Fire training Kalashnikov assault rifle - Knowledge Hypermarket. Techniques and rules of shooting from a machine gun

Correct aiming from AK (Avtomat Kalashnikov)

Surely every man at least once fired a weapon, namely from Kalashnikov assault rifle. Get into the top ten - that's it the main objective which many are trying to achieve. But what needs to be done for effective shooting results? And here the answer is quite simple: “ Correct aiming with an AK is the main criterion for hitting the center of the target.”

Techniques and rules for aiming with a Kalashnikov assault rifle

So, first you need to decide on the range at which the fire will be fired. And based on this, determine specifications effective aiming. If shooting will be carried out at a distance of up to 400 meters, then the sight should be set to 4 (3) or “P”, but then you will need to aim at the middle of the target or at the bottom edge.
At a firing range exceeding 400 meters, the sight is set based on the distance to the target (rounded to the nearest hundred meters). In this case, the aiming point is the center. When shooting at a direct shot range, fire is opened with an aim that is equal to the direct shot range (rounded to the nearest hundred meters). At long distances, you need to aim at the middle of the target, and at short distances, at the center of the lower edge of the target.
When opening fire at a distance of more than 400 meters, shooting, as an option, can be carried out with a sight that exceeds the range to the target. But the aiming point must be calculated so that the average trajectory passes through the center of the target. It is very important to be able to correctly determine the distance to the target, and in order to ensure that the aiming point does not let you down - to know the height of the target and determine the amount of excess of the trajectory above the aiming line at various distances.

Normal conditions for effective shooting:

1. Meteorological. Calm, windless weather, with relative humidity air 50%, temperature - + 15° Celsius and atmospheric pressure not exceeding 750 mmHg;
2. Topographical. The target must be visible on the horizon, the weapon must be tilted accordingly.
Is the air temperature not as specified? This can lead to a change in the range of the bullet. In hot weather the range increases, in cold weather it decreases.
At a firing range above 400 meters and temperatures above -25° Celsius, the aiming point is selected on the upper edge of the target. Another factor that can affect the efficiency and effectiveness of firing is wind.

Shooting from a Kalashnikov assault rifle can be carried out from any place from which the target is clearly visible, as well as from any position of the shooter. If the fire is fired from one place, you can shoot both standing and lying down, as well as from your knees. It all depends on the area where the shooting is taking place. To fire from a machine gun, you must choose an area where you have a full view of the target.

So we see that effective practical shooting directly depends on the correctness and location of the shooter. Therefore, during shooting, it is necessary to fully adhere to all the above rules.
Practical shooting is acceptable if you have theoretical knowledge!
Surely, these are not all recommendations that contribute to a positive shooting result. Therefore, we will be glad to hear your aiming techniques that increase shooting efficiency!

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Rice. 20. The procedure for adopting a prone shooting position from a machine gun:

a - the machine gunner leans on his left knee and left hand; b - the machine gun is held by the forearm with the left hand
Rice. 21. Adopting a prone position for firing a machine gun:

a - installation of a machine gun; b - support with hands on the ground; c - prone shooting position

To assume a prone shooting position necessary:

If the machine is in the “belt” position, submit right hand along the belt slightly up and, removing the machine gun from the shoulder, grab it with your left hand by the trigger guard and receiver, then take the machine gun with your right hand by the receiver lining and the forend with the muzzle part forward. At the same time, take a full step with your right foot forward and slightly to the right. Leaning forward, lower yourself to your left knee and place your left hand on the ground in front of you, fingers pointing to the right (Fig. 20, a) then, leaning successively on the thigh of your left leg and the forearm of your left hand, lie on your left side and quickly turn onto your stomach, legs spread slightly to the sides with toes out; At the same time, place the machine gun with the fore-end on the palm of your left hand (Fig. 20.6).

If the machine gun is in the “chest” position, With your left hand, take the machine gun from below by the fore-end and the barrel guard and, lifting it slightly forward and up, remove your right hand from under the belt, and then throw the belt over your head and take the machine gun with your right hand by the barrel handguard and the hand-guard with the muzzle part forward. In the future, the prone shooting position is assumed in the same way as from the “on the belt” position with the machine gun.

If the machine gun is in the “on the belt” position, move your right hand slightly up along the belt and, removing the machine gun from your shoulder, grab it with your left hand by the trigger guard and receiver; then take the machine gun with your right hand by the barrel lining and fore-end, and spread the legs of the bipod with your left hand. At the same time, take a full step forward with your right (left) foot and, leaning forward, place the machine gun on the bipod in the direction of fire; without straightening, lean with both hands on the ground, throw your legs back and lie on your stomach, spreading your legs with your toes outward (Fig. 21).

If the machine gunner crawls over, without getting up, spread your bipod's legs, place the machine gun on the bipod, lie on your stomach, spreading your legs to the sides with your toes out.

To assume a kneeling shooting position, you need to: take the machine gun (machine gun) in your right hand by the barrel lining and fore-end with the muzzle forward and at the same time, putting your right leg back, lower yourself onto your right knee and sit on your heel; the shin of the left leg should remain in a vertical position, and the hips should form an angle close to a right angle; transfer the machine gun (machine gun) with the fore-end to your left hand, pointing it towards the target (Fig. 22).

To assume a standing shooting position necessary:

If the machine gun (machine gun) is in the “on the belt” position, turn half a turn to the right in relation to the direction towards the target and, without placing your left leg, set it to the left approximately shoulder width apart, as is more convenient for the machine gunner (machine gunner), while distributing the weight of the body evenly on both legs. At the same time, moving your right hand slightly upward along the belt, remove the machine gun (machine gun) from your shoulder and, grabbing it from below with your left hand by the fore-end and the barrel guard, vigorously push the muzzle forward towards the target (Fig. 23).

Rice. 22. Kneeling position

Rice. 23. Standing shooting position
Rice. 24. Position for firing from a machine gun using a belt: a - from the knee; b - standing

If the machine gun is in the chest position, With your left hand, take the machine gun from below by the fore-end and the receiver lining and, lifting it's not forward and up, move your right hand out from under the belt, and then throw the belt over your head. At the same time, turn half a turn to the right and, without placing your left leg, move it to the left approximately shoulder-width apart, as is more convenient for the machine gunner, and vigorously move the muzzle of the machine gun forward, towards the target (Fig. 23).

If the machine gun is at your feet, then it is necessary, simultaneously with the turn, to energetically move the machine gun with the muzzle forward, towards the target, grabbing it with the left hand by the fore-end. The legs of the bipod do not need to be spread apart.

When taking a shooting position with a machine gun in the “chest” position, it is allowed not to remove the belt from the neck, but to use it to more firmly hold the machine gun when shooting (Fig. 24).

When preparing to fire a machine gun with a folding stock, the stock must be folded down before loading the machine gun. If there is no time to fold back the butt (in the event of a sudden attack by the enemy), the machine gunner prepares to fire (and fires) from the machine gun with the butt folded, pressing the machine gun with the back of the receiver and the pistol grip to the body (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25. Shooting position with stock folded

Shooting production

Fire from a machine gun (machine gun) is carried out by command or independently, depending on the task and the situation.

Rice. 28. Setting the translator to the required type of fire:

a - for automatic fire; b - for conducting single fire
Rice. 29. Holding a machine gun when shooting prone: a - with your left hand by the fore-end; b - left hand behind the store

Firing (a shot) includes installing a sight and rear sight, a translator for the required type of fire, placing the gun, aiming, pulling the trigger and holding the machine gun (machine gun) while firing.

To install the sight, you need to bring the machine gun (machine gun) closer to you, with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, squeeze the latch of the clamp (Fig. 26) and move the clamp until its front cut aligns with the mark (division) under the corresponding number on the sighting bar. The sight of a machine gun can also be installed using a scale marked on the reverse (bottom) side of the sighting bar.

To install the rear sight, you need to pull the handwheel of the rear sight screw slightly to the right and by rotating it align the mark under the slot of the mane with the desired division (Fig. 27).

To set the translator to the required type of fire (Fig. 28), by pressing the thumb of your right hand on the protrusion of the translator, turn the translator down: to the first click - for automatic fire (AB), to the second click - for single fire (OD) .

To attach an assault rifle (machine gun), you need to: without losing sight of the target, rest the butt against your shoulder so that you feel the entire butt plate fit tightly to your shoulder; place the index finger of the right hand (first joint) on trigger; tilt your head slightly forward and, without straining your neck, place your right cheek on the butt.

Hold the machine gun with your left hand by the fore-end or magazine, and with your right hand by the pistol grip (Fig. 29).

Hold the machine gun: when shooting from a prone position and from a trench while standing or kneeling - with your left hand on the neck of the butt or on the butt from below, and with your right hand on the pistol grip (Fig. 30); when shooting from a kneeling position and standing outside the trench - with your left hand on the fore-end or magazine, and with your right hand on the pistol grip (like a machine gun). When holding the machine gun by the neck of the butt, press your hands firmly against each other.

Elbows when applying should be:

    placed on the ground in the most comfortable position (approximately shoulder width from a lying position and from a trench standing or kneeling);

    the elbow of the left hand is placed on the flesh of the left leg near the knee or slightly lowered from it, and the elbow of the right hand is raised to approximately shoulder height (Fig. 31, a) when shooting from a kneeling position outside the trench;

    the elbow of the left hand is pressed to the side near the grenade bag, if the machine gun (machine gun) is held by the magazine, and the elbow of the right hand is raised approximately to shoulder height (Fig. 31.6) when shooting from a standing position outside the trench.

If a belt is used with the buttstock to more firmly hold the machine gun (machine gun) when shooting, then the belt must be placed under the left hand so that it presses it against the fore-end (Fig. 32).

Rice. 30. Holding a machine gun when firing while lying down and from a trench while standing or kneeling: a - by the neck of the butt; b - from below by the butt

Rice. 32. Holding a machine gun using a belt when shooting from the position:

a - from the knee; b - standing

Rice. 31. Holding the machine gun when firing from the position:

a - from the knee; b – standing

For aiming you need to close your left eye and look through the slot of the sight at the front sight with your right eye so that the front sight is in the middle of the slot, and its top is level with the upper edges of the mane of the sighting bar, i.e. take an even front sight (Fig. 33).

Rice. 33. Even front sight

Holding your breath as you exhale, moving your elbows, and if necessary, your body and legs, bring the front sight straight to the aiming point, while simultaneously pressing the trigger with the first joint of the index finger of your right hand.

When aiming, you need to ensure that the mane of the aiming bar is in a horizontal position.

To release the trigger It is necessary, firmly holding the machine gun (machine gun) and holding your breath, to continue to smoothly press the trigger until the trigger, unnoticed by the machine gunner (machine gunner), is released from the cocking position, i.e., until the shot is fired.

If, when aiming, the straight front sight deviates significantly from the aiming point, it is necessary, without increasing or decreasing the pressure on the trigger, to clarify the aiming and again increase the pressure on the trigger.

When releasing the trigger, you should not attach importance to slight vibrations of the level front sight at the aiming point. The desire to pull the trigger at the moment of best alignment of the straight front sight with the aiming point, as a rule, leads to pulling the trigger and an inaccurate shot. If the machine gunner (machine gunner), pressing the trigger, feels that he can no longer breathe, it is necessary, without increasing or weakening the finger pressure on the trigger, to resume breathing and, holding it again as you exhale, clarify the aim and continue pressing trigger.

When firing, especially in bursts, you need to firmly hold the butt in your shoulder, without changing the position of your elbows and maintaining an even front sight under the aiming point. After each burst (shot), quickly restore correct aiming. When shooting from a prone position, the machine gun is allowed to rest its magazine on the ground. When shooting with continuous fire at a wide target, smoothly move the even front sight from one flank of the target to the other.

Techniques for shooting from point-blank range and from behind cover

Rice. 33 Position when shooting from a rest:

a - holding the machine gun by the magazine; b - holding the machine gun by the fore-end; c - from a machine gun without using a bipod; d - from a machine gun using a bipod

Rice. 34. Position when shooting from behind cover:

a - from a standing position using a machine gun; b - from a prone position using a machine gun

Rice. 35. Position when shooting from a trench: a - from a machine gun; b - from a machine gun

Depending on the height of the support or cover, the machine gunner (machine gunner) assumes shooting positions: lying down, kneeling or standing.

For shooting from a machine gun from a rest place the machine gun with the fore-end on the stop and hold it with your left hand by the magazine or fore-end, and with your right hand by the pistol grip (Fig. 33, a, b).

For firing a machine gun from a rest position place the machine gun with the fore-end on the stop so that the stop does not interfere with the operation of the mechanisms; The legs of the bipod can hang freely in front of the stop (Fig. 33, c) or must be folded. However, machine gunners should always strive to use the bipod of the machine gun as a stop (Fig. 33, d).

To soften the hard stop, cover it with turf, a rolled-up raincoat, a roll of an overcoat, etc.

For shooting from behind a tree, corner of a building and other cover take a shooting position, lean against the cover so that it protects the machine gunner (machine gunner) from enemy fire; hold the machine gun (machine gun) in the same way as when shooting without cover (Fig. 34). When shooting from behind small cover (a trench for prone shooting, a hillock, a hummock), position yourself behind the cover.

For shooting from a trench or trench lean your body against the wall of the trench, rest the elbows of both hands on the ground, and press the butt tightly to the shoulder; in this case, shooting can be carried out both from a rest and from the hand or with the magazine resting on the ground (Fig. 35).

The order and sequence of performing exercises for shooting from a Kalashnikov assault rifle and light machine gun The Kalashnikov (hereinafter referred to as an assault rifle (machine gun)) (individually by each shooter or as part of a shift) is determined by the shooting director (inspector).

At the command of the shooting director, the shooter (shift) moves to the ammunition supply point, receives cartridges, inspects them and reports to the shooting director, for example: “Captain Ivanov received and inspected three live cartridges.” If there are any comments, report them to the shooting director.

At the command of the shooting director, the shooter (shift) moves to the starting line. It is allowed to issue ammunition to those shooting at the starting line.

At the command of the shooting director, “Equip the magazine with cartridges,” the shooter (shift) equips it with cartridges and reports, for example: “Captain Ivanov is ready to fire.”

The shooting director checks the readiness to perform the pistol shooting exercise, determines the shooting position, depending on the conditions of the shooting exercise, specifies the order of the exercise, firing lines, direction of movement, shooting order, and determines the target for each shooter. The shooter replies: “I see the target.”

Firing from a machine gun includes preparing to fire, firing a shot and stopping shooting.

The shooter prepares to shoot on command or independently. The command to prepare to fire can be given separately, for example: “March to the firing line,” then “Load.” If necessary, the firing position (standing, prone) is indicated before the “Load” command.

Firing preparation includes taking the shooting position and loading the machine gun.

At the command “Load”, the shooter takes the shooting position:

1. standing, for which, with the machine gun in the “belt” position, he turns half a turn to the right towards the target and, without placing his left leg, puts it to the left approximately shoulder-width apart, distributing the weight of the body evenly on both legs. At the same time, moving his right hand along the belt slightly upward, he removes the machine gun from his shoulder and, picking it up with his left hand from below by the fore-end and receiver lining, moves the barrel towards the target, holding the machine gun with his left hand by the fore-end, with his right hand attaches the loaded magazine to the machine gun, places the translator for automatic fire, fires the cartridge into the chamber (with his right hand he pulls the bolt carrier back to full stop by the handle and releases it), puts the safety on the machine gun, moves his right hand to the pistol grip, rests the butt on his shoulder, tilts his head a little forward, puts his right cheek to butt;

2. lying down, for which, with the machine gun in the “On the belt” position, he moves his right hand along the belt slightly upward and, removing the machine gun from his shoulder, picks it up with his left hand trigger guard and receiver, then takes the machine gun with his right hand by the receiver lining and fore-end with the barrel forward. At the same time, he takes a full step with his right foot forward and slightly to the right. Leaning forward, he lowers himself to his left knee and places his left hand on the ground in front of him, fingers to the right. Then, leaning successively on the thigh of the left leg and the forearm of the left hand, lies on the left side and turns on the stomach, spreading the legs slightly to the sides with the toes outward. The machine gun is placed with the fore-end on the palm of the left hand, and is held by the pistol grip with the right hand;

3. With the machine gun in the “On the belt” position, he moves his right hand along the belt slightly upward and, removing the machine gun from his shoulder, picks it up with his left hand by the trigger guard and receiver; then he takes the machine gun with his right hand by the barrel lining and fore-end, and with his left hand he spreads the legs of the bipod. At the same time, he takes a full step forward with his right (left) foot and, leaning forward, places the machine gun on the bipod in the direction of fire; without straightening, he leans with both hands on the ground, throws his legs back and lies on his stomach, spreading his legs with his toes out.

The machine gun is held: when firing from a prone position and from a trench while standing or kneeling - with the left hand by the neck of the butt or by the butt from below, and with the right hand by the pistol grip; when shooting from a kneeling position and standing outside the trench - with your left hand on the fore-end or magazine, and with your right hand on the pistol grip (like a machine gun). When holding the machine gun by the neck of the butt, the hands are firmly pressed against each other.

To load the machine gun you should:

· holding the machine gun by the fore-end with your left hand, attach the loaded magazine with your right hand. Place your elbows on the ground in the most comfortable position, approximately shoulder width apart. Rest the butt against your shoulder, tilt your head slightly forward, place your right cheek against the butt, while pressing the elbow of your left hand to the side of your body;

· put the translator on automatic fire (AB), if the machine gun was on safety, put the cartridge into the chamber (with your right hand, pull the bolt frame back to full stop using the handle and release it);

· put the safety on the machine gun, move your right hand to the pistol grip, report your readiness to fire, for example, “Captain Ivanov is ready to shoot.”

The machine gun fires by command or independently, depending on the conditions of the exercise. The command to open fire indicates: who to shoot, type of target, sight and aiming point, for example: “Lieutenant Ivanov, on the chest target, sight 3, single, fire at the target”; if a shift is shooting: “Shift, at the chest target, sight 3, single shots, fire at the target.”

At the command of the shooting director “Fire”, the shooter sets the specified sight, depending on the command given, sets the fire selector to single or automatic fire (OD, AB) and performs a shooting exercise (fires the required number of shots at the target in accordance with the conditions and features of the exercise ).

When performing shooting exercises, the conditions of which set the time for their completion, the shooting director, after the “Fire” command, starts the stopwatch. The stopwatch is turned off after the last shot. If there is a shift shooting, the time spent performing the shooting exercise by each shooter may be taken into account.

At the end of the shooting, the shooter makes a control release, puts the machine on the safety and reports to the head of the shooting, for example: “Captain Ivanov has finished shooting.”

The shooting director, making sure that the shooter has finished shooting, gives the command: “Weapons - for inspection.”

According to this command, the shooter:

· in a standing position with a machine gun “on the belt”, assumes a ready position for shooting while standing; holding the machine gun with his left hand from below by the fore-end, with his right hand he separates the magazine and transfers it to his left hand with the feeder up, the convex part away from him, with the fingers of his left hand he presses the magazine to the fore-end; removes the safety, moves the bolt frame back and turns the machine gun (machine gun) to the left;

· in a prone position, he separates the magazine and places it with the feeder towards him, removes it from the safety catch, moves the bolt frame back and turns the machine gun to the left.

After inspecting the chamber and magazine, the shooting director gives the command: “Inspected.” At this command, the shooter releases the bolt frame, makes a control release, puts the machine gun on safety, and attaches the magazine (at the command of the shooting director, the magazine may not be attached).

If necessary, shooting can be stopped. The cessation of shooting can be temporary or complete.

To temporarily stop shooting, the command is given: “Stop”, and when shooting in motion - “Cease fire”. Following these commands, the shooter turns on the safety.

To completely stop firing, after the command “Stop” or “Cease fire,” the command “Unload” is given. According to this command, the shooter:

· separates the store;

· removes the machine from the safety lock;

· moves the bolt frame back by the handle, removes the cartridge from the chamber and releases the bolt frame;

· performs a control descent;

· puts the machine on fuse;

· picks up a cartridge ejected by the bolt;

· removes cartridges from the magazine;

· hands over the remaining cartridges.

At the command of the shooting director “Weapons for inspection,” the shooter performs the actions provided for in part three of paragraph 129 and paragraph 130 of these Instructions.

Vending machines are the most popular type of modern small arms, and in Russia the most common assault rifle is the AK (Kalashnikov assault rifle). If a global military conflict occurs, then the technique of shooting with a machine gun will turn out to be a very useful skill not only for men, but also for women, so training in shooting with a machine gun should take place not only at shooting ranges, but also in conditions as close as possible to reality.

Techniques of shooting from a machine gun, in contrast to methods of shooting from other small arms, have one feature related to the fact that the rate of fire of a Kalashnikov assault rifle is very high. If the weapon is in technically good condition, and various delays when firing from a machine gun are practically eliminated, then the magazine can be completely emptied in 3 seconds. It is for this reason that tactical shooting from a machine gun is carried out, as a rule, in single-fire mode. The delay after each shot allows the shooter to prepare for a new shot, taking into account the changing situation. With this method of shooting, the consumption of ammunition is significantly reduced, and the overall accuracy of fire is increased.

Techniques and rules of shooting from a machine gun

When performing training shooting from a machine gun, a very important condition is to take a comfortable position for shooting. It must comply with the following rules:

  • When performing training, machine gunners must take a position from which they can see the entire area where the enemy is or may appear;
  • The shooting position should not only give the shooter the opportunity to have a complete overview of the terrain, but also, if possible, hide the machine gunner from enemy fire as much as possible. It is recommended to use various trenches for shooting, which come in several types. This is a trench for shooting from a machine gun while lying down, and a trench for shooting while standing. In a real combat situation, trenches for shooting are made independently, and making a deep trench under enemy fire is not only not easy, but often simply impossible;
  • If digging trenches is impossible, then, as a rule, various shelters that exist in a particular area are used;
  • Places that are unsuitable for shooting from a machine gun are conspicuous local objects.

Before taking a place for shooting, the machine gunner receives the command to take a convenient position for shooting in a certain place. Obeying this command, the shooter must quickly take a comfortable position in a trench, building or other place most suitable for shooting.

If teams do not adjust the machine gunner's movement speed, he must move in the most optimal way for a specific tactical situation. This can be moved in the following ways:

  • Running;
  • With a quick step;
  • Short dashes (as a rule, this method is used in battle);
  • Movement while lying down, which implies crawling.

When using any method of movement, the machine gun is put on safety in order to avoid an accidental shot, which can not only give away the machine gunner’s location to the enemy, but also injure the owner.

Shooting from machine guns consists of several stages, which include:

  1. Firing a shot or firing;
  2. Stop shooting.

A procedure such as preparing to fire is carried out by the shooters independently or on command. This procedure involves the machine gunner adopting a position for firing and loading the machine gun.

Before performing any preparation for shooting, the machine gun must be charged. To do this, you should do the following:

  1. A magazine loaded with cartridges must be attached to the machine gun;
  2. After performing this action, the machine is removed from the fuse. The fuse is set to single or automatic fire mode;
  3. To fire a shot, you need to “pull” the bolt frame and pull the trigger.

In order to assume a shooting position from a prone position, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the machine gun from your shoulder with your right hand. To perform this action, you need to move your right hand up the belt;
  2. After removing the machine gun from the shoulder, the weapon is picked up with the left hand by the barrel lining and fore-end. Along with these actions, they step with their right foot forward and to the right;
  3. Next, you need to get down on your left knee, while placing your left hand on the ground;
  4. After this, you need to lie on your right side and immediately roll over onto your stomach;
  5. The legs are spread slightly to the side to give stability to the position;
  6. The forend of the machine gun is placed on the left palm.

The next shooting technique is the kneeling position. This provision is implemented as follows:

  1. The machine gun is taken in the right hand;
  2. The shooter drops to his right knee and squats on his heel;
  3. Next, the machine gun is transferred to the left hand and directed towards the target.

At this point, the preparation for firing procedure can be considered complete. Until the machine gunner perfectly masters the techniques of taking positions for shooting, it is necessary to continue training, because in real battle his life depends on it.

Exercises and techniques for shooting from a machine gun

There is a training complex of 5 basic exercises that are designed to develop the skills of firing a machine gun without delays, which in a real battle can lead to the death of a soldier. Naturally, there are many more exercises, but to gain basic knowledge it is enough to practice these 5 exercises perfectly:

  • Initial exercise No. 1 is designed to gain the skill of shooting at a stationary target during the day. Fire is fired at a target, which is a chest figure with circles, which is mounted motionless. Shooting is carried out from a rest position, the distance to the target is 100 meters. The shooter must score at least 15 points with three shots (25 points is considered an excellent result);
  • Exercise No. 2 is to improve your shooting skills at a target that appears in the daytime. To perform this exercise, you need to shoot in short bursts at a distance of 200-250 meters. The figure appears 3 times, all these times it must be hit with bursts of 3-5 bullets. The fire is fired from a prone position. To obtain a satisfactory result of the exercise, it is enough to hit the target at least once. There should be no delay in shooting, since the target appears only for 15 seconds;
  • Exercise #3 is an improved exercise #2. Now there are 2 figures that move back and forth at an angle of 15-25 degrees. In this case, the distance increases to 300-400 meters. Fire is also fired from a prone position. To complete this task, you must hit at least one figure with a burst;
  • Exercises No. 4 and No. 5 are intended for employees of the traffic police, PPSM and the Security Department. In the first case, you need to hit two targets in bursts, in the second - with single shots. The distance to the target is the same in both cases (25 meters).

Having learned to perform the first 3 exercises perfectly, the machine gunner will be ready to begin training in tactical shooting. Under tactical shooting refers to a special set of actions that are taken by a fighter on the battlefield in order to survive and destroy the enemy.

Standards that every machine gunner must pass

In order for a fighter to handle a machine gun easily and naturally, he must pass certain standards within the allotted time. Here are 5 basic standards that every machine gunner must pass:

  1. Standards for preparing for shooting in various positions. Performed from standing, lying and kneeling positions. Passing the standard is to complete the shooting position while standing in 6 seconds, from the knee in 7, and lying down in 9 seconds;
  2. Standards for incomplete disassembly of a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Must be completed in no more than 18 seconds;
  3. Standards for assembling AK after incomplete disassembly must be completed in 28 seconds;
  4. The standard for loading a magazine with cartridges is met in 40 seconds maximum;
  5. The standard for discharging a machine gun is no more than 12 seconds.

Production and cessation of shooting

Fire from a machine gun can be fired either independently or on command. It depends on how the fighter performs the assigned task, as part of a group or independently. If the work is carried out in a group, then on the command “Open fire on the infantry!” The machine gunner can choose the target himself if the commander does not specify one.

When shooting, you need to hold the machine gun with a standard grip, that is, left hand holds the weapon by the fore-end or magazine, and the right hand by the pistol grip.

The cessation of shooting can be either complete or temporary. If the machine gunner is required to temporarily stop shooting, then the command “Stop” or “Cease fire” is given if the shooting is in motion. After this command has been sounded, the machine gunner must stop pressing the trigger, put the weapon on safety, and if necessary, then replace the magazine.

If a complete cessation of firing is required, then the machine gunner, after the command “Cease fire,” is given the command “Unload.” After the machine gunner hears this command, he must perform the following actions:

  1. Put your weapon on safety;
  2. Install the sight by pulling the clamp back to the “P” position;
  3. Unload the machine gun;
  4. If the machine you are using has a folding stock, then you need to fold it.

If the shooting was carried out from a trench, then after unloading the machine gun, it must be laid on the trench parapet with the bolt handle down.

In order to carry out the procedure for discharging the machine, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Disconnect the magazine;
  2. Remove the machine from the fuse;
  3. Pull the bolt frame back and remove the cartridge from the chamber. After this, the bolt frame must be released;
  4. Pull the trigger;
  5. Put the fuse on the machine;
  6. Remove cartridges from the magazine;
  7. Attach the empty magazine back to the machine.

A machine gun discharged in this way will not pose any threat, however, you should not point its barrel at people.

Rules for shooting from a machine gun

In order to effectively perform combat missions, the machine gunner must continuously monitor the situation on the battlefield. Before starting a fire, you need to carefully analyze the situation and direct the fire where it is really needed. A properly trained and trained shooter is able to fight regardless of the time of day and weather conditions. If the situation on the battlefield requires dense, concentrated fire, the machine gunner should not hesitate to fire in long bursts. After the magazine with cartridges is empty, the machine gunner must replace it with a new one within a few seconds and continue the fight.

Safety precautions when handling automatic weapons

When handling weapons, strict adherence to safety rules is required. No matter where the shooting takes place, on a firing range or in a real battle, safety rules cannot be neglected. They are as follows:

  1. All actions with weapons are carried out only at the command of the leader;
  2. After finishing shooting, it is necessary to check the weapon for the presence of a cartridge in the chamber, if there is one, and unload the weapon;
  3. The weapon must be held with the barrel up;
  4. After receiving the command “Cease fire”, stop firing immediately;
  5. The weapon must be stored and transported only with the trigger pulled and the bolt closed.

Shooting from a machine gun is very popular among the military and special forces, since the Kalashnikov assault rifle is the main weapon Russian army. Civilians who want to learn how to shoot a machine gun can purchase a Saiga carbine, which in some modifications almost completely copies a combat AK. You won't be able to fire a burst from a carbine, but the necessary skills for shooting from a machine gun can be acquired.

The machine gun is zeroed at a shooting distance of 100 m with a “3” sight using cartridges with an ordinary bullet. Sighting is carried out on a sighting (checking) target (Diagram 31) or a black rectangle 35 cm high and 25 cm wide.

The machine guns are sighted without bayonets, with screwed-on compensators or muzzle couplings.

Zeroing is carried out with single shots in a prone position from a rest. The aiming point is selected with a small gap under the edge of a rectangle (diagram 32) or a sighting target with the lower edge bent along the line corresponding to the AK-74 assault rifle (1 in diagram 31). When zeroing an AKM assault rifle, the target does not bend.

Why is the aiming point chosen this way, and why does zeroing take place with a “3” sight?

Because otherwise the black front sight will merge with the blackness of the sighting target. The white gap, as they say, “by a hair’s breadth” will prevent the front sight from “crashing” into the target. The dimensions of the sighting target in the sighting projection practically coincide with the projection (covering value) of the front sight, which makes aiming easier.

The machine gun is sighted in such a way that at a distance of 100 m, aiming at the edge of the lower edge of the target with sight “3”, the average point of impact for the AKM machine gun is 25 cm higher than the aiming point, and for the AK-74 machine gun it is 13 cm higher.

The question arises: why is this so?

For an explanation, let’s return to the tables of trajectory excesses for both types of machines. The tables show that when shooting at 300 m with a scope “3”, the bullet hits 0, that is, in the center.

The height of this trajectory at a distance of 100 m for the AKM is 25 cm (diagram 33), for the AK-74 - 13 cm (diagram 34).

The rule of aimed shooting is that the bullet “falls” on the tip of the front sight. All military weapon shoots in the center.

Therefore, shooting at 100 m with a “3” sight and aiming at the target’s edge, at this range you will have an elevation corresponding to the table, and at 300 m with a “3” sight; aiming at the center (with the tip of the front sight at the buckle on the opponent’s stomach), you will get there. The result will be the same, but walking to inspect the target at 100 m is not the same as at 300 m. The difference will be felt immediately. Through spotting scopes and binoculars, holes are clearly visible at 100 m, but at 300 m they are almost indistinguishable due to atmospheric haze. At 100 m you can get a clear gap between the front sight and the sighting target, but at 300 - no longer. When you need to shoot in the center at 200 m - set the scope to “2”, at 400 - set the scope to “4”, etc.

For both types of assault rifles, when the front sight moves 1 mm to the side, the point of impact at a distance of 100 m shifts in the opposite direction by 26 cm. The front sight is moved using a special device - a front sight guide (photo 94, 95) or careful blows with a hammer weighing up to 100 g through a copper or brass pin, with emphasis on something massive. One vertical full turn The front sight for both types of machine guns at a distance of 100 m moves the average point of impact up and down by 20 cm in height. If the bullets go lower, the front sight must be twisted (lowered). If the bullets go higher, the front sight must be unscrewed (raised). The front sight is adjusted using the end part of a screwdriver located in the accessory case.

The correct movement of the front sight is checked by repeated shooting.

After zeroing from the rest, the machine guns are zeroed in a prone position from the belt.

According to general military standards, the accuracy of both types of machine guns is considered normal if the dispersion of single shots at a distance of 100 m does not exceed a diameter of 15 cm. In practice, there are machine guns that have better accuracy. When selecting old but well-maintained weapons for accuracy, you can find AKM assault rifles with an accuracy of 5x7 cm, and AK-74 assault rifles with an accuracy of 3 x 4 cm. AK-47 assault rifles, the very first releases, with milled receiver, in which the barrel is mounted on a thread, and not with a pin fit, and with a non-chromed barrel (such barrels hit more accurately than chrome-plated ones), often also have an accuracy of 3 x 4 cm, and sometimes - bullet to bullet. Machine guns with a wooden permanent stock have better accuracy than machine guns with a folding stock.

Photo 96. An assault rifle with the cover removed and the bolt carrier disconnected in Volkov's sighting machine, prepared for preliminary sighting "binding".

According to combined arms canons, if the average point of impact at a 100 m range is disconnected from the control point by no more than 5 cm, the weapon is considered zeroed. Shooting is considered accurate if the dispersion does not exceed the same 15 cm at a distance of 100 m (see above) and, accordingly, 30 cm at a distance of 200 m. For first-year soldiers this is a good result, for special forces - not. If possible, you should select the barrels with the most compact fire and shoot them carefully. By doing this, you will greatly increase the range of actual fire and will be able to confidently “reach” distant targets.

In the absence of special sighting (testing) targets (Diagram 31), the AKM assault rifle can be successfully sighted at the usual chest target No. 4. This target will have just 25 cm from the bottom edge to the center of the “ten”. The AK-74 assault rifle can be aimed at the usual round sports pistol target No. 7, aiming under the black circle with a small gap. From the bottom edge to the center of the circle, the distance with clearance is 12.5 mm. The sizes of these targets were not chosen at random and are therefore suitable for zeroing.

In order to quickly “get attached” to the target and not waste time and ammunition, the machine gun is fixed in a sighting machine with the bolt and bolt carrier disconnected (photo 96). At a distance of 100 m, the machine gun is approximately aimed at the target along the bore. Install the sight “3” and move the front sight so that it is under the edge of the lower edge of the target. If the target is visible somewhere in the middle of the bore and at the same time “at gunpoint” (Diagram 35), the bullets will immediately be somewhere on the target. Further sighting adjustments are made by moving the front sight in the desired direction.
