Lyudmila as translated from Greek. Transliteration, nicknames, short and diminutive forms

Most likely, among your acquaintances there is already a charming girl, girl, woman or even grandmother whom you are accustomed to calling Lucy. Do you know your full name? But according to a sociological survey, most of us don’t even think about it. And yet, how do you call this person according to his passport?

Maybe this is the final version, like, for example, Yana or Lesya? No, it turns out that Lucy has full name- Lyudmila! Although such a person can well be called Lyuda, Milaya, Milya, and even Milasha. There are actually many options, and each of them is interesting and original in its own way.

Section 1. The meaning of the name Lucy

In general, the original word “Lyudmila” is of purely Slavic origin and means “dear to people.” Although there are Western analogues. For example, Lucia. But it comes from the Latin “lux”, i.e. “light”.

By the way, girls weren’t called “Lyuda” for quite a long time. The second life of the name was given approximately in the era of romanticism, and an important role in its reappearance was played by the works of famous literary classics, the most famous of which can be called “Lyudmila” by V.A. Zhukovsky and the immortal masterpiece “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A.S. Pushkin.

Today, this name is, if not one of the top five, then certainly one of the top ten most common in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Section 2. What does the name Lucy mean and how does it reflect on the character of the owner

Psychologists say that from the very early childhood Lyudochka can easily be called a girl who cannot imagine life without a comfortable, cozy and delicious-smelling home. IN household she definitely has no equal. It seems that she can do absolutely everything: sew original curtains, and knit the most beautiful fashionable clothes, and cook a delicious dish, and somehow save money too.

However, not everything is as rosy and smooth as it might seem at first glance. After all, it’s not for nothing that Lucy, whose full name is Lyudmila, is distinguished by her wayward character, especially in adulthood. They say that it is quite difficult for her to find a common language with others, and she is more inclined to concentrate on her own affairs and problems than to help or listen to others.

In principle, the name Lyudmila and Lyusya are one and the same, although the second, of course, is more suitable for girls and young women. The first one is more official.

Psychologists say that adult marriages often break up, and the reason for this is often the excessive emotionality and temper of a mature woman. Touchiness also plays an important role in fate - Lucy remembers well everything that once happened, worries about it and is prone to revenge.

In general, it should be noted that consistency and accuracy always come to the rescue of Lyudmilas. And at a conscious age, they, as a rule, make first-class workers and organizers in such areas as teaching, medicine and administration.

IN modern world there are a lot of specialists who can tell about a particular person based only on his name.

We will not now take into account the statements of various kinds of fortune tellers, witches and sorcerers. But it’s still worth listening to the advice of astrologers.

So, the zodiac sign of Lucy, whose full name is Lyudmila, is quite peculiar. This is Libra. And the patron planet is the mysterious and gentle Venus.

You should stick to pastel colors in your clothes. For example, a beige outfit will definitely bring good luck, and on holidays, in order to impress the public, you can give preference to a bluish tint. Lilac will also look good, and, of course, the combination of bright white and soft turquoise will amaze you.

Do you want to give a gift to Lucy? Then give her a piece of yellow sapphire jewelry. These stones not only suit her image, but will also guarantee a great mood and positive emotions.

We often hear that each name is patronized by its own plant. For Luda, such representatives of the flora are mistletoe, chrysanthemum and hazel.

But experts consider the Persian cat and rooster to be mascot animals.

Section 4. Famous people named Lyudmila

Undoubtedly, such extraordinary personalities often play important roles in the political, economic and cultural life of not only their country, but the whole world.

For example, it is difficult to meet a person who has never heard of Lyudmila Kasatkina or Lyudmila Gurchenko in their life, and such vocal abilities as Zykina’s are quite rare.

And one cannot help but mention Tselikovskaya, Khityaeva, Turishcheva, Tatyanicheva, Senchina, Semenyak, Savelyeva, Polyakova, Pakhomova, Maksakova, Lyadova, Kim, Gorokhova. These Lyudmilas will forever go down in history as unique business cards of your country.

Many people are interested in the meaning of their name, since sometimes it dictates our destiny. This has been known since ancient times. They are studied by numerologists, astrologers and even psychologists using various theories. If you want to know everything about the name Lyudmila, its character and compatibility with other names, read this article.

Meaning of the name

The name Lyudmila means “dear to people.” Except Slavic root, you can also see in it:

  • Indo-European, meaning “expanding”;
  • Latin meaning "freedom" and "to hinder".

The name itself reflects the meaning of objection and inspiration for something new and unknown.

The name Lyudmila has the following derivatives: Lyudmilka, Lyudasik, Lyuda, Lyusya, Lyudochek, Lyulya, Milya, Mila and Milusha.


The character of the name does not quite correspond to its meaning. After all, Lyudmila does not seem cute to everyone from childhood, but she makes a lot of effort for this. She has a fairly rational nature, a modest behavior that suppresses her characteristic temperament. To be charming, to please everyone and to visit as often as possible - these are her main rules. A conqueror of hearts who always knows what and why she wants - these are her innate traits. Luda should always be the center of attention and feel how everyone around her admires her. This is what can boost her self-esteem. A girl or woman with that name is a great housewife. This manifests itself even in childhood, for example, in mother-daughter games. Later she will attend handicraft clubs and home economics classes. She simply adores children and builds respectful relationships with everyone. In her work, Lyuda does not tolerate any rules, loves to go beyond boundaries, and will achieve success even by going over her head.


The most common interpretation of the name Lyudmila says that its origins lie back in Old Slavic times. But some also explain it as a female form male name Lyudmil, meaning “nice to people.” It was actively used in Bulgaria.


Lyudmila is an excellent housewife who always takes care of her home and loved ones. It is the secret of this name that prophesies that she will especially take care of children and watch them very closely. Sometimes she will be disappointed in her husband, which will lead to some quarrels and conflicts, but she will never be the first to decide to end the marriage, so that the children do not suffer. And if there is a divorce, it will be a very stormy one, which will be remembered by everyone for a long time. Lyudmila can achieve something important or, conversely, lose it. Artist, poetess, leader, meaning the possibility of government, journalist - these are the professions that are ideal for her. It is also impossible not to recall the work of a fashion designer or artist. It will be easy for her to conquer the sport and the stage.

Name day

The name day of the owner of this name is celebrated on September 29, when they remember the martyr Lyudmila, a Czech princess who spread Christianity in her lands.


Due to the fact that the name Lyuda has such a meaning, and the proper character corresponds to its owner, Lyudmila can lead an abnormal lifestyle, which means confusing day and night, untimely sleep. Her blood does not circulate properly, which leads to varicose veins.


The name Lyudmila goes well with patronymics such as:

  • Yanovna;
  • Egorovna;
  • Tarasovna;
  • Efimovna;
  • Vadimovna;
  • Yuryevna;
  • Lvovna.

In relationships with the male sex, you should pay attention to the name Andrey, as well as Alexander, Evgeny, Ilya, Kirill and Dmitry.

Talismans, colors, zodiac signs

The stone is yellow sapphire.

Colors - blue, lilac, purple, beige and a combination of white and turquoise.


Linguists claim that the name Lyudmila is a name Slavic origin. It is believed that the meaning of the name Lyudmila is “Dear to people”. The name received true recognition after the publication of the work of A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Before this, the name Lyudmila did not have a noticeable presence in written sources. The name was most popular in the second half of the twentieth century. Now the name is one of the 100 most popular names in Russia.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila for a girl

In childhood, girls named Lyudmila usually love to talk and are, in principle, quite active. They are collected and able to concentrate, which is rarely characteristic of children. At the same time, they are characterized by instability. They can get carried away with something new every day. The girl easily finds a common language with her peers and older friends.

Luda is usually a good student. Studying is not fun for her, but her grades are almost always good. Lyudmila has the necessary perseverance and patience. She can learn any subject and forget what she taught the next day. Luda has good musical abilities, but she doesn’t want to go to music school. The girl enjoys going to all kinds of clubs, although she goes through quite a few of them.

Lyudmila is in good health. She has a good life sinking and at the same time there is no haste. This is a rather rare combination of properties of the nervous system. Weak point Lyudmila's health includes her cardiovascular system. The first problems with blood circulation may appear quite early. Usually this is varicose veins, so Luda needs to be careful and take care of herself.

Short name Lyudmila

Luda, Lyudka, Lyudok, Lyudasha, Lucy, Lyuska, Mila, Milya, Milka.

Diminutive pet names

Lyudochka, Lyudushka, Lyudonka, Lyusenka, Lyusechka, Lyusik, Darling, Darling, Milasha.

Name Lyudmila in English

IN English language The name Lyudmila is spelled Ludmila.

Name Lyudmila for international passport- LUDMILA.

Translation of the name Lyudmila into other languages

in Belarusian - Lyudmila
in Bulgarian - Lyudmila
in Polish - Ludmiła
in Ukrainian - Lyudmila
in Czech - Ludmila

Church name Lyudmila(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. This is a church name.

Characteristics of the name Lyudmila

Since childhood, Lyudmila combines so many different characteristics that it attracts people to her. She is both temperamental and practical at the same time. Lyudmila is endowed with charm and easily wins people over. She is endowed with great internal energy, which is visible to many around her. At the same time, Lyudmila usually looks quite modest or rather reserved. For Lyudmila, the external attributes of success are important. She does many things for public recognition, and not from a pure heart. After the birth of children she becomes more feminine.

Lyudmila knows how to work perfectly. For her, work is the tool with which she achieves success. At the same time, her well-rounded mind and ability to work in a team help her. Lyudmila knows how to listen to employees if she sees that this leads to a useful result. Lyudmila also has excellent business skills. She is simply a born entrepreneur. With the advent of children, Luda’s priorities often change, but this does not last long. Usually Lyudmila retires from business for a couple of years, and then plunges back into her familiar environment.

IN family relationships Lyudmila often has problems. She is a leader by nature and wants to take a leadership position in the family. At the same time, she often reproaches her husband for his lack of initiative, while suppressing this initiative herself. If Lyudmila does not learn humility, then her family life may at some point collapse like a house of cards. She needs to learn to be truly feminine and trust her partner, otherwise there will be no happiness family life she won't achieve it.

The secret of the name Lyudmila

The secret of Luda can be called her complex character. She is often inconsistent, which causes a lot of inconvenience to those around her. She is sometimes feminine, sometimes despotic, sometimes best friend and comrade. This feature is usually noticeable already in childhood and there is still the possibility of its correction.

Another secret of Lyudmila is her ability to discern flattery. Some individuals, seeing that Lyudmila likes recognition and success, begin to ingratiate and flatter in every possible way. But it was not there. Luda sees such people from afar and treats them with disgust.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

Totem animal- Persian cat.

Name color- Beige.

Tree- Hazel.

Plant- Chrysanthemum.

Stone- Yellow sapphire.

According to Mendelev

Reliable, good, feminine name. It is perceived exactly as it should be from lexical meaning- dear to people. The already mentioned, as well as other signs - “gentle”, “beautiful”, “rounded” - manifest themselves even in diminutive forms and hardly change over time.

Lyudmila is always in the thick of life, she gets the full measure of joy, and, especially, worries and sorrows. It would seem that having all the data for happy life, she must easily overcome obstacles and achieve her goals. But she is constantly haunted by an evil fate: when it seems that the goal is close, something unexpected happens, and everything goes to waste.

Character of the name Lyudmila

A strong will, rich intuition, and feminine charm help Lyudmila only up to a certain point. Then troubles begin - in love, family or at work - and again she has to strain her strength to get out of the next hole. She eagerly sets out to arrange the destinies of those people who are dear to her, but these efforts often do not lead to the results that she would like to receive. Or, having achieved with great difficulty some stable position in society, Lyudmila commits some small, insignificant act, after which, like a chain, its consequences line up, and she loses everything that she got with such great difficulty. The same is true in intimate relationships: a wedding can be upset at the very last moment, the person she is counting on acts contrary to expectations... Such accidents are not the exception, but the rule for Lyudmila.

Lyudmila's activity and sociability are usually higher than those of her friends, and her reactions are quick and impulsive. Any calculation is alien to her, and even if after much thought she decides to behave exactly as planned, then it is very likely that in reality she will do something exactly the opposite. A mobile and unstable type of psyche pushes her to completely inexplicable actions that only bring her harm.

She is easily suggestible, often changes her views, and today she can ardently defend what she rejected yesterday. Her reactions to events are very quick and violent, she wastes all of herself, and from time to time she may experience periods of apathy and indifference to everything.

Mila is slower than Luda and Lucy, but kinder than them.

Lyudmila's colors are bluish and lilac.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Dear to people”, (Russian)

Energy and character of the name Lyudmila

This name is similar to the splash of water from a fallen stone and the circles spreading across the surface of the lake. So in the name Lyudmila two disparate principles are connected into a single whole. You can easily see that the first part of the word is quite hard, while the ending is very, very soft. It is interesting that some Lyudmila deliberately take advantage of the duality of the name, depending on the circumstances, introducing themselves either as Lyuda or Milaya. The name also looks like a scale, trying to balance both softness and firmness of character at the same time.

Such a search for balance usually leads to the fact that from childhood Lyudmila begins to have an analytical mindset, which largely masks her sensuality, while at the same time preventing this sensuality from developing into passion. No matter what emotions overwhelm Luda, she still tries to choose the best, in her opinion, from all options of behavior. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t, but still Lyudmila’s nervous breakdowns are rarely too strong. She may make some noise and be offended, but most likely she will pull herself together quickly enough. At the same time, Luda is not without some coquetry, which is also a consequence of her logic and developed pride.

Often, from an early age, Lyuda knows what she needs to do, what she shouldn’t, as well as what she can and cannot do. At the same time, her sensuality, balanced by reason, will most likely lead to early thoughts about marriage. Sometimes, from childhood, she begins to seriously prepare herself for family life, and it is not surprising if this leads to early marriage, as soon as Lyuda receives independence from her parents. Here, however, it can very quickly become clear that not everything in life can be planned, especially when it comes to human relationships. Often Lyudmila begins to use her mental capacity in order to adjust her husband’s character to her ideas of what her man should be like. It is not surprising if this raises objections on the part of the husband, even to the point of open conflict, and here it is useful to remember that happiness cannot be planned, since happiness is just the fullness of feelings and trust in Fate and in loved ones. If this is not the case, then no matter how the husband behaves, she will still remain dissatisfied.

Lyudmila often tries to realize herself in her career, and in this she can be well helped by such qualities as the ability to be persistent and diplomatic. Although, of course, sometimes it is much more appropriate to trust your feelings more than your reason.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Lyuda, it is useful to take into account that behind her reasonable mask there is usually hidden significant sensuality. However, in the event of disputes or conflicts with her, it will still be much more appropriate to appeal to logic than to emotions.

Famous people with the name Lyudmila

Lyudmila Zykina

Indeed, it is not easy to believe that one of the most popular performers of Russian folk songs, Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize laureate and People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Zykina (born 1929) could have worked as a seamstress all her life and would hardly have received all of the above awards , if not for chance. It all started with the fact that she, an eighteen-year-old girl from a garment factory, suddenly noticed on Mayakovsky Square an advertisement for competitive recruitment to the Pyatnitsky choir, and unexpectedly made up her mind. Soon Zykina was already at the audition, and a few hours later she saw her name among those who passed the competition.

This is where it started stellar career singers. Since then, her beautiful, deep, powerful voice sounds at concert venues in many countries around the world - she toured a lot, and since 1977 she became the artistic director of the Rossiya ensemble. “Now that many years have passed,” the singer sums up in her book “At the Crossroads of Meetings,” “I can say that you need to start singing by participating in the choir. The choir is a school for learning the song and the secrets of its performance.” If this is really the case, it means that Lyudmila Zykina was lucky that everything in her life turned out exactly this way and not otherwise. However, it still seems that even if it weren’t for the choir, her talent and hard work would have led to the same results. But for those who do not have the necessary qualities, even the Pyatnitsky choir is unlikely to help them learn the “secrets of performance.”

1.Person: those who measure and weigh

2.Color: purple

3. Main features. Receptivity - sociability - activity - sexuality

4. totem plant: mistletoe

5. Totem animal: rooster

6. Sign: scales

7. Type. They are difficult to approach, as is their totem, the fighting cock. These are choleric people who do not listen to words, but they have a good heart.

8. Psyche. These women are characterized by such a quality as love for their neighbor, which, however, sometimes takes strange forms.

9. Will. Not as strong as it seems. If you overcome their aggressiveness, it turns out that they can be convinced.

10. Excitability. Suppresses other qualities. They give the impression of a tangle of nerves.

11. Reaction speed. Is it possible to judge character? atomic bomb? With it you will either survive, or you will fly into the air...

12. Field of activity. Work for them is a battlefield where they can go beyond what is permitted. They like everything beautiful and catchy. They cannot stand painstaking, regulated work. They can be doctors, artists, sculptors. They strive for success with great strength!

13. Intuition. Unusually developed, especially if a medical diagnosis is made or a psychological assessment of the personality is given.

14. Intelligence. Excessive excitability often deprives them common sense. They have an analytical mind, but often get lost in details and become unfair and biased. Curious, with a well-developed memory.

15. Receptivity. Every second they strive for love, they want to be the first in everything. They dream of mastering not only your body and soul, but also your condition.

16. Morality. Their somewhat unstable moral principles only add to their charm.

17. Health. Fortunately, it is iron, since they lead an abnormal lifestyle: they confuse day with night, sleep when they can. Their blood circulation is impaired, and this threatens varicose veins.

18. Sexuality. What can be said about these noble women who want to love and be loved, accept and reject, own and give?

19. Activity. They are professional players capable of taking the riskiest bluffs...

20. Sociability. Excessive communication often leads to a disordered life.

21. Conclusion. If you strive for a crazy but passion-filled life, then marry a woman bearing this name and get what you want!

According to Higir

Slavic name - dear to people. Female form of the name Lyudmil.

Since childhood, Lyudmila has shown the traits of a keeper of the family hearth. She loves to create coziness; all her dolls are dressed “according to the weather,” and from the age of five or six she has been making clothes for them with her own hands. But he is not good friends with his sister - Lyudochka is an owner by nature and should be the only mistress in her toy kingdom. He treats his brother more tolerantly. The differences in Lyudmila's relationships with her sister and brother, which develop from childhood, are also clearly visible in adult Lyudmila.

Character of the name Lyudmila

He loves the company of little friends very much, does not strive to be a leader in children's games, but also does not follow the lead of more active children.

Lyudmila is a housewife, home economics lessons are their favorite subject. Endowed with good musical abilities, Lyudmil’s parents should pay attention to this. They perform school and home duties diligently, patiently and assiduously. Having matured, Lyudmilas become proud and jealous of themselves. He spares no money or time to always be on top, better than others. At the same time, she is kind and will not regret it good advice, will not skimp on a gift.

Personal life and marriage named Lyudmila

Lyudmilas achieve good results in the field of art, music, singing, and also where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required.

Lyudmila’s husband will not have to eat soups from concentrates. Lyudmila is a wonderful housewife, everything she undertakes passes through her creative mind, becoming enriched and acquiring the imprint of something original and unique. Her husband won’t go broke on her outfits; moreover, Lyudmila herself can make good money with her handicraft skills. Lyudmila's children are always well-groomed, and Lyudmila's relationship with her husband's parents is the best. But Luda is often unlucky with her husband; he does not like Luda’s excessive independence and her independent character. Conflicts are also possible on the basis of intimate relationships. All this can lead to divorce, which for such women usually happens loudly and noisily. Divorced Lyudmila does not lose heart and continues to persistently look for a life partner.

Lyudmil has patronymics Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Aleksandrovna, Dmitrievna negative traits character are more pronounced.

Alexander, Andrey, Evgeny, Kirill, Ilya, Dmitry - they will probably become good husbands Lyudmila. She should be careful about marrying Nikolai, Egor, Eduard, Yakov, Stepan.

Meaning and origin: dear to people (slav.)

Energy and Karma: this name is similar to the splash of water from a fallen stone and circles spreading across the surface of a lake. Same in the name Lyudmila two dissimilar principles are connected into a single whole. You can easily see that the first part of the word is quite hard, while the ending is very, very soft. It is interesting that some Lyudmila deliberately take advantage of the duality of the name, depending on the circumstances, introducing themselves either as Lyuda or Milaya. The name also looks like a scale, trying to balance both softness and firmness of character at the same time.

Secrets of communication: when communicating with Luda, it is not superfluous to take into account that behind her reasonable mask there is usually hidden significant sensuality. However, in the event of disputes or conflicts with her, it will still be much more appropriate to appeal to logic than to emotions.

  • Libra.
  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Name colors: light green, yellowish brown.
  • Talisman stone: jade.

Meaning of the name Lyudmila option 2

1. Personality. Those who measure and weigh.

2. Character. 96%.

3. Radiation. 99%.

4. Vibration. 93,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Violet.

6. Main features. Receptivity - sociability - activity - sexuality.

7. Totem plant. Mistletoe.

8. Totem animal. Rooster.

9. Sign. Scales.

10. Type. They are difficult to approach, as is their totem, the fighting cock. These are choleric people who do not listen to words, but they have a good heart.

11. Psyche. These women are characterized by such a quality as love for their neighbor, which, however, sometimes takes strange forms.

12. Will. Not as strong as it seems. If you overcome their aggressiveness, it turns out that they can be convinced.

13. Excitability. Suppresses other qualities. They give the impression of a tangle of nerves.

14. Reaction speed. Is it possible to judge the nature of the atomic bomb? With it you will either survive, or you will fly into the air...

15. Field of activity. Work for them is a battlefield where they can go beyond what is permitted. They like everything beautiful and catchy. They cannot stand painstaking, regulated work. They can be doctors, artists, sculptors. Lyudmila They strive for success with great strength!

16. Intuition. Unusually developed, especially if a medical diagnosis is made or a psychological assessment of the personality is given.

17. Intelligence. Excessive excitability often deprives them of common sense. They have an analytical mind, but often get lost in details and become unfair and biased. Curious, with a well-developed memory.

18. Receptivity. Every second they strive for love, they want to be the first in everything. They dream of mastering not only your body and soul, but also your condition.

19. Morality. Their somewhat unstable moral principles only add to their charm.

20. Health. Fortunately, it is iron, since they lead an abnormal lifestyle: they confuse day with night, sleep when they can. Their blood circulation is impaired, and this threatens varicose veins.

21. Sexuality. What can be said about these noble women who want to love and be loved, accept and reject, own and give?

22. Activity. They are professional players capable of taking the riskiest bluffs...

23. Sociability. Excessive communication often leads to a disordered life.

Conclusion. If you strive for a crazy, but full of passions life, then marry a woman bearing this name Lyudmila, and get what you want!

Meaning of the name Lyudmila option 3

Slavic name - dear to people. Female form of the name Lyudmil. Since childhood, Lyudmila has shown the traits of a keeper of the family hearth. She loves to create coziness; all her dolls are dressed “according to the weather,” and from the age of five or six she has been making clothes for them with her own hands.

But he is not good friends with his sister - Lyudochka is an owner by nature and should be the only mistress in her toy kingdom. He treats his brother more tolerantly. The differences in Lyudmila's relationships with her sister and brother, which develop from childhood, are also clearly visible in adult Lyudmila.

He loves the company of little friends very much, does not strive to be a leader in children's games, but also does not follow the lead of more active children.

Lyudmila is a housewife, home economics lessons are their favorite subject. Endowed with good musical abilities, Lyudmil’s parents should pay attention to this. They perform school and home duties diligently, patiently and assiduously. Having grown up,

Lyudmilas become proud and jealous of themselves. He spares no money or time to always be on top, better than others. At the same time, she is kind, will not regret good advice, and will not skimp on a gift. Lyudmilas achieve good results in the field of art, music, singing, and also where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required.

Lyudmila’s husband will not have to eat soups from concentrates. Lyudmila a wonderful housewife, everything she undertakes passes through her creative mind, enriching itself and acquiring the imprint of something original and unique. Her husband won’t go broke on her outfits, moreover, Lyudmila She herself can make good money with her handicraft skills.

Lyudmila's children are always well-groomed, and Lyudmila's relationship with her husband's parents is the best. But Luda is often unlucky with her husband; he does not like Luda’s excessive independence and her independent character. Conflicts are also possible on the basis of intimate relationships. All this can lead to divorce, which for such women usually happens loudly and noisily. Divorced Lyudmila does not lose heart, continues to persistently look for a life partner.

In Lyudmil with patronymics Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Aleksandrovna, Dmitrievna, negative character traits are more pronounced. Alexander, Andrey, Evgeny, Kirill, Ilya, Dmitry will certainly become good husbands for Lyudmila. She should be careful about marrying Nikolai, Egor, Eduard, Yakov, Stepan.

Meaning of the name Lyudmila option 4

Lyudmila- “nice to people” (slav.)

It is difficult to approach her; she puts up a barrier until she is convinced of the sincerity of her partner’s feelings. This is a choleric person who does not pay attention to spoken words, but a person with a huge heart.

She is characterized by love for her neighbor. She is caring and forgiving. She is a born teacher. Lyudmila- a zealot of morality. Sane. Knows how to correctly assess his capabilities. Slightly crafty. Impeccable hostess. As a rule, she is always surrounded by friends. As much as she is devoted to her beloved, she is also jealous. But her enormous desire to please everyone and to be unsurpassed often harms her. Her will is not as strong as it seems at first. If you overcome her aggressiveness, you can have a beneficial influence on her. Lyudmila's quick excitability sometimes prevails over all other character traits: she gives the impression of a ball of nerves. Reactions to unwanted situations are immediate and unbridled. Usually it is impossible to predict exactly when an outburst of emotions will occur.

Labor activity is a field of struggle for Lyudmila, where actions often go beyond what is permitted. She cannot stand regulated work. And everywhere he strives for success with all his might. This is a leader who has difficulty getting used to a secondary role. Her unusually developed intuition helps her find a solution quickly and correctly. Her abilities are well demonstrated in medicine, where it is necessary to accurately diagnose or make a psychological assessment of a person. Having analytical warehouse The mind, unfortunately, often dissolves in trifles, becomes unfair and biased. She has well-developed auditory memory and a sense of curiosity. She is like a sponge, in addition to her desire, she absorbs all the information. Has the qualities of a professional player. Capable of taking risks and bluffing. But in everything she is guided by will, an ineradicable desire to achieve her goal.

Lyudmila Every second she strives for love, she must be first in everything. But she dreams of taking possession not only of her lover’s body, but also of his condition. Her somewhat unstable moral principles only add to her charm. She has heightened sexuality and is noble in her desires. Wants to be loved and love, take and give. She likes everything beautiful and chic. Excessive sociability leads to disordered life.

If a man strives for a crazy but passionate life, then he should marry Lyudmila, he will have it all.

Initially has iron health. Extraordinarily hardy. Confuses day with night, sleeps when possible. But she may well have a blood circulation disorder, which will lead to varicose veins. Lyudmila should be protected nervous system, stomach, bronchi.

"Winter" Lyudmila- despot. She is demanding of herself and does not give concessions to others. Proud, brave. Rich in soul, has great loving heart, where there is enough space for everyone. She will make an excellent manager, but her employees fear and respect her more than they love her.

“Autumn” has excellent command of the pen and the word. She can become an excellent journalist and poetess. Independent, self-reliant. Loving, extremely sexy. The name matches patronymics: Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Ruslanovna, Evgenievna, Adamovna.

“Summer” - has an increased sense of attraction to opposite sex. Finds a common language easier with men than with women. Smart, kind. Resourceful. He has an excellent memory and extraordinary imagination. Will succeed in theater or cinema, in rhythmic gymnastics, in the circus arena, in choreography.

“Spring” - with increased sensitivity to someone’s grief, to one’s own, even minor, failures. She suffers painfully from quarrels with friends and is sentimental. Can be an artist, fashion designer, model, educator, teacher, writer. The name matches patronymics: Yuryevna, Yanovna, Tarasovna, Egorovna, Vadimovna, Efimovna, Lvovna.

Meaning of the name Lyudmila option 5

I am dumb, although I am nice, and you, although Lyudmila. But you’re not nice to people, and you won’t become nice to them.

Perhaps this is said somewhat pointedly, like any characteristic squeezed into too small a space. But nevertheless, this is a correct description, a correct observation of the polarization of names that is not uncommon in onomatology.

Where a name is very clear and undeniable in its etymology, where its etymological meaning is imposed on consciousness and, moreover, has a character that is not symbolic, but too obviously identical, there the personality pattern often turns out to be in direct contradiction with the etymological meaning of the name. It’s not that it’s impossible to discern a connection at all between a name and a person, or more precisely, between the etymological meaning of a name and its energetic meaning. On the contrary, careful penetration into the name and into the person who bears it allows one to discover the threads stretching from the name to the person, allows one to understand the original fabric that has degenerated into a given person, and this fabric is clearly determined by the name in question. And when this is revealed, the symbolic display of the name by a given person becomes clear, not only contradicting the etymological meaning of his name on the surface, but also affirming this meaning with its deeper layers. Here the opportunity opens up to see and understand not only that this person is blatantly violating the etymological meaning of her name, but also that it is no coincidence that she bears it, that the energy of her name really acts in her, although it causes an unexpected action, but still it is the activity of this name and not of any other. A personality, like any concrete thing in general, embodying an intelligent essence, reveals it in itself and by itself symbolically, as an artistic image. When an intelligent essence is clearly far from the possibility of rationalistic unification and simplification according to one criterion, then its artistic embodiment in a person does not create a gap between the symbol and the prototype - the name. When this prototype (although even here incapable of being rationalistically flattened) is closer to the rational plane and more easily allows violence against itself, turning it from an idea into a concept, then the person who embodies given name, can easily, because of the loudly imposed abstract sign of the name, precisely because of it, not obey the name and in response to its obsessive demand - to have some specific sign, to be a walking personification of this sign, she shows exactly the opposite. Perhaps here she is prompted to this rebellion against her name by deep chastity, which does not allow her to walk around with a sign on her forehead, declaring in all letters what abstract attribute this person should be, according to the crowd. But, dressing herself in an opposite sign, in the depths of her personality she is nevertheless illuminated by this sign denied on the surface, and its light shines indistinctly through her own more superficial denial.

We find ancient works cloying and fictitious, where there are persons with names whose meaning too clearly indicates virtues and vices. What is unpleasant here is not only, or rather, not so much the extremeness of their virtue or vice, as the formal statement of both by the names themselves: according to the experience accumulated and deposited in us over the centuries, but undoubtedly inherent in us the immediate sense of names, no matter how this sense It was explained that we do not believe this straightforward coincidence of an abstract logical sign with the psychological and moral, and even more so, the physical content of an individual, and the presented image in its integrity with the name is assessed by us as impossible and therefore artistically false.

... Everyone knows from life experience that people with overly obviously pious surnames are rarely pious. Exactly the same or even more Lyudmila- and in relation to his name:... although Lyudmila,

But you’re not nice to people, And you won’t become nice to them. What's special to strain here: Lyudmila- a rude person and not by accident. She has strong impulses, but rough, rough - in a bass key, somewhat hoarse. Knocks down everyone she meets in the path of her impulse. But an impulse with calculation is not for her; she is rude to calculation itself, she seeks violent clashes with life and does not spare herself in them. But this is not temperament, not the fire in the blood and in the soul, which flows like a molten stream in the direction it desires.

Lyudmila doesn’t want anything specific, doesn’t achieve it, and generally doesn’t know what she wants... she doesn’t need a specific content, this or that, but a form of violent clashes, rough manifestations. “Looks for storms, as if there is peace in storms.” Quiet speech is painful for her, but shouts are needed. Warmth, comfort, contentment with it are not only not sought, but, on the contrary, are rejected with indignation, discarded, cast aside as something despicable and disgusting. Her appearance, in her own imagination, the image of herself that attracts her, is a shock, a shock with a banner, a flag, maybe a cross, in general a shock with something, it doesn’t matter what exactly. A storm is raging, marching drums and rough copper pipes are thundering, bullets are whistling, all around is the tension of suffering and horror. And it shakes us with something, leads us somewhere, saves some crowds and leads us to something. This is how she imagines herself in her prime, at the peak of her achievements.

But for her it remains unclear and more or less indifferent to whom she leads and where she leads: what is important is the rise itself, the Beethovenian spirit of pointless rebellion, the onslaught of the elements, sweeping away everything quiet and comfortable, although sometimes she is not presented with any goal that internally justifies these impulses .

This is the complete opposite of the epic, this is the roaring sea of ​​​​the sound of Beethoven's Egmont, exciting and uplifting if you madly surrender to it, and an empty boil in a cauldron of water, if you remember that the weak motivation for all this noise is political passions, very doubtful in their correctness and in addition, long ago they died down and went into the realm of epic, albeit rather small-scale. This is exactly how Lyudmila would like to sail on a raft made of barrels and logs along the piling up waves of the ocean, with the flash of lightning and in the role of captain of the unfortunate travelers dying of cold and hunger - certainly unfortunate travelers.

But this image, like others like it, for Lyudmila is not a theatrical effect, not vanity and a desire to surprise and amaze with oneself, but a genuine shock. “It’s me,” he longs to say Lyudmila, but at the same time she wants a genuine shock, a genuine uplift, a genuine feat, and she will not be satisfied with the effect, the effect alone, the spectacular role.

Lyudmila wants effect, but not affectation. This is an honest nature, exaggerated in its honesty, emphasized in it, rude in its honesty. Both internally and externally honest, “so honest, so truthful that I’ll punch anyone in the face, I won’t lose a single millimeter in honesty and truthfulness.” Everyone seems flabby, lethargic, and false to her. She recognizes only heroes and is inclined from time to time to see in one or another the ideal appearance of a hero. But as soon as the slightest weakness, softness, or indirectness of a recognized hero is revealed, he is instantly knocked off the pedestal with a kick and showered with contempt - he is a deceiver, flabby and cowardly, a scoundrel, no better than the rest of the despicable herd of little men, vile and selfish.

Lyudmila- a heroic nature, perhaps not so much even heroic as wanting to be one. She understands heroism very elementary, as well as nobility, which almost the whole world denies and which in superlatives asserts itself. It will not even occur to her to doubt whether her nobility is really so indisputable and gives her the right to despise everyone around her. When Beethoven stood on the path to force the Duke of Weimar, Goethe and his retinue to walk around him on the lawn, then Beethoven was probably struck by that same happy thought about his independence and his nobility, unlike the servant of Goethe, which usually inspires Lyudmila. She hates contentment, but where there is misfortune and grief, she is in her place; there she forgets about the harsh condemnation of people and is ready for any sacrifice, impetuous and without looking back. Here she becomes resourceful, enterprising, she can lead, infuse energy, take control of the situation and, in fact, lead. Sister of mercy, paramedic, sutler, revolutionary activist - she is in her place here. Not distinguished at all by a deep mind, alien to contemplation, she often ends up here thanks to her impulse, which knows no looking back, her rudeness, which does not linger on details and shades, smarter than the smart ones. She chops with an axe, grabs an ax in accordance with her main attraction to rude actions, when others, more experienced, would use subtle tools that she despises, and in a moment of danger she may turn out to be more right in her rudeness than others in their subtlety and prudence. .

Here she leads, now dear to people, yes, to people, and not to man. In her heroic moments, she is a crowd pleaser. She is not nice to a person, and she doesn’t want to be nice, and therefore she is rude to him, a person: too petty, too soft, too little, in her estimation, to be nice to individual people.

Meaning of the name Lyudmila option 6

Kind, caring, compliant. They love to create coziness - real classic keepers of the family hearth. The food is delicious. But they are unlucky in marriages - their marriages are short-lived.

They often have two lovers: one - the beloved, the other - to take care of. These women are easy-going, like their father, and excellent friends. Unfortunately, unlucky.

Meaning of the name Lyudmila option 7

Lyudmila- from old, Russian. dear to people.

Derivatives: Dyudmilka., Luda, Lyudusya, Lyusya, Lusisha, Lyudakha, Lyudasha, Lyudukha, Lyudusha, Lyulya, Mila, Milasha, Milusya, Milusha, Mika.

Folk signs.

On Lyudmilin's Day the geese take flight, dragging the winter bird on their tail.


Lyudmila“looks for storms, as if there is peace in storms.” She does not accept either a “quiet backwater” or even quiet speech. Lyudmila leader by nature. At the same time, it doesn’t really matter to her who she leads or even what she leads to; What is important is the onslaught of the elements, sweeping away everything quiet and cozy along the way. This is an honest nature, even orthodox in its honesty. Lyudmila does not like dullness, mediocrity, recognizes only heroes and is sometimes inclined to idealize people, erecting them on a high pedestal. She is the organizing force and center of her family, a great housewife, mother and wife. In moments of misfortune and grief Lyudmila feels especially in demand, showing resourcefulness, enterprise, and ebullient energy. Not distinguished by deep intelligence at all, alien to contemplation, in critical situations Lyudmila turns out to be smarter than smart people, and in fact very necessary and nice to people.

Meaning of the name Lyudmila option 8

LYUDMILA - dear to people (Staroslav.).

Name day: September 29 - Holy Martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia, spread the faith of Christ in the Czech Republic; was killed by a pagan in 927.

  • Libra.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color - beige.
  • The auspicious tree is hazel.
  • The treasured plant is the chrysanthemum.
  • The patron of the name is the Persian cat.
  • The talisman stone is yellow sapphire.


Lyudmila- a very temperamental woman who, out of a sense of innate balance (she strives for it all her life), tries to seem modest. Lyudmila loves society, knows how to win people, however, her charm always has a completely conscious goal, because Lyudmila rarely gives in to the impulses of his feminine heart. Her rational nature constantly hungers for living food: Lyudmila reads a lot, needs constant communication, loves to visit and receive guests. She needs encouragement, admiration, approval, luck in everything. She hates obstacles and withers under criticism. That is why Lyudmila- an organizing force, the center of her family, a magnificent housewife, mother and wife - here is her kingdom, her element, here is the stage on which she always plays main role. She has excellent taste and sophisticated habits.

Meaning of the name Lyudmila option 9

Lyudmila has complex character, unpredictable. She is stubborn and at the same time very patient. At least once in my life Lyudmila abruptly breaks his seemingly already arranged fate. And it’s always unexpected even for those closest to us. She does not plan such responsible steps and does not strive for them. It’s just that one day a combination of random circumstances leads her to this decision. Dissuade

Lyudmila is useless for anything. New life, although not the best, in any case she is more satisfied. Such changes mobilize all its forces to resolve its problems.

Married over the years Lyudmila he gets disappointed, but tries not to break anything because of the children, and adapts to the situation. She has complete understanding with children, often Lyudmila completely devotes his life to them.
