Observations in nature in autumn the world around us 2. Observations in nature in autumn other observations

Let's remember

  1. What applies to inanimate nature?
  2. Based on your observations, tell us what the weather was like in the summer. How has it changed with the arrival of autumn?

In summer the earth received a lot of heat. After all, the sun rose high in the sky, its rays fell vertically and warmed the earth well. In autumn, the sun does not rise so high in the sky. Its rays fall obliquely, slide along the ground and heat it up less. That's why it's getting colder.

One morning the earth, grass, and roofs of houses turned white. No, it's not snow yet. This is frost. So it's light frost outside - frost.

The first frosts usually occur in early autumn, at the beginning of September. And closer to mid-September there is the last thunderstorm. Autumn rains are not like summer rains. They are small, drizzly, lingering.

The air in autumn is saturated with moisture, which, due to the cold, turns into tiny water droplets. This is how fogs are formed. In autumn, thick fogs often spread over a river, lake, or pond.

However, from mid-September, warm, dry weather usually sets in for one or two weeks.

This time is popularly called “Indian summer”. A wonderful time for walks, autumn work, and for fun children's games!

Meanwhile, the days are becoming shorter and the nights longer. Coming September 23 - autumnal equinox When daylight is equal to dark, day is equal to night.

Late autumn can be cold and rainy. Sometimes it goes wet snow. In late autumn, you can feel the approach of winter in everything. At the very end of autumn, ice freezes up on reservoirs - rivers, lakes, and ponds become covered with ice. And soon the whole earth will be dressed in a white snow outfit.

  • Look at the pictures. Which one shows early autumn, and which one shows late autumn? Explain why you think so.

Ancient children's game

It's so fun to play outside in the nice early fall! Here is the Russian game “Kuliky”. Roll a small ball out of dry grass. The driver will be chosen as a counting table - a sandpiper bird. He will step aside, and the children will hide the ball in the dry grass. The driver will go out into the clearing and start rummaging through the grass to look for the ball. If he moves too far from the ball, the children shout: “Kulik, kulik, kulik!” If the driver is close to the ball, they shout differently: “Herbs, herbs, herbs!” They play until the “sandpiper” finds the ball.

Let's find out more

How the river freezes

Freeze-up is one of the most interesting natural phenomena. First, the shores appear - thin ice along the shores. It’s as if he’s holding on to the banks, clinging to them.

Then you can see ice-cold fat in the water. These are small flat pieces of ice that look like lard flecks in a bowl of cooled soup. And after a snowfall, snow appears in the river, looking like a porridge of snow floating with the flow.

But the icy lard and snowflake stuck together into large loose lumps of ice. This is sludge. Ice lumps freeze together as they move. Large floating ice floes form.

But it’s becoming more and more difficult for them to swim: the ice floes are getting larger and closing in on each other. And so they connect with the banks.

The movement of ice on the river stops. The river is frozen.

Let's think!

  1. Why does frost melt quickly during the first frost?
  2. Which autumn month has the most fog?

Let's check ourselves

  1. What causes the autumn cold snap?
  2. How are autumn rains different from summer rains?
  3. Why does fog often form in autumn?
  4. What is interesting about the day of September 23?
  5. Give examples of autumn phenomena in inanimate nature.

Let's conclude

A decrease in the length of the day, colder temperatures, the first frosts and the appearance of frost, the last thunderstorm, prolonged rains, thick fogs, the first snow, freeze-up - these are autumn phenomena in inanimate nature. September 23 is the day of the autumnal equinox.

Warm with the arrival of autumn sunny days gradually change to cloudy and rainy, animals and plants begin to prepare for the coming winter. weather in autumn months can be very changeable: today the sun bestows its last warm rays, and tomorrow it will hide behind the clouds for a long time, and from morning to evening there will be a light drizzle. Let's observe nature together in the fall!

Changes in the weather

When the coolness of autumn replaces the hot summer weather, changes begin to occur in nature. Thanks to them, all living things in nature understand that winter is just around the corner, and we need to have time to prepare for it.

In autumn the weather changes as follows:

  • The winds change their direction, become stronger and gusty. They are the ones who bring with them bad weather and precipitation. If this happens gradually, then the weather in autumn is not pleasant - endless rain and slush can ruin anyone’s mood.

Rice. 1. Rainy weather.

  • Starting from mid-autumn, with the appearance of various cyclones, it may rain and snow. Sometimes it can pass at the beginning of September.

With sudden changes in temperature early in the morning, you can observe this a natural phenomenon like fog. This is nothing more than a thick, dense cloud that forms at the very surface of the earth. As soon as the air temperature warms up enough, the fog will dissipate: the moisture concentrated in the air will fall back to the ground in the form of dew or frost.

  • Autumn ice drift is a natural phenomenon when, as the temperature drops, the first thin ice binds the surface of the water.
  • Glaze is the formation of ice on the surface of the earth. Occurs during slight frost, in which rain cannot yet turn into snow.
  • Early in the morning, frost may appear on dry grass - particles of frozen dew. They resemble prickly snowflakes that cover everything with an uneven layer. The appearance of frost often indicates the imminent approach of winter cold.

Rice. 2. Frost.

Plants and animals

Autumn is a time of transition from hot weather to... cold winter. It is necessary so that all living beings have time to prepare for prolonged cold weather.

Plants are the first to react to the arrival of autumn. Grasses gradually begin to turn yellow, dry out and wither; you can hardly find flowers in flower beds and meadows - many of them wither by mid-autumn.

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Only in autumn can you admire trees dressed in yellow and crimson outfits. The color of the foliage changes from green to yellow, red, burgundy. This is the first stage of preparing trees for the upcoming cold weather. Then the leaves begin to dry out and fall from the branches.

Leaf fall is a unique natural phenomenon, thanks to which trees have the opportunity to rest and gain fresh strength. Without leaves, trees can get by with less moisture, less snow accumulates on the branches and the risk of damage is reduced. In addition, along with the leaves, the trees also get rid of many insects that die in the cold.

Rice. 3. Leaf fall.

During leaf fall, the weather is still warm and comfortable. During this period, late fruits ripen, and gardeners harvest the last harvest of the year.

In autumn, animals do not sit idle, because they need to thoroughly prepare for a cold and hungry winter.

  • Squirrels, chipmunks, field mice prepare supplies - collect and hide food in hollows or holes: nuts, acorns, grains.
  • In the fall you will almost never see insects - many of them fall into a long hibernation. hibernation, hiding underground, in the bark of trees, under fallen leaves.
  • in autumn migratory birds preparing to go on a long journey - warm countries, where they will spend the whole winter, so that with the onset of spring they will return to their native lands.


The sky begins to frown more and more often, the wind begins to roar. The first month of autumn has arrived: autumn of the air, autumn of the forest. Gradually the leaves on bushes and trees begin to turn yellow, red, and brown. The squirrel hurries to plant mushrooms on the twigs to dry them for future use. The swifts disappear, then the swallows: the air becomes empty. The migratory birds that have flown among us gather in large flocks and, unnoticed at night, depart on long journeys. And their farewell voices sound loudly over the bright and colorful month of September.

Observations in nature:

  1. U decreased daylight hours.
  2. Decrease in air temperature (cooling). First frost.
  3. Cold dew, fog. Frequent cold rains, their characteristics (fine - drizzle, large - “pours like a bucket”).
  4. Change in people's clothing.
  5. The color of the sky, the movement and shape of the clouds (why the clouds move), the wind is strong and gusty.
  6. Changes in the state of plants: the appearance of autumn colors in foliage, grass, greenery of winter crops appears in the fields.
  7. The last flowers in the flower beds in the grass; ripening of seeds on plants.
  8. Birds - behavior, voices (tits, crows from the forest move closer to human habitation, sparrows fly in flocks from bush to bush, crows often croak - to the cold weather). Birds of prey, wagtails, rooks, starlings fly south
  9. Behavior of insects in cloudy and sunny weather. You can also see bumblebees, butterflies, and lemongrass.
  10. Observations related to keeping a natural calendar.
  11. The beauty of autumn does not depend on changes in weather, autumn smells.

Practical work:

1.Maintaining a nature calendar.

2. Transfer flowering plants from the flowerbed to the group.

3. Collect calendula and marigold seeds.

4. Prepare the flowers for the ground.

5. Collect seeds and tree leaves for herbariums and educational games.

Proverbs and sayings:

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and satisfying.

In the fall there is jelly and pancakes, and in the spring you sit and watch.

In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it tears, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.

There is one berry in September, and it is bitter.

September takes off the caftan from the shoulders and puts on a sheepskin coat.

In September, summer ends and autumn begins.

In autumn there is a feast for the sparrows.

Autumn is coming and the rain is coming with it.

Autumn rain is sown finely, but lasts a long time.

Don’t be too busy in the fall, you’ll be rich by spring.

The autumn night travels on twelve carts.

Autumn rewarded everyone, but ruined everything.

Autumn - there are eight weather conditions outside

September is cold - but nourishing.


Late leaf fall means a harsh and long winter.

If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, it will be a cold winter.

Although the leaf has turned yellow, it falls off weakly - frosts will not come soon.

The drier and warmer September is, the later the arrival of winter.

Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn and a snowy winter.

If the leaves fall soon, we should expect a cool winter.

If in autumn the leaves of birch trees begin to turn yellow from the top, spring will be early, if from below it will be late.

Crows croak and crow - to bad weather.

The web spreads over the plants - to warmth.

A lot of mushrooms - for a long winter.

On a visit to autumn

Based on the results of the excursion, fill out the table.

Indicate with numbers the order of the autumn months.

Autumn phenomena in inanimate nature include: cooling, leaf fall, first frosts, freeze-up.

Find the error in the statement. Cross out the extra word.

Autumn phenomena in wildlife include: withering of grass, the appearance of frost, the disappearance of insects, and the departure of migratory birds.

In the atlas - guide "From Earth to Sky" find information about swallows and swifts. Find out how they are similar and how they differ. Write it down.

Comparison of swallows and swifts

Similarities between swallows and swifts:

  • External resemblance. Similar in size and structure (shape of head, wings, body)
  • Swallows and swifts have forked tails
  • Insectivores. These birds help destroy harmful insects
  • They obtain food in flight and catch insects in flight.
  • Both swallows and swifts spend a lot of time in flight.
  • These are migratory birds

Differences between swallows and swifts:

  • The plumage of the swift is all black, the swallows are also black, but the chest and belly are light gray.
  • The wings of a swift are narrower and longer than those of swallows; in flight they are curved like sickles.
  • The swift has a very sharp beak, with which it “cuts” and cuts through the sky, which the swallow does not have.
  • Swifts fly faster than swallows.
  • Unlike swallows, swifts cannot walk on the ground or take off from it. Their legs are very small and weak. They only take off from buildings and trees.
  • They belong to different families: swallows belong to the passerine family, and swifts belong to the swift family.

Admire autumn nature and according to your observations, complete the drawing “The Beauty of Autumn”

Our hunting dog, Laika, came to us from the banks of the Biya, and in honor of this Siberian river we named it Biya. But soon this Biya will be with us for some reason

turned into Byushka, everyone began to call Byushka Vyushka.

We didn't hunt much with her, but she served us well as a watchman. You go hunting, and be sure: Vyushka will not let anyone else in.

Everyone likes this cheerful dog Vyushka: ears like horns, a tail like a ring, teeth as white as garlic. She got two bones from lunch. Receiving the gift, Vyushka unwrapped the ring of her tail and lowered it down like a log. For her, this meant anxiety and the beginning of vigilance necessary for protection - it is known that in nature there are many hunters for bones. With her tail lowered, Vyushka went out onto the ant-grass and took care of one bone, placing the other next to her.

Then, out of nowhere, the magpies: hop, hop! – and to the dog’s very nose. When Vyushka turned her head towards one - grab it! another magpie on the other hand to grab! - and took away the bone.

It was late autumn, and the magpies hatched this summer were fully grown. They stayed here as a whole brood, seven in number, and learned all the secrets of theft from their parents. Very quickly they pecked at the stolen bone and, without thinking twice, decided to take the second one from the dog.

They say that every family has its black sheep, and the same turned out to be true in the magpie family. Out of seven, forty-one came out not so much as completely stupid, but somehow with a streak and with pollen in their heads. Now it was the same: all six forty launched the correct attack, in a large semicircle, looking at each other, and only one Upstart galloped like a fool.

- Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta! - all the magpies chirped.

This meant to them:

- Jump back, gallop as you should, as the whole magpie society should!

- Tra-la-la-la-la! – answered the Upstart.

This meant to her:

– Download as you need, and I – as I want.

So, at her own peril and risk, the Upstart galloped up to Vyushka herself in the expectation that Vyushka, stupid, would rush at her, throw away the bone, but she would contrive and take the bone away.

View, however, understood the Upstart's plan well and not only did not rush at her, but, noticing the Upstart with a sidelong eye, freed the bone and looked in the opposite direction, where in a regular semicircle, as if reluctantly - hop! and they will think - six smart magpies were advancing.

It was this moment, when View turned her head away, that Upstart seized for her attack. She grabbed the bone and even managed to turn in the other direction, managed to hit the ground with her wings, and raise dust from under the grass.

And just one more moment to rise into the air, just one more moment! Just as the magpie was about to rise, Vyushka grabbed the tail and the bone fell out.

The upstart escaped, but the entire rainbow-colored long magpie tail remained in Vyushka’s teeth and stuck out of her mouth like a long, sharp dagger.

Has anyone seen a magpie without a tail? It’s hard to even imagine what this brilliant, motley and agile egg thief turns into if its tail is cut off. It happens that mischievous village boys catch a horsefly, stick a straw in and let this large, strong fly fly with such long tail, - terrible muck! Well, so, this is a fly with a tail, and here is a magpie without a tail; whoever was surprised by a fly with a tail will be even more surprised by a magpie without a tail. Nothing magpie-like then remains in this bird, and you will never recognize it not only as a magpie, but also as any other bird: it is just a motley ball with a head.

The tailless Upstart sat down on the nearest tree, and all the other six magpies flew to her. And it was clear from all the magpie’s chirping, from all the bustle, that there is no greater shame in a magpie’s life than to lose a magpie’s tail. question: why did the story that Privshin told end this way?

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