Baby dolls about what happened before... Or children's stories about a past life. Mysterious stories about people without a past

In our world, interesting and funny situations often occur that amuse many people. But in addition to such curiosities, there are moments that make you think or simply frighten, driving you into a stupor. For example, some item mysteriously disappearing t, although a couple of minutes ago I was in my place. Inexplicable and sometimes strange situations happen to everyone. Let's talk about stories from real life, told by people.

Fifth place – Death or not?

Liliya Zakharovna- a well-known teacher in the area primary classes. All local residents tried to send their children to her, since she aroused honor and respect, trying to teach children wisdom not according to the usual program, but according to her own. Thanks to its development, children quickly absorbed new knowledge and applied it in practice with skill. She managed to do what no teacher could do - make children work beneficially and gnaw on the granite of science.

Recently Liliya Zakharovna reached retirement age, which she happily took advantage of when she went on a legal vacation. She had a sister Irina, whom she went to see. This is where the story begins.

Irina had a mother and daughter who lived next door on the same staircase. Lyudmila Petrovna, Irina’s mother, had been seriously ill for a long time. The doctors did not know the exact diagnosis, because the symptoms were completely different with each visit to the hospital, which did not allow them to give a 100% answer. The treatment was very varied, but even it did not help put Lyudmila Petrovna on her feet. After several years of painful procedures, she died. On the day of death, the cat that lived in the apartment woke up my daughter. She caught herself and ran to the woman and found that she was dead. The funeral took place near the city, in his native village.

The daughter and her friend visited the cemetery for several days in a row, still not accepting the fact that Lyudmila Petrovna no more. On their next visit, they were surprised that there was a small hole at the grave, the depth of which was about forty centimeters. It was clear that she was fresh, and sitting near the grave was the same cat that woke up her daughter on the day of her death. It immediately became clear that it was she who dug the hole. The hole was filled up, but the cat was never released. It was decided to leave her there.

The next day, the girls went to the cemetery again to feed the hungry cat. This time there were already three of them - they were joined by one of the relatives of the deceased. They were very surprised when there was a hole on the grave bigger size than last time. The cat was still sitting there, looking very exhausted and tired. This time she decided not to resist and voluntarily climbed into the girls’ bag.

And then strange thoughts begin to creep into the girls’ heads. Suddenly Lyudmila Petrovna was buried alive, and the cat was trying to get to her. Such thoughts haunted me, and it was decided to dig up the coffin to make sure. The girl was found by several people without a fixed place of residence, they paid them money and brought her to the cemetery. They dug up the grave.

When the coffin was opened, the girls were in complete shock. The cat was right. Nail marks were visible on the coffin, which suggests that the deceased was alive, trying to escape from captivity.

The girls grieved for a long time, realizing that they could still save Lyudmila Petrovna, if they had dug up the grave right away. These thoughts haunted them for a very long time, but nothing could be returned. Cats always sense trouble - this is a scientifically proven fact.

Fourth place – Forest paths

Ekaterina Ivanovna is an elderly woman living in a small village near Bryansk. The village is located around forests and fields. Grandmother lived here all her long life, so she knew all the paths and roads inside and out. Since childhood, she walked around the neighborhood, picking berries and mushrooms, which made excellent jam and pickles. Her father was a forester, so Ekaterina Ivanovna was in harmony with Mother Nature all her life.

But one day a strange incident happened, which my grandmother still remembers and crosses herself. It was early autumn, when it was time to cut hay. Relatives from the city came to help so as not to leave all the care of the household. elderly woman. The whole crowd moved to a forest clearing to collect hay. Towards evening, the grandmother went home to prepare dinner for her tired assistants.

It's about a forty-minute walk to the village. Of course, the path ran through the forest. Here Ekaterina Ivanovna He has been walking since childhood, so of course there was no fear. On the way, in the forest thicket, I met a woman I knew, and a dialogue began between them about all the events taking place in their native village.

The conversation lasted about half an hour. And it was already starting to get dark outside. Suddenly, the unexpectedly encountered woman screamed and laughed with all her might and evaporated, leaving a strong echo. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete horror, realizing what had happened. She was already lost in space and simply became nervous, not knowing which way to go. For two hours the grandmother walked from one corner of the forest to another, trying to get out of the thicket. In a toga, she simply fell to the ground, exhausted. Thoughts already came to mind that she would have to wait until the morning until someone saved her. But the sound of the tractor turned out to be life-saving - it was towards it that Ekaterina Ivanovna headed, soon reaching the village.

The next day, the grandmother went home to the woman she met. She rejected the fact that she was in the forest, justifying this by the fact that she was caring for the beds and simply did not have time. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete shock and already thought that, against the background of fatigue, hallucinations had begun, leading her astray. For several years now, these events have been told to local residents with fear. From that moment on, the grandmother never went to the forest again, as she was afraid of getting lost or, worse, dying from extreme fear. There was even a proverb in the village: “The devil leads Katerina.” I wonder who was really in the forest that evening?

Third place – Dream come true

In the heroine's life there are constantly happening various situations, which one simply cannot dare to call ordinary: they are strange. In the early eighties of the last century, Pavel Matveevich, who was his mother’s husband, died. The morgue workers gave the heroine’s family his belongings and a gold watch, which the deceased loved very much. Mom decided to keep them and keep them as a memory.

As soon as the funeral has passed, the heroine of strange stories has a dream. In it, the late Pavel Matveevich demands from his mother that she take the watch back to where he originally lived. The girl woke up in the morning and ran to tell her mother about her dream. Of course, the decision was made that the watch must be returned. Let them be in their place.

At the same time, a dog barked loudly in the yard (and the house was private). When one of her own comes, she is silent. But then, apparently, someone else came. And it’s true: my mother looked out the window and saw that a man was standing under the lantern and was waiting for someone to leave the house. Mom came out and it turned out that this mysterious stranger was Pavel Matveevich’s son from his first marriage. He happened to be passing through the village and decided to stop by. The only interesting thing is how he found the house, because no one knew him before. In memory of his father, he wanted to take something from him. And my mother gave me the watch. On this strange stories This girl's life is not going to end. At the beginning of the 2000s, Pavel Ivanovich, the husband’s father, fell ill. On New Year's Eve, he found himself in the hospital awaiting his operation. And the girl dreams again prophetic dream. There was a doctor there who informed the family that the operation would be on the third of January. In the dream, another man furiously demanded the question of what interests the girl most. And she asked how many years the parents would live. No answer was received.

It turned out that the surgeon had already told his father-in-law that the operation would be performed on January 2. The girl said that something would definitely happen that would force her to reschedule the operation the next day. And so it happened - the operation took place on January 3rd. The relatives were stunned.

The last story happened when the heroine was already fifty years old. The woman no longer had any special health. As soon as the second daughter was born, the parent had a headache. The pain was so severe that I was already thinking about giving an injection. Hoping that the pain would subside, the woman went to bed. Having dozed off a little, she heard Small child awoke. There was a night light above the bed, and the girl reached to turn it on, and she was immediately thrown back onto the bed, as if an electric shock had occurred. And it seemed to her that she was flying somewhere high above the house. And only the child’s strong cry brought her back to earth from heaven. Waking up, the girl was very wet, thinking that there was clinical death.

“If your child begins to experience memories of past life, What are you going to do?"

This amazing book, perhaps, will be the most useful of all “Sofia” publications. Proving with absolute certainty the reality of reincarnation, Carol Bowman goes much further than simple facts.

You will learn how easy it is to remember your past lives, especially for young children. “After regression, children and adults become more self-confident and calm, and are healed of chronic diseases and phobias that have haunted them since early childhood.

For 90 percent of the subjects, the memory of death was the best part regression.

Having remembered their own death, many subjects gained confidence in life. They no longer feared death. They realized that death is not the end, it is a new beginning. For everyone, the memory of death was a source of inspiration, providing the opportunity to change the course of their entire lives.”

“...We parents are included as part of the plan to help our children benefit from memories like these.”

Has your child lived before?

In a fascinating book that explodes traditional ideas about life and death, Carol Bowman reveals compelling evidence of past-life memories in children. These types of experiences are not only real, they are far more common than people might imagine.

Unusual research, conducted by Bowman, was initiated by her son Chase's memories of a past life. He described scenes of military action during the times Civil War so accurate that the details have been confirmed by an expert historian. But the most amazing thing is that Chase's chronic eczema and his fear of loud gunshots have since disappeared without a trace.

Inspired by this, Bowman collected dozens of similar cases and, working through them, wrote her extensive work to explain how children spontaneously and naturally remember their past lives. In this book, she describes the differences between true memories of children's past lives and children's fantasies, giving parents practical advice, explaining how to respond to a child’s memories and in what manner to conduct a conversation with him so that these memories really have a healing effect on the child’s psyche . "Children's Past Lives" are perhaps one of the most faithfully documented and compelling works on life after death, which, along with the works of Betty J. Eadie, Raymond Moody and Brian Weiss, can open new horizons for us and transform our view of life and death.

“An outstanding and brave book... this is a must know as children are really trying to tell us about their past lives. We must not remain deaf."

When a child talks about a memory from a past life, it is as if circles spread across the surface of a lake. The child is at the centerhealed and changed. Parents stand nearby, fascinated by the truth of the experience.a truth so powerful that it can shake and crush all established beliefs. For someone who did not directly witness the event, just reading a book about a child’s memories of a past life can tune the mind and soul to understanding. Childhood memories of past lives have the power to change lives.

Carol Bowman

This book is dedicated to the memory of Ian Ballantyne, whose vision and spirit changed and continues to change the world.

Words of gratitude

I express my heartfelt gratitude to all these people for their help:

Editor Betty Ballantyne for her wisdom, patience and long hours of work.

Norman Inge, who started it all.

My applause to Elisa Petrini for helping to put all the pieces together.

Thanks to Kyle King for her magic; Joseph Stern for the phone call; Jewitt Wheelock for her efforts and insights; Ellen Neill Huss, Dr. Emma Mellon, Susan Garrett, Rosemary Pasdar, Amy McLaughlin, and Michelle Majon for all taking the time to read my drafts and offer their opinions.

I am extremely grateful to all the parents who shared their children's stories with me.

Thank you, Drs. Hazel Denning, William Emerson, David Chamberlain, Winafred Blake Lucas, and Colette Long for reporting cases and helping with consultations.

My admiration and love to Sarah and Chase for allowing me to tell their stories.

My deepest gratitude to Steve, my collaborator in life.

Part one. Stories about past lives

Chapter first. Chase and Sarah

“Sit in your mother’s arms, close your eyes and tell me what you see when you hear those loud noises that scare you so much,” psychotherapist Norman Inge told Chase.

My heart was filled with excitement. Maybe now we'll find out the secret behind my five-year-old son's hysterical fear of loud noises. I thought back a few months to the Fourth of July when this all started.

Fourth of July 1988

Every year my husband Steve and I throw a big Fourth of July party at our house. Our friends always look forward to this day to celebrate with us. The party always ended with a trip to the golf course, where the whole town gathered to watch the fireworks. In the weeks leading up to the holiday, Chase talked excitedly about how much joy similar spectacles had brought him in all previous years, especially his favorite fireworks display. His eyes opened wide as he remembered the colorful lights streaking across the sky. This year he expected to enjoy a long and beautiful spectacle.

At noon on the fourth, friends came to us with rocket launchers, firecrackers and sparklers. The garden was soon filled with people. Children were everywhere - swinging on the swings, digging in the sandbox and playing hide and seek behind the open veranda. Our usually quiet neighborhood was filled with shrill laughter and screams of children. The adults were trying to relax on the veranda while the kids were running around the house tirelessly, usually with the red-haired Chase in their lead.

And indeed, Chase fully lived up to his name. He was always on the move, full of energy and curiosity. We always seemed to be two steps behind him, trying to catch him before he knocked anything over. Friends made fun of us, saying that by choosing a name Chase, we got what we wanted.

Our nine-year-old daughter Sarah and her friends retreated to the back of the house, where they sat at their own private table under the fir trees to hide from the eyes of their annoying parents. They could entertain themselves for hours, decorating the table with flowers and porcelain toys. It was their personal holiday, where “wild” children were not allowed. The only time we saw the girls was when they were running in and out of Sarah's room, trying on different outfits, jewelry and hats.

As the sun dipped low behind the trees, turning the garden orange, we knew it was time to pack up the kids and go watch the fireworks. I grabbed Chase as he ran past, wiped the ice cream and cake off his face, and pulled the clean shirt over his squirming little body. Armed with flashlights and warm blankets, we joined the procession heading towards the golf course.

It is undoubtedly necessary to remember your past, but people want to know their future more. Knowing him, you can take a chance on exactly on the day when fate promises you. But knowing the future, the taste of life, risk and excitement will go away from your life. Therefore, it is better not to know the future and live, taking risks without knowing what it will bring in the future.

Experience shows that we love all kinds of secrets. In history you can find a huge number of cases when people disappeared without a trace, less common are those when they appeared out of nowhere and had no past.

Today, in the Internet era, it is much easier to solve pending cases, but there are still a lot of them. Below are eight mysterious stories about people without a past.

1. Jerome of Sandy Cove

In September 1863, an eight-year-old boy, walking along the shore of Sandy Cove (Nova Scotia, Canada), met a beggar man who had no legs.

The boy's family, who lived in the village of Digby Neck, decided to shelter the poor stranger, who, it should be noted, did not speak English. Locals They nicknamed him Jerome after he muttered something similar to this name in response to a question about his name. The man not only didn’t know English language, but also couldn’t speak. When curious onlookers came to the boy's family's house to look at the mysterious stranger, Jerome growled at them like a dog.

When Jerome was examined by a doctor, he concluded that his legs had been amputated quite recently, since the wounds on which bandages had been applied had not yet healed. In addition, it was clear that the operation was performed by an experienced surgeon. It wasn't an accident.

After some time, the residents of the village of Digby Neck, who were predominantly Baptists, for some reason decided that Jerome belonged to the Catholic faith (according to some evidence, because of his Mediterranean appearance). For this reason, he was sent to the nearby French Acadian community of Metegan. Jerome was sheltered by the polyglot Jean Nicolas, who tried to speak to him in French, Latin, Italian and Spanish. The man did not react in any way to his speech, or perhaps he simply pretended that he did not understand it.

Nicola courted Jerome for seven years, along with his wife Juliet and stepdaughter Madeleine, who fell in love with the silent man. Metegan authorities gave Jean's family two dollars a week to look after the legless invalid. Despite the fact that Jerome lived with a linguist, he never learned to speak any language. All he could do was mumble and growl incoherently.

After Juliet's death, Jerome was sent to the neighboring town of Saint-Alphonse, where he was sheltered by the Como family. Here he spent the rest of his life. Members of the Como family received assistance from the state and, in addition, took money from curious townspeople who wanted to look at the strange, silent, disabled man. Jerome died in 1912, almost fifty years after he was found on the shores of Sandy Cove. No one ever found out who he was.

Jerome became a beloved hero of Nova Scotia folk history. Songs were written about him and even several films were made. There were plenty of versions about who he was. Some said that Jerome was a sailor whose legs were amputated as punishment for attempting to mutiny. Others believed that he was a wealthy heir whose life had been attempted. According to historian Fraser Mooney Jr., Jerome lived in one of the cities in the neighboring province of New Brunswick. He suffered from gangrene and became a burden to the city authorities, who decided to get rid of him, abandoning the poor fellow on the shores of Sandy Cove.

None of these theories have been proven. To this day, no one knows who Jerome really was.

2. John Doe #24

In October 1945, on a street in Jacksonville, Illinois, USA, a deaf-mute teenager was found who, when asked, could not write anything other than his name, “Lewis.” The city authorities tried to find his relatives, but to no avail. The local judge ordered him to be committed to a mental hospital, and since he was the twenty-fourth nameless person, who was entered into the system, he was given the name John Doe No. 24 (and not Lewis, oddly enough).

For three decades, John was abused by mental hospital workers. He is ill diabetes mellitus and ultimately lost his sight. After this he was transferred to a nursing home. Despite all the hardships and hardships, John did not lose his sense of humor. He was a cheerful guy who loved to dance to music, despite the fact that he could only feel its subtle vibrations.

John died of a stroke in a nursing home in Peoria, Illinois, USA in 1993. No one ever found out who he really was.

When American singer Mary Chapin Carpenter heard his story, she decided to dedicate a song to him, which was called “John Doe No. 24.”

3. Monsieur Chouchani

One of the most prominent students of the Jewish teacher Monsieur Chowchani, also known as Shushani, is Elie Wiesel, writer, journalist, public figure and winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize. Elie Wiesel is famous not so much for his works as for the fact that throughout his life he fervently kept the secret of his teacher's identity.

Wiesel wrote that Chouchani was an “unkempt,” “overgrown” man who “looked like a clown turned tramp.” According to another student, the French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, " appearance Chouchani was quite unpleasant, even disgusting to some.”

Nevertheless, Chouchani left a lasting impression on his students, who called him a master of philosophy, mathematics and Talmud. Both Levinas and Wiesel believed that Chouchani was one of the most authoritative teachers.

Very little is known about his life. After World War II, between 1947 and 1952, he lived in Paris, then disappeared again and ended up in Israel a few years later. Then Chouchani returned to the capital of France for some time. Ultimately, he moved to South America, where he lived for the rest of his life. All that is known about Chouchani is the year of his birth, 1895. The rest is a mystery, shrouded in darkness, including his real name. Chouchani and Shushani, as some historians believe, are his nicknames. Why they started calling the Jewish teacher that, no one knows.

It is known that Chouchani died in 1968 and was buried in Montevideo, Uruguay. Wiesel asked that the following words be written on his tombstone: “To the blessed memory of the wise Rabbi Chouchani, the story of whose birth and life is greatest mystery».

4. Bella from Witch Elm

In 1943, at the height of World War II, four boys playing in Hagley Wood, near Stourbridge, England, discovered a human skull in the hollow trunk of a witch hazel tree. When police arrived at the scene, they found the skeleton of a middle-aged woman, clothes, shoes and cheap items inside the tree. wedding ring. A severed hand was also found buried in the ground near the tree. The corpse had a rag in its mouth. The woman was allegedly strangled. She had been dead for a year and a half or so.

Since the war was in full swing, it was not possible to establish the identity of the murdered woman - at that time people disappeared very often. Authorities could roughly describe the dead woman's appearance, but they had no idea where she was from. She was approximately 35 years old. Her height was about 1 meter 55 centimeters. She had brown hair and bad teeth. A search among the 3,000 people considered missing turned up nothing. And although this story was covered in the media mass media, no one contacted the police about this. After some time, people forgot about this incident.

Before Christmas 1943 or 1944 (according to various sources), strange messages began to appear. In the town of Old Hill (West Midlands), near Hagley Wood, on an empty building someone wrote in white chalk: “WHO HIDDEN LUBELLA'S BODY IN THE WITCH ELM?” (The name of the tree was mixed up.) Similar phrases appeared in other places. They always mentioned the name Bella or Lewbella and the name of Hagley Wood.

Despite these messages, the case remained unsolved. The police put forward several versions of what happened. According to one of them, during the war, a Nazi spy ring was active in the West Midlands, with which a woman named Clarabella Dronkers was associated. She was over thirty years old and had bad teeth. However, the police were unable to gather enough information to prove that she was the Bella they were looking for.

In addition, it was also not possible to find the person or people who left these strange white inscriptions throughout the city. They continued to appear throughout the West Midlands for a decade after the murder.

5. Yam Man

He had many nicknames, including the Last Tribemate and the Loneliest Man on Earth. However, his real name, like his life story, is unknown. Yam Man (most often called that way) was found in the Amazon jungle in 1996. He is believed to be the last surviving member of his tribe. Which one? This is as unknown as the language he speaks.

He got his nickname from the practice of digging narrow holes about two meters deep inside each of his houses, made of straw, reeds and large leaves. Presumably, the holes serve as traps for the animal or a place where it can hide. Near the houses of the Yam Man there is a vegetable garden where he grows cassava, corn, papaya and so on.

In 2007, the National Indian Foundation, the body of the Brazilian federal government that sets and implements policies regarding the country's indigenous population, prohibited encroachment on the land where the Yam Man lives. The area of ​​this property is approximately 110 square kilometers.

As of 2014, the Pit Man was still alive, and he was ready to shoot an arrow at you if you got too close to his house.

6. Kaspar Hauser

Contemporary depiction of Kaspar Hauser (Johann Georg Laminit)

In May 1828, a teenager in peasant clothes was found on one of the streets of Nuremberg (Germany). He looked so helpless and confused that compassionate passers-by simply could not pass by him. The teenager had two letters with him. The first was from his guardian, who claimed that he had been involved in raising the boy from infancy, teaching him to read, write and religion and never allowing him to “leave the confines of the house.” The second letter was written by his mother, who stated that the boy was born on April 30, 1812; his name was Kaspar Hauser. He did not have a father: he died. Both letters were written in the same handwriting.

Captain von Wessenig took the boy to his home. Kaspar refused to talk to anyone. He told the captain only that he would like to become a cavalryman, like his father. When asked any other questions, he cried and shouted “I don’t know!”

Some time later, the boy was imprisoned in Nuremberg Castle for vagrancy. Here Kaspar began to share details of his past life. He claimed that he was kept in a dark cell throughout his entire adult life. The only things he had were a woolen blanket, two wooden horses and a toy dog. They fed him bread and water. (Even while in prison, he refused to eat any food other than bread and water, showing a particular aversion to meat.) He added that he had never seen his guardian's face. Kaspar said that occasionally he was given bitter water, after which he fell asleep and woke up with his hair and nails trimmed. It also seemed that the boy was obsessed with horses. He expressed genuine joy when someone gave him a toy horse. He stroked her and talked to her.

Oddly enough, the boy was in good health. He was able to easily climb the 90 steps that led to his prison cell. Caspar showed no signs of rickets or malnutrition. He said that he learned to walk relatively recently thanks to a mysterious man with a blackened face. From him he adopted the phrase “I want to be a cavalryman, like my father” (in the old Bavarian dialect), but he had no idea what it meant. Kaspar also said that it was the man with the blackened face who abandoned him on the street in Nuremberg.

Houser attracted the attention of curious people who began to visit him in prison. Among them was the mayor of the city, who talked with Kaspar for hours. Rumors began to circulate that the boy was a nobleman, perhaps even one of the princes of Baden.

Houser was released from prison two months later. He was sheltered by schoolteacher Georg Daumer. He began teaching the boy writing, reading and drawing. The latter was surprisingly easy for him - very strange for someone who had never done this before.

Drawing by Kaspar Hauser

About a year later, trouble struck Kaspar Hauser. Daumer found him in his basement with a wound on his head. Kaspar explained that he was attacked by a hooded man who told him: "You must die." He claimed that this was the same man who brought him to Nuremberg - he recognized him by his voice.

After this incident, Kaspar moved to a council house. Six months later the situation repeated itself. Houser was found in his bedroom with a bleeding head wound. He explained that he accidentally shot himself from a revolver that was hanging on the wall. The problem was that the wound was minor and did not look like a gunshot wound at all. Kaspar was accused of lying and sent to the house of Baron von Tucher, who also subsequently complained about the boy’s vanity and the fact that he liked to lie. In a short period of time, Houser went through several guardians who unceremoniously kicked him out for various reasons. One of them wrote: “Kaspar is a cunning, insidious scoundrel, a swindler, a slacker who needs to be killed.”

In 1833, five days after a violent fight with another schoolteacher who had taken in the teenager and later learned that he was a terrible liar, Kaspar was found with a serious chest wound. He claimed that while walking in the garden, he encountered a stranger who gave him a bag and then stabbed him in the heart area. When the police searched the boy, they found a purple wallet in his pocket, which contained a letter written in German from right to left. It said:

"Hauser can tell you in detail about
what I look like and where I come from.
So as not to bother him,
I'll tell you about it myself.
I arrived _ _.
I am from _ _.
Bavarian border _ _
on the river _ _ _ _ _
I even
I’ll tell you my name: M. L. O.”

Again no one believed Kaspar. Everyone decided that he, as in previous times, he inflicted the wound on himself. The letter was folded into a triangle, a shape that was Hauser's favorite. In addition, it contained several grammatical errors typical of a teenager.

Nobody helped Kaspar, and he died three days after the incident. The boy was buried in Ansbach. On his tombstone it was written: “Here lies Kaspar Hauser, a mystery of his time...”.

Historians have never been able to figure out who Hauser really was. The idea that he was the lost prince of Baden prevailed for a century. Finally, in 1996, Hauser's blood sample was compared with those taken from the heirs of the rulers of Baden. No matches were found.

7. Green boots

Climbing Everest is quite difficult, but even more difficult is finding the corpses of those who died while trying to conquer this inaccessible mountain peak, especially if they ended up in hard-to-reach places. This was the situation with the corpse that became known as "Green Shoes". He lay on the highest mountain in the world for at least thirteen years, from 2001 to 2014.

And although about 200 frozen human bodies were discovered on Everest, it was the place where Green Shoes was found, as well as his bright lime-colored shoes, that made his story so memorable. All expedition members who started climbing Everest from the north side and reached an altitude of 8500 meters could easily notice the corpse of Green Boots, which lay curled up in its final resting place, a limestone cave. It is also known that another climber, David Sharp, died in Green Shoe Cave in 2006 after lying there in a state of hypothermia for several hours while at least two dozen mountain climbers simply passed by. Supposedly, other climbers saw him, but thought he was the famous Green Boots corpse, so they did not stop to help him.

There are many theories as to who the Green Boots were. Many believe that the corpse belonged to Indian climber Tsewang Paljor, who was wearing bright green boots on the day of the expedition. He disappeared on Everest in 1996. Others suggest that the body belonged to his partner, Dorje Morup.

About 200 people have died on Everest so far, so it is unlikely that Green Boots will ever be identified. In 2014, the corpse disappeared. Supposedly, he was finally removed from the mountain and interred.

8. Lori Erica Ruff

Lori Erica Ruff from Longview, Texas, USA, began to behave in a strange way a few months before his death in 2010. Because of this she husband Blake decided to leave her. Laurie has always been a quirky woman. An example is that she did not allow any family members to hold her little daughter. She was forty-something years old, and for Christmas she asked for a toy Easy-Bake Oven as a gift. Moreover, she had strange habit leaving family gatherings to go take a nap. It only got worse from there. After Blake filed for divorce, Lori began sending abusive messages. emails to his relatives and even stole their house keys.

A little later, she committed suicide by shooting herself with a pistol.

Throughout the marriage, Laurie kept a safe in her closet, which Blake was not allowed to touch under any circumstances. When it was opened after Laurie's death, it contained documents pointing to a very complicated past. Blake's wife never liked answering questions about her origins. She claimed that her parents died, and besides them, she had no one. It turns out that Laurie had reasons to hide her past. Before marrying Blake and taking his last name, she was Lori Erica Kennedy. She legally changed her name in July 1988. Her former name was Becky Sue Turner. Oddly enough, this name belonged to a two-year-old girl who died in a fire in Fife, Washington, in 1971.

At this point the trail ends. Blake's wife also took out a new Social Security number after changing her name to Laurie Kennedy, effectively helping her erase her past. It is unknown what name she lived under before becoming Becky Sue. The same goes for other details of her past. All we know is that she graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1997 with a degree in business administration and may have once worked as an exotic dancer, according to an old acquaintance.

Counterfeit items were also found in the safe. letters of recommendation from the employer and homeowners, as well as scraps of paper with inscriptions written in illegible handwriting. All that could be made out were the words “North Hollywood police,” “402 months,” and the name of lawyer Ben Perkins. Laurie may have spent some time in prison. Also, according to some documents, she was older than she said. This theory is supported by the fact that Laurie suffered from infertility and was forced to resort to artificial insemination in 2008, when, as she claimed, she was in her twenties.

Laurie wrote two suicide notes: one, eleven pages long, to Blake, and the other, a short one, to her daughter. However, neither they nor the documents or things found in the safe and her squalid house, full of dirty dishes and scraps of paper, shed any light on who she really was. The police didn't even have any leads other than a list of crossed off suspects.

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

Indisputable proof of reincarnation is children's memories of a past life.

Children are incorruptible witnesses who describe events they could not have known about. They expand our understanding of this world and the laws of existence.

Sam's story. My own grandfather

Little Sam took his parents by surprise by declaring that he saw his car in an old photograph!

The father showed the child a family photo album, and one of the photographs showed the car of Sam's grandfather, who died before he was born.

Seeing the car in the photo, the child said with complete confidence: “This is my car!” Sam's mother was completely distrustful of the child's statement and decided to “test” him.

She showed Sam a photograph of the boy's grandfather as a child, surrounded by his peers. Even the mother herself would have had a hard time finding Sam’s grandfather.

To the surprise of everyone, Sam pointed to the boy in the photo and said: “And that’s me!” He unmistakably found “himself”, that is, his grandfather, among the children who were depicted in the photograph.

Sam also said that he knows about the death of “his” sister. Sam's grandfather's sister was indeed killed, about which the boy said: "Bad people killed her."

This case was investigated by the famous American scientist Jim Tucker.

In his work, he studied more than 2,500 children's memories of past lives. Dr. Tucker approached his work professionally and took into account the influence of parents on children's memories.

After meeting with Sam, he came to the conclusion that the boy's memories were true - information about his grandfather could not be obtained from his parents, and there were some facts he simply could not know.

The boy found his killer in a past life

In a Druze community on the border of Syria and Israel, a boy was born with a long red mark on his head.

When the child was 3 years old, he told his parents that he had been killed in a past life. He also remembered that his death was caused by a blow to the head with an ax.

When the boy was brought to the village from his memories, he was able to say his name in his past life. Local residents said that such a person actually lived here, but disappeared about 4 years ago.

The boy remembered not only his home, but also named his killer.

The man seemed scared when meeting the child, but never confessed to the crime. Then the boy pointed out the place where the murder took place.

And to the surprise of everyone, a human skeleton and an ax were found in this very place, which turned out to be the murder weapon.

The skull of the found skeleton was damaged, and exactly the same there was also a mark on the child’s head.

I'm not your son

The story of a man named Tang Jiangshan is equally interesting. He was born in Chinese province Hainan in Dongfang city.

At the age of three, the boy amazed his parents by declaring that he was not their son, and that his former name was Chen Mingdao!

The boy described in detail the place where he lived before, and even named the names of his parents.

He also remembered that he died during the revolutionary actions from saber strikes and shots. Moreover, there were actually birthmarks similar to saber marks.

It turned out that Tang Jiangshan's previous birthplace was not that far away. And when the boy turned 6 years old, he and his parents went to his former home village.

Despite his childhood, Tang Jiangshan was able to find his home without difficulty. To the surprise of everyone, the boy spoke fluently the dialect of the place where they had arrived.

Entering the house, he recognized his former father and introduced himself as Chen Mingdao. Sande, the boy's former father, could hardly believe the child's story, but the details that the boy told about his past life forced him to recognize his son.

Since then, Tang Jiangshan had another family. His past life father and sisters accepted him as the former Chen Mingdao.

How is my mother doing?!

At the age of 6, Cameron Macaulay began talking about how he used to live in a different house. Each time his descriptions of his past life became more and more detailed.

The child named the island where he lived before, described the house and his family. Cameron often worried that his mother was missing him; the boy wanted to meet his family again and say that he was doing well.

Norma, Cameron's mother in real life, could not calmly look at her son's experiences. And she decided to go on a trip to find the very house that her son had talked so much about.

Inviting psychologist Dr. Jim Tucker, who specializes in past lives, on a trip, they went to the Isle of Barra. According to the boy's stories, they found the very house where Cameron lived.

It turned out that the previous owners were no longer alive, and Cameron and his mother were met by the new owner.

Norma was worried that it would be hard for her son to find out that he had not met those for whom they had come. But, fortunately, Cameron inspected the house, I remembered all his rooms and his favorite places, and calmly accepted the fact that his former family was no longer there.

After the trip, Norma became convinced that her son’s stories were not a deviation in the child’s psyche or his imagination, but a real story.

They returned home with Cameron, and he was no longer worried about meeting his old family.

All these stories prove that children's memories of a past life can be real, but parents do not pay attention to them.

Or maybe this is exactly what the child wants to tell his parents? important facts that will help parents understand

Based on the book “Children Who Lived Before: Reincarnation Today” by Trutz Hardo.

Theme of past lives Lately This comes up very often during sessions with clients. In this regard, I would like to touch upon this issue in detail. First there will be theoretical part for those “who are not in the know,” and then consider the issue from the point of view of theta-healing.

First, I propose to understand a little about the physics of past incarnations and find out where information about all past lives of a Person is stored and recorded, so that in the future, when a question arises, how to remember a past life, and immediately eliminate all possible doubts when answering the question, there is Is there life after death?

To start, look at Figure 1.

Figure 1. Past life regression.
Where is information about past reincarnations contained?

As you can see from the first picture, a person is not only a physical body, but a whole set of much more subtle energy-informational structures belonging to different levels sustainable existence of matter.

Thus, as the Universe spreads through space at the speed of light, a person (as well as any other living object) remains so-called. “memory body”, or mental body (some consider this to be the human Soul), which contains all the information about the states of all energy-informational structures of a person, as well as his mental activity over time.

Figure 2. Structure of the memory body of the fourth dimension - the Human Soul. How to remember your past life

Using certain techniques, it is possible to record from the memory body of a person in the current incarnation a detailed graphical characteristic from the point of birth to the present moment of his life and identify, with an accuracy of 5 minutes, the trigger points of subconscious control stress.

Figure 3. Graphic diagram of a person's life line. It is removed from a photograph or from an image of a person in ponderomotor writing mode using special infosomatics techniques

Also from Figure 1 you can clearly and clearly understand what a past incarnation is, and where exactly information about a person’s past incarnations is recorded.

Thus, during regression (the so-called journey to past lives), the center of a person’s consciousness, with the help of a special setting, moves from the present time to the memory body of some past life and begins to perceive from there, like a needle from a record, all the information left there by the body and brain a physical being who previously lived in that reincarnation (which, by the way, does not necessarily have to be human; moreover, this does not even mean that this reincarnation, into which the center of consciousness could fall, was on our planet in our dimension).

Thus, to the question of who I was in a past life, the visual answer obtained during the regression process can turn out to be quite unexpected, and sometimes downright shocking!

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to go beyond reality and remember your past lives?

More recently, one could answer with complete confidence that it is quite difficult and requires skills and great strength.

Undoubtedly, some practice and self-confidence are needed here, and in some moments you cannot do without an assistant.

But at present we already boldly declare that there are methods available that open access to the space of past incarnations. Some of them are absolutely safe, while some pose a certain threat, because... when using them, you interact with the lower planes and the entities that inhabit them.

Therefore, we provide the information here as information.

Eight public ways to look into a past life

  1. Sleep (safe)

Every day we go into a state of sleep. Some of us say that we don’t dream at all, or at least don’t remember them. But a large number of people are divided amazing stories about your dreams.

So, isn’t it possible to use this state, when a person establishes a direct connection with his subconscious, to evoke memories of past lives? Of course you can!

In the beginning, it’s worth practicing your memory a little. The easiest way is to do this every time immediately after waking up, consciously recalling what you saw in the dream. It's much better to write down everything you can remember. This will not only serve as a kind of “charging” for your brain, but will also help you to understand those images and signs that very often come during sleep.

After such a warm-up (the exercises should be continued for about two weeks, although this is an individual question), you will be able to begin traveling to past lives.

Before you go to bed, make a mental note that today in your dream you will see information about one of your previous incarnations and will remember everything after waking up. Information will not necessarily come overnight. Perhaps a series of dreams will follow, in which new events will be revealed to you each time.

It is very important to write down all the information that you can remember from your dreams - this way, gradually, you will create the most complete picture about one past life.

After a detailed study and analysis of what you saw during this period, I recommend taking a short break and giving yourself some time to rest before starting to “remember” the next reincarnation.

  1. Hypnosis (relatively safe)

It is generally accepted that this is the most “terrible” and difficult method find out information about past lives. In fact, this is just one of effective methods self-knowledge, and some people resort to hypnosis in order to find out what is considered to be the most reliable information.

To exclude the possibility of negative consequences due to deep interference in the subconscious, you should not do this yourself without the necessary knowledge and experience.

  1. Reflection (unsafe)

For this method you will need some kind of reflective surface. And here you can choose what is most convenient and accessible to you.

This could be an ordinary mirror, a glass ball or a glass of water.

When using a glass of water, it will be better to fill it completely. When using a mirror, it is necessary to install it in such a way that some light surface, for example, a wall, is visible in the reflection.

Your reflection shouldn't be there.

Mentally clearly and definitely formulate the intention that you want to see the events of your past life, and then you just need to peer into the reflective surface of the water, glass ball or mirror.

  1. Watch (safe)

Also, for traveling to past lives, you may need an ordinary watch (preferably with a large dial). In essence, this is a regular alpha meditation. There are two ways to do this kind of regression

“Move” to that episode and continue to watch how the hand on the clock moves. And further, listening to the ticking of the clock close to you and remembering the events associated with them, according to your intention, embark on an exploration of your past life. Just notice where you go from the clock episode.

Another way is to put a watch in front of your eyes and follow the clock hand. Next, you need to close your eyes and imagine the same clock on the internal screen. Now imagine how first the big arrow evaporates, then the small one. Then, one by one, “erase” all the remaining numbers from the dial.

And... forward to the past!

  1. Spirit Guide (unsafe)

This method is also very common for studying past lives. In addition to studying past life, it provides the opportunity meet your spiritual guide.

To do this, you are also recommended to sit in a comfortable and convenient environment, ensuring silence if possible. Then simply express your inner intention - invite your Spiritual Guide and soon you will see him in the space of the inner screen.

After the mentor appears before you in some form, you can meet him, find out his name and ask him to take you to a past incarnation.

It should be immediately clarified that without experience in communicating with beings of other planes, you cannot be sure that it is the spiritual mentor who will come to your call, and not some other entity, so you should treat this method very carefully.

  1. Letter (safe)

This is a rather unique way of exploring past lives. This is a well-known auto-letter. But this method will require some practice and skill.

The majority of people, starting to practice, recreate letters and figures that cannot be interpreted. Nevertheless, over time, the letter becomes more and more understandable and legible.

For the experiment you will need a pencil or pen and paper. Sit comfortably at the table, so that your elbow forms a right angle.

Focus and form the intention to explore a specific reincarnation or leave the choice to the will of the Universe.

Holding a pencil or pen loosely in your hand, place it on a piece of paper and wait for it to move. Just wait quietly and watch everything that happens. The most impressive and interesting results are obtained when there are no specific expectations or thoughts in the head.

  1. Akashic Records (relatively safe)

The Akashic Chronicles are a place between the fifth and sixth planes of existence, which contains information about everything that has happened and will happen in the universe from the moment of creation. This is a special “collective memory”, a galactic Library, it contains information about the life of every person on Earth, as well as about all his previous incarnations.

Every action, feeling or thought is displayed there, and If desired, everyone can gain access to the events that concern them.

You need to think in advance about what exactly you intend to find out. To travel to the Akashic Chronicles, you need good reasons; it is not recommended to perceive this visit as something curious or entertaining.

This is quite a serious task, and you should approach it with a serious attitude. Usually, for such a serious journey, it is better to have the practical skill of engaging in some other way of studying past lives.

Directly for the dive itself, you need to create a comfortable environment for you that will allow you to relax as much as possible.

In turn, this can be done independently using meditation. By using your mental intention and concentrating on the inner screen, you can immediately begin to study your previous incarnations.

  1. Theta-healing sessions (safe)

Traveling to past incarnations: safety precautions

It is no coincidence that the Universe masks the doors to the cinema of past incarnations at each subsequent birth of a person, so that the experience of earlier reincarnations does not have a DIRECT effect in the current reality on the consciousness of a person.

Figure 4. Closed door to past lives

But despite this, the consciousness of a newborn is far from a blank sheet of paper! The experience of past incarnations, as well as tasks or problems unresolved in past lives, have a strong INDIRECT impact on the character, views and events that occur in a new incarnation with a person, on his choices, beliefs and the people he meets along the way.

Thus, the Universe helps a person, through the events of the current incarnation, to carefully supplement, correct and harmonize all the experience gained in past lives.

The time, place and date of the incarnation of the Spirit into a new physical reality, the family (with its problems) into which this soul comes in the form of a newborn child, as well as the gender of the biological body are also not accidental and are predetermined by the experiences of past reincarnations and the lessons that the soul must take place in the current incarnation.

Traveling to past lives will certainly provide an opportunity to shed light on those cause-and-effect relationships of the chain of incarnations, making a person’s life in the current incarnation as “interesting” and conscious as possible with a deeper understanding of what will happen to his essence after the death of the physical body.

But at the same time, regression to past incarnations can raise negative programs and beliefs of a historical nature and invite into our reality such skeletons in the closet and monsters that the consciousness of an unprepared person may simply not be able to handle.

It is no coincidence that the Universe keeps these doors to past lives locked! And once opened, these doors are very difficult to close!

Figure 5. “Stream” memories of a past life

Figure 7. Final frames of the previous reincarnation

Therefore, when looking for information on the topic of how to remember a past life, you should not forget about basic safety precautions, and also irresponsibly violate the boundary regime between the present and past incarnation, which was established here by the Universe!

No matter how curious it may be to see what is on the other side of the sealed gate into the distant and not so distant past, remember: this is not a tour area and special permission is required to enter it!

And the main factor for obtaining this permission is your sincere intention, your sincere goal, why you actually intend to study your past life!

If you have any problems (eventual, personal, psychological) that bother you greatly, and for a long time you have not been able to find their solution or explanation using standard methods, then in this case a detailed study of past lives is completely justified, since with the help With this technology, you will be able to detect the cause-and-effect relationships of a particular problem and, in order not to spend a lot of time and effort eliminating the consequence of this problem in this incarnation, simply eliminate the true cause in one of the previous incarnations by healing the selected “destructive frames” on the film of your distant past .

Only such motivation will help you create a powerful intention that will make it possible to open the doors to the past and the Universe itself will be your assistant in this endeavor.

If you want to remember your past life out of simple curiosity or you assume that past life regression can make you more powerful, more spiritual or strong - then with such motivation you are unlikely to be able to lift the veil and find out the secrets of the past!

Besides, few people will smell of anything but expensive French cologne!

As interesting evidence of the existence of past lives, there are stories of young children who share stories with their parents about tragic deaths that happened to them, followed by the next happy life.

Small children have cleaner open space and a stronger connection with previous incarnations. IN in social networks there are a lot of such stories.

Let me give you a few of them:

  1. When my child was 3 years old, he told me that he loved his new folder because it was “so cute.” While his own father is the only one and the first. Then I asked, “Why do you think so?”

The son replied: “My last father was a very vile man. He stabbed me in the back, after which I died. I really really like mine new dad, because he will definitely never do this to me.”

  1. Once, when I was very little, I saw some guy in a store young man, and began to scream loudly and heart-rendingly. This was extremely atypical for me, because I have always been a very well-mannered and quiet child. This has never happened before, but now I have been removed from the store due to my terrible behavior.

After a while, when I was able to pull myself together and calm down, my mother began to ask me why I behaved this way and what happened. I told my mother that this man somehow came and took me from my first mother, took me to his home and hid me under the floor. I was there for a long time, then I fell asleep and showed up at the next mom’s.

That time she refused to ride in the seat and told me to hide me under the dashboard so that he wouldn’t take me away again. This really shocked my mother, since she was my only biological mother in this life.

  1. My wife was bathing my 3-year-old daughter, and I was telling her about the rules of personal hygiene. To which my daughter casually replied: “But no one ever got me. Several already tried one night. They broke the doors and tried, but I was able to fight back. I died and now I live here.”

She said it as if it were an insignificant detail.

  1. “Before I was born here, I also had a sister? My other mother and She are so old now. I hope everything was fine with them when the car caught fire.”

He was about five or six years old. What he said was absolutely stunning to me.

  1. When my little sister was very little, she would often walk around the apartment with a photo of my great-grandmother and say, “I miss you so much, Susan.”

Susan died long before I was born. Besides these strange cases, my mother admitted that my sister talked about those things that Lucy, my great-grandmother, had told me a long time ago.

  1. From three to five years old, my son often told me the same story - about how he chose me as his mother.

He said that for his future spiritual mission, some man in a suit helped him in choosing a mother... The child was far from a religious environment and in our family there were no conversations on religious or occult topics.

The process of choosing a mother was similar to going shopping in a store - he was together with a man in a suit in a well-lit room, and opposite him in one line were images of people from whom he chose me. The mysterious man asked if he was sure of his choice, after which he nodded in the affirmative, and then he was born.

In addition, my son was very interested in airplanes from the Second World War, which he easily identified, naming their parts and parts, the places in which they were used and many other details.

I can't even imagine how, from a logical point of view, he could have obtained this information. I am a mathematician, and his father is a researcher.

We always jokingly called him “Grandpa” for his timid and peaceful nature. This little guy certainly has a soul that has seen a lot.

  1. After my little sister learned to talk, she sometimes said truly shocking things. So, she said that her previous family pushed things into her, which made her cry, but her folder burned her so much that she found us, her new family.

She talked about similar things between the ages of 2 and 4. She was too young to hear something like that even from adults, so my family always considered her stories to be memories of her past life.

  1. The same year that my father's mother died, my elder sister. As my father told me, as soon as my sister was able to utter her first words, she said, “I am your mother.”
  2. When my little nephew learned to speak more or less coherently, he shared with my sister and her husband that he was very glad that he chose them. As he claimed, before becoming a child, he was in a bright room where there were many people, from whom he “chose his mother, since she had a very sweet face.”
  3. My son, at two and a half years old, told in detail that when he was big, during the fighting, a shell hit the crater in which he was sitting, and he died. Such are the strange things.
  4. My mother often said that when I was very little, she said that I died in a fire a long time ago. Naturally, I no longer remember this, although one of my main fears was that our house would burn down. Fire always scared me, I was afraid to be near an open flame.
  5. My daughter, when she was two or three years old, was simply in a panic from my glue gun (it is very similar to a real combat pistol), although she certainly could not have seen or known the purpose of a real combat pistol before.

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Past lives by date of birth: who I was in a past life

There is a very widespread belief that by date of birth, or by some other sign, you can determine who a person was in a past life.

On the Internet, a large number of sites offer paid and free tests to determine their previous incarnations.

All this is based on the idea that you can connect to the Akashic Chronicles (or the space of options, as you prefer) and, by reading information from there, based on certain patterns, calculate all the reincarnations of the soul. There is a small part of truth in this.

Of course, with the help of theta meditation or any other practices, you can extract a huge amount of information about a person’s past incarnations. But this can only be done by a specialist in this field, and only for a specific person.

Finding some kind of pattern related to the date of birth and pulling out information about all people is something out of the realm of science fiction. Moreover, if we accept the theory that time is linear only in our perception, then we, theoretically, can be incarnated an unlimited number of times both in the past and in various versions of the future.

This is also confirmed by information obtained during regressions, when people, immersed in meditation and viewing past lives, see themselves in different roles during the same historical events (for example, during military operations they see themselves in different meditations, fighting in one, then on the other side)

Therefore, Internet resources offering to take the “who I was in a past life” test in five minutes are certainly just an entertainment attraction and should not be taken seriously.

What does immersion in previous incarnations give?

Regular viewing of past lives, like a movie in a cinema, will do nothing but satisfy your curiosity. This does not mean that diving into previous incarnations is only fun and serves only to excite the imagination.

If you treat this as a certain stage in the development of your soul, which left a certain, not always positive, imprint on it, then by healing the traumas of the past, you will be able to harmonize your real life.


Reincarnation, reincarnation or relocation souls (from Latin- reincarnatio"reincarnation") and metempsychosis(Greek μετεμψύχωσις - “transmigration of the soul”) - a number of religious and philosophical theories according to which the soul - the immortal essence of a living creature (in some movements - only people) is constantly reborn from one body to another.

Such an immortal structure in different religions and in teachings they can be called soul or spirit, “higher self” or “true self”, “divine spark”, etc.; in each subsequent life an independent new personality of the individual develops in our, physical world, while a certain part of the individual’s “I” always remains unchanged, only passing from one body to another in a series of reincarnations.

In a number of spiritual schools there is a theory that the chain of rebirths has a specific purpose and the soul undergoes evolution in it and acquires the necessary experience.

The idea of ​​reincarnation is characteristic not only of some religious and philosophical systems, but often also occurs separately from any esoteric system (i.e. in a personal worldview).

If you have had experience of traveling to past lives, or you know or have tried interesting techniques regressions - leave comments, we will be interested.
