally unbalanced people may be overwhelmed by causeless melancholy, anxiety or rage during the full moon. At this time, it is very difficult to keep your emotions in check, so uncontrollable outbursts of irritability and hot temper become more frequent. Inappropriate actions, violent activity, and excessive exposure to temptation are also provoked by the full moon. The influence of the heavenly body on the psyche cannot be overestimated. Even healthy, calm and balanced people on a full moon can behave in an atypical way, appearing to others in a new light.

For this reason, it is not recommended to take during this period important decisions, make deals, buy expensive goods, because in the future you may bitterly regret your actions. passes, as if scales fall from the eyes and all thoughts and actions appear in a completely different light. It is almost impossible to protect yourself from the Moon, so you just need to wait out its period greatest influence in a safe place, try not to go to extremes and tell yourself that everything will be fine.

born on a full moon

The fact that the heavenly body has the greatest influence on women was noticed in ancient times. If the late stages of pregnancy occur closer to the end of the lunar month, then there is a very high probability that the birth will occur precisely on the full moon. Nature seems to demand that you give it its due, so everything happens according to some mysterious coincidence of circumstances. In the old days, midwives were in great demand during this period, but today obstetricians carefully monitor lunar calendar and on the 29th day reinforced brigades are put on duty.

People born on a full moon are shrouded in an aura of mystery. The parents of such a child are worried whether they should expect any troubles due to the fact that their child was born at such a difficult moment. There's really nothing wrong with this. Such people simply have a peculiar character. They are completely uninhibited in their actions, independent, and it is almost impossible to impose someone else’s opinion on them. They know their worth and immediately determine what those around them are like.

People born on a full moon are natural leaders. They are optimistic and lift the spirits of others with their cheerful disposition. Their bright appearance and ability to clearly express their thoughts help them lead the crowd. These are excellent teachers, people go to them for experience and knowledge. Such people do not give in to provocations; they cannot be deceived. They are incredibly sensitive, able to empathize with others, and noble. Rational reasoning attracts supporters to them. As we see, people born on a full moon have a lot of advantages, so you should not be afraid of this mystical time.

Who is at risk for somnambulism?

Only about 2% of people in the world suffer from sleepwalking. This disease is not common, but there are many legends, speculations, and superstitions surrounding it. It is not known exactly how the Moon affects a person, so it is impossible to say with certainty who should be wary of somnambulism. Potential sleepwalkers have been observed to react negatively to bright moonlight. During the full moon, chronic diseases may worsen, irritability, and uncontrollable outbursts of anger may appear. Children wander around at night when they are overly anxious or overstimulated.

Even mentally and physically healthy person who have suffered stress may be affected by the full moon. A photo of a sleeping person walking around the house causes goosebumps to appear on the skin. You don’t know what to expect from a patient, because in an unconscious state he is capable of harming himself and others. The sleepwalker's eyes are open, he sees, hears, feels everything, but his sense of danger is practically turned off. When a person comes to his senses, he does not remember anything from his night walk.

What should the relatives of a patient with somnambulism do on a full moon? There is an opinion that a sleepwalker can be tied to a bed or a bowl of water placed near the bed. Unfortunately, he will be able to untie all the ropes and bypass the obstacle in the form of a pelvis. It is impossible to wake up the patient, so you need to hide the keys in advance. front door and from the car. Such people are recommended to glaze their balconies and put bars on the windows. After your first night walks, you should immediately consult a doctor. Somnambulism is very dangerous, because it provokes the development of epilepsy. The way the full moon affects a person once again emphasizes that we are only small particles on this planet, controlled by celestial bodies.

Will a wish made on the full moon come true?

Many argue that it is best to make plans for the future at the new moon, because renewal and addition occur at this time. On a full moon, you can also make a wish, because at this time a lot of energy accumulates, which needs to be given freedom and directed towards achieving some goal. A wish will come true if a person knows exactly what he wants, and if his dreams do not harm someone else. There are a great many rituals to attract love, money, prosperity, and good luck. You can even invent them yourself, the main thing is that the desire is sincere and comes from the heart. You need to let it pass through yourself, imagine that it has already come true. There are 12 full moons per year, which means you can accomplish just that many of your own. The lunar energy should not be wasted.

How to make a wish correctly?

The effect of the full moon on a person must be used for one’s benefit. Therefore, you should make a list of wishes in advance that you would like to turn into reality. When performing a ritual, moonlight is important; it should fall on a person or on the paper on which cherished dreams are written, on a banknote (if you want to improve your financial condition). It is believed that the most favorable period for mentally shaping your future is the time when the full Moon began to rise on one side, and on the other, the Sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon. When a person is between two luminaries, his wish on the full moon will certainly come true.

Are full moon love spells effective?

Even scientists have recognized that the Earth’s natural satellite, being in three different phases, somehow affects all living things on the planet. As for professional magicians and sorcerers, they have been using the power of the Moon for many centuries. It makes rituals even more powerful. Even beginners can make a love spell on the full moon, because at this time every action is imbued with magic. Professional sorcerers use this period to perform complex rituals.

Since the Moon is responsible for feelings and emotions, most often conspiracies are made to attract love into the life of a girl or boy. Love spells are also cast on a specific person. It should be noted that such rituals require precision in execution. Incorrect wording of the spell, being a few minutes late in carrying out the love spell, using the wrong objects - all this can nullify the magician’s actions. You need to take this into account, prepare in advance: learn words, find the necessary items, set yourself in a positive mood. A love spell cast on a full moon is very powerful, so before you cast it, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Is it worth performing magical rituals on a full moon?

As mentioned earlier, love spells cast on the full moon have great power. In addition, they are obtained not only by inexperienced sorcerers, but even by people far from magic. If they are made with malicious intent and harm others, then retribution must be expected. Experienced witches and sorcerers know how to distract trouble from themselves, but beginners do not have such knowledge. It even happens that a person, while playing, performs a ritual, checking whether the full moon affects him. Photos of fortune tellers and mystically decorated rooms make you want to feel like an omnipotent wizard. But in reality, everything turns out to be not so rosy. You should never think of something bad, wish someone harm, because the power of the Moon will turn against the sorcerer. Such actions spoil karma and aura and affect the fate of descendants.

What should sensitive people do during the full moon?

The energy of the moon has the greatest effect on children and people with unstable psyches. Therefore, during the full moon, they need to be protected from vigorous activity, not made nervous, and their health condition monitored. IN mandatory Stressful situations must be excluded. IN general outline It is known how the full moon affects a person, but how it will affect a specific person is unclear. Therefore, some precautions should be taken.

Adults, and children in particular, are prohibited from reading books about various undead: werewolves, ghosts, vampires, zombies. It is also not recommended to get involved in detective stories. Under no circumstances should you watch horror films with these very undead creatures during the full moon. leading role, blockbusters. It is not recommended to attend concerts and other events with large crowds of people. Before going to bed, you should not play active games, and you should not go far from home. It is best to replace coffee and tea during the full moon. mineral water, you should also give up sweet treats. You need to try to get a good night's sleep and ventilate the room often. These recommendations will help you survive the full moon safely.

How to use the power of the full moon for your benefit?

The heavenly body does not necessarily bring only troubles and illnesses. The power of the Moon can be directed in a peaceful direction, and you can use its energy for your own purposes. During the full moon, you can engage in magical practices; at this time, any desires come true, even the most complex rituals are performed. It is also recommended to take care of your appearance and health. At this time, therapeutic fasting or cleansing the body will be beneficial. In addition, the full moon greatly affects creative personalities. During this period, the most beautiful pictures were painted, the most enchanting melodies were created. Who knows, maybe the next full moon will awaken your creative abilities?

The fact that the Moon influences a person is an indisputable fact. Of course, not every woman subordinates her life to the lunar rhythm, but everyone feels the influence of the lunar phases.

There is an opinion that the night luminary is a source of astral energy. You can empower the moon magical properties, trusting the secrets of your soul, or you can simply take into account the lunar state in everyday life. Even those who do not recognize the mystery of this celestial body, will not deny that the Moon is associated with human emotions.

Moon phases

Before delving into the specifics of the lunar influence on a woman, let's understand the mechanism of this influence.

So, the lunar month consists of four phases, replacing each other.

  • First lunar phase – no moon. The lunar disk, of course, has not disappeared from the sky, but it is not visible. That is, the Moon is not illuminated by the light of the sun. This time characterized by low immunity, absent-minded attention, and general loss of strength. At this time, it is recommended not to start new things and postpone important events. It is necessary to take special care of your health.
  • Second lunar phase - waxing moon. At this time, the moon increases in size from a thin horn, similar to a golden thread, to its full size - a large golden ball in the sky. During this period, mood improves, strength increases, and performance increases. This phase is favorable for starting new things. The body is tuned to the positive, therefore sensuality and sexuality increase.
  • Third lunar phase - full moon . This period is considered the most powerful period, as the body is filled with strength. However, this only applies to those women who live in harmony with themselves. Women prone to anxiety and hysterics will experience increased anxiety and unrest during the full moon. If this happens to you, it means that you are not living in accordance with your own desires, but simply because it is necessary.
  • Fourth lunar phase - waning moon. During this period, there is a decrease in feminine energy. Strength falls, mood is lost. But this period is very favorable for getting rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary, including unnecessary connections and old things. The waning moon is also good for finishing things.

Impact of the Moon

The moon does not turn alone. Together with it, the inner world of a person turns, revealing the facets of the soul. The position of the moon determines how predictive women's dreams. The moon influences feelings and the subconscious.

The Moon is responsible for such a feature as intuition. People born under the sign of the Moon are characterized by insight and great impressionability. They exude mystery and dreaminess.

However, we must remember that the Moon is the queen of the night. It is associated with aggression and conflict. Negativity increases during the full moon. It is no coincidence that the appearance of evil spirits is associated with this period.

The influence of the moon on a woman

Women simply need to know the peculiarities of the influence of the phases of the Moon in order to control their emotions, behavior and destiny.

During the full moon, you need to be especially restrained and tactful.

The change of lunar phases is constant and unshakable. For this reason, the Moon is a symbol of cyclicality: birth, bloom, waning, disappearance and reappearance symbolize constant change and renewal in the world.

The main thing follows from this philosophy: women have learned to use lunar rhythms for their own purposes.

1. Self-care and the moon. To maintain beauty and youth, women do many procedures every day. Few people know that the moon can become a real ally in this:

  • on the waxing moon, everything related to growth and renewal is favorable: nutrition and rejuvenation of the skin, hair treatments, including dyeing;
  • the waning moon will be allies in getting rid of defects: cellulite, pimples, acne, pigment spots, unnecessary body hair.

2. Moon magic . Some people believe in magic, and, therefore, are prone to performing all sorts of rituals that are certainly associated with the Moon. True, to carry them out you need to take into account the lunar phase:

  • the waxing moon is good for creative rituals (love, profit, etc.);
  • the waning moon helps reduce or stop (illness, weight, bad habits and etc.);
  • the full moon can greatly affect the meaning of rituals, so during this period it is better not to take risks.

3. . The body's perception of food also depends on the lunar phase:

Dear women, it is simply impossible to resist the influence of the Moon. This can be compared to confronting nature itself. But do we really need this? Feminine power in wisdom and flexibility. And that means we must make the night star our ally. This will help us maintain harmony and achieve any goals.
