What does the princess and the pea look like? Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "The Princess and the Pea"

Andersen G-H. fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" and their characteristics

  1. The prince, young and handsome, is looking for a wife a real princess, but apparently he himself doesn’t know which princess is real.
  2. A princess, young and beautiful, accustomed to sleeping on the softest feather beds, pampered and unaccustomed to other conditions.
  3. Queen, the wise woman who came up with interesting way princess trials.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"
  1. Search for the princess
  2. Sadness
  3. Storm
  4. Queen's idea
  5. Pea
  6. Bad dream
  7. Wedding
The short summary of the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The prince is looking for the real princess, but he can't find her anywhere
  2. The prince is sad
  3. A terrible thunderstorm and a princess at the castle gates
  4. The Queen puts a pea under the feather bed
  5. The princess complains that she couldn't sleep
  6. The prince marries the princess.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"
A real princess can feel a pea even under a lot of feather beds.

What does the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us that having gotten used to very good conditions life, a person becomes pampered and cannot sleep even on soft feather beds, because they seem hard to him. This fairy tale teaches that everything in the world is relative.

Review of the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"
I really liked this fairy tale, not because it has any special plot, but because it is written with humor. It describes a funny test that is designed to determine the real princess, and after this fairy tale, many probably checked whether they were able to feel a pea under a feather bed or pillow.

Proverb for the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"
If you try it yourself, you will believe us.
Without experiencing it, you won't know.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "The Princess and the Pea"
There lived in one country a handsome young prince who really wanted to find himself a beautiful princess. He looked everywhere for a real princess, but could not find one.
He returned home and was very sad.
But then one day a terrible thunderstorm broke out and someone knocked on the castle gate. There was a princess there, a very wet princess.
She was taken to the castle and the queen decided to check whether she was a real princess or not. To do this, the queen put a pea on the bed, and on top of it were twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds.
Then the princess went to bed.
In the morning they asked her how she slept and the princess began to complain that she could not sleep all night because she was lying on something hard.
So everyone realized that in front of them was a real princess.
The prince married this princess, and the pea has been kept in the museum ever since.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"

There is probably no fairy tale in the world with a more concise content. “The Princess and the Pea,” whose story is not inferior to Agatha Christie’s detective stories, was written back in 1835 by the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, but was never accepted by critics, but it contained a deep philosophical meaning about the subtlety of the soul and imaginary values.

Story line

Summary of “The Princess and the Pea”: a wealthy prince was looking for a wife, and the main condition was that future wife must be a hereditary princess without a stain on her pedigree, with a royal appearance and an ideal character. Naturally, the search was in vain, because, as you know, there are no ideal people in nature. The prince sat in sadness in his family castle, driving himself into depression.

And one evening, during a severe thunderstorm, a girl of model appearance asked to stay for the night, posing as a princess, although she looked primitive and wretched due to low-quality clothes and the consequences of the elements. The Queen Mother immediately realized that the girl was a hunter for a rich groom, but she did not show it, but quietly planted a “pig” for the princess in the form of a pea, which she hid under 20 mattresses.

But the girl was also not cut out for it. Although who knows, maybe she’s actually so subtle at heart? She followed the old queen. As a result, in the morning, in the process of asking about her well-being, the queen recognized the girl’s aristocratic origins, the prince immediately got married, and the ill-fated pea was placed in the Kunstkamera.

Characteristics of the fairy tale heroes

The Princess and the Pea is the main heroine of the story. But who was the girl in reality: a capricious princess, a sissy and a dowry hunter, dissatisfied with the hospitality and honors given (why else would she complain about insufficiently soft feather beds and a hard bed), or a ruined orphan of blue blood, who accidentally got caught in a thunderstorm and ended up with the door of a rich prince?

From the summary of “The Princess and the Pea” it becomes clear that the old king opens the door for the princess. How so? There was still a rich kingdom if the prince could afford to search for his wife all over the world, but the father played the role of a butler. Out of boredom or hopelessness (to work off bread, for example)? After all, it is clear that the Queen Mother was in charge of everything in the palace. If not, then why did she need to get involved in the relationship of young people with checks?

What did Andersen want to convey?

It happens that, being carried away by the plot or the main characters, viewers (or readers) forget about the details that play the most important role important role in history. Pea: what did Hans Christian mean when he said that the princess felt the pressure of a pea through twenty (!) feather beds?

You don't have to be to understand that it was not a plant from the legume family. No one, even the most gentle and hereditary princess with an ideal pedigree, could simply physically feel a pea seed through the bed. So the pea is a metaphor? What did the great storyteller want to convey with it?

No wonder "The Princess and the Pea" summary- the author did not consider it necessary to dwell on the details of the story, but highlighted the essence: character cannot be hidden anywhere!

The kind storyteller Andersen gave millions of children a magical childhood; a brief summary of the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea” for a reader’s diary will help remember one of his most beautiful works.


The prince had a dream - to take a real princess as his wife. He traveled all over the world, but never found a suitable candidate.
On a rainy evening, a girl, soaking wet, found herself on the threshold of the castle. She declared herself to be the most authentic princess. However, her appearance did not coincide with this statement at all.

The girl was let in and warmed up. And when they put him to bed, they laid out 20 feather beds, and under the last one they put a tiny pea.

In the morning, all the inhabitants of the palace believed in the words of the stranger. A small pea under a thick layer of feather beds did not allow the poor thing to sleep properly. Only a person of the pure can be such a sissy royal blood. This is how the prince found his betrothed.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Rating a person by appearance is often wrong.

The famous short fairy tale by G.H. Andersen. It tells how the prince was looking for a real princess as his wife, but could not find her. One day a girl, soaked in the rain, knocked on the royal gate. She assured everyone that she was a princess, but she didn’t look like her. And only a pea under the mattress could confirm this.

Fairy tale The Princess and the Pea download:

The Princess and the Pea read

Once upon a time there lived a prince, and he wanted to marry a princess too, but a real one. So he traveled all over the world, but there was nothing like him. There were plenty of princesses, but were they real? There was no way he could get to this point; So he returned home with nothing and was very sad - he really wanted to get a real princess.

One evening bad weather broke out: lightning flashed, thunder roared, and rain poured down like buckets; what a horror!

Suddenly there was a knock on the city gate, and the old king went to open it.

The princess stood at the gate. My God, what she looked like! Water ran from her hair and dress straight into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, and yet she insisted that she was a real princess!

“Well, we’ll find out!” - thought the old queen, but did not say a word and went into the bedroom. There she removed all the mattresses and pillows from the bed and placed a pea on the boards; She laid twenty mattresses on top of the peas, and twenty down jackets on top.

The princess was laid on this bed for the night.

In the morning they asked her how she slept.

Oh, very bad! - said the princess. - I barely slept a wink! God knows what kind of bed I had! I was lying on something so hard that my whole body is now covered in bruises! Just awful!

It was then that everyone saw that she was a real princess! She felt the pea through forty mattresses and down jackets - only a real princess could be such a delicate person.

And the prince married her. Now he knew that he was taking on a real princess! And the pea was given to the Cabinet of Curiosities; That's where it lies, unless someone stole it.

Know that this story is true!

The main character of the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen is a princess, and a real one at that. What about the other characters in the fairy tale, and how did we also find out that the princess is real? It all started with the fact that one prince decided to get married. He traveled all over the world in search of a real princess, but was never able to find a worthy wife. The prince returned home and began to live in sadness.

But one day a girl knocked on the gate, claiming that she was a real princess. It was raining outside, and she was very wet and cold. The king let the guest in, and the old queen came up with a way to check whether the princess was a real princess or not. She went into the bedroom and, having removed numerous down jackets and feather beds from the bed, placed a small pea on the boards. Then she returned the feather beds to their place. The princess was put to bed on this bed. The next morning the girl came out of the bedroom, pale and sleep-deprived. She said that she could not sleep - something had been bothering her all night. Here The Royal Family I realized that the princess was really real. She felt a tiny pea under the mass of soft feather beds. And the prince happily married the princess.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main meaning of the fairy tale is that if a person wants to know something, he will definitely figure out how to do it. The fairy tale teaches you to be smart and resourceful, to invent original solutions to achieve the task.

In the fairy tale, I liked the queen, the mother of the prince. She managed to figure out a way to recognize a real princess. In her opinion, only a very pampered person could be like that. And the queen turned out to be right - the princess who came to their house was so pampered that she could not sleep because of a small pea.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea”?

Resourcefulness is a great strength.
Ingenuity will help in any matter.
