“Love for one’s native country is impossible without love for its nature” consultation (preparatory group) on the topic. Quotes about nature and man Nature teaches us to understand beauty

Valentina Vilchinskaya
Project “What Nature Teaches Us”


In the sayings of ancient and modern sages we often come across the advice: “Learn from nature.” What is meant? Maybe this is a poetic exaggeration? We can imagine how we can learn from people without much difficulty, but how can we learn from nature? Can fresh mountain air filled with prana give us anything other than health and vitality? Walking among the trees, contemplating the flow of the river, observing the change of seasons, can we gain new knowledge? How and what can nature teach us?

From nature, man has learned everything he can; many ideas for transforming the surrounding reality, changing it, have been gleaned by man from nature itself. Man himself, as a part of nature, changes and transforms it.

During the preparation of the project, the child had the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity, which allowed him to expand his understanding of how to learn from nature. Independently summarize received ideas and draw conclusions.

The work has a defined goal: to find out what nature teaches us.

A hypothesis has been put forward: children, having gained knowledge about environmental phenomena and the behavior of animals, will treat them more carefully.

When working on the project, the following research methods were used:


Literature analysis.

Comparisons and observations.




Making booklets

Conclusion: From this work we can conclude that it is informative - research activities allows you to expand your understanding of the world around you, help children from an early age understand that they are part of nature, teaches you to generalize received ideas and draw conclusions.


What nature teaches us

The sun teaches us not to regret,

River - don't sit still,

The star is to burn, the earth is to search,

The expanse of heaven - to take off from the ground.

The rains teach us purity,

Flowers - love, sunset - a dream,

Resistance - sails,

Forgiveness - mother's eyes.

One day Valentina Mikhailovna read us a poem by the poet Vladimir Natanovich Orlov:

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truthfulness.

Snow teaches us purity,

The sun teaches kindness

And with all the enormity

Teaches modesty.

Nature has it all year round

You need to study.

We are trees of all species

All the great forest people,

Teaches strong friendship.

How can one learn from people, I can imagine without much difficulty, but how can one learn from nature? What can she teach us? I decided to find out what we can still learn from nature.

Purpose of the work: to find out what we can learn from nature.

The object of study was nature.

The subject of the study was natural phenomena and habits of animals.

To achieve this goal, I solved the following tasks:

1. Study of natural phenomena, life and habits of animals;

2. Mastering ideas and concepts about living and inanimate nature;

3. The ability to find an answer to a pressing question using a variety of sources.

4. Developing an understanding of the relationships in nature and man’s place in it.

Description of work.

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Hello. My name is Razumov Vladislav. I go to kindergarten"Berry" for the preparatory group.

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One day Valentina Mikhailovna read us a poem by the poet Vladimir Natanovich Orlov: “What nature teaches us.” And I began to wonder what else we can learn from nature. I talked with the teacher, read encyclopedias with my mother, and looked for information on the Internet. And today I want to talk about what I learned. I hope you find it as interesting as I do.

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There is a tree in front of us. It stands motionless.

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It endures everything: wind and cold, rain and snow. They cut the branch, it says nothing. The tree is very patient by nature. You can learn patience from him.

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What does a dog teach us? The dog is an attentive observer, surprisingly sensitive to the most diverse emotions and intentions of people. Once in a new team, the dog needs some time to understand how the roles are distributed here, who is the leader, who is the breadwinner, who will play and walk with it. And only after being oriented in the system of relations between people, the dog establishes its own special relationship with each member of the team individually. Her tact and ability to establish contact with people depending on their individual characteristics and preferences is worth learning from.

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When we see a dog, we see complete fidelity in the look. Why do people love dogs? Because they are loyal animals.

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If you compare dogs and wolves, then wolves are unfaithful, although they look like dogs. When we look into the eyes of a wolf (for example, in a zoo), he has a tense, suspicious look, he has no one he trusts. Although outwardly they are similar to a dog. Dogs are loyal, so they are close to a person. You can learn loyalty from a dog .

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Pay attention to the cat. The cat knows what it wants and unerringly chooses what really suits it best. That is why many tend to consider her cold and selfish. But this is not true: a cat is a very sensitive animal, and its attachment to its owner, although not as obvious as that of a dog, makes it a loyal friend, ready to support and calm through gentle touches. She is relaxed all the time. This means that in life you need to learn to accept everything like a cat: to be relaxed and calm. The cat gives us a wonderful lesson on how to maintain a balance between own interests and the needs of others. The cat is unobtrusive in communication, she carefully doses the signs of her love and decides for herself what to do.

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Those who raise bees know how much this amazing insect, they know not to place the hive too far from the flowers. She will simply wear out her wings and die on the road, and therefore the hives are placed closer so that the bees do not fly so far. So that you don’t get too tired, because the bees won’t take care of themselves. They will live until the last for this hive. A bee does not live for itself. You can learn collective thinking from a bee. Looking at the bees, we understand that in a team we need to do everything together.

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By watching a spider weave a web, man learned to weave webs.

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If a dolphin finds an injured dolphin, it helps it stay afloat. Dolphins teach us not to leave each other in trouble.

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Elephants never abandon the elderly. Elephants teach to respect elders.

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Some plants and mollusks told people how to make traps: mollusks close their shells, and plants close their valves when food gets into them.

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Watching how a chameleon, taking careful aim, shoots its long sticky tongue at its prey, a man came up with a harpoon.

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Claws, fangs and beaks - the hunting tools of animals - became an example for the manufacture of arrowheads and spears.

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Snakes and scorpions kill their prey with poison - this tells a person how to use a poisoned weapon.

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Even such a hunting technique as an ambush was suggested to people by animals. Observe the cat, how patiently she can sit, hiding and watching to see if the sparrows have lost their vigilance. Large cats - panthers, leopards, lynxes and jaguars - also watch for prey.

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Wolves were special teachers of people. In their hunt, all roles are strictly distributed: some lie in ambush, others drive the prey. In such a hunt, intelligence is already required. Maybe that’s why ancient people especially revered smart, brave and strong animals: bears, wolves, tigers.

As I finish my speech, I want to talk about 4 more things that animals can teach us:

Feeding and caring for the health of our pet teaches us responsibility.

Animals either love us or they don't. I think animals are capable of love. And they teach us this.

Caring for an animal teaches us patience.

Try throwing a ball to your dog, or play with a rope with your cat and you will understand that you can get pleasure from little things.

I also realized that we must share difficulties among ourselves, help each other and stick together. Such a law of nature. And we must live by this law.


While working on my project, I learned that man has learned from nature since ancient times. Nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and new discoveries. Nature must be loved, protected and very carefully observed and studied. And the main thing is to learn from her all my life, and then many new discoveries await us.

These words of a wonderful Russian writer most accurately emphasize the importance of nature in our lives. It is in the family that a child can receive the first knowledge of how to learn to love and take care of his native nature.

“Many of us admire nature, but not many take it to heart,” wrote M.M. Prishvin, “and even those who take it to heart do not often manage to become so close to nature as to feel their own soul in it.”

We are accustomed to the fact that every day we are surrounded by plants and animals, the sun is shining, spilling its golden rays around us. It seems to us that this was, is and will always be. There will always be a green carpet of grass in the meadows, flowers will bloom, and birds will sing. But this is not true. If we do not learn ourselves and do not teach our children to perceive ourselves as part of the world of living nature, then the future generation will not be able to admire and be proud of the beauty and wealth of our homeland.

From the first years of life, children begin to develop ecological culture. Watching a mother who carefully cares for flowers and pets, the child has a desire to come up and pet the cat or dog, water the flowers or admire their beauty.

Children grow up and learn a lot about the world around them. Namely, that every plant, animal, insect, bird has its own “home” in which they feel good and comfortable.

Pay attention to the beauty of nature in different time year, day and in any weather. Teach children to hear the singing of birds, inhale the aromas of the meadow, and enjoy the coolness of the spring. Isn’t this the greatest joy in a person’s life? This is the greatest gift that Mother Nature gives us.

In winter, draw children's attention to the beauty of trees. Admire the Russian birch tree, which is covered with frost. Explain clearly to your children that in winter the trees sleep and only we can protect them from the cold. Invite them to do a good deed - cover the roots with snow so that the trees do not “freeze.”

Watch with your children how it snows. Note its properties (fluffy, white, cold, etc.)

The footprints are clearly visible in the freshly fallen snow. Invite your child to play the game “Pathfinders”. By the tracks in the snow you can determine who passed here, who went where, whose they are (humans, cats, dogs, birds).

In spring, nature wakes up. Rejoice with your children at the appearance of the first grass, the first leaf. Invite your child to play the game “Find the Signs of Spring.” (The sun is shining brighter, the sky is blue, the first flowers have appeared, etc.)

Pay attention to the arrival migratory birds. Explain to the children that birds have a hard time after a long winter and we can help them: build birdhouses and don’t forget to feed them.

The best summer vacation is a trip to the forest. Admire the giant trees and thickets of thick grass. Tell the children about what you can see in the forest rare plants, which are listed in the Red Book. These are lily of the valley, St. John's wort, corydalis. Under no circumstances should they be torn off. Admire their beauty and breathe in the aroma. Find medicinal plants with your children, name them, explain the benefits.

While picking mushrooms and berries, tell the children that they are needed not only by us, but also by the inhabitants of the forest. Animals not only eat some mushrooms, but also treat them. For example, fly agaric. A very beautiful, but poisonous mushroom for humans. And the elk will come and he will need it for treatment. Explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut with a knife and not torn together with the stem. After some time, a new mushroom will grow in this place.

Don't look into birds' nests - these are their homes. The bird may become frightened and leave the nest. Small chicks will be left without maternal care and die.

Of course, everyone understands that one should not destroy nests, anthills or dig holes.

Don't make noise in the forest. Don’t take tape recorders with you to nature; you can listen to them at home. And you don’t have to talk to each other throughout the forest: enjoy your communication with nature. The forest, animals, birds, and even the tiniest flower will be grateful to you for your care and attention.

We and nature are one big family. Teach children to see beauty native nature, cultivate a caring attitude towards her. If a child treats everything that surrounds him with care, your upbringing will not be in vain. They will be attentive not only to the world around them, but also to you, the adults.

Landscape lyrics constitute the main wealth of A.A.’s lyrics. Feta. Fet knows how to see and hear an unusual amount in nature, to depict its innermost world, to convey his romantic admiration for meeting nature, and the philosophical thoughts born when contemplating its appearance. Fet is characterized by the amazing subtlety of a painter, the variety of experiences born from communication with nature. Fetov’s poetics is based on a special philosophy that expresses the visible and invisible connections between man and nature (the cycles “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Snow”, “Fortune-telling”, “Evenings and Nights”, “Sea”).

The lyrical hero Fet strives to merge with the beyond. Only life in the beyond gives him the opportunity to experience a state of absolute freedom. But nature leads man into this beyond. The happiest moment for him is the feeling of complete merging with nature:

Night flowers sleep all day long,

But as soon as the sun sets behind the grove,

The leaves are quietly opening,

And I hear my heart bloom.

The blossoming of the heart is a symbol of spiritual connection with nature (moreover, such a connection that occurs as an aesthetic experience). The more a person is captured by the aesthetic experience of nature, the further he moves away from reality.

There is no end to the appeals to nature in Fet’s lyrics:

Open your arms to me,

Densely leafy, spreading forest.

The lyrical hero wants to embrace the forest in order to “sigh sweetly.”

Themes of the poem “Whisper, timid breathing...”: nature, love. Date in the garden. Mysterious twilight. Verblessness. "Music of love". Fet depicts not so much objects and phenomena as shades, shadows, and vague emotions. Love and landscape lyrics merge into one whole. The key images of Fet's lyrics are “rose” and “nightingale”. “Purple of the Rose” in the finale turns into a triumphant “dawn”. This is a symbol of the light of love, the sunrise of a new life - the highest expression of spiritual elation.

Dissolving into natural world, plunging into its most mysterious depths, the lyrical hero Feta gains the ability to see the beautiful soul of nature.
