Weapons based on new physical principles presentation. Other weapons: what is the power of “new physical principles”


Nikolai Nikolaevich Antonenchik

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, 630117, Novosibirsk, st. Ivanova, 49, senior lecturer of the department of “Armament and Military Equipment”, tel. 89537979600, email: [email protected]

The article reveals samples of weapons working on new principles. Their analysis and directions for further development are given.

Key words: weapon, enemy.


Nicholay N. Antonenchik

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, Novosibirsk, 630117, 49 Ivanova, senior teacher, department the “Armament and Military Equipment”, tel. 89537979600, e-mail: [email protected]

The article describes examples of work-ing of weapons based on new principles. Provides analysis and directions for further development.

Key words: weapon, enemy.

Along with the development of traditional types of weapons, many countries pay great attention to work on the creation of unconventional weapons or, as is more commonly said, weapons based on new physical principles.

Weapons based on new physical principles (WNPP) are a type of weapon whose action is based on the use of directed high-energy radiation and fields, neutral or charged particles, as well as other unconventional methods of complete or partial destruction of manpower, military equipment, objects or enemy territory.

Some types of such weapons can be classified as weapons of mass destruction. Its use will lead to a new dangerous and revolutionary leap in military affairs.

Laser weapons (LO) are a type of directed energy weapon based on the use of electromagnetic radiation from high-energy lasers. The damaging effect of laser beams is determined mainly by the thermomechanical and shock-pulse effects of the laser beam on the target.

Depending on the laser radiation flux density, these effects can lead to temporary blinding of a person or to the destruction of the body of a rocket, aircraft, etc.

The complex is based on an oxygen-iodide laser with an output power of several megawatts. According to experts, it will have a range of up to 400 km.

Research into the possibility of creating X-ray lasers continues.

At the beginning of the 21st century, tactical laser weapons were considered the most developed, ensuring damage to optical-electronic devices and human vision.

Accelerator (beam) weapons - these weapons are based on the use of narrowly directed beams of charged or neutral particles generated using various types accelerators both ground-based and space-based.

The damage to various objects and humans is determined by radiation (ionizing) and thermomechanical effects. Beam weapons can destroy the shells of aircraft bodies, hit ballistic missiles and space objects by disabling on-board electronic equipment. It is assumed that with the help of a powerful flow of electrons it is possible to detonate ammunition with explosives and melt the nuclear charges of the ammunition warheads.

Work on accelerator weapons using beams of charged particles (electrons) is being carried out in the interests of creating air defense systems for ships, as well as for mobile tactical ground installations.

Infrasonic weapons are one of the types of NFPP, based on the use of directed radiation of powerful infrasonic vibrations.

Prototypes of such weapons already exist and have been repeatedly considered as a possible test object.

According to studies conducted in some countries, infrasonic vibrations can affect the central nervous system and digestive organs, causing paralysis, vomiting and spasms, and lead to general malaise and pain in internal organs, and with more high levels at frequencies of a few hertz - dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, and sometimes blindness and even death.

Prototypes infrasonic weapons have already been used in Yugoslavia. The so-called “acoustic bomb” produced sound vibrations of very low frequency.

Radio frequency weapons

IN last years Research on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation has intensified. The main place in the research is given to the effects on people of electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range from extremely low (^ = 3-30 Hz) to ultra-high (^ = 3-30 GHz).

As a result of experiments conducted in the USA, it was determined that with a single exposure of a person to radiation with certain frequencies in the radio frequency range from 30 to 30,000 MHz (meter and decimeter waves) at an intensity of more than 10 MW/cm2, the following are observed: headache, weakness, depression, increased irritability, fear, impaired decision-making ability, memory impairment.

Exposure of the brain to radio waves in the frequency range 0.3-3 GHz (decimeter waves) at an intensity of up to 2 MW/cm2 causes a sensation of whistling, buzzing, buzzing, clicking, which disappears with appropriate shielding. It has also been established that powerful electromagnetic radiation can cause severe burns and blindness.

Geophysical weapons are weapons whose destructive effect is based on the use for military purposes of natural phenomena and processes caused by artificial means. Depending on the environment in which these processes occur, it is divided into atmospheric, lithospheric, hydrosphere, biosphere and ozone.

Atmospheric (weather) weapons are the most studied type of geophysical weapon today. In relation to atmospheric weapons, their damaging factors are various types atmospheric processes and associated weather and climate conditions on which life may depend, both in individual regions and on the entire planet.

Lithospheric weapons are based on the use of the energy of the lithosphere, that is, the outer sphere of the “solid” earth, including the earth’s crust and the upper layer of the mantle. In this case, the damaging effect manifests itself in the form of such catastrophic phenomena as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the movement of geological formations. The source of energy released in this case is tension in tectonically dangerous zones.

Experiments conducted by a number of researchers have shown that in some earthquake-prone areas of the Earth, using above-ground or underground nuclear explosions of relatively low power, earthquakes can be initiated, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Hydrospheric weapons are based on the use of hydrosphere energy for military purposes. The hydrosphere is the discontinuous water shell of the Earth, located between the atmosphere and solid earth's crust(lithosphere). It is a collection of oceans, seas and surface waters.

The use of hydrosphere energy for military purposes is possible when hydroresources (oceans, seas, rivers, lakes) and hydraulic structures are exposed not only to nuclear explosions, but also to large charges of conventional explosives. The damaging factors of hydrosphere weapons will be strong waves and flooding.

Biosphere weapons (ecological) are based on a catastrophic change in the biosphere. The biosphere covers part of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the upper part of the lithosphere, which are interconnected by complex biochemical cycles of migration of substances and energy.

Artificially caused soil erosion, death of vegetation, irreparable damage to flora and fauna due to the use of various types of chemicals, incendiary weapons can lead to a catastrophic change in the biosphere and, as a consequence, mass destruction of people.

Ozone weapons are based on the use of ultraviolet radiation energy emitted by the Sun. Shielding ozone

the layer extends at an altitude of 10 to 50 km with a maximum concentration at an altitude of 20-25 km and a sharp decrease up and down.

Partial destruction of the ozone layer over enemy territory, artificial creation of temporary “windows” in the protective ozone layer can lead to damage to the population, flora and fauna in the planned area Globe due to exposure to large doses of hard UV radiation and other radiation of cosmic origin.

Thus, the analysis of research conducted in recent years in the field of geophysical impact on environment indicates the likelihood of the emergence in the 21st century of fundamentally new approaches to the technology of creating certain types of geophysical weapons.

Gene weapon

Scientific and technical achievements in the field of biotechnology in recent years have made it possible to enter a new direction in the development of this science, called evolutionary molecular (“gene”) engineering. It is based on the technology of reproducing in laboratory conditions the processes of adaptive evolution of genetic material.

A special type of genetic weapon is the so-called ethnic weapon - a weapon with a selective genetic factor. It is designed to primarily target certain ethnic and racial groups of the population.

Annihilation weapon is one of the possible, but so far hypothetical types of NFPP, the action of which is based on the process of annihilation (interconversion) of particles with the release large quantity energy.

Kinetic weapons

Western experts, in their plans to re-equip the armed forces in order to increase their power, mobility and expand combat capabilities, among the weapons systems being studied, of no small importance, attaches great importance to the creation of means of armed warfare based on electrodynamic mass accelerators or electric guns, the main attractive feature of which is the achievement of hypersonic destruction speeds, including without the use of special combat units.

Non-lethal weapons.

Non-lethal (non-lethal) weapons are understood as means of influencing people and equipment, created on the basis of chemical, biological, physical and other principles that make the enemy incapable of combat for a certain time.

Non-lethal weapons developed in NATO countries include the following types.

Acoustic weapons are small-sized powerful generators operating in the infrasound and audio frequency ranges. Designed to defeat people, including those in shelters and equipment.

Electromagnetic weapons are generators of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range, designed to destroy mainly electrical equipment.

Blinding weapons are sources of coherent and incoherent optical radiation to disable optical-electronic equipment and damage the organs of vision.

Chemicals - aerosol formulations of psychotropic drugs, various foaming, adhesive and quick-hardening compounds, active chemical agents, inhibitors and activators of oxidation reactions that can disrupt the molecular structure of metal alloys, ammunition components and rubber products.

Biological agents are microorganisms modified using genetic engineering methods that have specific properties to disrupt the structure of metal alloys, ammunition components and rubber products, and convert fuels and lubricants into a jelly-like mass.

Means of information and psychological influence on individuals and organized groups.

Certain types of non-lethal weapons were used in armed conflicts in Somalia, Haiti, and Iraq.

Information warfare means

The term “information warfare” refers to a set of measures aimed at preventing unauthorized use, damage or destruction of elements of one’s own information infrastructure (AI), as well as the use, violation of the integrity or destruction of enemy AI elements in order to ensure information superiority in Peaceful time, as well as at various stages of preparation and conduct of combat operations.

Issues of further developments and principles for the use of non-lethal weapons are widely discussed in NATO countries. This is due to a significant increase in the participation of the armed forces of the bloc countries in various types of regional conflicts and peacekeeping operations. When faced with irregular armed formations conducting combat operations in unconventional ways, units either fail to cope with their assigned tasks or suffer unreasonably large losses.

© N.N. Antonenchik, 2012

means of armed warfare, the destructive effect of which is based on the use of directed high-energy radiation and fields, neutral or charged particles delivered to targets, as well as other unconventional methods of destruction.

At the beginning of the 21st century, these types of weapons include laser, accelerator, microwave, information, infrasonic, geophysical, etc.

Based on their destructive properties, these weapons (at least some of their types) should be classified as weapons of mass destruction. Its use could lead to a new revolutionary and dangerous leap in military affairs.

Laser weapons are a special type of promising directed energy weapons based on the use of laser radiation to defeat people and incapacitate them. military equipment(primarily optical-electronic reconnaissance and weapons control systems). Such weapons can use gas, solid-state and chemical lasers with appropriate control and guidance systems.

At the beginning of the 21st century, only low-energy laser devices are used. Along with this, the possibility of forceful destruction by a laser beam of structural elements of military equipment, including the bodies of ballistic missiles and other aircraft, was experimentally tested. However, the appearance of models of this type of weapon in the arsenal of troops and naval forces is still very problematic due to its bulkiness, high energy consumption and other negative operational factors.

Accelerator (beam) weapons are a possible promising type of weapon based on the use of streams or beams of elementary particles (atoms of hydrogen, helium, lithium, etc.) to destroy manpower and military equipment. Can be used mainly to destroy space and air targets.

Microwave weapons are a possible promising type of weapon based on the use of electronic components of military equipment to destroy (mainly functional) radio-electronic components. The system of such weapons can use microwave energy generators in the millimeter and centimeter wave ranges and corresponding antenna systems, which together form directed radiation. Typically refers to multiple use weapons. Along with this, a search is underway for single-action explosive generators and the creation of bombs (missile warheads) based on them, which can destroy household and military electronics at distances of tens of kilometers, which can make these weapons very effective. Most likely, it will appear in service as a deterrent against aggression.

Infrasound weapons are a promising type of weapon based on the damaging effect on the human body of sound vibrations of infra-low (from a few to 30 Hz) frequencies. Can be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

Information weapons are promising complexes of specific software and information tools created to destroy the enemy’s information resource. These include:

- “logical bomb” – a program embedded in a computer, which, upon a certain signal or at a set time, comes into action, distorting or destroying information;

- “computer viruses” – programs or introduced defects into software Enemy computers capable of disrupting a computer network and disabling weapons controlled by this computer (Sm11.3.2).

Speaking on September 1 at MGIMO, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: “The arms race is reaching a new level, there is a threat of the emergence of new types of weapons.” What did he mean?

From hypothesis to reality

Scientists and military experts, based on an analysis of increasingly accelerating scientific and technological progress, indicate that in the near future we should expect the emergence of fundamentally new types and systems of weapons, including weapons of mass destruction. As the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Marshal Igor Sergeev directly warned: “The appearance of weapons based on new physical principles, especially at the strategic and operational level, means another qualitative leap in the change and development of forms and methods of armed struggle.”

This could lead to the abandonment of armed clashes between mass armies and the physical destruction of people directly on the battlefield. Existing types of weapons may be replaced by slowly and imperceptibly acting means that will have a latent damaging effect on the human body, destroy its viability, protection from meteorological and infectious factors, thus leading to its gradual death or long-term failure.

The results of the use of some hypothetical types of weapons of mass destruction can appear quite a long time after exposure, calculated in years and even decades. A certain selectivity of the impact of certain types of new weapons can allow the attacking side to practically eliminate the losses of its troops and at the same time create a targeted incapacitation of enemy manpower. All this, in turn, creates incentives for the development of new types of weapons.

Geophysical weapons

Geophysical weapons are based on the use of means for military purposes to influence processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. At the same time, the atmospheric layer with a height of 10 to 60 kilometers is of particular importance for the use of such means.

Soon after the end of World War II, research began to be carried out in the United States to study the processes occurring in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: "Skyfire" (generating lightning), "Prime Argus" (causing earthquakes), "Stormfury" (controlling hurricanes, tsunamis). The results of this work have not been widely reported. However, it is known that in 1961, an experiment was carried out in the United States to throw more than 350 thousand two-centimeter metal needles into the upper layers of the atmosphere, which dramatically changed the thermal balance of the atmosphere. Scientists believe that as a result of this, an earthquake occurred in Alaska, and part of the coast of Chile slid into the ocean.

The most studied effect of geophysical weapons is to provoke rainstorms in certain areas. For this purpose, the United States already used the dispersion of silver iodide in rain clouds during the Vietnam War. The purpose of such actions was to create floods, break through protective dams and flood vast areas, and impede the movement of enemy troops, especially heavy equipment. Several aircraft, using hundreds of kilograms of such a substance, are capable of dispersing clouds over an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers, causing heavy rains.

In northern Alaska, near Anchorage, there is a whole forest of 24-meter antennas. The official name of the work carried out there is the High Freguency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). A number of prominent scientists claim that work is being done there for military purposes under the direction of the Pentagon.

In particular, they believe that with the help of directional antennas, beams of high-frequency radio waves are “shot” into the atmosphere, which heat the ionosphere until plasma is formed. This leads to its instability, which changes the wind rose and creates unpredictable disasters: thunderstorms, tsunamis, floods.

One of the types of geophysical weapons is the so-called “ozone weapon,” which is a set of means for artificially destroying the ozone layer of the atmosphere over enemy territory. This, in particular, can be achieved using rockets equipped with freon. The explosion of such rockets in the ozone layer will lead to the formation of “windows” in it, creating conditions for the penetration of hard ultraviolet radiation from the Sun to the surface of the Earth, which has a detrimental effect on the cellular structures of living organisms and the hereditary apparatus, and contributes to a sharp increase in the number of cancer diseases. A decrease in ozone levels will lead to a decrease in average temperature and an increase in humidity, which is especially dangerous for areas of unsustainable, critical agriculture.

EMP is a weapon

Among the promising weapons in Lately Radio frequency weapons are often mentioned, affecting humans and various objects with the help of powerful electromagnetic pulse(AMY). This is greatly facilitated by the widespread use of electronic technology in the world, which solves very important problems, including in the field of security. For the first time, EMP, capable of damaging various technical devices, became known during the first tests nuclear weapons when this new physical phenomenon was discovered. However, it soon became known that EMR is not only produced during a nuclear explosion. Already in the 1950s, academician Andrei Sakharov first proposed the principle of constructing a non-nuclear “electromagnetic bomb”. In this design, powerful EMR is generated as a result of compression magnetic field solenoid by an explosion of a chemical explosive.

An important place in the work on research in Russia on EMP weapons and methods of protection against them belongs to the Institute of Thermophysics of Extreme States of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by Academician Vladimir Fortov. He emphasizes that at the present time, when the troops and infrastructure of many states are saturated with electronics to the limit, attention to the means of their destruction is very relevant. At the same time, he points out that although EMP weapons are characterized as non-lethal, experts classify them as strategic, which can be used to disable objects of the state and military control system.

This is confirmed by the experience of the 1991 Gulf War, when the United States used cruise missiles"Tomahawk" with EMP warheads to suppress enemy electronic weapons, especially air defense radars. At the very beginning of the war with Iraq in 2003, the explosion of one EMP bomb disabled the entire electronic system of the television center in Baghdad. Studies of the effects of EMR radiation on the human body have shown that even with low intensity, various disturbances and changes occur in it, especially in the cardiovascular system.

In recent years, Russia has made significant progress in the development of stationary research generators that create high values ​​of magnetic field strength and maximum current. Such generators can serve as a prototype for an electromagnetic gun, the range of which can reach hundreds of meters or more. The existing level of technology allows a number of countries to adopt various modifications of EMP ammunition, which can be successfully used during combat operations.

Laser weapons

Lasers or quantum generators are powerful emitters of electromagnetic energy in the optical range. The damaging effect of a laser beam is achieved by heating to high temperatures materials of the object, causing its defeat, damage to sensitive elements of weapons, blinding of the human visual organs, up to irreversible consequences, causing thermal burns to the skin. For the enemy, the effect of laser radiation is characterized by surprise, secrecy, absence of external signs, high accuracy, and almost instantaneous action.

There is no doubt that laser weapons, as they improve (increasing power and improving the focusing of radiation), will find increasingly widespread use to destroy both manpower and enemy combat weapons. It is known that in the United States, for a number of years, laser rifles designed to engage manpower at distances of up to 1.5 km have been developed.

Experts rightly assert that the greatest use of laser weapons will be associated with the creation of large-scale missile defense US territory. Already in 1996, the United States began creating air-launched laser weapons designed to destroy enemy missiles in their acceleration zone. A powerful laser installation will be placed on board a Boeing 747. Loitering at an altitude of 10-12 km, within a few seconds it will have to detect a missile and hit it with a laser beam.

The Pentagon plans to create a squadron of seven such aircraft by 2008. In February 2000, one of the leading military-industrial consortiums, Martin-Boeing-TRW, signed a contract for the development of a space laser station with the expectation of conducting the first tests in 2012 and completing the full cycle of work by 2020.

Acoustic weapons

When considering the problem of creating and damaging effects of acoustic weapons, it should be taken into account that they cover three characteristic frequency ranges: infrasonic region - below 20 hertz (Hz), audible - from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, ultrasonic - above 20 kHz. This gradation is determined by the characteristics of the impact of sound on the human body. It has been established that hearing thresholds, pain levels and other negative effects on the human body increase with decreasing sound frequency. Infrasonic vibrations can cause a state of anxiety and even horror in people. According to some scientists, with significant radiation power, as a result of a sharp disruption of the functions of individual human organs, damage to the cardiovascular system can occur. death.

In recent years, a wide range of work has been carried out in the United States in the field of non-lethal weapons (NLW) at the Army Research, Development and Maintenance Center (ARDEC) at the Pakatinny Arsenal (New Jersey). A number of projects to create devices that generate acoustic "bullets" emitted by large-diameter antennas have been carried out by the Scientific Research and Application Association (SARA) in Huntington Beach, California.

The joint work of SARA and ARDEC is aimed at creating acoustic weapons that affect the human body, and above all, its hearing aid. Research is underway to create infrasound systems using large loudspeakers and powerful sound amplifiers. In the UK, infrasound emitters have been developed that affect not only the human hearing system, but also cause resonance internal organs, disrupting the functioning of the heart, even leading to death. To destroy military personnel located in bunkers and combat vehicles, acoustic “bullets” of very low frequencies were tested, formed by the superposition of ultrasonic vibrations emitted by large antennas.

According to American experts J. and S. Morris, work in the field of acoustic weapons is also being carried out in Russia and “impressive results” have been obtained. They, in particular, stated that in Russia they were shown a working device that generated an infrasonic pulse with a frequency of 10 Hz “the size of a baseball,” the power of which was supposedly sufficient to inflict severe damage on a person at a distance of hundreds of meters. At the same time, it should be noted that there is no consensus among scientists in assessing the destructive effect of acoustic weapons.

Information and psychological weapons

When considering the problem of information warfare, one should pay attention to its multidimensional nature, which already at the present time, and even more so in the future, will play a decisive role in the outcome of battles. We will try to consider only one of the factors of this confrontation - information psychological impact on enemy troops and population. It should be recalled that outstanding commanders of the past during the war they used influence on the minds and will of enemy troops. During the Italian campaign of Alexander Suvorov, his appeal to enemy troops explaining the difficult situation in which they found themselves led to the fact that the troops of the Piedmontese army surrendered in entire units and units. Napoleon also gave great importance bringing the necessary (sometimes false) information to the enemy. Already at that time he had a mobile printing press with a productivity of 10 thousand leaflets per day. It belongs to him catchphrase: “Four newspapers can do more harm than an army of one hundred thousand.”

Rapid development of funds mass media, especially television and the Internet, creates objective preconditions for increasing its use for military purposes. By placing space relays in near-Earth orbits, an aggressor country can develop and implement a round-the-clock information war scenario against a particular state, trying to blow it up from the inside. Provocative programs will be designed not for the mind, but primarily for the sensory sphere of a person, which can be especially effective when the political culture of the population is low, poorly informed and unprepared for such a war.

Dosed delivery of ideologically and psychologically processed provocative material, skillful alternation of truthful (“credit of trust”) and false information, skillful editing of details of various real and fictitious explosive situations can turn into a powerful means of psychological offensive. It can be especially effective against a country in which there is social tension, ethnic, religious or class conflicts.

The scale of the possible psychological impact is evidenced by the amount of propaganda material used by the Western allies during the Second World War against the armies of the Nazi coalition: Great Britain dropped 6.5 billion, and the United States - 8 billion leaflets.

It should be noted that psychological operations may now have a strategic dimension. In this case, the main objectives are: discrediting external and domestic policy state, the socio-economic situation of the population, aggravation of ethnic and interfaith contradictions, the creation of defeatist sentiments in the minds of the population, all kinds of encouragement of antisocial acts, etc.

Genetic weapon

The rapid development of molecular genetics in the 1960-70s created the opportunity to separate and recombine genes with the formation of recombinant DNA molecules, the carrier of genetic information. Based on these methods, it was also possible to carry out gene transfer using microorganisms, to ensure the production of potent toxins of human, animal or plant origin.

Scientists assume that by 2010-2015 genetic engineering will achieve even more significant results, which will, among other things, ensure the production of toxic products that can be used as weapons. This could create a fundamentally new strategic situation when main goal The “genetic war” on the part of some countries is not the defeat of the enemy’s armed forces, but the destruction of a significant part of its population, which is declared “excessive” against the backdrop of the decreasing fertility of the Earth.

Some scientists believe that the “new strategic concept,” which will increasingly strengthen its position over time, consists of a gradual transition of the world community from traditional armed conflicts using modern military equipment and weapons to unique genocidal wars. Statements about such wars were heard among individual representatives of countries such as the USA, China, and Japan. For the military-political leadership of the United States, taking into account the birth rate of various ethnic groups of the population and the occurrence of various kinds of disasters (the example of New Orleans), it is envisaged to ensure, first of all, the preservation of the white English-speaking population, although, for obvious reasons, they try not to openly focus on this.

Ethnic weapons

The study of natural and genetic differences between people, their fine biochemical structure, differences in blood groups, and skin pigmentation gave scientists the idea of ​​using these features to create so-called ethnic weapons. According to scientists, such weapons can specifically target certain ethnic groups of the population with specially developed biological agents and be completely indifferent to others.

This, for example, will lead to the fact that the use in any city with a multinational population of such biological weapons acting selectively in relation to people with different DNA, at first it may not even be felt by the population of this city. However, over time, the effects of exposure will have a negative impact on representatives of certain groups of the population. They may develop severe chronic diseases, their life span will be shortened, and they will lose the ability to have offspring. This will actually lead to the gradual extinction of a certain ethnic group in the area exposed to ethnic weapons.

According to the calculations of one of the prominent American doctors, R. Hammerschlag, ethnic weapons can defeat 25-30% of the population of the country exposed to such influence. Let us recall that in a nuclear war scenario such population losses are considered “unacceptable” and the country suffers defeat. It should be taken into account that in order to wage an ethnic war, a scrupulous analysis of the DNA of the ethnic groups inhabiting a certain area is necessary, and a clear definition of the differences between them.

There were reports in the media that a group of Israeli scientists was considering the possibility of waging an ethnic war against their “restless” neighbors, the Palestinians. However, their research showed that both peoples (Jews and Palestinians) descend from the same ancestors and therefore have a similar genetic apparatus. Consequently, by unleashing an ethnic war against the Palestinians, Israel would simultaneously strike at the Jewish population.

Assessing the complex and contradictory international situation emerging in the world, one cannot exclude the possibility of the secret development and use of ethnic weapons by any country in the name of achieving certain economic and political goals.

Beam weapon

Damaging factor beam weapons is a highly directed beam of charged or neutral particles of high energy - electrons, protons, neutral hydrogen atoms. A powerful flow of energy carried by particles can create intense thermal effects, mechanical shock loads, and initiate X-ray radiation in the target material. The use of beam weapons is distinguished by the instantaneousness and suddenness of the damaging effect. The limiting factor in the range of this weapon is the gas particles in the atmosphere, with the atoms of which accelerated particles interact, gradually losing their energy.

The most likely targets for destruction by beam weapons may be manpower, electronic equipment, various weapons systems and military equipment: ballistic and cruise missiles, aircraft, spacecraft, etc. Work on the creation of beam weapons gained the greatest scope shortly after the proclamation of the SDI program by US President Ronald Reagan.

The Los Alamos National Laboratory became the center for scientific research in this area. Experiments at that time were carried out at the ATS accelerator, then at more powerful accelerators. At the same time, experts believe that such particle accelerators will be a reliable means of selecting attacking warheads of enemy missiles against the background of a “cloud” of false targets. Research into electron beam weapons is also underway at Livermore National Laboratory. According to some scientists, successful attempts were made there to obtain a flow of high-energy electrons, hundreds of times more powerful than that obtained in research accelerators.

In the same laboratory, as part of the Antigone program, it was experimentally established that an electron beam propagates almost perfectly, without scattering, along an ionized channel previously created by a laser beam in the atmosphere. Beam weapon installations have large mass-dimensional characteristics and therefore can be created either as stationary ones or on special mobile equipment with heavy lifting capacity.

American writer Tom Hartman, in his discussion of the potential threat of the emergence of a fundamentally new weapon, refers to the report “Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for the New Century.” The report examines the challenge of fundamental changes in the forms and methods of warfare in the future. A further revolution in military affairs will determine a diverse approach to warfare in specific conflict situations, ensuring that victory is achieved through unconventional means, and any potential adversary will inevitably lag behind the United States.

According to some scientists, the development of modern science has already crossed a critical line in ensuring the security of the world community. This confirms Winston Churchill's warning many years ago: " Stone Age may return on the shining wings of science."

Unfortunately, at present, the world community is not paying due attention to the danger of the emergence of a potential threat in the form of fundamentally new types of weapons. This corresponds to the statement of the outstanding military theorist of the 19th century, Carl Clausewitz: “The main mistake of people is that they are more afraid of the troubles of today than the troubles of tomorrow.”

The realities of today confirm the validity of this warning. Since almost all hypothetical types of WMD will be based on dual-use technologies, this complicates the problem of their identification, control over development and production, and, accordingly, complicates the conclusion of international agreements to ban them. Such an impending danger was first announced at the official level by the USSR delegation in 1975 at the XXX session of the UN General Assembly. Then the USSR presented the draft "Agreement on the Prohibition of the Development and Production of New Types of Weapons mass destruction and new systems of such weapons." However, the world community, both at that time and to this day main threat international security is already seen from the outside existing species WMD that obscures the threat of tomorrow.

The use of non-lethal (non-lethal) weapons as a way to minimize the possibility of unintentional casualties. The principle of operation of different types of weapons: psychological, sound, laser, information, traumatic and microwave weapons.

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weapon psychological information

Weapons based on new physical principles(unconventional weapons) - new types of weapons, the destructive effect of which is based on processes and phenomena that have not previously been used in weapons. By the end of the 20th century. Genetic weapons, geophysical, infrasound, climate, laser, ozone, radiological, microwave, accelerator, electromagnetic weapons, etc. were in various stages of research and development.

Non-lethal (non-lethal) weapons(HE'S D) is a weapon designed to temporarily disable enemy personnel without causing permanent damage to human health.

This is an extensive complex of mechanical, chemical, electrical and light-sound devices used to provide a psychophysical, traumatic and restraining effect on the offender, temporarily incapacitating him, and capturing the enemy alive.

As a rule, special means are used by law enforcement agencies to detain offenders, suppress active resistance on their part, free hostages, suppress and eliminate group hooliganism and riots.

The use of non-lethal weapons is intended to minimize the possibility of unintentional casualties.

Psychologicalweapon- devices, psychological methods and drugs, the purpose of which is to lower the self-esteem of the opponent, make him insecure or force him to commit any purposeful act against the will of the victim, to keep groups of people under his control:

Sudden onset of difficult-to-control states: anger, fear, sexual arousal, euphoria;

Short-term exacerbations of smell, hearing, etc.;

Dizziness, muscle cramps;

Chronic diseases;

The appearance of “burns” and wounds;

Imposed aggression, adultery, homosexuality, suicide, etc., which were previously not characteristic of the victim.

Repeated failure of nearby devices, accidents, etc.

Sonic weapon - the operating principle is based on the emission of sound and infrasound waves of certain frequencies.

LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device)- capable of transmitting clear warnings over many hundreds of meters, increasing the volume of transmitted commands to unbearable levels, and thus influencing the behavior of the crowd, the crews of enemy ships, groups of terrorists in buildings, etc.

WITH trilling megaphone- emits powerful impulses with a frequency of 2 to 3 thousand hertz, a power of 150 decibels, which can lead to permanent damage to the hearing organs and loss of self-control; fear, dizziness, nausea appear. Those on close range- mental disorder, destruction of internal organs. Used to disperse crowds, cause panic in military units, protecting objects from strangers.

Microwave weapons disrupts the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, a person hears non-existent noise and whistling.

Non-lethal laser weapons. The action of these devices is achieved by directing a red or green laser beam at the intruder, causing temporary blindness and psychological impact, leading to the inability of a person to perform coordinated (conscious) actions, thereby reducing the combat effectiveness of the intruder and preventing his progress. The bright laser light creates the effect of a light curtain, preventing targeted shooting and observation through optical instruments.

Information weapon is an arsenal of means of unauthorized access to information and disabling electronic control systems.

What distinguishes AI from conventional weapons is secrecy, scale,versatility. The main objects of application of IO are:

- computer and communication systems used government organizations when performing their managerial functions;

- military information infrastructure;

- information and management structures of banks, transport and industrial enterprises;

- mass media.

An information “attack” threatens to disable all electronic control systems of the country, its armed forces, state infrastructure, etc. Transport and energy (including nuclear) systems will be destroyed. The army and navy will be helpless in repelling aggression. The country's leaders will be unable to obtain the necessary information, make and implement any decisions. The use of such weapons in its catastrophic consequences is quite comparable to the use of weapons of mass destruction

Precision weapons- a weapon, usually controlled, capable of hitting a target with the first shot (launch) at any range within its reach.

Allows you to deliver extremely accurate strikes on attacked objects (up to hitting the required window of a given structure).

Precision weapons include various ground, air and ship based weapons. missile systems, bomber and artillery systems guided weapons, reconnaissance and strike systems. From firearms - individual species rifles.

Accelerator (beam) weapons based on the use of narrowly directed beams of charged or neutral particles generated using various types of accelerators.

It affects various objects and humans by radiation (ionizing) and thermomechanical effects. Beam weapons can destroy the shells of aircraft bodies, hit ballistic missiles and space objects by disabling on-board electronic equipment.

Work on accelerator weapons using beams of charged particles (electrons) is being carried out in the interests of creating air defense systems for ships, as well as for mobile tactical ground installations.

Other OND.

Traumatic self-defense weapon, in particular, the OSA and Makarych pistols.

Water cannons - devices that exert physical impact with jets of water under high pressure. Can cause hypothermia, incl. with fatal outcome.

Tear gas - chemicals that cause irritation of the sensory organs (lacrimation, pain, ringing in the ears), respiratory organs (coughing, suffocation), skin (burning, inflammation), nervous system and psyche (hallucinations, loss of consciousness, feelings of horror and fear, panic) making it impossible to continue conscious activity in the affected area.

Flash grenades - made on the basis of burning pyrotechnics and creating low-temperature gas plasma; when using them, a person goes blind for 30 seconds and loses hearing for 5 hours.

Thermal gun - warms up the body to a temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius in seconds; the person against whom this weapon was used experiences an unbearable burning sensation and a desire to escape.

Penomet - a device that shoots special fast-hardening and enveloping foam; soldiers quickly lose not only their mobility, but also their hearing and vision.

Viscous / slippery polymers - substances that, when polymerized, form a viscous or, conversely, very slippery film on the surface of objects.

Genetic weapons - a type of weapon capable of damaging the genetic (hereditary) apparatus of people. The active principle may be some viruses that have mutagenic activity (the ability to cause hereditary changes) that penetrate the cell chromosome, as well as chemical mutagens. Such exposure can lead to serious diseases and their hereditary transmission.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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In recent decades, when developing the concept of modern wars, NATO countries have attached increasing importance to the creation of fundamentally new types of weapons. His distinctive feature is a damaging effect on people, which, as a rule, does not lead to fatalities affected.

This type includes weapons that are capable of neutralizing or depriving the enemy of the opportunity to conduct active combat operations without significant irreversible losses of manpower and destruction of material assets.

Possible weapons based on new physical principles (NPP), primarily non-lethal weapons, include:

1) geophysical (meteorological, ozone, climate);

2) radiological;

3) radio frequency;

4) laser;

5) infrasonic;

6) genetic;

7)) ethnic;

8) beam;

9 antimatter;

10) paranormal phenomena;

11) acoustic;

12) electromagnetic;

13) information-psychological;

14) thermal.

1. A serious danger to battlefield personnel may arise in connection with the creation "geophysical weapons" . Its functions are based on the use of a mechanism influence on processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. In this case, the state of unstable equilibrium is of particular interest.

The action of these weapons is supposed to be based on the use of means that cause natural disasters (earthquakes, rainstorms, tsunamis, etc.), the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, which protects animals and vegetable world from the harmful radiation of the Sun. The atmospheric layer at an altitude of 10 to 60 kilometers is of particular importance for the use of such means.

Based on the nature of their impact, geophysical weapons are sometimes divided into:

a) meteorological,

b) ozone,

c) climatic.

The most studied and tested action meteorological weapon is to provoke rainstorms in certain areas. For this purpose, in particular, the dispersion of granules of dry ice, silver iodide or barium iodide, and lead was used in rain clouds. A cloud of several thousand cubic kilometers in size, carrying energy reserves of about a million kilowatt-hours, is usually in an unstable state, and it is enough to scatter about 1 kilogram of silver iodide over it to dramatically change its state and provoke a rainstorm. Several planes, by using hundreds kilograms of specially selected reagents capable of dispersing clouds over an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers and cause heavy rainfall and flooding in some regions, but at the same time create “flying” weather in others.

There are known results of artificial stimulation of rainfall, which were undertaken by the United States during the Vietnam War, and also, apparently, with the help of which they created weather during the war in Yugoslavia in 1999.

Climate weapons is considered as a type of geophysical, since climate change occurs as a result of intervention in the atmospheric processes of weather formation.

Purpose Long-term (say, ten years) use of these weapons can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of agricultural production of a potential enemy and a deterioration in the food supply to the population of a given region. Catastrophic consequences for the state can be caused by a decrease of just 1 degree in the average annual temperature in the latitude region where the bulk of grain is produced. As a result, political and even strategic goals can be achieved without starting a war in its traditional sense.

At the same time, the use of climate weapons in one area of ​​the world can actually destroy the remaining climate balance of the planet and cause significant damage to many other “uninvolved” areas, including the country that uses these weapons.

Ozone weapon associated with the use of means and methods for artificial destruction of the ozone layer over selected areas of enemy territory. The artificial formation of such “windows” will create conditions for the penetration of hard material to the surface of the earth. ultraviolet radiation The sun has a wavelength of about 0.3 micrometers. It has a detrimental effect on the cells of living organisms, cellular structures and the mechanism of heredity. Skin burns are caused, and the number of cancers increases sharply. It is believed that the first noticeable effect of exposure will be a decrease in the productivity of animals and crops. Disruption of processes occurring in the ozonosphere may also affect the heat balance of these areas and the weather. A decrease in ozone content will lead to a decrease in average temperature and an increase in humidity, which is especially dangerous for areas of unstable, critical agriculture. In this area, the ozone weapon merges with the climate weapon.

2. Damaging effects of radiological weapons based on usage radioactive substances. These can be pre-prepared powder mixtures or liquid solutions substances containing radioactive isotopes of chemical elements with specially selected radiation intensity and half-life. Main source obtaining radioactive substances can serve waste, generated during the operation of nuclear reactors. They can also be obtained by irradiating previously prepared substances in them. However, the operation of such weapons is complicated by a significant radioactive background, which creates a risk of exposure of operating personnel. Other probable A variant of radiological weapons is the use of radioactive substances, formed directly at the moment of explosion of a thermonuclear charge. The American project was based on this principle "cobalt bomb". To do this, it was planned to create a shell of natural cobalt around the thermonuclear charge. As a result of its irradiation with fast neutrons, the isotope cobalt-60 is formed, which has a high intensity of y-radiation with a half-life - 5.7 years. The radiation intensity of this isotope is higher than that of radium. Falling out after an explosion on the ground, it creates strong radioactive radiation.

3. The basis of the damaging effect radio frequency weapons located exposure of the human body to electromagnetic (radiation) radiation. Studies have shown that even with irradiation at a sufficiently low intensity, various disturbances and changes occur in it. In particular, the detrimental effect of radiofrequency radiation on cardiac arrhythmias, even to the point of cardiac arrest, has been established. Two types of impact were noted: thermal and non-thermal. Thermal impact causes overheating of tissues and organs and with sufficiently long radiation causes pathological changes in them. Non-thermal exposure mainly leads to functional disorders in various organs of the human body, especially in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. A similar thing happened in Russia in June 1997 in the federal nuclear center Arzamas-16 (Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region), where a strong emission of neutron radiation occurred. As this case showed, powerful ionization was caused on a critical assembly, which led to the death of the operator.

4. Laser weapons are powerful emitters of electromagnetic energy in the optical range - quantum generators. Striking d e The effect of a laser beam is achieved as a result of heating materials or objects to high temperatures, causing them to melt or even evaporate, damaging the sensitive elements of weapons,

blinding a person's visual organs and causing thermal burns skin. The action of laser radiation is characterized by suddenness, secrecy, high accuracy, straightness of propagation and practically instantaneous action. It is possible to create laser combat systems for various purposes on land, sea, air and space, with different power, range, rate of fire, and ammunition. The objects of destruction of such complexes can be enemy manpower, its optical systems, aircrafts and missiles of various types.

5. Infrasonic weapons is based on the use of sound waves with a frequency of several hertz, which can have a strong effect on the human body. Infrasonic vibrations, which are below the level of perception of the human ear, can cause a state of anxiety, despair and even horror.

According to some experts, exposure to infrasound radiation in people leads to epilepsy, and with significant radiation power, death can be achieved. Death can occur as a result of a sudden disruption of body functions, damage to the cardiovascular system, destruction of blood vessels and internal organs. By selecting a certain frequency of radiation, it is possible, for example, to provoke massive manifestations of myocardial infarction among military personnel and the enemy population. One should take into account the ability of infrasonic vibrations to penetrate concrete and metal barriers, which undoubtedly increases the interest of military specialists in these weapons.

6. Genetic weapons.

The development of molecular genetics has made it possible to create genetic weapons based on DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) recombination. - carrier of genetic information. Using genetic engineering methods, it has become possible to separate genes and recombine them to form recombinant molecules DNA. Based on these methods it is possible carry out gene transfer with the help of microorganisms, provide potent toxins of human, animal or plant origin. By combining bacteriological and toxic agents, it is possible to create biological weapons with an altered genetic apparatus. By introducing genetic material with pronounced toxic properties into virulent bacteria or viruses, one can obtain a bacteriological weapon that can cause death in a short time.

7. The study of natural and genetic differences between people, their fine biochemical structure showed the possibility of creating the so-called ethnic weapons. In the near future such weapons will be able affect certain ethnic groups of the population and be neutral towards others. Such selectivity will be based on differences in blood groups, skin pigmentation, genetic structure. Research in the field of ethnic weapons can be aimed at identifying the genetic vulnerability of certain ethnic groups, and at developing special agents designed to effectively use this ability. According to the calculations of one of the leading American doctors, R. Hamerschlag, ethnic weapons can defeat 25 - 30% of the population of the country under attack. Let us recall that such population losses in nuclear war are considered “unacceptable”, in which the country suffers defeat.

8. Damage factor of beam weapons is sharp beam, charged or neutral particles of high energy - electrons, protons, neutral hydrogen atoms. The powerful flow of energy carried by the particles can create targets in the material - intense thermal impact, mechanical shock loads, destroy molecular structure human body, initiate x-ray radiation. The use of beam weapons is distinguished by the instantaneousness and suddenness of the damaging effect. The limiting factor in the range of this weapon is the gas particles in the atmosphere, with the atoms of which the accelerated particles interact. The most likely targets of destruction may be manpower, electronic equipment, various military equipment systems, ballistic and cruise missiles, and spacecraft.

9. Theoretical research in the field of nuclear physics have shown the fundamental possibility of the existence antimatter. Existence antiparticles (for example, positrons) has been proven experimentally. When interacting particles and antiparticles significant energy is released in the form of photons. According to calculations, the interaction of 1 milligram of antiparticles with matter releases energy equivalent to the explosion of several tens of tons of trinitrotoluene. Currently, the process of not only obtaining, but also preserving antiparticles is very complex, and the creation of weapons of mass destruction based on antimatter in the foreseeable future is unlikely.

10. In recent years, there has been widespread interest in research in the field bioenergy, associated with the so-called paranormal capabilities of man. Work is underway to create various technical devices based on the energy of the biofield, i.e. specific field existing around

living organism. Research into the possibility of creating psychotropic weapons on this basis is being conducted in several directions:

1) extrasensory perception - perception of the properties of objects, their condition, sounds, smells, thoughts of people without contact with them and without the use of ordinary senses;

2) telepathy - transmission of thoughts at a distance;

3) clairvoyance (far vision) - observation of an object (target) located outside the limits of visual communication;

4) mental influence causing their movement or destruction;

5) telekinesis - mental movement a person whose body remains at rest.

11. Weapons based on new physical principles may be used in non-contact wars - acoustic weapon. In this type of damaging effect, it is likely that the energy of acoustic radiation of a certain frequency will be used. Most likely, it can be used if it is necessary to simultaneously disable the service personnel of a specific military facility or economic facility. The carriers of such weapons can be ground, sea, air and space precision weapons. These weapons can be delivered in the required quantities using high-precision cruise and ballistic missiles and parachuted onto the ground in the area of ​​​​objects or penetrate into the objects to be destroyed. Such a defeat can cause demoralization and even death of all living things, disrupt the operation or disable those radio-electronic equipment that operate on the principle of receiving and converting acoustic waves, and destroy individual elements of certain types of weapons, military equipment and objects.

12. DNFP will receive significant development electromagnetic damage.

It will be a type of damaging effect on objects and targets due to the energy of electromagnetic radiation of various wavelengths and power levels generated by radio frequency and laser weapons, electronic countermeasures (ECM) using a conventional or high-altitude nuclear explosion. Pulsed flows of radio frequency electromagnetic radiation of microsecond duration and with an energy density of the order of several tens of joules per square meter can cause functional damage to electronics. Depending on the radiation power, such a weapon will be capable of:

▪suppress almost all classical radio electronic devices (RES) operating on the principle of receiving and converting electromagnetic waves;

▪cause melting or evaporation of metal in printed circuit boards of electronics, weapons and military equipment or cause structural changes in electronic components of military equipment;

▪influence human behavior;

▪destroy living cells, disrupt biological and physiological processes in the functions of living organisms.

The carriers of such weapons can be, as already mentioned, special ground, sea, air, and subsequently space-based cruise missiles, used along extremely low flight trajectories, and numerous long-range unmanned vehicles.

13. Rapid development mass media, especially electronic ones, also creates objective preconditions for their use for military purposes. It can be predicted that in the future the battlefield will increasingly shift to the area of ​​intellectual influence on the consciousness and feelings of millions of people. By placing space relays in near-Earth orbits, the aggressor country will be able to develop and, under certain conditions, carry out an information war scenario against a particular state, trying to blow it up from the inside. Provocative programs will be designed not for the mind, but, first of all, for the emotions of people, on their sensory sphere, which is much more effective, especially when the population has a low political culture, poor information and unpreparedness for such a war. Dosed delivery of ideologically and psychologically processed provocative material, skillful alternation of true and false information, skillful editing of details of various fictitious explosive situations can turn into a powerful means of psychological offensive. It can be especially effective against a country in which there is social tension, interethnic, religious or class conflicts. Carefully selected information, falling on such favorable soil, can in a short time cause panic, riots, pogroms, destabilize the political situation in the country. Thus, it is possible to force the enemy to capitulate without the use of traditional weapons.

14. Thermal (thermal) damage - it's a long time ago known species damaging effects on objects, targets with the help of weapons using thermal energy and, above all, open fire. Having a physical and chemical nature, thermal damage is an integral part of both physical and chemical types of defeat, and it will certainly remain in the armed struggle of the future. The carriers of such weapons will be high-precision cruise missiles of various bases. Thermal weapons will be presented well known in ground forces flamethrowers, incendiary ammunition and fire mines, using incendiary agents, but it is to be expected that their capabilities will be greatly enhanced by the use of new thermal chemicals.

In the wars and armed struggle of the future, it is likely that beam, electromagnetic and acoustic ONFP will find widespread use. The impact when using these weapons will be carried out by laser, radio frequency, infrasonic radiation, as well as electromagnetic and acoustic interference, which still has a common name radio-electronic interference. This weapon can be used both to destroy and to temporarily disable aerospace and naval weapons through interference.
