Opening of an underground waste storage system. Underground waste storage systems

Every day in big cities, small towns and others populated areas Tons of garbage accumulate. Street garbage containers and bins located near institutions and residential buildings quickly fill up. They emit an unpleasant odor and spoil the appearance of the landscape, attract rodents and insects, becoming sources of dangerous diseases. What solutions exist today? A breakthrough in waste disposal technology was the underground waste collection system developed by Villiger from Switzerland.

How is waste stored and collected in underground containers?

The Swiss company Villiger presented a conceptual solution for waste disposal. These are underground containers that are hermetically connected to waste receptacles located on the surface. Waste containers are lowered into and out of the shaft using a hydraulic lift. When they are full, they are removed using the TER SPA series control panel, loaded onto a garbage truck and transported to a waste recycling facility.

Underground container systems are airtight, take up little space and hold 5-7 times more waste than traditional trash cans. Above-ground garbage receptacles fit organically into the urban landscape, do not emit a stench, and there is no falling garbage around them. The tanks do not need to be opened or moved while the contents are being shipped, making maintenance as simple and cost-effective as possible. Access to them is carried out using cards, and its owner pays only for what he threw away.

Villiger underground disposal systems are versatile and practical due to the fact that they are fully automated. They are convenient to use, even if you need to ship household waste or construction garbage directly from the truck body. It is enough to pay for the shipment with a card, after which the platform with a hydraulic lift rises, making it possible to unload the waste into the waste collection chamber.

Why are underground garbage disposals convenient?

Underground waste disposal systems are a versatile and cost-effective solution.

  • The large capacity of the containers allows you to store a large amount of waste in a small area.
  • There can be several garbage collectors; depending on the amount of garbage on the site, up to 5 containers are installed.
  • Storage suitable for different types waste: organic waste, paper, cardboard, PET containers and textiles.
  • The waste does not harm people and the environment, which confirms the environmental friendliness of the storage system.
  • The storage is hygienic, it is impossible that a bird, rodent or pet will accidentally get into the garbage receptacle.
  • The garbage disposal is easy to use, and its configuration does not spoil the urban landscape.

The storage facilities are sealed and protected from accidental ingress of moisture and precipitation, so they last longer and the garbage in them does not decompose.
The containers are safe to use and maintain. Their cover is not heavy and lacks sharp corners. The locking mechanism ensures maximum fire safety of the contents and prevents spillage.
If you buy a container for underground storage and waste disposal, the costs will quickly pay off. Why? Due to the large volume tanks, which allows not only to store a large volume of garbage, but also to increase the interval for its removal.

Separate waste storage - how does it work?

The problem is easily solved with an underground storage system separate collection garbage, which significantly improves the environmental situation in megacities and small towns. Its shape and appearance fits well into the urban environment and improves the appearance of residential and industrial areas.

To summarize, we suggest watching a video of such a system in action:

1.1. Purpose and features of buried waste containers

Garbage buried containers are designed for collection and accumulation household waste in public places: car gas stations, city squares, park areas and recreational areas for a large number of people.

Recessed garbage containers require little space, look modern and do not spoil the landscape, fit organically into architectural complexes, and are very aesthetically pleasing. The buried waste container is mounted permanently into a pre-built foundation on a selected site. The removable garbage container is cleaned as it is filled using garbage trucks equipped with hydraulic manipulators.

The replacement container is pulled out by a manipulator from the underground part along with the garbage and emptied into the loading opening of the garbage truck body. The above-ground part of a buried type container can be designed in any style, which allows the waste disposal shaft to fit very harmoniously into the city landscape and have a vandal-proof design. The waste disposal pit may not have greater height, which is very convenient for children and people with disabilities.

1.2. Manufacturers of in-ground waste containers

The largest manufacturers of metal garbage cans from Russia and Europe are presented in this catalogue. This. Most foreign companies have their representative offices or companies representing their interests in Russia. For each manufacturer, the address, company name, phone number, website, main specialization and equipment produced are indicated. The portal contains a list of manufacturers of special equipment included in the catalog of metal garbage cans:

1.3. Sale of new and used in-ground garbage containers

1.4. Rent of in-ground containers

1.6. Price of buried containers

The website portal presents prices for various models of recessed garbage containers, which are listed in the price lists of domestic and foreign manufacturers. The price of recessed containers mainly determines their quality. Price lists for in-ground garbage containers for sale are a documentary representation of their market price. The price level allows you to make informed decisions about purchasing the required model. Many buyers are interested in the prices of not only new, but also used in-ground garbage containers. Prices for used recessed garbage containers are posted in the "Bulletin Board" or "Photo Advertisements" sections.

1.7. Photos of buried garbage containers

The catalog contains photos of recessed garbage containers with various volumes, lid options, having different overall dimensions and architectural design.

1.8. Technical characteristics of buried waste containers

Basic specifications in-ground garbage containers from the world's leading manufacturers are presented in the summary table. For each model of in-ground garbage container, photographs, detailed technical specifications and a link to the equipment manufacturer are published.
Trademark (brand) of the manufacturer / Model of equipment (index)
Recessed container type
Capacity of the recessed container, cubic meters
Otto SUWS 5
in-ground waste containers
SILO Biosilo-Citybin
SILO-Citybin 1
recessed containers 1,2
SILO-Citybin 3
recessed containers 3
SILO-Citybin 5
recessed containers 5
Babylon K-5
buried trash containers
Dubrovitsy MUSC0NT 3
Dubrovitsy MUSCONT 5
buried trash containers 5
Zilstroymash KP (series)
buried trash containers 3-5

List of models of recessed containers
The catalog of buried waste containers contains a complete list of models from Russian and foreign manufacturers. Detailed technical specifications are published for each model of a recessed type garbage container, the country and manufacturer are indicated, and a photograph of the product.

Buried waste containers have long been used in Europe and the CIS countries. They are convenient and economically feasible. Today, not only megacities, but also small regional centers in the Russian Federation are actively introducing this useful eco-friendly design into our lives.

Buried containers - a modern waste collection system

The decision to purchase buried tanks for municipal solid waste is rational and profitable.

Advantages of an underground waste accumulation system:

  • transport costs are reduced;
  • the wear resistance of the container is extended;
  • the amount of stored garbage increases while maintaining the same dimensions of the garbage can;
  • do not require the installation of additional elements (canopy, fencing, platform);
  • no smell;
  • design appeal;
  • 100% tank cleaning;
  • dangerous moments are excluded (heavy lid, broken wheels, puddles from household waste, sharp corners).

The container is a “glass” with a lid that closes tightly. Diameter 2 meters and 3 meters height. The installed tank rises one and a half meters above the ground. At a height of 1 meter there is a window under the bag for a buried container. According to buyer's requests, the color of the container varies.

Recessed containers are suitable for any climate. The tight-fitting lid prevents rain and snow from getting inside. Prevents the scattering of waste, the contents are inaccessible to birds and animals.

An underground waste container provides storage for household waste. Characterized by the absence of icing in winter and a decrease in the growth of microorganisms in summer.

The tank contains a special bag in which waste is accumulated and stored. It provides the ability to quickly empty a garbage can using a garbage truck with a manipulator. The eleven-meter boom allows you to work independently of cars parked nearby.

Economic effect of an underground storage tank of a buried type

The main point when choosing an underground waste container is cost-effectiveness. A specially designed tank holds 5 m3 of solid household waste with an occupied area of ​​2 m3, which significantly saves space in the courtyard of a residential building.

Buried containers for waste is much more economical than above-ground ones in installation and use:

  • replaces 5 conventional garbage cans (tank volume reaches 5000 l);
  • does not require additional installation elements;
  • the number of service personnel is reduced by 3 times (1 driver is enough);
  • the amount of required equipment is reduced by 2 times;
  • fuel costs are reduced by 40% (maintenance does not require frequent trips);
  • does not require periodic painting and welding;
  • durability (about 30 years).

The saved space in the courtyard of the house can be used for parking, a playground, or a flower bed.

Pros and cons of new generation containers

Recessed ones have positive and negative aspects.

Description of the undoubted advantages:

  • durability;
  • does not rust;
  • resistance to natural conditions;
  • saves space;
  • the built-in fire extinguishing system prevents fire;
  • the same temperature inside the tank prevents sticking and freezing household waste, makes cleaning easier.

The only downside, but a very significant one, is the price.

Why regular trash cans are obsolete

Metal trash cans are outdated and cannot handle the volume of household waste that is disposed of each year. Garbage cans quickly become unusable due to corrosion and the aggressive environment of the products. Requires replacement every 2 years.

The volume of household waste is growing, and with it the number of above-ground garbage cans, which significantly reduces the space in the courtyards of residential complexes. When the bins are overfilled, garbage accumulates around, polluting the air and the environment. The process of rotting food contributes to unsanitary conditions.

Europe and part of Russia are gradually switching to in-depth waste containers, replacing landfills. The structures are durable, strong and safe for people.

Garbage trucks for underground waste containers

Recessed tanks for MSW are more economical and convenient than conventional metal tanks. They have a number of advantages: they protect the contents from animals and birds; they are larger in size without compromising the space they occupy. But they are also serviced by special equipment.

The in-ground garbage truck is equipped with a manipulator for raising and lowering a garbage container with a weight of 2,500 to 5,000 kg. This greatly facilitates the collection and removal of waste. Allows you to carry out all manipulations for the transportation of solid waste by one person, in narrow courtyards of residential areas and with a large number of parked cars.

Until recently, Russia purchased garbage trucks equipped with CMU to work with buried garbage cans abroad. Today, the auto repair plant in Ryazhsk produces such equipment.

Platform for buried containers

The site for the pit for a buried waste container is prepared in advance. Check for the absence of telephone and electrical wires, drainage, sewer and water pipes. Comply temperature regime, below +5C° – do not install.

Container installation

Before you begin installing the underground container, remove the lid and other parts. Into the technological holes located at the bottom, insert 4 pipes 64 mm in diameter, 800 mm long, wrap them with wire together.

Installation procedure:

  1. Lower the tank into the hole. Rotating, sink the pipes into the sand (gravel) to a special level. Cover each installation pipe jumper with polyester sandbags.
  2. Place the lid and bag on the top of the tank.

The pit cannot be filled with wet soil.

The flange is filled with concrete, marble chips, paving slabs or laid with concrete blocks about 10 cm thick.

SanPin standards when installing a garbage container for solid waste

The accumulation of garbage is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and the presence of a large number of insects and rodents.

SanPin is a document indicating the standards for installing garbage cans. The rules stipulate how garbage receptacles should be installed in residential areas and how often they should be cleaned.

According to the current SanPin, containers must be emptied daily, located 20-100 m from parks and places with large crowds of people, located on a specially equipped site, fenced with a 1.5-meter fence on three sides, and well lit at night.

What components can be added to containers?

The waste container is constructed from a tank without seams, so there is no leakage of waste into the soil. The tank is guaranteed for 10 years. The tank contains a liner that is made of polypropylene. It has a 3-year warranty. The liner is mounted with a lifting mechanism, allowing for quick replacement.

Life does not stand still, something is constantly developing and improving.
People began to fly into space, phones can replace large computers, the Mars rover takes pictures of itself on Mars, but they can’t solve the problem with garbage.
Remember what kind of tanks are located near your house, and what kind of stench you can smell.
Maybe the situation in the capital is a little better, but in the regions it’s definitely not fantastic.
Let's look at the underground waste storage facilities that I use abroad.
We have a lot to learn.

02. What to do about it? All trash cans must be placed underground. There should be no disgusting dirty containers! There are several types of underground waste collection systems. This one is the simplest. Conventional bins are lowered down on a lift, and only a garbage receptacle remains on top, similar to a conventional garbage chute.

When the car arrives, the containers are lifted and emptied. It looks something like this:

03. Everything is clean and tidy from above.

04. Nothing smells, nothing flows along the roads and nothing rots in the sun.

05. Yes different types receptacles, for example for glass, paper or household waste.

06. This is what the containers look like together.

07. So they rise.

08. The next system is more complicated, but better. Here the receiver and tank are a single unit. The advantages are obvious - the system is completely sealed. It is faster to service - no need to push the tanks in, nothing falls out. And most importantly, it is many times more spacious than one tank. Depending on the size, such an underground tank can be up to 5 times more spacious regular container. This means that you can take out garbage less often.

The container can be large - the garbage is automatically compacted there.

10. Access to tanks can be made using cards so that only residents of the house can use them. This is necessary in cases where garbage removal is paid and residents do not want to pay extra.

11. But the coolest thing is the district vacuum garbage chute! I dream of building one like this in Shchukino!

12. The horizontal system works on the principle of pneumatic mail. Garbage can be compacted in bins and flown into storage. All garbage cans in the area can be connected to such a system. Beauty. The garbage automatically goes to a distribution point, from where it is taken to landfills. You can also connect existing garbage disposals in homes to this system. The vacuum system requires serious investment - about 500 million rubles for 10,000 apartments, but it pays for itself in 30 years, since there is no need to maintain hundreds of garbage cans every day.

Each inhabitant of the planet produces 1 kg of waste daily, up to a ton per year. To store such a quantity of waste you will need strong and durable containers. Buried waste containers are becoming in demand.

Danger of garbage

MSW (municipal solid waste) is objects of human activity that are obsolete or have lost their characteristics over time. They are divided into biological, synthetic, petroleum products and metals. In Russia, 65 million tons of household waste are produced annually, about 400 kg per person.

To collect solid waste and transform it, it is required a large number of waste receptacles, systems and recycling facilities. Due to the lack of development of the recycling industry in Russia, a large amount of waste is not processed, but is buried and remains in the ground. This is gradually killing the biosphere and poses a danger to society.

Disadvantages of solid waste:

  • poisoning of water, air, soil;
  • release of vapors heavy metals;
  • increased development of infection and bacteria;
  • reproduction of animals carrying viruses;
  • progression of respiratory diseases;
  • poisoning of fauna.

With uncontrolled release of solid waste and lack of recycling, waste damages the surrounding ecology and negatively affects people's lives.

Why regular trash cans are obsolete

Metal containers for waste, common in the CIS and Russia, are already becoming obsolete and cannot cope with the amount of raw materials produced. Due to the aggressive environment of internal products, conventional waste containers are quickly corroded. This significantly reduces their service life to several years.

As waste volumes increase, more metal bins are required, which take up valuable space, especially in large cities. If there is not enough space or containers are not cleaned in a timely manner, waste is simply dumped on the ground near trash bins, polluting the environment and air.

The tanks also do not retain odors and harmful fumes and are difficult to process to maintain sanitation. In addition, outwardly they look unpresentable.

What to replace

Above-ground landfills in Europe and developed Russian cities are being upgraded to underground garbage bins. These structures are durable and strong.

In-ground waste containers are waste collection structures developed in 1991 in Finland. The structure resembles a frame well, more than half of which is located underground, and only 1/3 remains on the surface.

Underground garbage containers are designed for collecting and storing solid household waste in crowded areas. Once filled, the contents are removed using special garbage trucks.

Internal configuration of containers

The design consists of a seamless container that prevents waste from leaking into the ground. The underground tank has a 10-year warranty.

Inside there are bags for garbage containers recessed type, consisting of polypropylene. They are two-layer and dense, the warranty period is 3 years. Mounted on a traverse (lifting mechanism). It allows you to quickly replace garbage bags.

There is a lid on top that prevents the penetration of odors into the environment and protects against animals (rats, mice).

Advantages and disadvantages of containers

Such an innovative design has pros and cons, which is why people’s opinions about such a structure are divided.

Underground trash is becoming more and more common in cities due to its advantages:

  • Low corrosion due to propylene in the composition.
  • Durability. Underground garbage cans last for several decades, when the life of conventional garbage containers is 1–5 years.
  • Resistance to sudden changes in condition environment. Therefore, containers are placed in hot countries and in places with extremely low temperatures. They can withstand heating up to 200 degrees.
  • Space saving. One underground tank replaces 7 metal or 5 Euro containers. The remaining space is used for the construction of playgrounds and parking spaces.
  • The risk of garbage fire is minimal, but at the request of customers it is possible to equip the underground tank with an automatic fire extinguishing system.
  • Constant temperature eliminates freezing or sticking of waste, which makes it difficult to unload garbage.
  • Aesthetics. The containers have a nice appearance compared to trash cans. They are also made in different colors and will harmonize with the surrounding view.

The only disadvantage of such tanks is their high cost.

Recessed waste containers reduce the amount of waste and emissions of harmful substances. Such underground tanks protect the environment and make an invaluable contribution to the protection of the Earth's biosphere.
