Viktor Tsoi and Natalya Razlogova their relationship. Viktor Tsoi and his women: to whom did he dedicate his hits

Despite the fact that more than 27 years have passed since the death of Viktor Tsoi, everything connected with him is of great interest to fans of his work. This also applies to his relationship with Natalya Razlogova, whose biography is presented in this article.

Father's family

Natalya Razlogova was born in 1956 in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Her paternal grandfather was the famous Bulgarian revolutionary Nikola Razlogov. He took part in revolts against Ottoman Empire and military regimes ruling Bulgaria. For some time he lived in exile in the Soviet Union with his family. After the end of World War II, Razlogov worked as his country's ambassador to Austria. His son, Emil Nikolaevich Razlogov (Natalya's father), also became a diplomat and worked in France for many years.

Mother's family

The mother of Natalia Razlogova was the daughter of Alexandra Blagoveshchenskaya and Alexander Artemyevich Bekzadyan, an Armenian by nationality. In 1911 her father graduated from the University of Zurich, and in 192 he became the first People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of Soviet Armenia. In 1930, Bekzadyan was appointed Plenipotentiary of the USSR in Norway. In this post, he replaced the famous Alexandra Kollontai. Then Alexander Artemyevich was the plenipotentiary of the Soviet Union in Hungary. In 1937, the diplomat was recalled to his homeland, after which he was accused of espionage and executed by sentence. Supreme Court THE USSR. A. Bekzadyan was rehabilitated in 1956.


Natalia Razlogova spent her childhood in Bulgaria. In 1960, together with her parents and brother Cyril, she moved to Paris, where her father was sent to diplomatic work.
In the mid-70s, Natalya Razlogova came to the USSR and entered the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University (Department of Structural and Applied Linguistics). According to the recollections of fellow students, the girl was distinguished by high intelligence, erudition and a certain bohemianism, which was quite natural, given her origin.

Viktor Tsoi and Natalya Razlogova

In 1987, our heroine was invited to work as an assistant to the second director V. Trachtenberg on the set of Sergei Solovyov's famous film Assa. According to the director's idea, in the epilogue of the picture, the black friend of the protagonist Bananan brings a new singer to the restaurant - Viktor Tsoi, who plays himself. The star takes the stage and sings her famous hit “Change!”.
According to the memoirs of Razlogova, she immediately liked Tsoi for her character and inner independence. Despite the difference in age, Natalya immediately won the heart of a 25-year-old musician, although he was married to Maryana, who was infinitely devoted to him, and had a little son. He, without hesitation, left the family, but still did not file an official divorce. The separation from his wife passed without scandals, but his parents took the news of Victor's choice with hostility. They refused to meet their son's new chosen one and saw her for the first time only at his funeral.


Natalya Razlogova and Viktor Tsoi (see photo of this couple above) loved to relax in Latvia. On August 15, 1990, the musician was returning from fishing. He had little driving experience, and in the months leading up to his death, he worked hard. At 12:28 on the Sloka-Talsi (Latvia) highway, Tsoi had a terrible accident, colliding with a bus following in the oncoming lane, and died on the spot.
Natalya was very worried about the death of her beloved. Being an intelligent woman, she accepted with dignity the fact that Tsoi would be considered his widow. ex-wife Maryana, with whom he did not divorce, although there were rumors that the musician still managed to make Razlogova an offer.

Second marriage

In November 1991, Natalya Razlogova (her photo is rarely seen in the press) married famous journalist Evgenia Dodoleva. who at that time was already working in the TV company VID. After some time, the couple left for the United States. The couple has two children.

"Tsoi -" Cinema "

In 2012, on the day of the 50th anniversary of the cult musician, the television premiere of a documentary created by Natalia Razlogova took place. It is called "Tsoi - "Kino". The impetus for starting work was an accidental find.
Once, while sorting through old things, Natalya Razlogova found a cassette with the song "Ataman", on which Tsoi's voice sounded, singing it to the guitar. Razlogova remembered that the singer rejected her because of the similarity with the work of the popular group "Alisa".
To shoot the film, together with the cassette, Razlogova went to St. Petersburg, where she met with the son of Viktor Tsoi Alexander, who had his own Dada club there. Then Natalya conducted several interviews with the musicians of the Kino group, and for the final picture, she, together with Igor Vdovin, recorded the song Ataman in the studio.

Natalia Razlogova in recent years

In the last decade, Natalia has worked on Channel One. She avoided talking to the press and did not give any interviews. At the same time, the woman did not refuse to meet with fans of Viktor Tsoi and sincerely answered their questions.
In 2010, the film Needle Remix was released. According to its author, Rashid Nugmanov, Razlogova helped him with advice at all stages of work on this project.
As for memoirs, Natalya Emilyevna Razlogova is not going to write them, although she always clarified the details, and also corrected inaccuracies and errors in biographical publications about Tsoi regarding the period of their life together.

Some projects involving Razlogova

Natalya Emilyevna played in several films:
    “Spruce submarine: Viktor Tsoi. Children of minutes ";" Life is like a movie ";" Sunny days».
As already mentioned, she acted as a screenwriter for the film "Tsoi -" Cinema ". In addition, Natalia published a lot, including under pseudonyms. Among her most interesting works of this kind are:
    a review of the film "The Needle"; the articles "Musical Truth" and "A Star Called" Kino ".
Numerous interviews with Razlogova were included in the documentary and feature television projects Muzoboz, Cult of Cinema, a French film about Viktor Tsoi, etc.


Kirill Razlogov was born in 1946 in Moscow, and at the time of Natalia's birth he was already 10 years old. Together with his parents and sisters, Natalia and Elena, he spent several years in France. In 1965, he entered the Moscow State University, the Faculty of History, from which he successfully graduated 5 years later. On this moment He is the President of the Russian Guild of Film Critics and Critics.


Elena Emilyevna Razlogova is the eldest child in the family. Currently lives in the capital. He is a candidate of philological sciences and a leading researcher at the laboratory of the National Research Center of Moscow State University.
Now you know who Natalia Razlogova is. Now she permanently lives abroad and does not seek publicity. Nevertheless, quite a few Tsoi fans will forever remember her as the last love of their idol.

After 1985, the popularity of the Kino group grew by leaps and bounds. The twenty-three-year-old boy was in great demand. Sometimes, when visiting, the taxi would not let go, jumping in just for a minute. Much more often than live, we saw him on TV. I remember how it happened for the first time, at the very beginning of the eighties, Vita was not even twenty. He called excited: “Father, turn on the St. Petersburg channel. We are shown!

The “performance” lasted literally half a minute: the son and his friends were shouting something and making faces. That's the whole concert. Then they began to show him more and more often, to invite him to the popular youth program "Vzglyad". Vitka's fame, which had already gained momentum by the mid-eighties, was completely unexpected for us. They used to consider him a future artist. The success of the son in the circle of informal youth did not tell us anything, and this environment looked rather doubtful. Now I am proud that my son was taken under the wing of such a master as Boris Grebenshchikov. At the time, I didn't even hear his name. In the company of our son, my mother and I have never considered "ours", and this is impossible. He had his own life, his own interests. We stayed away from them.

However, this did not prevent the emergence of conflicts. So, when Vitya received a summons to the army, Valentina and I were sure that our son should fulfill his civic duty. They could not agree with Maryana's decision to put him in a psychiatric hospital. So it was possible to "slope" from the service. Nobody listened to us, of course. Vitka stayed in bed for the prescribed time, what the doctors did to him there - I don’t know, but he received a release from the army.

At some point, the son finally got a permanent job - as a fireman in the boiler room at the hostel of the construction trust. Then no one guessed that this boiler house would become the well-known "Kamchatka" and a museum would be arranged in it. Vitka and Maryasha already had a son, Sashenka, and sometimes I could not stand it:

How much can you fool around? Your child is growing! You can always earn as an artist!

He waved.

But here I feel completely free!

Vitya and Maryana lived for five years. In 1987, on the set of Sergei Solovyov's film Assa, the son met another woman, Natalya Razlogova, who worked as an assistant to the second director. Vitka fell in love and left the family. Perhaps my bad example played a role here. I did not witness this break. But as far as I understand, everything went peacefully, without scandals. Officially, the marriage with Maryana was never terminated. Valentina was terribly worried, she believed that Vitka did not behave like human beings, he lives neither married nor single, but he has a son. In response, Vitya freaked out: “None of your business!” and left, slamming the door. They quarreled for a long time.

Victor Robertovich Tsoi (June 21, 1962, Leningrad, USSR - August 15, 1990, 35th km of the Sloka - Talsi highway, 2.5 kilometers west of the village of Kesterciems, Tukums region, Latvian SSR, USSR) - Soviet rock musician, songwriter, artist. The founder and leader of the rock band "Kino", in which he sang, played the guitar, wrote music and poetry. He acted in several films.

Viktor Tsoi was born in the Moskovsky district of the city of Leningrad in the family of a physical education teacher Valentina Vasilievna Tsoi (January 8, 1937 - November 28, 2009) and an engineer of Korean origin Robert Maksimovich Tsoi (born May 5, 1938). The only child in the family.

From 1974 to 1977 he attended a secondary art school, where the Ward No. 6 group was formed, led by Maxim Pashkov. After being expelled for poor progress from the art school named after V. Serov, he enters SGPTU-61 as a wood carver. In his youth, he was a fan of Mikhail Boyarsky and Vladimir Vysotsky, later Bruce Lee, whose image he began to imitate. He was fond of martial arts and often fought in Chinese with Yuri Kasparyan, professionally carved netsuke figures from wood.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, close communication began between Alexei Rybin from the amateur group "Pilgrims" and Viktor Tsoi, who played bass guitar in the group "Ward No. 6", both of them came to visit Mike Naumenko ("Zoo ”) or to Andrey Panov (Pig), in whose apartment the punk group “Automatic Satisfiers” rehearsed.

It was there that the first apartment houses of Viktor Tsoi took place. Having gained some fame, Viktor Tsoi and Alexei Rybin, as part of the "Automatic Satisfiers", traveled to Moscow and played punk rock metal at Artemy Troitsky's apartment houses. During one of these trips, Boris Grebenshchikov noticed Viktor Tsoi, singing to the guitar with a company in the train. He offered Victor help and support not only from his side, but also from Andrey Tropillo, Sergey Kuryokhin and others.

In the summer of 1981, Viktor Tsoi, Alexei Rybin and Oleg Valinsky founded the Garin and Hyperboloids group, which was accepted as a member of the Leningrad Rock Club in the fall. Soon Valinsky was taken into the army, and the group, having changed its name to "Kino", began recording the first album. "Kino" under the direction of Boris Grebenshchikov was recorded at Andrei Tropillo's studio in the House Young Technician, all the musicians of the "Aquarium" took part in the recording.

Soon "Kino" were already performing with their first electric concert at the rock club festival, the whole performance went to the drum machine, and to the song "Once upon a time you were a beatnik" BG, Mike and Panker jumped out from backstage with guitars . By the summer of 1982, the album was completely completed, its duration was 45 minutes, hence the name. But later, the song “I am asphalt” was removed from the final version, which can be found in the reissue of “45”, where it is included as a bonus track.

At a party on March 5, 1982, the costume designer of the Leningrad circus wrote her phone number on Tsoi's face with lipstick. The young artist and aspiring musician Tsoi couldn't help but like it. Thus began the acquaintance of Tsoi and his future wife, Mariana... In February 1985 Victor and Mariana celebrate their wedding. Grebenshchikov, Mike, Titov, Kasparyan, Guryanov and others were invited to the wedding.

On August 5, 1985, Tsoi's son Sasha was born. She supported him in everything, but at the same time she was not only a shadow of her husband. “We were poor as church rats,” Maryana recalled. “We rented a room in a communal apartment, ate what God would send. They couldn’t even play a decent wedding. Instead wedding dress I put on a white jacket and a light striped skirt.

Already in 1986, when his son was only about a year old, Tsoi practically left the family. He lives in the apartments of friends, rarely spends the night at home. In 1987, on the set of the film "ACCA", Tsoi met the director's assistant, Natasha Razlogova (the sister of a well-known film critic). A romance begins between a 25-year-old musician and a 31-year-old journalist. Every summer they rest near Jurmala with friends of Natalia Razlogova. Marianne did not give him scandals, and they kept a good relationship. They were in no hurry with an official divorce and did not have time to formalize it.

Natalya Emilyevna Razlogova - last love Viktor Tsoi, film critic and translator, sister of the famous film critic Kirill Razlogov, after the death of Tsoi, she married journalist Yevgeny Dodolev and left for the USA, she and her husband have two children, she can be seen in documentaries about Tsoi Sunny days (1996), Spruce submarine: Viktor Tsoi. Children of the Minutes (2008), Life is like a movie (2005).

At the port studio "Yamaha MT44" "Kino" begin to record the album "Blood Type". In the autumn of 1987, Victor flies to Rashid Nugmanov in Alma-Ata to shoot his last film, The Needle, in connection with which Kino finalized Blood Type and temporarily stopped their concert activities. In 1988, "Needle" and "Blood Type" were released, which gave rise to "film mania": thousands of teenagers cut their hair "under Tsoi", dressed in black and learned to play the guitars.

In the spring of 1988, a draft was recorded, and in the winter the final version of the album "A Star Called the Sun", which they decided to release in the fall. Tsoi meets Yuri Aizenshpis, who since 1989 became the producer of Kino, organizing concert tours and frequent television appearances, after which the group gains all-Union popularity.

In early 1989, the Kino group traveled abroad for the first time to France, where they recorded and released the album The Last Hero. In the summer, Victor and Yuri Kasparyan are going to the USA. Meanwhile, the "Needle" comes in second place in the box office of Soviet films, and at the "Golden Duke" film festival in Odessa, Viktor Tsoi is recognized as the best actor of the USSR.

On June 24, 1990, the last Kino concert was held in Moscow at the Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena. After that, Tsoi and Kasparyan retired to a dacha near Jurmala, where they began to record material for a new album with an acoustic guitar. This album, completed and mixed by the musicians of the Kino group after the death of Tsoi, was released in December 1990 and was called the Black Album, because of the color of the cover.

At the end of July 1990, Victor, taking his son Sasha and his new lover Natalya Razlogova, went on vacation to the Baltic states. On August 15, 1990, at 12:28, Viktor Tsoi died in a car accident. The accident occurred at the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway near Tukums in Latvia, a few dozen kilometers from Riga. According to the most plausible official version, Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel, after which his light gray Moskvich-2141 flew into the oncoming lane and collided with the Ikarus-250 bus.

On August 19, Viktor Tsoi was buried at the Theological Cemetery in Leningrad. The grave of Viktor Tsoi is a place of pilgrimage for his fans. It is located 150 meters from the Church of St. John the Theologian on Bratskaya (Central) Alley. The death of Viktor Tsoi was a shock to many fans. A few fans even committed suicide. Hundreds of people came to Victor's funeral.

In Krivoarbatsky Lane (Moscow), a “Tsoi wall” appeared, which the group’s fans covered with inscriptions “Kino”, “Tsoi is alive”, quotes from songs and declarations of love to the musician. It is still customary for fans of Tsoi's work to leave a broken, lighted cigarette in a special ashtray near the Wall.

"Wall of Tsoi" in Krivoarbatsky Lane in Moscow.

It was also planned to erect a monument to the musician there: barefoot and sitting on a motorcycle, but due to the protests of the residents of the surrounding houses and the singer's fans themselves, the monument was not erected. In 2006, the wall was painted over by a group of vandals, but subsequently restored by fans.

Wall of Viktor Tsoi in Minsk.

In Minsk (Belarus), since the mid-90s, there has also been a "Wall of Tsoi", now, after several transfers, located in Lyakhovsky Square.

Wall of Viktor Tsoi in Mogilev.

There is also a "Wall of Tsoi" in Mogilev (Republic of Belarus), which is located at st. Leninskaya, 61 (the building of the Lyceum at the Belarusian-Russian University). The "wall" was painted by students of the lyceum and serves as an element of the "Moscow courtyard" in Mogilev.

# The name of Viktor Tsoi is asteroid number 2740.
# In 1999 was released Postage Stamp Russia, dedicated to Viktor Tsoi.
# In Kiev, on Lake Telbin, where the short film "The End of Holidays" was filmed, old willows still grow, which are visible on the frames of the film, and this place is a cult place for Ukrainian fans of Viktor Tsoi.
# In May 2007, the public of St. Petersburg and representatives of youth left movements (in particular, AKM) managed to prevent the demolition of the museum - the former boiler room, in which Viktor Tsoi worked at one time, the so-called "Kamchatka".

"Earth - Sky. Between the Earth and the Sky - war. Having sung this one line, Viktor Tsoi could no longer sing anything. He said everything. Simple and brilliant. Tsoi's death is still incomprehensible to me; I assume that he was a conductor of the White forces and clearly did not have time to complete the mission assigned to him. He left suddenly. I think that, having relaxed for a moment, he lost control of himself and thus opened a gap in the energy field of protection, and he did it so unexpectedly that White did not have time to react, while Black reacted instantly. There is no Tsoi, just as there is no Vysotsky. Igor Talkov

A star called the sun

The accident in which Viktor Tsoi crashed left a lot of questions to which we never found out the answers

Even in the sad rating of outstanding poets and musicians who died early, Viktor Tsoi set a kind of record - he passed away at the age of 28, and perhaps only Lermontov, who lived two years less, was ahead of him. In that ill-fated August of the 90th, Tsoi and his five-year-old son rested in the Baltic states. Returning from fishing, he lost control, and on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway near Tukums, he flew into the oncoming lane, where he collided with the Ikarus. The speed with which the "Muscovite" Tsoi was driving (130 km / h) did not leave him a single chance to survive. The blow was so strong that he was buried in a closed coffin. The examination showed that the musician was absolutely sober - according to the official conclusion of the investigation, Viktor Robertovich Tsoi simply fell asleep at the wheel ... Viktor has long been gone, but his songs are alive. Their energy is still so strong today that goosebumps run down the skin.


The average Soviet Tsoev family, engineer Robert Maksimovich and physical education teacher Valentina Vasilyevna, could not have imagined that their The only son become a cult figure in the USSR. The boy, outwardly similar to dad, was a real mother's son - she not only loved, but also understood him like no one else. Valentina Vasilievna outlived Viktor by 19 years.

- Robert Maksimovich, judging by the photographs, your son was a charming child.

Childhood photos of Victor went around all the newspapers and magazines, somewhere I even saw his picture at almost a year old. When he was one year and four months old, we were forced to send our son to a nursery - his wife, Valentina Vasilievna, had to go to work, because at that time I was still a student. In the manger, Vityusha cried all the time, it was possible to calm him down only by picking him up, so he spent almost all the time in the arms of the teacher. Ros, like everyone else, did not give us much trouble. At the age of three or four, we calmly let him out on the street, where he had friends, buddies, and he disappeared for half a day. They drove him back home with difficulty.

- It is difficult to imagine Viktor Tsoi as a good boy and an excellent student. School teachers did not complain about him?

He studied averagely, there weren’t enough stars from the sky, but he didn’t roll down to twos either, he was a solid good student. Only from the eighth grade he began to get triples. But Vitya behaved well, without hooligan antics, in any case, we were never called to school. Actually, at first, his mother-teacher took him to her school. But after finishing primary school we transferred our son to another - closer to home, in our Moscow region. Victor was only glad of this, he did not really like being under constant maternal control.

To whom does he owe his love of music?

I think me. Since childhood, I was fond of playing the guitar and, already as an adult, I often played it - however, my "performance" could hardly be called playing in the full sense of the word. And Victor listened and at the age of 10-12 he also got carried away. I showed him the first chords, and then he started playing by himself. It used to close in the bathroom and play something there, picking up a melody.

Of course, my son wanted to have his own guitar, and soon he got one - this is connected whole story. After all, I am a passionate fisherman, so Valentina Vasilyevna and I usually spent our holidays somewhere on the river bank. They left for a month, and Victor was left alone, but under the supervision of his grandmother and aunt - his wife's mother and sister. For food, he was left 100 rubles, at that time quite decent money. And as soon as we left, he immediately ran and bought some cool guitar for 120 rubles (20 saved from the money that we gave him to school), which he had long dreamed of. And then from bread to water the whole month was interrupted ...

Then the son already went fishing with us, but he always took one of his friends with him. They were fishing on the other side of the river, he even had a favorite stone there, which locals is still called "Tsoi's stone".

- Who would you like to see your son?

Mother was sure that Victor would become an artist, since he had been drawing very well since childhood - from the age of six, probably. For several years, in parallel with general education, he studied at an art school and was in good standing there. His paintings were even exhibited at an art exhibition in New York. By the way, he did not finally give up painting, even at the height of his musical career I drew a lot, sometimes just in between performances. I still have all his paintings and sketches.

In an interview, Victor said: "Now my parents think that I'm doing my own thing. But, for sure, they didn't always think so." At first, did you not accept his passion for music?

It’s not that they didn’t accept, they just didn’t believe that he was serious. We thought it was another hobby that would soon pass. And they could not even imagine that, in addition to his musical talent, he would also show his poetic talent.

Now there is an opinion that he was not only an outstanding composer and performer, but also a poet. He is even sometimes called a classic: they say, if a person’s popularity 20 years after his death does not decrease, but increases, as it happens with Victor, then he can rightfully be ranked in this category. After all, he went to his vocation for a long time - he was both a bathhouse attendant, and a rescue boatman on our ponds, and a stoker.

- From the last place of work you, probably, did not come to special delight?

I was more upset when it didn't work at all. In those days, after all, as it was: if you don’t work somewhere, it means you’re a parasite, and you could have been imprisoned for this. And Viktor, when he was expelled from the Serov Art School "for poor progress", at first got a job as a stamper at the plant, but did not last long there, and then did not work at all for two years - he lay on the couch. His famous song "Blazard" is dedicated to that time.

I was very worried then, but my mother somehow calmly reacted to this, she never reproached him. She said: "If you don't want to, don't work. Do what your soul lies to." And his soul has always been for music. I think her maternal intuition told her that he would be good. Victor was generally closer to his mother than to me. Firstly, she spent more time with him, I constantly disappeared at work. Secondly, it's no secret that I once left the family - so to speak, the sins of youth. In general, Valyusha turned out to be right: I thought that Viktor had been doing nothing for two years, but it turned out that he had been creating all this time.

- Fame covered your son instantly ...

But, alas, it did not last long - only five years. When the "Needle" came out in 1988, his name was already thundering all over the world. Soviet Union. Well, after the albums "Blood Type" and "A Star Called the Sun" he was generally in great demand.

- Do you often communicate with your grandson Alexander?

Unfortunately, less often than we would like. He is 25 years old, he has his own affairs, he is not up to us. He tried to make music like his father (someone even filmed his experiments), but without special success. But he became a great computer scientist, worked for six months in Moscow on Channel One - Konstantin Ernst invited him there. It cannot be said that he is a copy of Victor, but, of course, there are similarities. And not even so much in facial features as in manners - for example, he raises his chin just like his father. I just waved it - I don’t know who! - under two meters tall. All our relatives are simply amazed.

- Not married?

Not yet, although he had a lot of girls. In this sense, he is not at all like his father, who in his youth was not particularly interested in either drinking or female sex. Victor, until Maryana married him to herself, really didn’t have anyone. Then Sashenka was born immediately, besides, music took all his time. He had only one true love - Natalya, he wanted to marry her, but did not have time. Neither Maryana nor Valentina Vasilievna are already alive: Viktor's wife died five years ago, and my Valyusha - in November last year ...


Rashid Nugmanov did what no film director could do before him - in leading role in his new film "Needle. Remix" played by a man who has been dead for 20 years. The director plans to finish the film by August 15, and it will be released on screens in mid-September.

Rashid Musaevich, 22 years have passed since the release of the picture "The Needle", why did you decide to return to this topic?

Because this year marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Viktor Tsoi, and he is still popular and in demand by a new generation of young people. They deserve to see their hero on the big screen, as happened in their time to their older brothers and sisters, and someone, perhaps, fathers and mothers.

- How do you define the genre of a new picture - a sequel, a remake, an extended version?

Neither one, nor the other, nor the third. My movie is a remix, that is special form works, when new material is added to the original material, I borrowed this term from music and transferred it to cinema. I have three sources of new material - my archival footage of filming with Viktor, additional filming with Peter Mamonov, Alexander Bashirov, Marina Smirnova and other actors, and modern comic graphics.

- According to rumors, the film will feature a song based on an unknown poem by Tsoi.

The poem is widely known, the music is unknown, since Victor never recorded or performed this song from the stage. It's called "Children of the Minutes". The music was written by the group "U-Piter". Slava Butusov sang it, and Yuri Kasparyan recorded a guitar solo.

- Did Tsoi's common-law wife Natalya Razlogova take part in the work on "The Needle. Remix"?

We have been friends with Natasha all these years, and of course, she witnessed all the stages of the creation of the picture. Her opinion is extremely important to me.

Why doesn't she talk to the press?

She's just bored. In addition, Natasha herself publishes a lot, under various pseudonyms.

- What do you most often remember in connection with the first picture?

In 1987, the film "The Needle" was already in production at the film studio "Kazakhfilm": a completely different director was supposed to shoot it, but they did not accept a screen test. And when in August I arrived in Alma-Ata for the holidays after the third year of VGIK, I was unexpectedly offered to take the picture.

I agreed with three conditions: firstly, I invite my friends to shoot, secondly, I freely handle the script material and, thirdly, my brother Marat Nugmanov, also a third-year student, will be the cameraman. The studio accepted my conditions, and I immediately called my friends - Viktor, Mamonov, Bashirov - and we immediately plunged into work. By the way, the atmosphere on the site was really warm, we can say that we lived as one friendly family.

Were you not afraid to include a fight scene using karate in the picture, although this type of fight was, to put it mildly, not welcomed in the Soviet Union?

Victor did a lot of martial arts, his idol was Bruce Lee. It is quite natural that he demonstrated his plasticity in the film. And what did we care about the fact that the struggle was not welcomed by the ideologists from the authorities? They didn't like rock music either, but that didn't stop Victor from becoming a star.

- Did you think then that the picture was waiting for such a resounding success?

You may not believe me, but I understood that I had found a gold mine. I was just wondering: would Goskino release the film or put it on the shelf as anti-Soviet? Still, a story that main character saves his girlfriend from drug addiction, for the cinema of that time was, to put it mildly, atypical.

- How long have you known Tsoi?

A total of five years - we met in the winter of 1985 in Leningrad and remained friends until his death. Perhaps, Victor seemed closed and cold to someone, but we knew him as a very open and cheerful person. I remember we often laughed during the filming of the first Needle. Strange as it may seem, the episode of Moro's meeting with a man on a railcar in the steppe turned out to be the most difficult for us. We had to take the railcar down the hill where Moro was standing over his back. But the actor's movements were so ridiculous that Victor could not help laughing. The sun was setting fast, and we weren't able to shoot a single "serious" take. In the end, I had to shoot the passage separately.

Victor did not like to be alone, but also big companies unfamiliar people did not attract him for long. He preferred to have friends by his side. It is generally accepted that geniuses are not adapted to Everyday life, to life. In my opinion, this is a delusion. In everything that concerns life and everyday life, Victor was perfectly oriented ...

- Choi was ready for the glory that fell upon him?

He treated her with interest and at the same time with apprehension. Like anyone normal person, he was flattered by the recognition of a huge number of people. But Victor also felt the discomfort that fame inevitably entails. Indeed, after love and worship, envy, hostility, misunderstanding, and sometimes inexplicable hatred always follow the shadow ...

- In your picture, the hero of Tsoi died, and many subsequently saw this as a kind of sign ...

All this is nonsense, idle fictions and grandma's superstitions. I believe that no mystical coincidences, no literary works such as "The Master and Margarita" or "Macbeth" are not able to influence a person's life. All these so-called "scenarios" appear in the minds of mystically inclined people after the event, in hindsight. And the reason for this is human weakness, eternal fear of the future and the transience of one's own life. In addition, the main character in "The Needle" does not die, but gets up from his knees and continues on his way.

- Having removed the "Igloo. Remix", you promised to answer the question: "Is Tsoi alive?"

For me, Victor never died.


Yuri Belishkin organized the first rock festival in the Soviet Union in 1974. After the death of the frontman of the Kino group, he worked for some time with DDT, and then, in his own words, he gave up music because he became "bored, dreary and uninteresting." Today, Yuri Vladimirovich is engaged in KVN, writes books of aphorisms and invariably participates in organizing and holding festivals and evenings in memory of Viktor Tsoi.

- Yuri Vladimirovich, how long have you been the director of the Kino group?

We kept in touch for a year and a half. I remember the first time I met Viktor... In my long life, no one else has made such an impression on me. As a rule, rock-n-rollers are not very neat people, to put it mildly, and Victor was slender, handsome, and well-groomed. If I were a woman, I would immediately fall in love with him. Still not knowing that it was Choi, I drew attention to him: wow, what an extraordinary young man is coming! And I must say that for all the time of our acquaintance with him, he did not disappoint me.

Victor valued his time very much, devoting it to his work. He did not have many days of binges, nor the so-called creative absent-mindedness - he was very organized: he came to all meetings on time, he was never late either at the station or at the airport, even if he had to fly out at five in the morning. And Tsoi never sang to the plywood - it would never have occurred to him.

- They make up legends about Victor and tell stories ...

The most ridiculous rumor about him that I have ever heard is that he brought Tsoi into the people: he found him in the boiler room, laundered and made him a star - his last producer, Yuri Aizenshpis. Yes, Aizenshpis worked with him only for the last six months! By that time, Victor had already assembled stadiums on his own. If he just went out into the street and said that he would sing now, a crowd of thousands of people would immediately gather around him.

- And no signs of star disease?

He had neither star disease, nor megalomania - in contrast to the representatives of the current stage, which I ardently dislike. About four years ago, the magazine, whose editor-in-chief was Leonid Parfyonov, published "triples" of prominent people from different times. The "troika" of the twentieth century included Gagarin, Vysotsky and Tsoi. Indeed, the last phenomenon in the art of the last century was Victor, and then - the abyss, emptiness.

The car on which Tsoi crashed is a Muscovite, even if latest model- can not be compared with the cars that modern stars drive. Victor was indifferent to material wealth?

He really did not attach much importance to them. He did not buy himself gold chains, seals, branded rags. No matter how pathetic it sounds, but for him the most important thing was his music. And the time was different then, "Muscovite" was considered quite a decent car. Victor bought this car with the money he received from several concerts. As it turned out later, the Muscovite had an unreliable steering system.

- If I'm not mistaken, did Tsoi then just begin a period of everyday disorder?

Yes. The girl with whom he lived was a Muscovite, and Viktor, who had a residence permit in Leningrad, left for Moscow, where he did not even have an apartment. It was necessary to re-equip in a new place, and he simply did not have enough time for all this. I think in the end it was Moscow that killed him - if he hadn't moved there, you would be interviewing him, not me.

You are one of the few who believe that the accident near Tukums is not an accident, but someone's malicious intent. Why?

100 percent that this is not the case. People like Victor just don't fall asleep while driving. Unfortunately, the investigation, which was supposed to establish what really happened, was carried out superficially. Relatives and friends of Victor were so crushed by grief that they did not insist on a serious investigation. For some reason, the people who worked with him then, in particular, the same Aizenshpis, did not do this either. But there were a lot of questions to which we did not know the answers.

- But in this case, the question is natural: who benefited from the death of a musician?

Do you want me to give you your last name? Such things are not even said to close people. How can I, not knowing you at all, trust you with this! Listen to his latest "Black Album", remember the death of Michael Jackson and draw parallels. The answer will be obvious.

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