When is the best time to relax at sea with a child? Where to relax on the Black Sea - the best resorts in Russia

Traveling with a child is a whole science. A whole bunch of questions arise! Let's try to bring a little clarity to this issue and sort everything out.

The most important thing is that before planning a trip, you need to consult with a pediatrician, be sure to specify the place of rest for the doctor, examine the baby and, if there are no contraindications, get ready for the trip. And if everything is not in order with the child’s health, it is necessary to postpone the trip if possible. We go to the sea not only for entertainment and fresh sea air. The main reason is swimming in the sea. And so that your vacation is not ruined due to cold sea water - try to collect as much information as possible about the place where you are going, about the temperature of the water during the period you need, and even about jellyfish, where and when they appear, to be on top of everything ready.

When is the best time to go to the sea with a child?

The most best time for a trip to the sea with a child this is August-September - “ the Velvet season" But, no matter what time of year you come to relax with your child at the seaside, remember that the peak of sun activity occurs at 11-16 hours. Visit the beach in the morning, before 11 a.m., and in the evening, after 4 p.m. During the hottest hours, you can spend time in a cafe or relax in the shade, and if your baby is 1-3 years old, then most likely, during these hours it will be most convenient for him to sleep. Children's doctors recommend going on vacation with your children for at least 3 weeks, or better yet, a month: the first 10 days are usually spent on acclimatization, the rest - on vacation itself.

What about age?

For children under two years old, long trips will be uninteresting and tiring. At this age, the baby still requires a lot of attention and the vacation can generally be spoiled. If there are grandmothers, then small child It's better to leave them alone. From the age of five, children will respond with great interest to any change of environment. They will be delighted with a trip to the sea, swimming, playing in the sand, swimming in a circle and endlessly collecting shells.

Are we driving or flying?

Children, oddly enough, tolerate traveling by plane much easier than by train. It turns out that stuffy carriages are too tiring for a child. Despite the fact that we often strive, in order to save money, to give preference to the railway - air travel is both easier for the child and cheaper for the parents - after all, children do not need tickets. If you are planning a trip by car, you need to think about the safety and comfort of your child in advance. He must have a comfortable car seat, warm blanket in case of cool weather, a little entertainment for the road. Keep in mind that the child will obviously not want to be fastened in the seat during the entire journey. Stops along the way will have to be made more often, because children often get motion sickness, feel sick and often ask to go to the toilet. Taking bags with you on the road is a smart idea, even if everything went well last time.

Don't get bored on the road!

To prevent your baby from getting tired on the road, take him books, pencils, some toys, some small convenient construction set or educational toy (something that can be assembled constantly and in a new way). Be sure to bring coloring books, a drawing board, and markers. With adult children on the road, you can play checkers, solve children's crosswords and puzzles. This, unfortunately, does not at all guarantee that the child will not be tired on the trip and, most likely, he will get tired of everything very soon. But at least you will somehow diversify the trip.

If the baby gets seasick

1. You need to put the child in a semi-lying position and ask him to close his eyes and breathe deeply through his mouth.
2. Try to ventilate the room as much as possible and give the baby water from time to time. It's good if he manages to fall asleep.
3. It is necessary to stop for at least 15 minutes (traveling by car provides this opportunity).
4. If the child is very nauseous, you can try to induce vomiting (by irritating the root of the tongue and the back wall of the throat with a spoon or finger), he will immediately feel better. Cellophane bags will be indispensable for this case.

Nutrition is important!

1. Do not overfeed your baby on the road. On the road, they often eat a lot simply out of boredom. In order not to tempt your little one, try to limit yourself.
2. Be sure to pack homemade ingredients (fried chicken, boiled eggs, potatoes) in foil, but not in cellophane or plastic. It is better to eat supplies during the first three hours of the trip. You should only choose products for travel that can be stored for a long time at room temperature.
3. It must be taken into account that in the guest territory even water, not to mention food, is unusual for the baby. Therefore, it is better to take care in advance and take water with you, otherwise there is a real chance of giving your child half-baked and low-quality water.
4. Milk in sterilized packages is a convenient option, as it is stored in open form up to 3 days. You can also take children's milk porridges instant cooking. Food in jars (meat, fruit and vegetable purees) is suitable even for adult children, because these are shelf-stable products.
5. If your child likes to constantly chew something, stock up on dried fruits, crackers, crackers or cookies.
6. It is better to avoid lactic acid products while traveling, as they require a certain storage temperature.

Can't do without a potty

A child under 5 years of age should not use a public toilet while traveling. This is unhygienic and inconvenient, and often the toilet can simply be closed or occupied. The potty is the only possible alternative to the toilet. Prepare your baby in advance, a few days before the trip, for the fact that he will sometimes have to use the potty. Problems with washing the pot can be avoided if you put an airtight seal inside plastic bag(similar to a trash can).

Bring your child's medications with you

  • Enterosgel, activated carbon, smecta, rehydron - in case of poisoning;

  • Linex, bifiform - for stool disorders;

  • Mezim-Forte - to improve digestion;

  • “Rescuer” balm, adhesive plaster, iodine, brilliant green, bodyagi powder - for bruises and abrasions;

  • "Panthenol" - spray for burns;

  • Antihistamines;

  • "Otipax" - drops for ear pain;

  • Nurofen or paracetamol - for temperature;

  • Thermometer;

  • Bioparox - for colds;

  • Antitussive drugs (everyone has their own “favorite” set);

  • Eye drops or ointment for conjunctivitis;

  • Nasal drops;

  • Spazgan - for pain;

  • Wet wipes and paper handkerchiefs;

  • Mosquito repellent ointment and gel after insect bites.

Don't forget for your child and yourself: sunscreen with a maximum (for the first three days in the sun) and average level of protection, and from clothing - a thin white shirt with long sleeves and light trousers, a hat. If you go to Egypt or Thailand, be sure to buy shoes for walking on the seabed: wounds and scratches from coral take a long time to heal and cause a lot of suffering and inconvenience.

IMPORTANT: Do not use tap water to wash fruits and vegetables, especially if you do not consume it raw. Try to wash your hands as often as possible and do not forget about the child, always carry wet wipes with you, and do not hesitate to wipe your child’s hands as often as possible.

Introducing the baby to the sea

0-12 months. Watch the sea while holding your baby in your arms. To begin with, you can simply wet his legs. If the baby is not scared, you can go into the water with him for a short time. If you fill an inflatable pool with water, your baby will take such a bath with joy, especially since such water will quickly warm up in the sun. 12-24 months. The baby can already walk well, take him for a walk along the shore hand in hand. Small children become hypothermic very quickly, so five minutes of swimming in the sea is equal to one hour for babies (2-3 years old).

Child safety when swimming

1. Never leave a child unattended.
2. If you are relaxing with friends, be sure to ask one of them to look after the baby while you swim.
3. Remember that a child can drown at a depth of several centimeters.
4. Do not inflate the rescue sleeves too much, this may cause circulatory problems. If you bought them a long time ago (more than a year ago), it is better to throw them away. Wearing sleeves on a child is not a reason to be distracted and not monitor the child in the water.
5. Never use inflatable rings or air mattresses to protect children in water. A child can easily fall from an air mattress, but with a circle he can simply turn upside down.
6. For the entire time you are near water, put on inflatable armbands for your child, even if he is playing in the sand at the time.

Have a nice holiday!

Holiday season in Krasnodar region begin with spring month April. This month the southern spring is already ending, while, for example, in central Russia it is just beginning. And here the gardens are already in full bloom and the meadows are turning green, it’s shining bright sun and the birds are chirping. The air temperature this month during the day is already rising to +20 º C and even higher, and the sea water temperature is up to +16. Starting from April, all kinds of cafes, nightclubs, sanatoriums and health resorts, restaurants and self-service canteens are already open, and you can also visit museums and excursions. Everywhere in our country it is still spring, and for example in Anapa, summer is already felt.

In May, on the Black Sea coast you can already get a full tan; by the way, it turns out to be the most beautiful, natural and healthy. On the May holidays, some already swim, but this depends on the air and water temperatures, as they change from year to year. Usually the water has already warmed up to +17 º C, the air temperature in the daytime reaches +25 º C. At this time, the sea spearfishing season begins and fishermen become more active. Of course, prices during this period are also encouraging, because they are much lower than at the height of the season.

There is no extreme heat in June, but summer is already in full swing and it is very comfortable to relax this month. There are not many people on the beach yet, the water in the sea is very clean and prices are also not high compared to mid-summer. The air temperature rarely exceeds +30 º C, but does not fall below +20 º C, and the sea water at this time is already warmed up to +20 degrees. Another pleasant moment is that in June various berries are already ripening, such as raspberries, blackberries, red currants, mulberries, as well as everyone’s favorite cherries and strawberries. Currently in Rostov region some innovative enterprises began to grow entire hectares of strawberries. This year the harvest was a great success and it is delivered to the shelves of stores and markets every day. Moreover, the strawberry varieties are selected in such a way that they will ripen until frost. Therefore, many will be able to enjoy this delicious berry. In addition, peaches, shadberry, and cherries also ripen in June.

The summer month of July is at its peak southern season. Schoolchildren are already on vacation, young people have passed all their exams - the time has come for a great and interesting vacation. At this time, there are a lot of people in the resort villages, all entertainment and entertainment venues are working at full capacity. A huge number of concerts are held with the participation Russian stars stage under open air. The sea has already warmed up to +25ºС, and the air temperature to +27ºС. In July, you will be pleased with the taste of such fruits as: plums, apricots, cherry plums, pears and apples. I must say that already at this time the watermelon season begins and it is at this time that very cheap vegetables are sold here.

In August everything is balanced, weather the most stable and soft. The sea water temperature is around +24ºС, and the air warms up to +30ºС; by the way, the water in the sea at night is also very warm, like fresh milk. The season of watermelons and melons is already in full swing, and grapes and figs are also ripening. Well, how can we not talk about everyone’s favorite “velvet” season, which begins in September. In central Russia, everyone is going to school, it is already completely felt that summer is over and cold autumn has begun, and in the south at this time summer continues. Lucky are the vacationers who go on vacation to the south in September - from autumn back to summer. The air and water this month are approximately the same - the sea is +20ºС, and the air is +23ºС. All fruits and vegetables in the markets are very cheap, natural and the most delicious. You can enjoy watermelons, juicy sweet melons, pears, dules and apples, as well as dark and green grapes. September is considered the last month of summer in the south. At this time, the season of underwater hunting and fishing begins!

Winter in the Krasnodar Territory is usually warm, with virtually no snow, and sometimes people go outside without outerwear. A lot of vacationers come here for New Year. The air temperature in January is recorded from 0ºС to +10ºС. Winter months here it is also called the off-season. Despite the fact that this is not the season, excursions, dolphinariums, sanatoriums and health resorts are open, so it’s never boring here.

  • Accommodation: RoomGuru compares prices for hotels and apartments in all booking systems, such as, and others. The project does not work in Crimea, use it there Russian analogue Hotellook.
  • Road: the most convenient way to arrive is by plane, and the lowest prices for air tickets are found by Aviasales, we recommend taking train tickets in, some may also need buses, the latter are available in

Everything happens for the first time, including the first trip to the sea with a child. Many people put off this moment, fearing the difficulties that may arise during a long and distant journey, however, the completely natural fear of parents is not yet a reason to deprive the baby of the pleasure of splashing around in the water. sea ​​water. If you are afraid, don’t do it, but if you do, don’t be afraid. So if you are already planning to go on vacation, cast aside your fears and follow the instructions - then you won’t get lost anywhere.

Before you change climate zone, be sure to consult your pediatrician. The fact is that children are more difficult to acclimatize, so many parents are not recommended to take their children to the sea until they reach 3-5 years of age. The acclimatization process itself consists of two components - getting used to the local climate and getting used to microorganisms that enter the body with food, water and air. Adults are less susceptible to these influences and therefore get used to everything much faster, although there are exceptions. It is more difficult for a child to adapt, since his body has not yet been trained by such loads.

At the same time, consult your doctor about what medications you should take with you and what should be included in a child’s first aid kit. As a rule, the standard package for a traveling mother looks like this:

  • antipyretic (Panadol, Nurofen, etc.);
  • immunomodulators (Viferon);
  • three types of remedies for the common cold: rinsing (Aquamaris, Aqualor, etc.), vasoconstrictor (Nazivin, Otrivin, etc.) and treatment (Isofra, Vibrocil, Collargol, etc.);
  • “Rescuer” ointment for bruises, burns and other injuries;
  • remedy for burns (spray “Panthenol”, “Solcoseryl”);
  • pain reliever for the ears (Otinum, Otipax);
  • analgesics (No-shpa, Analgin);
  • antihistamine (Suprastin, Tavegil);
  • cough medicines (syrup or spray);
  • stomach medications (Linex, Smecta, etc.);
  • anti-poisoning agents (Regidron);
  • dressing materials: sterile bandages and cotton wool, bactericidal and simple adhesive plaster, rubber tourniquet, sterile gauze wipes;
  • accessories: pipettes, mercury thermometer, disposable gloves, sharp scissors, tweezers, compress paper, syringe, measuring cup, gas outlet tube, nasal aspirator;
  • herbs: chamomile, motherwort, rose hips, soothing mixture, chest mixture (including for children), linden blossom;
  • if your child has any chronic or specific diseases, then most likely you will have to replenish your first aid kit with some special medications that the doctor will recommend to you;
  • as well as baby cream, sunscreen with maximum protection for the child, repellent against mosquitoes and other insects ( essential oil cloves).

Make sure you know all dosages in advance and be sure to take the number mobile phone your pediatrician.

Documents and customs

There are unspoken rules for going through customs with children. preschool age You can skip the line. These rules apply to all countries, so if your child is tired or you are having a hard time, it is quite normal to ask the customs officers to let you skip the line.

When traveling abroad you must have everything with you Required documents. If a minor child goes on a trip without his parents, he must have with him:

  • international passport,
  • written notarized consent of both parents for his departure, accompanied by a specific person, indicating the dates of departure and entry, route and purpose of the trip.

In the case of a child leaving with one of the parents, according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation,” the consent of the second parent is not required. See art. 20 “A minor citizen of the Russian Federation, as a rule, leaves the Russian Federation together with at least one of his parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees. If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied, he must have with him, in addition to his passport, a notarized consent of the named persons for the departure of the minor citizen of the Russian Federation, indicating the date of departure and the state he intends to visit.”

But the legislation in our country is far from practice, so border guards may require the consent of the second parent in writing, certified by a notary. So it is not recommended to travel without this paper. Moreover, in many countries this consent is mandatory.

Such consent is not required in the case of the legal absence of the second parent, which must be confirmed by relevant documents, such as:

  • a mother's book (previously it was called a single mother's book);
  • death certificate of the second parent;
  • document on deprivation of parental rights;
  • statement of the second parent about abandonment of the child;
  • a document from the court indicating that the whereabouts of the other parent cannot be determined.

If the child is traveling with his parents, then it is enough to take an international passport and a birth certificate, if the family has different surnames. It is also important to know that a child over 6 years old must be photographed, and his photo pasted into the parents’ passports.


All popular resorts have long had all the conditions to welcome even the youngest travelers. A mother and child room is an essential attribute of any airport. However, when going on vacation with your baby, you need to take into account a number of features of such a trip.

According to the rules adopted by almost all airlines in the world, children under 2 years of age fly free on airplanes. Flights in business class fall into the category of exceptions, where you need to pay 10% of the ticket price for a child. In both cases, there will be no separate seat, and the baby flies sitting on the parents’ lap. Bassinets for infants on board should be provided free of charge, the only question is whether there will be enough for everyone, so the airline must be notified in advance about this type of trip. You will also be easily allowed to take a stroller into the salon, but you will have to remove the wheels from it. With both a cradle and a stroller, you will need the first row of seats for the flight. There are no changing tables on the plane, so everything will have to be done by hand. And finally, remember that southern airports are very stuffy, so stock up on water for your baby.


Children stay free in hotels, however, you need to notify the administration in advance that you will have a baby with you. All hotels must have children's beds, of three types - a playpen bed, a daybed with a side or a single cot for older children. In 4 and 5 star hotels, the baths are sterile, so you can bathe your child without any worries. Therefore, when traveling abroad with a baby, it is best to take rooms in good, proven hotels. There are practically no problems with diapers, toys and other things necessary for a child.

For children over one year old, 5-star hotels have special day and night nannies. Her services are paid locally and cost around $10-15 per hour. Moreover, during the day the child can be in the playroom, and at night he will be brought to your room. Whether to leave your baby under the supervision of a stranger is up to you to decide. If you don’t want to, then just buy a baby monitor, but then you won’t be able to go far from the room. For bottle-fed babies, you need to make sure that there is, where and how to make formula for night feeding. As practice shows, finding hot boiled water in a hotel in the middle of the night is not so easy. Yes, in any case, you will have to constantly run back and forth. So the easiest way is to buy a special camping kettle so that you can warm water without leaving your room.

Food and water for your baby

Good for those whose child is breastfed. No problem, drink and food are always with you. Other mothers have it more difficult. Hotels have a children's table, but it is designed for children with teeth, who can chew and do not have food allergies - omelettes, meatballs, yoghurts, ice cream, juices. As a rule, resort stores do not offer the usual food for our children. Other brands may not be suitable due to the different composition of the water. So you will have to bring food for an infant or a child with allergies (porridge, mixtures, etc.). For older kids, adult food ground in a blender or using a mixer is suitable.

As for water, the baby should only be given bottled water to drink, and it would be a good idea to bring it with you - the baby won’t need much. Do not give tap water under any circumstances, and try not to drink it yourself.

First access to the sea

For the sake of preserving the health of your child, it is worth remembering that the beach is an extreme zone for a baby. And what smaller child, the greater the risk. So parents won’t be able to sunbathe in the sun unless they take turns watching, not letting the child out of sight.

According to most doctors, south beach is not the best the best place for babies. So try to find shade, be it a grove, a forest, a canopy or an open bungalow - everything is better than a sunny place. Children no younger than one year old can fully explore the beach. And still, exposure to the sun should be strictly dosed. To form vitamin D, which is useful for your baby in winter, the body needs enough ultraviolet radiation received in the shade. But even in the shade, panama hats, caps or scarves are necessary, since the child’s head is easily vulnerable and he can get sunstroke. Don’t overheat your children, but don’t let them get sunburned, don’t ignore complaints of weakness, headache or nausea. At the first signs of overheating, the baby needs coolness, a constant flow of fresh air, plenty of fluids, and ice on the head and back of the neck.

The best time to visit the beach is from 7 to 10 am and after 16 o'clock in the south, from 9 to 12 and from 16 to 18 o'clock in the middle zone.

Always take the strongest sunscreen with you to the beach, plenty drinking water and burn spray.

Do not put a diaper on your child, this will quickly lead to heatstroke, but also do not keep him naked - the child may get an infection, and sand that gets into the genitals will cause irritation. It is best to wear light panties made from natural fabrics on your baby.

According to doctors, eggs of human roundworms and other unpleasant microorganisms are often found in beach sand. Therefore, make sure that the baby does not put sand in his mouth or anything that has been on him - a bottle, a pacifier, a toy...

You also need to bathe your baby carefully, especially for the first time. It would be a good idea to organize contrasting procedures for him before going to the sea - air baths, douches and rubdowns. After bathing the baby, you must immediately change into dry clothes, otherwise he may catch a cold. The average comfortable water temperature for children is 22-24 degrees Celsius. In the middle zone the conditions are different - no colder than 20 degrees.

You should only go into the water after being in the shade; strong contrasts are harmful for children. Keep bandages, cotton wool, peroxide and iodine ready to quickly treat the wound if your baby steps on any splinters or sharp shells. Avoid jellyfish and others sea ​​creatures, many of them are poisonous. After bathing, dry your baby's ears with a cotton wick.

Follow the rules of behavior on the beach, do not swim when the sea level is higher than 3, beware of catamarans and jet skis, which are often driven along the shore by drunken extreme sports enthusiasts. Keep an eye on your child, do not leave him alone for a moment, even if he knows how to swim.

If the baby does choke, then as an emergency aid, you can put him with his stomach on your knee so that his head is below the level of his body, while his legs can be raised. Applying slight pressure, massage your back, making sure that water pours out of your mouth (before this, you need to release the sunken tongue with two fingers). If cardiac arrest occurs, this measure is not enough - you will need closed cardiac massage and artificial respiration, which not everyone knows. That's why doctors warn - relax with your child in places where there is special coastal medical care. Or go through special course for first aid.

Enjoy your holiday!

Resorts Krasnodar region are waiting for vacationers all year round. But vacationers prefer to go to the subtropics and the sea during the season when they can swim in the sea, and on the beach they can sunbathe and bask in the sun. On the Black Sea coast there is a whole summer for this, and there is also a pleasant bonus - the velvet season.

When can you swim in the Black Sea?

You can go on vacation to the Black Sea at the end of May. The weather is already warm, the sea is gradually warming up. The best and hottest months for holidays in this region are July and August. At this time in resort towns There are a huge number of vacationers who catch the beautiful sunny days.
At the beginning of summer you can swim almost everywhere. It is better to choose small bays and bays for swimming, where the water will be warmest. Storms and strong waves in summer on the Black Sea are quite rare.

Velvet season on the Black Sea

The concept of “velvet season” for the subtropics is akin to the concept of “Indian summer” in northern latitudes. During this season, the resorts are no longer as hot as in summer, but still quite warm. So, during the velvet season, you can most often still swim in the warm sea. However, you must understand that the weather during this period is unpredictable. How can she please on sunny days, and cause waves on the sea and stormy winds.
This is interesting! Before the revolution, the velvet season was the few weeks of spring before summer. After the revolution, the first people began to be called this autumn months: September and October. The velvet season is especially pronounced in Anapa and Gelendzhik. It lasts mainly from late August to mid-October. The weather at this time of year is cloudless and dry, the air temperature rises to 25 degrees Celsius during the day and drops to 15 degrees Celsius at night.

Why is it profitable to relax on the Black Sea during the velvet season?

The fact is that with the beginning of autumn, the tourist flow in resort cities decreases sharply. This means that prices for services, rental housing and food are also reduced. Many also offer full tours with big discounts during the high season. In addition, during the velvet season in Kuban there are still a lot of fruits and berries - watermelons, melons, grapes, pears, dates and persimmons. And all this doesn't cost much. And how delicious!

The holiday season is ending, bright sundresses and stylish swimsuits are stacked on the far shelf in the locker. Is summer over? Someone like. Some people prefer to relax at the beginning of autumn, during the velvet season.

What is the velvet season?

They say that such an expression appeared in the 19th century and it referred specifically to Black Sea coast. Gentlemen and ladies of high society flocked to the Black Sea in September. There is still plenty of sun and fruit and it is very warm, but there is no sweltering heat. Do you remember how you dressed up in those days? Creepy corsets Long Dresses, gloves. In general, in July on the seashore in such an outfit - it’s just murder!

But in September you don’t have to sweat; in the evening you can put on chic velvet (yes, velvet – hence the name of the season!) dresses and parade along the embankment arm in arm with your gentleman.

Now there are no more gentlemen and ladies left, at least in our country, but the velvet season on the Black Sea is still wonderful.

Advantages of a holiday on the Black Sea during the velvet season

1. Weather. Doctors often recommend relaxing at sea at the beginning of autumn, especially for those who have health problems. The sun is more gentle at this time, and the sea is still very warm and therefore swimming is quite comfortable. There is also plenty of fresh fruit and berries - grapes, watermelons, peaches, then the season of persimmons and pomegranates begins. As a rule, there is little rain on the Black Sea during the velvet season.

2. Prices. An important point, I want to say. Yes, prices fall during the high season. And where they have not fallen, they begin to trade more willingly. The season is coming to an end, the owners of hotels and private hotels will soon close, eat up what they earned in the summer and wait for the next season. In the meantime, they are trying to get the last money this season. In addition, prices for air tickets are falling, and this is a very important plus.

3. Few vacationers. Not so little, of course, but compared to July, the streets of resort towns near the Black Sea are simply beautiful and quiet! The children went to school. In the gardens too new season, students begin their studies. Silence and grace! Velvet season is wonderful.

Disadvantages of holidays during the high season on the Black Sea

I found only two disadvantages:

1. Study. Yes, studying can be both a plus and a minus, especially for those who have children who are students. Not every parent will pull off a child during school year and rushes off to rest, even if he personally has such an opportunity.

2. Unpredictability of weather. Usually the weather on the Black Sea in September is wonderful - no humidity, warm and dry. But in Lately Something incredible is happening to the climate on Earth. Therefore, no one can guarantee that natural disasters such as hurricanes will not occur during your vacation. heavy rains and cold winds.
