New honest physics. Where is the new physics hiding? Strength of the firmament o.h.rustic

that the physical world is controlled by supraphysical programs and that physicists have long been accustomed to falsifying results in order to justify the “self-sufficiency” of the physical world.
(from the author's site Sketches for a new physics)


"All this would be funny..."
The outstanding researcher of the twentieth century, Emmanuel Velikovsky, wrote amazing book"The Earth is in Writhing". This book contains a rich selection of natural science facts - geological, paleontological, etc. - that testify to details from the biography of the Earth that are forbidden in official science: about the global catastrophes that it has experienced. These catastrophes changed the face of the Earth rapidly and dramatically: the planet rotated so that former tropical regions appeared in the polar regions, ocean waters rolled across the continents, volcanoes erupted at once, increasing the devastation from hurricanes and earthquakes of colossal force, the land sank under water, and the seabed rose above the water level, new mountain ranges rose, and valleys were filled with lava from monstrous cracks in the earth's crust - and all this caused a sudden, terrible and almost total death of flora and fauna on a planetary scale.
As if to mock these tragedies, official science tells us that only the so-called global cataclysms occurred on Earth. ice ages - although the concept of ice ages is crumbling before our eyes under the pressure of facts. This concept was brought to life by traces of glaciation discovered in Europe. Later, similar traces were found in South Africa, in Madagascar, in Australia, and then also in tropical (!) countries. To save their idea, the theorists talked about several ice ages - as if this clarified the problem. It was believed that catastrophic climate fluctuations ended with the last ice age - hundreds of thousands of years ago. But in 1910, at the International Geological Congress in Stockholm, evidence of climate catastrophes that had occurred over the past thousand years was presented modern history. Further research only confirmed these conclusions: one of the strongest climate emissions occurred in the middle of the second millennium BC, and the other in 700-800 BC. Even an analysis of the growth rings of long-lived trees - surviving living witnesses of those events - speaks about this latest climate change. "Last glacial period“occurred in the newest historical era, and it was not a global catastrophe.
Talking about possible reasons of real global catastrophes, E. Velikovsky points to the factors most suitable for this role: either a sharp change in the tilt of the earth’s axis, or a sharp shift of the poles, with corresponding changes in latitudes, or a sharp change in the angular velocity of the earth’s rotation around its axis - and, in the general case , a combination of these three factors. But none of them can be caused by purely earthly physical causes. E. Velikovsky concludes that there were impacts external to the Earth - collisions with other cosmic bodies. Since neither meteor showers, nor impacts of large asteroids could cause global effects, E. Velikovsky talks about collisions of the Earth with Venus and Mars (see his book “Worlds in collision”).
This version seems to us extremely implausible. Firstly, where are the traces of monstrous collisions on the surface of the Earth? Secondly, the radii of almost circular orbits of planets in the Solar System obey a strict mathematical law - the Titius-Bode rule. This high orderliness of the movement of the planets could hardly have been established spontaneously, and even after their collisions.
But if we reject the version of planetary collisions as implausible, then what is the plausible reason for the sharp changes in the parameters of the Earth's rotation? Our version is based on a new, honest concept of the nature of gravity. We were implanted with a false concept, according to which gravity is generated by masses, which is why all material bodies are attracted to each other in pairs. But there is a lot of experimental evidence that masses have nothing to do with the production of gravity: matter only obeys gravity, which is organized regardless of substance . It is not the Earth that generates terrestrial planetary gravity; the Earth is only held in the center of the planetary “gravitational funnel,” which is organized artificially, and the parameters of which, in principle, are controllable. Here, in our opinion, lies the answer: Those who are able to control gravity have the ability to cause global catastrophes on Earth.
Before setting out the way in which these catastrophes could have been caused, let us briefly outline the traces of these catastrophes.

Traces of global catastrophes on Earth.
All the information below about the traces of global catastrophes is our retelling of the contents of the book, which provides numerous links to primary sources.
* In Alaska, gold miners turned over a considerable amount of soil, which was a mixture of gravel and humus. This humus contains countless frozen bones of extinct animals - mammoths, mastodons, super bison and horses. How could this great massacre take place - in which millions of animals were torn to pieces and mixed with debris from uprooted trees? Powerful volcanic eruptions are excluded in this case - lava can char trees, but it cannot uproot them and break them into splinters. Hurricane and flood? But what made the ocean waters rush up onto the land, demolish forests along with their inhabitants, and throw heaps of this mess all over Alaska?
* The permafrost of Siberia preserved not only the mammoth tusks that Russia exported. In 1797, in northeastern Siberia, a completely preserved mammoth body was found for the first time: its meat had the properties of fresh frozen, wolves and dogs ate it without unpleasant consequences. Such finds indicate that animal corpses were frozen immediately after death and were never thawed.
Charles Darwin admitted that the death of mammoths was an unsolvable mystery for him. In the stomachs and between the teeth of mammoths they found plants and herbs that do not grow in Northern Siberia. And studies of the blood of mammoths indicated that their death was not only sudden, but also, specifically, from suffocation - the herds of mammoths choked.
* The soil of the New Siberian Islands - and other islands in the northern seas of Russia - is literally filled with the bones of mammoths, elephants, buffalos and rhinoceroses, cemented with frozen sand. How did herds of animals that require huge amounts of plant food every day end up in barren spaces where icy cold reigns for ten months of the year?
* Paleontologist Cuvier, examining the gypsum deposits of France, discovered a clear division into layers indicating that once most of France was a seabed, then land, inhabited land reptiles, then again the bottom of the sea inhabited by marine animals, then again land inhabited by mammals, then again the sea bottom and again land. Cuvier was especially struck by the presence of intermediate layers with a complete absence of animal remains - which indicated periods of lifelessness on the Earth.
* In one of the caves in England, at an altitude of 80 feet above the valley, under the bottom covered with stalagmites, bones of elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, horses, deer, saber tooth tigers, bears, wolves, hyenas, foxes, hares, rabbits... Similar discoveries were made in France. It's hard to imagine that reindeer from snowy Lapland and hippos from the shores tropical river The Kongo lived side by side in Britain or France. However, the bones of both lie in the same mud of the same caves. Moreover, these bones did not have time to fossilize, and the organic matter included in their composition has not yet been replaced by minerals. This means that the death occurred no earlier than 5-6 thousand years ago.
* The red sandstone deposits of Scotland contain the remains of a myriad of extinct fish. The postures of their bodies indicate sudden mass agony - which rules out attacks by predators or disease. Similar fish cemeteries are found in other places on land - for example, in Northern Italy: accumulations of suddenly dead fish were buried by limestone sediments even before their bodies began to decompose.
In natural conditions wildlife, the flesh of animal corpses is quickly eaten by other animals (sometimes along with the bones). So, dead fish either float to the surface or sink to the bottom - and are devoured in a matter of hours. Massive fossils of animals, with imprints of not only bones, but also bodies, indicate that the death of these animals did not occur under natural conditions, but as a result of cataclysms.
* In Southern England and Western Europe Crevices in the rocks, up to a height of 1430 feet, are filled with the bones of animals - mammoths, hippos, rhinoceroses, horses, polar bears, bison, hyenas, lions, wolves. The bones were broken into numerous fragments and mixed, entire skeletons were missing. There is not a single indication of the work of predators - besides, their bones rest in the same place. Some force indiscriminately threw the corpses onto the rocks and compacted the crevices with them. And, judging by the condition of the bones, this happened, by historical standards, recently.
* In 1912, in Maryland (USA), workers making a excavation for the railroad discovered a cavern filled with animal bones - in an astonishing assortment. There were the remains of northerners - wolverines and lemmings, shrews, minks, red squirrels, muskrats, porcupines, hares and moose; southerners - wild pigs, fossil crocodiles and tapirs; as well as the current inhabitants of the American West - coyotes, badgers and cougars. The bones of river inhabitants were adjacent to the bones of inhabitants of dry spaces, the bones of forest inhabitants were adjacent to the bones of prairie inhabitants, the bones of extinct animals were adjacent to the bones of living ones. And the confusion of the bones indicated that death overtook them all at the same time.
* In China, not far from Beijing, perfectly preserved bones of animals and people were found in caverns and crevices of rocks - and in one of the clusters were the remains of a European, a Malaysian and an Eskimo. Broken bones indicated a violent death. What brought these three to one place? International Business? But their remains were mixed with the remains of animals whose habitats were also radically different: these were inhabitants of the tundra, steppes and jungles.
* At the La Bria Ranch near Los Angeles, an abundance of animal bones was discovered in a valley filled with bitumen mixed with clay and sand. Again, the bones belonged to both extinct and living species; again, the bones were broken and mixed up. In Nebraska, a layer of sediment teeming with fossil bones was discovered in an agate quarry. The condition of the bones indicates a long and rough transportation before they reached their resting place. Tens of thousands of animals were dragged by some force from afar and thrown into a common grave. The disaster was apparently devastating, as these animals - the small two-horned rhinoceros, the clawed horse, the giant pig and the gazelle camel - disappeared from the face of the Earth. But nothing in their remains indicates signs of degeneration: they were killed by the elements, and not by evolutionary selection. Similar cemeteries have been found in many places in America and Europe. In Germany, in the suburbs of Berlin, fossil remains of “two faunas” were found: mammoths, musk oxen, reindeer and polar foxes living in cold climates, as well as lions, hyenas, bison, buffalos and elephants living in hot climates. These “two faunas” were attributed to living in different periods: glacial and interglacial - although their bones were found mixed.
* A fantastic amount of lava spilled in the past in the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho - over an area greater than the combined area of ​​France, Switzerland and Belgium, and the current thickness of this cooled lava reaches up to 5000 feet. No volcanic eruption is capable of producing such an amount of lava. It was not a stream, not a river - it was a flood from horizon to horizon, evaporating lakes, incinerating forests and melting boulders. And artifacts discovered at depth testify: before this lava flood, people lived there.
* Sugar, greatest desert the world, was once buried in greenery that fed herds of herbivores. This is evidenced by rock paintings depicting these animals - including extinct ones (!). Tools, vessels and weapons characteristic of the Neolithic were found next to these drawings. This means that the appearance of the Sahara has changed radically in the historical era.
* Three rivers once flowed across the Arabian Peninsula deep rivers from west to east. In the south of the Arabian Desert, ruins were found, almost completely destroyed by time and the elements, and traces of agricultural culture were discovered. There was a time when this land was fertile - just like present-day India, located at the same latitude.
* At the bottom Atlantic Ocean Numerous indications were discovered that not so long ago this bottom was dry land. Surveys of the seafloor have yielded clues to volcanic catastrophes that buried seas in ash and flooded lava flows, and to seismic catastrophes that raised and lowered the ocean floor thousands of feet. In many places, particularly off the coast of Sweden, the seabed is formed by freshly cooled lava, covered only by a thin layer of sediment.
* Fossils of magnolia and fig trees have been discovered in Northern Greenland. Thickets of subtropical exotic plants with succulent fruits grew in the Arctic, which plunges into the polar night every six months. And on the Spitsbergen archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, dead colonies of corals were discovered that grow only in tropical waters - even in Egypt or Morocco it is too cold for them. In addition to corals, charcoal deposits up to 30 feet thick were discovered there. To form such thick layers of coal, tree-like vegetation must have simply gone wild. By the way, as a result of the natural life of the forest, coal is not formed: dead woody parts turn into dust, then into humus - and are used as food for new plants. Charcoal deposits could only have formed as a result of cataclysms.
* In many places the so-called. wandering boulders - huge, sometimes up to 10,000 tons, fragments of rock, the composition of which indicates that they were transported from distant places. Thus, Alpine boulders are found in the Jura Mountains, boulders from Finland spread through the Baltic states and Poland, reaching the Carpathian Mountains, as well as through the Valdai Hills and the Moscow region - to the Don. IN North America boulders cut from the granites of Canada and Labrador spread throughout many states of the northeastern United States. Boulders from the mountains of Norway are found in abundance in Germany, as well as on the coasts and highlands of Britain, now separated from Scandinavia. North Sea.
*The age of rock formations is determined by the fossil remains they contain. To the amazement of scientists, in many mountain ranges younger formations are located above older ones, i.e. these massifs grew due to successive accumulations of new material. This is especially true in the Rocky Mountains and Alps. The problem of mountain building is a painful problem. Many mountains are made of rocks tightly compressed in parallel earth's surface- which indicates the monstrous forces that wrinkled the earth's crust. Geologists have not found an explanation for either these compressions or the ability of some mountains to move along the surface - to cross valleys and even climb other mountains. So, some force dragged the Alps a hundred miles to the north. Chief Mountain in Montana crossed a plain, climbed the side of another mountain and remained on top of it. All National Park glaciers in Montana and much of the Rocky Mountains have moved many miles. Mountains in the west of Scotland and Norway have been moved from their places.
* Scientists XIX centuries, exploring the most powerful mountain range, the Himalayas, were simply frightened: at any height to which they climbed, skeletons of sea animals, ocean fish, and mollusk shells were discovered in the thickness of the rocks. The highest mountains are made from the former seabed! According to theorists, the Himalayas formed to their current form long before the appearance of man on Earth. But in Kashmir, at an altitude of 5,000 feet, sediments of an ancient seabed were found - with fossil remains typical of the Paleolithic. It seems that the Himalayas were growing before people's eyes.
* In Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland and Northern Italy, remains of pile settlements on lakes have been found. Somewhere in the middle of the second millennium BC. A catastrophe occurred - all these settlements were covered by water and covered with mud, sand and lime deposits. New pile settlements arose only around 1200 BC, but, after 400 years of peace, the disaster repeated itself. " High water"was accompanied by powerful tectonic movements: the lakes suddenly tilted their bottoms in relation to the horizon plane - as evidenced by traces of the former coastlines.
In many places sea ​​coasts traces of former surf lines are found, located above or below the current ones - with a height difference of up to 1300 feet. The absence of traces of intermediate surf lines indicates that changes occurred abruptly.

Velikovsky's working hypothesis.
The global catastrophes, the traces of which we have briefly outlined, had a tremendous breadth of manifestations: we are not just talking about a flood, not just about volcanic eruptions, not just about writhing earth's crust- all the planetary elements “went crazy” at once. But all this riot of elements could be caused by the same reason - inertial force effects.
E. Velikovsky writes: “ Let us accept as working hypothesis, that as a result of an impact or some force factor - and the Earth does not move in empty space - the earth's axis has shifted or changed its tilt. A global earthquake would immediately occur. Air and water would continue to move by inertia; hurricanes would sweep across the surface and seas would surge onto the continents, with gravel, sand, and sea animals hurled onto the land. A strong increase in heat would melt rocks and cause volcanic eruptions, lava would flow out of breaks in the earth's crust and cover vast areas... Lakes would tilt and lose water, rivers would change their courses... Forests would burn... seas would turn into deserts..."(our translation).
But what was the reason for the perturbations in the Earth’s rotation? E. Velikovsky's version, as we have already said, looks extremely implausible - after all, he tried to find an explanation that did not go beyond the ideas of orthodox physics. He could hardly admit the idea that there are Those whose power allows them to influence the rotation of the Earth by simply “pressing a button.”
Let's briefly outline physical principles, on which the possibility of this kind of influence is based.

Inertial background, or “firmament.”
According to the new concept of gravity, it is generated “purely by software”. Thus, in a spherically symmetric planetary “gravitational funnel”, these programs ensure the dependence of the mass of an elementary particle on its radius vector: the further the particle is from the center of the funnel, the greater its mass. Thus, a vertical energy gradient is directly formed in the test body - which, by definition, creates a thrust acting on this body down the local vertical. The programs that generate Earth's gravity operate completely independently of the Earth's substance: the planet is simply held in the center of the planetary “gravitational funnel.” There is irrefutable experimental evidence that, contrary to the law of universal gravitation, this funnel, i.e. the region of earth's gravity has a boundary - at a radius of about 900 thousand km - and that, within the region of earth's gravity, the effect of solar gravity on matter disabled .
The same programs that form the region of planetary gravity set in this region a “monolithic” inertial background, aptly called the “firmament.” Physically, it manifests itself as follows: the speed of the test body has an unambiguous value in relation to the local section of the inertial background on which the body is located. These unambiguous velocities - called “local-absolute” - have an important physical meaning: it is their squares that determine the unambiguous values ​​of the kinetic energies of bodies, i.e. ensure the unambiguity of all energy transformations involving kinetic energies. And energy transformations are already serious, these are real physical effects, including force ones, which are always unambiguous: either the body will collapse or not. It is for the sake of unambiguity of force effects that the unambiguity of speeds and kinetic energies is arranged.
They may ask - how can we talk about some local-absolute velocities if we were taught at school that all motion is relative? We answer: we were taught incorrectly, because we were not told the main thing. “Movement is relative” only from the standpoint of formal logic, but in real physical world, where there are certainly force influences and accelerations, formal logic is no longer enough. It is the local-absolute velocity that determines the Keplerian trajectory during free flight of the body. It is the local-absolute speed of the vehicle that needs to be known in order to correctly calculate fuel consumption and maneuvers during controlled space flight. It is the local absolute velocity that determines the kinematic shifts of quantum levels in matter - the direct cause of the quadratic Doppler slowdown of atomic clocks. The unambiguous nature of this slowdown (the rate of clocks, not time!) is demonstrated by all experiments without exception with transportable atomic clocks - including those on board GPS satellites. The very formation of the GPS system time scale is based on the concept of local-absolute velocities, and not on the ridiculous “principle of relativity,” which does not have a single (!) honest experimental confirmation.
They may further ask: how, in practice, can one know the local-absolute velocities of bodies? The answer is: easy. In the area of ​​action of planetary gravity, local-absolute velocities are velocities in a reference system rigidly connected with the planetary inertial background. In the region of gravity, these are velocities in a geocentric non-rotating reference frame. Thus, the local-absolute speed of an artificial satellite is its linear orbital speed. The local-absolute speed of a section of the Earth's surface is not zero, it is equal to the linear speed of daily rotation at its latitude and is directed to the local east. The local-absolute speed of a moving train is the corresponding vector sum of its ground speed and the locally-absolute speed of the surface area along which the train is moving. Let us remember: the kinetic energies of bodies are unambiguous, they are determined by the squares of their local-absolute velocities.

What is “inertial drift”.
According to the logic of the above, all movements of bodies in near-Earth inertial space, i.e. within the region of gravity, must occur regardless of the fact that this region, in turn, moves in orbit around the Sun and - together with the entire solar system- around the center of the Galaxy... Everything is almost the same - adjusted for the fact that acceleration in the movement of a region of earth's gravity, it causes acceleration in the bodies located in it of the same magnitude and opposite in direction, which is called acceleration of inertial drift. There is experimental evidence that such inertial drift is a real physical phenomenon.
Thus, it is reliably known that the orbital motion of the region of gravity around the Sun is not purely Keplerian: the orbital speed of this motion has a sinusoidal modulation with a period of a synodic month. This back-and-forth bump, superimposed on the “smooth” motion, is thought to function as a parametric adjuster for the Moon’s orbital period around the Earth. So: the resulting sinusoidal acceleration of the region of gravity leads to many interesting effects. First of all, the Moon acquires an acceleration of inertial drift, which disturbs its orbital motion around the Earth, giving rise to one of the main inequalities in the motion of the Moon (i.e. deviations from the Keplerian motion) - the so-called. evection. Further, satellites acquire inertial drift accelerations, which is why their orbits are also disturbed. The resulting variations in GPS orbital parameters, with a period of a sidereal month, which are reliably detected by tracking services, cannot be explained within the framework of traditional concepts. Finally, the synodic turbulence of the terrestrial gravitational region affects not only the free movement of bodies in near-Earth space, but also the substance of the Earth. The acceleration of inertial drift enters, as a small correction, into all local gravity vectors - therefore, these vectors, due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis, experience daily rotational deviations. It is these rotational deviations of local plumb lines, and not the short-range and far from reaching the Earth lunar gravity are the true generators of rotating tidal waves in the oceans.
No matter how unusual this may seem in the light of the physics implanted in us, it is a fact: the twitching of the “monolithic inertial space” that defines the region of earth’s gravity directly generates force effects on matter - caused by accelerations of inertial drift. And this follows directly from the above-mentioned concept of unambiguous, locally absolute velocities - the values ​​​​of which are measured in relation to the inertial background. The rule of inertial influences is this: they are generated by sudden changes in speed. Now let us note that it is possible to sharply change the local-absolute velocities of bodies not only by forceful influences on these bodies, but also by non-forceful influences - “pulling” the inertial background. This is what is observed experimentally.
That is, by program influences that give sufficiently large accelerations of the planetary inertial background, it is possible to cause such accelerations of inertial drift in the planet’s matter that will lead to global cataclysms.

How could this be?
It was mentioned above that the planetary inertial space, which provides planetary gravity, is organized “purely by software,” i.e. artificially. There can hardly be any doubt that Those who developed, debugged and launched the automatic operation of these programs have the ability to interfere with this automatic operation. For example, it is possible to simply turn off planetary gravity. The assumption of just such a scenario provides the only reasonable explanation for the phenomenon of the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter - where, according to the Titius-Bode rule, the orbit of another planet should be. The idea that the asteroid belt was formed due to the fact that the former planet was blown apart by a powerful explosion is naive. Any ballistician will confirm that, as a result of such an explosion, the debris of the planet would acquire a wide variety of orbital speeds, causing them to fly around the Sun in a wide variety of orbits. And for the debris to form belt near the previous orbit of the planet, its substance should disperse quietly . This is exactly what will happen if you turn off planetary gravity: the planet will crumble due to the activation of elastic forces alone, which compensated for gravitational compression.
So, we will admit the presence of Those who are capable of doing anything with the gravitational funnel in the center of which the Earth rotates. Let's consider what will happen if we carry out a simple software procedure with the inertial background of this funnel: suddenly put it into rotation - in the same direction, with the same angular velocity, and with the same axis of rotation as the Earth. Let us remember that the unambiguous speed of a body, which determines its unambiguous kinetic energy, is the speed relative to the inertial background. This means that after the aforementioned twisting of the inertial background, the following will happen: the masses that make up the Earth, which were moving due to the daily rotation of the Earth at speeds of up to hundreds of meters per second, will suddenly have to reset their speeds to zero. But they will not be able to do this instantly - powerful inertial force impacts will arise. The consequences of these force effects will be different for various types wt. It is not difficult to imagine how the mobile masses - the atmosphere and ocean waters - will behave. Atmospheric masses will waste their former kinetic energy in hurricanes of unprecedented strength, accompanied by powerful phenomena of atmospheric electricity. As for ocean waters... Problem for 10th grade: to what height can water moving at a speed of 400 m/s rise up if you try to stop it abruptly? Unfortunately, in hydrodynamics there is no equation that models such a situation as applied to the ocean. And by calculating the dynamic pressure, based on the Bernoulli equation, it is possible to solve the proposed problem only in a rough approximation. The answer is: if the “drag coefficient” were equal to one, the ocean water could shoot up 8 km. With half the coefficient, the ocean could surge 4 km, but this is not much easier: one way or another, the oceans would sweep across the continents, washing away and destroying everything in their path. The same inertial influences would tear rocks from their places, roll wandering boulders, move mountains, wrinkle the earth's crust and at the same time sculpt new mountain ranges and build up existing ones - layering new formations on top of old ones. The same inertial influences, through the friction of the layers of the earth's crust moving over each other and through their deformations, would give a sharp increase in temperature in the areas of mechanical influence - and, accordingly, an increased formation of lava, which could pour out to the surface through ruptures and faults. As a result of all these disturbances of water and land, the outlines of continents and oceans could change beyond recognition. What energy would be spent on all these titanic changes? Answer: the former kinetic energy of rotation of the masses that make up the Earth - after all, in the new situation, this energy should become zero. Everything is fair.
It remains to explain how climatic anomalies and such rotations of the Earth were arranged, during which tropical regions became polar, and vice versa.

Strictly speaking, it is not the mass that plays a big role in the possible detection of such a particle, but the energy required to produce such particles. The strong nuclear force, for example, exhibits “confinement,” meaning that it takes a lot of energy to break apart quarks, even if their mass is not very large. Therefore, quarks must have components - often called "preons" - that have an interaction - a "technicolor" - similar to the strong nuclear one. The most obvious technicolor models conflicted with data decades ago. But the idea continues to live, and although the surviving models are not particularly popular, it should not be discounted.

These phenomena are sought at the LHC and in high-energy cosmic rays.

  1. High accuracy

High-precision testing of Standard Model processes complements high-energy measurements. They can be sensitive to minute effects arising from virtual particles whose energy is too high to be produced in accelerators, but very important at low energies due to quantum effects. Examples of this are proton decay, neutron-antineutron oscillations, g-2 muon, kaon oscillations. For all of these examples, there are experiments that look for deviations in the Standard Model, and the accuracy of these measurements is continually increasing.

Another high-precision test is a search for neutrinoless double beta decay, which would demonstrate that neutrinos are Majorana particles, an entirely new type of particle.

  1. A long time ago…

During the young Universe, matter was much denser and hotter than we could ever hope to achieve in our particle accelerators. Consequently, the signatures remaining from these times could give us new food for thought. Temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background could test scenarios for inflation or its alternatives, whether our Universe could have experienced a “big bounce” instead of a “big bang,” and whether gravity was quantized at that time.

  1. …far away from here…

Some signatures of new physics appear at large distances rather than at short distances. An unresolved question remains, for example, the shape of the Universe. Is it infinitely large or does it close in on itself? And if so, how exactly? One study looking at this question is looking for repeating patterns in temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). If we live in a multiverse, two universes could accidentally collide, leaving a mark on the CMB. Another phenomenon that can appear over long distances is the fifth force, which can lead to slight violations of general relativity.

  1. ...and right here

Not all experiments are big and expensive. Although first-aid discoveries are becoming less and less likely simply because so much has already been tried and done, there remain areas where small laboratory experiments could set us on a new trail. Especially it concerns quantum mechanics, in which tiny mechanisms and detectors enable previously impossible experiments. Maybe one day we will be able to resolve the debate over the “correct” interpretation of quantum mechanics simply by measuring which one is correct.

Physics is still far from complete. It is becoming increasingly difficult to test new fundamental theories, but we are gradually pushing the boundaries of many existing experiments. There might be new physics out there somewhere; we just need to increase energy, accuracy and look for ever more subtle effects. If nature is kind to us, this decade we will be able to destroy the Standard Model and travel to a new universe beyond.

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