Vsevolod abbreviation. The meaning of the name Vsevolod and his character

Short form of the name Vsevolod. Seva, Volodya, Vova, Vava, Vodya, Volya, Lodya, Vsevolodushka, Vseva.
Origin of the name Vsevolod. The name Vsevolod is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox.

The name Vsevolod is Slavic name, formed from 2 semantic parts: “vse-”, that is, “all”, and “volod-” (“to own”). Also "voloda" in Old Slavonic language means “power”, and in modern Ukrainian this word has been transformed into the word “vlada”. Therefore, the name Vsevolod can be translated as “all-powerful,” “owning everything.” IN Orthodox calendar the name Vsevolod is identical to the name Gabriel.

As a child, Vsevolod was an easy-going boy. Teachers love him, and his peers respect him, but if you ask them why exactly, hardly anyone will explain to you. In fact, Vsevolod has the gift of persuasion. He uses it to achieve various goals, such as getting an excellent grade or having his play accepted by a peer.

Vsevolod is a balanced young man. He is patient and diligent, he can remarkably concentrate on the main thing, without being distracted by trifles. But he lacks the desire to be a leader; he may well feel comfortable in a supporting role, but only with the most important and respected one.

Vsevolod is quite cautious and rarely finds himself in dangerous and unpleasant situations. He is courageous and able to withstand adversity. Vsevolod is a strong man, but sometimes he doesn’t really want to win. He can be content with what he has. And it is enough for him simply to know that his ability to communicate will always come to his aid at the moment when it is needed.

For his wife, Vsevolod is looking for a woman with ambitions, but not exceeding his own understanding of their size. He likes to see in her a real housewife, prudent, smart, practical, but not forgetting that there should always be coziness and comfort in the house. Comfort in the family is very important for Vsevolod.

Vsevolod's name day

Famous people named Vsevolod

  • Vsevolod Vishnevsky (playwright, novelist, journalist)
  • Vsevolod Pudovkin (Soviet film director, film theorist)
  • Vsevolod Sanaev (Soviet theater and film actor, National artist THE USSR)
  • Vsevolod Garshin (Russian writer and literary critic)
  • Vsevolod Bobrov (Soviet athlete and coach (ice hockey, football), Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR, Olympic champion)
  • Vsevolod the Big Nest (Prince of Vladimir, son of Yuri Dolgoruky (1154–1212))
  • Vsevolod Keldysh (scientist, one of the founders of the method of calculating reinforced concrete structures using limit states (1878–1965))
  • Vsevolod Krestovsky (writer (1840–1895))
  • Vsevolod Meyerhold (Russian and Soviet director, actor and teacher (1874–1940))
  • Vsevolod Roborovsky (Russian explorer of Central Asia)
  • Vsevolod Ovchinnikov (outstanding Soviet journalist and writer)
  • Vsevolod Burtsev (Russian scientist in the field of control systems and the theory of design of universal computers, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Each name has its own energy, which is transmitted to its bearer. Of course, this greatly influences the formation of character and, consequently, the fate of a person. To find out what qualities the name Vsevolod will give to its owner, you need to conduct a comprehensive analysis and find out all the secrets of this name.


The name Vsevolod has Slavic origin. It, like many other Old Russian names, is formed from two roots. The part “everything” comes from the Old Russian “v’s” (all), and “volod” refers to the word “volodeti” (to own). The literal meaning of the name is “owner of everything”, “ruler”.

The oldest mention of this name known to modern scientists refers to the son of St. Vladimir and Rogneda of Polotsk. Vsevolod Vladimirovich was born around 983.

Prince Vladimir and Princess Rogneda gave birth to a son and named him Vsevolod

Name forms

The name Vsevolod can be abbreviated as follows:

  • Vseva;
  • Volodya;
  • Vova;
  • Wawa;
  • Driving;
  • Will;
  • Lodya.

The name Vsevolod has many pleasant and beautiful short forms that friends and family can use

Vsevolod can be affectionately called like this:

  • Vsevolodushka,
  • Volushka;
  • Vladik;
  • Volodenka;
  • Vsevochka.

Middle names

Vsevolod’s children will bear the patronymic names Vsevolodovich and Vsevolodovna. The following middle names suit Vsevolod himself:

  • Vladimirovich;
  • Olegovych;
  • Petrovich;
  • Lvovich.

Church name

The name Vsevolod is in the Orthodox calendar, so at baptism the young man will not receive a new name.

Photo gallery: patron saints of Vsevolod

Vsevolod Potemkinsky - holy martyr, presbyter Vsevolod of Novgorod - prince, canonized Vsevolod Smirnov - archpriest, holy martyr

Name day

Vsevolod celebrates his name day on the following days:

  • February 8, September 19 (Vsevolod Potemkinsky);
  • February 8, November 13 (Vsevolod Smirnov);
  • May 5, December 10, February 24 (Vsevolod Novgorodsky).

Related names

The name Volodislav, like Vsevolod, contains the root “volod” (“volodyet”). It means "possessing glory." In modern Russian the form Vladislav is used.

There is also an Old Slavonic name Vseslav. It, like Vsevolod, has the root “all” (“vs”) and is literally translated as “all glory.”

Table: analogues of the name in other languages


To obtain a foreign passport, bank card, or order from abroad, you must indicate your name in Latin letters. According to the rules of transliteration adopted in Russia, the name Vsevolod is written in Latin as follows - VSEVOLOD. Any other form of recording leads to the invalidity of the document.

Nicknames for social networks

Vsevolod - sonorous, beautiful name. Why not use it as the basis for a nickname in social network? Here are some examples:

  • v$3v0Jl0d18;
  • s.e.v.;
  • v$3v0Jl0d.

Name and character

For many years, the mystery of a name, which has a strong influence on a person, has fascinated people. Many have tried to explain this phenomenon in one way or another, and to date several quite plausible theories have emerged. Among them there are both scientific assumptions, substantiated by psychology and sociology, and esoteric ones, based on secret knowledge.


Anthroponymy is a branch of onomastics, the science of proper names. She studies only human names: their origin, meaning and distribution. Scientists have several basic theories related to the phenomenon of the influence of a name on character.

Association theory

The associative theory suggests that a name evokes certain associations in the listener, which in most cases are similar in different people. This is how an image and type of behavior is formed, compliance with which is expected from Vsevolod. The owner of the name subconsciously strives to justify this stereotype and begins to develop qualities in himself to correspond to it - this is how personality is formed under the influence of the name according to the associative theory.

Vsevolod, like any Slavic name, often evokes associations with masculinity and a tendency to follow traditions. Many may even consider Vsevolod old-fashioned.

Emotional theory

The emotional theory is similar to the associative theory. The difference lies only in the scheme and reason for the formation of the image. The sound of a name is an emotional stimulus, and it can be perceived by our ears as a combination of pleasant or harsh sounds.

The name Vsevolod is quite strong and courageous. It ends with a hard consonant, which gives a special rigidity to the character of the image. The sound L in the middle of a word slightly softens the idea of ​​the bearer of the name, adding a drop of melodiousness to it.

According to Boris Khigir

Boris Khigir is a Russian psychologist interested in names. He published several directories of names, and also studied their connection with patronymics and zodiac signs.

Boris Khigir - psychologist, author of numerous books

Boris Khigir notes the rarity of this name these days. One of Vladislav's main traits is his stubbornness. It is fundamentally important for him that everything around him is exactly as he said. This is noticeable in all areas of his life: at work, at home, in relationships with friends, family and women.

Vsevolod is often endowed with talents in exact sciences ah, which he uses to achieve success in the financial sector. He is an ambitious careerist, and often achieves his goals using not the most honest methods. He is inventive, even cunning. Because he likes to subjugate other people, he often occupies leadership positions. Vsevolod’s career growth always occurs quickly and rapidly.

According to Khigir, Vsevolod is doing well in the following areas:

  • banking;
  • jurisprudence;
  • medicine;
  • hotel business;
  • diplomacy.

A strong desire for power often leads Vsevolod into politics. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the name Vsevolod was extremely popular among Russian princes and rulers, and their energy was transferred to the name.

Vsevolod Yuryevich Big Nest - Grand Duke of Kiev


With women, Vsevolod adheres to the old-fashioned style of behavior. His courtship is beautiful and romantic, he is ready to protect his beloved from any misfortune and hide her behind his strong masculine back. However, he also demands a lot from his chosen one: unquestioning submission, impeccable conduct household, full responsibility for children.

In bed, Vsevolod is also quite old-fashioned and does not accept any experiments. He is not very ardent, so his temperament may be inferior to his beloved.

Vsevolod is ridiculously jealous. Unpredictable outbursts of jealousy, which can be triggered by literally every little thing, can become a serious problem in a relationship.

Characteristics according to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima are a creative couple who publish books about the meaning of names, their origin and influence on a person’s destiny.

Vsevolod, according to their works, is a person not inclined to openly display power. He is one of those people who prefer to gain dominance through gentle persuasion, sometimes even flattery. Vsevolod is inclined to convincingly present his point of view to others so that they can look at the problem through his eyes. Unfortunately this positive quality is suppressed by the fact that Vsevolod himself categorically refuses to accept someone else’s opinion (even if his opponent provided more convincing arguments).

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima suggested that our ancestors put into the name Vsevolod their idea of ​​an ideal ruler. This is a prince who rules not by force, but by mind. He does not fight, but convinces the enemy, offers a mutually beneficial partnership and thus gains power over him.

Vsevolod is a firm but good-natured name. It prophesies to its owner steadfastness of character and courage, but protects him from senseless aggression. The energy of this name is calm, constant, stable. Perhaps this is the main disadvantage of Vsevolod - the lack of passions. This person does not know how to give in to violent emotions; he prefers a quiet and calm flow of life, alien to any changes. Vsevolod often does not know how to behave in a changing world, and therefore withdraws into his own little world, where he can control everything.

Felix Velichko's theory

Felix Velichko is a Russian astrologer, one of the founders of the professional union of astrologers. His theory is to parse the name letter by letter. Felix Velichko suggested that each letter contains a full-fledged idea, and the name as a whole can be interpreted as the sum of these ideas.

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name Vsevolod

Having spelled out the name Vsevolod, we get:

  1. B - the ability to establish contacts with people. This letter indicates high communication skills, the ability to negotiate, negotiate, as well as excellent oratorical qualities. Note that it appears twice in the name, which indicates its enhanced meaning.
  2. WITH - common sense. This person has solid ground under his feet, he does not have his head in the clouds and always strives to control the situation. The letter indicates love for material goods.
  3. E - love of knowledge. This letter indicates, first of all, curiosity and the desire to exchange knowledge with others. It is important for such a person not only to have information, but also to discuss it with others.
  4. O - thirst for material things. On the one hand, this letter shows the commercialism, sometimes even pettiness of the owner of the name. On the other hand, his ability to control the situation, as well as his desire for self-knowledge. The letter O, like B, appears twice in the name.
  5. L - artistry. This letter demonstrates charisma and a penchant for acting. Such a person often has a tendency to acting career, but Vsevolod, as a rule, uses this skill rather to influence others, to convince his opponent that he is right.
  6. D - planning. The letter D in the name indicates that a person is inclined to carefully plan the entire process down to the smallest detail before starting work.

By collecting the meanings of the letters together, we can get a fairly detailed psychological picture Vsevolod. This person knows how and loves to subjugate those around him, gaining power over them through persuasion. Vsevolod strives for a strong financial position. He is a careerist and often uses artistry and charm to achieve his business goals. His charisma often helps him out of difficult situations that he may find himself in due to complex nature.

Each letter of the name gives Vsevolod certain character traits, special qualities

Vsevolod in childhood

Boris Khigir notes that Vsevolod has been showing his tyrannical character since childhood. He quickly learns to manage his parents. By the time he reaches school, he knows how to beg them for anything he wants - be it a small toy or his own room.

At school, Vsevolod quickly becomes a leader. Not only did he start the most “influential” company in the class, but he was also a successful student whose word really carried weight with the teachers. Thanks to his power, Vsevolod can get his acquaintances out of trouble, but not for free - he always expects some kind of service in return.


Vsevolod, as a rule, has fairly good health. In childhood and adolescence he practically never got sick. Around the age of fifty, Alzheimer's disease may appear. As a result, Vsevolod may suffer from memory loss and stop recognizing loved ones.

To protect yourself from this disease, it is necessary to maintain a high load on the brain throughout your life. To do this, you need to constantly learn new skills and study various sciences. To effectively prevent Alzheimer's disease, doctors say two things should be studied. foreign languages and regularly communicate with other people on them.

Talents and abilities

Vsevolod has certain inclinations towards theatrical art - he is charismatic, charming, knows how to persuade and look truthful when he needs it. However, he often prefers to use these skills not on the big screen, but to achieve short-term profit or career growth.

Vsevolod Sanaev - theater and film actor, the most famous film is “The Return of Vasily Bortnikov”

Profession and career

Vsevolod easily achieves success in almost any field, as he is gifted with excellent communication skills. He goes up easily career ladder, but not so much because of professional skills, but because of ambition and the ability to be friends with the right people.

He achieves the greatest success in such areas as:

  • finance, credit, bank;
  • private medicine;
  • IT development.

The best area of ​​activity for Vsevolod is banking and finance; he feels comfortable around money

Love and relationships

Vsevolod is very strict towards the women with whom he enters into relationships. He is old-fashioned and primarily looks for the mother of his children in a woman. He often chooses a spouse based on such everyday qualities as the ability to cook, clean quickly, and behave quietly and inconspicuously. Because of these criteria, the Vsevolods have engagements with Muslim women(which in terms of behavior are his ideal), but they often collapse due to differences in culture and religious beliefs.

A Muslim woman is a fairly common choice for Vsevolod for a relationship, but this relationship often collapses due to family and cultural differences

Vsevolod does not tolerate even a hint of betrayal. If a girl likes to ostentatiously flirt with another man in order to make her chosen one jealous, she will not be able to have a long relationship with Vsevolod.

Table: compatibility with other names

Significant years of Vsevolod’s life

It is important for Vsevolod and his relatives to pay attention to the following years of his life:

  1. 12 years old. At this age, Seva notices for the first time that there are not only his desires in the world. IN best case scenario he will accept this and learn to live in harmony with other people's ambitions. At worst, he will stage an active protest and will strive to suppress everyone around him, forcing them to pay attention only to his desires.
  2. 20 years. After graduating from school, Vsevolod formed an image ideal woman. It is important that he is not caricatured or distorted, otherwise he will unsuccessfully search for his companion all his life.
  3. 34 years. At this age, Vsevolod already achieves almost everything he wanted: an excellent career, many people under his command, the family of his dreams. In this regard, he may get bored and throw himself into all serious things: alcohol, mistresses, gambling, perhaps even drugs.

Table: esoteric correspondences

Name horoscope

The twelve zodiac houses determine our destinies and characters, influence our abilities and talents. How does this fit in with the influence of the name? In fact, it’s very simple - the qualities that names and zodiac signs give are intertwined with each other, creating a more complex, multifaceted and individual character.

Zodiac constellations determine characters and destinies

Table: characteristics of Vsevolod depending on the zodiac sign

AriesA very hot-tempered person who often accumulates anger within himself. Vsevolod-Aries is capable of harboring a grudge for years, smiling in a person’s face, and at the right moment hitting him where it hurts most.
TaurusVsevolod, born under the sign of Taurus, loves to achieve his goals with gentle persuasion and flattery. He can charm anyone if he needs it. If he does not need a person’s assistance, Vsevolod, as a rule, communicates with him rather coldly.
TwinsVsevolod-Gemini is an excellent leader. He sets seemingly unrealistic goals for himself and his subordinates, but under his leadership any peaks are conquered. He is one of those leaders who knows how to inspire a team.
CancerVsevolod-Cancer is prone to alcoholism. He is ambitious, but often does not have a clear plan of action, which is why his dreams crumble.
a lionVsevolod under the sign of Leo is a very dangerous narcissist. He loves to use the people around him to bolster his own ego. The feelings and emotions of others do not interest him; he is more prone to psychopathy than others.
VirgoThis earthly sign gives Vsevolod some peace. Vsevolod, born under Virgo, is less attached to material wealth than other signs and is almost not worried about them.
ScalesVsevolod-Libra is often prone to nervous mental disorders due to high load. He takes on so much work that by the age of thirty his health is compromised.
ScorpionVsevolod under the sign of Scorpio is, as a rule, unhappy in marriage. The reason, unfortunately, is his extremely difficult character - few spouses can live more than six months in the same house with such a powerful tyrant.
SagittariusVsevolod the Sagittarius puts on the mask of a faithful friend and comrade when he is sure that a person’s disposition will be useful to him in the future. He does not know how to truly make friends and deep down he strives for loneliness, but he is able to quickly charm people with a bright sense of humor, a sharp mind and lively, active behavior.
CapricornThis is the only sign for Vsevolod that a leadership position is contraindicated for him. Vsevolod-Capricorn prefers to do everything on his own, and subordinates can very easily use this to avoid work.
AquariusVsevolod-Aquarius is a storehouse of knowledge about everyone around him. He is always aware of all the latest gossip, facts, relationships between colleagues. Moreover, he skillfully uses this information to achieve his career goals.
FishVsevolod, under the sign of Pisces, has a penchant for traveling. He enjoys exploring new places and meeting people from other cultures, so he would be a great fit for long-distance work.


Character is influenced by many factors: name, patronymic, zodiac sign... But many forget that the seasons also partially shape a person’s personality, transferring their energy to the newborn.

Vsevolod, born in winter, is very conflicted. He has excellent eloquence abilities and makes an excellent speaker. This person knows how to lead a crowd, but in personal relationships he can be very unpleasant. He is distrustful and double-checks any information. It is possible to become his close friend and confidant, but achieving this is extremely difficult - Vsevolod demands unquestioning obedience from his social circle.

Spring Vsevolod is very inquisitive. He strives not only to expand, but also to deepen his knowledge. Thus, he often becomes an outstanding specialist in several fields at once, and also has an extraordinary outlook. This person is an erudite, he has an excellent memory and quickly assimilates information. However, as a rule, he uses information to manage people, and not to create and solve problems.

Vsevolod, born in the summer, is extremely stubborn and touchy. He loses his temper easily and takes a very long time to calm down. This person does not know how to forget grievances, so it is almost impossible to regain his trust after a quarrel. He has no sense of humor, so you shouldn’t play it even in the most innocent way - he won’t understand and will get angry. Summer Vsevolod is patient in business.

Summer Vsevolod is quick-tempered, but conscientious in business

Vsevolod, born in the fall, is often unhappy in marriage. As a rule, the reason for this is his relationship with his wife’s family. Only a very strong attachment to his wife and children can preserve marital happiness; if this feeling is not there, Vsevolod will most likely divorce his wife and go in search of another chosen one.

Photo gallery: famous personalities

Vsevolod Kuznetsov - voice and dubbing actor, often dubs the roles of Keanu Reeves, Tom Cruise, Mark Wahlberg Vsevolod Bobrov - Soviet football player and hockey player, and then coach of football and hockey teams Vsevolod Shilovsky - theater and film actor Vsevolod Nestaiko - children's writer Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky - Soviet poet, as well as translator and journalist

Poems about Vsevolod

Vsevolod, such a name!
Wear it with pride
You will meet a goddess
With her you will find love.

What is love

The name Vsevolod is wonderful,
It means “to own everything.”
Seva is just a cool guy!
I can't stay at home.
I rush to meet him,
To congratulate you on a wonderful day!
We are tonight
Let's spend it together with Seva!

What is love

Vsevolod, my most beloved,
You are simply a miracle of miracles.
Serious, strong and beautiful -
Captivator of girls' hearts.

What is love


Vsevolod is stubborn and proud,

What is love


Today I, Vsevolod,
I sincerely wish
Live in abundance and goodness,
Grief, not knowing troubles.
May your dreams be big
They will come true soon.
There will be strength and excitement
Continue moving forward.


Vsevolod is stubborn and proud,
Sociable, hardworking,
Can reach any heights,
Curious, powerful and strong.



You are strong as a hundred oxen
Young, brave, always healthy.
Vsevolod, you are a true friend
And the dream of the girls around.
Let the years only decorate
And they don’t add any worries!
Heart with happiness
Let it beat to the beat,
All good things will return to you!



A man worthy of praise
Galantant with the ladies and sweet,
Our Vsevolod is a nice guy,
His family is a reliable support.
We will only tell him that
He never lost faith in people
I expected miracles and happiness from fate
And I became a little bolder!



Vsevolod - “all-powerful”, “ruler”,
So have everything you want.
You are so talented alone
Let your dreams come true!


Vsevolod is a strong, strong-willed personality. He knows how to choose the most effective methods and achieves set goals. Unfortunately, this is often combined in him with a great tendency towards psychopathy and an unwillingness to understand the people around him.

Vsevolod is an ancient Slavic name. The name is interpreted differently. The name means "Omnipotent" or "Owner of everything." This name was given to a ruler who built his power not on force, but on respect and love.

    Patron planet of the name: Jupiter.

    Luck stone: topaz.

    Name element: water.

    Plants that bring good luck: weeping willow, poppy, rose.


Since childhood, Vsevolod has been distinguished by perseverance in achieving goals, this is how the meaning of the name Vsevolod is revealed. This flexible and calm boy knows how to insist on his own. However, he does not use physical strength, but by the power of persuasion. With the gift of persuasion, Vsevolod achieves the love of adults and the respect of his peers.

Adult Vsevolod shows perseverance, patience, and calm courage. A man has the energy of optimism, Confidence and optimism accompany Seva on his life path and open all doors for him. This is not surprising, considering what the name Vsevolod means. It is very difficult to resist a confident, assertive optimist.

Vsevolods are focused and firm in their intentions. However, calmness and equanimity often give the impression that Vsevolod is a person without emotions. Vsevolod is indeed rarely subject to deep emotions, but if he finds a goal in life, then best qualities his character.

Vsevolod will always help a friend or even a stranger; he reacts painfully to injustice. He very rarely asks for help, preferring to cope with difficulties on his own.

“Winter” Vsevolods are tough, insisting on solving the problem only in the way they propose. We should not forget what the name Vsevolod means.

“Summer” Vsevolods are patient and gentle. Sometimes their sense of humor lets them down.

“Spring” Vsevolods have a clear mind and balanced character.

“Autumn” are prudent, unhurried and reasonable people.

Study, career, hobbies

Vsevolods are diligent and study well. They are in good standing with teachers. They never try to become favorites, so they do not lose the respect of their classmates. Such character traits are retained in the adult Vsevolod, which ensures their career growth and the respect of their colleagues.

Vsevolod has no desire to be a leader; he is quite happy with second roles, which does not quite correspond to the meaning of the name Vladislav. It is better for Vsevolod to be a follower than a leader. Vsevolod is good at doing research, or research work. Vsevolod will modestly keep a low profile, even if all the work rests on him.

Vsevolod often reveals the gift of clairvoyance, or extrasensory abilities, but he does not use them in public. Perhaps all the secrets of the name Vsevolod are hidden in these abilities.


A tendency to sedentary work can cause diseases such as hemorrhoids, frequent constipation, and obesity. Vsevolod definitely needs to devote time to physical activity.

WITH early childhood Vsevolod needs to develop imagination and imagination. He needs to be encouraged to achieve success, to become the first.

Vsevolod's talents and character will allow him to easily take places in the middle. It is necessary to teach Vsevolod to set high goals and achieve them. By developing leadership qualities in Vsevolod, you will help him in his future career.


The great Kyiv princes Vsevolod Yaroslavovich and Vsevolod Olgerdovich, Prince Vladimir Vsevolod the Big Nest, Vsevolod Meyerhold - revolutionary director, Vsevolod Vishnevsky - writer, Vsevolod Garshin - writer. Vsevolod Bobrov is a Soviet football player, Vsevolod Sanaev is an artist, Vsevolod Tkachuk is a biologist.

The meaning of the name Vsevolod: The boy's name means "all-powerful." This affects the character and fate of Vsevolod.

Origin of the name Vsevolod: Slavic.

Diminutive form of name: Seva, Volya, Vova.

What does the name Vsevolod mean? The name Vsevolod consists of two roots: “everything” (everything) and “vlad”, “volod” (to own). The name Vsevolod translates as “all-powerful.” Another meaning of the name Vsevolod is “owner of everything.” Good name, which harmoniously combines courage, brightness, lightness and diplomacy. Seva does not like to rely on the help of friends, preferring to build a career and personal life on her own. It’s easier for him this way, because if something goes wrong, he can only blame himself.

Middle name: Vsevolodovich, Vsevolodovna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Vsevolod celebrates his name day once a year: February 24 (11) - Holy Prince Vsevolod of Pskov, pleased God by building churches and fatherly concerns for his subjects.

Signs: From February 24th, winter runs away with dark nights. The sleigh ride is freezing - the daytime thaws are shedding oil, and the matinees are freezing.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Jupiter
  • Steel color
  • Auspicious tree - willow
  • Vsevolod's treasured plant - white lily
  • Patron - whale
  • Talisman stone - pearl

Characteristics of the name Vsevolod

Positive features: The name Vsevolod gives courage, poise, peace, endurance, and perseverance. A guy with this name is distinguished by his patience, inspires respect from others with his calm strength, wins over people, knows how to defend his positions and convince his opponent that he is right. Seva is not characterized by depression, decadence or, conversely, reckless actions. A man with this name maintains balance within himself. It's calm and safe to be around him. As a child, Vsevolod differs from his peers in his diligence, good academic performance, deep interest in everything new, and focus on issues that interest him.

Negative features: The name Vsevolod brings slowness, excessive seriousness, and low emotionality. In the most extreme case, Seva will find himself indifferent to what is happening around him and even to his own fate. His desires can be ordinary, small, life is smooth, without ups and downs, without any special purpose or meaning.

Character of the name Vsevolod: What character traits does the meaning of the name Vsevolod determine? This is a calm, balanced, courageous person, an enemy of injustice. He is a man of few words, thoroughly analyzes both his own and others’ actions, and once he has made a decision, he does not deviate from it.

Talented and selfish, Seva is distinguished by extraordinary tenacity in achieving his own goals. A guy with this name is a cunning careerist who does not disdain anything to achieve his goals. Born in winter - does not like to resort to anyone's help, makes a difficult career. He, Vsevolod, seeks to subjugate people to his will, is distrustful, and insists on his own. He is inquisitive, his range of interests is very wide.

Already in childhood, Vsevolod is a kind, calm, balanced child, although he often follows the lead of his less positive comrades.

Vsevolod and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Name compatibility with Anastasia, Veronica, Galina, Eva, Sophia. Difficult relationships with the name can develop with Euphrosyne, Maria, Raisa, Faina.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vsevolod promise happiness in love? It is better for Seva to get married later, because in his mature years he will experience a radical change in his character and outlook on life. He is Vsevolod - a monogamous man, his family is the center of the whole world. He makes new friends with the greatest caution, and tries to visit old ones regularly. The bearers of this name are greatly hampered by a lack of ambition, which is why they rarely achieve the blessings of life.

Seva attaches great importance to love and understanding. He marries early, is patient in the family, but the family is difficult.

Those born in summer are calm, patient, overly sensitive, do not understand jokes, are often grumpy, calculating, and love to give advice. Family life Things are difficult for him; his wife, as a rule, does not find a common language with her mother-in-law - Seva’s mother. In addition, in a family, a guy with this name strives for leadership, which also often causes divorce. Only love for children and a cold-blooded awareness that family and a warm home really have special meaning help Vsevolod maintain his marriage.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Seva has a pronounced inclination towards scientific or research activities, but pretentiousness is alien to him, he prefers a quiet existence, filled with intellectual work, without any fuss. Perhaps he will show the gift of clairvoyance and extrasensory perception, but he will not demonstrate them to others.

Business and career: A lack of penetrating power and a lack of interest in commerce and a career can lead to Seva being “in the shadows,” although all the work “rests” on him. A man named Vsevolod spends his money sparingly, and there is always enough for the most necessary expenses. He Vsevolod will earn money through intellectual work, but production and entrepreneurship do not attract him.

In adult life Seva, who owns everything, rarely gets into trouble. His life is calm, Vsevolod’s energy is only enough to overcome ordinary everyday obstacles. He is not lacking in imagination, and understands well the discrepancy between desires and possibilities. He Vsevolod is talented, but it is difficult to make a career, he likes to resort to someone’s help, but thanks to hard work, patience and perseverance, she is ultimately successful.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Vsevolod: Seva feels better physically and spiritually during the period from the birth of the new month to the full moon, it is at this time that he needs to try to fulfill his plans, and after the full moon it is better for him to relax and rest. A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to constipation, hemorrhoids, hernia, skin diseases, poisoning, and obesity. Need to study physical exercise in the fresh air.

In old age, Seva may develop severe sclerosis. He is Vsevolod and is always in good standing among his colleagues. His professional qualities are most clearly manifested in medicine, sports, in the field of exact sciences, and in administrative work.

The fate of Vsevolod in history

What does the name Vsevolod mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Vsevolod III the Big Nest (1154 - 1212) - Grand Duke Vladimirsky, son of Yuri Dolgoruky. Successfully fighting the civil strife of the feudal nobility, he subjugated Kyiv, Novgorod, Chernigov, and Ryazan to his influence. During his reign (from 1176), Vladimir-Suzdal Rus' reached its greatest prosperity. Vsevolod the Big Nest had twelve children (hence the nickname), among whom was Prince Georgy (Yuri) Vsevolodovich, the founder of Nizhny Novgorod.
  2. Vsevolod Georgievich (1154-1212), from 1177 - Grand Duke of Vladimir, the most powerful and successful ruler on this throne. He was the father of eight sons, earning him the nickname "Big Nest." During all the years of Vsevolod's reign, extensive construction was carried out. It began with the reconstruction and renovation of the old Assumption Cathedral, which was damaged in the fire of 1185. Thanks to skillful architects, the cathedral became more majestic and beautiful than before the fire. Under the prince, several monasteries and a number of churches were erected, the city of Oster was restored, fortresses were built in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Suzdal, and, of course, Vladimir. A princely palace was also built there.
  3. Vsevolod Vishnevsky - playwright, prose writer, journalist.
  4. Vsevolod Pudovkin is a Soviet film director and film theorist.
  5. Vsevolod Sanaev - Soviet theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  6. Vsevolod Garshin is a Russian writer and literary critic.
  7. Vsevolod Bobrov - Soviet athlete and coach (ice hockey, football), Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR, Olympic champion.
  8. Vsevolod Keldysh - scientist, one of the founders of the method of calculating reinforced concrete structures using limit states (1878–1965).
  9. Vsevolod Krestovsky - writer (1840–1895).
  10. Vsevolod Meyerhold - Russian and Soviet director, actor and teacher (1874–1940).
  11. Vsevolod Roborovsky - Russian explorer of Central Asia.
  12. Vsevolod Ovchinnikov is an outstanding Soviet journalist and writer.
  13. Vsevolod Burtsev is a Russian scientist in the field of control systems and the theory of design of universal computers, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Patron planet: Jupiter.

Harmonious name color: steel.

Talisman stone for good luck: pearls.

Favorable plant name: willow, white lily.

Patron name: whale.

Happiest day: Saturday.

The best and happiest time of the year: winter.

The meaning of the name Vsevolod among patrons and name day:

Vsevolod of Pskov, holy prince, February 24 (11). He pleased God by building churches and fatherly concerns for his subjects.

The meaning of the name Vsevolod and his character:

Already in childhood, Seva is a kind, calm, balanced child, although he often follows the lead of his less positive comrades.

In his adult life, Vsevolod rarely gets into trouble. His life is calm, Vsevolod’s energy is only enough to overcome ordinary everyday obstacles. He is not deprived of imagination, and well understands the discrepancy between desires and possibilities. Vsevolod is talented, but it is difficult to make a career, he likes to resort to someone’s help, but thanks to hard work, patience and perseverance, she is ultimately successful.

Vsevolod needs love and understanding. He marries early, is patient in the family, but the family is difficult. It is likely that the marriage with Vera, Veronica, Stella will be successful.

The meaning of the name Vsevolod in customs and folk signs:

From February 24th, winter runs away with dark nights. The sleigh ride is freezing - the daytime thaws “shed oil”, and the matinees are frozen.

The meaning of the name Vsevolod in history:

Vsevolod Georgievich (1154-1212), from 1177 - Grand Duke of Vladimir, the most powerful and successful ruler on this throne. He was the father of eight sons, earning him the nickname "Big Nest." At this time, boyar and princely feuds flared with particular force. With an iron hand Vsevolod twisted the Vladimir-Suzdal boyars and brought order to other destinies. The violent princes of Ryazan were pacified, and free Novgorod was pacified. Vsevolod did not stand on ceremony with the recalcitrant. He had at his disposal a strong army, skilled on water and on land, and so large that, as the author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” figuratively put it, his warriors could splash the Volga with oars and scoop up the Don with helmets.

Successful foreign policy Vsevolod, and he proved himself to be a very experienced diplomat, his trade connections, wealth and military successes forced people to speak about him with respect in Byzantium and Western Europe. “In the name of Vsevolod,” the chronicler exclaims enthusiastically, “all countries trembled, and the whole earth was filled with rumors about him.” It was not the poor, not the weak who trembled at him, but the avaricious nobles. But “he attacked the faces of the strong,” according to the chronicler, “and without wearing the sword given to him by God,” he executed the wicked and had mercy on the good. Vsevolod sometimes executed cruelly, but he always strived to be fair and respected ancient customs. He demanded obedience from the princes, but did not take away their thrones without guilt and wanted to rule without violence. Commanding the Novgorodians, he respected their love of freedom. Courageous in battles, victorious in each, he did not like useless bloodshed. Vsevolod was born to reign and, although he could not be called the autocratic sovereign of Russia, according to N.M. Karamzin in “History of the Russian State,” “reminded her happy Days autocracy."

Thirty-five years of Vsevolod's reign is the most brilliant period in the history of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir. The prince understood perfectly well that with the help of art he could surround himself with an aura of royal grandeur and glorify his deeds. And what, if not a stone, could preserve the name of the prince for centuries!

During all the years of Vsevolod's reign, extensive construction was carried out. It began with the reconstruction and renovation of the old Assumption Cathedral, which was damaged in the fire of 1185. Thanks to skillful architects, the cathedral became more majestic and beautiful than before the fire. Under Vsevolod, several monasteries and a number of churches were erected, the city of Oster was restored, fortresses were built in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Suzdal, and, of course, Vladimir. A princely palace was also built there. We must assume that it was beautiful and rich, and, as archaeologists have established, it was built partly from stone, partly from brick. Nowadays, only the palace Dmitrievsky Cathedral (1193-1197), undoubtedly the most magnificent monument of the late 12th century, has survived from the buildings and buildings that comprised it.
