Green scarlet sails retelling. "Scarlet Sails" brief retelling

The story was written by Alexander Green, “ Scarlet Sails", a summary of the book is presented below, has become one of the writer’s most popular works. This work teaches you to dream, believe in good things and miracles.

Chapter 1. Prediction

Sailor Longren served on the ship for 10 years, but then he had to return to land. Every time he was at home, his wife ran to meet him. This time he did not see his wife and became worried. The neighbor told about the misfortune that happened. Mary, Longren's wife, had a very difficult birth. A lot of money was spent on treatment after them and caring for the daughter who was born.

At some point there were not enough of them, and Mary tried to borrow them from a local friend, the innkeeper Menners. He did not refuse, but in return began to harass the young woman. Desperate, she decided to pawn the only valuable thing in the city - her wedding ring.

On a cold evening, in the pouring rain, Mary hit the road. She left her daughter Assol under the care of an elderly neighbor. On the way, Mary caught a cold and got pneumonia. The woman died 3 months before her husband returned. Assol remained in the care of an elderly neighbor.

As a result, Longren left his naval service and began raising his daughter himself. He made toy wooden boats and sold them in the city. One day there was a storm. Longren saw the innkeeper's boat begin to float out to sea, and Menners jumped into it and tried to moor to the shore.

However, the stormy sea carried away his little boat. The only one who saw this was Longren. He did not help the innkeeper, thus avenging the death of his wife. Soon Menners was rescued by some ship. However, the innkeeper died a couple of days later, cursing and blaming Longren for what happened.

Fellow villagers began to avoid the sailor, the children stopped being friends and playing with Assol. One day a girl was playing alone in the forest and launched a boat made by her father into a stream. Its sails were scarlet. The toy was picked up by a wandering storyteller and promised Assol that she would meet the prince and he would sail on a ship with unusual sails.

Chapter 2. Gray

Arthur Gray was born in the castle, into an aristocratic family. However, since childhood he was attracted to the sea, his dream was to become a sea wolf, but his parents immediately opposed his choice. Then Gray ran away from home and got a job as a cabin boy on the Anselm. Captain Gop was sure that the boy would soon return home, but this did not happen. Gray, rubbing his hands until they bled, learned marine science from scratch.

After 3 years, the cabin boy became a wonderful sailor, doing an excellent job with sails. Gop noticed this and began to teach Gray other things that a captain should know. As a result, at the age of 20, Arthur became his assistant.
He went home to visit his relatives, learned that his father had died, and his mother had turned very gray from grief. He stays for a while, but the sea attracts Gray again. He says goodbye to Gop and buys the Secret ship.

Chapter 3. Dawn

Gray has been plowing for several years sea ​​spaces and becomes famous due to the fact that he does not pursue profit, but accepts only interesting offers. Gray is engaged in the transportation of exotic goods; the ship often stays in the port for a long time to take on an interesting order.

Once the ship remained idle for a long time, waiting for an interesting freight. In the evening, Gray went fishing with Letika, one of the sailors. They landed near Kaperna. While Letiko was fishing, Gray dozed by the fire, and in the morning he decided to explore the surroundings. Suddenly, in one of the clearings, I came across a sleeping girl. It was Assol.

Gray looked at the sleeping girl for a long time, and then put a ring on her finger - a family jewel. Then Arthur and Letika went to a local bar, which was owned by Him, Menners' son. Gray began asking people about the sleeping stranger. Khim said that everyone takes Assol for an abnormal person.

The innkeeper presented her father as a scoundrel, through whose fault Menners died. However, a heavily drunk coal miner interrupted this conversation and began to claim that the girl was absolutely healthy. Only she has the soul of a child - tender, vulnerable and believing in miracles. Gray left Letiko at the bar to learn all the details of this story.

Chapter 4. The day before

A day before Gray appeared in Kaperna, Assol returned home, carrying a basket of toys that the merchant refused to take. He motivated this by the fact that people are no longer interested in his crafts. Longren began to think about how to return to the ship. With such thoughts, he went fishing, and Assol took up housekeeping.

Despite the fact that her father had been gone for a long time, she was not worried about him. And it happened before that he went fishing at night. Assol suffers from insomnia; her dreams do not allow her to sleep. Long before sunrise, she goes out into the forest to talk with the trees and flowers and falls asleep in one of the clearings. When the girl woke up, she found a ring on her finger. She was very surprised, hid the jewel and quickly returned home.

Chapter 5. Preparing a miracle

Gray, having recognized Assol's dreams, stopped the ship in a secluded bay, and he himself went to the city - for scarlet silk. Traveling musicians were playing nearby. Gray suggested that they gather other fellow artists and come to the ship. The sail makers also arrived there.

The ship's crew did not understand anything. The captain's chief mate decided that Arthur was about to engage in smuggling. Gray had to explain that all this was being done because he was going for his future wife. The team greatly appreciates and respects their captain, congratulates him and actively helps in preparations.

Chapter 6. Loneliness Assol

Longren goes sailing, and all the time he thinks what awaits him and his daughter now. He worries about Assol, doesn’t want to leave her alone, but they don’t have any other way out for existence yet. As a result, the sailor decided to get a job on a ship transporting mail. Although the income is small, Longren will be absent from home for no more than 10 days each month.

After the decision was made, he returned home, but his daughter was not there. This did not surprise him, since Assol loved to walk at dawn. When she appeared, Longren talked about the decision taken and went to the port.

For some reason, Assol was overcome with anxiety. She looks at her surroundings as if she won't see them again. The girl goes into the city, walks along the streets, and on the way home she meets a coal miner and says goodbye to him forever, assuring him that she will soon leave these places.

Chapter 7. Arrival of the ship

At this time, the “Secret” leaves the bay and heads for Kaperna. Gray took control and explained to the disgruntled assistant why he chose this way to propose to his girlfriend. She believed in the prince and the scarlet sails, so let her beloved’s dream come true and this will be the beginning of their union. You need to believe in miracles and let this prediction come true.

Then the Salyut met a warship that became interested in the unusual color of the sails. After explanations, he was allowed to continue swimming. As a sign of understanding and respect, a gun salute was fired from the cruiser.

The Salyut entered the harbor while Assol was reading a book. The bug was bothering her, and she pulled away to drive it away. At that moment, Assol noticed a snow-white ship in the window, and it had scarlet sails. He also attracted all the villagers, who crowded on the shore. They watched what was happening with envy and anger.

When Assol appeared, there was silence. People made way for the girl, towards whom a decorated boat with musicians was lowered. Gray was also in it. As soon as he was on the shore, he embraced his beloved.

Assol looked and couldn’t believe her eyes - her prince turned out to be exactly what she had dreamed of.
The sailors opened a barrel of wine and laid out treats. The entire crew celebrated the captain's engagement and the most valuable "cargo" of the Secret. In the morning everyone went to bed, except for the old musician who played the cello.

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“Longren, a sailor of the Orion, a strong three-hundred-ton brig, on which he served for ten years, and to which he was attached more strongly than another son to his own mother, had to finally leave the service.” His wife Mary, in the absence of her husband, found herself in a difficult financial situation. She asked the tavern owner Menners to lend her money, but he demanded love in return. Mary refused and went to the city to pawn wedding ring. On the way, she was caught in a downpour, caught a cold and soon died. For three months, before Longren returned, a neighbor looked after little Assol. Then she left their home because Longren wanted to raise his daughter himself. Longren makes his living by making toy boats. He hardly communicates with anyone, and he doesn’t even buy matches at Menners’ shop. Longren still loves the sea and goes ashore to watch the storm. On one of these days, he walks along the pier. Menners' boat is carried away from the shore along with its owner. He begs Longren for help, but he stands silently on the shore and watches as the waves carry the boat into the raging sea, and then shouts: “She asked you the same thing! Think about this while you’re still alive, Menners, and don’t forget!”

Menners miraculously escapes, and having recovered, he tells the whole Kaperna (the village where the action takes place) a terrible story about the bloodthirsty Longren, who dreamed of drowning him. Since Longren himself, due to his own lack of communication, does not refute Menners’ story, people take what he says on faith. Longren's isolation becomes almost complete, the shadow of his gloomy reputation falls on little Assol. The girl grows up without friends, but gets used to her loneliness and lives in her own, imaginary world, where toys made by her father - sailboats - operate. One day she goes to the city to sell toys, on the way she launches a boat with scarlet sails along the stream, runs after it, gets lost on the road and meets the storyteller Egle. Egle tells Assol that when she grows up, a handsome prince will come for her on a ship with scarlet sails, who will make her happy. Assol tells a wonderful fairy tale to his father. Longren says that everything Egl said is true. Their conversation is overheard by a random beggar who tells the whole Kaperna story about the scarlet sails. They laugh at Assol even more, tease her with scarlet sails and are finally convinced that she is out of her mind.

Arthur Gray was born in rich family. Since childhood, he did not want to live like his parents. Arthur was friends with the cook Betsy, to whom he told amazing stories, read by him in books. One day Betsy scalded her hand with boiling water, and Arthur asked if it hurt. The girl angrily invited him to try it himself, and the boy stuck his hand into the cauldron. He took Betsy to the doctor, and only after she was bandaged did he show the doctor his hand. Arthur even gives Betsy all his savings as a dowry. The father is practically not involved in raising his son, but the mother, who lived “in a half-sleep of security, providing for every desire of an ordinary nature,” passionately loves her son and tries to understand his thoughts. One day in the library, Arthur sees a painting of a ship with a captain on board. From that moment on, he understands what the purpose of his life is, and he also understands that his parents will never agree to have their son become a sailor. At the age of fifteen, Arthur secretly runs away from home and joins a ship as a cabin boy. The captain is initially skeptical of the “aristocrat”, but seeing perseverance and extraordinary determination young man, changes his mind. Under the leadership of Captain Gop, Gray becomes a real sailor, matures, studies navigation, shipbuilding, maritime law, pilotage, accounting. Arthur receives a letter from his mother. Shocked by her grief, he goes to visit native home, where I haven’t been for five years. The father has already died; mother turned grey. Gray buys the Secret ship with his own money, says goodbye to Gop and decides to visit his mother every six months.

Gray's ship enters Kaperna. Arthur goes fishing with the sailor Letika. By chance, on the shore he sees Assol sleeping. Her beauty and youthful charm amaze the imagination of a young man. Gray puts his antique ring on her finger. He enters the tavern and, with the help of Letika, learns as many details as possible about Assol. In particular, Hin Menners, the son of old Menners, tells him scary story about the drowning of Menners by Longren, as well as the tale of scarlet sails. Gray decides that Assol is a completely normal girl, it’s just that her beautiful romantic nature is not created for life in the rough and primitive Kaperna. He announces to his sailors that he will soon get married. Gray goes to the shop and selects two thousand meters of scarlet fabric for the sails under which his “Secret” should approach Caperna. He invites an orchestra to play when the captain’s bride, Assol, appears on the shore.

Meanwhile, Longren's toys are no longer selling at all. Homemade boats have given way to expensive wind-up toys. Longren decides to re-enter the ship. Assol is already old enough to hold out until his return.

In Assol, “two girls mixed in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity. One was the daughter of a sailor, an artisan, who made toys, the other was a living poem, with all the wonders of its consonances and images, with the mystery of the proximity of words, in all the reciprocity of their shadows and light falling from one to another. She knew life within the limits set by her experience, but beyond the general phenomena she saw a reflected meaning of a different order... She knew how and loved to read, but even in a book she read mainly between the lines, as she lived. Unconsciously, through a kind of inspiration, she made many ethereal-subtle discoveries at every step... More than once, worried and timid, she went out at night to Coast, where, having waited for dawn, she quite seriously looked out for a ship with Scarlet Sails. These moments were happiness for her; It’s hard for us to escape into a fairy tale like that, but it was no less difficult for her to get out of her power and charm.” When, waking up on the shore, she discovers a ring on her finger, she is at first frightened, but, having listened to the voice of her heart, she understands that the fairy tale predicted to her by the wizard Egle is beginning to come true.

Longren goes sailing for ten days. Assol feels that during her father’s absence, her home should, for some reason, become alien to her. In the morning she sits by the open window reading a book. The Secret appears in sight of Kaperna under scarlet sails. An amazed crowd gathers on the shore. The name Assol is on everyone's lips. The girl herself looks up and sees her dream in the sea. She rushes to the shore, people respectfully make way. The orchestra is playing. The boat is separated from the ship. Assol runs into the water and shouts: “It’s me!” Gray picks her up and takes her to the ship. He promises to take Longren on the ship when he returns, and arranges a grand feast for the crew. The next day, “Secret” leaves Caperna.

“Longren, a sailor of the Orion, a strong three-hundred-ton brig, on which he served for ten years, and to which he was attached more strongly than another son to his own mother, had to finally leave the service.” His wife Mary, in the absence of her husband, found herself in a difficult financial situation. She asked the tavern owner Menners to lend her money, but he demanded love in return. Mary refused and went into town to pawn her engagement ring. On the way, she was caught in a downpour, caught a cold and soon died. For three months, before Longren returned, a neighbor looked after little Assol. Then she left their home because Longren wanted to raise his daughter himself. Longren makes his living by making toy boats. He hardly communicates with anyone, and he doesn’t even buy matches at Menners’ shop. Longren still loves the sea and goes ashore to watch the storm. On one of these days, he walks along the pier. Menners' boat is carried away from the shore along with its owner. He begs Longren for help, but he stands silently on the shore and watches as the waves carry the boat into the raging sea, and then shouts: “She asked you the same thing! Think about this while you’re still alive, Menners, and don’t forget!”

Menners miraculously escapes, and having recovered, he tells the whole Kaperna (the village where the action takes place) a terrible story about the bloodthirsty Longren, who dreamed of drowning him. Since Longren himself, due to his own lack of communication, does not refute Menners’ story, people take what he says on faith. Longren's isolation becomes almost complete, the shadow of his gloomy reputation falls on little Assol. The girl grows up without friends, but gets used to her loneliness and lives in her own, imaginary world, where toys made by her father - sailboats - operate. One day she goes to the city to sell toys, on the way she launches a boat with scarlet sails along the stream, runs after it, gets lost on the road and meets the storyteller Egle. Egle tells Assol that when she grows up, a handsome prince will come for her on a ship with scarlet sails, who will make her happy. Assol tells a wonderful fairy tale to his father. Longren says that everything Egl said is true. Their conversation is overheard by a random beggar who tells the whole Kaperna story about the scarlet sails. They laugh at Assol even more, tease her with scarlet sails and are finally convinced that she is out of her mind.

Arthur Gray was born into a wealthy family. Since childhood, he did not want to live like his parents. Arthur was friends with the cook Betsy, to whom he told amazing stories he had read in books. One day Betsy scalded her hand with boiling water, and Arthur asked if it hurt. The girl angrily invited him to try it himself, and the boy stuck his hand into the cauldron. He took Betsy to the doctor, and only after she was bandaged did he show the doctor his hand. Arthur even gives Betsy all his savings as a dowry. The father is practically not involved in raising his son, but the mother, who lived “in a half-sleep of security, providing for every desire of an ordinary nature,” passionately loves her son and tries to understand his thoughts. One day in the library, Arthur sees a painting of a ship with a captain on board. From that moment on, he understands what the purpose of his life is, and he also understands that his parents will never agree to have their son become a sailor. At the age of fifteen, Arthur secretly runs away from home and joins a ship as a cabin boy. The captain is initially skeptical of the “aristocrat,” but seeing the young man’s tenacity and extraordinary determination, he changes his mind. Under the guidance of Captain Gop, Gray becomes a real sailor, matures, studies navigation, shipbuilding, maritime law, pilotage, and accounting. Arthur receives a letter from his mother. Shocked by her grief, he goes to visit his home, where he has not been for five years. The father has already died; mother turned grey. Gray buys the Secret ship with his own money, says goodbye to Gop and decides to visit his mother every six months.

Gray's ship enters Kaperna. Arthur goes fishing with the sailor Letika. By chance, on the shore he sees Assol sleeping. Her beauty and youthful charm amaze the imagination of a young man. Gray puts his antique ring on her finger. He enters the tavern and, with the help of Letika, learns as many details as possible about Assol. In particular, Hin Menners, the son of old Menners, tells him a terrible story about the drowning of Menners by Longren, as well as the tale of the scarlet sails. Gray decides that Assol is a completely normal girl, it’s just that her beautiful romantic nature is not created for life in the rough and primitive Kaperna. He announces to his sailors that he will soon get married. Gray goes to the shop and selects two thousand meters of scarlet fabric for the sails under which his “Secret” should approach Caperna. He invites an orchestra to play when the captain’s bride, Assol, appears on the shore.

Meanwhile, Longren's toys are no longer selling at all. Homemade boats have given way to expensive wind-up toys. Longren decides to re-enter the ship. Assol is already old enough to hold out until his return.

In Assol, “two girls mixed in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity. One was the daughter of a sailor, an artisan, who made toys, the other was a living poem, with all the wonders of its consonances and images, with the mystery of the proximity of words, in all the reciprocity of their shadows and light falling from one to another. She knew life within the limits set by her experience, but beyond the general phenomena she saw a reflected meaning of a different order... She knew how and loved to read, but even in a book she read mainly between the lines, as she lived. Unconsciously, through a kind of inspiration, she made at every step many ethereal-subtle discoveries... More than once, worried and timid, she went at night to the seashore, where, having waited for dawn, she quite seriously looked out for a ship with Scarlet Sails. These moments were happiness for her; It’s hard for us to escape into a fairy tale like that, but it was no less difficult for her to get out of her power and charm.” When, waking up on the shore, she discovers a ring on her finger, she is at first frightened, but, having listened to the voice of her heart, she understands that the fairy tale predicted to her by the wizard Egle is beginning to come true.

Longren goes sailing for ten days. Assol feels that during her father’s absence, her home should, for some reason, become alien to her. In the morning she sits by the open window reading a book. The Secret appears in sight of Kaperna under scarlet sails. An amazed crowd gathers on the shore. The name Assol is on everyone's lips. The girl herself looks up and sees her dream in the sea. She rushes to the shore, people respectfully make way. The orchestra is playing. The boat is separated from the ship. Assol runs into the water and shouts: “It’s me!” Gray picks her up and takes her to the ship. He promises to take Longren on the ship when he returns, and arranges a grand feast for the crew. The next day, “Secret” leaves Caperna.

Scarlet Sails, the story of A. Green (Grinevsky), has long become a symbol of romantic love and faith in miracles that loving hearts create with their own hands.

In a small, run-down town, former sailor Longren lived with his daughter Assol. Many years ago, when he was sailing, his young wife Mary was left completely without money and turned to the innkeeper Manners for help.

But he offered the girl money in return for her love. She rejected his vile proposal, and went into the city in the cold rain to pawn her wedding ring. As a result, Mary caught a severe cold and died, leaving her baby daughter in the care of neighbors.

Longren, returning from his last voyage, remained on the shore and began making a living by making toy sailboats and ships. One day, during a strong storm, the boat with Manners on board was carried into the open sea. Only Longren was on the shore at that time.

When Manners began to beg him for help, he reminded the innkeeper how his young wife had once asked him for help. As a result, Manners died, and in Kapern people began to avoid the former sailor. Evil and unfair rumors about him were spread by Manners' son, who became an innkeeper following his father's example.

Assol grew up as a lonely girl, next to her unsociable father. Other children did not want to play with her, they teased and offended her. Therefore, communication with children was replaced by dreams and fantasies. She believed in every fairy tale she had ever heard. One day, Assol lowered a toy yacht with scarlet sails into the water stream. The fast water carried away the fragile toy.

The girl ran after the yacht for a long time and could not reach it. But she was helped in this by the old tramp Egle, who told the child about the dream ship. Someday such a ship with scarlet sails will come for her and take her to the land of love and happiness. You just have to really believe in it. Assol began to wait for her yacht, although people often laughed at her and considered her eccentric and abnormal. Only a few good people in Kaperna they loved and pitied the girl.

Arthur Gray was born into a rich and noble family. But nobility and wealth did not make him arrogant and arrogant; he was a kind and warm-hearted person. From a young age, he dreamed of travel and distant countries. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, he first joined the schooner Anselm as a simple sailor. After several years of hard work, the young man became the owner and captain of the galliot "Secret".

One day, fate brought him to a place not far from Kaperna. Having gone fishing with a sailor, the captain saw Assol sleeping in the forest. Admiring the beauty and tenderness of the girl, he put a ring on her finger. In a city tavern, Manners' son spoke loudly about a madwoman waiting for her yacht with scarlet sails. But the old coal miner interrupted him and replied that little Assol was not crazy, but an amazing girl living in the world of her fantasies.

She is a faithful and devoted daughter, a kind and sympathetic person. She sees the world in her own way, in all its beauty. Arthur decided to perform a miracle: he bought scarlet silk and ordered sails to be sewn, hired musicians and sailed to Caperna at sunset. All city residents gathered on the shore to admire the miracle. Assol also came running here. In front of the entire amazed public, the captain took the girl into his boat and within a few moments they were on board the galliot. The next day the dream ship was far from this city.

The story “Scarlet Sails” was first published in 1923. The author sought to show in his work the possibility of the victory of dreams over everyday life. Alexander Green's story "Scarlet Sails" tells about the girl Assol, her loyalty to her dream and desire for it. The main conflict of the story “Scarlet Sails” is the confrontation between dreams and reality.

If you don’t have enough time to read the full version, you can read a summary of “Scarlet Sails” chapter by chapter and a description of the characters on our website.

Main characters

Assol- a poor girl living with her father. One day, the old collector of legends Egle said that a prince would sail for her under scarlet sails. The girl believed with all her heart and waited for her prince.

Arthur Gray- the only heir of a noble rich family, searching for himself and his place in the world. At the age of fifteen he left his home and went sailing.

Other characters

Longren- an old sailor who lives with his daughter Assol. His wife died, he is raising his daughter himself and makes a living by creating wooden ship models.

Aigle- collector of fairy tales and legends. One day in the forest he sees Assol with a toy yacht on scarlet sails, and tells the girl that the same ship will come for her one day.

Hin Menners- the son of the deceased tavern owner Menners. He hates Assol's father and the girl herself, because Longren did not help his father when his boat was drifting into the open sea.

Residents of Kaperna– down-to-earth, cynical people. They don’t like Longren, and they think Assol is crazy. The story about the scarlet sails becomes another reason for them to ridicule the girl.

Chapter 1. Prediction

Longren, a sailor who went to sea on the brig Orion, after ten years of sailing, leaves his service and returns home. He is forced to do this because, once returning to the small village of Kaperna, he learned that he had an eight-month-old daughter, and his beloved wife Mary had died of double pneumonia.

The birth was difficult; almost all the savings in the house were spent on recovery. The poor woman was forced to go to the city in cold weather to pawn the wedding ring - the only thing of value - and buy bread. After a three-hour journey, Mary fell ill and soon died.

A widow neighbor moved into the empty house. She raised little Assol. Longren also learned that his wife asked to lend her money from the wealthy tavern owner Menners. He “agreed to give money, but demanded love for it.”

After the death of his beloved wife, the sailor became even more unsociable; he lived raising a girl and making a living from wooden toys in the form of ships and boats.

When Assol turned five years old, “an event occurred, the shadow of which, falling on the father, also covered the daughter.” In terrible bad weather, Longren was standing at the pier and smoking when he saw Menners in his boat being carried far out to sea. Menners asked to help him, but Longren just stood there and was silent, and when the boat was almost out of sight, he shouted: “She also asked you! Think about this while you’re still alive...” Returning home at night, he told the awakened Assol that he “made a black toy.”

Six days later, Menners was found; he was picked up by a ship, but he was in a dying state. The residents of Kaperna learned from him how Longren silently watched his impending death. After this, he completely became an outcast in the villages. Subsequently, Assol also lost friends. The children didn't want to play with her. She was feared and pushed away. At first the girl tried to establish communication with them, but this ended in bruises and tears. She soon learned to play alone.

IN good weather Longren let the girl go to the city. One day, eight-year-old Assol saw a beautiful white yacht, and her sails were made of scarlet silk. The girl could not resist the temptation to play with an unusual boat, and let it swim in a forest stream. But there was a strong current that quickly carried her down. Running for the toy. Assol found herself deep in the forest and saw Egle, an old collector of songs and fairy tales.

“I don’t know how many years will pass, but in Kaperna a fairy tale will bloom, memorable for a long time. One morning, in the distance of the sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun... You will see a brave, handsome prince... I have come to take you forever to my kingdom, he will say...”

The joyful girl returned to her father and told him this story. He, not wanting to disappoint his daughter, supported her. A beggar passed nearby, heard everything and told it in the tavern. After this incident, the children began to tease Assol even more, calling her a princess and shouting that “her red sails” had come for her. The girl began to be considered insane.

Chapter 2. Gray

Arthur Gray was a descendant of a respected family and lived on a wealthy family estate. The boy was uncomfortable within the framework of family etiquette and a boring home.

Once a boy painted the hands of the crucified Christ in a picture, explaining his action by not wanting “to have blood flowing in his house.” At the age of eight, he began to explore the back streets of the castle and went into the wine cellar, where wine was stored, with the ominous inscription “Gray will drink me when he is in Paradise.” Young Arthur was indignant at the illogicality of the inscription, and said that he would drink it someday.

Arthur grew up an unusual child. There were no more children in the castle, and he played alone, often in the backyards of the castle. In thickets of weeds and old defensive ditches.

When the boy was twelve, he wandered into a dusty library and saw a picture that depicted a ship in a storm, with the captain standing at the bow. The picture, and especially the figure of the captain, struck Gray. From that moment on, the sea became the meaning of life for him, a dream that he could only study from books.

At the age of fifteen, Arthur ran away from the estate and went to sea as a cabin boy on the schooner Anselm, on which Captain Gop first took him out of interest and a desire to show the pampered boy the real sea and the life of sailors. But during the voyage Arthur turned from a little prince into a real strong sailor, with past life he saved only his free, soaring soul. The captain, seeing how the boy had changed, once told him “Victory is on your side, rogue.” From that moment on, Gop began to teach Gray everything he knew.

In Vancouver, Gray received a letter from his mother, she asked him to return home, but Arthur replied that she also needed to understand him, he could not imagine his life without the sea.

After five years of sailing, Gray came to visit the castle. Here he learned that he old father died. A week later, with a large sum, he met with Captain Gop, to whom he informed that he would now be the captain of his own ship. At first, Gop pushed young Arthur away and wanted to leave, but he caught up and sincerely hugged him, after which he invited the captain and crew to the nearest tavern, where they feasted all night.

Soon, the “Secret”, Gray’s huge three-masted ship, stood in the port of Dubelt.

He sailed on it for about three years, engaged in merchant affairs, until, by the will of fate, he ended up in Lys.

Chapter 3. Dawn

On the twelfth day of his stay in Lys, Gray became sad and went to inspect the ship before departure. He wanted to go fishing. With the sailor Letika, they sailed in a boat along the night shore. So slowly they reached Caperna and stopped there.

Wandering through the forest at night, he saw Assol sleeping on the grass. The girl slept in a sweet, serene sleep and seemed to Arthur the embodiment of beauty and tenderness. Without realizing why he was doing this, Gray put his family ring on her little finger.

Afterwards, in Menners' tavern, the captain began asking Hin Menners about the girl he had seen. He said that this was apparently “Ship Assol,” a crazy girl who was waiting for the prince under scarlet sails. The story of the sails was distorted and told in a way of ridicule and irony, but its innermost essence “remained untouched” and struck Gray to the core.

Khin also spoke about the girl's father, calling him a killer. The drunken coal miner who was sitting next to him suddenly sobered up and called Menners a liar. He said that he knows Assol, he has brought her to the city many times in his cart, and the girl is absolutely healthy and sweet. While they were talking, Assol went about her business past the tavern window. One glance at the girl’s concentrated face and serious eyes, in which a sharp, lively mind was read, was enough for Gray to be convinced of Assol’s mental health.

Chapter 4. The day before

Seven years have passed since Assol and Egle met. For the first time in these years, the girl returned home very upset and with a basket full of unsold toys. She told Loughren that the owner of the shop no longer wanted to buy their crafts. They also did not want to accept them in other stores that the girl visited, citing the fact that modern mechanical toys are now more valued than Longren’s “wooden trinkets.” The old sailor decides to go to sea again to earn a living for himself and his daughter, although he does not want to leave his daughter alone.

Upset and thoughtful, Assol went for a wander along the evening shore of Kaperna, and fell asleep in the forest, waking up with Gray’s ring on her finger. At first it seemed like someone's joke to her. Having thought well, the girl hid it and did not even tell her father about the strange find.

Chapter 5. Combat preparations

Returning to the ship, Gray gave orders that surprised his assistant and went to the city stores in search of scarlet silk. Gray's assistant, Panten, was so surprised by the captain's behavior that he believed that he had decided to engage in the transportation of contraband.

Having finally found the right shade, Arthur bought two thousand meters of the fabric he needed, which surprised the owner, who quoted an exorbitant price for his product.

On the street, Gray saw Zimmer, a wandering musician whom he knew before, and asked him to gather fellow musicians to serve with Gray. Zimmer happily agreed and after a while came to the port with a crowd of street musicians.

Chapter 6. Assol is left alone

After spending the night in his boat at sea, Londgren returned home and told Assol that he was going on a long voyage. He left his daughter a gun for protection. Longren did not want to leave and was afraid to leave his daughter for a long time, but he had no choice.

Assol was troubled by strange premonitions. Everything in her such a dear and close home began to seem alien. Having met the coal miner Philip, the girl said goodbye to him, saying that she would soon leave, but where she did not yet know.

Chapter 7. Scarlet “Secret”

The “Secret”, under scarlet sails, followed the river bed. Arthur reassured his assistant Paten by revealing to him the reason for such unusual behavior. He told him that he saw a miracle in Assol’s image, and now he must become a real miracle for the girl. This is why he needs scarlet sails.

Assol was home alone. She read interesting book, and an annoying bug was crawling along the leaves and lines, which she kept brushing down. Once again the insect climbed onto the book and stopped at the word “Look.” The girl, sighing, raised her head, and suddenly in the opening between the roofs of the houses she saw the sea, and on it - a ship under scarlet sails. Not believing her eyes, she ran to the pier, where all of Kaperna had already gathered, perplexed and making noise. There was a silent question on the faces of the men, and undisguised anger on the faces of the women. "Never before big ship did not approach this shore; the ship had those same sails whose name sounded like a mockery.”

When Assol found herself on the shore, there was already a huge crowd screaming, asking, hissing with anger and surprise. Assol ran into the thick of it, and people moved away from her, as if afraid.
A boat with strong oarsmen separated from the ship, among whom was “the one... whom she knew, vaguely remembered from childhood.” Assol rushed into the water, where Gray took her into his boat.
“Assol closed her eyes; then, quickly opening her eyes, she boldly smiled at his shining face and, out of breath, said: “Absolutely like that.”

Once on the ship, the girl asked if Gray would take old Longren. He answered “Yes” and kissed the happy Assol. The holiday was celebrated with the same wine from Gray's cellars.


The story is multifaceted and reveals many important problems, so after reading the brief retelling of “Scarlet Sails”, we recommend reading full version story.

In the foreground is the problem of confronting dreams with everyday life. Kaperna and its inhabitants act as antipodes to Assol and Gray. Assol is waiting for his fairytale dream to come true, and Gray is making his dream come true by decorating his ship with sails made of scarlet silk.

The color of the sail is symbolic. Scarlet is a symbol of victory and rejoicing. The village of Kaperna is depicted in gray tones, against the backdrop of its dirty roofs, “The Secret” under scarlet sails seems like a miracle. This color is completely alien here, like Assol and Gray, so they sail away from here at the end of the story.

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