Ksenia Alferova buried Abdulov's mother. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Abdulova cause of death latest news

The mother of the famous actor Alexander Abdulov will turn 95 years old the other day. "And I don’t even feel age. That’s just my legs hurt a lot, so I only walk around the house and yard, and then with a stick,” admitted Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. Doctors diagnosed her with “systemic osteoporosis.”


Now Abdulov's mother lives on 15 thousand rubles a month– she receives such a pension as a disabled person of the second group. There is money in the savings book, but this, according to her, is an emergency reserve for a funeral.

Journalists are sounding the alarm: Lyudmila Aleksandrovna lives literally on the brink of poverty and barely makes ends meet. “Seven thousand rubles a month are spent on medicines. You have to go to the hospital often, a taxi from our village to Ivanovo costs 700 rubles, plus some examinations are paid. Not to mention the fact that you have to wash in the bathhouse. To make a bathroom, you need 100 thousand rubles. There’s nowhere to get them,” Sobesednik.Ru quotes her.

Let us remind you that Alexander Abdulov died on January 3, 2008 in the hospital. Doctors spent several months trying to save him from lung cancer. The actor is survived by a widow and daughter.

Abdulov was given a terrible diagnosis in the summer of 2007, but the famous artist hoped to the last to get out and return to work in cinema and theater. Alexander Gavrilovich’s last film, Vykrest, in which he acted as director and producer, remained unfinished. While working on this picture, Abdulov began to have serious health problems.

TV presenter and actress Ksenia Alferova announced the death of her grandmother Lyudmila Alexandrovna, the mother of her father Alexander Abdulov, “Yesterday they buried my dad’s mother, Grandma Lyuda, Lyudmila Alexandrovna! This woman had incredible fortitude! I remember when I first came to the woman’s village in the summer and saw a huge Russian stove in the hut, I began to pester her with a request to make me a kolobok! At first the woman tried to explain that it was impossible, she couldn’t make it round, and she didn’t know how! I forgot about the request after a while, but she kept going around and making up the dough! Then I scraped the bottom of the barrel and did it! And not just one, but many! I still remember the taste of these koloboks and have never eaten anything more delicious!” Ksenia wrote.

The actress noted that her grandmother taught her a lot. According to Alferova, Lyudmila Alexandrovna spent a lot of time with her granddaughter when she was little.

“And how we went skiing in Sokolniki! Or rather, it was me on skis (they were so small, plastic, they were worn on boots), and my grandmother was running next to me! Or she stood at the bottom of the slide, I definitely wanted to climb higher, she was afraid for me, but didn’t say anything, after all, she raised three sons! And then we went into the dumpling shop, out of the cold, a plate of strangely colored and shaped dumplings, with sour cream, standing at a round table! We stood, chatted, and ate dumplings! Happiness!” Alferova shared.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna was over 90 years old. She survived her husband and son. In the video shared by Alferova, an elderly woman claims that she does not feel her age.

“The woman has had a lot to endure! I went through everything with great dignity and coped with everything! It's been such a hard earthly journey!! And how dad loved grandma! I did everything for her!” Ksenia signed the video.

Posted by Ksenia Alferova (@ksenialferova) Oct 23, 2017 at 11:14 PDT

To a modest house, on the porch of which simple belongings - linen and an old mattress - are drying, there are no roads, but directions.

Pothole on pothole. There is not a hint of civilization in the surrounding area. Some are abandoned, as if from a movie about the end of the world, factories, forests and fields. The final stop of the minibus running from the city is about five kilometers from the village. Konokhovo doesn’t even have signs.

The story of how mom came here famous actor 4 years ago – a big mystery. Why, after Abdulov’s death, was it she, and not the widow, who was forced to leave the house with which so many memories of her son are associated? Why couldn’t the artist’s relatives get along under one roof and rejoice together, seeing his long-awaited daughter Zhenya grow up? And what finally made an elderly woman to get so far, 300 miles from Moscow?

“To put it quite simply, why Lyudmila Aleksandrovna left... It happens,” Abdulov’s friend and colleague Leonid Yarmolnik makes a philosophical remark.

Abdulov’s relatives are well aware of the strained relationship that, even during the actor’s lifetime, had established between his relatives (especially in the person of the actor’s half-brother, Robert) and his young wife. They were also a bit of actors and acted out warm feelings for each other while it was profitable.

“Sasha treated all his relatives with reverence,” says Yarmolnik. - He took care of everyone, fed everyone, supported everyone. And arranged, and resettled, and repaired. Almost everyone lived with him and at his expense - Robert and his family, his mother, especially for whom Sasha built a separate house next to his...

When the question of inheritance arose, the conflict escalated. Having lost their only breadwinner, Abdulov’s numerous relatives longed for their share. Meanwhile, it was impossible to single her out: the documents for the country house are still being drawn up, and the actor has not acquired accounts in Swiss banks. According to the law, two-thirds of the existing inheritance was assigned to the widow and daughter of the deceased and one-third to his mother.

Best of the day

“If we only had to protect Yulia, Zhenechka and Lyudmila Alexandrovna, we could easily solve everything,” Yarmolnik believes. – Sasha’s mother is sacred to all his close friends. But Robert intervened, receiving a power of attorney from Lyudmila Alexandrovna to represent her interests, and the history of the division took on ugly features. The relationship between Sasha and Robik was not easy. Robik was a quitter; he believed that Sasha could support them even better. At the same time, he himself did not earn anything. That is why, after Sasha passed away, unpleasant disputes arose for all of us over the inheritance. Robert incited his mother against Yulia; for some reason he always saw everyone as deceivers and criminals. It is clear that Lyudmila Aleksandrovna initially believed her son, and it is already difficult to convince a person at that age.

Great-grandson helps dig potatoes

Uninformed people accuse Yulia Abdulova of being hard-hearted. Like, the poor old woman survived and sent to hell without a penny. Is it possible to do this with the husband's mother, whom he idolized all his life?

“Lyudmila Aleksandrovna was the beloved person in Sasha’s life,” Leonid Yarmolnik testifies. Mom was a participant in all our parties. She was adored by all his friends, and she loved them. Sasha was attentive to her, but, naturally, like any child, no matter how old he was, he did not listen to his parents. Therefore, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, worried about him, asked us, close friends, to influence him: “Well, tell Sasha to eat more, sleep more, work less...”

However, we cannot agree with the fact that Yulia offended her mother-in-law. After assessing the inheritance, a conclusion was made: in monetary terms, Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s share is 800 thousand dollars. This amount was paid to her (that is, Robert) in installments in 2009, for which there are receipts from the actor’s friends (they gave the money). At the same time, several apartments were purchased for Robert’s family in Ivanovo. They didn’t forget about my grandmother - in the village house where she was assigned to live out her life, they installed plastic windows and a satellite dish, and installed gas heating. The house itself was given free of charge; Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s parents once lived here. Abdulov visited these places on vacation while studying at the institute.

“I came to Konokhovo about 30 years ago, when Sasha’s father was still alive,” Yarmolnik recalls. Their friendship, carried throughout their lives, began back in student years. “I was the only car I had—a Zhiguli.” We drove off-road to the Ivanovo region and either from there or there they were carrying a full trunk of potatoes - I only remember that the car was skewed. It was very funny. Then we went fishing. And, tired, they fell asleep right on the shore.

Since then, nothing has changed: there are still no roads to Konokhovo, but the Uvod River is still there. The Abdulovs' plot (12 acres, no less) goes directly onto the pond. The closest neighbors built a completely acceptable pebble beach on their own. For the 5-year-old daughter of the actor, if Zhenya came here for the summer, a real expanse. However, the grandmother communicates with her granddaughter only by phone. It is possible to love relatives at a distance, but to forgive mutual insults is not.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna lives with her daughter-in-law Albina, Robert’s widow. The last, third son (middle Volodya was killed when the Abdulov family was still living in Fergana. He was buried there) was lost by his mother six months ago. On December 4, on the day of elections to the State Duma, he went to Moscow to vote at the place of registration. On the subway, Robert became ill and died.

“It’s a strange death,” says Robert’s neighbor in Konokhovo, Viktor Petrovich. “He was a strong man, he didn’t complain about his health. Doctors said it was a heart attack. Robert and I often fished, but now there is no one to fish with ... And Lyudmila Aleksandrovna and Albina were left alone. Of the men, they only have Albina’s grandson. He lives in Ivanovo and helps if you need to mow the grass or dig up the beds. I also help when asked.

– Do they willingly communicate with people? They didn't let me in the door. They said: “Grandma is lying there, but I won’t say anything.”

– Yes, the journalists defeated them. In general, they are calm women. Last year we were invited to celebrate Sasha’s birthday on May 29, and my wife and I were also invited to Robert’s fortieth birthday... I see Albina more and more in the garden. Sometimes Lyudmila Aleksandrovna will come down from the porch and bend over to the cucumbers a couple of times. She is sick (when Abdulov was alive, he sent my mother to a large cardiac center for treatment twice a year - Ed.). And I don’t even know how I suffer more – mentally or physically. She is of sound mind, has an excellent memory, and thinks soberly. But I noticed that she hardly talks about her sons. He's probably worried, only inside. She said only once, when they talked to her about death: “I was killed four times. She buried her husband, and then all three children. It’s high time for me to go to the next world, but I still live.”

...Konokhovo is located in a water protection zone. On the other side of the dam, in the village of Yegoriy, there is an old cemetery. Abdulov’s mother’s parents, son Robert and his half-sister Olga are buried inside one fence. The freshest grave is buried in wreaths of artificial flowers. The small living bouquet has wilted only slightly - apparently it was replaced recently. The wooden bench and table had not yet turned black with time. Probably women often come here. This is all that is left for them - to mourn the departed, wherever they rest.

The mother of Alexander Abdulov is Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulov. An elderly woman who lives with the wife of Robert's eldest son, Albina.

Mother of Alexander Abdulov: biography

Lyudmila Alexandrovna was born in 1921. She got married quite early, at the age of 18. A year later there was son born Robert (from his first marriage), and 7 years later - son Vladimir from Abdulov Gabriel Danilovich. The husband was 13 years older than his wife. He worked as a director in a theater in Fergana, and Alexander Abdulov’s mother served as a make-up artist at the theater.

When Lyudmila Alexandrovna was pregnant for the third time, she doubted for a long time whether to keep the child. Before that, she already had two boys, and the woman did not want to give birth to another one. Doctors convinced Lyudmila Alexandrovna, who was undergoing a medical examination, that she was having a girl, and she changed her mind about having an abortion. But after a certain time, a child was born - a boy, who was named Alexander in honor of Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s father. He was the most active and lively child in the family of the famous Russian drama theater director in Fergana.

And it was he, Alexander Abdulov, who years later became the closest and dearest to his mother. After a while, the youngest son moved his mother to him, where he surrounded with care and warmth.

Alexander Abdulov's mother had three sons: Robert Krainov and Vladimir and Alexander. There was also a stepson in the family, Yuri Abdulov, the son of the husband from his first marriage.

Gabriel Danilovich Abdulov

Lyudmila Alexandrovna's husband, Gavriil Danilovich, was an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, an Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR, and also an Honored Artist of the Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After graduating from the Institute of Cinematography, Alexander Abdulov’s father served at the Mosfilm film factory, after which he was an artistic director and actor in theaters in Almaty, Uralsk and Sukhumi.

At the age of 30, Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s husband became the chief director of the Russian Theater in Fergana and served in this position for about 13 years. During World War II, Gabriel Danilovich went to the front. He had 5 wounds and was awarded orders and medals.

After the Fergana Theater, Gavriil Danilovich served for 4 years at the Tobolsk Theater, after which he returned to Fergana to the position of artistic director.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s husband passed away in February 1980; he died in Fergana in a hospital. Before this event, Robert, Vladimir, Alexander and Lyudmila Alexandrovna came to visit him.

Tragic coincidence

When his father died, Alexander Abdulov was 27 years old. His mother recalls that the artist loved his dad very much. Just on the day of the death of Gabriel Danilovich, February 24, the middle son Vladimir had a birthday. This coincidence haunted the family for a long time, and the birthday boy himself said that now he would no longer have a holiday.

The spring of 1980 came, and one April day another tragedy befell the Abdulov family. According to the stories of friends of Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s middle son, Vladimir, that day he went with a camera to develop film. Opposite the entrance to the theater he was attacked by drunken hooligans, a fight ensued, during which Vladimir was killed. The middle son, Vladimir Abdulov, died at the age of 33.

Joint family photo

Perhaps a series of misfortunes occurs for the reason mentioned by the neighbor of the Abdulov family from Fergana. On the day of the funeral, Alexander put a family photograph in the pocket of the deceased, which depicted all members of their family. According to the priest, this should not be done in any case, because death will come to the house and gradually take away everyone who is in the photo.

Alexander Abdulov died in 2008. 3 years after Sasha’s death, the eldest son, Robert, also died. As Alexander Abdulov’s mother, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, recalls, her youngest son always took care of her, helped her, treated her with trepidation until the very last day own life. Now the woman is heartbroken and sad because she has outlived her husband and her three sons.

How old is Alexander Abdulov's mother?

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna is now 96 years old, she receives a small pension and lives almost on the brink of poverty. In addition, she is disabled; doctors diagnose her with “systemic osteoporosis.” Although mother famous actor claims that he does not feel his age. “The only thing is that my legs hurt a lot, which is why I have to walk with a stick,” says Lyudmila Aleksandrovna.

Realities of modern life

On this moment Abdulov's mother Alexandra lives in the Ivanovo region with her daughter-in-law Albina. After the death of Alexander, an inheritance remained: several expensive cars, a luxurious dacha in Vnukovo, an apartment in the capital and a hunting lodge in Valdai. The inheritance was legally claimed by Alexander's widow, Yulia Miloslavskaya (she gave birth to Abdulov's girl Zhenya), and Alexander Abdulov's mother. Over time, it became known that a serious quarrel occurred between Yulia and Abdulov’s mother due to the fact that the daughter-in-law kicked the unfortunate old woman out into the street in the cold winter.

When Alexander Abdulov was alive, he built a two-story house on a plot in Vnukovo for his mother, saying that this house was intended specifically for Lyudmila Alexandrovna. Over time, Robert and his wife Albina moved in with an elderly woman. But after his death, according to Lyudmila, she suggested that her mother-in-law remain living as before in the house, but refuse part of the inheritance due to her and inform her eldest son and daughter-in-law to move in with her.

Such a proposal greatly discouraged Lyudmila Alexandrovna, since after her death youngest son she lived on medications and could not cope without the help of Robert and Albina.

The relatives did not give up on Lyudmila Alexandrovna, and they all had to move out of the house to Vnukovo. Yulia Miloslavskaya gave away the money that belonged to Alexander’s mother in parts over a long period of time.

According to Yulia, she has an excellent relationship with her husband’s relatives. The daughter-in-law claims that she paid off the money that belonged to Sasha’s mother and sees no reason for quarrels and conflicts. Whenever possible, she tries to visit her relatives with her daughter Zhenya.

For Lyudmila Alexandrovna, her granddaughter now comes first. According to relatives and friends, she is very similar to her grandmother, not only in appearance, but also in character. He is the same with Zhenya - imperious and firm.

On May 29, Alexander Abdulov’s mother celebrated his birthday for the fifth time without him. Having buried her son at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna left a comfortable cottage near Moscow and went to a remote village in the Ivanovo region.

Communicates with granddaughter only by phone

To a modest house, on the porch of which simple belongings - linen and an old mattress - are drying, there are no roads, but directions. Pothole on pothole. There is not a hint of civilization in the surrounding area. Some are abandoned, as if from a movie about the end of the world, factories, forests and fields. The final stop of the minibus running from the city is about five kilometers from the village. Konokhovo doesn’t even have signs.

The story of the appearance of the famous actor’s mother here 4 years ago is a big mystery. Why, after Abdulov’s death, was it she, and not the widow, who was forced to leave the house with which so many memories of her son are associated? Why couldn’t the artist’s relatives get along under one roof and rejoice together, seeing his long-awaited daughter Zhenya grow up? And what, in the end, made the elderly woman climb so far, 300 miles from Moscow?

“It happens…” – Abdulov’s friend and colleague Leonid Yarmolnik makes a philosophical remark.

Abdulov’s relatives are well aware of the strained relations that, even during the actor’s lifetime, had established between his relatives, especially in the person of his half-brother Robert (son from his mother’s first marriage), and his young wife Yulia. They were also a bit of actors and acted out warm feelings for each other while it was profitable.

“Sasha treated all his relatives with reverence,” says Yarmolnik. “He took care of everyone, fed everyone, supported everyone. And arranged, settled, and repaired. Almost everyone lived with him and at his expense - Robert and his family, mother, especially for which Sasha built a separate house next to his own..."

When the question of inheritance arose, the conflict escalated. Having lost their only breadwinner, Abdulov’s numerous relatives longed for their share. Meanwhile, it was impossible to single her out: the documents for the country house are still being drawn up, and the actor has not acquired accounts in Swiss banks. According to the law, two-thirds of the existing inheritance was assigned to the widow and daughter of the deceased and one-third to his mother.

“If we had to protect only Yulia, Zhenechka and Lyudmila Alexandrovna, we would have easily decided everything,” says Yarmolnik. “Sasha’s mother is sacred to all his close friends.” But Robert intervened, having received a power of attorney from Lyudmila Alexandrovna to represent her interests, and the history of the division took on ugly features. The relationship between Sasha and Robik was not easy. Robik was a quitter, he believed that Sasha could support them even better. At the same time, he himself did not earn anything. That is why, after Sasha died, unpleasant problems arose for everyone "We have a showdown over the inheritance. Robert incited his mother against Yulia, for some reason he always saw everyone as deceivers and criminals. It is clear that Lyudmila Alexandrovna initially believed her son, and it is already difficult to convince a person at that age."

Uninformed people accuse Yulia Abdulova of being hard-hearted. Like, the poor old woman survived and sent to hell without a penny. Is it possible to do this with the husband's mother, whom he idolized all his life?

“Lyudmila Alexandrovna was the beloved person in Sasha’s life,” Leonid Yarmolnik testifies. “Mom was a participant in all our parties. All his friends adored her, and she loved them. Sasha was attentive to her, but, naturally, like any child, no matter how much no matter how old he was, he didn’t listen to his parents. Therefore, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, worried about him, asked us, close friends, to influence him: “Well, tell Sasha to eat more, sleep more, work less...”

However, we cannot agree with the fact that Yulia offended her mother-in-law. After assessing the inheritance, a conclusion was made: in monetary terms, Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s share is $800 thousand. This amount was paid to her (that is, Robert) in installments in 2009, for which there are receipts. At the same time, several apartments were purchased for Robert’s family in Ivanovo. They didn’t forget about my grandmother - in the village house where she was assigned to live out her life, they installed plastic windows and a satellite dish, and installed gas heating. The house itself was given free of charge; Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s parents once lived here. Abdulov visited these places on vacation while studying at the institute.

“I came to Konokhovo about 30 years ago, then Sasha’s father was still alive,” recalls Yarmolnik. Their lifelong friendship began in their student years. “Only I had a car - a Zhiguli.” We drove off-road to "Ivanovo region and were transporting a trunk full of potatoes - the car was warped. It was very funny. Then we went fishing. And, tired, we fell asleep right on the shore."

Since then, nothing has changed: there are still no roads to Konokhovo, but the Uvod River is still there. The Abdulovs' plot (12 acres, no less) goes directly onto the pond. The closest neighbors built a completely acceptable pebble beach on their own. For the 5-year-old daughter of the actor, if Zhenya came here for the summer, a real expanse. However, the grandmother communicates with her granddaughter only by phone. It is possible to love relatives at a distance, but to forgive mutual insults is not.

Marriage with Alferova was ruined by money

Money was also the reason for Abdulov’s breakup with his first wife, the beautiful Irina Alferova.

In the late 80s and early 90s, practically no films were made in the country, theatrical performances were performed in empty halls - the impoverished people in a matter of days had no time for art. The artists were without work, without money, without prospects. Meanwhile, a new class of rich people was emerging - large business oligarchs who managed to grab a tasty morsel from the once great power. A certain chic, fashion trend for such people was to make friends with artists whom they had previously seen on TV. Many of the newly-made rich were, to be honest, connected with crime and gangster groups. But they had money and power. Some artists bought it. And a “beneficial” friendship arose.

So bosom friends Alexander Abdulov and Leonid Yarmolnik began to communicate with the class of new Russians on a short leg. The latter began to allocate money for filming, theatrical productions, as well as numerous festivals, where the impoverished creative fraternity suddenly had the opportunity not only to drink for free, but also to snack on black caviar.

They say that it was thanks to “great friends” that Alexander Gavrilovich managed to purchase a mansion in the elite village of Vnukovo near Moscow, and a huge country house in the city of Valdai.

Alferova adhered to other principles all her life. “I never thought it was right to be friends with the “right” people!” she says in a firm tone even now. One can only imagine how Irina reacted to her husband’s demands to accept another brother in the house! And soon the family broke up - Irina could not bear such her husband's friends. And he, in turn, did not want to give up new friends and tempting prospects for the sake of his wife. And Lyudmila Alexandrovna still remembers with warmth ex-daughter-in-law and I am sure: “If Irochka had not left Sasha, Sasha would still be alive.”

He hardly talks about his sons

Now Abdulov’s mother lives with her daughter-in-law Albina, Robert’s widow. The mother lost her last, third son (the middle Volodya was killed when the Abdulov family still lived in Fergana. He was buried there) six months ago. On December 4, the day of the State Duma elections, he went to Moscow to vote at his place of registration. On the subway, Robert became ill and died.

“It’s a strange death,” marvels Robert’s neighbor in Konokhovo, Viktor Petrovich. “He was a strong man, he didn’t complain about his health. The doctors said it was a heart attack. Robert and I often fished, but now there’s no one with us... And Lyudmila Alexandrovna and Albina are alone remained. Of the men, they only have Albina's grandson. He lives in Ivanovo and helps if you need to mow the grass or dig up the beds. I also help when asked. Only the journalists overpowered them. In general, they are calm women. I see Albina more and more in the garden. Sometimes and Lyudmila Aleksandrovna will come down from the porch, bend over to the cucumbers a couple of times. She is sick (when Abdulov was alive, he sent his mother to a large cardio center for treatment twice a year. - Author). And I don’t even know how she suffers more - mentally or physically . She is of sound mind, she has an excellent memory, she thinks soberly. But I noticed that she hardly talks about her sons. She probably worries, only inside. Only once did she say: “I was killed four times. She buried her husband, and then all three children. It’s high time for me to go to the next world, but I still live.”

...Konokhovo is located in a water protection zone. On the other side of the dam, in the village of Yegoriy, there is an old cemetery. Abdulov’s mother’s parents, son Robert and his half-sister Olga are buried inside one fence. The freshest grave is buried in wreaths of flowers. The small bouquet was only slightly wilted - apparently it had been replaced recently. The wooden bench and table had not yet turned black with time. Probably women often come here. This is all that is left for them - to mourn the departed, wherever they rest.
