"animals of hot countries." Presentation "Animals of hot countries" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (preparatory group) on the topic Interesting about animals of hot countries presentation

Anna Shipitsyna
GCD summary and presentation for preschoolers Animals of hot countries


Krasnodar region



Sochi, st. Yasnogorskaya, house 8, telephone (8622) 2672991


direct educational activities

By cognitive development (ecology)

on the topic « Animals of hot countries»

for older children preschool age

Developed: teacher Shipitsyna Anna Petrovna

Sochi, 2016


Clarify and broaden children’s horizons about life animals of hot countries.


to form ideas about the relationships of living organisms with their environment;

develop interest in representatives of nature;

continue to teach how to solve riddles;

Expand words knowledge preschoolers;

develop visual and auditory attention, creative imagination, imitation;

cultivate interest in the world around us, the ability to listen and complement each other’s answers.

Equipment: geographical map, globe, picture stickers animals, coloring pages with pictures animals warm countries , cut pictures, multimedia presentation.

Preliminary work: conversations about animals, asking riddles about animals, looking at paintings about wild animals: "lions", « zoo animals» etc., drawing and coloring animals different countries in free activity.

GCD move.

Educator: Look, guys, who is our guest today? This is our good friend - Kesha the parrot. What happened to you, Kesha? Why did you decide to come to us?

Kesha: (Slide)

IN I was born in hot countries,

But I ended up in Russia.

I'm a cockatoo parrot

I lead my life among people.

I can talk

And walk on a perch.

Yesterday I received a letter from my brother - a parrot "Ary". He writes that he will soon arrive with a group of exotic animals from hot countries to our circus. I was so happy. But after upset: after all, I came to Russia when I was little. And I don’t remember my fellow countrymen at all. It would be a shame if I got it wrong ostrich with parrot, and a zebra with a pony horse.

Help me figure out which animals live in hot countries.

Educator: Guys, Kesha is very worried. Do you want to help him? (Children's answers). What a great fellow you are! I knew that you would always come to the rescue. And if you don’t know everything, what will you do in this case? (Children's answers). Well, of course, I will help you. Together we will solve Kesha's problem. Dear Kesha, we will not only help you remember the names animals of hot countries, but also name their habitats.

(The teacher draws the children’s attention to geographical map and globe).

Educator: If you look closely at the map of the earth and the globe - a model of the Earth, you can see that our planet consists of water and land. Water - This: (children's answers) rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, etc. Land - what is it? (forests, fields, steppes, deserts, etc.).

There are six continents on our planet (Africa, America, South America, Eurasia, Australia, Antarctica). (Slide) Each continent is different from the other in color. The color on the map represents the climate. After all animal And vegetable world depends on climatic conditions. (Working with a map, globe).

Now, guys, show Kesha the continent that is painted yellow. What does yellow mean? ( Yellow indicates that the mainland is mainly dominated by sand. The flora here is sparse. They live mostly animals who love warmth. The driest and hot where is summer all year round.) What kind of continent is this?

(The teacher asks a riddle).

The continent lies large,

Most hot and dry.

It's summer there all year round,

Who will call him for me? (Africa).

Educator: Guys, let's find pictures together of heat-loving animals animals and paste it onto our picture. (Children choose animals, pasted onto a picture of Africa - hippopotamus, zebra, elephant, lion, monkey, etc.).

Educator: Kesha, now you know where they will come to you from animals. And with the help of riddles with clues, you will find out which inhabitants of Africa can visit you. Guys, are you ready to find Kesha the correct answer?

So the first riddle.

His fiery mane

IN sun rays beautiful.

To jump, crouch down a little

Waiting in the grass for prey. (A lion). (Slide)

Why is it important for a lion to be unnoticed? (He is a predator, stalking his prey).

Why don't we see him? (The color of the coat allows you to be unnoticed among the yellow dry grass).

Who goes hunting? Lions or lionesses? Why? (As a rule, lionesses go hunting. (Slide) They are more mobile, dexterous, and more successful in hunting. Leos are heavy, unhurried, lazy. The meat obtained by the lionesses is first tasted by the lion. Therefore, he is always overweight, well-fed and does not hunt himself).

How do lions differ from lionesses in appearance? (Lions have a large, fluffy mane, but a lioness does not).

Who do lionesses hunt? (Giraffes, antelopes, zebras become their prey).

What benefits do predators bring? (Lions do not give herbivores animals(antelope, zebra, giraffe) reproduce in large quantities, saving the plant world from complete destruction, as well as destroying the sick animals).

Didactic game : “Who can assemble the picture faster?”

Children are divided into two groups and collect whole pictures of a lion and lioness from different pictures.

The second riddle.

Here are the horses all in stripes,

Maybe they are wearing sailor suits?

No, they are that color. (Slide).

Guess who it is? (Zebra).

A zebra is a black horse with white stripes or a white horse with black stripe? (Each zebra is covered with stripes and they are not repeated).

How does a baby zebra recognize its mother? (According to the picture).

How does a zebra's color save it from predators? (The color helps confuse predators; they cannot single out one zebra. There are many of them and they merge into one large striped spot). (Slide)

A physical training session for Kesha the parrot is being held.

We are with the cheerful Parrot,

Let's walk along the path.

And let's clap our hands:

Kesha is a good parrot.

We continue the game -

Let's all jump like a kangaroo.

We're going hunting

And we crawl like a crocodile.

And now we roar like lions

In dense thickets of grass.

How giraffes stretched.

We returned to our places again.

Educator: And now we continue to help Kesha meet animals who will come to him from hot countries.

Who is this riddle about?

Hides his in the river stomach

Fat, kind. (Hippopotamus).

Who is this fat hippopotamus friends with? Hippopotamus is friends with birds. Yes, yes, Kesha, don’t be surprised, our big hippopotamus there are such little friends.

How do these little friends help the hippopotamus? (The bird sits on the head of the hippopotamus when he sits in the water, so she catches fish for herself (Slide) The hippopotamus bird cleans the skin of insects and treats wounds. (Slide)

Who is hiding in the next riddle?

Hose-nosed giant

It washes like in the shower.

This resident hot countries

The largest on land. (Elephant) (Slide)

Will the lion dare to attack the elephant? (No, the elephant is powerful, very strong animal, the lion cannot cope with him). The most amazing thing about an elephant is its trunk. What does the elephant do with him? (Using its trunk, the elephant plucks leaves from the trees, (Slide) tears up the grass (Slide) drinks. (Slide) It tolerates very thick trees. With its trunk it protects itself from enemies, expresses tenderness, and strokes its cubs with love).

Can anyone harm an elephant? (The ant, while the elephant is sleeping, gnaws the soles of its feet and the elephant cannot walk).

Finger gymnastics

IN hot countries

(with light sliding movements of all fingers, move along the table)


(place your hands on bent, spread fingers)

They just walk along the road.

(make forward movements with your hands)

Hippos get wet in the river.

(turn your hands palms up, clench and unclench your fingers)

Lions go hunting.

(open your fingers like a fan)


(open hands joined at the wrist)


(Put your hands to your head, show "ears")

Zebras are inhabitants of the savannah,

(interlace the fingers of both hands with each other, perform "galloping" moving forward on the table)

And tropical birds.

(interlace the thumbs of both hands with each other, flap your palms like wings).

There is something to marvel at here.

(palms of both hands lying on the table, turn up and down).

Educator: Well, now, the next continent.

Best of all continents

And, of course, more beautiful.

Where you and I live,

Where is our Russia? (Eurasia).

Where in our country we can see heat-loving ones animals? (Zoo, circus).

Have you been to a real zoo with your parents? Which animals live there? Who knows how to behave at the zoo? (You can't feed animals, you can’t leave your parents, you can’t tease animals, you cannot come close to the enclosure, etc.).

What types animals you know? (Predators and herbivores).

Who are carnivores and how do they differ from herbivores? (Herbivores eat grass, predators hunt the weak animals).

Educator: Kesha, just don’t be scared. In the circus, the animals are trained and their trainer is always with them. But you are still obliged to adhere to the rules of behavior when communicating with such animals. So we will be calm for you and the guys.

So where else can heat-loving people come from? "guests", from which countries? What continents do they live on? Oh yes! We have a riddle.

Well, these are the longest

And, of course, very necessary.

They almost connected

North and South Pole. (North and South America).

In this area there are animals who live in Europe, Africa, and Australia. Why do you think the territory of America stretches from North Pole to the South, the climate is very diverse and animals therefore varied.

(The teacher and the children place only heat-loving people on the map animals: parrots, monkeys, crocodiles, etc.).

We will introduce you, Kesha, to at least one of these representatives.

Here comes the riddle:

The toothy mouth opened (Slide)

King of the swamp. (crocodile).

Educator: And here is another continent where amazing people can come from "guests".

For everyone he is a younger brother,

Small, but rich.

There's one there country of all,

Name him. (Australia) .

Australia It is washed by seas on all sides. There is very lush vegetation and a very rich variety of animal world . The most big bird V Australia - ostrich, very fast-footed animal - kangaroo, funny koalas, parrots, lemurs, pumas, etc.).

A teacher resettles children with animals on the map(m. Australia) .


Jumps like a champion

With a miracle postman bag.

Not a letter or a newspaper

The beast hid this in a bag.

Mom feeds in the morning

Small. (Kangaroo). (Slide)

Yes, yes, Kesha, with this amazing animals We'll get to know you better.

How do kangaroos move? (They move along the ground by jumping, which they do due to their very strong and developed hind legs).

What helps a kangaroo maintain balance when jumping? (A long tail).

There is a legend in the world about the origin of the name of this animal. When from Europe to the mainland Scientists arrived in Australia, then they met this unique beast for the first time. And when they started asking about it animal people who lived in Australia, then they did not understand the language of scientists and answered them: Ken Gu Ru, which meant translated into Russian "I don't understand". But since then the name of these animals - kangaroo. Animal It is quite large and its abilities are amazing. It can jump over an obstacle about 3 meters high, runs very fast, but also gets tired quickly, so you can easily catch up with them.

Why do kangaroos have big ears? (Large developed ears serve to identify a predator nearby. If a kangaroo notices danger, it begins to pound its paws hard on the ground, trying to warn its relatives of the approaching enemy).

What color is a kangaroo's fur? (Black or gray).

Where does a kangaroo carry its babies?

Educator: We, Kesha, have one more "guest" from Australia is hidden in a mystery. You should definitely meet him.

Hides his neck in the clouds

Long-legged beast. (Giraffe) (Slide)

The height of the giraffe is 6 meters, it is as tall as a 2-story house, half of the height is at the neck.

Why does he have such a neck? (Easily reaches the very tops tall trees, plucking leaves).

Zebras, antelopes graze next to the giraffe, ostriches. What attracts them to the giraffe? (Tall stature, sensitive ears and keen eyes help him see the predator and announce the alarm to everyone. The giraffe’s eyes are set in such a way that without turning his head he sees everything around him). (Slides)

Educator: (draws the children’s attention to the globe and asks a riddle).

Icy winds blow,

The mountains are snowy and steep.

They haven't heard of summer there.

You can hardly get warm there.

He is neither small nor big

This snowy continent. (Antarctica).

Educator: Guys, what happened, where did our sticker pictures go? animals of hot countries? Who will we settle on this continent?

What color is this continent painted? (White). Why? (Because here permafrost, and the snow doesn't melt. There is no vegetation here).

Will thermophiles be able to survive there? animals? (No. They will die. They do not have such warm fur and a thick layer of fat as animals of cold countries).

Educator: Guys, we told Kesha a lot of interesting things about animals of hot countries. But so as not to confuse animals, we will remember everything we talked about. (The teacher asks questions on the topic. Kesha the parrot thanks the teacher and the children for their help).


Kesha, nice parrot,

You remember, come on.

Everyone animals of hot countries:

Tiger, lion and monkeys,

Kangaroo and crocodile,

And the giraffe and the elephant -

Everyone needs protection!

Unfortunately, many animals are being hunted. Hunters illegally harvest skins animals. Therefore, many of them are protected by law. Look at our map. How great it turns out for us.

Animals of Africa

Didactic game for children of senior preschool age


1. What is the name of the tallest of all animals? (Giraffe)

2. What animal is called the “tiger horse”? (Zebra)

3. Which animal is great at climbing trees and rocks?

and feels no less free there than on earth? (Leopard)

4. What animals, when faced with a mirror, act

How intelligent beings- Do they recognize themselves in the mirror? (Monkey)

5.Which animal can cover up to 90 km a day, making

multi-day crossings even in the most hot weather? (Camel)

6. These large animals have very short legs that are difficult to

support the weight of the animal's body, so they most time

carried out in water. What are the names of these amazing animals that have a huge mouth that stretches from ear to ear? (Hippopotamus)

7. These descendants of archosaurs appeared 190 million years ago. IN Ancient Egypt they were considered lords of the rivers. Gladiators fought with them in the arenas of ancient Roman circuses. What animals are we talking about? (Crocodile)

Crossword (Puzzles)

Fourth wheel

Zebra. Other animals have bodies that are not covered with hair.

The giraffe is not a cat.

Crocodile - only its babies hatch from eggs

Rhinoceros. Only this animal has two horns.

Consider, think, count

1. What animals have hooves. Count them.

2. How many predators are there? 9

3. How many herbivores are there? 9

4. How many animals do you see that can swim? 9

5. Which of these animals are domestic? Count them. 4

Used sources:

1.S. Vokhrintseva " The world. Animals of Africa" didactic material. Publishing house "Fantasyland", 2003

The presentation used materials and photos from the sites:

  • http://www.toy-world.ru/toy1128959.html
  • http://www.r-rech.ru/-1-2-/586.html
  • http :// www . poezia . ru / article . php ? sid =52922
  • http://www.vsezagadki.ru/2010/01/zagadki-o-zhivotnyx-dlya-detej/

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Slide captions:

ANIMALS OF HOT COUNTRIES Prepared by: teacher Pankratieva S.N. GBDOU kindergarten No. 6 Preparatory group “Pochemuchki”

Name the animals that live in hot countries ELEPHANT ZEBRA MONKEY LEOPARD TIGER LION

Name the animals that live in hot countries CROCODILE HIPHEMOTH RHINO KANGAROO GIRAFFE CAMEL




Didactic game "Whose is this?" What kind of mane do you have? A lion has a lion's mane.

Didactic game "Whose is this?" What kind of neck does it have? The giraffe has a giraffe neck.

Didactic game "Whose is this?" Whose tail is it? The monkey has a monkey's tail.

Didactic game "Whose is this?" Whose hump is it? A camel has a camel's hump.

Didactic game "Whose is this?" Whose trunk is it? An elephant has an elephant trunk.




Reflection Recall with children the animals of hot countries, their characteristics and habits. Find out which animals are carnivores and herbivores. Repeat baby animals.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Slide captions:

For example lexical topic: “Animals of hot countries” Recommendations for the development of lexical and grammatical structure in children 6 – 7 years old.

1 . Enrichment and consolidation of vocabulary: Looking at pictures with animals from hot countries “Name the whole family” Camel - baby camel - camel Elephant - baby elephant - elephant Tigress - tiger cub - tiger Lioness-lion cub

Look at the drawings of animals and say as many words as possible about each animal - what it is. Game: "Tell me which one." Zebra - striped, fast, galloping... Elephant - huge, long-eared, heavy... Monkey - nimble, tenacious, tailed... Leopard - spotted, dexterous, predatory... Kangaroo - jumping, marsupial... Camel - humpbacked, hardy...

Game: “What can he do? Jumps, runs away... hunts, sneaks, waits... jumps, climbs... walks, transports, eats, drinks...

2. Development of grammatical structure: To develop the ability to form possessive adjectives: Game: “Whose, whose, whose?” Whose hump does a camel have? camel Whose body does an elephant have? elephant's mouth Whose mouth does the crocodile have? to rocodilla

Whose neck does a giraffe have? Whose horn does a rhinoceros have? Whose stripes do the tiger have on its body? giraffe rhinoceros tiger

Development of the ability to form complex adjectives. Game "Make a word". At the giraffe Long neck, so what kind of giraffe? - long-necked. A hippopotamus has thick legs... - thick-legged. At the monkey's a long tail... - long-tailed. A camel has two humps... - double-humped. The elephant has big ears... - big-eared. The crocodile has sharp teeth... - sharp-toothed.

Agreement of nouns with numerals. Game: "Count 1-2-5" 1 striped zebra - 2 striped zebras - 5 striped zebras 1 big elephant- 2 big elephants - 5 big elephants 1 fierce lion - 2 fierce lions - 5 fierce lions 1 small tiger cub - 2 small tiger cubs - 5 small tiger cubs

Formation of nouns in the plural of nominative and genitive case. Games: “One - many”, “One - many?” rhino rhinos giraffe giraffes rhinos giraffes

Actions with small animal toys to develop spatial orientation and the use of prepositions in speech. The child performs actions with toys according to the adult’s instructions: Place the elephant to the right of the lioness. Place the lion on the left (in front, behind, near, between)... Place the baby elephant so that he looks out from behind the elephant (from under the palm tree). - Where is the elephant...? Where did you put the elephant...? etc.

Coordination of words in a sentence. Development of language analysis and auditory attention. Game: “Make a sentence.” Wearable, durable, turtle shell. Striped, jumping, zebras. Trunk, collects, elephant, food. On, tree, monkey, sitting. Po, camel, desert, coming. Baby kangaroo, sitting, in, bag, in, mother. After each sentence made, the child answers the questions: - How many words are in this sentence? - Tell me what the first word is... last thing?

3. Development of coherent speech. Making sentences with the names of animals of hot countries. Development of the ability to use complex sentences in speech. Game: “Compare.” What is common and how does one animal differ from another? Lion and tiger Rhinoceros and hippopotamus

Development of the ability to use complex sentences in speech. as well as logical thinking and auditory attention. Game: "The fourth wheel" seal lion giraffe elephant

Development of coherent speech based on composing a story based on a diagram. Choose one picture with an animal and make up a story according to the diagram. - Who is this? - What colour is he? - What body parts does he have? - What does only he have and no one else has? - What he eats? Is he carnivorous or herbivorous? - What is the name of the cub? - What is the animal doing in the picture?
