Correct aiming from AK (Kalashnikov assault rifle). Proper aiming with AK (Kalashnikov assault rifle) Methods of firing from ak 74

Shooting from a machine gun can be carried out from various positions and from any place where the target or area of ​​​​the terrain is visible from where the enemy is expected to appear.

Shooting from a submachine gun consists of getting ready to fire, firing (shot) and stopping firing.

When firing from a place, the submachine gunner assumes standing, kneeling, and prone firing positions, depending on terrain conditions and enemy fire.

On the move, the submachine gunner can fire on the move without stopping and from a short stop.

For shooting from a machine gun, it is necessary to choose a place that provides best review and shelling, covers the submachine gunner from observation and enemy fire and allows you to conveniently perform shooting techniques.

Depending on the situation and the nature of the terrain, the submachine gunner moves in combat by running, at an accelerated pace, and by running or crawling. Before starting the movement, the machine is put on the fuse. When running, at an accelerated pace and when rushing, the machine is held with one or two hands, as it is more convenient. When crawling, the machine gun is held with the right hand by the belt at the upper swivel or by the handguard (see Fig.).

To successfully complete fire missions, a submachine gunner must be fluent in the techniques of firing from a submachine gun.

Ready for shooting

The preparation for shooting includes taking a position for firing and loading the machine gun.

For taking a prone position necessary:

For assuming a kneeling position you need to take the machine gun in your right hand by the handguard and forend with the muzzle forward and at the same time, putting your right foot back, go down on your right knee and sit on your heel; the lower leg of the left leg should remain in a vertical position, and the hips should form an angle close to a right one. Shift the machine gun with the forearm to the left hand, pointing it towards the target.

For assuming a standing position necessary:

When taking a position for shooting with a machine gun “on the chest”, it is allowed not to remove the belt from the neck, but to use it to hold the machine gun more firmly when shooting.

For loading machine necessary:

  • holding the machine with the left hand by the fore-end, attach the equipped magazine to the machine with the right hand, if it has not been previously attached to it;
  • put the translator on automatic fire if the machine is on the fuse;
  • with the right hand, by the handle, pull the bolt carrier back to failure and release it;
  • put the machine on the fuse if there is no immediate opening of fire or the command “Fire!” Was not followed, and move the right hand to the pistol grip.

If before loading the machine gun the magazine was not equipped with cartridges or the cartridges were used up during firing, then it is necessary to equip the magazine.

For shop gear you need to take it in your left hand with the neck up and the convex side to the left, and in your right hand, cartridges with bullets to the little finger so that the bottom of the sleeve rises slightly above the thumb and forefinger. Holding the magazine with a slight tilt to the left, pressing thumb(see fig.) put cartridges one by one under the bends of the side walls with the bottom of the sleeve to the rear wall of the magazine.

Shooting production

The production of shooting (shot) includes the installation of a sight, an interpreter for the required type of fire, an attachment, aiming, trigger release and holding the machine gun when firing.

To install the sight, it is necessary, bringing the machine closer to you, with your thumb and forefinger right hand squeeze the latch of the clamp (see Fig.) and move the clamp until its front cut is aligned with the risk (division) under the corresponding number on the aiming bar.

To set the translator to the desired type of fire (Fig. 32), pressing the thumb of the right hand on the translator's ledge, turn the translator down: to the first click - for automatic fire, to the second click - for single fire.

To apply the machine gun, holding the machine gun with the left hand by the forearm or magazine, and with the right hand by the pistol grip and without losing sight of the target, rest the butt against the shoulder so as to feel the entire butt plate (shoulder rest) snug against the shoulder, the index finger of the right hand (first joint) put on the trigger of the machine.

Tilt your head slightly forward and without straining your neck, place your right cheek against the butt.

At the same time, the elbows should be placed on the ground in the most comfortable position, approximately shoulder width apart when firing from a prone position, standing and kneeling from a trench. The elbow of the left hand is placed on the flesh of the left leg at the knee, and the elbow of the right hand is raised approximately to shoulder height when firing from a kneeling position outside the trench. The elbow of the left hand is pressed to the side near the grenade bag if the machine is held by the magazine, and the elbow of the right hand is raised to about shoulder height when firing from a standing position outside the trench.

Setting the translator to the required type of fire: a - for automatic fire; b - for single fire


  1. Shooting from a machine gun can be carried out from various positions and from any place.
  2. In combat conditions, the submachine gunner occupies and equips the shooting area according to the commands of the squad leader or, in some cases, on his own.
  3. For firing from a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a place is chosen that provides the best view and shelling, and also covers the shooter.
  4. The submachine gunner must perfectly master the techniques of firing from a submachine gun.


  1. What are the methods of shooting from a Kalashnikov assault rifle? Describe them.
  2. What are the stages of shooting from a Kalashnikov assault rifle? Describe them.
  3. How to keep the machine while running and at an accelerated pace?
  4. How to hold a Kalashnikov assault rifle while crawling in a plastunsky way?


  1. Prepare a message on one of the topics: “Preparing for firing from a Kalashnikov assault rifle”, “Firing from a Kalashnikov assault rifle”.
  2. Using the material covered in grade 10 and other literature, write an essay on the topic “Military activity is the process of performing tasks by people military service, the study of military equipment and weapons, the performance of combat duty, the conduct of hostilities.

Techniques and rules for firing from a PM pistol, AK74 assault rifle and RPK74 machine gun

PM pistol shooting techniques

Rice. 13. Standing position; Rice. 14. Kneeling position

To adopt a position for standing shooting (Fig. 13), you must:
 turn half-turn to the left and, without placing the right foot, put it forward towards the target shoulder-width apart (as it is more convenient for growth), distributing the weight of the body evenly on both legs;
 unfasten the cover and remove the gun from the holster;
 hold the gun vertically with the muzzle up against the right eye, while maintaining the position of the hand at the height of the chin; the left hand should be freely lowered along the body or laid behind the back;
 while holding the pistol with the muzzle up, put the thumb of your right hand on the safety catch and lower it down (turn off the safety); insert your index finger into the trigger guard without touching the trigger.


1. When shooting from the left hand, the position of the body is reversed; Remove the pistol from the holster with your right hand and transfer it to your left hand.

2. If the shooting will be carried out with a preliminary cocking of the trigger, and not a self-cocking, then after turning off the fuse, it is necessary to press the thumb of the right hand on the head of the trigger to cock the trigger.

To take a position for shooting from the knee (fig. 14), you need to put your left leg back so that the toe of her foot is against the heel of the right leg; quickly get down on your left knee and sit on your heel; keep the right leg from the knee to the foot as vertically as possible, the toe of the foot - in the direction of the target; remove the pistol from the holster, turn off the safety (lower the flag down); put the trigger on the combat platoon if the shooting will be carried out with a preliminary cocking of the trigger; hold the gun as above.

To take a prone shooting position (Fig. 15), you should take a full step with your right foot forward and slightly to the right; leaning forward, get down on your left knee and put your left hand on the ground in front of you, fingers to the right; then, leaning successively on the thigh of the left leg and the forearm of the left hand, lie on the left side and quickly turn on the stomach, spreading the legs slightly to the sides with the toes outward. Remove the pistol from the holster, turn off the safety and cock the trigger; if the shooting will be self-cocking, then after turning off the fuse, put the index finger of your right hand into the trigger guard without touching the trigger.

Shot production

To fire a shot from all shooting positions, you must: select the aiming point; without stopping the observation of the target, stretch the right hand with the pistol forward, holding the pistol by the handle with the right hand; put the index finger of this hand with the first joint on the tail of the trigger; stretch the thumb of the right hand along the left side of the handle parallel to the direction of the barrel (Fig. 16); hold the outstretched right hand freely, without tension, keep the hand of this hand in a plane passing through the axis of the trunk channel and the elbow of the arm (Fig. 17); do not squeeze the pistol grip and hold it as uniformly as possible.

To aim, hold your breath on a natural exhalation, close your left eye, and look with your right eye through the rear sight slot at the front sight so that the front sight falls in the middle of the slot, and its top is on a par with the upper edges of the rear sight; in this position, bring the pistol under the aiming point (without dumping it) and at the same time start pressing the tail of the trigger.

Note. If it is difficult for the shooter to close the left eye separately, it is allowed to aim with both eyes open.

To pull the trigger, while holding your breath, gently press the first joint index finger on the tail of the trigger, until the trigger, unnoticed by the shooter, as if by itself, “does not fall off the cocking, that is, until a shot occurs.

When pre-cocked the trigger, it should be borne in mind that the trigger has some free play, in which the shot will not occur.

When pressing the tail of the trigger, press the finger straight back. The shooter must gradually increase the pressure on the tail of the trigger during the time when the top of the level front sight fits with the aiming point; when the front sight deviates from the aiming point, the shooter must, without increasing, but not weakening the pressure, straighten the aiming and, as soon as the even front sight is again aligned with the aiming point, again smoothly increase the pressure on the tail of the trigger.

When pulling the trigger, one should not be embarrassed by slight fluctuations of the front sight at the aiming point; the desire to make a descent necessarily at the moment of the best match of the front sight with the aiming point can lead to a pull on the trigger, and hence an inaccurate shot. If the shooter, pressing the tail of the trigger, feels that he can no longer breathe, it is necessary, without weakening or strengthening the pressure of the finger, to take a breath and, holding it again, continue to smoothly squeeze the tail of the trigger.

Rice. 18. Standing position from behind cover

Rice. 19. Kneeling position from behind cover

Shooting from a stop and from behind cover

Emphasis is used to increase the reality of the fire. Depending on the height of the stop, the shooter must take the appropriate position for shooting.

When shooting from the stop, put the right hand with the pistol on the stop so that the brush is on the weight, and the pistol grip does not touch the stop.

Covers are used to make it difficult for the enemy to observe and to protect against his fire.

When firing from a hand from behind cover, you should take the appropriate position for shooting (standing, kneeling, prone) and attach your right hand to the stop so that the hand with the pistol is free (Fig. 18 and 19).

AK74 assault rifle and RPK74 machine gun firing techniques

a - the submachine gunner leans on his left knee and left hand; b - the machine is held with the left hand by the fore-end

a - installation of a machine gun; b - support with hands on the ground;
c - prone shooting position

To assume a prone position, you must:

If the machine is in the “on the belt” position, move your right hand slightly up along the belt and, removing the machine from your shoulder, grab it with your left hand by the trigger guard and receiver, then take the machine gun with your right hand by the handguard and forearm with the muzzle forward. At the same time, take a full step forward with your right foot and slightly to the right. Leaning forward, get down on your left knee and put your left hand on the ground in front of you, fingers to the right (Fig. 20, a) then, leaning sequentially on the thigh of the left leg and forearm of the left hand, lie on your left side and quickly turn on your stomach, legs spread slightly to the sides with socks out; at the same time, put the machine gun on the palm of your left hand (Fig. 20.6).

If the machine gun is in the “on the chest” position, take the machine gun from below by the handguard and the handguard with your left hand and, lifting it slightly forward and upward, pull your right hand out from under the belt, and then throw the strap over your head and take the machine gun with the right hand by the receiver pad and forearm muzzle forward. In the future, the prone shooting position is taken in the same way as from the “on the belt” position with the machine gun.

If the machine gun is in the “on the belt” position, move your right hand along the belt slightly upwards and, removing the machine gun from your shoulder, grab it with your left hand by the trigger guard and receiver; then take the machine gun with the right hand by the handguard and fore-end, spread the bipod legs with the left hand.

At the same time, take a full step forward with your right (left) foot and, leaning forward, place the machine gun on the bipod in the direction of firing; without unbending, lean with both hands on the ground, throw your legs back and lie on your stomach, spreading your legs with your toes outward (Fig. 21).

If the machine gunner crawls without rising, spread the legs of the bipod, put the machine gun on the bipod, lie on his stomach, spread his legs to the sides with his toes out.

To take a position for shooting from the knee, you need to: take the machine gun (machine gun) in your right hand by the barrel pad and fore-end with the muzzle forward and at the same time, putting your right foot back, go down on your right knee and sit on your heel; the lower leg of the left leg should remain in a vertical position, and the hips should form an angle close to a straight line; shift the machine gun (machine gun) with the forearm to the left hand, pointing it towards the target (Fig. 22).

To assume a standing position, you must:

If the machine gun (machine gun) is in the “on the belt” position, turn half a turn to the right with respect to the direction of the target and, without placing your left foot, set it aside to the left approximately shoulder-width apart, as is more convenient for the machine gunner (machine gunner), while distributing the weight of the body evenly on both legs. At the same time, moving the right hand along the belt slightly upward, remove the machine gun (machine gun) from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand from below by the forearm and handguard, vigorously move the muzzle forward towards the target (Fig. 23).

Rice. 24. Position for firing from a machine gun using a belt: a - from the knee; b - standing

If the machine is in the “on the chest” position, take the machine with your left hand from below by the handguard and handguard and, lifting it slightly forward and upward, pull your right hand out from under the belt, and then throw the belt over your head. At the same time, turn half-turn to the right and, without placing your left foot, set it aside to the left approximately shoulder-width apart, as it is more convenient for the submachine gunner, and vigorously push the machine with the muzzle forward, towards the target (Fig. 23).

If the machine gun is at the foot, then simultaneously with the turn, it is necessary to energetically move the machine gun with the muzzle forward, towards the target, grabbing it with the left hand by the forearm. In this case, the legs of the bipod can not be bred.

When taking a position for shooting with a machine gun in the “on the chest” position, it is allowed not to remove the belt from the neck, but to use it to hold the machine gun more firmly when firing (Fig. 24).

When preparing to fire from a machine gun with a folding butt, it is necessary to fold the butt before loading the machine. If there is no time to recline the butt (in the event of a sudden attack by the enemy), the submachine gunner is made to fire (and fires) from the submachine gun with the butt folded, pressing the submachine gun with the back of the receiver and the pistol grip to the body (Fig. 25).

Shooting production

Fire from a machine gun (machine gun) is fired on commands or independently, depending on the task and the situation.

Rice. 26. Installing the sight; Rice. 27. Rear sight installation

a - for automatic fire; b - for single fire
a - with the left hand for the fore-end; b - left hand behind the store

The production of shooting (shot) includes the installation of a sight and a rear sight, a translator for the required type of fire, a butt, aiming, pulling the trigger and holding the machine gun (machine gun) when firing.

To install the sight, having brought the machine gun (machine gun) closer to you, with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, squeeze the clamp latch (Fig. 26) and move the clamp until its front cut is aligned with the risk (division) under the corresponding number on the aiming bar. The installation of the sight at the machine gun can also be done according to the scale printed on the reverse (lower) side of the aiming bar.

To install the rear sight, it is necessary to pull the handwheel of the rear sight screw slightly to the right and, by rotating it, align the risk under the neck slot with the desired division (Fig. 27).

To set the translator to the required type of fire (Fig. 28), pressing the thumb of the right hand on the translator’s ledge, turn the translator down: to the first click - for automatic fire (AB), to the second click - for single fire (OD) .

To attach an assault rifle (machine gun) it is necessary: ​​without losing sight of the target, rest the butt against the shoulder so as to feel the entire butt plate tightly against the shoulder; put the index finger of the right hand (with the first joint) on the trigger; tilt your head slightly forward and, without straining your neck, attach your right cheek to the butt.

Hold the machine gun with your left hand by the handguard or by the magazine, and with your right hand by the pistol grip (Fig. 29).

Hold the machine gun: when firing from a prone position and from a standing trench or from a knee - with your left hand by the neck of the butt or by the butt from below, and with your right hand by the pistol grip (Fig. 30); when shooting from a kneeling position and standing outside the trench - with the left hand for the forearm or magazine, and with the right hand for the pistol grip (as well as the machine gun). When holding the machine gun by the neck of the butt of the hand, firmly press one to the other.

Elbows when applying should be:
 placed on the ground in the most comfortable position (approximately shoulder-width from a prone position and from a standing trench or from a knee);
 the elbow of the left hand is placed on the flesh of the left leg at the knee or slightly lowered from it, and the elbow of the right hand is raised approximately to shoulder height (Fig. 31, a) when firing from a kneeling position outside the trench;
 the elbow of the left hand is pressed to the side near the bag for grenades, if the machine gun (machine gun) is held by the magazine, and the elbow of the right hand is raised approximately to shoulder height (Fig. 31.6) when firing from a standing position outside the trench.

If a belt is used with the butt to more firmly hold the machine gun (machine gun) when firing, then the belt must be placed under the left hand so that it presses it against the forearm (Fig. 32).

a - for the neck of the butt; b - from below for the butt

a - from the knee; b - standing

using a sling when firing from position:
a - from the knee; b - standing

To aim, you need to close your left eye, and look with your right eye through the slot of the sight at the front sight so that the front sight falls in the middle of the slot, and its top is on a par with the upper edges of the mane of the aiming bar, i.e. take a flat front sight (Fig. 33).

Holding your breath on exhalation, moving your elbows, and if necessary, the body and legs, bring an even front sight to the aiming point, while simultaneously pressing the trigger with the first joint of the index finger of your right hand.

When aiming, you need to ensure that the mane of the aiming bar is in a horizontal position.

To release the trigger, firmly holding the machine gun (machine gun) and holding your breath, continue to gently pull the trigger until the trigger, imperceptibly for the submachine gunner (machine gunner), descends from the combat platoon, i.e. until a shot occurs.

If, when aiming, a flat front sight deviates significantly from the aiming point, it is necessary, without increasing or weakening the pressure on the trigger, to refine the aiming and again increase the pressure on the trigger.

When pulling the trigger, one should not attach importance to the slight fluctuations of an even front sight at the aiming point. The desire to squeeze the trigger at the moment of the best alignment of the even front sight with the aiming point, as a rule, leads to pulling the trigger and to an inaccurate shot. If the submachine gunner (machine gunner), pressing the trigger, feels that he can no longer stop breathing, it is necessary, without increasing or weakening the pressure of the finger on the trigger, to resume breathing and, holding it again on exhalation, refine the aiming and continue pressing on trigger.

When firing, especially in bursts, it is necessary to firmly hold the butt in the shoulder, without changing the position of the elbows and keeping an even front sight under the aiming point. After each turn (shot), quickly restore the correct aiming. When firing from a prone position, it is allowed to rest the machine gun against the ground with the magazine. When shooting with continuous fire at a wide target, smoothly move an even front sight from one flank of the target to the other.

Shooting techniques from a stop and from behind cover

a - holding the machine by the store; b - holding the machine by the forearm; c - from a machine gun without the use of a bipod; g - from a machine gun using a bipod
a - from a standing position from the machine; b - from a prone position from the machine
a - from the machine; b - from a machine gun

Depending on the height of the stop or shelter, the submachine gunner (machine gunner) takes positions for firing: lying down, kneeling or standing.

To fire from a machine gun from the stop, put the machine gun with the forearm on the stop and hold it with your left hand by the magazine or forearm, and with your right hand by the pistol grip (Fig. 33, a, b).

To fire from a machine gun from the stop, put the machine gun with the forearm on the stop so that the stop does not interfere with the operation of the mechanisms; the legs of the bipod can hang freely in front of the stop (Fig. 33, c) or must be folded. However, machine gunners should always strive to use the machine gun bipod as an emphasis (Fig. 33, d).

Cover the hard stop for softening with turf, a folded raincoat, a rolled overcoat, etc.

To shoot from behind a tree, the corner of a building and other shelters, take a position for shooting, lean against the shelter so that it protects the submachine gunner (machine gunner) from enemy fire; hold the machine gun (machine gun) in the same way as when firing without cover (Fig. 34). When shooting from behind a small shelter (prone firing trench, hillock, hummock) be located behind the shelter.

To fire from a trench or trench, lean with your body against the wall of the trench, rest the elbows of both hands on the ground, and press the butt tightly against your shoulder; in this case, shooting can be carried out both from the stop and from the hand or with the support of the store on the ground (Fig. 35).

Shooting... well-aimed and accurate shooting in CS 1.6. Shooting in Counter-Strike is a whole science. Perhaps, probably, there is not a single shooter in the world in which the technique of shooting from various weapons, which is in the arsenal of this legendary game.

One of the most frequently asked questions in the topic of shooting is how to properly shoot the AK-47. The thing is that not all beginners succeed well and skillfully handle this capricious weapon. Shooting at the AK-47, as you know, is not very weak when it is clamped in a large burst, bullets always fly in the wrong direction, and sometimes even in all directions, especially if they did not have time to stop in time. Let's figure it out.

Most likely, right now we will answer this question. Shooting from this cannon, which the terrorists buy by pressing the keys B - 4 - 2, is very careful. Don't rush. Do not pinch at long and medium distances. The surest tactic of shooting from this weapon is aiming at the head, 1-2 bullets each.

Shooting should look like this: strafe to the right, fire 1-2 bullets at the enemy’s head, strafe again (left or right), then shoot again with 1.2 bullets. And so you alternate: strafe, shot, strafe, shot, and so on.

As for the clip with the AK-47 in cs 1.6, there is not much to tell here. Do not shoot in large bursts at long and medium distances. Shooting, no matter how you set up CS, will still spread from this gun. Clamping is only in one case - at close range. Only when you face the enemy head-on. There are no options here - just press on the head.

It is also worth knowing that when clamped, the bullets are carried first up, and then in any direction - to the right or left. Sometimes, even if you stand near the wall in CS and hold the full clip at close range, the letter T will turn out of the holes in the wall. Accordingly, take this fact into account and use it in practice.

By the way, it will be said. In fact, even a single AK-47 bullet can kill a target with the first hit to the head. And it doesn't matter if the opponent has a helmet or not. On average, if the enemy is wearing a helmet, one headshot deals 108 damage. Therefore, this is quite enough to put the enemy on the ground.

Therefore, if you masterfully learn how to accurately shoot and hit the enemy in the head with an AK-47, you will not be worth the price in the team, we assure you. If you suddenly feel bad with a hit in the head, we recommend that you read the article:

Remember that the AK-47 is powerful weapon. Even m4a1 is not able to hit the target with one bullet. What can not be said about the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Learn and practice to shoot accurately at the bullets in the head, and then you will be successful in the game.

If you liked the presentation of the material, then you will definitely like our classic CS 1.6 builds. You can download them at . This concludes this topic. Read our other articles in the section

On the use of regular weapons to hit targets in combat. includes the study of the material part of the weapon, the rules and techniques of shooting, methods of reconnaissance of targets and determining the range to them, fire control, working out the joint actions of the crew (calculation) when firing.

During the training camp, you will study the Kalashnikov assault rifle, get acquainted with the rules for caring for an assault rifle, its storage and saving, amaze with the preparation of an assault rifle for firing, shooting techniques from an assault rifle and complete the initial exercises for shooting from an assault rifle.

Appointment and combat properties Kalashnikov assault rifle

The 7.62-mm modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle (Fig. 19) is an individual weapon and is designed to destroy enemy manpower. To defeat the enemy in hand-to-hand combat a bayonet-knife is attached to the machine.

Automatic fire or single fire (shooting with single shots) is carried out from the machine gun. Automatic fire is the main type of fire from a machine gun, it is fired in short (up to 5 shots) and long (up to 10 shots) bursts and continuously. The supply of cartridges during firing is made from a box magazine with a capacity of 30 rounds.

The most effective fire is at a distance of up to 400 m. Sighting range shooting range - 1000 m. The range of a direct shot at the chest figure is 350 m, at the running figure - 525 m. Concentrated fire from machine guns at ground targets is carried out at a distance of up to 800 m, and at aircraft and paratroopers - up to 500 m.

The rate of fire is about 600 rounds per minute. Combat rate of fire: when firing bursts - up to 100 rounds per minute, when firing single shots - up to 40 rounds per minute.

The weight of the assault rifle without a bayonet-knife with an equipped magazine made of light alloy: AKM - 3.6 kg, AKMS - 3.8 kg. The weight of a bayonet-knife with a scabbard is 450 g.

The machine consists of the following main parts and mechanisms (Fig. 20):

Barrel with receiver, with sighting device and butt;
- receiver covers; bolt carrier with gas piston; shutter;
- return mechanism;
- gas tube with a handguard;
- trigger mechanism;
- forearm;
- shop;
- bayonet-knife.

The machine kit includes: accessories, a belt in a bag and a bag for magazines (the AKMS machine kit also includes a case for the machine gun with a pocket for the magazine).

The automatic action of the machine is based on the use of the energy of powder gases discharged from the bore to the gas piston of the bolt carrier.

If the translator is set to automatic fire, then the shooting will continue as long as the trigger is pulled and there are cartridges in the magazine.

If the interpreter is set to single fire, then only one shot will fire when the trigger is pulled; to fire the next shot, you must release the trigger and pull it again.

Dismantling of the machine can be incomplete and complete: incomplete - for cleaning, lubricating and inspecting the machine; full - for cleaning when the machine is very dirty, after being in the rain or in the snow, when switching to a new lubricant and during repairs. Excessively frequent disassembly of the machine is harmful, as it accelerates the wear of parts and mechanisms.

The disassembly and assembly of the machine is carried out on a table or a clean bedding; parts and mechanisms are placed in the order of disassembly, handle them carefully, do not stack one part on top of another and do not apply excessive force and sharp blows. When assembling the machine, compare the numbers on its parts: for each machine, the number on the receiver must correspond to the numbers on the gas tube, bolt carrier, bolt, receiver cover and other parts of the machine.

Training in disassembly and assembly on combat machines is allowed only in exceptional cases and with special care in handling parts and mechanisms.

Consider the order incomplete disassembly machine:

1) Separate the store. Holding the machine with your left hand by the neck of the butt or fore-end, grab the magazine with your right hand (Fig. 21), pressing the latch with your thumb, move the lower part of the magazine forward and separate it. After that, check if there is a cartridge in the chamber, for which lower the translator down, pull the bolt handle back, inspect the chamber, release the bolt handle and pull the trigger from the cocking.

2) Take out the pencil case with accessories. Drown the cover of the butt socket with the finger of the right hand so that the pencil case comes out of the socket under the action of the spring; open the pencil case and remove the rubbing, brush, screwdriver, punch and hairpin from it.

In a machine with a folding butt, a pencil case is worn in the pocket of a shopping bag.

3) Separate the cleaning rod. Pull the end of the ramrod away from the barrel so that its head comes out from under the stop on the base of the front sight (Fig. 22), and pull the ramrod up. When separating the ramrod, it is allowed to use a punch.

4) Separate the cover of the receiver. Grasp the neck of the stock with your left hand, press the protrusion of the guide rod of the return mechanism with the thumb of this hand, lift up the back of the receiver cover with your right hand (Fig. 23) and separate the cover.

5) Separate the return mechanism. Holding the machine with your left hand by the neck of the butt, with your right hand push forward the guide rod of the return mechanism until its heel comes out of the longitudinal groove of the receiver; lift the rear end of the guide rod (Fig. 24) and remove the return mechanism from the channel of the bolt carrier.

6) Separate the bolt carrier with the bolt. Continuing to hold the machine gun with your left hand, with your right hand pull the bolt frame back to failure, lift it together with the bolt (Fig. 25) and separate it from the receiver ..

7) Separate the bolt from the bolt carrier. Take the bolt carrier in your left hand with the bolt up (Fig. 26), pull the bolt back with your right hand, turn it so that the leading ledge comes out of the figured cutout of the frame, and pull the bolt forward.

8) Separate the gas tube with the handguard. While holding the machine with your left hand, with your right hand, put the case with the accessory with a rectangular hole on the protrusion of the gas pipe contactor, turn the contactor away from you to a vertical position (Fig. 27) and remove the gas pipe from the gas chamber nozzle. The order of assembly of the machine after incomplete disassembly:

1) Attach the gas tube to the handguard. Holding the machine gun with your left hand, with your right hand push the gas tube with its front end onto the gas chamber nozzle and press the rear end of the handguard against the barrel; turn the contactor towards yourself with the help of the accessory case until its lock enters the recess on the sight block.

2) Attach the bolt to the bolt carrier. Take the bolt carrier in the left hand, and the bolt in the right hand and insert the bolt with the cylindrical part into the frame channel; rotate the bolt so that its leading ledge enters the figured cutout of the bolt carrier, and move the bolt forward.

3) Attach the bolt carrier with the bolt to the receiver. Take the bolt carrier in your right hand so that the bolt is held with your thumb in the forward position. Grasp the neck of the butt with your left hand, insert the gas piston into the cavity of the sight block with your right hand and push the bolt carrier forward so that the limbs of the receiver enter the grooves of the bolt carrier. With a little effort, press it against the receiver and push it forward.

4) Attach the return mechanism. With your right hand, insert the return mechanism into the channel of the bolt carrier; while compressing the return spring, move the guide rod forward and, lowering it slightly down, insert its heel into the longitudinal groove of the receiver.

5) Attach the receiver cover. Insert the receiver cover with the front end into the semicircular cutout on the sight block; press the rear end of the cover with the palm of your right hand forward and downward so that the protrusion of the guide rod of the return mechanism enters the hole in the receiver cover.

6) Pull the trigger from the cocking and put on the fuse. Pull the trigger and raise the translator up to failure.

7) Attach the ramrod.

8) Insert the pencil case into the butt socket. Put the accessory in the case and close it with a lid, put the case upside down into the butt socket (Fig. 28) and drown it so that the socket is closed with a lid. At AKMS, the pencil case is retracted into the pocket of a shopping bag.

9) Attach the store to the machine. Holding the machine with your left hand by the neck of the butt or fore-end, insert the magazine hook into the receiver window with your right hand (Fig. 29) and turn the magazine towards you so that the latch jumps over the magazine support ledge.

Care of the machine, its storage and conservation. The machine must be kept in perfect working order and be ready for action. This is achieved by timely and skillful cleaning and lubrication and proper storage.
In the barracks and camp location, the machine gun is stored in a pyramid; in a special section of the same pyramid stores stores, a bag for stores, a bayonet-knife in a sheath and an oiler, and for a machine gun with a folding butt, in addition, a pencil case with accessories and a case for the machine gun. The magazine bag and belt must be kept clean and dry.

When temporarily located in any building, store the machine in a dry place away from doors, stoves and heating devices. In a combat situation, keep the machine with you, in your hands.

Receptions and rules of shooting from a machine gun

Shooting from a machine gun can be carried out from various positions and from any place where the target or area of ​​​​the terrain is visible from where the enemy is expected to appear.

When firing from a place, the machine gunner assumes a position for firing while standing, kneeling and lying down, depending on the conditions of the terrain and enemy fire.

On the move, the submachine gunner can fire on the move without stopping and from a short stop.

For firing from a machine gun, it is necessary to choose a place that provides the best view and shelling, shelters the machine gunner from enemy observation and fire, and allows you to conveniently perform shooting techniques.

Depending on the situation and the nature of the terrain, the submachine gunner moves in combat by running, at an accelerated pace, and by running or crawling. Before starting the movement, the machine is put on the fuse.

When running, at an accelerated pace and when rushing, the machine is held with one or two hands, as it is more convenient.

When crawling, the machine gun is held with the right hand by the belt at the upper swivel or by the handguard (Fig. 30).

To successfully complete fire missions, a submachine gunner must be fluent in the techniques of firing from a submachine gun.

Shooting from a submachine gun consists of getting ready to fire, firing (shot) and stopping firing.

Ready for shooting

The preparation for shooting includes taking a position for firing and loading the machine gun.

To assume a prone position, you must:

1) if the machine is in the “on the belt” position; move your right hand along the belt slightly upwards and, removing the machine gun from your shoulder, grab it with your left hand by the trigger guard and receiver, then take the machine gun with your right hand by the receiver pad and forearm with the muzzle forward. At the same time, take a full step forward with your right foot and slightly to the right. Leaning forward, get down on your left knee and put your left hand on the ground in front of you, fingers to the right (Fig. 31, a); then, leaning successively on the thigh of the left leg and the forearm of the left hand, lie on the left side and quickly turn on the stomach, spreading the legs slightly to the sides with the toes outward; at the same time, put the machine gun on the palm of your left hand (Fig. 31, b);

2) if the machine is in the “on the chest” position, take the machine with your left hand from below by the fore-end and handguard and, lifting it slightly forward and upward, take your right hand out from under the belt, and then throw the strap over your head and take the machine with your right hand for the handguard and forearm muzzle forward. In the future, the position for prone shooting is taken in the same way as for the position with the machine gun “on the belt”. To take a position for shooting from the knee (insert, photo 40), you need to: take the machine gun in your right hand by the handguard and forearm with the muzzle forward and at the same time, putting your right foot back, lower yourself to your right knee and sit on your heel; the shin of the left leg should remain in a vertical position, and the hips should form an angle close to a right one. Shift the machine gun with the forearm to the left hand, pointing it towards the target (Fig. 32).

To take a standing position for shooting, it is necessary: ​​1) if the machine gun is in the “on the belt” position, turn half-turn to the right in relation to the direction of the target and, without placing your left foot, set it aside to the left approximately shoulder-width apart, as is more convenient for the machine gunner, distributing at this weight of the body evenly on both legs. At the same time, moving the right hand along the belt slightly upwards, remove the machine gun from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand from below by the forearm and handguard, vigorously move the muzzle forward towards the target (see Fig. 32);

2) if the machine is in the “on the chest” position, take the machine with the left hand from below by the handguard and the handguard and, lifting it slightly forward and upward, pull the right hand out from under the belt, and then throw the belt over the head. At the same time, turn half a turn to the right and, without placing your left foot, set it aside to the left approximately shoulder-width apart, as it is more convenient for the submachine gunner, then vigorously move the machine with the muzzle forward towards the target.

When taking a position for shooting with a machine gun “on the chest”, it is allowed not to remove the belt from the neck, but to use it to hold the machine gun more firmly when shooting.

To load the machine you need:

Holding the machine with your left hand by the fore-end, attach an equipped magazine to the machine with your right hand, if it has not been previously attached to it;
- put the translator on automatic fire if the machine is on the fuse;
- with the right hand by the handle, pull the bolt carrier back to failure and release it;
- put the machine on the fuse if there is no immediate opening of fire or the command “Fire!” Was not followed, and move the right hand to the pistol grip.

If before loading the machine gun the magazine was not equipped with cartridges or the cartridges were used up when firing, then it is necessary to equip the magazine.

To equip the store, you need to take the store in your left hand with the neck up and the convex side to the left, and in your right hand - cartridges with bullets to the little finger so that the bottom of the sleeve rises slightly above the thumb and forefinger. Holding the magazine with a slight inclination to the left, pressing the thumb (fig. 33) insert the cartridges one by one under the bends of the side walls with the bottom of the sleeve to the rear wall of the magazine. shooting production.

The production of shooting (shot) includes the installation of a sight, an interpreter for the required type of fire, an attachment, aiming, trigger release and holding the machine gun when firing.

To install the sight, having brought the machine closer to you, with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, squeeze the clamp latch (Fig. 34) and move the clamp until its front cut is aligned with the risk (division) under the corresponding number on the aiming bar.

To set the translator to the required type of fire (Fig. 35), pressing the thumb of the right hand on the translator's ledge, turn the translator down: to the first click - for automatic fire, to the second click - for single FIRE.

To attach the machine gun, holding the machine gun with the left hand by the fore-end or magazine, and with the right hand by the pistol grip and without losing sight of the target, rest the butt against the shoulder so as to feel the entire recoil pad (shoulder rest) snug against the shoulder, the index finger of the right hand (first joint) put on the trigger.

Tilt your head slightly forward and without straining your neck, attach your right cheek to the butt. At the same time, the elbows should be placed on the ground in the most convenient position, approximately shoulder width apart when firing from a prone position (Fig. 36), standing and kneeling from a trench. The elbow of the left hand is placed on the flesh of the left leg at the knee, and the elbow of the right hand is raised approximately to shoulder height (Fig. 37, a) when firing from a kneeling position outside the trench. The elbow of the left hand is pressed to the side near the bag for grenades, if the machine is held by the magazine, and the elbow of the right hand is raised approximately to shoulder height (Fig. 37, b) when firing from a standing position outside the trench.

If a belt is used with the butt to more firmly hold the machine gun when firing, then the belt must be placed under the left hand so that it presses it against the forearm.

To aim, you need to close your left eye, and look with your right eye through the slot of the sight at the front sight so that the front sight falls in the middle of the slot, and its top is on a par with the upper edges of the mane of the aiming bar, i.e. take a flat front sight (Fig. 38).

Holding your breath on exhalation, moving your elbows, and if necessary, the body and legs, bring an even front sight to the aiming point, while simultaneously pressing the trigger with the first joint of the index finger of your right hand.

When aiming, you need to ensure that the mane of the aiming bar is in a horizontal position.
To release the trigger, firmly holding the machine with your left hand on the forearm or magazine, and pressing the pistol grip to your shoulder with your right hand, holding your breath, continue to gently press the trigger until the trigger, unnoticed by the machine gunner, goes down from the cocking platoon, i.e. e. until a shot occurs.
When firing in bursts, it is necessary to firmly hold the butt in the shoulder, without changing the position of the elbows, keeping the front sight exactly taken in the slot of the sight under the chosen aiming point. After each turn, quickly restore the correct aiming. When firing from a prone position, it is allowed to rest the machine gun against the ground with the magazine.

1. Fire training, its purpose and content.
2. Kalashnikov assault rifle, its purpose and main properties.
3. The device of the Kalashnikov assault rifle (AKM).
4. The order of incomplete disassembly of the machine.
5. The order of assembly of the machine after incomplete disassembly.
6. The order of storage and saving of the machine.
7. Rules for shooting from a machine gun.

Elements of shooting technique:

1. Fabrication(the position of the shooter with the weapon pointed towards the target).

Body position.

Leg position.

Hand position.

Head position.

Attachment (method of resting the butt on the shoulder when aiming and the corresponding position of the hands and head).

2. Aiming(pointing a straight front sight into the slot of the mane of the aiming bar in the aiming area).

Combination - (installation of a flat front sight in the slot of the mane of the aiming bar).

Guidance (guiding a smooth front sight in the slot of the mane of the aiming bar to the aiming area).

Control (control of a smooth front sight in the slot of the mane of the aiming bar in the aiming area during the shooting process).

3. Breath control(elimination of the influence of breathing on the vibrations of the weapon during the shot).

4. Trigger control(pulling the trigger at the moment of aiming the weapon, providing the desired hit, without knocking down the aim of the weapon at the moment preceding the shot).

5. Post shot phase(control, correction of readiness and aiming after the phenomenon of recoil after a shot).

Prone position (Photo; Fig 1)

Body position.

In order to create favorable conditions for application and aiming, the body is turned in relation to the firing plane at an angle of 15-25 degrees. With this turn, his position will be more convenient.

Leg position.

The legs are stretched out to the sides without tension. The right leg is parallel to the axis of the bore. So that the muscles of the legs are not tense, it is best to position the legs so that the left one rests with the toe on the ground, and the right one is slightly bent in knee joint.

Hand position.

Left hand, which perceives the entire weight of the machine gun, is bent at the elbow joint and moved forward.

The hand of the left hand freely and effortlessly embraces the handguard of the machine gun. Do not strongly bend the hand at the wrist. The machine should not lie on the fingers, but on the palm of your hand.

The elbow of the left hand is approximately under the machine gun, slightly to the left of the firing plane.

Insert the butt of the machine without effort into the right collarbone (conditionally - the shoulder).

The right hand should not serve as any significant support when holding the machine; because the role of her index finger is to handle the trigger.

The right hand covers the handle of the machine with medium effort. In this case, the index finger should not take part in the coverage; there should be a gap between it and the handle.

Grasping the buttstock of the assault rifle with your hand, lower your elbow to the ground with a free and natural movement. At the same time, there should not be any additional muscle tension in the right hand, as well as difficulty in moving the index finger when the trigger is pressed.

Photo; Figure 1 Prone position.

Head position.

When preparing to shoot, the head should be kept as straight as possible in order to look at the target straight ahead, thereby creating the most favorable conditions for the eye to work when aiming. The cheek is superimposed on the butt with some pressure corresponding to the weight of the head and remains in this position without straining the muscles of the neck.

Creating conditions for uniform aiming also requires that the position of the head be sufficiently fixed and uniform.


The depth of seating of the stock in the shoulder must be such that the head does not "hang" without sufficient support or press the butt with great force to position the eye against the sight slot.

To maintain the accuracy of the battle, the butt of the machine gun should rest against the shoulder uniformly (uniformity of depth and landing force).

The handguard lies on the palm of the left hand in the same place. The fingers of the right hand tightly, without undue tension, cover the butt handle, the first phalanx of the index finger lies on trigger or trigger guard(when there is no need to open fire).

Kneeling ready(Photo; Fig 2)

Unlike the prone stance, the kneeling stance is less stable. common center gravity is much higher above the support area, and the support area itself is much smaller (foot of the left leg, knee and toe of the right leg). Therefore, the posture as a whole, the position of body parts and weapons are selected taking into account the achievement of maximum stability.

Body position.

The body should be positioned so that it is oriented relative to the target not with the left side, but, as far as possible, with the chest forward. With this position of the body, the tension of the muscles of the right side of the shoulder girdle decreases, the head position becomes better. Some bending of the spine in the chest part will reduce the load on the left leg and fix the body in a certain position.

Leg position. The stability of the preparation depends on the correct relative position of the supporting surfaces of the body - the foot of the left leg, the knee and the toe of the right leg. The most convenient and fairly stable position is the one in which the supporting surfaces of the body create a triangle-shaped area of ​​support, in which:

Photo; Fig 2 Kneeling position.

The left leg is brought forward within a half step and bent at the knee joint so that the lower leg is approximately in a vertical position;

The foot of the left leg is set to the shooting plane at an angle of 35-55 degrees.

Hand position.

The left hand, which perceives the weight of the machine gun, as in the preparation for prone shooting, is bent at the elbow joint and extended forward; upper arm and forearm form an angle of 90-110 degrees. Excessive carrying forward of the left hand entails a significant tilt of the head down and aiming from under the brows, which quickly tires the eyesight. The left hand covers the handguard of the machine without effort; the machine lies not on the fingers, but on the palm. The elbow of the left hand is approximately under the machine gun.

The place of support for the elbow of the left hand is part of the patella of the left leg. The degree of stability of the left hand with a machine gun largely depends on the ability to successfully select the appropriate place to support the elbow on the kneecap.

The right hand grips the handle of the machine in the same way as in the prone position, with medium effort. The elbow of the right hand falls freely down and is held at an angle of 10-25 degrees in relation to the body.

Head position.

When the shoulder girdle is tilted forward due to deflection in thoracic region of the spine, the position of the head on the crest of the buttstock is similar to the position when shooting prone.

The standing position is the least stable - the overall center of gravity is much higher above the support area, and the support area itself is much smaller. The muscular apparatus is more tense for fixing the moving parts of the body and

Photo 3

keeping it upright; at the same time, the action and reaction of the muscles cannot create absolute immobility of the body, which leads to its swaying. Therefore, standing shooting is the most difficult.

Fig. 5. Projection of the position for shooting while standing with a hold on the fore-end.

Body position.

In order for the position to be stable, the shooter must strive to distribute the weight of his body with the machine gun evenly on both legs.

Lateral bending ensures the movement of the center of gravity of the machine closer to the midline of the body, which helps to reduce muscle tension that occurs when holding the machine.

Leg position.

The most stable and comfortable position is when the feet create a support area in the form of a trapezoid, formed by such an arrangement of the legs, in which the distance between the feet is slightly less than the width of the shoulders, and the socks are slightly apart.

Bringing the legs closer together will reduce the footprint, resulting in some loss of stability. The wide setting of the legs contributes to excessive tension in the muscles of the legs.

Hand position.

To give the machine the most possible immobility, it is necessary to position the left hand so that it serves as a support for it. The axis of the barrel, wrist and elbow must be located in the same vertical plane, otherwise the hand with the machine gun will move to the side. The left hand supporting the machine should be bent at the elbow joint at such an angle that the forearm is as vertical as possible.

When holding the machine by the magazine, to stabilize the machine, the elbow of the left hand rests against the iliac crest of the pelvis or is located slightly to the right of it, resting on the region of the oblique muscle of the abdomen.

The hand of the right hand covers the handle of the machine in the same way as in the manufacture of lying down and from the knee, with an average effort. Since the automaton is not in a sufficiently fixed position when standing, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the muscles of the right hand are as relaxed as possible; tension in the muscles of the hand and the resulting trembling and shocks will be transmitted to the automaton, violating its stability.

The elbow of the right hand after application is freely held at an angle of 20-40 degrees to the body. At the same time, make sure that the position and height of the elbow do not change from shot to shot.

Head position

The head is held straight, without tilt, so that the cheek without special effort leaned on the comb of the butt. It should not be, as in the prone and kneeling position, to stretch the head forward closer to the sight or recline it back: the position of the head should be as natural as possible, the neck muscles should not be unnecessarily tense.


In contrast to the prone and kneeling position, the butt of the machine gun should not rest against the middle part. right side chest, and in the shoulder joint or in the deltoid muscle of the right hand. The shooter needs to make sure that the muscles of the right side of the shoulder girdle are not overly tense, and the right shoulder is not brought forward with tension.

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