Love horoscope for Libra woman on 10/21/17. Horoscope for October for Libra woman

The dissatisfaction of representatives of the sign with their personal lives will only increase in October. In order to avoid conflict situations and breakups in relationships, Libra will have to overcome a lot within themselves.

October will be a very difficult month for representatives of the sign in the personal sphere. First of all, they will have to decide for themselves the most important question: whether they want to continue this relationship at all or whether it is high time to end everything.

For those representatives of the sign who come to the conclusion that a break is necessary, it is better not to delay this, but to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. The breakup in October will be less painful for both partners. Those Libras who decide to maintain their existing relationship will have to work on a lot. First, they should accept the fact that they themselves are not perfect, and minimize complaints and nagging towards their partners.

Secondly, they should transfer as little general problems and troubles as possible to personal relationships. Work problems should remain at work, and not come into the house with representatives of this sign. Their other halves should not respond with their spoiled mood to Libra’s problems that arise in everyday life.

Free Libras, before starting a romantic and personal relationship, should also first decide what kind of relationship they want with a specific person. If we are not talking about permanent serious relationship, you should immediately warn about this. Otherwise, it will have very serious consequences.

Libra Woman: Love Horoscope for October 2019

Representatives of the sign in October will be haunted by bad moods and outbursts negative emotions. You should try very hard so that this does not affect your personal relationship with a man, otherwise it will come to a break. Troubles in life in Lately More and more often they result in conflicts in a couple, because their man is tired of the order.

If a Libra woman manages to reduce the influence of extraneous problems on personal communication, then their relationship will still have a chance of a successful outcome from this situation. To be able to prevent unpleasant situations, women of this sign should be very careful about how their relationships will go during this period. Any drastic changes in your relationship with your partner should be viewed with caution, even if the changes are positive.

Harshness in love never leads to anything good. You should always remember this and avoid such situations. Free Libra women should also refrain from accepting courtship and flirting, which began abruptly, without prerequisites on the part of the man.

A sudden interest in your person may have selfish goals, and not the fiery feelings you want. Be on your guard, because the stars do not guarantee that the personal lives of Libra women will undergo positive changes in October.

Libra Man: Love Horoscope for October 2019

This month, Libra men should get rid of the habit of exaggerating everything. An unstable character contributes to strong emotional experiences, inventing situations and looking for pitfalls where there are none at all. You should be more careful about your words and promises, especially those you give to your women.

The forgetfulness of the representatives of the sign constantly infuriates the women who are paired with them. The general character this month will be tense, which is why the stars do not recommend aggravating this situation in the personal sphere. On the contrary, the astrological forecast says that now you should be more attentive and caring towards your other halves. If you are planning to do something during this period, you should be more careful and carefully think through every step.

Single Libra men should also be careful when meeting new women; not every new person who appears next to you during this period will have good intentions and pure thoughts. You should be especially wary when suggesting temporary meetings or a one-time affair. The consequences of such events can be terrifying.

Jupiter moving from your sign to the next will make you more focused and practical. You will set a goal for yourself, draw a smooth road to it and set off on your way.

Work, career. Libra October 2017

October is a month with a “double bottom”; a lot can happen “behind the scenes” of the main events. You can say one thing and think and do something completely different, but this tactic will turn out to be correct. Most likely, your opponents will behave in the same way. Keep this in mind and be proactive. Your main concern may still be relationships with colleagues from other cities or countries. Using carrot and stick tactics in negotiations, you will certainly achieve your goal. That is, by declaring loyalty, you can beat your opponents by unexpectedly presenting them with some extremely important argument that they did not even suspect. Entrepreneurs and bosses are advised to do everything on their own, without particularly relying on assistants and subordinates. They will be of little use, but troubles cannot be avoided. In addition, old disputes related to large property, possibly land and real estate, will begin. Towards the end of the month, all problems will be successfully resolved, and you will receive what you fought for and what you always counted on. The employee may face the intrigues of his colleagues, but will come out of all the intricacies of October with honor.

Money. Libra October 2017

Jupiter, the planet of luck, moves into the financial sector of the sky, and this means that everything will work out well in your material affairs. You are moving to another financial level and can count on a lot. Entrepreneurs get lucrative deals, employees get a salary increase. In the second half of October, you can safely go to your superiors and demand what you are entitled to. You did a great job and honestly deserved your reward.

Love, family. Libra October 2017

If your interests are focused on the personal sphere, then here too you can expect a temporary return to the old problem. Perhaps your old passion will begin to pester you again, and for various reasons misunderstandings will arise with your relatives. At the end of the month, all disagreements will most likely end, and this time for a long time, maybe forever. This month is not bad for lovers; they can decide to live together and will probably start looking for housing. Friendly spouses are also busy with housing, and perhaps it will be a house or apartment in another city or another country.

Love horoscope for October 2017, Libra promises a lot of experiences, suffering and even tears. But close friends will help you survive all this, who will not only give wise advice, but also introduce you to interesting person. But it is not advisable for Libra to perceive him as an outlet, otherwise they will lose a reliable friend. In October 2017, you should not create illusions and live in expectations. In order for Libra to radically change their personal life, they need to become more proactive.

Love horoscope for October 2017 for Libra women predicts a lot of signs of attention from the opposite sex. There is a high probability that yours will start in October beautiful novel, which will make you forget all previous attachments. In 2017, a certain wealthy gentleman will shower Libra with gifts, surprises and offers.

Love horoscope for October 2017 for Libra men advises to be more sociable and make contact with an open smile. Moreover, before this you were in a gloomy state and were depressed that your personal life would not improve. In October 2017, everything, on the contrary, depends only on Libra. Any Lady will answer you “yes” if you courteously court her.

Libra family in October 2017

The horoscope predicts an unexpected arrival of relatives who will constantly meddle in their lives and try to arrange things according to their own plan. The main thing is, don’t freak out and don’t conflict with them, otherwise all the negativity will affect your relationship with your spouse. October 2017 is not suitable for a long trip with the whole family. Therefore, Libra should limit themselves to forays into nature, to a cafe or to visit friends. At the end of the month, problems with the health of young children are possible. Find a good doctor or have your child examined at a clinic recommended by close friends.

Horoscope for Libra for October 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Libra for October 2017

Love horoscope for the month of October for other zodiac signs:

upcoming autumn time can be called positive and very favorable for representatives of Libra. The latter worked very hard, and now the time has come to reap the rewards. The horoscope for Libra for October promises a lot of interesting events in which representatives of the star constellation will take part. Of course, one cannot rely only on the favor of the stars during this period; many star representatives will have to put forth their own strength in order to achieve positive trends in their own destinies.

Great success should be expected for those stellar representatives who were born in the first ten days of the reign of the zodiac constellation - Libra. Such people need not be afraid of failures and unexpected problems, even if they arise, they will all be resolved quite quickly spontaneously. All other representatives of the sign will also have bright luck, but they themselves will also have to make efforts to achieve maximum happiness.

The financial horoscope for October 2018 for Libra will strongly recommend that the latter fully pay off their existing debts. People cannot be allowed to remain distrustful due to the fact that star representatives do not pay off their obligations on a previously agreed upon date. Along with repaying debts, it is important for Libra to take care of their own well-being. Some star constellations may have to change their place of work or try to get trained in a new profession. You should not be afraid of any changes, even though various changes cause acute distrust among representatives of the sign. Everything that is sent by fate will definitely go for good.

Of course, fate can send Libra some small trials. For example, the latter will have to get burned several times by the actions of unscrupulous people. It is strictly forbidden to trust everyone, especially if the opponent is one of your new acquaintances. By the way, the month for Libra will be simply filled to the brim with various acquaintances. With positive communication, representatives of the star constellation will find both good comrades and reliable partners. The only thing concerns the fact that Libra cannot immediately fall under the influence of new people, no matter how beautiful words they describe future joint actions.

If representatives of a star constellation have a cherished dream, then it is necessary to move towards its resolution. At this moment, the stars are so favorable towards Libra that the latter will not have to make any effort. special effort to implement your own plans. It is important not to miss such a positive moment and have time to redo all the important things that are planned in your head. Do not forget about priorities, as well as the desires of your family or loved ones; during this autumn period, Libra should not think only about your loved one.

As fatigue and apathy attack, it is important for Libra to be able to rest. As a pleasant and have a good rest Horseback riding or a trip to the historical corners of our country would be great.

Beautiful representatives of the star sign should restrain their own emotions. Despite the fact that time is positive for Libra, women may develop nervousness and a feeling of displeasure with everyone and everything. Such behavior can easily provoke both family and professional conflicts, therefore, if ladies do not want to experience negativity and disappointment in this life, they should curb their own ardor and learn loyalty and indifference.

As they become tired of everything, women are advised to take care of their appearance. It is ideal to carry out cosmetic health procedures, and some ladies will find it very useful to suddenly and radically change their hair color.

Horoscope for October 2018 for the Libra man

The stronger half of Libra representatives are also not very favorably disposed towards romantic life; of course, there is no contradiction or nervousness in their souls, but they do not want to take on increased responsibility yet. Despite this influence of the stars, men will not mind having fun and flirting on the side, but such behavior can always provoke the emergence of quite serious problems in their own family.

The health horoscope for Libra reminds men that timely treatment of active inflammatory processes helps to quickly get rid of possible negative consequences for the whole body.

Love horoscope for October 2018 for Libra

Bright representatives of the sign do not need to submit to the influence of a negative mood. As you know, if Libra is dissatisfied with something, then they are able to charge everyone around them with their own negativity.

The love horoscope for Libra for October 2018 reminds that the month is characterized by instability and a little windiness, and these qualities can fill the soul of representatives of the sign. Family representatives can experience particular adverse consequences from emotional urges. But lonely Libra cannot now count on something long-term and as permanent as possible.

Health horoscope for October 2018 for Libra

Usually, most of stellar representatives are characterized by poor health and a tendency to frequent respiratory infections. And October is precisely the period of danger and activation of various epidemics. To take care of their personal well-being, Libra needs to develop a plan in advance for taking preventive measures. Playing sports in the fresh air, as well as active swimming in the pool, have an excellent effect on the body.

Towards the end of this month, it is important to monitor your own body. If Libra has chronic illnesses, then it is important to ensure that they do not become active during the month of changeable weather.

Financial horoscope for October 2018 for Libra

Enough good month prophesied to representatives of the star constellation in terms of achieving career opportunities. Some Libra will rise sharply up the career ladder, but they will not need to take any special intensive actions. If a change of duty station is planned ahead, then it is important to take such a step with maximum responsibility.

Libra's finances during this period are in a stable state, but the latter should not set themselves the goal of spending their existing wealth. It is important to remember that wasted cash You will always have to earn money again, but now representatives of the zodiac have absolutely nowhere to expect financial assistance from.

Will Libra expect difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex in October? How will their feelings and emotions influence the development of existing and new relationships? A lot of ready-made clues await you in the accurate love horoscope for Libra for October 2017.

Many Libras may feel dissatisfaction with their personal life in October. The lack of interesting events and previous failures in relationships can cause large quantity representatives of the sign of Libra desire to reconsider all their past decisions and plans regarding the love front. The love horoscope warns people born under the sign of Libra who are looking for their other half that drastic changes are not always beneficial to the creation of relationships, especially if they are not properly thought out.

The marital relationship of many Libras may suffer in October due to their desire to experience new emotions. Confusion and dissatisfaction with oneself and one's life can provoke long-term conflict situations in the family among people belonging to this zodiac sign and even cause a further break in marriage ties. Whether the desire to diversify your life is worth it, only Libra themselves can answer. The stars warn them that in October they should be more careful in their actions and statements, so as not to cause pain and grief to their loved one.

Love horoscope for Libra women for October 2017

The need to feel something new can take over single Libra girls. Their desire to radically change their own lives can lead to rash actions and unpleasant consequences. However, despite their oppressive loneliness, girls born under the constellation Libra will be very selective in choosing new acquaintances in October. Such girls do not intend to throw themselves on the neck of the first man who turns his attention to them. Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity will still have to make sufficient efforts to arouse reciprocal interest among Libra girls.

Their chosen ones may cause dissatisfaction and reproaches among married Libra women. As a rule, representatives of this zodiac sign rarely consciously come into conflict with their other half, trying to soften grievances. However, in October 2017, many women born under the sign of Libra will not be too tactful in choosing words to their spouse. Irritation and frequent quarrels can cause such family relationships to the line beyond which there is only a gap. The love horoscope for Libra for October advises them not to get carried away with sorting out relationships and creating conflict situations. The emotions received during such showdowns will simmer inside both spouses for a long time, giving them no rest.

Love horoscope for Libra men for October 2017

Lonely Libra men in mid-autumn may consciously refuse new acquaintances and meetings in a friendly company. The reason for this may be internal emotional experiences that do not allow Libra to relax and pay attention to the beautiful girls around them. Against the background of these torments, single representatives of this zodiac sign may not take advantage of the opportunity in October to make promising acquaintances in terms of building relationships. Whims and hysterics do not make men look good, so single Libra should deal with their emotions in time in October.

In October, married representatives of the Libra sign can expect some disappointment in their own family life. Stability in communication with your loved one may seem like a routine, and a decrease in the number of bright manifestations of love can be a sign of cooling of your spouse’s feelings. Making undeserved claims against your significant other in Libra in October 2017 will rarely lead to good results. Therefore, married Libra men will need to think hard before voicing their grievances. After all, in the heat of a quarrel, it is so easy to offend a loved one and cross acceptable boundaries.
