Do not make your alms in vain by reproach and insult, like one who spends his wealth out of hypocrisy before people and does not believe in Allah and the Last Day. O you who believe! Be faithful in contracts

O you who believe...

What should a responsible person do if he needs to quickly come up with a solution to a complex problem that cannot be solved quickly or easily? Involve professionals - they will be suspected of incompetence. Everything that the professionals recommend is difficult, time consuming and good for the country, but why bother? For a modern official, a year is an infinity; what good is a program designed for generations? One of the obvious solutions is to support someone else’s instead of developing your own at your own risk. A foreign initiative, agreed upon “in the authorities,” removes responsibility from a specific person. If anything goes wrong, correctly inserted into business correspondence the phrase will save your career.

This fully concerns the problem of training imams for Russia. There are enough ideas of this kind. Including the relatively recent one - Egyptian. Cairo Al-Azhar University, on the eve of the “Arab Spring,” proposed training imams and female preachers for Russia’s needs at Russian expense, as well as translating primary sources into foreign languages, and conducting active “deradicalization and the fight against extremist thought.” And so on, and so on, and so on... Simply put, the Egyptian “Varangians” demonstrated an understanding that Islamic Russia is “great and abundant, but there is no order in it,” showed a willingness to equip it and expressed hope for reciprocity of leadership. The results of such arrangement, as can be seen from the results of the parliamentary elections at the turn of 2011–2012. in Egypt, for example, could unpleasantly surprise those who, out of naivety, not only did not suspect the existence of university oriental studies in Russia, but sincerely believed that Islam not only needed, but could also be divided into “correct” and “wrong.” The idea that if you agree with someone about what you need, then they will explode “somewhere out there” is not new. But what does it have to do with Al-Azhar?

Egypt under Mubarak seemed to be a country sufficiently controlled that the official position of the university leadership became a triumph of the idea of ​​dialogue among civilizations. But if the statement of the head of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Muhammad Seid Tantawi, that “the doors of jihad in Iraq are open until doomsday”, can still be attributed to rhetoric, then the usual role of the university he heads as a center of anti-government unrest organized by the Muslim Brotherhood does not fit well with the policy of loyalty to the authorities. It is known how Tahrir Square ended for the Egyptian authorities. The number of extremists who have gone through the school of Al-Azhar, from the sheikh who blessed the assassination of Anwar Sadat to the ideologists of Al-Qaeda, is too large to be random. Throughout the twentieth century, Al-Azhar was one of the main centers of development of Islamic political thought, and radical Islamism was one of those movements in which its graduates sympathized and took part.

It is well known that “those who do not want to feed their own army will feed someone else’s.” But who said that this is not true for subtler structures and matters? Including political and religious? The sovereignty of the state - both democratic and any other - is unthinkable without the confidence that the spiritual sphere, even if it is separated a hundred times from this state, educates citizens, and not a fifth column. The confrontation between the clergy and the authorities has always led to clear results. The state could take control of the situation - not necessarily in the Soviet version. Justinian's Byzantium or Peter's Russia are examples. It could be brought under control itself, as in papal Rome and modern Iran. Or – and there are legion of examples of this – it exploded into riots. Protest movements do not necessarily have a religious overtone, but nothing is easier than provoking internal conflict with unpredictable consequences by attracting foreign religious leaders to the country and giving them to educate their own. Europe has paid dearly for illusions about whether “European Islam” is needed or whether Pakistani, Algerian, Egyptian and Moroccan Islam can get by. America, which supported the “fighters for faith” against the “evil empire” in Afghanistan, paid even more.

Whatever “disorders” may befall the Russian Orthodox Church, it is difficult to imagine that the state would take it into its head to involve foreign institutions in the mass education of its clergy. From the period when Russia began to claim its own place in Europe, the creation of its own national institutions that trained the clergy for the country was an important and successfully resolved task. Why is Russian Islam worse than Orthodoxy, as well as other “traditional faiths” widespread in the country?

Can one imagine that Vasily III or Ivan the Terrible, in an era when religious wars were going on in Europe, thought about whether the doctrine of Calvin, Luther or the official Vatican was not suitable for their country, due to the troubles that befell Orthodox Constantinople? And if a fantastic option of this kind were realized, who would be worse for Russia - the Hussites or the Inquisitor Fathers? How does this differ from the competing “Egyptian initiative” and similar proposals from Turkey or Saudi Arabia in our days, when the Islamic world is torn apart by conflicts comparable to those that shook Judaism until the 2nd century, and Christianity until the 17th century? This explosion is evidence of the vitality of Islam, but its main consequence is the opposition of any Islamic orthodoxy to the modern modernized world, including Russia. However, he touched on it only on the edge - for now.

We often do not realize that modern Russian Muslims and people from the religious and ideological centers of the Islamic world live in different worlds and eras. Islam in Russia, having developed for a thousand years alongside other faiths and only occasionally dominating in limited territories, has lost the aggressiveness that was characteristic of it in earlier eras. Russian Muslims have developed mechanisms for peaceful coexistence not only with Christians and Jews, but also with Buddhists, followers of pagan cults and atheists. Whether adherents of “purity of faith” like it or not, it was precisely this approach that saved the country, allowing it to turn into an Empire in the 18th century, and in the 20th century to survive such geopolitical catastrophes as October Revolution and the collapse of the USSR. What a contrast with modern Egypt, which is experiencing an accelerating radical Islamization!

The implementation of foreign initiatives to educate a new generation of Russian Islamic clergy means not only the failure of the policy aimed at integrating Russian Muslims into the structure of the state, pursued by all the authorities of the country for more than five centuries. Its inevitable consequences will be the disappearance of the domestic muftiate and the emergence on the territory of Russia of closed ethno-confessional enclaves, outwardly loyal to the authorities, but in fact controlled only by their own leadership. These enclaves are the natural basis of radical ideology, the political instrument of which is terrorism. And if those who are not convinced by the experience of France, Great Britain, Belgium or Denmark are ready to conduct an experiment on Russia, will not the price paid for the pleasure of stepping on the European rake be too high?

Those who read and understood, read and understood. Let us remind others that it is said in the Koran, in the second sura “Cow”: “And among the people some say: “We believe in Allah and the Last Day.” But they don’t believe... And when they are told: “Do not spread wickedness on earth!” - they say: “We are only those who do good.” And it is said in the third sura of the Family of Imran: “And among them there are those who twist the scripture with their tongues so that you consider it a scripture, although it is not a scripture, and they say: “This is from Allah,” but this is not from Allah, and they say they lie to Allah, knowing this.” The Prophet knew what he was saying!

This verse openly calls all believers to obey the holders of power, who are the immaculate imams from the prophetic family. This truth follows both from a small consideration of the meaning of the verse itself, and from numerous traditions mentioned in the works of scientists of both Islamic schools.

There are two types of obedience:

1) Absolute obedience. Such obedience is obedience to Allah, when a believing slave follows any prescription or order of the ruler, in this case the Lord of the worlds. In this case there is no room for the slightest disobedience or doubt. Thus, absolute obedience is unconditional and unquestioning submission.

2) Limited obedience. For example, obedience and submission of children to their parents, or a wife to her husband, or a subordinate to her superiors. In this case, obedience and submission must be observed as long as the orders of the superior do not conflict with the orders of the Lord. If a husband forces his wife to do acts contrary to Islam, then she should not obey her husband.

After this short introduction, it is necessary to examine which of these two types of obedience is implied in this verse. Absolute or limited? Even a quick glance at the outer meaning of the verse is enough to understand that the obedience mentioned in this verse is absolute. Obedience to the holders of power is correlated here with obedience to Allah and the Messenger, which means obedience to the holders of power must be exactly the same as obedience to Allah and the Messenger, that is, absolute, unconditional and unquestioning.

The verse implies that obedience to Allah means obedience to the Messenger and the holders of authority. Obedience to the Messenger is obedience to Allah and the holders of authority. Obedience to those in authority is obedience to Allah and the Messenger. All three structures are sinless, infallible, and never contradict each other in any way. The 12 imams never contradicted the orders of Allah and the Messenger of Allah (SAW), for they are the guardians of religion and guides to the true path.

All Shiite interpretations of the Koran and collections of hadith indicate that the holders of power in this verse mean sinless imams from the family of the Prophet of Islam (SAW). Also, many Sunni books contain legends on the same topic.

In the 1st volume of Ayyashi’s interpretation of the Koran, it is transmitted from Imam Bakir (DBM) that this verse was revealed in connection with Ali and the rest of the imams from the prophetic family.

The following hadith is narrated in Al-Kafi from Imam Baqir (DBM): “Allah Almighty chose us and commanded all believers to obey us until the Day of Judgment.”

One of the Sunni traditions says that after this verse was revealed, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) was asked: “We have known Allah and the Messenger, but who are the holders of power?” The Prophet (SAW) replied: “They are my deputies and leaders of Muslims after me. The first of them was Ali ibn Abu Talib, then Hasan, then Hussein. After him Ali ibn Hussein, then Muhammad ibn Ali. Then Jafar ibn Muhammad, Musa ibn Jafar, Ali ibn Musa, Muhammad ibn Ali, Ali ibn Muhammad, Hassan ibn Ali. After him is Mahdi, the one whose name is similar to my name. Verily, the twelfth of my family will be hidden until the time comes for my community when there will be nothing left of Islam but the name, and nothing left of the Koran but the name. At this time, Allah Almighty and All-Good will allow him to come out of hiding, and through him Islam will be revived.”

Imam Hasan (JBM) said in one of his sermons: “Obey us, obedience to us is obligatory, and is obedience to Allah and His Messenger (DBAR). The Almighty said in the Quran: “Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and the rulers among you.”

Hakim Haskani, a Sunni scholar, relates the following tradition: “The Prophet said: “My deputies are those to whom obedience is obligatory, just as it is to Allah and to me. Allah said about this: “O you who believe. Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and the rulers among you." Then the Prophet turned to Ali: “You are the first of them.”

Imam Rida (DBM), commenting on this verse, said: “The holders of power are the descendants of Ali and Fatima.”

Claim regarding the interpretation of the verse:

Most Sunnis interpret this verse differently from the Shiites. Sunnis are not convinced that the holders of power are imams from the family of the Messenger of Allah (SAW). Sunni scholars themselves do not have a common opinion as to who is actually meant in this verse by the holders of power. Therefore, they offer various options for interpretation: 1) Every ruler who has power in an Islamic state; 2) Companions; 3) Scientists; 4) Army leaders, etc.

The rightness of the Shiites follows both from the existence large quantity legends, and after another reflection on the meaning of the verse. In addition to the fact that this verse speaks of submission to the imams from the family of the Prophet, it also points to the integrity and freedom from mistakes of those in power. Obedience to those in authority in this verse is absolute and unquestioning, the same as obedience to Allah and His Messenger. Everyone to whom Muslims are required to submit such obedience must be protected from sins and errors in their injunctions. He must be immaculate, no one and nothing should influence him and his orders, either outside or inside.

Otherwise, if we assume that the holder of power is not protected from sins and mistakes, then he may give some erroneous command. And it turns out that Allah commanded Muslims to obey an erroneous and incorrect order that is contrary to Islam. And an error is just an error because it is incorrect and contrary to the truth. Thus, if the holder of power is unprotected from sins and mistakes, then there is a high probability that, on the one hand, one command will come from Allah and the Messenger, and on the other hand, another command will come from the holder of power, contradicting the first. As a result, it turns out that in this verse, Allah Almighty commands to obey both truth and falsehood. But this is simply impossible, because it is not consistent with either reason or Sharia.

None of the Sunnis listed as holders of power are sinless and blameless. Neither companions, nor scholars, nor rulers. These are only the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and the imams from his family, and only they fully correspond to the external meaning of this verse. Allah Almighty removed from them absolutely all filth (internal and external) and completely cleansed them of sins and mistakes, making them blameless. This is evidenced by an excerpt from the 33rd verse of Surah “Hosts”: “O family (of the Prophet)! Allah only wants to rid you of filth and cleanse you completely.”

Fakhr Razi, a famous Sunni scholar, in his interpretation of the Koran proves in the same way that the holder of power must be blameless. But then he says: “This verse undoubtedly indicates the integrity of the holder of power, but since there is no blamelessness, this implies the general opinion of scholars who know the Sharia. If they come to a common and unanimous opinion, then this opinion is blameless and infallible.”

If, as Fakhr Razi says, there is no blamelessness, then how can the general opinion of scholars who are not blameless and free from error be infallible and infallible? Yes, in a similar way (with the advice of scientists) some problems and difficulties can be solved. But there are many areas of Muslim life where scientists will never come to a common opinion. Issues of power, internal and foreign policy, economics, national issues and many others. There is always the possibility that they will not reach a common opinion and their decision will be wrong. A clear example is the history of Islam and current state Muslims There have always been many conflicting opinions among scholars in all areas of religion, to the point that even the basic tenets of Islam are interpreted differently by different scholars. Scientists have never come to a common and unanimous opinion with which all parties would agree. This sad fact is present in our time, and this is the best evidence that the assertion that the unanimous opinion of scientists is blameless and infallible is nothing more than a utopia.

The verse about the holders of power can be correctly interpreted by placing it next to many traditions from the Messenger of Allah (SAW)

The Prophet of Islam (SAW) said: “I leave two caliphs among you: the Koran and my family. They will never be separated from each other and will join me near the heavenly spring."

In another legend he said: “This religion will endure as long as 12 caliphs reign.”

Also the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Whoever obeys me obeys Allah. Whoever does not obey me does not obey Allah. He who obeys Ali obeys me. Whoever does not obey Ali does not obey me."

7. Ayat “Truthful”, Surah “Repentance” verse 119

Up to page 189 (Sajdah) the text has been checked by Zainab.
Encyclopedia of norms and rules of Islam
Faith - Worship - Daily Life

Prof. Dr. Hamdi DONDUREN


It is fard for every Muslim to have the knowledge that distinguishes between halal and haram, truth and falsehood, to enable him to perform his religious duties. The first command of Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran was: “Read.” Ayat "Read[revelation] in the name of your Lord" 1 indicates the importance of training and education. The Honorable Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) commanded so : “Getting knowledge is a duty for every man and woman of faith.” 2 .

The work that you hold in your hands aims to reveal, in the light of revelation and sunnah, some important issues that every Muslim faces in worship and Everyday life. The pillars of Islam rest on two foundations - the Koran and the Sunnah of the Messenger. It is the prerogative of the mujtahids to make decisions from these two sources. However, having learned the decisions made on the basis of the Quran and Sunnah, it is the responsibility of the believer to try to implement them in practice.

According to al-Shafqani (d.1250/1832), those of the Sahabah, Tabiun and Atbout-Tabiun who did not reach the level of the Mujtahids, when they learned from the Mujtahids evidence related to any problems, followed them. This position forced scientists to study the evidence, and it became possible to compare strong and weak evidence. The mention of evidence in early works generally shows this.

The Honorable Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) commanded this at the Farewell Khutbah: “Let those who are here convey to those who are absent what I have said, perhaps those who are called will understand better than those who call.” 3 .

In this work, the evidence on which the provisions are based is presented in general terms, the sources are indicated in the footnotes. When preparing the book, along with the basis on the Hanafi madhhab, comparisons were made with other madhhabs in important issues, since in our time the world has become a small place, Muslims of different madhhabs meet closely in Hajj, Umrah, business or tourist trips. The reasons for the emergence of differences between madhhabs, which are considered special cases in worship, are briefly described in order to establish a tolerant attitude between believers of different madhhabs in matters not related to the essence.

In general terms, every action that pleases Allah Almighty, based on iman and ikhlas (sincerity), is worship. The purpose of teaching useful knowledge is practical actions. Otherwise, Allah Almighty will address you: “O you who believe! Why do you say things you don’t do?” 4 . The Honorable Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) made the du’a: “O Allah, give me benefit from what You taught me, endow me with useful knowledge, increase my knowledge.” 5 , “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from useless knowledge.” 6 .

The book consists of eight parts.

The first part examines the themes of the foundations of Islam, the concepts of religion, the history of the creation of man, his coming to this world, his position and responsibility in the world.

In the second part, attention is paid to the fundamentals of faith, the issues of aqida are revealed to the extent necessary for every believer.

The third part reveals the topic of human purification: internal, external and his environment.

The fourth part pays attention to prayer, its provisions and du'a.

The fifth part describes fasting, its types, provisions and wisdom.

The sixth part talks about zakat and fitrah, outlines the provisions of zakat from above-ground and underground wealth, money, reserves of gold and silver, goods, animals and crops, and examines the positive results of introducing these provisions into the life of society.

The seventh part covers the topics of Hajj, Umrah and Qurbani. In this part, space is given to knowledge about the worship that is performed during the Hajj, with examples and information necessary for a person performing the Hajj.

In the eighth part we dwelled on various provisions related to everyday life, family, trade and economic life, problems emerging in these areas, and ways to solve these problems have been identified.

However, this book does not cover all the injunctions of Islam. Since Islam regulates the relationships associated with human life from birth to death, the life of society, they are revealed in extensive primary sources.

I ask that Allah Almighty be pleased with our humble work.

Effort is from us, success is from Allah.

Dr. Hamdi Dönduren

First part
^ Basic information

The Birth of Religions

Features of the religion Islam

Sources of the religion Islam

Legal and theoretical schools

Responsibilities of a mukallaf (believer)

I - The Birth of Religions
A - Concept of religion
Religion is the laws prescribed by Allah for people, and to formulate more fully: “a set or set of divine commands and orders transmitted through prophets and guiding people along the true path, keeping them from committing unworthy acts.” Based on this, we can say that the concept of “religion” includes both theoretical principles and practical issues relating to mandatory regulations. Religion regulates the relationship between the slave and the Lord, between people and the outside world. Every reasonable person can come to understand that the universe undoubtedly has its Creator, because man is endowed with all the capabilities for this. Man is a rational and pure being by nature, therefore he has all the capabilities to comprehend the truth. As is known, the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (alaihis salaam), while still a child, looked at the sun, moon, stars and wondered if they were the Lords of all things, but when he saw that they were disappearing, he felt the invisible presence of God and thus found the truth, that is, he found Allah, the Creator of all things (Sura al-An'am, 6/75-78).

Having thought a little about the structure of the world, a person will easily understand that all this could not have arisen just like that, by chance. Seeing absolute harmony and amazing balance in the universe, he will feel the power of the Creator and the divine pattern. To comprehend this there is no need for prior knowledge, since anyone who knows that “two” is more than “one” will easily understand and accept the above truth. After all, the soul of each of us is filled with faith in the Creator and is ready to confirm this every minute. Knowing Allah is a natural property and necessity of every person.

The Quran says about this feature of the human soul:

“And if you ask them: “Who created the heavens and the earth?”, “Allah!” - they will certainly answer" 7 .

Another verse of the Quran commands:

“Turn your face to religion with fidelity according to the decree of Allah, which he has prescribed for people.” 8 .

When a pagan from the Quraish named As bin Wail, taking a decayed human bone in his hands and showing it, asked: “Who can revive these decayed bones?”, the verse was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam):

« (Prophet) answer him: “They will be revived only by the One who created them originally; the One who is omniscient in every type of creation!” 9

The first creation is the most difficult, but the one who created the first time has the necessary power for the second creation. If this power was enough to create man, would it not be enough to revive man on the Day of Judgment?

The desire for purity inherent in human nature collapses under the influence of the immediate environment and the instigations of the shaitan. At first, the human soul, possessing mirror-like purity, is disposed to contemplate the divine fabric of the universe, but due to the excessive desire for worldly wealth and the insatiable desire for base passions, it darkens and becomes covered with the dirt of sins. The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) says: “Every child is born into this world pure (from delusions), but then Jewish parents raise him as a Jew, and Christian parents raise him as a Christian or a pagan.” 10 . (That is, pagan parents will raise the child according to their beliefs).

On the other hand, it is not enough to just think about the existence of the Creator and confirm His divine presence. It is necessary to know Allah properly (with all His syfat and divine properties). And for this, in turn, you need to know yourself well, your natural qualities. Therefore they say: “He who knows himself knows the Lord.” Allah commanded this in the Quran:

“Soon We will show them Our verses in different parts and among themselves, until they are convinced that He is the truth.” 11 .

All knowledge about the own essence of a person, far from religious feelings, consists only of information about the external and internal structure his body obtained from external sources. As for knowledge about the soul, it is only superficial knowledge. Therefore, every person must study and cognize his essence. “Who is a person, where did he come from, how can he find eternal happiness?” Anyone who seeks answers to these questions will not be able to answer them if he relies only on his own mind and his own concepts. Only religion, which comes from a divine source, can answer these questions. However, an ordinary person does not have the ability to establish a direct connection with the Creator, so he cannot know what is permitted by divine law and what is prohibited. To convey His commands to mere mortals, Allah sent prophets to people. The totality and system of divine orders sent down through the prophets is called religion.

^ B - Essence of Man
The first people on earth were the venerable Adam and Havva. The Creator created the forefather of mankind, the prophet Adam, from clay and breathed into him from His Spirit. When Adam (alaihis salam) came to life, by the command of Allah Almighty, all the angels - as a sign of respect for the creation of the Creator - fell prostrate before him. However, Iblis (shaitan), proud of the superiority of his creation, 12 considered himself superior to the prophet Adam and refused to bow to the creation of Allah. For his pride, Iblis was deprived of the Lord's mercy and expelled from Paradise 13.

Allah created man as the most beautiful creation and commanded him: “Go and say hello to the angels. Then listen to how they answer you. This answer will be the form of greeting to you and your descendants.” Prophet Adam went to the angels and exclaimed: “as-salamu alaikum (may peace be upon you).” The angels unanimously answered: “as-salamu aleyka wa rahmatullah (may the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you)” 14.

Then the Lord created the venerable Havva. According to the most common belief, Allah created it from a rib. But another opinion is known that it was created from the bone of the chest. The Koran says:

“He is the One who created you from one soul and from it he created a mate for it in order to find peace with it.” 15 .

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) advised believers the following: “Treat women well, for they are made from a rib. And the most curved place of the rib is top part. If you try to straighten it, you will break it. Leave her alone - she will always be crooked." 16 .

Having placed the first people in paradise, Allah forbade them to approach one tree and eat its fruits. Shaitan, tormented by black envy, approached them and began to whisper:

“But Satan began to whisper temptingly to them in order to reveal to them the shameful (essence) of their nakedness, which had previously been hidden from them. He said to them: “The Lord has forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels or become immortal.” 17 .

They thought that Shaitan really wished them well, and, believing him, they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree. By violating the prohibition, they incurred the wrath of Allah. He taught them the words of the prayer of repentance. The first people tirelessly read this prayer:

“They answered: “Our Lord! We ourselves have destroyed our souls! And if You do not forgive us and do not show Your mercy, we will indeed suffer heavy damage” 18 .

The Lord accepted the prayer of the prophet Adam and Havva, but now, before going back to the Gardens of Eden, they must go through various tests, and on Judgment Day they must be interrogated and give an account of their actions in earthly life. For this purpose they were sent to earth 19.

So it began earthly life Adam and Havva and their descendants in the person of all humanity. However, the conditions for the appearance of people have changed. Now people were not created, but born. As for other creatures, they reproduce through fertilization, grafting and division.

The process of birth and development of the fetus in the womb is described in the Koran as follows:

“We created man from clay of a complex composition. Then We placed it as a drop in a securely protected place. Then We turned the drop into a clot and created (chewed) meat from the clot, which We turned into bones, and then We clothed these bones into flesh and thereby produced it into another creation. Therefore, blessed be Allah, the most skilful of all creators!” 20 .

^ C - First person
All religious sources and historical documents indicate that humanity originates from Adam and Havva. The first man created by Allah is at the same time His vicegerent, messenger and prophet 21 .

Some philosophers and positivist scientists, approaching everything from a materialistic position, argue that man descended from the monkey.

This theory, which was called the “theory of evolution,” later developed into the doctrine of “Darwinism,” named after the English scientist Charles Darwin (1809-1882), who first put forward this hypothesis. Its essence was as follows: “All species that have common origin, are influenced by the environment, nutrition and many other factors. The struggle for survival is added to them, species begin to change, mutation occurs. One of the results of this struggle at a certain period is the transformation of a monkey into a man.”

Darwin and the followers of his teaching approached everything not from a religious point of view, but from the point of view of materialism and positivism. They preferred the method of experience and testing, as well as laboratory research, to all methods of cognition.

Three archaeological finds prove the transformation of monkey into man, the first of which is the “man from the island of Java”, located in given time in England. The second is “Piltdown Man”. And the third find, finally, is the “Heidelberg Man”. Many paleontologists claim that these remains belong to humans. The first two skulls and the bones of the spine are so decayed that they cannot be identified. And it is impossible to determine: is the spine straight or curved? However, positivist scientists, influenced by the “theory of evolution,” mistook this set of vertebrae for the spine of a monkey.

It is assumed that these remains, found at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, existed 2.6 and 1.8 million years ago.

However, later archaeological excavations The myth of the theory of Darwinism was dispelled to smithereens.

1. In 1972, Richard Lyceus found in Kenya, in the vicinity of Lake Rudolf, which is located near the city of Torkana, the fossilized remains of a man who was named Skull 1470. This find overturned all previously existing theories regarding the origin of man. The remains consisted of a skull and several bones. Scientists estimate that this find is approximately 2.8 million years old. After this discovery, Richard Lycaeus said: “Either we must throw away this skull, or abandon the theory of evolution. The human remains found are not at all similar to what was known before. The skull of this person has a large volume of the cerebral hemispheres, which indicates that human development did not proceed in stages, which gives the right to assert the complete scientific failure of the theory of evolution 22.

The discovery of Lyceus was 200 thousand years older than previously known fossil remains and had a much larger volume per hemisphere of the brain. The discovered nikhem skull does not differ from the skull of a modern man.

During the archaeological excavations of the doctor (Isaac Clay), about 3İ0 objects were found, serving for cutting stones and rock formations. These finds provide the strongest evidence that people lived here for 2.6 million years. ago, they were distinguished by high mental abilities and knew how to create objects of art 23 .

Based on these findings, TTC scientists responded 24 to Darwin’s works “The Development of Man” and “The Reproduction of Species”:

“Humanity does not go through certain stages of development. On the other hand, in ancient times people were the same as our people today. Since ancient people lived for a very long time, it was quite natural that they had a shorter and larger physique. Proof of this is the numerous5 mentions of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) about the large physique of the face of Adam (alayhissald) 25.

The historical chronicle of the well-known historian Ibn Jarir at-Tabari (date of death 耠310/922) says that the venerable ᐥbvva gave birth to two children: one boy and one girl. In total, she gave birth to over forty children 26.Ġ

The characteristics of some animals are reported in the Quran›

2:104. O you who believe! When the messenger gives you the Revelation, and you want to understand and learn it, and ask the prophet to read more slowly, do not tell him the word “Ra”ina!” which can be pronounced in Hebrew with a distorted, bad meaning and which is so pronounced by bad Jews, trying to mock the prophet. When you want him to give you his attention, say: “Unzurna!” (Look at us!) - and listen carefully to what the prophet tells you.And for the infidels who mock the prophet, there will be a painful punishment on the Day of Resurrection!

2:153. O believers, seek help from patience and prayer - the basis of Islamic rituals. Indeed, Allah favors the one who is patient and steadfast in spirit!

2:172. We allowed people to eat the lawful food that We provided for them on earth, and forbade them to follow in the footsteps of Shaitan. If they do this, they will follow the straight path of truth. And if they do not do this, We will only show the believers what is permitted and what is prohibited, and guide them to the straight path. O you who believe! Eat from the good food We have provided for you, and thank Allah for His mercy in allowing you good food and guiding you to the path of obedience to Him, so that your worship of Him may be complete!

2:178. Allah has prescribed laws (Sharia) for believers regarding deliberate murder. O you who believe! Do not follow the unjust retribution of the pagans. We have ordained for you retaliation for intentional murder: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. The basis of retribution is to kill the murderer. If those who have the right to retribution forgive the murderer, they will have the right to receive a ransom for the murdered person. They shouldn't torture the killer. The murderer must immediately make restitution for his crime. This Muslim Sharia is more humane than the law of the Torah, where retribution means killing the murderer. In Islamic Sharia there is relief from Allah and mercy, since those who have the right to retribution can forgive the murderer. Anyone who does not follow this Shariah and violates it will have a painful punishment in the present and future life.

2:183. O you who believe! We have prescribed retribution and a will for you to transform your society and preserve your families. We also prescribe fasting for you to educate your souls, improve your behavior, preferring you to a dumb animal that obeys only its passions and instincts. Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may fear God! Fasting educates and strengthens your souls.

2:208. O you believers, be peace-loving and friendly, be submissive to God, do not make tribal distinctions, as you did during paganism, and do not look for other reasons for disagreement! Do not follow in the footsteps of Shaitan, who is leading you to schism. After all, he is an obvious enemy for you!

2:254. O you who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment! From the blessings that Allah has given you, spend on good deeds and do this before the Day comes on which neither friendship nor intercession will be accepted as protection for sins from anyone except Allah. The infidels will suffer because they did not respond to the call to follow the straight, righteous path of Allah.

2:264. O believers! Do not lose Allah's reward for your good deeds by accompanying them with reproaches or insults and by showing people that you are providing benefits to those in need; otherwise you will be like those who spend their wealth for fame or praise from people, without believing in Allah and the Day of Judgment. The hypocrite who gives aid in this way is like a smooth rock covered with earth, upon which a shower of rain falls and washes away the earth, leaving the rock bare. Just as a downpour washes away fertile soil from a smooth rock, reproaches, resentment and hypocrisy erase Allah’s reward for such charity. Such deeds will be fruitless and there will be no reward for them. These are qualities inherent in pagans. Deviate from these qualities. Allah does not lead the disbelievers to the straight path to good.

2:267. O you believers! Spend the best of what you earn, or of what the earth gives you. Don’t donate anything that you would refuse if you were offered it; and even if they took it, it would only be by closing their eyes. Know that Allah is rich and He does not need your insincere good deeds. He is worthy of glory for guiding you to good deeds and piety.

2:278. O you who believe, fear Allah and feel reverence for Him in your hearts, and stop demanding from people what is left for you from growth, if you are true believers.

2:282. O you who believe, if you borrow money or anything else, or buy something on credit, or enter into a commercial transaction among yourself for a certain period, then write it down in order to protect your rights and avoid any misunderstandings later. The scribe who draws up a receipt (agreement, contract, etc.) must do so in a fair manner. The scribe should not refuse to write, but should thank Allah for teaching Him what he did not know. The one who borrows, let him dictate, but he must fear God, his Lord, and not reduce anything from what he borrows. If the one who borrows is of little intelligence and cannot properly assess the situation, or is in poor health, or is very young, or is too old, or is dumb and cannot dictate, or does not know how to draw up official document, then let him dictate whoever is responsible for him, in accordance with the Shariah in justice. And call two men to testify. And if you do not find two men, then take as witnesses a man and two women whom you agree to take as witnesses. And if one gets confused in her testimony, the other will help her remember. Witnesses, when called, must not refuse to testify. Do not neglect to provide a receipt for the debt, whether large or small, indicating the due date. This is fair before God and in accordance with Sharia, convenient for witnesses and for eliminating all kinds of misunderstandings. But if there are any personal trades or transactions between you, and if it is cash trading, there will be no guilt on you if you do not give receipts. In commercial transactions, in particular when selling something, when making an agreement among yourself, take witnesses. There should be no violence against the witness or the scribe. And if you cause them trouble, it will be disobedience to Allah. Fear Allah and feel in your hearts His Greatness and respect for His admonitions. This will oblige you to adhere to justice. Allah shows you your rights and responsibilities before Him. He knows everything you do.

3:100. Allah warns believers against the doubts spread by some of the owners of the Book: “If you obey some of those who were given the Book, who sow doubts about your religion, they will again turn you into infidels after you have believed.”

3:102. The entrance to hell is open unless you are God-fearing. O you who believe, fear Allah with due fear to Him and obey His laws about what is permitted and what is forbidden. Be faithful to Islam for the rest of your life and appear before Allah as Muslims!

3:118. O you who believe! Do not enter into sincere friendship with those who do not believe in your religion, and do not reveal your secrets to them. After all, they will ruin all your affairs and will not fail to harm you. Their hatred for you is revealed through their lips, and in their hearts it is even greater than it seems. We have already explained to you the difference between a friend and an enemy, if you are reasonable and understanding.

3:130. O you who believe! Take back your debts in the same amount, but no more. Don't add growth to them year after year so they don't double in size. Fear Allah and do not indulge in covetousness, trying to double your debt. Do not devour other people's property unjustly. You may find yourself happy avoiding usury, big or small!

3:149. O you who believe! If you obey your enemies who have not believed, secretly or openly, in what they call you to in their speeches and in their deeds, they will turn you back, and you will become disbelievers and suffer loss in this world and in the Hereafter.

3:156. O you who believe! Do not be like those who did not believe and spoke about their brothers and countrymen who died or were killed when they went on a long journey, engaged in trade or making campaigns: “If they had not gone anywhere, but stayed with us, they would have did not die and would not be killed.” They said these words because Allah wanted to fill their hearts with bitterness. Verily, Allah gives life and kills! He is Omnipotent and Omniscient! He sees what you do, good or bad, and will reward you for it!

3:200. O you who believe! Be patient in troubles and in battles! Be strong against your enemies, protect your borders and fear Allah! Perhaps you will be happy!

4:19. O you who believe! Women are not property, and you are not allowed to inherit wives without their desire and without a bride price. Be fair to them and do not demand from them that they give you part of the prenuptial gift (kalym) that you gave them, and part of the property that you gave them. But if they clearly commit some vile deed or show disobedience, then you can present your demands to them or take from them, in the event of a break in relations, part of what you gave them. O you who believe, treat your wives decently in your deeds and words. If you hate them because of their lack of morality or because of their appearance, then be patient with them and do not rush to part ways. Perhaps you hate something, but Allah has arranged a great benefit for you in it. Verily, Allah knows all matters!

4:29. O you who believe, do not devour each other's property unjustly, without having any right to do so; but you can make trade transactions between each other by mutual agreement. Do not destroy yourself by disobeying Allah and do not harm each other - after all, you are like one soul! Verily, Allah is ever merciful to you!

4:43. O you who believe, do not approach prayer in a drunken state, when you cannot understand what you are saying, or when you are in a state of great defilement of “janaba” (defiled by the flow of semen), except for those passing through the mosque, until you have washed everything bodies. And if you are sick and ablution may harm you in the process of recovery, or you are on the road and it is difficult to find water, or you have come from a latrine, or you have copulated with your wives and have not found water for ablution, then you can cleanse yourself with clean dry sand: Beat it with your hands and then wipe your face and hands with clean dry sand. Verily, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful!

4:59. O you who have believed in what Allah has revealed to the Prophet Muhammad - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - obey Allah and the Prophet, as well as those of you Muslims who are in authority, who rule with justice and who carry out the Sharia of Allah. If you argue about something and a dispute arises between you, turn to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet to judge the matter and find out who is right. Allah has revealed His Scripture and with it the Sharia about what you are arguing about, and His prophet has explained to you how to live and resolve disputes in accordance with the Sharia if you believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment. After all, this is better for you, because you will be guided by truly fair laws in your disputes. This is more decent for you, and resolves a misleading dispute.

4:71. O you who believe! Always be wary of your enemies and be on high alert to repel their surprise attack. Enter the battle in separate squads, one squad after another, or all squads at the same time.

4:94. O you who believe! Beware of killing the faithful in battle. When you go to fight for the path of Allah - glory to Him Almighty! - you need to find out the position of those you are attacking before you attack: have they believed, or are they still infidels. Do not say to someone who greets you with a peaceful Muslim greeting or offers you peace: “You are an infidel,” wanting thereby to acquire more property and booty in the next life. Accept their Islamic greeting or peace sign. Indeed, with Allah is abundance of spoils and blessings! O you believers, you yourself were like this before, until Allah had mercy on you and led you along His straight path. Therefore, you should be careful to differentiate between those you meet. Verily, Allah is Knowledgeable! He knows all your deeds and will reward you for them.

4:135. O you who believe! Justice is the basis of life, there should be no disagreement about this. You who believe in Allah, in His Truth and in His messengers, stand firm in the truth when you are witnesses before Allah, even against yourself, or parents, or close relatives, against rich or poor - Allah is closest to both . Return the offended person his rights by establishing justice. Be steadfast in justice, regardless of the desires of the rich and sympathy for the poor. After all, Allah knows everyone’s condition better. Partiality violates justice; do not indulge in partiality, lest you become unjust! If you betray your soul in your testimony or deviate from justice, then Allah knows well what you are doing and will reward you according to your deeds: reward for good and punishment for bad!

4:136. All Messages were sent down by the One Allah to His messengers, which unites them. O you who believe! Believe in Allah, worship Him sincerely and believe in His Messenger Muhammad - may Allah bless him and grant him peace! - and in the Scripture - the Koran - sent down to Him by Allah, and live according to its laws. Believe in the Scriptures sent down by Allah before him without distortion and abbreviation, believe in all of this! He who does not believe in Allah, the Creator of everything in the heavens and on earth, in His angels, in the unseen, in His Scriptures and messengers, and denies the Day of Judgment, has gone astray straight path and got lost in a great delusion!

4:144. One of the reasons for hypocrisy is that they choose their patrons and friends among the infidels. O you who believe! Beware of this and do not take unbelievers as protectors, friends and guardians instead of believers. You will give Allah a clear argument against you if you do so; and when you approach the hypocrites, you will be humiliated like them, because you do not seek greatness from Allah in His Truth and in good deeds.

5:1. O you who believe! Fulfill all agreements, vows and promises between you and Allah, as well as legal agreements between you and other people, honor all your obligations. Allah has allowed you to eat meat from livestock (camels, cows, sheep, etc.), except for what Allah has forbidden you. You are not allowed to hunt when you are in ihram (hajj or umrah) or are in a Sacred Place - the Forbidden House of Allah. Allah makes laws according to His wisdom. Verily, Allah decides what He wants. And this is one of the covenants of Allah.

5:2. O you who believe! Do not violate the Holy Rites of Allah; no rituals of pilgrimage (hajj) during ihram; nor any other laws of Allah. Also do not violate the sanctity of the forbidden months, do not start a war at this time, except if you are forced to defend yourself from enemies. Do not disturb the sacrifice of livestock intended for the House of Allah during the pilgrimage (Hajj) by taking it away or prohibiting its delivery to the place. Do not violate the ritual of decorating (necks) of animals sacrificed in order to distinguish them from ordinary ones. Do not detain people on their way to the Forbidden House of Allah who ask for favor and bounty from Him. When you leave ihram and leave the Holy Place of Worship, you are allowed to hunt. Let not the sin of hatred towards those people who did not allow you to enter the Holy Mosque bring upon you the sin. Help each other, O you who believe, in piety, good deeds and observance of the rites of Allah, His Sharia and covenants. And do not help in atrocities, sins, enmity and disobedience to Allah. Fear Allah! Verily, Allah is mighty in punishment!

5:6. O you who believe! If you are going to perform a prayer, then perform ablution before it as follows: wash your face, hands up to the elbows, wipe your head (or part of it) with water and wash your feet up to the ankles. If you are defiled (i.e., have had sexual intercourse), wash yourself from head to toe and make yourself clean. If you are sick and you are not allowed to drink water, which can harm you, or you are on a journey and did not find water, or you went out for natural needs and returned from a latrine, or you had sexual intercourse and did not find water, then drink for ablution clean sand: wipe your faces and hands with clean dry sand. Allah does not want to complicate you with His Shariah, but wants to purify your bodies and souls in order to complete His mercy by guiding you, explaining and making the straight path easier for you, so that you become grateful to Allah for His guidance and mercy by constantly obeying Him.

5:8. O you who believe! Protect the laws of truth prescribed by Allah, be steadfast in your faith in Him and bear witness fairly among people. Do not let great hatred for certain people lead you to the sin of committing injustice towards them. Be fair - this is the closest path to piety and avoiding the wrath of Allah. Fear Allah in all your affairs. Truly, Allah Almighty knows everything that you do and will reward you for it!

5:11. O you who believe! Remember Allah's mercy to you in difficult times, when a party of infidels was going to destroy you and your messenger, and Allah restrained them, averted their evil, and saved you from them. So be God-fearing and rely on Allah in all your affairs. And Allah is enough for you! A true believer relies only on Allah alone!

5:35. O you who believe! Fear Allah! Abstain from what Allah prohibits and obey His orders and instructions! Seek ways to His favor through obedience and good deeds! Make every effort to exalt His religion and defeat His enemies. Perhaps you will receive His favor and be happy!

5:51. O you who believe! Do not take either Jews or Christians as your allies and patrons! They are the same in their hostility towards you. The one who takes them as supporters and patrons is one of them. Allah does not lead the unrighteous to the straight path, who harms himself by making unbelievers his patrons and supporters.

5:54. O you who believe! Anyone among you who apostates from his faith has not caused any harm to Allah. Indeed, Allah Almighty will place in their place other people whom He will love and lead to the straight path and obedience to Him and who will love Allah and obey Him. Their hearts are filled with modesty, humility and mercy towards their comrades who believe in Allah. But they are harsh towards their enemies - the unbelievers. They fearlessly fight in the path of Allah and are not afraid of those who reproach. This is the mercy and generosity of Allah, which He bestows on those whom He wishes to guide along the straight path of good. Verily, Allah is comprehensive in His generosity and knows who deserves it!

5:57. O you who believe! Do not take as supporters and friends the enemies of Islam - Jews, Christians and pagans, who condemn your religion and accept it as ridicule and fun. Do not take them as your patrons and fear Allah if you sincerely believe!

5:87. O you who believe! Do not forbid yourself the benefits that Allah has allowed you, and do not transgress the limits of Allah’s Sharia, be moderate! Allah does not love those who exceed their limits.

5:90. O you who believe in Allah, His Scriptures and His Messengers and who obey His Truth! Wine (everything that intoxicates and poisons the mind), maysir ( gambling), stones for making sacrifices to idols and arrows for fortune telling, and fortune telling on stones and cards - all this is an abomination from the deeds of the shaitan. Refrain from these evil deeds to achieve happiness in the next life and the bliss of heaven in the hereafter!

5:94. O you who believe! Allah will test you during the Hajj (pilgrimage) by forbidding the hunting of certain animals and birds that are easy for you to hunt using your hands and spears to recognize those who in their hearts obey Him and fear Him. And for those who transgress the limits established by Allah after they have become clear to them, there will be a painful punishment.

5:95. O you who believe! Do not kill prey while you are in ihram, on your way to Hajj or Umrah, or while performing rites. And whoever of you kills intentionally must compensate for it with retribution from some livestock. Retribution will be established by two just men among you and will be distributed to the poor at the Kaaba; or atonement - to pay the poor or give them food equal in value to the spoil: each poor person should be given as much as is enough for one day; or fast for as many days as the poor could be fed with food intended for atonement. This is to atone for sin for violating the hunting rule. This is the Sharia of Allah, so that the offender feels the harm of what he has done. Allah will forgive previous sins committed before such a prohibition. And whoever does it again after learning about the prohibition, Allah will punish him for his bad deeds. Allah is Great and Almighty, the Possessor of retribution for those who persist in their sin!

5:101. O you who believe! Do not ask the prophet about things that Allah has hidden from you and that may cause you grief if you learn about them. If they are mentioned in the Quran, then they will be clear to you. If you ask the prophet about them at the moment when the Revelation is revealed to him, then Allah will explain them to you in the Quran. Allah has forgiven you these things. After all, He is Forgiving, Meek, Patient and does not rush in His punishment!

5:105. O you who believe! Purify your souls and correct them by obedience to Allah! You will not be harmed by anyone who has strayed from the path of truth if you follow the straight path, calling for faith in the Truth of Allah. To Allah alone is your return on the Day of Resurrection. Then He will tell you about your deeds and reward everyone according to his deserts, and no one will be punished for the sins of another.

5:106. O you who believe! When death comes to someone and he wants to make a will, then two just ones from your relatives or two others from outside yourselves (not from your midst) must be present to testify between you, if death comes to you while you are traveling in earth. You will detain these witnesses after the prayer (Afternoon Prayer "al'Asr"), for which people gather, and let them swear in the name of Allah, saying: “We will not change our oath in the name of Allah, even if it does not benefit us or anyone else.” our relatives. We will never withhold the testimony that Allah has commanded us to convey truthfully. If we hide our testimony or tell a lie, we will be among the unjust and sinners. And we will be punished by Allah."

8:15. O you who believed in the Truth of Allah and worshiped Allah! When you meet on the battlefield those who have not believed, and they advance on you in greater numbers than you, do not run from them and do not expose your backs to their sabers!

8:20. O you who believe in the Truth and worship Allah, you have learned that you have achieved victory thanks to the help of Allah, obedience to Him and His Messenger. So obey Him and His Messenger always, do not turn away from your Messenger and do not shy away from the Messenger’s call to the Truth of Allah while you listen to what he says and understand him.

8:24. O you who believed in the Truth of Allah and worshiped Him! Obey Allah with your hearts and respond to His Message conveyed to you by His Messenger. He encourages you to observe the teachings of Allah, which revive your bodies, souls, minds and hearts. Be sure that Allah Almighty knows the secrets of your hearts and guides them as He wishes. After all, He stands between you and your hearts when they are overwhelmed by passions, and He saves you from bad impulses if you take the straight path of truth. All of you will be gathered to Him on the Day of Judgment, and then you will receive reward!

8:27. O you who believe in the Truth of Allah! Do not betray Allah and His Messenger by siding with the enemies of His Truth, or by misdistributing spoils, or by withdrawing from the fight for Allah. Do not betray someone entrusted to you, because you know Allah's instructions regarding this. Justify the trust in what is trusted to you!

8:29. O you who believe in the Truth of Allah and worship Him! If you obey Him and listen to His teachings secretly and openly, He will give you the ability to discern truth and falsehood in your soul and will give you victory that will separate you from your enemies. He will cleanse you from your evil deeds and forgive your sins. Allah Almighty is the Owner of great mercy and generosity!

8:45. O you who believe! When you meet an enemy detachment in battle, be persistent, steadfast, do not retreat, but take courage, be patient and think about Allah, remembering His power and good promise to you - the victory of the believers. If you do this, you will succeed!

9:23. O you who have believed, do not take as your friends and patrons your fathers, sons, brothers, spouses and members of your family, if they prefer unbelief to faith. Those of you who take unbelievers as your patrons are going astray.

9:28. O you who believe! Polytheists have a bad soul. They are mistaken in their faith. Do not allow them to enter the Forbidden Mosque after this year (the ninth year after the Hijrah - i.e. migration - of the prophet from Mecca to Medina). If you are afraid of poverty due to the severance of trade relations with them, then Allah will compensate you for this and enrich you from His bounty, if He wishes. Allah is knowledgeable in your affairs and wise in the disposal of them!

9:34. O you who believe, know that many of the Jewish rabbis and Christian monks unjustly take possession of people's property and, taking advantage of people's trust in them and the fact that people listen to their advice and instructions, they try to divert them from the true religion - Islam. Warn (O Muhammad!) those who accumulate gold and silver, hoarding them and not giving purification (zakat), of a painful punishment!

9:38. O you who believe, why, when the Messenger called you to go out to fight for the cause of Allah, did some of you hesitate to go out on the campaign? You shouldn't do that. Have you really preferred the joys of the earthly, non-eternal world to the eternal blessings of the future life? Truly, the blessings of this life are so insignificant and insignificant in comparison with the blessings of the next life!

9:119. O you who believe! Be God-fearing, believers and be among the truthful in your speech and deeds!

9:123. O you who believe! Fight the unbelievers who are near you so that they do not become a source of danger to you. Fight them firmly and decisively and do not spare them. And know that Allah helps in victory those who fear Allah and are submissive to Him.

22:77. O you who believe! Do not pay attention to the unbelievers who want to mislead you, but continue to perform your prayers completely, bow down to Allah and humbly prostrate yourself before Him. Worship your Lord, who created you and gave you inheritance! Do not worship anyone besides Allah! Do good deeds, maybe you will be righteous and happy in your future and near life!

24:21. O you who believe, protect yourself with true faith and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan, who leads you to spread abomination and sins. He who follows in the footsteps of the shaitan disobeys Allah, for the shaitan commands great sins and infamy. If it were not for the favor of Allah and His mercy towards you - after all, it was He who explained the instructions and laws to you and accepted the repentance of those who disobeyed Him - not one of you would ever have been cleansed from the sin of disobedience and disobedience. However, Allah purifies the one who, by His permission, obeys Him and abstains from sins, or Allah forgives him after repentance. Verily, Allah hears and knows every thing, and will reward you for it.

24:27. O you who believe! Do not enter other people's houses without asking the permission of those living in them and without waiting for permission to enter. And greet the inhabitants with their wishes for peace. This permission and greeting is more worthy for you than entering without them. Allah instructs you on this so that you listen to His guidance and follow it.

24:58. O you who have believed, you should command your slaves and servants who have not reached maturity not to come to you without permission in three specific cases: until morning prayer at dawn (Fajr), when you take off your clothes at the midday hour, and after evening prayer (Ishaa), when you get ready for bed. In these three cases, the order of dressing changes: they take off the clothes they slept in and put on everyday clothes, and vice versa. At this time, the human body is exposed, and places that cannot be looked at can open up. There is no sin in the fact that they will come to you without permission at other times of the day, except for the three above-mentioned cases, for usually you go to each other to carry out your business and solve your problems. This is how Allah explains the verses of the Quran to you so that you know the instructions of Allah and his laws. Verily, Allah is Competent, Knowing, and Possessor of great wisdom! After all, He knows what is suitable for His servants and will reward them for their deeds.

33:9. O you who believe! Remember the mercy that Allah showed you when the armies of the infidel hosts - the allies standing against you - came to you on the day of the battle of al-Khandaq (the war of the trenches), and We sent a whirlwind towards them and sent angels on them - warriors whom you did not see, so fear took hold of their hearts and spread among them. Verily, Allah is Omniscient and knows what you do and your true intentions. He protected you from them.

33:41–42. O you who believe! Remember Allah many times. Reject from Him everything that does not become Him, at the beginning and at the end of the day.

33:49. O you who believe! When you take believing women as wives and then divorce them without approaching them, then they are not obligated for you to endure the period until a new marriage (iddat). Give them gifts to comfort their souls and send them away in peace without harming them.

33:53. O you who believe! Do not enter the house of the prophet unless you are invited to a meal. And don't come before the appointed time. But when the prophet invites you, then enter, and after eating, immediately disperse and do not stay after that to talk with each other. Your arrival without an invitation and your delay after eating depress the prophet, but he is embarrassed to ask you to leave. But Allah Almighty is not ashamed to tell the truth, as people are ashamed. If you ask for any utensil from one of the wives of the Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - then ask through the veil. This is purer for your and their hearts from the temptations of Satan. You should not upset the messenger and you should never marry his widows as a sign of respect for him and them. This is a great sin on your part before Allah.

33:56. Verily, Allah shows His mercy to the prophet, and His angels bless the prophet! O you who believe, pray for him and greet him with sincere greetings!

33:69. O you who believe! Do not insult the prophet and do not cause him any offense! Do not be like those of the people of Musa who reviled him, but Allah justified him from what they attributed to him, and he was respected by Allah.

33:70. O you who believe! Fear Allah's punishment if you disobey Him. Speak the truthful, straightforward word.

47:7. O you who believe! If you support the religion of Allah by fighting for it, He will help you defeat your enemy and establish your cause.

47:33. O you who believe! Obey Allah by doing what He commanded you and follow the Messenger by adhering to what he calls you to do, and do not make your deeds empty by turning them into dust.

49:1. O you who believe! Do not decide anything regarding matters of religion or life until Allah and His Messenger command you to do so, and avoid Allah's punishment by adhering to His Shariah. Verily, Allah hears everything you say, and He comprehends everything that exists with His knowledge.

49:2. O you who believe! Do not raise your voices higher than the voice of the prophet if you converse with him, and do not speak loudly to him as you speak to each other, lest your works become in vain without you even thinking about it.

49:6. O you who believe! If any wicked person who has violated the rules of the Sharia of Allah comes to you with some news, make sure that the message is correct and find out whether it is true, so that you do not ignorantly cause harm to the innocent, and then, having learned that they are innocent, do not grieve and did not repent of what you did.

49:11. O you who believe! Let some men among you not mock others. Perhaps those they laugh at are better than them with Allah. And let not believing women mock other believing women. Perhaps those whom they mock are better than them with Allah. And do not defame each other with slander and do not call each other offensive, evil nicknames. After all, it is very bad to call a person wicked after he has believed. And whoever does not refuse what Allah has forbidden him is doing injustice to himself and to others. After all, he causes harm to himself and others.

49:12. O you who believe! Avoid suspicions and bad thoughts about good people. After all, some suspicions are a sin that deserves punishment, and do not spy on Muslims, looking for their shortcomings, and do not criticize each other behind your back. Would any of you want to eat the meat of your deceased brother?! After all, it only disgusts you. So let it be just as disgusting for you to be reproached behind your back. Avoid Allah's punishment by doing what He has commanded you and avoiding what He has forbidden you. Truly, Allah’s forgiveness of those who repent is great, and His mercy towards the inhabitants of the worlds is limitless!

57:28. O you who believe! Fear the punishment of Allah and adhere to faith in His Messenger, and He will double His mercy for you and give you Light that will illuminate your path and forgive you the sins that you have committed. After all, His forgiveness and mercy are great!

58:9. O you who believe in Allah and His Messenger! When you talk in secret, do not conduct sinful conversations hostile to the Messenger, aimed at disobeying him, but talk, instructing each other to do good and renounce sinful deeds, and fear Allah, to whom, and not to anyone else, you will summoned after your resurrection!

58:11. O you who believe in Allah and His Messenger! If you are asked to give each other a place in meetings, then give each other a place, and Allah will give you a place (in His mercy and paradise), and if you are asked to stand, then rise, and Allah will elevate the sincere believers, as well as those who knowledge is given. Allah knows what you do!

58:12. O you who believe in Allah and His Messenger! When you want to have a secret conversation with a messenger, give alms before the conversation. It's better for you and cleaner for your hearts. And if you don’t find anything to give as alms, then Allah is Forgiving and His mercy is limitless!

59:18. O you who believe! Get rid of Allah's punishment by obeying Him, and let every person think about what deeds he has prepared for tomorrow (i.e., the Day of Resurrection), and be God-fearing! Indeed, Allah embraces everything you do and will reward you for your deeds!

60:1. O you who believe in Allah and His Messenger! Do not maintain friendly relations with My enemies and your enemies, showing sincere affection for them, despite the fact that they deny faith in Allah, His Messenger and His Scripture (Quran), expel the Messenger and you from your native places because you believe in Allah your Lord. If you have left your homes in order to fight for My religion, in My path and to gain My favor, then do not make friends with My enemies and do not secretly show friendliness towards them. For I know better what you hide and what you proclaim. And whoever takes the enemy of Allah as his friend has strayed from the straight path.

60:10. O you who believe! When believing women come to you, displaced from the land of polytheism, put them to the test to ensure the sincerity of their faith. Allah knows best the sincerity of their faith. Once you are convinced that they are sincere believers, do not return them to unfaithful husbands. After all, infidels are not allowed to marry believing women, and believing women are not allowed to marry infidels. And return to unfaithful husbands what they gave as bride price to their women who moved to you. And there is no sin if you marry these women after paying them the dowry. Do not maintain marriage ties with your unfaithful wives who remain in Mecca or migrate to it. Demand that the infidels return to you what you gave as bride price to the wives who moved to Mecca, and let them (the infidels) demand the bride price given to their wives who moved out (to Medina). This is the decree - the decision of Allah, by which He will judge between you. Allah knows the interests of His servants, and He is wise in His decision!

60:13. O you who believe in Allah and His Messenger! Do not make friends with those with whom Allah is angry. They have lost faith in future life, in retribution and reckoning in it, as the infidels lost faith in the resurrection of the dead (on the Day of Resurrection).

61:2. O you who believe! Why do you say things you don't do and don't keep your promises?

61:10. O you who believe! Should I point you to a profitable trade that will save you from painful punishment?

61:14. O you who believe! Defend the religion of Allah if His Messenger calls you to be his helpers, like the apostles of Isa who were the defenders of the religion of Allah when he asked: “Who are my helpers in the path of Allah?” And then one part of the children of Israel believed in Jesus, but the other part did not believe. We supported those who believed against their faithless enemies, and then, thanks to Our support, they were victorious.

62:9. O you who believe! When the adhan (call) is made on Friday prayer, then strive to remember Allah diligently, leaving trade. For what is commanded to you is better for you if you know!

63:9. O you who believe in Allah and His Messenger! Caring for your property and your children should not distract you from remembering Allah and fulfilling His commands. And whoever is distracted from this by his property and children will suffer loss on the Day of Resurrection.

64:14. O you who believe! Indeed, among your wives and children there are your enemies, because they distract you from obeying Allah by satisfying their desires. Be careful with them! If you forgive them for minor offenses that can be forgiven without betraying them, then Allah will forgive you. Indeed, Allah’s forgiveness and mercy are great!

66:6. O you who believe! Protect yourself and your families from fire, the fuel for which is people and stones. And the inhabitants of the fire are subjected to torment by cruel, harsh, strong angels. They zealously carry out the command of Allah and do what they are commanded.

66:8. O you who believe! Sincerely repent to Allah of your sins. Perhaps your Lord will forgive you your evil deeds and bring you into the gardens of paradise, where rivers flow between trees and palaces, on the Day when Allah will exalt the dignity of the prophet and those who believed by following him; their light goes before them and from their right hands. They say, seeking the favor of Allah: “Our Lord! Our Lord! Complete our light so that we can walk the right path to paradise and forgive us our sins! You have power over every thing!”

Options Listen to Original Original text يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا آمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ وَالْكِتَابِ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ عَلَى رَسُولِهِ وَالْكِتَابِ الَّذِي أَنزَلَ مِن قَبْلُ وَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِاللَّهِ وَمَلَائِكَتِهِ وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَالًا بَعِيدًا Translit Yā "Ayyuhā A l-La dhī na "Ā manū "Ā minū Bil-Lahi Wa Rasūlihi Wa A l-Kitā bi A l-La dhī Nazzala `Alá Rasūlihi Wa A l-Kitā bi A l-La dhī "An zala Min Qab lu ۚ Wa Man Yakfur Bil-Lahi Wa Malā "ikatihi Wa Kutubihi Wa Rusulihi Wa A l-Yawmi A l-"Ā kh ir i Faqad Đalla Đalālāa n Ba`īdāan O you who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Scripture that He revealed to His Messenger and the Scripture that He revealed before. And whoever does not believe in Allah, His angels, His Scriptures, His messengers and the Last Day has fallen into deep error. O you who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and (in) the Scripture that He revealed to His Messenger [in the Quran], and the Scripture [books] that He revealed before [to the former prophets]. And whoever disbelieves in Allah and His angels, and His scriptures, and His messengers, and on the Last Day [Day of Judgment], he (means) has gone astray with a delusion far (from the Truth). O you who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Scripture that He revealed to His Messenger and the Scripture that He revealed before. And whoever does not believe in Allah, His angels, His Scriptures, His messengers and the Last Day has fallen into deep error. [[You should know that religious commands are of two types. Some are addressed to people who do not fulfill certain requirements or do not have the appropriate qualities. In this case, they are ordered to comply with this order. This group includes the command to believe addressed to unbelievers. The Almighty said: “O you who have been given the Book! Believe in what We have sent down to confirm what you have” (4:47). Other commands are addressed to people who fulfill certain instructions and already have the appropriate qualities. These commands are intended to enable them to improve what they have already acquired and to achieve what they have not yet acquired. An example of this is the command mentioned in this verse to believe in Allah, addressed to the faithful. It means that believers should improve their faith by increasing their sincerity and truthfulness, avoiding vicious actions and repenting of sins. It also means that every believer is obliged to acquire new religious knowledge and perform righteous deeds that he has not done before, for if he has heard the sacred text, understood its meaning and believed in it, then he is obliged to fulfill it. This applies to all acts of soul and body, since each of them is part of faith, as confirmed by numerous texts and the consensus of the early Muslims. This also means that the believer must follow this path tirelessly and remain steadfast until death overtakes him. The Almighty said: “O you who believe! Fear Allah properly and die as Muslims! "(3:102) . Allah has commanded people to believe in Him, His Messengers, the Qur'an and the previous Scriptures. Belief in this is mandatory, since a slave can become a believer only if he combines all these qualities. It is enough for him to believe in it in general until he has acquired more detailed knowledge, but if he has acquired it, then he is obliged to believe in each of the specific provisions. Anyone who has such faith follows the straight path and is sure to achieve success. But if a person refuses to believe in Allah, His angels, His scriptures, His messengers and the Day of Judgment, then he falls into deep error. And who could be more lost than one who has deviated from the straight path and taken the path leading to painful punishment?! You need to know that disbelief in one of the things listed in this verse is like disbelief in all of the things listed at once, since these postulates are closely related to each other, and one cannot accept one of them while rejecting the other.]] Ibn Kathir

Allah commands His believing slaves to accept all the pillars of faith, its sections and laws. This is not a command to re-accept the faith, but rather a command to strengthen it, improve it, and constantly maintain it. So, for example, a believer in each prayer says the words: ( اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ ) Lead us on the straight path. (1:6) - i.e. let us see it and strengthen our leadership. Here (4:136) Allah commanded them to believe in Allah and His Messenger, similar to what He said: ( يأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللَّهَ وَءَامِنُواْ بِرَسُولِهِ ) O you who believe! Fear Allah and believe in His Messenger. (
