“The ideal weapon”: why the Russian hypersonic “Dagger” has no competitors. What the Kinzhal missile is actually capable of. Speed ​​of the hypersonic dagger missile

The hypersonic weapons announced by Vladimir Putin in his message were declared by many Western critics to be nothing more than computer graphics.
On Sunday, the Ministry of Defense for the first time demonstrated a missile from the Kinzhal high-precision aviation missile system, which, according to experts, encroaches on the vulnerability of such a shrine of the American military power like aircraft carriers

On the night of March 11, the Russian Ministry of Defense for the first time showed the real appearance of the Kinzhal hypersonic aircraft missile system and its launch. The combat training launch of the missile was carried out by a MiG-31 VKS interceptor fighter, which took off from an airfield in the Southern Military District.

The launch took place as usual, and the hypersonic missile hit its designated target at the test site. “During the launch of the hypersonic missile, the tactical and technical characteristics and time performance of the Kinzhal high-precision aircraft missile system were confirmed,” the Ministry of Defense noted.

Let us recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his address to the Federal Assembly on March 1, showed a number of new breakthroughs Russian weapons, which will allow Russia to ensure maximum defense capability, as well as the ability to deliver retaliatory strikes in the event of an enemy attack that will overcome any defensive systems and reach targets. Among those presented were hypersonic weapons, in particular the Kinzhal complex, which had never been mentioned or demonstrated anywhere before.

Putin is not Trump

Putin’s newest weapons turned out to be such an ultimatum and unexpected for the whole world that many simply refused to believe in its existence. Leading Western media, experts, politicians and the military rushed to call the new weapon computer graphics, drawn specifically for the presidential address.

But in the case of the new video of the Ministry of Defense, such a trick will no longer work. The published recording clearly shows both the appearance of the rocket and its flight at hypersonic speed after being dropped from the carrier.

Military expert Alexey Leonkov believes that this video is aimed, among other things, at clearly demonstrating that the declared weapon really exists and is not a computer graphic.

“Some people think we are fooling them. They simply don’t understand our system, that when our supreme commander comes out and speaks, he doesn’t mince words. This means that this is the place to be, and no fairy tales, no fantasies, no bluff. This isn't Donald Trump saying he has a big red button in his office, bigger than Kim Jong Un's. That's two different types leader,” Leonkov said.

Relationship with Iskander

"Dagger" is a high-precision hypersonic aircraft missile system, which is capable of carrying both a conventional and nuclear charge. Its main element is a hypersonic aeroballistic missile, the destruction range of which is over 2 thousand km. The maximum speed exceeds the speed of sound 10 times, which corresponds to 10 Mach numbers (at an altitude of 11 km this is approximately 10.6 thousand km/h, and at the surface of the Earth - approximately 12 thousand km/h), and to develop its propulsion engine allows in a few seconds. At the same time, at such a huge speed, the rocket is capable of maneuvering throughout the entire flight segment.

The missile is designed to destroy both ground and sea targets. An all-weather homing head is installed on it, which ensures high accuracy, as well as the ability to hit targets at any time of the day and under any climatic conditions.

This was the first time such a rocket had been demonstrated. The Kh-32 cruise missile, which has been in service since 2016 and is designed to destroy ground targets, falls slightly short of hypersonic speed (Mach 3.5-4.6 instead of the required 5 or more), and also has a range of up to 1 thousand km. The Zircon, currently in development, is a hypersonic missile sea-based with a range of only 400 km and a speed slightly lower than that of the Kinzhal (about 8 mach).

Alexey Leonkov noted that the Kinzhal missile is similar to the 9M723 missile of the Iskander-M complex, which is called quasi-ballistic, and did not rule out that it served as the basis for the new complex.

In addition, even when the Kh-101 missile was being created, the question arose between two versions of cruise missiles. Long range (over 5 thousand km) and low visibility, but without hypersound, that is, in fact, the X-101, or hypersonic with a radius of about 2 thousand km. The choice was made in favor of range and stealth, perhaps not least because of the high cost and complexity of the hypersonic project. Perhaps it was precisely those developments that formed the basis of the “Dagger” complex.

The main advantage of the "Dagger" is invulnerability

“The main advantage of the Kinzhal is the ability to hit well-protected targets,” military expert Anton Lavrov told the VZGLYAD newspaper. “The subsonic X-101 can be hit by modern air defense systems. And the Kinzhal strikes are now irresistible, since their missiles are invulnerable to any modern air defense and missile defense systems,” he emphasized.

Leonkov explained that the possibility of intercepting a new missile is excluded due to its speed of approach to the target, maneuvering and the ability to choose the most effective angle of attack. “There are two ways to shoot down air targets: on a collision course and in pursuit. It is difficult to hit such a maneuvering missile on a collision course. If we talk about modern air defense systems, then their missiles, if they make a mistake on a collision course, then continue to fly after the target. But to go after the Kinzhal, your anti-missile system not only needs to maneuver, it must reach a speed of at least Mach 15. And no one in the world has anything like this,” the expert noted, also adding that the missile’s characteristics provide an extremely fast response to enemy actions.

The Ministry of Defense, like Putin earlier, noted that new system has no analogues in the world. China is most actively involved in the creation of hypersonic weapons, investing tens, or even hundreds of billions of dollars. In particular, it is testing a similar air-to-air missile with a range of just under 500 km, capable of maneuvering in flight. The United States has already recognized the loss of advantage and even the lag in the development of hypersonic weapons from Russia and China. The Pentagon currently does not have a clear program for developing hypersonic missiles or combating them, admitted American media citing a BBC report. To overcome this backlog, the American military department is asking the country's leadership for $120 million.

Russian "aircraft carrier killer"

For all its advantages, the Dagger is a very expensive weapon. Experts believe that it is more expensive than conventional cruise missiles, but not more expensive than ballistic nuclear ones. Approximately at the level of Iskander. What problems can this complex solve?

“This is primarily an anti-ship complex. Its main task is to quickly reach the launch area and launch a missile to hit carrier ships missile weapons, such as Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, Ticonderoga-class attack cruisers, or even aircraft carriers. Depending on the warhead that will be installed there, a penetrating type or a more powerful nuclear one, the targets may vary,” Leonkov noted.

“This is a truly dagger-type complex that can disable an entire ship with one blow. The missile will launch outside the air defense zone, and when it reaches its speed parameters, this zone will no longer matter to it,” the expert added.

According to Leonkov, the Kinzhal complex makes it possible, for example, to disrupt the deployment of naval forces to strike our territory. “It is clear that if it is carried out, it will be done at the maximum distance from the zone of use of our coastal defense assets in order to ensure safety. Imagine a military leader who deploys a group, but it does not have such security; at any moment there may be a blow that will deprive him important elements fleet, and he will not complete the task. In such conditions, it seems very controversial and difficult to carry out any offensive actions with the help of the Navy,” the interlocutor said.

Leonkov did not rule out using the Kinzhal against ground targets, because if the issue of targeting ships is resolved, then it will be able to shoot at the ground. “But you need to understand that this is ammunition strategic purpose and it cannot be used anywhere. These should be particularly important military infrastructure facilities, for example, missile launch sites, headquarters, control centers, communication points, and can also be used at airfields, naval bases, destroy logistics, and railway junctions,” he explained. Anton Lavrov also believes that the Kinzhal is aimed specifically at fighting aircraft carriers. “This is its maximum benefit. It is problematic to repel massive strikes with cruise strikes against ground targets without hypersound, but the fight against aircraft carrier strike groups is a rather difficult task for us,” he emphasized.

"Dagger" will block the eastern and northern coasts

Despite the fact that no one knew about the “Dagger”, it is not only in development, but even already in the Russian Armed Forces. Since December 1, this complex has been on combat duty in the Southern Military District, Vladimir Putin said. The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Sergei Surovikin, later clarified that the “Dagger” was on experimental combat duty in one of the aviation formations, and now “the basics of it” are being tested combat use" In other words, the system has been delivered to the troops, but is undergoing final field tests.

“Usually this kind of testing takes place over the course of a year. Depends on the test program that is set. If we talk about deployment, we have the MiG-31, after modernization, when we received the “BM” letters, they were also converted to carry such missiles,” Leonkov noted. “If we take the MiG-31’s airfields, they are in the directions where there is the greatest fear of a surprise attack: western, eastern, southern. The specifics of work on maritime objects can move them closer to our maritime borders, so that the take-off and strike time is reduced as much as possible,” he said.

In turn, Lavrov believes that after full-scale introduction into the troops, the Kinzhal will first of all block the eastern and northern coasts. This is where work on naval targets is most important, new complex will be most effective.

Experts agreed that it is unlikely that this missile will be sent for testing to Syria, since this simply makes no sense - there will be no difference from the test site. The missile is not cheap, there are simply no objects in Syria that would be worth destroying with it, except for demonstration real existence missiles, they noted.

Airplane from the creator of Buran

Both the president and the military department noted that part of the complex is the missile carrier - a modernized version of the MiG-31 aircraft. Why was this particular aircraft chosen?

The MiG-31 is a two-seat supersonic all-weather fighter-interceptor. It was the first Soviet fourth generation combat aircraft. It has been in service since 1981; its modernization began in the 2000s; its first stage was completed in 2008. The aircraft is capable of performing tasks at various altitudes - from extremely low to high (its service ceiling is 20 km), and its range is 1.5 thousand km or 3 thousand with two external fuel tanks (with in-flight refueling it increases altogether up to 5 thousand km).

“The MiG-31 allows this missile to be accelerated to the speeds required for launch. Most likely, in order for the hypersonic engine to turn on, it must first be accelerated to supersonic speed. This solution makes it possible to abandon the accelerator and reduce the dimensions of the rocket, and the aircraft itself acts as the accelerator,” Lavrov suggested. “Plus its carrying capacity and external support make it possible to carry such a large missile. You can't even hang more than one on it. For example, on the Su-57, it is not a fact that it can be suspended due to the weight and size indicators,” the expert noted.

Moreover, as Leonkov emphasized, the MiG-31 is an aircraft whose modernization potential has not been fully used. “Gleb Evgenievich Lozino-Lozinsky, the famous designer of the Buran, took part in its creation. When the MiG-31 was created, parameters were built into it to make it a suborbital interceptor. The plane had to climb much higher greater height and at much higher speeds - about 7 thousand km/h, this is what its design and body were designed for. But this was not realized due to the fact that there was no engine that would allow the aircraft to reach such a speed. If desired, our industry will be able to return to the development of such a power plant,” the interlocutor said.

Another platform for the "Dagger" was called newest fighter fifth generation Su-57, which is still in the testing stage. “It has two enclosed bomb bays that are located inside the aircraft, which helps it be less radio-observable. If the parameters of this missile and the bomb bay match, then he will be able to take one or two such missiles,” Leonkov noted. “The Su-57’s main purpose is stealth and solving specific problems. This would make it possible to use the Kinzhal for a covert strike on the enemy: entering a certain zone so that the enemy does not detect the carrier, and then launching a missile and leaving this zone,” he added.
/ The author’s opinion may not coincide with the editorial position /

Unique research by Russian scientists and developments by engineers made it possible to create a unique hypersonic aviation missile system “Dagger”, which is, today, according to independent experts, one of the best and the most powerful weapons in the world. In fact, Russia became the first country to successfully test and begin to use hypersonic weapons, which the United States is still only dreaming of, which in turn ensures the country’s high defense capability and high military potential. What is hypersonic aviation-missile complex"Dagger"?

What is "Dagger"?

Due to the fact that the development of domestic scientists and engineers is unique and secret, true information about the purpose and capabilities of the Kinzhal hypersonic aircraft missile system is not disclosed, however, it is known that it includes a carrier aircraft and a hypersonic missile. Warhead The missiles of the Kinzhal complex can be equipped with both a conventional combat charge and a nuclear one, which makes it possible to inflict colossal damage on the enemy. The maximum flight speed of the Kinzhal aircraft missile complex is about 12,250 km/h, which means that the missile can cover a distance of 2,000 kilometers in less than 10 minutes.

Considering the hypersonic flight speed of the missile, the Kinzhal aviation missile system makes the operation of air defense and missile defense systems useless, which is already causing concern to the US Department of Defense, since this means that against modern Russian weapons there is simply no protection.

An equally important key feature of the Kinzhal hypersonic aircraft-missile system is that the missile with its warhead can maneuver on any terrain, which makes its flight undetectable.

Carrier aircraft for "Dagger"

Considering the fact that the Kinzhal aircraft-missile system is a modern development, the Russian Su-57 fighter-bomber will most likely be used as a carrier aircraft. There is no official confirmation of this yet, however, given the fact that the aircraft has not yet begun to enter service with the Russian army, it is likely that this model is perfectly suited for its purposes.

Skepticism and facts

Despite the fact that Vladimir Putin himself announced the completion of testing and development of the Kinzhal hypersonic aircraft missile system, noting that the complex itself is already on experimental combat duty at the airfields of the Southern Military District, this statement has a lot of skeptics. Skepticism is primarily explained by the fact that on the presented video materials, traces of editing were noticed, in which, a few moments before the rocket explosion, a substitution of the object that was struck was visible.

Of course, this can be explained by the fact that the developers, due to the secrecy of the aircraft-missile complex, decided not to disclose its real capabilities, however, this is unlikely.

No less skepticism is caused by the fact that Russian scientists have not previously announced the development of hypersonic weapons, and the implementation of the project itself would most likely take at least 5-6 years, not to mention the allocation of colossal financial resources.

Be that as it may, taking into account the officially presented data, today the hypersonic aviation missile system “Dagger” is an absolute weapon, and at the same time, with a high degree of confidence, we can say that scientists will certainly continue to improve it.

The Kinzhal missile is one of the aeroballistic missiles that are delivered to the launch site using a carrier aircraft, and then, after launch and separation from the aircraft, they turn on their own engine and head towards the target. In addition to its speed characteristics, the Kinzhal missile system is interesting because its carrier aircraft - the modernized MiG-31 BM long-range supersonic fighter-interceptors - are capable of launching the missile into the stratosphere.

That is, in order to destroy a target, the Kinzhal launch vehicle does not need to approach the dangerous zone of action of enemy missile defense forces: the missile can be launched from the layers of space closest to the Earth. Maximum range destruction of the X-47M2 missile exceeds 2000 km. And this is at a unique speed developed by the rocket - more than 12,000 km/h (according to some sources - 12,250 km/h).

At the same time, according to information available in the public space, it turns out that the American competitors of the Kinzhal missile being tested cannot yet exceed speed indicators of more than 6 speeds of sound (the speed of sound is measured in mach and at an altitude of 11 km, 1 mach is 1062 km/h ), whereas Russian complex, has 12 speeds of sound.

Such a hypersonic flight speed in itself depreciates a number of capabilities of a potential enemy’s missile defense forces - a missile with such a speed, especially in the case of the Kinzhal during descent, where it develops the highest performance indicators that are extremely difficult to catch up with. But we must not forget about the highest maneuverability of the Kinzhal missile: the combat missile is capable of maneuvering in all areas of the terrain along the entire flight path, which makes it undetectable to detection equipment.

Taking into account the above characteristics, the missile carrier aircraft is capable of launching the missile without entering a dangerous zone and calmly returning to the airfield, while the missile, moving at hypersonic speed and actively maneuvering, is almost guaranteed not to hit the field vision of enemy radars and will calmly destroy the target.

And all this taking into account the fact that the Kinzhal can be equipped with both conventional missiles and nuclear warheads.

Another advantage of the missile is the presence of an all-weather homing head, which allows you to effectively and accurately hit a target at any time of the day and in any conditions. With such capabilities, the Kinzhal can truly be called an “aircraft carrier killer,” and taking into account the nuclear charge, entire aircraft carrier groups (aircraft carrier and large quantity escort ships).

Experts also claim that for a number of both external and tactical and technical characteristics The Kinzhal missile has much in common with missiles from the Iskander family of operational-tactical systems.

According to the magazine " Air&Cosmos" in the article " Le Kinzhal Devoile", during his annual address to the Federal Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the existence of several weapons programs in Russia, including the presence of the Kinzhal missile and a nuclear-powered cruise missile power plant.

The Russian President announced that the development of a system from the Kinzhal supersonic air-launched system from the MiG-31 carrier aircraft and ballistic missile"Iskander" (mounted on the central suspension point) is finished. The video shown by the president shows a MiG-31 taking off with a missile, which then separates from the carrier. Then the video shows the flight trajectory of the missile, which, after separating from the carrier at an altitude of 12 km and a speed of 2M (the exact characteristics were not announced), continues to fly from the stratosphere, then changes course several times to hit targets, which are represented by an American cruiser of the type Ticonderoga and ground targets.

MiG-31 fighter (tail number "93 red") with a Kinzhal missile (c) still from a video of the Russian Ministry of Defense

Vladimir Putin said that the missile's speed is 10 times the speed of sound, can maneuver throughout the entire flight and be invulnerable to existing and future missile defense systems. This allows you to hit targets at a range of up to 2000 km.

The Iskander missile was developed at the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau in Kolomna. The missile is in service Russian Army since 2007. The missile intended for placement on the Mig-31 has a length of 8 meters, comparable to the length of the 9M723 surface-to-surface missile, which has a length of 7.3 meters. This difference is due to the presence of an aerodynamic nose section, as well as the protection of the nozzle, which is reset after operation. rocket engine aviation version of the missile. The mass of the rocket is 4 tons. Iskander is equipped with various types of guidance systems - radar with correction or optical with correction. Both options were developed at the Moscow TsNIIAG. There is also an option with an active seeker developed by the St. Petersburg company Radar-MMS, which is installed on anti-ship variants.

According to Vladimir Putin, from December 1, 2017, the complex began to carry out experimental combat duty from the airfields of the Southern Military District (SMD). This means that it has not yet been adopted for service. The fact that the Southern Military District was mentioned deserves additional explanation. In its composition (where aviation is subordinate to the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army) there are no units armed with the MiG-31. Only the 929th State Flight Test Center of the Ministry of Defense named after V.P. Chkalov in Akhtubinsk has the MiG-31. The Blue 592 aircraft shown in the video belongs to RSK MiG. He has been taking part in tests in Zhukovsky and Akhtubinsk for many years. In 1987, it became the first MiG-31 capable of mid-air refueling. There were no dates indicated on the video, so it cannot be ruled out that it was made several years ago.

The Kinzhal system with the Iskander missile is not the only Russian hypersonic weapons program currently being developed in Russia. For its part, this work is being carried out by the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation with the GZUR missile (“product 75”), designed for heavy bombers. At the same time, NPO Mashinostroeniya is developing the 3M22 Zircon missile for submarines and surface ships. The priority of these programs is higher than that of “Dagger”. Nobody knows why Vladimir Putin chose “Dagger” for his speech. Maybe because it looks more impressive compared to the GZUR and Zircon.

Various sources report that RSK MiG is working on two new modifications of the MiG-31 - “product 06” and “product 08”. Perhaps one of them is “Dagger”. Possibly passes under a different index a new version interceptor, and for a completely different purpose, for example, anti-satellite weapons. With its cruising speed of 2.5M at high altitude, the MiG-31 is a good platform for a variety of weapons systems that are not standard interceptor weapons.

So, more than 30 years ago, in January 1987, the MiG-31D (“product 07”), which carried the 79M6 anti-satellite missile, made its first flight. The aircraft and missiles were elements of the 30P6 Kontakt anti-satellite weapon system. Two Mig-31Ds were assembled. In 1991, work on the MiG-31D and its improved version MiG-31DM with the 95M6 missile (an upgraded version of the 79M6) was stopped. After the collapse of the USSR, both MiG-31D prototypes remained at the Sary-Shagan training ground in Kazakhstan, that is, in the same place where the tests took place.

In 2005, Russia and Kazakhstan reported the existence of the Ishim project, which had a MiG-31I and a 10.3-ton Ishim rocket, which was suspended from a central suspension point. The Ishim could launch satellites weighing up to 160 kg into orbit. 300 km high. This project was financed from the budget of Kazakhstan and was abandoned due to funding cuts.

Vladimir Putin also announced the presence of other weapons systems, including the Sarmat ICBM, the Avangard missile, a combat laser and, without a doubt, the most amazing program, a mini-nuclear power plant that can be used as a propulsion system for missiles and torpedoes. At the end of 2017, a successful launch of a nuclear-powered cruise missile took place at the Central Test Site of the Russian Ministry of Defense, located in the Arkhangelsk region. During the flight, the reactor worked in accordance with the instructions and produced the necessary thrust. According to Vladimir Putin, the nuclear power plant gives the rocket an unlimited flight range. The video showed the launch of a rocket from a ground launcher, after which the animation showed the rocket flying across the Atlantic from north to south, and then heading towards the United States. A similar compact reactor will also be used on an intercontinental torpedo.

The operating principle of the reactor, which is designed to heat the air that passes through the combustion chambers located on both sides of the tail of the rocket. Due to the sharp increase in temperature, the necessary draft is created. The concept of using a nuclear reactor on a rocket is controversial. It is more expensive than a turbojet engine, and at the same time creates serious environmental risks. And the rocket itself, the temperature of the gases at the nozzle of which reaches several thousand degrees, is easily detected. Is it worth the effort to get unlimited flight range when you have cruise missiles have a flight range of 5000 km?

Vladimir Putin’s speech also mentioned two Su-57 fighters that arrived in Syria on February 21. Most likely these were examples of T-50-9 and T-50-11. For still unknown reasons, two days after appearing in Syria, they were sent to Russia. It is likely that the well-known Su-57 did not make the same impression as a missile with an unlimited flight range. Be that as it may, during his speech, Putin mentioned Syria only once in one sentence: “The operation in Syria demonstrated the increased capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces.”

How to resist an enemy with overwhelming superiority? Obviously, the way out of this situation will be provided by available means capable of causing unacceptable damage to the enemy. The Russian hypersonic aviation missile system “Dagger” meets these requirements. Its successful trial was officially announced on March 1, 2018.

As expected, most information about this weapon remains outside the public domain. But what has become known indicates that there are no world analogues of this complex yet.

Unique missile system

The Kinzhal hypersonic airborne missile system (ARK) is designed to carry out high-precision strikes against moving surface and stationary ground targets. It includes a high-speed carrier aircraft and the Kh-47M2 aeroballistic missile. Although this alphanumeric index has not yet been officially announced, a number of experts are inclined towards this designation of the product.

This missile is capable of hitting a moving aircraft carrier-frigate class ship or a fortified ground object at hypersonic speed with high accuracy. As is known, hypersonic weapons include aircrafts, the speed of which exceeds the speed of sound by at least five times.

Kh-47M2 missile

It was the hypersonic Kh-47M2 that became the main innovative element of the Kinzhal complex. Although, high or even, as some experts believe, inflated tactical and technical characteristics have become the subject of controversy and mistrust. However, a comparison of the tactical and technical characteristics of the Kh-47M2 missile and its Western competitors clearly speaks in favor of domestic development.

Comparative characteristics air launched missiles

A countryRussiaUSAUSAGreat-Fr.France
Starting weight, kg4000 483 - 1300 -
Warhead weight, kg480 100 454 400 nuclear warhead ≤ 100 kT
Max. speed, km/h12250 1000 1000 1000 3185
Flight number M10 0,8 0,8 0,8 3
Max. range, km2000 130 925 400 1200

This missile is considered not a cruise missile, but an aeroballistic missile: its flight range is determined by its speed. The aircraft launches at altitudes of about 15,000 m. Having separated from the carrier, the rocket starts its own engine, and then along a ballistic curve gains altitude, according to various estimates reaching 25...50 thousand m.

Upon reaching the top point of the trajectory, the engine is turned off, the head of the rocket separates, and its descent begins. This starting scheme allows you to develop maximum speed, and also accumulate enough energy to maneuver with overloads of at least 25 units.

The capabilities of the Kinzhal ARK require a significant reduction in the reaction time of enemy air defense/missile defense.

Firstly, the specified launch range allows the carrier aircraft to bypass the radar detection zone.

The enemy does not know where to expect the blow from. For example, the maximum detection range of an aircraft by the THAAD missile defense system is up to 1000 km. Theoretically, the detection situation would have been corrected by an AWACS aircraft. But it’s unlikely that he’ll be allowed to do that. combat situation.

Secondly, the hypersonic speed of approaching a target on a flight path that is unpredictable for the enemy (including an angle of attack of up to 90°) simply does not leave time to calculate the trajectory of the warhead and ensure a successful interception. In addition, most missile defense systems do not have sufficient speed and ability to maneuver with the necessary overloads, including the vaunted RIM-161 “Standard” SM3.

Obviously, such conditions also impose specific requirements on the guidance system of the Kh-47M2 missile itself. But so far we have to judge it only approximately. It can be assumed that the operation algorithm of the guidance system is as follows:

  • after separation from the carrier, the primary trajectory correction is activated according to data from the Russian GLONASS satellite system;
  • after separation of the warhead - an inertial guidance system with satellite correction;
  • at the target search point, the seeker is turned on - radar or optical.

The missile of the Kinzhal complex according to modern trends domestic rocket production will be equipped with a wide range of warheads, including a nuclear version. Thanks to this, it will be able to effectively hit both point and dispersed targets.

Carrier aircraft MiG-31BM

The high-speed carrier aircraft MiG-31BM, the latest modification of the unsurpassed Russian fighter-interceptor, took part in the tests of the Kinzhal ARK. This choice was determined by the high speed of the aircraft, the maximum value of which is 3400 km/h.

All of them, except the last one, are capable of carrying the X-47M2 on an appropriately upgraded external sling. And the White Swan can be equipped with four such missiles using the internal weapons bays without significantly altering them.

It is planned that the ARK "Dagger" will be part of the promising weapons aviation complex long-range aviation as a standard means of destruction.

Thus, the Kinzhal complex received another significant advantage - the versatility of the aircraft carrier.

Expert opinions

Despite the paucity of information, the expert community is actively discussing the capabilities of the new complex. On the one hand, there is an external similarity between the Kh-47M2 and the 9M723 operational-tactical missile of the 9K720 Iskander-M complex. This allowed us to assume that new rocket– the result of a deep modernization of its ground-based counterpart.

Based on this, according to skeptics, the declared flight range could be achieved either at a much lower flight speed (transonic), or by radically reducing the mass of the warhead.

On the other hand, upgrading a successful product has its advantages over creating a completely new weapon. Along with the unification of components and parts, there is a reduction in the time and cost of development and further production of a new model.

As for the indicated speed and flight range, these indicators are provided by the rocket launch conditions.

It is produced at supersonic flight speed of the carrier outside dense layers atmosphere. Part of the flight path passes there, which significantly saves fuel. Therefore, by the time the warhead approaches the border of the air defense zone, its speed may well reach the declared value.

Another problem is the appearance of a plasma shell around a body moving in dense layers of the atmosphere at hypersonic speed. Due to overheating, air molecules break apart and form a “cocoon” of ionized gas, which reflects radio waves. Therefore, receiving navigation data from the satellite and operating the radar seeker becomes impossible.

It turns out that already at the moment the search for the target begins, the speed of the X-47M2 does not reach hypersonic. In addition, maneuvering the warhead without a running engine should, in theory, reduce its speed to supersonic. It follows from this that the “Dagger” poses a threat to enemy air defense, although serious, but surmountable.

However, since the problem of the “plasma cocoon” is far from new, work to overcome it has been going on for a long time, including successful ones. It cannot be ruled out that the result of closed developments was a positive solution to this issue.

It is worth noting that the hypersonic speed of a missile gives it kinetic energy comparable to the explosion energy of a conventional warhead.

In principle, if a large (500 kg) mass of a warhead impedes acceleration or reduces the missile’s flight range, then it can be reduced to a minimum.

Even in this case, if the Kh-47M2 hits, say, an aircraft carrier, it will be disabled. Damage to the flight deck or deprivation of the ship's speed, of course, will not drown such a “carrier of democracy,” but it will definitely stop the flights of carrier-based aircraft.

Let's sum it up

Having objectively weighed the pros and cons regarding the combat capabilities of the Kinzhal ARK, we can assume that they are achievable. It all depends on how much Russian scientific potential has allowed us to overcome the above difficulties. Naturally, the successes of secret developments are not advertised ahead of time.

Thus, based on the declared characteristics of the Kinzhal ARK, this weapon will have the following decisive advantages:

  1. The ability to overcome enemy air defense/missile defense due to such capabilities as:
  • launch range beyond the detection radius of the carrier aircraft by existing radar stations of a potential enemy;
  • maneuvering at hypersonic speeds with overloads inaccessible to modern anti-aircraft missiles;
  • use of radio countermeasures.
  • The missile's lethality is enhanced by the kinetic energy of the warhead.
  • The high accuracy of missile guidance is due to course correction throughout the flight of the missile and its warhead, including the use of an all-weather seeker at the final section of the trajectory.
  • The design of the missile allows it to be used as a carrier, along with MiG-31 interceptors, Various types machines with appropriate flight speed.
  • It is expected that the adoption of the Kinzhal ARK will be a breakthrough in expanding the combat capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces, although in the medium term it will not reduce the importance of aircraft carrier groups of “partner” countries.
