How to make your voice more beautiful? Voice exercises. Developing voice through exercises

The beauty of the voice depends on the natural timbre. Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the timbre that nature has endowed. But every vocalist can develop and deliver a voice. How to develop a voice on your own - you will learn from our article.

  • study breathing exercises;
  • perform articulation exercises;
  • spend a lot of time singing;
  • exercise;
  • give up smoking.

We put the voice at home

Breathing exercises

  1. In a standing position, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose while expanding your belly and expanding your chest. Exhale with your mouth. Repeat this exercise for 2 minutes.
  2. Take a small breath in through your nose and hold your breath for 5 seconds. Exhale through your nose as long as possible. Repeat the exercise for a minute.
  3. Take a small breath through your mouth, as you exhale, sing the vowels one by one. That is, first, as you exhale, you sing the letter "A", then "E", and so on until the letter "I".
  4. Take a big breath in through your nose. On one exhalation, say the numbers from 1 to 5. Continue the exercise, adding one by one.

Articulation exercises

  1. First you need to do a warm-up: reach your tongue to your nose, then to your chin. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times. Make a "rinse" with the help of the cheeks, alternately inflating and deflating the cheeks. Chew your lower and upper lip for 30 seconds. Make circular movements with the lower jaw. At this point, any exercises from articulatory gymnastics are suitable. Make sure you stretch your tongue, cheeks and lips.
  2. Prepare a few tongue twisters and read them daily. It is important to pronounce the entire phrase on one exhalation. Such exercises will help to change the quality of the sound of the voice.
  3. Say a long sound "m" with your mouth closed: start pronunciation in a low voice, gradually adding a sound, and then go down again.
  4. Now pronounce a long "r" sound: with a relaxed tongue, touch the upper palate. Increase the sound volume gradually.
  5. Inhale air through your nose, and as you exhale, say "ha" sharply. Continue the exercise for a minute.

What influences voice development

  • Smoking. Nicotine adversely affects the work of the vocal cords: the voice becomes rough, while the range of singing is reduced;
  • Temperature difference. Do not talk outdoors in severe frost, especially on the run. Otherwise, there is a risk of planting a voice. After the bath, it is not recommended to sing and talk loudly;
  • Compliance correct posture will help the voice sound brighter and louder;
  • Go swimming: this will help keep the muscles that are involved during singing. For the same purpose accustom yourself to morning exercises and walk more
  • Eliminate seeds, chips, crackers from the diet. Food should be consumed warm;
  • Develop your ear: train yourself to listen to classical and instrumental music;
  • Read a few pages of any book aloud every day.

Almost everyone loves to sing. Despite the fact that many people study at a music school to set up their voice, you can even develop your own singing style and confidence in your own performing skills on your own. For general practice, start with regular daily chanting. It could be playing your favorite song or just sing the scales. Don't be afraid to get creative with your voice. In addition, taking care of your own health and maintaining water balance, as well as quitting smoking, will help you achieve the best sounding voice.


Determine your vocal range

    Record your voice with a microphone. Launch the recording application on your computer or smartphone. Then check the settings so that the recording is kept in its purest form without any changes in the voice. Try to sing different songs and record your voice.

    • For your convenience, connect a real music microphone to your computer or smartphone. This will give you a better understanding of how the way you hold the mic and sing into it will affect the final sound.
    • Good applications for singers are Perfect Piano and Pocket Pitch.
    • You can also use a digital tuner or download an app like Vanido that will show you your vocal range.
  1. Sing a song you know over and over again. Print out the lyrics of the song you like. Take the time to study all the nuances of the text. Then work on the details of the song by modulating your own voice, thereby changing the song itself.

    • It's important to choose a song that you really like, as you'll have to work on it over and over again for a while.
    • When you first start practicing, try to use a song that is within your vocal range so as not to strain your vocal cords.
  2. Work on extracting sound with different parts of the vocal apparatus. Singing is not limited to sounds coming from the throat through the open mouth. Concentrate on playing the same song, but with different approaches to controlling the position of the tongue, mouth, diaphragm, throat, and even the nose. Recording the results and listening to them will allow you to better understand your own body and the sounds that it is capable of making.

    • For example, passing more air through the nose can create higher nasal sounds, which is not surprising. If you carefully close one nostril while singing, your voice will also change.
    • Move your tongue closer to the roof of your mouth as you sing to see how your voice changes. You can also try moving your tongue towards your cheek. Moving the jaw to the side will also allow vocalization of other sounds.
    • To experiment with the diaphragm, try letting all the air out of your lungs at once while singing. Alternatively, see what happens if you sing with minimal airflow.
    • The most important thing is to catch the right emotional mood, but not be at the mercy of emotions. In addition, the quality of your singing will not improve if you cry during any sad song.
    • For example, if you're singing about a fight, try to remember the negative aspects of your past personal relationships.
    • In order not to get bogged down in emotions after thinking about a particular event, immediately return the focus of your attention to the lyric and notes being played.
  3. Sing before singing so as not to strain your vocal cords. Start by softly singing the "I" sound on one note (for example, F of the first octave for women and F of the small octave for men) and hold the note for as long as possible. Repeat the exercise twice. You can also sing on one note with the phrase "Mi-me-ma-mo-mu", and then move on to chanting from low to high notes. Repeat the exercise twice. Then go to chant in the other direction from high to low notes, repeat the exercise three times.

    • In the middle of your range, sing "Oh!" five notes up the scale (do-re-mi-fa-sol). Repeat the exercise twice.
  4. Sing the sound "A" on the notes "Do, re, mi..." up and down the scale within your vocal range. This is another great way to warm up your vocal cords and practice holding the necessary notes. Start with the C major scale in the first octave, then move up to a higher octave, another scale, and so on. Take your time, sing each note clearly, instead of smoothly shifting the tone of the previous note towards the next.

    • Concentrate on working in the main scale of C major by notes: “Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do”. To make it more difficult, you can try singing two notes in a row, and then jump over one or use a different order.
    • Then make the exercise even more difficult by singing two notes up, one down, and so on down the scale.
    • A scale is a set of sounds that rise in succession at certain intervals (tones and semitones). As you move up and down the scale, you play both low and high notes. For example, between C and C-sharp, the interval is a semitone, and between C-sharp and D-sharp, the interval is a tone.
  5. Try to sing for at least 30 minutes a day. This will be enough to stretch the vocal cords, and not too long to overexert them. It is better to practice when no one will bother you. However, if you earn your living by singing, then this job will allow you to develop your singing skills in public.

    • Short daily performances in front of the audience can teach you to read the mood of the audience and adjust your work with them accordingly.
    • You can earn extra money by singing on small stages of entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants. If you do not like this option, you can try to offer your voluntary participation in some local music group.
  6. Work on maintaining proper posture while singing. Stand up, keep your back straight, look forward. Make sure your shoulders are back and your neck is not arched too much. Position your tongue at the bottom of your mouth so that it just touches the bottom row of teeth. Gently move your jaw from side to side to relax your muscles.

  7. Do breathing exercises to strengthen your diaphragm. Try rib breathing, which involves expanding your chest as you inhale. As you inhale, expand your chest and allow the abdominal muscles to relax. And for exhalation, on the contrary, use the abdominal muscles. Also try the following exercise while breathing with your diaphragm:

    • on the count of 1, inhale and fill the lungs 1/4;
    • on the count of 2, inhale and fill the lungs 2/4 of the volume;
    • on the count of 3, inhale and fill your lungs 3/4;
    • on the count of 4, inhale and fill your lungs to the end;
    • at the expense of 5-12 exhale slowly and gradually;
    • then repeat everything from the beginning.

Take care of your own health and save your voice

  1. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of fluid per day. Keeping the throat moist allows it to produce deeper and richer sounds. The best choice for you will be the usual warm (but not hot) water. Cold water tightens the throat. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey or a slice of lemon to the water to taste and soften the throat.

    • If you decide to add honey to your water, try to use as natural a product as possible. If possible, try to avoid foods with chemical additives.
  2. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. If you feel tired, then your voice will also suffer from this. It is especially important to follow this recommendation if you have to sing for a long time. When you can't get 8 hours of sleep at night, try to get some sleep during the day.

    • Try to lie in bed just before singing and performing - such a rest will help improve the quality of your voice.

Of course, those people who want to learn how to sing for professional performance musical compositions should dedicate their whole lives to it. In the process of creative activity, singers constantly improve their skills, so the style of performance may change slightly over the course of life.

In most cases, those who want to develop their voice enroll in various music studios for vocal lessons. There, professional teachers will evaluate the hearing, timbre and other data that each person has from birth, and taking into account the individual characteristics of the student, they will select a suitable set of effective exercises for him.

At the same time, not all people are ready to perform in public and want to choose music lessons as their main area of ​​activity.

In some cases, men and women just want to sing beautifully for themselves or their loved ones. In such a situation, simple exercises that you can do at home as often as you can afford will come to your aid.

Is it possible to develop a voice if it is not originally there?

Many people refuse to take vocal classes simply because they are sure that they do not have musical talent. These girls and young people are often talked about "bear stepped on the ear", implying that by nature they completely lack vocals and hearing.

In fact, in order to become a famous performer and collect huge concert halls, it is not necessary to have beautiful voice initially. It is this quality that can be developed through numerous and lengthy trainings. Moreover, this applies to those people who just want to sing in the company of relatives and friends. In order to learn how to sing, both for a professional and an amateur, it is enough just to practice regularly, and not to have excellent data from nature.

how to develop a beautiful voice yourself?

  1. To develop your own voice for singing, it is enough to regularly perform the following exercises:

  • Stand in front of a large mirror, inhale as deeply as possible, and then, as you exhale, say one sound from the following sequence: "i", "e", "a", "o", "y". Each of them must be pronounced for as long as possible, and it is strongly not recommended to change their places.
  • The very first exercise - pronouncing the sound "and" improves blood circulation. This sound carries the highest frequency, and if you do everything right, then during the exercise you can feel a slight vibration of the skin by placing your palm on your head. All this indicates that your blood vessels begin to be supplied with oxygen much faster, due to which the vocal cords are developing.
  • The next sound, "e", activates the neck and throat area. You can also feel it with your own palm, placing it under your chin. "A", in turn, has a beneficial effect on the chest and diaphragm. The correct pronunciation of the sound “o” normalizes the work of the heart muscle and allows it to more effectively cope with its functions. Finally, "U" renders positive influence on the lower abdomen.
    So, step by step, you descend along your torso, forcing all organs and systems to take part in the development of your vocal cords.
  • It is necessary to pronounce each of the above vowels one after another, repeating them three times. Be careful with the "y" sound if you have a low voice to begin with, as this can make things worse and start talking and singing in a rough bass. Owners of a sonorous and high voice, on the contrary, need to perform this exercise as often as possible in order to get a beautiful deep timbre as a result.

2. After completing this complex, it is necessary to involve the area of ​​​​the upper abdomen. To do this, close your lips and say the sound "m" 3 times. First you have to make it as quiet as possible, then a little louder, and finally as loud as you can. Doing the last task, you should definitely feel a strong tension from the vocal cords.

3. For development, it is necessary to achieve the perfect pronunciation of any words. The most common difficulty in this matter is the sound "p". The following exercise will allow you not only to put on this complex sound, but also give your voice tangible strength and energy. First, lift the tip of the tongue to the upper palate behind the teeth and growl like a tractor. This is done in order to relax the tongue as much as possible.

After that, emotionally and with expression, say the following sequence of words, strongly emphasizing the sound "r":

  • role, rhythm, ruble, ring, steering wheel, rice;
  • cook, cheese, carpet, fence, goods;
  • lilac, grass, frost, wing.

How to develop not only voice, but also hearing?

To achieve beautiful and impressive singing, this is very important. You should start with three notes - “do, re, mi”. Sing them up the scale a few times and then down. Then add one note at a time until you reach the full scale of eight consecutive notes - "do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, do".

A little later, when you have mastered the main scale well, alternate notes according to the principle - up through one, then down through one, for example, like this: "do, mi, salt, si, do, la, fa, re".

After some more time, you can try to sing as follows: "do, mi, re, fa, mi, sol, fa, la, sol, si, la, do, si, re, do".

It is also very useful for the development of both voice and hearing to sing the word “meow” in different ways, since it uses all the main vowel sounds of the Russian language - “i”, “a” and “u”. Try to pronounce this word as slowly as possible in order to feel exactly where each sound resonates - in the chest, in the nose, in the mouth, and so on.

In this article you will find exercises, after which you will start.

To open the voice

Your voice may not actually be yours. The reason is in the clamps or the wrong way of speaking (for example, on the same ligaments). The exercises below will help you deal with these issues and unleash your true natural voice.

sound engineer

First, understand how others hear you. To do this, you can simulate a recording studio. Your left palm will be an earpiece - press it with a "shell" to your left ear; the right one will be a microphone - hold it near your mouth at a distance of a few centimeters. Start the test: count, say different words, play with sound. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes for nine days. During this time, you will understand how it really sounds, and you can improve it.


To open the voice, you need to free the throat and transfer the main work to the lips and diaphragm. To do this, pronounce the syllables "Q-X". Round your lips on Q, stretch them in a wide smile on X. After 30 repetitions, try giving a short speech. You will feel that the ligaments are less tense, and the lips are better at following your commands.


The easiest way to relax the muscles of the larynx is to yawn well. Do this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day and you will notice how the blocks and clamps in your voice disappear.


This exercise will help bring out the natural sound of your voice. Its essence boils down to voicing your exhalation.

Position: feet on the floor, jaw open and relaxed. Begin to inhale the air, and as you exhale, make any sound. Do this without any effort - if everything is correct, you should get a groan.

When performed correctly, the sound comes from the solar plexus. It is from there that you need to speak so that the voice is voluminous and expressive.

To make the voice pleasant

Three smiles

This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but with the rule of three smiles. Smile with your mouth, forehead and imagine a smile in the solar plexus area. After that, start exhaling with a sound. Just 5 minutes a day - and your voice will start to sound more pleasant and trusting.

Yogi exercise

This training is practiced by Indian yogis to achieve a deep and beautiful voice.

Position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. First, take a few calm breaths and exhalations, then - and a sharp exhalation with the sound "ha-a". The exhalation should be as full and loud as possible. In this case, the body can be slightly moved forward.

drawling syllables

Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, say a long “bom-m”, “bim-m”, “bon-n”. Drag the last sounds as long as possible. Ideally, vibration should occur in the region of the upper lip and nose.

A similar exercise can be done with the syllables "mo-mo", "mi-mi", "mu-mu", "me-me". But in this case, first pronounce them briefly, and only then drawl.

Both exercises are best done every morning for 10 minutes. They will not only make your voice more pleasant, but will also help strengthen your vocal cords.

Long tongue

Stick out your tongue. First, point it down as far as possible, trying to reach the chin. Keeping this position, tilt your head down. Then stretch your tongue up, trying to reach the tip of your nose. At the same time, raise your head as high as possible.

To make your voice stronger

Sounds "i", "e", "a", "o", "y"

Exhale, then take a deep breath and on the second exhale, say a long “and” sound. Do it freely, as long as there is enough air. Do not force air out of your lungs. In the same way, pronounce the remaining sounds: "e", "a", "o", "u". Do three reps.

The sequence of these sounds is not random: they are distributed along the pitch. Accordingly, “and” is the highest (activates the upper region of the head), “y” is the lowest (activates the lower abdomen). If you want to make your voice lower and deeper, practice the “y” sound more often.

Tarzan exercise

Follow the previous task, only now beat yourself in the chest with your fists, like Tarzan. The exercise is designed to fill the voice and clear the bronchi, so if you feel like clearing your throat, don't stop yourself.


This exercise activates the work of the chest and abdomen. Exhale and inhale. On the next exhale, begin to pronounce the sound "m" with your mouth closed. Perform three approaches: first, low low, then - at a medium volume, and finally - very loudly.


Raise your relaxed tongue to the palate and begin to pronounce the sound “r”. It should turn out “rrrr”, like a tractor. Repeat the exercise three times, and then expressively read a dozen words that have the sound "r". Be sure to accompany the reading with a rolling "r".

Chaliapin's exercise for tuning the voice

The great Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin also began every morning with a growl. But he did not do it alone, but together with his bulldog. After training the sound “r”, Fedor Ivanovich began to bark at his pet: “av-av-av”.

You can repeat Chaliapin's exercise or, if you can't relax your larynx, replace it with villainous theatrical laughter. This is done simply. With your mouth open on the exhale, you laugh angrily: "ah-ah-ah-ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ah-ah-ah-ah." The sound should come out easily and freely. At the same time, you can jump and beat yourself in the chest with your hands. This exercise will instantly clear the voice and prepare it for work.

Important to remember

When performing all exercises, you need to maintain the correct one. The stomach should be relaxed, and the chest should protrude forward. However, if you keep your back straight, these areas of the body will automatically take the correct position.

Only five percent of people naturally have a beautiful and pleasant voice.. But you can also work on your voice and make it more harmonious and pleasant to the ear.

With your voice, you involuntarily create a pleasant or heavy atmosphere around you. The meaning of the words you speak has little to no effect on this. It is only enough for the interlocutor to give you a more or less considered answer.
Valid information enclosed in the music of your voice.

If others don't like your voice, this may be due to the fact that it does not correspond much to your role in life. Perhaps you get tired when talking. This is further evidence that your voice is poorly placed. Other speech deficiencies, namely stuttering, whispering, lisping, can also be corrected.

The causes of an unpleasant voice are looking for a doctor

Sometimes it is enough to turn to the ENT, who, having examined your throat and nose may find a disease that makes your voice dissonant.
Disorders nervous system or external causes also often lead to a deterioration in the voice.
One of these external reasons may be years of smoking.

Exercises that make the voice beautiful and pleasant

Working with a tape recorder will significantly increase the effectiveness of voice correction.

It's done much easier than you think. Record your speech on a tape recorder, voice recorder or other available device and analyze the different shades of pronunciation of "a", "o", "and" and other vowel sounds. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the final consonants and the sound "p", which should not be either rolling or burry.

Clear your throat. Take a breath-exhale. Relax your neck muscles. Pull calmly and quietly the sound "A" while slowly tilting your head forward. Listen to how the sound changes. You will see how the position of the head changes and colors it. Find “your sound of voice”, the most pleasant, while the voice should be relaxed, calm. Find posture in which it is easiest for you to speak in the most beautiful and pleasant voice.

This exercise can be done in pairs. In this case, your partner can tell you at what point in time the voice sounds most beautiful.

“Moo” with your mouth closed, as people do in thoughtfulness. Start on the lowest note and gradually increase the tone. Find the most pleasant tone in height, practice playing it.

Play on the phone. Imagine how they answer the phone in a very important and powerful institution, which is scary to call. Nobody raises their voice there. There is simply no need.

Now imagine how a plumber who is not quite sober in the morning will answer you. What will they say on the phone at the vegetable base. In an expensive travel company. At the youth radio station. At the funeral home. In the emergency department of a psychiatric hospital.

Represented? Now analyze how your greeting sounds against this background and what it looks like. Think about the impression you want to give of your institution when you answer the phone. Perhaps you want to give the impression of a serious organization, or perhaps you need a more homely option. Think it over. And every employee of your organization should know not only the initial phrase of the conversation, but also how to pronounce it.

But at the same time, do not speak in a monotone - the tone of your voice should change in accordance with what you are talking about, so place the accents correctly. Don't ramble, but don't be boring either. The ideal speech rate is 125-150 words per minute.

In addition to the pitch of the sound, the intonation with which you speak on the phone is of great importance. To practice this, tell someone for two or three minutes about an unpleasant event or an unpleasant sound (for example, about the creaking of iron on glass). In this case, the interlocutor should not see you (he can sit with his back to you). After that, talk about something pleasant, about some pleasant sound for you.

And you yourself will notice how different your voice sounds. Let the interlocutor tell you what emotions your voice aroused in him in the first and second cases.

The point of this exercise is to voice clearly conveys our attitude to what we say. Remember that when the intonation diverges from the content, the listener believes the intonations, not the words.

Answer each question as if you talk about something nice. And then your interlocutor will want to call you again.

Exercise every day in pronunciation key phrases in which sounds are repeated many times, presenting difficulty in pronouncing them.

Pronounce sounds clearly. Make a small table. Write the consonants in one column and the vowels in the other. This table will allow you to reduce the time allotted for exercises. In addition, using it, you will not miss a single consonant.

Practice every day in the consistent and correct pronunciation of all consonants in combination with all vowels: ba, be, bi, etc. sonority of the voice is improved by pronouncing the consonants as if they were made up of several identical sounds: bbba, bbbe, bbbi, etc. This exercise also strengthens the muscles involved in pronouncing the consonants.

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