How to do namaz and glory to reading. Learning to perform namaz correctly

Time morning prayer begins from the moment of dawn and lasts until the beginning of sunrise. Morning prayer consists of four rak'ahs, two of which are sunnah and two are fard. First, 2 rakats are performed as sunnah, then 2 rakats are performed as fard.

Sunnah of morning prayer

First rak'ah

“For the sake of Allah, I intend to perform 2 rakats of the sunnah of the morning (Fajr or Subh) prayer”. (Fig. 1)

"Allahu Akbar"

Then and (Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym" "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" speak afterwards "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)

Then speak "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla" "Allahu Akbar"

And again in words "Allahu Akbar" descend into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" rise from soot to the second rak'ah. (Fig. 6)

Second rak'ah

Speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim"(Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar" and make your hand" ( bow from the waist). When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" speak afterwards "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)

Then speak "Allahu Akbar", perform sajda (bow to the ground). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the soot area with your forehead and nose. When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" rise from the soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)

And again, with the words “Allahu Akbar”, descend into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. Then say "Allahu Akbar" rise from the soot to a sitting position and read the arc of Attahiyat "Attakhiyaty lillahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu. Assalamy aleyke ayukhannabiyu va rahmatyllahi wa barakatykh. Assalamy aleina va gala gyibadillahi s-salihiin. Ashhady alla illaha illallah. Wa ashkh hello Anna Muhammadan. Gabdyhu wa rasylyukh." Then read Salawat "Allahuma sally ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya Hamidum-Majid. Allahuma, barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya Hamidum-Majid "Then read the dua of Rabban. (Fig. 5)

Say a greeting: turning your head first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left. (Fig. 7)

This completes the prayer.

Then we recite two rak’ats of fard. Fard of the morning prayer. In principle, fard and sunnah prayers are no different from each other, only the intention that you perform fard prayer changes and for men, as well as those who have become imams, you need to read surahs and takbirs aloud in prayer "Allahu Akbar".

Fard of morning prayer

The fard of the morning prayer, in principle, is no different from the sunnah of the prayer, only the intention that you perform the fard prayer changes and for men, as well as those who have become imams, in prayer you need to read Surah al-Fatiha and a short surah, takbirs "Allahu Akbar", some dhikrs out loud.

First rak'ah

Standing, make the intention (niyat) to perform namaz: "For the sake of Allah, I intend to perform 2 rak'ahs of the morning (Fajr or Subh) fard prayer". (Fig. 1)

Raise both hands, fingers apart, palms facing the Qibla, to ear level, touching your earlobes with your thumbs (women raise their hands at chest level) and say "Allahu Akbar", then place your right hand with your palm on left hand, clasping the wrist of the left hand with the little finger and thumb of the right hand, and lower the hands folded in this way just below the navel (women place their hands at chest level). (Fig. 2)

Standing in this position, read the du'a Sanaa "Subhaanakya allaahumma wa bihamdika, wa tabaarakyasmuka, wa ta'alaya jadduka, wa laya ilyayahe gairuk", then "Auzu billahi minashshaitaanir-rajim" And "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" after you read Surah al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmaanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyayakya nasta"yyn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mystekyim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" after Surah al-Fatiha, we read another short surah or one long verse, for example Surah al-Kawsar "Inna a"taynakal Kyausar. Fasalli li Rabbika uanhar. inna shani akya huva l-abtar" "Amine" pronounced silently (Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)

Then speak "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"

And again in words "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the soot to the second rak'ah. (Fig. 6)

Second rak'ah

Speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" then read Surah al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmaanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyayakya nasta"yyn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mystekyim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" after Surah al-Fatiha, we read another short surah or one long verse, for example Surah al-Ikhlas "Kul huva Allahahu Ahad. Allahahu s-samad. Lam yalid wa lam yuulyad. Wa lam yakullahuu kufuvan ahad"(Sura al-Fatiha and a short surah are read aloud by the imam, as well as men, "Amine" pronounced silently) (Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar"(the imam, as well as the men, read aloud) and perform ruku" (waist bow). While bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) then say "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)

Then speak "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud), perform sajda (bow to the ground). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the soot area with your forehead and nose. When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)

And again in words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) fall into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. Then say "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the sajd to a sitting position and read the arc of Attakhiyat "Attakhiyaty lillahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu. Assalamy aleyke ayuhannabiyu va rahmatyllahi wa barakatykh. Assalamy aleyna va galya gyybadillahi s-salihiin. Ashhady alla ill yaha illallah wa ashhadi Anna Muhammadan. Gabdyhu wa rasylyukh." Then read Salawat "Allahuma sally ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya Hamidum-Majid. Allahuma, barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya Hamidum-Majid "Then read the du"a of Rabban “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan va fil-akhyrati hasanat va kyna ‘azaban-nar”. (Fig. 5)

Say greeting: "Assalamu galekum wa rahmatullah"(the imam, as well as men, read aloud) with the head turned first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left. (Fig. 7)

Raise your hand to make a dua "Allahumma anta-s-salamu wa minka-s-s-salaam! Tabarakta ya za-l-jalali wa-l-ikram" This completes the prayer.

It starts from the moment of dawn and lasts until the sun rises. Morning prayer consists of four rak'ahs, two of which are sunnah and two are fard. First, 2 rakats are performed as sunnah, then 2 rakats are performed as fard.

Sunnah of morning prayer

First rak'ah

“For the sake of Allah, I intend to perform 2 rakats of the sunnah of the morning (Fajr or Subh) prayer”. (Fig. 1)
Raise both hands, fingers apart, palms facing the Qibla, to ear level, touching your earlobes with your thumbs (women raise their hands at chest level) and say "Allahu Akbar"
, then and (Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym" "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" speak afterwards "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) Then speak "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla" "Allahu Akbar"

And again in words "Allahu Akbar" descend into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" rise from soot to the second rak'ah. (Fig. 6)

Second rak'ah

Speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim"(Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar" and make a hand" (waist bow). While bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" speak afterwards "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) Then speak "Allahu Akbar", perform sajda (bow to the ground). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the soot area with your forehead and nose. When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" rise from the soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)

And again, with the words “Allahu Akbar”, descend into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. Then say "Allahu Akbar" rise from the soot to a sitting position and read the arc of Attahiyat "Attakhiyaty lillahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu. Assalamy aleyke ayukhannabiyu va rahmatyllahi wa barakatykh. Assalamy aleina va gala gyibadillahi s-salihiin. Ashhady alla illaha illallah. Wa ashkh hello Anna Muhammadan. Gabdyhu wa rasylyukh." Then read Salawat "Allahuma sally ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya Hamidum-Majid. Allahuma, barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya Hamidum-Majid "Then read the dua of Rabban. (Fig. 5)

Say a greeting: turning your head first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left. (Fig. 7)

This completes the prayer.

Then we recite two rak’ats of fard. Fard of the morning prayer. In principle, fard and sunnah prayers are no different from each other, only the intention that you perform fard prayer changes and for men, as well as those who have become imams, you need to read surahs and takbirs aloud in prayer "Allahu Akbar".

Fard of morning prayer

The fard of the morning prayer, in principle, is no different from the sunnah of the prayer, only the intention that you perform the fard prayer changes and for men, as well as those who have become imams, in prayer you need to read Surah al-Fatiha and a short surah, takbirs "Allahu Akbar", some dhikrs out loud.

First rak'ah

Standing, make the intention (niyat) to perform namaz: "For the sake of Allah, I intend to perform 2 rak'ahs of the morning (Fajr or Subh) fard prayer". (Fig. 1) Raise both hands, fingers apart, palms towards the Qibla, to ear level, touching your earlobes with your thumbs (women raise their hands at chest level) and say "Allahu Akbar", then place your right hand with the palm of your left hand, clasping the little finger and thumb of your right hand around the wrist of your left hand, and lower your folded hands in this way just below your navel (women place their hands at chest level). (Fig. 2)
Standing in this position, read the du'a Sanaa "Subhaanakya allaahumma wa bihamdika, wa tabaarakyasmuka, wa ta'alaya jadduka, wa laya ilyayahe gairuk", then "Auzu billahi minashshaitaanir-rajim" And "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" after you read Surah al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmaanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyayakya nasta"yyn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mystekyim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" after Surah al-Fatiha, we read another short surah or one long verse, for example Surah al-Kawsar "Inna a"taynakal Kyausar. Fasalli li Rabbika uanhar. inna shani akya huva l-abtar" "Amine" pronounced silently (Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)
Then speak "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"

And again in words "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the soot to the second rak'ah. (Fig. 6)

Second rak'ah

Speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" then read Surah al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmaanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyayakya nasta"yyn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mystekyim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" after Surah al-Fatiha, we read another short surah or one long verse, for example Surah al-Ikhlas "Kul huva Allahahu Ahad. Allahahu s-samad. Lam yalid wa lam yuulyad. Wa lam yakullahuu kufuvan ahad"(Sura al-Fatiha and a short surah are read aloud by the imam, as well as men, "Amine" pronounced silently) (Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar"(the imam, as well as the men, read aloud) and perform ruku" (waist bow). While bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) then say "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)
Then speak "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud), perform sajda (bow to the ground). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the soot area with your forehead and nose. When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)
And again in words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) fall into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agyla"- 3 times. Then say "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the sajd to a sitting position and read the arc of Attakhiyat "Attakhiyaty lillahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu. Assalamy aleyke ayuhannabiyu va rahmatyllahi wa barakatykh. Assalamy aleyna va galya gyybadillahi s-salihiin. Ashhady alla ill yaha illallah wa ashhadi Anna Muhammadan. Gabdyhu wa rasylyukh." Then read Salawat "Allahuma sally ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya Hamidum-Majid. Allahuma, barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya Hamidum-Majid "Then read the du"a of Rabban “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan va fil-akhyrati hasanat va kyna ‘azaban-nar”. (Fig. 5)

Say greeting: "Assalamu galekum wa rahmatullah"(the imam, as well as men, read aloud) with the head turned first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left. (Fig. 7)

Raise your hand to make a dua "Allahumma anta-s-salamu wa minka-s-s-salaam! Tabarakta ya za-l-jalali wa-l-ikram" This completes the prayer.

Prayer is one of the obligatory acts for a Muslim, which is designated as “fard”. Correct prayer is the key to success for a Muslim. You can read about how to read namaz correctly on our website. We read the prayer correctly with Namaz-time.

So, the main thing where you should start performing namaz is ritual ablution - taharat. After this, determine which side the Kaaba is located and spread prayer mat in this direction. The next obligatory action of the person praying is to pronounce the intention to perform the prayer. The intention is formulated as follows:

“I intended to perform 2 rakats of additional (sunnah) morning prayer, sincerely for the sake of Allah.” The number of rakats and the name of the prayer in this sentence are replaced depending on what kind of prayer you are going to read.

Reading the prayer correctly: the order of bowing

  1. Takbir. During takbir, we raise our hands and say the words of takbir “Allah Akbar!” (Allah is great!). At the same time, men touch their earlobes with their thumbs reverse side, and women raise their arms to shoulder level.
  2. Sana. After this, men lower their hands below the navel and stack them on top of each other so that the right one remains on top. Women do the same, but their hands remain at chest level. The following reads: “Subhanaka-llahumma wa-bi-hamdika wa-tabaraka-smuka wa-tagala Hadduka wa-la ilaha gairuk” . (Glory to You, O Allah, and praise to You, may you be blessed Your name, and Your presence will be exalted, and there is no god but You. Aguzu bi-llahi mina-sh-shaitani-r-rahim. (I take refuge in Allah from the shaitan who is stoned). Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim. (In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.)
  3. Next, read Surah Al-Fatihah. “Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim Al-hamdu li-llahi rabbi-l-galamine. Ar-rahmani-r-rahim. Maliki yawmi-d-din. Iyyaka nagbudu wa yyyaka nastagin. Ikhdina-s-sirata-l-mustakim. Sirata-lazina 'an'amta 'alaihim gairi-l-magdubi 'alaihim wa-la-d-dallin' . (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Gracious, the Merciful, the King on the Day of Judgment. We worship You and ask You to help, lead us along the straight road, along the path of those whom You have blessed - not those who are under anger, and not those who are lost ).
  4. After Al-Fatiha, any other surah from the Koran is read. For example, Al-Ikhlas: “Bismi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim. Kul hua-llahu ahad. Allahu s-samad. Lam yalid wa-lam yulad. Wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuvan 'ahad". (Say: “He is Allah, the Eternal, neither begat nor was He begotten, nor was there any equal to Him.”)
  5. Bow from the waist. After pronouncing the takbir “Allah Akbar”, we lean forward and say “Subhana rabbiyya-l-‘aziym” (Glory to my Great Lord) three times.
  6. Having pronounced the takbir “Allah Akbar,” we straighten up and say: “Sami’a-Allahu liman hamidah” (Allah hears the one who praises Him.) “Rabbana laka-l-hamd.” (Our Lord, only praise be to You.)
  7. Again we say the takbir “Allah Akbar” and bow to the ground. First the knees touch the ground, then the hands, and then the forehead and nose. In this position we say “Subhana rabbiyya-l-a‘la!” three times. (Glory to my Supreme Lord).
  8. We say the takbir “Allah Akbar” and come to a sitting position.
  9. We repeat the prostration again.
  10. After pronouncing takbir, we return to the original position, when the hands are connected at the navel level for men and at the chest level for women. (This is how the first rakah ends.)
  11. In the second rakah, all the same actions are repeated with the exception of some:
    • one should not read sana and tasavuh;
    • after Surah Al-Fatiha, it is advisable to read another Surah from the Koran;
    • after the second prostration, it is necessary to read the Tashahud.
  12. We sit down and read the following: “At-tahiyyatu li-llahi wa-s-salawatu wa-t-tayyibat. As-salamu ‘alaika ayyuha-n-nabi, wa-rahmatu-llahi wa-barakatuh. As-salamu ‘alaina wa-‘ala ‘ibadhi-llahi-s-salihin. Ashhadu 'al-la 'ilaha 'illa-llahu wa-ashhadu 'anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa-rasuluh'. (Glorifications, prayers, godly deeds to Allah. O Prophet, peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and His blessing. Peace and health to us and the righteous servants of Allah. I testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger) .
  13. If the prayer consists of two rak'ahs, then you should read salawat, ayat-dua and give salam. If the prayer consists of 4 rak'ahs, after tashahhud you should return to 1 rak'ah and repeat everything again.
  14. Salavat: “Allahumma sally 'ala Muhammadiv-wa-'ala 'ali Muhammadin kama sallayta 'ala 'Ibrahima wa-'ala 'ali 'Ibrahima, 'innaka hamidum-mahid. Allahumma barik 'ala Muhammadiv-wa-'ala 'ali Muhammadin kama barakta 'ala 'Ibrahima wa-'ala 'ali 'Ibrahima, 'innaka hamidum-mahid.'(Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Verily, You are Glorious, Praiseworthy and Great. Allah! Show Your generosity to Muhammad and his family, as You bestowed Your generosity on Ibrahim and his family. Verily, You are Glorious , Praised and Great.)
  15. Ayat-dua: “Rabbana 'atina fi-d-dunya hasanatav-va-fi-l-'ahirati hasanatav-va-kina 'azaba-n-nar.” (Our Lord, grant us good in the near life and good in the last and protect us from the punishment of fire).
  16. Salam. Turning our heads to the right we say: As-salamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatu-llah. (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah). We repeat the same thing, turning our head to the left side.
  17. At the end of the prayer we say dua “Allahumma 'anta-s-salaam, wa-minka-s-s-salaam! Tabarakta ya za-l-halali va-l-’ikram!” . (O Allah, You are peace, and peace comes from You, Your grace has increased, O possessor of greatness and honor). You have learned how to perform namaz correctly. Perhaps at the beginning this procedure will seem complicated and unmemorable to you. However, daily practice will help you master a new activity.

Namaz is one of the foundations of the religion of Islam. With its help, the connection between man and the Almighty is established. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Know that the best of your deeds is prayer!” Reading prayer five times a day helps a person strengthen his faith each time, cleanse his soul of those committed and protect himself from future sins. Another hadith says: “The first thing a person will be asked about on the Day of Judgment is about performing prayer on time.”

Before each prayer, a true Muslim performs ablution and appears before his Creator. In morning prayer, he exalts Allah, endlessly asserting His exclusive right to worship. A believer turns to the Creator for help and asks Him straight path. As proof of submission and loyalty, a person bows to the ground before the Almighty.

How to read namaz correctly (Namaz uku tertibe)

Prayers are performed in Arabic - the language of Revelation - 5 times a day:

  1. at dawn (Irtenge);
  2. in the middle of the day (Oile);
  3. in the evening (Ikende);
  4. at sunset (Akhsham);
  5. at dusk (Yastu).

This determines the rhythm of the day of a Muslim believer. To perform namaz, women and men must cleanse their soul and body, clothing and place of prayer. If possible, righteous Muslims should strive to pray in a mosque. If this is not possible, you are allowed to pray almost anywhere, for example, at a university or in an office.

Before the obligatory prayer there is a call to it - Azan. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), in order to show that Azan is a manifestation of piety, said: “If the time for prayer has come, let one of you read the Azan to you.”

To read the prayer, the following conditions must be met:

  1. ritual purity. A person in a state of defilement must perform a ritual ablution (full or partial, according to the degree of defilement);
  2. clean place. Prayer should be performed only in a clean, undefiled place (free from najasa - uncleanness);
  3. qibla During prayer, the believer must stand in the direction Muslim shrine Kaaba;
  4. cloth. A Muslim must wear absolutely clean clothes, not stained with uncleanliness (for example, human or animal excrement, the hair of unclean animals such as a pig or a dog). Also, clothes must cover the aurat - places that a believer must cover according to Sharia (for a man - part of the body from the navel to the knees, for a woman - the whole body, except for the face, hands and feet);
  5. intention. A person must have a sincere intention to perform prayer (niyat);
  6. sobriety of mind. Alcohol, various psychotropic and narcotic drugs are absolutely prohibited in Islam (this is haram).

Muslim prayers are the basis of a Muslim’s life

Also unlike Muslim prayer in Islam there are prayers (in Arabic they are called “dua”, and in Tatar – “doga”) - this is an opportunity to communicate with the Lord of the worlds. knows everything obvious and hidden, so Allah hears any prayer, and it doesn’t matter whether the Muslim prayer is said out loud or silently, on the surface of the Moon or in a mine where coal is mined.

Dua to Allah should always be pronounced confidently, because we know: Allah created us and our difficulties, and He has the power to change this world and solve any problem without difficulty. And no matter what language you use to address the Creator, let your soul whisper in the language in which it is easiest for you to express yourself.

In Islam there are prayers for all occasions. Below are examples of Muslim duas, most of which are taken from the Koran and Sunnah, as well as from sheikhs and auliya (close people - friends of Allah). Among them are prayers for good luck. For example, against problems, misfortune, misfortune and grief, if there is danger, etc.

Muslim prayer if you want to repent of your sins

Allahumma ante rabbi, laya ilyayahe illya ant, halyaktanii wa ana "abduk, wa ana" alaya "ahdikya va va"dikya mastato"tu, a"uuzu bikya min sharri maa sona"tu, abuu"u lyakya bi ni"matica"alaiya wa abuu"ulakya bi zanbii, fagfirlii, fa innehu laya yagfiruz-zunuube illya ant.

O Allah, You are my Lord! There is no God but You. You created me, and I am Your servant. And I will try to justify the responsibility entrusted to me, to keep my word to the best of my strength and capabilities. I resort to You, moving away from everything bad that I have done. I acknowledge the blessings You have given me and I acknowledge my sin. I'm sorry! Truly, no one will forgive my mistakes except You. Note: by becoming a Muslim, a person assumes a certain responsibility and makes a vow to the Almighty not to do what is forbidden and to do what is obligatory.

Muslim prayers read before eating

First option: Bismillah!

In the name of Allah!

Note: The Prophet Muhammad said: “Before eating, each of you should say: “Bismillah.” If he forgets about this at the beginning [of the meal], then let him say as soon as he remembers: “Bismil-lyahi fii avalihi va aakhirihi” (With the name of the Most High at the beginning and at the end [of the meal]).”

Second option:

Allahumma baariq lanaa fikh, wa at" ymnaa khairan minkh.

O Almighty, make it blessed for us and feed us with what is better than this.

Muslim prayers read when leaving home

First option:

Bismil-layakh, tavakkyaltu "alal-laakh, wa laya havla wa laya kuvvate illya bill-layakh.

In the name of Almighty Allah! I trust only in Him. True power and strength belong only to Him.

Second option:

Allahumma innii "auuzu bikya an adylla av udalla av azilla av usalla av azlimya av uzlyama av adjhala av yudjhala "alaya.

O Lord! Truly, I resort to You so as not to go astray and not be led astray, so as not to make mistakes myself and not be forced to make mistakes, so as not to act unfairly myself and not be oppressed, so as not to be ignorant and so that in relation to me did not act ignorantly.

Muslim prayer read at the entrance to the house

Saying these words, the one who enters greets the one who is in him:

Bismil-lyahi valyajna, wa bismil-lyaahi harajna va "alaya rabbinaa ta-vakkyalnaa.

We entered in the name of the Most High and went out in His name. And only in our Lord do we trust.

Muslim prayer if you want to get married

First, ritual ablution (taharat, abdest) is performed, after which two rak'ahs must be performed additional prayer and say:

Allahumma innakya takdir wa laya akdir va ta "lam wa la a" lam wa ante "alla-yamul-guyuyub, fa in ra" aita Anna (says the girl's name) khairun li fii dii-nii va dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa li, va in kyanet gairukhaa khairan lii minhaa fii diinii wa dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa lii.

O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything. You know everything, but I don’t. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if you think that<имя девушки или мужчины>is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being both in this and in the future worlds, then help me in making her my wife (husband). And if the other is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, then help me so that the other becomes my wife (husband).

Muslim prayer before marital intimacy:

Bismil-layah. Allahumma jannibnash-shaitaane wa jannibish-shaitaana maa razaktanaa.

I start with the name of the Lord. O Almighty, remove us from Satan and remove Satan from what You will give us!

Muslim prayer read in case of loss of any thing

Bismil-layah. Yaa haadiyad-dullyayal va raaddad-doollyati-rdud "alaya dool-lyatii bi" izzatikya va sultaaniq, fa innahaa min "atoikya va fadlik.

I start with the name of Allah. O He who guides those who stray from it to the right path! O He Who restores what has been lost. Give me back the lost thing with Your greatness and power. Truly this thing has been given to me by You out of Your boundless mercy.

Muslim prayer against problems, trouble, misfortune and grief

Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilyaihi raaji "uun, allaahumma "indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa"jurni fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee hairan minhe.

Verily, we belong completely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for my understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown and replace the misfortune with something that is better than it.

Muslim prayer against difficulty, need and problems

First, ritual ablution (taharat, abdest) is performed, after which two rakats of additional prayer must be performed and said:

Alhamdu lil-lyahi rabbil- "aalamiin, as" alyukya muujibaati rahmatik, va "azaaima magfiratiq, val-"ismata min kulli zanb, val-ganiimata min kulli birr, vas-salayamata min kulli ism, laya tada" liy zanban illya gafartakh, wa laya hamman illya farrajtakh, wa laya haajaten hiya lakya ridan illya kadaitahaa, ya arkhamar-raahimiin.

True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I ask You, O Allah, for that which will bring Your mercy closer to me, the effectiveness of Your forgiveness, protection from sins, benefit from everything righteous. I ask You for salvation from all mistakes. Do not leave a single sin that You would not forgive me, not a single anxiety from which You would not deliver me, and not a single need that, being correct, would not be satisfied by You. After all, You are the Most Merciful.

Muslim prayers against anxiety and sadness in the soul

First option:

Allahumma innii "abdukya ibnu "abdikya ibnu ematik. Naasyatiy bi yadikya maadyn fiya hukmukya "adlyun fiya kadouk. As" alyukya bi kulli ismin huva lak, sammyaite bikhi nafsyak, av anzaltahu fii kitaabik, av "allyamtahu akhaden min halkyk, av ista" sarte bikhi fii "ilmi l-gaibi "indek, en tad-j "alal-kur" ana rabi "a kalbi, wa nuura sadri, wa jalaa" e huzni, wa zahaaba hami.

O Allah Almighty! I am Your servant, the son of Your male servant and Your maidservant. The power over me is in Your [right hand]. Your decision is unquestioningly carried out in relation to me and is fair. I turn to You by all the names that You have called Yourself or mentioned in Your Scripture or revealed to anyone from those created by You or by those [names] that are known only to You. [I turn to You in Your name] and ask you to make the Quran the spring of my heart, the light of my soul and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness, the end of my anxiety.

Second option:

Allahumma innii a"uuzu bikya minal-hammi wal-khazan, val-"ajzi val-kyasal, wal-bukhli wal-jubn, wa dola"id-dein wa galabatir-rijaal.

O Almighty, with Your help I am moving away from anxiety and sadness, from weakness and laziness, from stinginess and cowardice, from the burden of debt and human oppression.

Muslim prayers if there is danger

First option:

Allahumma innaa naj "alukya fii nuhuurihim, wa na"uuzu bikya min shuruurihim.

O Allah, we hand over their throats and tongues to You for judgment. And we resort to You, moving away from their evil.

Second option:

Hasbunal-laahu va ni"mal vakiil.

The Lord is enough for us, and He is the best Patron.

Muslim prayer to pay debts

Allahumma, ikfinii bi halayalik "an haraamik, va agnini bi fadlikya "am-man sivaak.

O Allah, make sure that what is permitted [halal] protects me from what is forbidden [haram] and make me, by Your mercy, independent of everyone except You.

Muslim prayers when visiting a sick person

First option:

Laya ba "s, tahuurun inshaa" el-laakh (dvaraza).

Translation: No problem, you will be cleansed with the permission of the Lord.

The second option, the prayer should be said seven times:

As"elul-laachal-"azim, rabbel-"arshil-"azim ai yashfiyak.

I ask the Great Creator, the Lord of the great Throne, for your healing.

Ablution before prayer (wuzu)

How to perform Ait Namaz (in Russian)

How men perform namaz 4 rak'ahs, madhhab Abu Hanifa

Going to the toilet according to the Sunnah

About maintaining cleanliness. Muhammad Saqqaf

About incense. Muhammad Saqqaf.

How is prayer performed?

Namaz is an order of Allah Almighty. IN holy quran more than a hundred times the obligation of prayer is reminded. The Koran and Hadith-i Sharifs say that prayer is obligatory for Muslims who have intelligence and have reached maturity. Verses 17 and 18 of Surah Rum: “Glorify God in the evening and in the morning. Praise be to Him in heaven and on earth, at nightfall and at noon." Surah “Bakara” 239 verse “Perform holy prayers, middle prayer” (i.e. do not interrupt prayers). The tafsirs of the Koran say that the verses that talk about remembrance and praise are reminiscent of prayers. Verse 114 of Surah Hud says: “Perform prayer at the beginning and end of the day and at nightfall, because good deeds drive away evil ones. This is a reminder for those who reflect."

Our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) said: “Allah Almighty has made the daily five-fold prayer a fard for his slaves. For correctly performed ablution, ruku (bow), and sajdah (bow), during prayer, Allah Almighty gives forgiveness and bestows enlightenment.”

Five daily prayers include 40 rak'ahs. 17 of them are in the farz category. 3 wajibs. 20 rak'ahs of sunnat.

1-Morning prayer: (Salat-ul Fajr) 4 rak'ahs. The first 2 rak'ahs are sunnah. Then 2 rakats of farz. 2 rak'ahs of the sunnah of morning prayer are very important. There are scholars who say that they are Wajib.
2-Noon prayer. (Salat-ul Zuhr) Consists of 10 rakats. First, 4 rakats of the first sunnah are performed, then 4 rakats of farz, and 2 rakats of sunnah.
3-Pre-evening prayer (Ikindi, salat-ul-Asr). Only 8 rak'ahs. First, 4 rakats of sunnah are performed, after which 4 rakats of farz are performed.
4-Evening prayer (Aksham, salat-ul Maghrib). 5 rak'ahs. The first 3 rak'ahs are fard, then we perform 2 rak'ahs of sunnah.
5-Night prayer (Yatsy, salat-ul Isha). Consists of 13 rak'ahs. First, 4 rak'ahs of sunnah are performed. Followed by 4 rakats of farz. Then 2 rak'ahs of sunnah. And finally, 3 rakats of Witr prayer.

Sunnat of pre-evening and night prayers from the category of Gair-i muakkada. This means: during the first sitting, after Attahiyat, Allahumma salli, Allahumma barik and all duas are read. Then we get up on the third rak’ah and read “Subhanaka...”. The first sunnah of the midday prayer is Muakkada. Or a strong sunnah, for which a lot of thawab is given. It is read in the same way as farzas; in the first sitting, immediately after reading the attahiyat, you need to get up to begin the third rak'ah. Having risen to our feet, we continue the prayer, starting with bismillah and al-Fatiha.

For example, the sunnets of the morning prayer read like this:

1 – Accept intention (Niyet)
2 – Introductory (Iftitah) takbir

First you need to face the Qibla. The feet are parallel to each other, four fingers wide between them. The thumbs touch the earlobes, the palms look at the Qibla.
Pass through the heart “For the sake of Allah, I intend to perform 2 rakats of the sunnah of today’s morning prayer, towards the Qibla.” After saying (in a whisper) “Allahu Akbar”, lower your palms and place your right palm on your left palm, your hands should be located below your navel.

Little finger and thumb right hand, clasp the wrist.

3 – Standing (Qiyam) in prayer

Without taking your eyes away from the place where the forehead is applied during sajda, a) read “Subhanaka..”, b) after “auzu.., bismillah..” read Fatiha, c) after Fatiha, without bismillah read short surah(zamm-i surah), for example surah “Fil”.

4 – RUKU’U

After zamm-i sur, saying “Allahu Akbar”, perform ruku’u. Palms clasp kneecaps, keep your back flat and parallel to the ground, eyes should look at the tips of your toes. Say “Subhana Rabbiyal Azyym” three times. Pronounced five or seven times.

5– Kauma.

Stand up with the words “Sami’Allahu liman hamidah”, eyes look at the place of sajda. When fully erect, say “Rabbana lakal hamd.” The standing after this is called “kauma”.

5 - Prostration (sujud)

6 – With the words “Allahu Akbar” go to the “sitting” position, with the buttocks resting on the left leg, the toes of the right foot remain in place and look at the Qibla, and the feet are placed vertically. Palms rest on hips, fingers in a free position. (Sitting between the sujuds is called “jalse”).

7 – After a short sitting with the words “Allahu Akbar”, go to the second sajda.

8 – In Sujudah, say “Subhana Rabbiyal-a’la” at least three times and stand on your feet with the words “Allahu Akbar”. When standing up, do not push off the ground or move your legs. First, the forehead is removed from the floor, then the nose, first the left, then right hand, then the left knee is taken away, then the right.

9 – Standing on your feet after bismillah, read Fatiha, then zam-i surah. Afterwards, ruku’u is performed with “Allahu Akbar”.

Stand up with the words “Sami’Allahu liman hamidah”, eyes look at the place of sajda, trouser legs do not pull up. When fully erect, say “Rabbana lakal hamd.” The standing after this is called “kauma”.

Without stopping on your feet, go to Sujud with the words “Allahu Akbar.” At the same time, in order, place a) the right knee, then the left, the right palm, then the left, then the nose and forehead. b) The toes are bent towards the Qibla. c) The head is placed between the hands. d) The fingers clench. e) Palms pressed to the ground. Forearms do not touch the ground. f) In this position, “Subhana Rabbiyal a’la” is pronounced at least three times.

With the words “Allahu Akbar,” tuck your left leg under you, the toes of your right foot remain in place and look at the Qibla, and your feet are placed vertically. Palms rest on hips, fingers in a free position.

After a short sitting with the words “Allahu Akbar”, go to the second sajda.

Tahiyyat (Tashahhud)

After the second sajda, the second rak'ah without getting up: Read: a) “Attakhiyat”, “Allahumma barik...” and “Rabbana atina..”,

Afterwards the greeting (salaam) is given, first to the right “Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah”, then to the left “Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah” b) After salam, it is said “Allahumma antassalam wa minkassalam tabarakta ya zal-jalali wal-ikram”. Next, you need to get up and, without uttering words, begin the obligatory (fard) morning prayer (salat-ul-fajr). Because conversations between the sunnah and the farz, although they do not violate the prayer, but reduce the number of thawabs.

The obligatory (fard) two rakats of morning prayer are also performed. This time you will need to make an intention for two rakats of morning prayer: “I intend, for the sake of Allah, to perform 2 rakats of today’s morning prayer, which is obligatory for me, in the direction of Qibla.”

After prayer, say “Astagfirullah” three times, then read “Ayatul-Kursi” (255 verses of Surah “Bakara”), then read 33 tasbih (Subhanallah), 33 times tahmid (Alhamdulillah), 33 times takbir (Allahu Akbar). Then read “La ilaha illalah wahdahu la sharikalyah, lahalul mulku wa lahalul hamdu wa hua ala kulli shayin kadir.” All this is said quietly. Say them loudly bid'at.

Then dua is made. To do this, men extend their arms to chest level; their arms should not be bent at the elbows. Just as the Qibla for prayer is the Ka'bah, for dua the Qibla is the sky. After the dua, the verse “Subhanarabbika..” is read and the palms are passed over the face.

In four rak'ahs of sunnat or farzah, you need to stand up after the second rak'ah and read "attahiyat". In the sunnah prayer, in the third and fourth rak'ahs, the zam-i sura is read after the Fatiha. In the obligatory (fard) prayers, the zam-i surah is not recited in the third and fourth rakats. The “Maghrib” prayer is read in the same way; in the third rak’ah the zamm-i surah is not read.

In Uitr prayer, in all three rakats after Fatiha, the zamm-i surah is read. Then the takbir is pronounced, and the hands are raised to the level of the ears, and placed back below the navel, then the dua “Qunut” is read.

In the sunnat, those who are gayri muakkada (the sunnah of asr and the first sunnah of ishaa prayers) in the first sitting after the Attahiyat also read “Allahumma salli..” and “..barik..”
