Summary of the adventure of a dunno and him. Reader's diary on children's literature

Every child dreams of a distant and fabulous new world with adventure and entertainment. So the main characters of the book think about how to make an interesting journey for everyone. The main inventor in the kids' home named Znayka decides to organize a flight in a large balloon.

Having developed a small model and drawn up a detailed plan of work, he, together with friends, began the construction of a wonderful invention. One of the sixteen guys who lived in this house, named Dunno, did not really want to be friends with everyone and was completely sincerely offended by his best friend Gunka for his friendship with kids and babies. He, of course, like all the guys took part in the construction of the ball, and now they set off with the whole house.

Znayka, as the chief mechanic and engineer of the invention, during the flight understands that not all the little things were taken into account because of which the air in the balloon cools down and the ball lowers its height.

Making the decision to urgently evacuate, with the help of parachutes, he is the first to jump down. But the rest of the children do not want to follow him at all, and after a while, while they were gathering their thoughts, the ball again flew into the air. The overjoyed friends continued on their way without Bunny, realizing that the reason for the poor flight control was his extra weight.

Having flown many hours in endless clouds, it's time to choose a place for landing and spending the night, after which everyone plans to hit the road again. But in the process of an unsuccessful landing, the basket breaks, and some of the passengers are injured.

Having separated from the rest of the guys, Dunno remains alone in a new city for all kids with the simple name Green. The rest, having received minor injuries in the form of dislocations, sprains and bruises, look around with interest, trying to understand what a wonderful world they have fallen into.

Hearing a noise falling from the sky, the inhabitants of the small town set off in search of the one who created it. Seeing broken big ball and Dunno next to him, without thinking twice, they take him to his older friends Sineglazka and Snezhinka. The rest of the participants in the incident are found later and they are immediately sent to the hospital where the main one is a doctor named Meducina, he is the villain of these revenges and all the inhabitants are afraid and dislike him because he often keeps the kids with him for no particular reason.

Taking advantage of a fortunate turn of events, main character book named Dunno, tells new friends that the balloon is his brilliant idea, and handiwork. For greater persuasiveness, he embellishes the whole false story with his great successes in dancing, singing and drawing. Leaving the hospital, the rest of the kids are surprised to learn that all their skills are the merit of Dunno, and now they are forced to support his story.

For several days, the newly arrived children experience many adventures in the new city, and Dunno is the first among them. The main event is the gradual release of babies from the hospital. This is followed by an acquaintance with new interesting characters in a nearby town called Zmeevka.

All enthusiastically draw portraits of each other with the help of paints from tubes. Dunno offers to organize a ball in honor of all the children freed from the clutches of the evil Doctor Medutsina and takes the organization into his own hands, asking for help from all the kids and babies.

Suddenly, the lost Znayka appears on his road, after he left the balloon, without waiting for his friends on a parachute, he went in search and rescue. All the guys from his house felt ashamed, because all this time none of them thought at all about their friend, thanks to whom they ended up in this wonderful and fabulous city. But most of all Dunno wilted because now he is exposed and new friends do not want to play with him. The sooner the long-awaited ball was approaching, the more the inhabitants of the Green City understood the need to forgive the deceiver, because in spite of the fact that it was he who was organizing their holiday.

During a well-spent ball, friends make up, sing many songs and dance long dances. But for children from another world, it suddenly becomes clear that they miss the house where they still have good friends, relatives and loved ones. Taking the final decision at the head, with Znayka, all the kids and babies begin to repair the crashes when landing the balloon. The work does not last long and here they are, thanking the residents of the Green City for the hospitality, again I look at the bizarre clouds in the sky.

Upon returning home, everything falls back into place, but the heroes themselves understand that during their unusual journey they managed to change. Most of all, the changes affected Dunno, who gladly agrees to learn new knowledge, not forgetting to finally measure himself with best friend Gunka. Together with whom he is now happy to be friends with all the kids and babies from his house.

N. Nosov ""The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends"

Shorty kids live in the Flower City, they are the size of a cucumber. They build houses, the mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik invent useful things, Dr. Pilyulkin heals everyone, the astronomer Steklyashkin studies the sky, the smart scientist Znayka leads the short ones, and Dunno can’t get into anything. different stories.
Dunno decided to learn music, came to the musician Gusle and took the pipe. Starting to buzz on the pipe everywhere, he decided that he was doing great.
The resilient Dunno decided to become an artist and came with a tube. Taking brushes and paints, Dunno painted portraits of friends until the morning. In the morning, when the short men saw his art, Pillyukin threatened him with castor oil if he did not take his portrait, the hunter Pulka refused to take him hunting, The donut was offended, he did not fit into the picture. The tube took away the brushes and paints from the dunno, forbidding him to draw.
The poet Dunno decided to write poetry, but nothing came of it, stupid rhymes didn’t add up in lines, all the shorties asked Dunno not to be dishonored .. Dunno decided to help Shpuntik and Vintik, they built a carbonated car. did not die and was admitted to the hospital.
Znayka invented a balloon, after reading many travel books, he decided that it was time for the shorties to see the world. The creation of the balloon took several days, when everything was ready, the shorties began to pack for the trip. in the basket of the ball and to the verses of Tsvetik, the ball rose into the sky. Znayka determined the direction of flight by the compass and they all together determined that the shadow of their ball was running after them. Dunno argued with Grumpy, who should jump next, the ball fell until it fell to the ground. Shorties spilled out of the basket, the ball hung on a tree.
Dunno woke up in an unfamiliar hospital, under the supervision of Sineglazka, and found out that they landed in the Green City of Babies. Everyone survived, only Pulka suffered the most - he twisted his leg and lost the dog Bulka. one by one, he discharges Dunno's friends from the hospital, who immediately begin to do business. The mechanics begin to repair the balloon, the Tube paints portraits of babies, the rest pick apples.
Dunno becomes a local celebrity, he chats the most, and the little ones believe his words. Guslya gives a concert for the little ones, everyone is fascinated by the new acquaintance. Vitnik and Shpuntik went to Zmeevka, where they met local mechanics and the writer Smekaylo. in the Green City, but all Dunno's boasting comes out. The ball went great, and friends began to gather back home.
For many days and nights, the short men walked to the house, Znayka led them by compass, and finally, they saw the Flower City. Everyone rejoiced at the return of the travelers. grow huge watermelons. Everyone was engaged in standing up and creating plans for Znaika, only Dunno rarely helped friends. After meeting with Button, who carefully studied books and asked for help reading the book, Dunno told her the truth that he could not help. ashamed to deceive, he finally realized that any business needs to be learned, and not just want to do it. Every day Dunno worked hard, putting huge blots, calling them "comets". Every day he increased the number of pages read and fought with his "comets" They got smaller and smaller.

Adventures of Dunno and his friends

In a nutshell: A short boy, a slacker and a bully who offends little girls, makes a trip in a balloon, after which he begins to make friends with girls and learn to write.

Shorties lived in the fabulous Flower City - boys and girls as tall as a small cucumber. They spent time playing games, picking mushrooms and berries on the banks of the stream, which they called the Cucumber River. Toddlers and babies were different and therefore did not like each other.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. Their chief was Znayka, who always read books and therefore knew a lot. And the most famous was Dunno. He always dressed in a blue hat, yellow trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie, he wandered around the city all day long and composed various fables, and even offended the little ones.

Once Dunno came up with the idea that soon a piece of the sun would fall on the city and crush everyone. Panic began, but Znayka did not believe him and reassured everyone.

Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because how could he then think?

Dunno wanted to learn something, but did not want to put any effort into it. Once he decided to become a musician, he asked the musician Gusli for a pipe and began to blow loudly into it, imagining that he was playing well. Then he wanted to become an artist, begged the artist for a tube of paint and a brush, and drew caricatures of all the kids from his house. He also tried to compose poems, or rather, epigrams for his comrades. Nobody liked his art, and he changed his mind about doing it. When the mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik made a car that ran on sparkling water with syrup, Dunno decided to ride it, but it turned out to be not so easy to drive, and the car fell into the river.

Znayka invited his housemates to go on a trip in a hot air balloon. During the construction of the ball, Dunno quarreled with his best friend Gunka because he made friends with the little ones.

Despite the mistrust and ridicule of the whole city, the balloon invented by Znayka lifted all sixteen kids into the air. Dunno was surprised to see that the earth is huge, and the clouds are not liquid, but made of steam.

By evening, the hot air in the balloon had cooled down, and it began to descend. Znayka was the first to jump out with a parachute made from dandelion fluff. Toropyzhka jumped after him, but in his haste caught on the edge of the ball. The kids began to unhook him and lost sight of Znayka. Nobody else wanted to jump. Dunno declared himself in charge, but could not decide who should be the first to jump out of the rapidly falling ball. The basket hit the ground, and all the kids spilled out of it, only Dunno managed to resist. The ball flew a little more, stumbled upon the fence and burst.

Dunno woke up in the house of little Sineglazka. At breakfast, he told Blue Eyes and her friends about his adventures, declaring himself the creator of the ball and providing the story with fictions that were hard to believe, but the little ones admired the brave traveler. He called himself a poet, musician, artist, mechanic and teacher of the rest of the kids.

Having learned that other kids were in the hospital, Dunno went to visit them and on the way he found out that the city they ended up in was called Green, and only babies live in it. Little by little he lost his sense of superiority over the little ones. His friends were healthy, only the hunter Pulka had a sprained leg, and Dunno promised to persuade Dr. Medunitsa to discharge everyone if they confirmed his invention about the invention of the ball.

Lungwort believed that all babies were hooligans and fighters, but thanks to the persuasion of other babies, she agreed to let out two babies a day. She treated everyone with honey, with which Dr. Pilyulkin, who arrived with the kids, categorically disagreed - he preferred to smear wounds and bruises with iodine.

Iodine has a very great educational value.

The next morning, the mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik were discharged, who were asked to fix the only car in the city. The mechanics went for tools to the city of Zmeevka, where only kids lived, and met the driver Bublik, the inventor Shurupchik and others there, and in the evening Bublik took them back.

The kids met him unfriendly: once the kids from Zmeevka invited them to New Year and threw snowballs, and a certain Gvozdik once entered the Green City to do mischief to the residents. However, Bublik explained that they just wanted to play snowballs, and Gvozdyk had annoyed the kids a lot. The chauffeur stayed behind to help fix the car, and then got involved in the fruit picking, in which babies and toddlers participated equally. Dunno ran between the working shorties, shouted at everyone and gave instructions that could be dispensed with, but he wanted to show his dominance.

Gradually, many kids found their place in the city. The artist Tubik began to paint portraits of babies, each of whom wanted to look beautiful and demanded to make her big eyes. In the end, Tube made templates, which he gave a slight resemblance to customers.

Shurupchik, worried about the loss of the Bagel, went to the Green City to bring him back to Zmeevka, but he also became interested in harvesting fruit. In Zmeevka, they decided that a hundred-headed dragon settled in the Green City, devouring all the little ones, and the hooligan Gvozdik said that he wanted to atone for his guilt before the little ones and kill the dragon. He went to the Green City and did not return either. The little ones were preparing for the big ball, and Gvozdyk began to help them build pavilions and benches. Everyone understood that before he was naughty only from idleness, and they forgave him.

Three kids from Zmeevka returned home, bringing with them an apple, a pear and five plums - so many fit in three cars. Soon, all the kids who arrived in the balloon were discharged from the hospital, only Pulka had to stay there until his leg healed. A ball was scheduled for the day of his convalescence. The kids from Zmeevka came to thank for the fruit and received an invitation to the party.

After long wanderings, Znayka appeared in the city and exposed all Neznaykin's inventions. The little ones liked his politeness and curiosity, they showed him things that were not in the Flower City, and Dunno hid out of shame. He appeared just before the ball, and the kids began to make fun of him, but the little ones stood up for him, which completely changed his attitude towards them.

Dunno was forgiven and allowed to the ball, which suddenly turned out to be a farewell party: the kids from the Flower City got bored at home (especially Dunno, who was tormented by the council because of a quarrel with Gunka) and decided to return. Sineglazka asked Dunno to write her a letter, and he reluctantly promised: he was ashamed to admit that he could not write.

Returning to the Flower City, the kids, under the guidance of Znayka, built a water pipe, a bridge over the stream, playgrounds and other things they saw on the journey. Dunno reconciled with Gunka and now he was friends with the little ones and protected them from offenders, thanks to which the relationship between the little ones and the little ones became very friendly.

Now no one drove the little ones away when they wanted to play with the little ones - on the contrary, they were always accepted into the game.

Instead of playing all day long, Dunno began to learn to read and write. He wrote with blots, but he believed that perseverance would help him get rid of them.

The shorties, tiny people living in the Flower City, decide to take a trip in a hot air balloon. Of course, only kids are taken to the ball, that is, short boys.

The journey is exciting at first. However, the ball gradually begins to lose height. Only the commander of a small detachment, Znayka, decides, as planned before the start of the journey, to jump out of the balloon with a parachute.

The rest of the kids, having obeyed the command of the unreasonable Dunno, do not jump after them and have an accident.

They find themselves in a wonderful hospitable city populated only by babies.

Know-nothing pretends to be the chief among the arrived shorties and attributes authorship hot air balloon yourself. The rest of the traveler babies only with his help get the opportunity to be discharged from the hospital, which is run by pedantic babies, and therefore agree to support his lies. The shorties go through many adventures until they are all together again and have the opportunity to return home.

Why I liked N. Nosov's tale "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends."

The reader will learn what real delicacy, kindness, care, forgiveness are. He will know how painful lies and boasting are, and above all for the one who resorts to their help. Thinking to increase self-respect, the naive, stupid Dunno only achieves his exposure and shame. However, true friendship endures all tests.

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber." Toddlers and babies. Dunno, Znayka, Dr. Pilyulkin, mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik; Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, the hunter Pulka and the dog Bulka, the artist Tube, the musician Guslya, Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Confusion, Avoska and Neboska brothers, astronomer Steklyashkin, Dunno Gunka's friend.

HOW THE DON'T KNOW WAS A MUSICIAN. Dunno wanted to learn how to play, went to Gusla, chose the loudest instrument - a copper pipe, blew it and decided that there was no need to study, he already knew how. But everywhere he was asked to leave and not make noise. Then Dunno decided that they “didn’t grow up” to his music, and stopped playing.

HOW THE DON'T KNOW WAS AN ARTIST. Dunno wanted to draw, Tube gave him paints and a brush, he first painted his friend Gunka with blue hair and a purple mustache (which he did not have), and at night - all the rest. “I drew a donut so thick that it didn’t even fit in the portrait. He drew Toropyzhka on thin legs, and for some reason added a dog's tail to him from behind. The hunter Pulka was depicted riding Bulka. Doctor Pilyulkin drew a thermometer instead of a nose. Znayka does not know why he painted donkey ears. By morning, he hung these portraits on the walls and made inscriptions under them. Dr. Pilyulkin was the first to wake up. He saw the portraits on the wall and began to laugh. He liked them, but when he saw himself, he asked Dunno to take a portrait, threatening with castor oil. Then Pulka, and also said to take his portrait, promising otherwise not to take Dunno on a hunt. So it was with everyone. Tube was the last to wake up and, seeing himself, took away the brush and paints from Dunno. Only the portrait of Gunka remained, which Dunno allowed him to tear in exchange for peace.

HOW THE DON'T KNOW TO COMPOSE POEMS, HOW THE DON'T KNOWN WAS RIDING A GAS CAR, etc. In the end, Dunno made friends with Button and began to learn to read and write.
