How to make young walnut jam. How to make Green Walnut Jam


Composition and calorie content of walnut jam
The fruits of walnuts are special because they change their chemical composition as it matures. So, for example, vitamin C is found in excess in green fruits and is completely absent in mature ones, therefore the composition of walnut jam differs from the composition of dried kernels.

This delicacy is rich in:
amino acids (histidine, valine, glutamine, cystine, serine, asparagine, phenylalanine);
vitamins (B, C, A, E, K, PP and F);
and its mineral composition is represented by the following elements: calcium, magnesium, iodine, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus.
Walnut jam is quite a high-calorie product. Depending on the recipe chosen, the calorie content of the delicacy can range from 248 to 433 kcal / 100 g, so you should not abuse it in any case.

What is useful unusual delicacy
According to one study by British scientists, walnut jam can prevent the development of breast cancer and prostate cancer. But still, the main benefit of jam is due to the high content of iodine in it, as well as vitamins E and C.
Thanks to these substances, such a product allows you to:
cope with diseases caused by iodine deficiency;
easier to endure heavy physical exertion;
improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain;
remove toxins, toxins and free radicals;
improve the quality of blood and lymph;
increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

Along with the enormous benefits, there are still some contraindications in which you should refrain from using walnut jam. This is an allergy to a walnut and an excess of iodine in the body.

Basic rules and secrets of making jam
The taste of this winter preparation (as well as others) for the most part depends on the quality of the selected raw materials.
Only nuts of a certain degree of maturity, which is usually reached in the second half of June - early July, are suitable for such a jam.

And this degree of maturity is called milky-wax, when a delicate shell of milky color and waxy softness is hidden under the green peel. The size of such nuts is usually only slightly larger than an olive.
To determine if nuts are suitable for jam, a simple test will help. You need to take one green nut and try to pierce it through with a toothpick. If it can be done without special efforts, which means that in the hands of an ideal raw material for future harvesting.

Additionally, it will not be superfluous to make sure that there are no dark spots and other various flaws on the fruits. Nuts should be selected as even as possible and of the same size.
Since green fruits have a strong bitterness, the procedure for soaking them in lime water is mandatory before making jam.

It happens like this:
For 7 - 10 days, green nuts are soaked in water, and so that it does not sour, change it 3 - 4 times a day.
Then lime water is prepared. 200 g of slaked lime is poured into 3 liters of water, stirred, infused for half an hour and filtered through gauze.
Pour nuts with this water for 12 hours so that it completely covers them, and mix from time to time.
Then the fruits are thoroughly washed under running water, pierced in several places with a fork and boiled for half an hour after boiling in a solution of alum (15 g per 1 liter of water) to remove lime residue.
Walnuts, washed again after that, are ready to be used for making jam.

The collection of green walnuts and their preparation for further preservation is best done with rubber gloves so as not to get hands painted brown for several weeks.

1. Classic green walnut jam
The composition of the classic green nut jam includes only the fruits themselves, sugar and water. If you do not take into account the preliminary soaking, then the cooking process differs from the usual one only in that after a preliminary five-minute boiling, the water must be drained.

Proportions of ingredients:
1400 g of young nuts;
1000 ml of water for syrup;
600 g granulated sugar.

Soak unripe walnuts in lime mortar. Then rinse them thoroughly, put them in a saucepan of a suitable displacement and send to the fire.
After boiling, boil the nuts for five minutes and remove from heat. Let them brew for 2 - 3 hours, drain the water. Pour the raw materials with fresh water and repeat the procedure with a five-minute boil and tincture.
Pour sugar into a dry, clean saucepan, pour in water and bring the syrup to a boil. After the second boiling, fish out the nuts with a slotted spoon and transfer to syrup.
Next, cook the jam for 2.5 - 3 hours, without changing the intensity of the fire.

For storage, seal the nut treat in clean glass jars.

Armenian cooking recipe
In Armenian, walnut jam is also called “black”, because it is this color that green fruits acquire after soaking in lime mortar and boiling in syrup with spices.

For one serving of exotic treats you need to take:
500 g green walnuts (about 100 pieces);
2000 g of sugar;
2000 ml of water;
10 pieces. cloves;
5 grains of cardamom;
5 g cinnamon;
2.5 g citric acid.

Boil prepared nuts for half an hour. Then discard in a colander and cool quickly in cold water.
Put water and sugar on fire and bring to a boil with constant stirring so that the syrup does not burn.
From gauze folded in several layers, make a bag in which to put all the spices.
Transfer the cooled nuts and a bag of spices to the hot syrup. Boil the jam over medium heat for 4 - 5 hours, then let the mass cool completely.
The second time, boil the jam until the syrup is thick, when it does not spread on a cold saucer. At the end of cooking, remove the bag of spices and add citric acid.
Cork hot jam in sterile glass jars and roll up with iron lids.

2. Italian dessert with chocolate
The recipe for this jam is often found in Italian cookbooks, but Italians are surprised by this preparation, since the duration of preparing nuts for many housewives completely discourages them from cooking it.
If two-week soaking of walnuts does not bother you, you can make an exquisite chocolate-flavored Italian treat, which will require:

1000 g of walnuts soaked and boiled in alum;
1000 g of sugar;
300 ml of water;
100 g cocoa powder.

Cooking technology:
Make syrup from water and sugar. Immerse the prepared nuts in a boiling sweet composition and cook them for an hour and a half over medium heat.
A quarter of an hour before the end of cooking, add cocoa powder and, if desired, spices (ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom or red hot pepper).
The taste of the jam will be fully revealed only after several weeks of aging, so it is better to postpone the tasting and roll the delicacy into prepared jars for now. For the same reason, you should not be zealous with spices.

3. Jam from young walnuts
Jam from young walnuts is of two types: black (nuts for it are boiled together with green peel) and white (from peeled fruits). Since the main bitterness is concentrated in the peel, white jam does not need to be soaked for a long time.

To prepare such a blank from young walnuts, you need to take:
1000 g of young green nuts;
1400 g of granulated sugar;
400 ml of water.

Cooking method:
Wearing rubber gloves, cut off the green peel from young nuts so that the incompletely formed shell is exposed. Soak the peeled fruits for a day in cold water, changing it 3-4 times.
Boil syrup from water and 700 g of granulated sugar. Put the soaked nuts into it and cook for a quarter of an hour after the syrup boils again. Then remove the jam from the heat and cool completely.
Pour the remaining sugar into the cooled delicacy and then cook the workpiece until fully prepared(a drop of syrup should hold its shape on a cold saucer).

How to cook without lime
Soaking nuts in lime scares many housewives, which is why an alternative to such preparation using baking soda was born.

For about three liters of finished jam, you need to take:
100 pieces. green walnuts;
250 g of baking soda;
2000 g of sugar;
800 ml of water;
1 lemon.

Using a potato peeler, thinly slice the green skins off the nuts. Put the fruits in a pan of a suitable displacement and soak in water for two days, changing it at least four times a day.
On the third day, drain the water, cover the nuts with soda and mix. Leave the fruits alone for a day, stirring them occasionally.
After soda, rinse the raw materials well under running water and prick each nut in several places with a fork. Repeat the two-day soak with frequent water changes.
Blanch prepared walnuts three times in boiling water. To do this, you need to boil water, lower the fruits into it for three minutes, then drain the water and repeat everything.
Dip the nuts into a boiling syrup of water and sugar, let them boil for five minutes and cool the jam. Repeat the procedure twice more. For the third time, add lemon sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto the jam. After five minutes of boiling with lemon, the jam can be laid out in jars.

Nut jam with citric acid
Another version of walnut jam without the use of lime is prepared with citric acid. Of course, in this case, the preparation of an exotic delicacy will take more than one week, but the result is worth it.

Proportions of ingredients for harvesting with "lemon":
40 green walnuts;
600 g of sugar;
2000 ml of water for boiling (1750 ml) and syrup (250 ml);
5 g citric acid;
10 - 15 cloves;
1 stick of cinnamon.

Sequence of actions:
Soak the nuts first for two days in cold water, changing it every 6 hours.
After that, make several punctures in each fruit with a toothpick (fork or wooden skewer).
Then soak the raw nuts for another 11 days, changing the water just as often. Each time it will turn brown - this is how bitterness comes out.
Now the nuts should be peeled and immersed in an aqueous solution of citric acid for a day. Then boil the raw materials in it for 20 minutes and again soak in this solution for another day.
After a day, drain the liquid from the nuts, rinse them well and send them to boiling syrup along with spices. After ten minutes of boiling, leave the fruits for a day in syrup so that they are saturated with spicy sweetness.
It remains only to boil the jam for another half an hour and arrange it in prepared sterile jars. Now we roll them up with lids and wrap them until they cool completely.
An exotic delicacy from such familiar walnuts requires a long preparation and certain labor costs. But the result, believe me, is worth it!

A few years ago, healthy green walnut jam was considered an exotic delicacy. Today, every housewife can cook it on her own, you just need to get the fruits, which must be of a certain degree of maturity. In terms of taste characteristics, the blanks are not inferior to more traditional analogues based on berries and fruits. As for the content of substances that positively affect the state of the human body, in this case, the nut dessert is superior to many other preservations.

The composition and benefits of walnut jam

A nutritious and quite high-calorie product can cause weight gain. 100 g of the composition contains about 250 kcal and more than 60 g of carbohydrates. The abuse of jam can even harm healthy person. Such a small "flaw" of walnut dessert fades against the background of its beneficial properties:

  • The mass is rich in iodine. According to this indicator, the delicacy is close to seafood. The element is responsible for maintaining the functionality of the thyroid gland, normalizing hormonal levels and improving cerebral circulation.
  • Tannins and glycosides in the composition of the product have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system. This is especially useful for school children. Regular use of walnut jam in therapeutic amounts improves their memory, increases concentration and resistance to unusual loads. Studies have shown that dessert even facilitates the process of adapting a child to a new educational institution or team.
  • Walnut mass has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. The nut of milk maturity contains substances that start cleaning the blood from harmful cholesterol. This is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and improved blood flow through the vessels.
  • The abundance in the product guarantees the active removal of toxins, toxins and free radicals from the tissues. The introduction of walnut jam into the diet reduces the likelihood of the formation of cancerous tumors. For people undergoing chemotherapy, the product helps to recover faster after aggressive procedures.
  • The presence in the composition of vitamins A, C, groups B, K, PP, F and various minerals ensures the strengthening of immunity at all levels, the normalization of metabolic processes and a general improvement in the condition.

Most clearly, the benefits of walnut jam will manifest themselves against the background of such indications for its use:

  1. Long stay in areas with unfavorable ecology or highly developed industry.
  2. The absence in the diet of a number of ingredients necessary for the normal functioning of the body (fish and seafood). Also, allergic to these products.
  3. Life situations associated with excessive stress.
  4. Increased physical activity.
  5. Conditions arising from iodine deficiency.

According to nutritionists, the likelihood that walnut jam will harm the body is negligible. By using only 1-2 teaspoons of the product per day, you can count on the results listed above and not worry about the development of side effects. True, there are several nuances that must be remembered when introducing dessert into the diet of adults and children.

Harm of walnut jam

An absolute contraindication to the use of jam is an allergy to walnuts. In all other cases, the workpiece can be included in the menu, while keeping in mind the following points:

  • With diabetes, the delicacy is prepared not with sugar, but with its substitute. This point must be discussed with a doctor who will tell you the optimal dosage of the finished product and the frequency of its use, reducing potential harm to a minimum.

Tip: In cases of cerebrovascular accidents, which often occur in the elderly, a proven folk approach should be used. You should eat 1 teaspoon of the product daily with green tea. The effectiveness of the approach will increase if the tea leaves are pre-soaked in warm milk.

  • If you are overweight, do not abuse conservation. An already high-calorie walnut becomes as nutritious as possible when sugar is connected to the process of its processing. One teaspoon of dessert 2-3 times a week will be enough.
  • During pregnancy, it is also not necessary to deny yourself. But, in order not to provoke the risk of developing "pregnancy diabetes" in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the volume of the product should be reduced to a minimum. It is better to take 0.5 teaspoon of jam and add it to tea.

Harm to the body can cause the use of low-quality composition. It is impossible for air to enter the jar with the workpiece; its lid must be screwed tightly. The shelf life of homemade walnut jam is no more than 9 months. An opened product should be eaten within 2 months.

Rules for processing walnuts before making jam

If desired, any housewife can learn how to cook a quality product on her own. True, the process is not easy and rather lengthy. An important point is the preparation of the ingredient, it must be milky ripe. The fruits are harvested until they begin to turn rough. To determine their suitability, you can prick several copies with skewers, the tool will easily pass through the shell and pulp.

Here are the basic rules of the preparatory process that underlie all traditional recipes:

  • We take fruits of the same size, otherwise the final product will be spoiled. There should be no spots, scratches or cracks on the skin of the product. The optimal time for harvesting is June and early July.
  • For soaking and boiling the mass, dishes with a thick bottom or an enameled container are used. In there is an active destruction of vitamin C. Aluminum containers deteriorate under the influence of acids in the composition of the workpiece.
  • During the cooking process, the mass must be regularly stirred with a wooden or glass spatula so that it does not burn.
  • Before starting the heat treatment, walnuts must be soaked. To do this, use cold clean water, which is changed every 3-4 hours for 2 days.
  • To eliminate the characteristic bitterness in the kernels, soaked nuts should be immersed in lime mortar for a day. After that, the fruits must be soaked again in cold water for a day. Before that, each nut will have to be pricked in several places with a thick needle.
  • Before cooking, the soaked blanks should be welded. To do this, they are kept in boiling water for 10 minutes and the water is drained.

The preparatory phase ends here. Now walnuts can be used to make jam. There are many dessert recipes, you just need to choose the right one.

white walnut jam recipe

Jam made from walnuts can be not only brown, but also light. It turns out this way if you use blanks that have been peeled from the top green peel in the process.

Here is one of the most popular recipes for boiling such a treat:

  • We will need 1.5 kg of nuts, peeled from the top green peel, 2 kg of granulated sugar, 2 cups drinking water, 2 fresh lemons, 2 cinnamon sticks and 5 .
  • We cook a thick syrup from water and sugar, in which we lay the prepared nuts. We also add the juice of two lemons. We put the spices in a gauze bag, which we also lower into the jam blank.
  • Bring the mass to a boil, remove from the stove and insist for 6 hours. We repeat these manipulations 3 more times, after which the jam is ready.
  • We take out the bag of spices from the contents and throw it away. The resulting composition is laid out in sterile jars and rolled up. A couple of small jars can be closed with plastic lids, but their contents should be eaten within 2 months.
  • Ready-made preservation should be kept in a dark, cool place, at a temperature not exceeding 25ºС.

If it is not possible to make walnut jam at home, you can look for a product in large supermarkets and fairs. In this case, you need to pay attention to the country of origin. Well, if it will be Greece or the countries of the Caucasus. The mass should be uniform in color without inclusions and bubbles. And yet, a real dessert cannot be cheap, because its preparation involves a lot of trouble and requires a certain amount of time.

Some recipes are taken from Polish and Western Ukrainian national cuisine. But they did not forget about the traditionally used in the Caucasus, the Slavs do not add lime water. In our area, long soaking of fruits is more common.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to spend all this time at home, constantly pouring out old water and adding fresh water. But the bright, rich, Nutella-like taste will be worth the time, effort and mountains of dishes to be washed.
Pour the nuts with warm water, so it is much easier to get rid of the bitter aftertaste. The process of softening the taste itself can last longer or happen faster, depending on the variety and age (the older the fruit, the more time it needs to be soaked). As they are ready, the nuts change color and become lighter, and they taste like boiled ones and should not be bitter.
Another thing to keep in mind is gloves. Be sure to wear them while cooking, because nut juice stains the skin and nails very much. If you still failed to save the manicure, acidified water and a stiff brush will help wash your hands.

Ingredients for 1 liter of walnut jam at home:

  • Green walnuts - 40 pcs.
  • Sugar - 810 gr. (3 glasses)
  • Water - 2 liters (1.75 for boiling and 250 ml for making syrup)
  • Citric acid - 5-10 grams (for digestion)
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick
  • Carnation - 12-15 buds

Recipe for green walnut jam:

For this jam, large in size, but unripe, are best suited. If you buy them in the market, ask for "wax ripeness".

  1. Wash the nuts, put them in a bowl for 2 days and change the water twice a day. After 2 days, prick each nut with a skewer and leave for another 11 days, drain the water just as often.
  2. The liquid will be dark brown, but it's not scary, so the bitterness we don't need comes out.
  3. Peel each nut. To do this, cut off the dense fabric near the top. Throw the peeled ones into a saucepan with dissolved citric acid (a teaspoon per 1.75 liters of liquid). Continue for another day in the same solution.
  4. Boil the nuts for 20 minutes (the water will turn brown again, don't worry) and leave again for 24 hours in the same liquid with dissolved citric acid. After that, drain the liquid, rinse the nuts in running water.
  5. Make sugar syrup. To do this, gradually pour 1 cup of sugar into boiling water and stir until dissolved. Add spices, nuts, boil for 10 minutes and leave to infuse.
  6. The next day (16 days in a row), boil the mixture for another 30 minutes. If you want to make the jam thicker and sweeter, take 2 times more products for sugar syrup (0.5 liters of water for 6 cups of sugar) and boil the syrup to the desired state.

Such jam does not spoil, even if you do not roll it into sterile jars, but simply store it in a closet. That slight bitterness that remains even after such a long soaking does not allow the delicacy to become moldy or deteriorate.

On our site you can also find other recipes for original preparations for the winter, such as, for example, or homemade.

Bulgarian nut jam

Unlike the previous recipe, it will not take such an impressive time to prepare the ingredients. In this version, we will get rid of the bitter taste by boiling the fruits, so get ready to spend the whole day in the kitchen.


  • Walnuts (green) -1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 250 ml. (for syrup)
  • Citric acid - not less than 100-150 gr.
  • Cardamom - a few cloves
  • Carnation - 5 buds

How to make walnut jam for the winter:

  1. Rinse the nuts, carefully cut off the skin and dip in a solution of citric acid (approximately 10-15 mg per 1 liter of liquid). Do not use enameled dishes, otherwise you will not be able to wash them later, better fit stainless steel.
  2. Put the container on the fire, boil for 10 minutes, fish out the nuts with a slotted spoon and change the water. Repeat the entire procedure (preparing the acidic solution and boiling the nuts) at least 15 times until the nuts soften and the water runs clear.
  3. Prepare sugar syrup, put the finished fruits there, add spices and 15 g of citric acid and cook until thick.

Everything can be laid out in jars and rolled up with tin lids.

Armenian walnut jam

This recipe uses lime water. In order to cook it, you will need 100 grams of slaked lime. Dissolve in 1 liter of water, stand for 5 hours, and then strain a thick cloth or several layers of bandage. This volume is enough to make jam from 1 kg of nuts.

For jam you will need:

  • Green nuts - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • Citric acid - 10-15 gr.
  • Water for sugar syrup - 1 liter
  • Cloves - 50-100 teeth
  • Orange - 1 pc.

Recipe for green walnut jam:

  1. Soak the peeled and washed walnuts and leave for 48 hours, changing the water twice a day. If the liquid is still cloudy, continue soaking the nuts until it becomes clear. It may take longer (10-14 days).
  2. Pour the nuts with a solution of slaked lime and let it brew for a day. Remember to rinse them thoroughly afterward under running water to prevent lime from entering the body.
  3. Pierce nuts with a toothpick in 10 places, especially large ones, cut into 2 parts and stuff with cloves. If desired, you can add other spices, cinnamon sticks, cardamom, pieces of ginger are well suited. Pour in water and boil for 30 minutes, then change the liquid and boil again for the same time.
  4. Prepare sugar syrup, dip the nuts in it and boil for 5 minutes. Then leave for 2 hours, after which you need to boil for 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times to make them soft.
  5. Peel the orange and cut it into small cubes. Pour the pieces of fruit into the jam, last time boil the dish for 20 minutes, at the end of cooking add 15 mg of citric acid.

Then you need to lay out the finished jam in jars and roll up the lids. Store in a cool place.

For thrifty housewives, we have also prepared a recipe that will appeal to both adults and kids.

Ripe walnut jam

This recipe is more suitable for autumn or winter. There are many variations on how to prepare a treat from ripe nuts, but in any case, we will need to use other fruits as a base. It can be apples, plums, quinces, lingonberries or sea buckthorn - depending on what you prefer. You can also use gooseberries, cherries, apricots—anything! I will give an example of jam based on apples, but the same principle can be used to prepare dishes from other fruits.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples (sweet are best) - 1 kg.
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Water - 430 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Allspice - 5-10 peas

Recipe for jam from ripe walnuts:

  1. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into strips or slices.
  2. Put the apples in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and dilute with water, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and toss in the bay leaf. Cook for 12-15 minutes over low heat, then remove the foam, then remove the bay leaf and pepper.
  3. Grind the nuts to a crumb state (this can be done with a blender, coffee grinder or mortar) or chop with a knife into larger pieces, immerse in a bowl with apples and boil for 12-15 minutes on a stronger fire, stirring constantly.
    If you want to take a plum as a fruit component, be sure to remove the peel. You can take out the bone and fill the core with a nut. You can do the same with apricots, large cherries. Pour sea buckthorn or mountain ash with sugar and keep for several hours in the refrigerator, and it is better to pierce gooseberries or currants with a toothpick or skewer, then the jam will resemble marmalade.

To maintain immunity throughout the year, we also advise you to cook, which is rich in vitamins and useful trace elements.

Video nut jam recipe


  • 100 pieces. green walnuts
  • 1 kg. Sahara
  • 2 glasses of water

As easy as pie. Its healing kernels are easily stored both in a peeled form and with a shell. But such a preparation can be made many times tastier than just nuts. Green walnut jam has already become an indispensable item in preparation for winter for many gardeners and summer residents. An unusually delicious dessert and a memory enhancer, a fragrant additive to and a way to rejuvenate cells - all this is about nut jam. How to stock up on such a miracle, we understand in more detail.

Preparing to spin the nut

It is not known exactly who first came up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bboiling nuts, but the idea was great. Processed kernels become soft, saturated with syrup, give an amazing aroma and taste. It should be noted right away that the process of preparing such a treat takes time and effort, but the result will please any gourmet.

For nut jam, you will need young fruits with a non-hardened shell. As a rule, this stage of ripening of the Vologda walnut occurs in mid-late June. The degree of maturity can be easily checked, for this they simply pierce the fruit with a large needle or toothpick, if it has passed through, you can start cooking. Nuts need to be collected and selected suitable.

Delicious green walnut jam is obtained from high-quality raw materials. Each fruit must be inspected for dark spots, cracks, rotten parts. The top layer of green skin will be removed, but its condition is an indicator of the quality of the nut. Selected fruits must be washed and peeled from the top layer of the skin. You need to cut in very thin layers. At this stage, it is imperative to use rubber gloves, since as part of the skin it will leave dark spots on the hands for a long time - many have learned this lesson since childhood.

After peeling the skin from each fruit, all the nuts must be placed in a basin where they will soak. The choice of dishes is a separate “song” and a stumbling block for many hostesses. Literally two generations ago, the most common container for making jam was aluminum or copper bowls. Many, using the recipe and great-grandmother's advice, do so until now. Today they are not recommended to be used, since and, and can react with jam acids, during this process the dish is filled with heavy metals. Stainless steel utensils or enameled containers are ideal.

The dishes were chosen, the nuts were prepared. Now follows an important stage in the spin - soaking the fruit. Nuts should stand for at least two days. This is necessary because the skin and kernels are very bitter when unripe. To get rid of this bitterness, they need to be soaked, changing the water three times a day. After 2 days the soaking continues, at this stage you can choose between two options: lime soak and no lime soak.

Soaking methods

To prevent walnut jam from becoming bitter, it goes through several soaking phases before the main cooking stage. After the fruits stand in the water for 2 days, the water must be drained. Then they are soaked additionally with or without lime.

Limeless method. It will require one knitting needle or fork. Each nut needs to be pierced, and a carnation should be placed in the resulting hole. Prepared fruits should be filled with water and left for ten days. Be sure to change the water several times a day, because without this all the work will come to naught.

After one decade, the water is drained, and the kernels are covered with hot water for 13-15 minutes. After that, they again need to be loaded into cold water and insist another 24 hours. After the set time, the kernels must be dried.

lime method. After 2 days of soaking, the nuts are placed in a solution of slaked lime. To do this, you need 500 g of lime and 5 liters of cold liquid. Lime soaking lasts 4 hours, after which the solution is drained, and the fruits are thoroughly washed under the tap. In the washed nuts, you need to make holes with a fork or a knitting needle, fill them again with plain water and wait another 2 days. Do not forget to change the water to clean several times a day.

After all these efforts, the fruits of the walnut tree will be ready for the main stage of preparation. You can make jam from green walnuts using several recipes.

Jam Recipes

Such a dessert can be made only with nuts or diluted with spices, citrus zest, berries. In any case, the product will come out tasty, and if you follow the rules of soaking, it will also be extremely useful.

Classic recipe:

  • a hundred nuts;
  • 500 ml of plain water;
  • kilogram .

Soaked nuts need to be decomposed to dry out a little. Meanwhile, syrup is boiled from water with sugar. When the sand has completely melted, we immerse the fruits there and boil for 10-15 minutes. After that, the jam is postponed for 6-8 hours, returned to the fire again, and then stands again.

You need to boil walnut jam 4-5 times with an interval of 6-8 hours. So the kernels are saturated with sweet syrup, do not lose their shape, and the syrup acquires a nutty color, taste and smell. At the last stage, you need to decompose the finished product into dry, sterilized jars and roll it up.

Spicy jam:

  • nuts - 50 pcs.;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • carnation;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • stick .

Dip the prepared kernels into the boiling syrup. Place all the spices in gauze and tightly wrap them in a bag, dip them into the jam and cook with it. The contents must be cooked over medium heat until the fruits acquire a glossy black color. After that, add vanilla sugar or a little vanillin, roll it into jars.

Nut jam with citrus:

  • one kilogram of nuts;
  • one kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • zest of one;
  • one .

First, boil the syrup, while it boils, you need to dry the kernels and prepare citrus fruits. squeeze into syrup, and cut the zest along with the orange into thin strips. When sugar is completely dissolved in water, add fruits and citrus straws, cook for 15 minutes over low heat, leave to infuse for 6-8 hours. Such manipulations should be repeated three times. Pack warm jam in sterile jars.

In addition to these classic recipes with shelled kernels, use the recipe with unshelled nuts. The edges are cut from the fruits on both sides and immersed in cold water for 10 days. At the same time, the liquid also needs to be constantly changed so that all the bitterness comes out. After this period, the fruits must be boiled in clean water 15 minutes, then change the liquid to cold and leave to infuse again for another day.

The next day, drain the water and leave the nuts to dry. In the meantime, syrup is being prepared from the ratio: one part water and one part granulated sugar. Cooled sweet water should be poured over the kernels again and left overnight. In the morning, drain the syrup and boil it for 20 minutes, return to the nuts. The same must be done three more times, the last time all the ingredients are boiled together for 10-15 minutes. Unpeeled green walnut jam is ready.

Application in medicine

As you can see, the preparation of such a dessert takes time and effort, but it's worth it, given that the benefits exceed all expectations. This dessert is useful for urological diseases, heart or liver problems. During the preservation process, some of the beneficial components found in fresh nuts are lost. But even what is left is enough to cover the need for vitamins, and.

The special "pride" of such a dish is an impressive amount of useful acids: and. The combination of microelements and acids has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. IN traditional medicine nut dishes, including jam, are used as an anti-sclerotic agent.

Possible harm and contraindications

Any nuts, including walnuts, are classified as strong allergens. For this reason, nut jam is not recommended for children under three years of age. It is also better for pregnant women to refrain from such a delicacy so as not to cause allergies in the baby.

Nut jam is contraindicated for people with diabetes. In view of its high content, it is better to limit it to those who protect their figure and people with obesity, since 100 g of the product contains 280 kcal.

In case of digestive problems, walnut jam can be consumed only with the permission of a doctor. A large number of, tannins and fibers is only useful for a healthy digestive tract.

Other than that, it's a treat worth spending time on. His beneficial features useful until next season. And those who replenish stocks for the winter with such a preparation can be proud of the discovery of new horizons in cooking.

If you want to surprise your guests with a healthy dessert, try making jam from green walnuts. Cooking a treat will take more time than cooking fruit jam, but the delicacy with marmalade berries is worth it. The color of the finished dish is obtained from amber yellow to dark brown.

In addition to the unusual taste and aroma, the dessert has useful properties. is a storehouse of trace elements, vitamins and iodine. Unripe fruits are used to make jams and purees, as they contain more vitamin C than fresh nuts.

Ready-made jam from green walnuts can be used as a filling for pastries, and syrup can be used to soak biscuit cakes and for a pleasant tea party.

It is recommended to collect nuts for jam from the end of June in the southern regions, and until mid-July in the central ones. For jam, choose unripe fruits, with a soft, green skin and a light core. Wear waterproof gloves before peeling nuts to protect your hands from staining.

Green walnut jam with cloves and cinnamon

Use cinnamon as desired. Instead of cinnamon sticks, take 1-2 tsp. ground spices per 1 kg of nuts.

The cooking time of the dish, taking into account the soaking of the fruit, is 1 week.


  • green walnuts - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cloves - 1 tbsp;
  • purified water - 0.7-1 l;
  • cinnamon - 1-2 sticks.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the walnuts and cut off a thin layer of skin.
  2. Pour the fruits with water, rinse and change the water for 4-5 days - this should be done 2 times a day.
  3. Pour purified water into a bowl for cooking jam, add sugar, bring to a boil, stirring.
  4. Dip the nuts in syrup, let it boil, add cloves and cinnamon. Boil in several approaches for 40-50 minutes.
  5. Arrange the jam in jars and roll up the lids. Try the finished delicacy - cut the fruits into slices, pour over the syrup and serve with tea.

Jam from halves of green walnuts with lemon

This delicacy is best cooked in non-stick cookware - aluminum or stainless steel.


  • green walnuts - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs;
  • cinnamon - 2-3 tsp;
  • cardamom - 2 tsp;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Put on disposable rubber gloves and wash the nuts warm water. Clear upper layer cut the peel in half.
  2. Fill the fruits with water, leave for 12 hours. Change water. Do the procedure within 4 days.
  3. On the fifth day, prepare the syrup - heat the water and dissolve the sugar, bring to a boil and dip the nuts in it. Simmer for 30-40 minutes from the moment of boiling and let cool for 10-12 hours. Repeat the process 2-3 times.
  4. When the walnut slices become soft, bring the jam to a boil again, add spices and juice of two lemons, boil for 30 minutes.
  5. Sterilize jars and lids for preservation.
  6. Arrange the finished jam in jars so that the syrup covers the nuts and roll up. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket, keep at room temperature for 12 hours and store in a cool room.

Unpeeled green walnut jam

To prepare such a delicacy, pick up nuts of milky ripeness, in which the core is white in section.

Baking soda is used in the recipe to soften the peel of the fruit.

The cooking time of the dish, taking into account soaking, is 10 days.


  • green walnuts - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.7-2 kg;
  • baking soda - 120-150 gr;
  • dried cloves - 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the walnuts under running water, make several cuts in the peel or pierce in two places with an awl.
  2. Pour prepared fruits cold water and leave for 10 hours, change the water. Keep doing this for 6 days.
  3. On the seventh day, dilute soda in water and soak the nuts for another day.
  4. Place the prepared fruits in a cooking bowl, cover with water and cook over medium heat until soft, drain the liquid and cool the nuts. Readiness check with a skewer or fork, the fruit should be easily pierced.
  5. Prepare a syrup of sugar and 2 liters of water, shift the nuts, add cloves and cinnamon. Boil for 1 hour, let cool for 10-12 hours - do this 2 more times.
  6. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, seal tightly with lids and store in a cool place.