I dreamed of a big balloon. The Magic of Numbers

From intercourse.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that they were publicly trying to humiliate or insult you- you will find yourself in a position of humiliated and insulted thanks to slanderers and envious people who will take advantage of your naivety and generosity.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you insult a person- portends you failure in business and big losses due to excessive authority in relations with business partners.

If you dream that you are undeservedly insulting a person- it means that in reality you will be concerned about your attitude towards one of your friends.

Feel offended- a harbinger of the fact that unfriendly people will annoy you in reality.

To dream about how you are insulted in the presence of other people- portends the loss of something dear to you.

If you want to avenge an insult- not worth it accept hasty and rash decisions, you should first understand the situation.

A young woman listens to insults in her dream - sign that her Liberty will be limited by someone's jealousy.

If she offends someone- in reality, she will meet an unexpected refusal that will fill her soul with humility and regret over her unworthy behavior towards her friends.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Turn up in a dream verbal abuse- a sign that the causes of your troubles, of which you yourself are often guilty, you are inclined search in other people.

Publicly and intentionally inflicted insult with the intent to humiliate your dignity- means too late repentance will not help you make up for the loss of a loved one or close friend.

If in a dream you inadvertently insulted someone and immediately apologized- V real life get a promotion. A dream where you deliberately insult an unpleasant person- a harbinger of what you will soon bring upon yourself anger bosses and troubles in family life.

Insults expressed with copious use of the most sophisticated swearing- mean that in reality you will have the opportunity to show your oratory capabilities in a serious dispute or dispute, which, however, can develop into a public scandal, even reaching the point of assault.

Insult by an action that is inflicted on you in a dream- portends that you will fall into society unpleasant people for you, getting rid of which will not be so easy.

If in a dream you yourself inflict an insult by dissolving your hands- this promises the greater trouble, the higher the intensity of passions in your dream.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

A dream in which you were insulted- dreams of success, promotion; if you offended - to failure.

English dream book

Dreamed insult- Can mean disappointment in love, as well as the troubles and sorrows associated with a cash loan that you need. In any case, the insult transferred in a dream- a sure harbinger of annoyance and irritation.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Even the sages and doctors of antiquity taught: being at a lower moral, emotional and intellectual level Human cannot, no matter how hard you try, verbally insult a superior (physically, however, he can). spiritually developed person, not having any spiritual coincidence with the offender, simply will not accept the insult on his own check will not notice them, insults will not cause in him the low emotions. After all, an insult is like an echo in the mountains: it repeatedly repeats and amplifies the same thing until it completely loses the meaning of the collapse of stones on the screamer.

The sages of antiquity advised to be benevolent towards the offender: firstly, he revealed his own face to you, and secondly, he showed you your own weaknesses (if There is resentment), or discovered your strength to yourself (if the insult did not hurt), and all this is favorable, although outwardly it does not seem so.

Insult- acts as a trigger mechanism for the manifestation of internal, restrained, often hidden from oneself states of emotions. Manifesting, popping out like a bullet emotions replace Friend friend: the initial reaction of denial and defense is replaced by the reaction of justifying oneself, experiencing injustice; then comes back again search answer options, response resentment offender revenge and so on ad infinitum (if psychic powers were unlimited).

an offended person- control negative emotions (anger, fury and the like), and they are already significant time destroy his health. The sudden need for protection simply manifested and splashed out the deeply hidden.

All insults in a dream- however, the stronger the resentment and fear in a dream, the more complete release from them: the new aspirations of the dreamer, as it were, offend everything that interferes with the old. After an insult and a splash of emotions, one should devastation energy (as after tears), but this is a healing devastation, like after cleansing: there is no need to hold back, there is an opportunity act in a place cleared of old spiritual debris, an influx of fresh qi energy opens for action. Freedom from fears, resentments and conceit usually brings success, satisfaction and peace of mind.

If the insult did not take place (no offense, and so on), but was clearly imprinted in the memory face trying to offend (not his own)- the face of a wisher of evil is shown, it was shown as a sign of warning. Sleep is favorable, as it shows the dreamer help in the form of direct instructions, from communication with whom one should refrain.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Insult- the emergence of disputes and disagreements with a business partner is likely. You should be careful and decisive in your intentions.

Modern universal dream book

Insult- in order to better understand what caused such a dream, you need to ask yourself a few questions. Were you insulted in a dream? If so, who insulted you? Were you verbally rude, were any physical actions used against you, or did you just feel a negative attitude towards yourself? What you dreamed reflects what happens to you in real life or your Feel about what's going on in your real life?

If someone else is insulted in your dream How does this person react to being insulted? Manifests courage and strength or fear and obedience? How do you behave in your sleep? And, most importantly, how did you feel when you woke up?

Insult in a dream- This exit emotions. It indicates that you have deep feelings. Perhaps you are being rude to yourself in some way? If you want to understand this, the best place to start is by analyzing your dreams. If necessary, seek professional help.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Get insulted by words- success; in practice- undoubted success; insult someone- get insulted.

Collection of dream books

If you are being insulted- it portends success in business.

If in a dream you were insulted- this is a very good omen.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Flying in a dream is an extremely ambiguous sign. He speaks of both spiritual and career growth, happiness, development, as well as the lust for power, the inability to cope with obstacles and the desire to simply get away from them, an inferiority complex, the burden of unfulfilled dreams or sexual fantasies.

Flying on any aircraft is most often an unfavorable sign. So the dream book of flying in a balloon is interpreted as a warning about an unsuccessful trip, a business trip, a trip in reality. In addition, such a dream warns of potential problems in business, at work, broken hopes, powerlessness, making a serious mistake.

If in a dream you felt that balloon falls down under the yoke of excess load, then in real life you will be greatly disappointed.

A good sign promises a dream book to fly in a balloon rapidly upwards - a harbinger of a profitable deal, profit, material wealth.

The dream of a crash signals major losses in the near future, difficulties in the business area, oversights and wrong actions in a very important, albeit atypical situation.

If you happened to fly on a parachute in a dream, then the attraction to risky business will bring a lot of anxiety to you and your family.

Dropping excess cargo during the flight is a good dream, because soon you will forever be freed from the persecution and intrigues of the enemy.

Why dream of flying in a balloon, parachute in other dream books

According to the interpretation Modern dream book rising into the sky in a hot air balloon exposes you as a hopeless dreamer. Living in a world of illusions leads to reckless actions that do not allow you to reveal your potential, prevent prosperity. It's time for you to take action otherwise close person will leave you.

Why dream of flying in a balloon in Freud's dream book, if the balloon burst - your sexual partner is indifferent to you or sexual disorders are possible. You dream of sudden death at the time of having sex, if in a dream you liked flying in a parachute or a balloon.

Unlike other dream interpreters, it explains in a rather positive way why one dreams of flying in a balloon in the Wanderer's dream book. Just float in the air on this aircraft- to a brilliant idea, solving complex problems. But to quickly rise above the clouds - to significant achievements in the professional field, mutual and harmonious love.

comments 8

    Listen, I dreamed both good and bad ... Listen, I dreamed that I shortened the way home thanks to the balloon flight. To be honest, my friend was shocked in a dream. Then an angry face appeared on the ball and the ball burst upwards, towards the moon, he lowered me, and I let him go, as he pulled out a lot. Then I looked at the moon and there was someone fishing in the shade. And later, in a dream, we had a fight with a friend. Do not know why such a dream?
