Fluctuations in body temperature throughout the day. Causes of periodic or constant slight increase in body temperature

How dangerous is low-grade fever? How to treat it and is it necessary to do it? Lots of questions! Let's try to figure them out

Expert - Candidate of Medical Sciences, neuropathologist Marina Aleksandrovich.

From childhood we all know that normal temperature body - 36.6 °C. However, it turns out that this well-established opinion is just a myth. Indeed, in fact, this indicator can change repeatedly for the same person at different periods of life.

Where did you start galloping to?

For example, a thermometer can give different numbers over the course of one month, even if you are in full health. This is typical mainly for girls - their body temperature usually rises slightly during ovulation and normalizes with the onset of menstruation. Fluctuations can also occur within one day. In the morning, immediately after waking up, the temperature is minimal, and in the evening it usually rises by half a degree. Stress, eating, physical activity, taking a bath or drinking hot (and intoxicating) drinks, being on the beach, wearing too warm clothes, emotional outburst and much more can cause a slight temperature jump. And there are also people for whom the normal value on the thermometer is not 36.6, but 37 °C or even a little higher. As a rule, this applies to asthenic boys and girls who, in addition to an elegant physique, also have a fine mental organization. Low-grade fever is not uncommon, especially in children: according to statistics, almost every fourth modern child aged 10 to 15 years suffers from this. Typically, such children are somewhat withdrawn and slow, apathetic or, conversely, anxious and irritable. But even in adults this phenomenon is not unique. However, you shouldn’t blame everything on the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, if the usual body temperature has always been normal and suddenly measurements taken with the same thermometer for quite a long time and in different time days began to show higher numbers than always, there is a significant cause for concern.

Where do the legs of the “tail” come from?

An elevated body temperature usually indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body or the presence of an infection. But sometimes the thermometer readings remain above normal even after recovery. Moreover, this can continue for several months. This is often how post-viral asthenia syndrome is expressed. Doctors in this case use the term “temperature tail”. A slightly elevated (subfebrile) temperature caused by the consequences of an infection is not accompanied by changes in tests and goes away on its own.

However, here lies the danger of confusing asthenia with incomplete recovery, when an increase in temperature indicates that the disease, which had subsided for a while, began to develop anew. Therefore, just in case, it is better to take a blood test and find out whether the leukocytes are normal. If everything is in order, you can calm down, the temperature will jump and jump and eventually “come to its senses.”

Another common cause of low-grade fever is stress. There is even a special term - psychogenic temperature. It is often accompanied by symptoms such as feeling unwell, shortness of breath and dizziness.

Well, if in the foreseeable past you have not suffered from stress or infectious diseases, and the thermometer still stubbornly creeps up, then it is better to be vigilant and get examined. After all, prolonged low-grade fever can indicate the presence of dangerous diseases. So it is imperative to understand where the legs of the “temperature tail” grow from.

By elimination

The first step is to exclude all suspicions of inflammatory, infectious and other serious diseases (tuberculosis, thyrotoxicosis, iron deficiency anemia, chronic infectious or autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors). First, you need to contact a therapist who will draw up an individual examination plan. As a rule, if there is an organic cause of low-grade fever, there are other characteristic symptoms: pain in different areas body, weight loss, lethargy, increased fatigue, sweating. When palpated, an enlarged spleen or lymph nodes may be detected. Usually, finding out the causes of low-grade fever begins with general and biochemical tests of urine and blood, X-ray of the lungs, ultrasound internal organs. Then, if necessary, more detailed studies are added - for example, blood tests for rheumatoid factor or thyroid hormones. In the presence of pain of unknown origin and especially with sudden weight loss, consultation with an oncologist is necessary.

"Hot" people

If examinations have shown that there is order on all fronts, it seems that you can calm down, deciding that this is your nature. But it turns out there is still cause for concern.

However, first let’s try to figure out where the elevated temperature comes from in the seemingly complete absence of organic reasons. It appears not at all because the body accumulates too much heat, but because it does not transfer it well to the environment. Disorder of the thermoregulation system at the physical level can be explained by spasm of superficial vessels located in the skin of the upper and lower extremities. Also, in the body of people with long-term fever, disruptions in the endocrine system can occur (their adrenal cortex and metabolism are often disrupted). Doctors consider this condition as a manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome and even gave it a name - thermoneurosis. And although this is not a disease in its pure form, because no organic changes occur, it is still not the norm, since a prolonged elevated temperature is stress for the body. Therefore, this condition must be treated. But, of course, not antibiotics or antipyretics - they are not only harmless, but in this case they are also ineffective.

Medicines for low-grade fever are generally rarely prescribed. More often, neurologists recommend massage and acupuncture (to normalize the tone of peripheral vessels), as well as herbal medicine and homeopathy. Psychotherapeutic treatment and psychological assistance often provide a lasting positive effect.

Greenhouse conditions do not help, but rather hinder getting rid of thermoneurosis. Therefore, for those who suffer from this disorder, it is better to stop taking care of themselves, and begin to harden and strengthen the body. People with problematic thermoregulation need:

● correct daily routine;

● regular nutritious meals with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits;

● taking vitamins;

● sufficient exposure to fresh air;

● physical education classes (except for team games);

● hardening (the method is effective only with regular and not one-time use).

By the way

Confusion in the testimony

Are you measuring your temperature correctly? Please note that a thermometer placed under the armpit may not provide entirely correct information - due to the abundance of sweat glands in this area, inaccuracies are likely. If you are used to measuring your temperature in your mouth (where it is half a degree higher than under your armpit), then know that the numbers will go off scale if you ate or drank something hot or smoked an hour before. The temperature in the rectum is on average a degree higher than in the armpit, but remember that the thermometer can “lie” if you take measurements after taking a bath or exercising. Measuring temperature in the ear canal is considered the most reliable today. But this requires a special thermometer and strict adherence to all the rules of the procedure. Any violations may result in an error.

Body temperature- an indicator of the thermal state of the human body or other living organism, which reflects the relationship between the heat production of various organs and tissues and the heat exchange between them and the external environment.

Body temperature depends on:

— age;
— time of day;
— environmental impact on the body;
— health status;
- pregnancy;
- characteristics of the body;
— other factors that have not yet been clarified.

Types of body temperature

Depending on the thermometer readings, the following types of body temperature are distinguished:

— less than 35°C;
— 35°С — 37°С;
Low-grade body temperature: 37°С - 38°С;
Febrile body temperature: 38°C - 39°C;
Pyretic body temperature: 39°С - 41°С;
Hyperpyretic body temperature: above 41°C.

According to another classification, the following types of body temperature (body condition) are distinguished:

  • Hypothermia. Body temperature drops below 35°C;
  • Normal temperature. Body temperature ranges from 35°C to 37°C (depending on the state of the body, age, gender, moment of measurement and other factors);
  • Hyperthermia. Body temperature rises above 37°C;
  • . An increase in body temperature, which, unlike hypothermia, occurs while maintaining the body’s thermoregulation mechanisms.

Low body temperature is less common than high or high body temperature, but nevertheless, it is also quite dangerous for human life. If the body temperature drops to 27°C or lower, there is a chance that a person will fall into a coma, although there have been cases where people have survived at temperatures up to 16°C.

Temperature is considered low for an adult healthy person below 36.0°C. In other cases, a low temperature should be considered a temperature that is 0.5°C - 1.5°C below your normal temperature.

Body temperature is considered low which is more than 1.5°C below your normal body temperature, or if your temperature drops below 35°C (hypothermia). In this case, you must urgently call a doctor.

Reasons for low temperature:

- weak immunity;
- severe hypothermia;
- a consequence of an illness;
- thyroid disease;
- medications;
- decreased hemoglobin;
- hormonal imbalance
- internal bleeding;
- poisoning
- fatigue, etc.

The main and most common symptoms of low temperature are loss of strength and.

Normal body temperature, as many experts note, mainly depends on age and time of day.

Let's consider values ​​of the upper limit of normal body temperature in people of different ages, if measured under the arm:

normal temperature in newborns: 36.8°C;
normal temperature in 6 month old babies: 37.4°C;
normal temperature in 1 year old children: 37.4°C;
normal temperature in 3 year old children: 37.4°C;
normal temperature in 6 year old children: 37.0°C;
normal temperature in adults: 36.8°C;
normal temperature for adults over 65 years of age: 36.3°C;

If you measure the temperature not under the arms, then the readings of the thermometer (thermometer) will differ:

- in the mouth - 0.3-0.6°C more;
- in the ear cavity - more by 0.6-1.2°C;
- in the rectum - more by 0.6-1.2°C.

It is worth noting that the above data are based on a study of 90% of patients, but at the same time, 10% have a body temperature that differs up or down, and at the same time, they are absolutely healthy. In such cases, this is also the norm for them.

In general, temperature fluctuations up or down from the norm by more than 0.5-1.5 ° C are a reaction to any disturbances in the functioning of the body. In other words, this is a sign that the body recognized the disease and began to fight it.

If you want to know the exact indicator of your normal temperature, consult your doctor. If this is not possible, then do it yourself. To do this, you need to take temperature measurements over several days, when you feel great, in the morning, afternoon and evening. Write down the thermometer readings in your notebook. Then separately add up all the indicators of morning, afternoon and evening measurements and divide the sum by the number of measurements. The average value will be your normal temperature.

Increased and high body temperature is divided into 4 types:

Subfebrile: 37°C - 38°C.
Febrile: 38°C - 39°C.
Pyretic: 39°C - 41°C.
Hyperpyretic: above 41°C.

Maximum body temperature, which is considered critical, i.e. at which a person dies is 42°C. It is dangerous because the metabolism in the brain tissues is disturbed, which practically kills the entire body.

Only a doctor can indicate the reasons for high temperature. The most common causes are viruses, bacteria and other foreign microorganisms that enter the body through burns, disruption, airborne droplets, etc.

Symptoms of fever and fever

— Human body temperature (oral temperature) was first measured in Germany in 1851 using one of the first mercury thermometers to appear.

- The world's lowest body temperature of 14.2 °C was recorded on February 23, 1994 in a 2-year-old Canadian girl who spent 6 hours in the cold.

- The highest body temperature was recorded on July 10, 1980 in a hospital in Atlanta, USA, in 52-year-old Willie Jones, who suffered from heatstroke. His temperature turned out to be 46.5 °C. The patient was discharged from the hospital after 24 days.

Changes in body temperature are an adaptive mechanism of the body to certain influences. This galloping manifestation is provoked both by physiological factors and characteristics of the body, and by pathological changes.

The normal value for a person is 36.6–37 degrees when measured in the armpit. However, during the day this value may change several times. IN morning time As a rule, the body is slightly cooled, since during sleep the metabolic processes in the body slow down. In the evening, the temperature rises, since during human activity all organs and systems are actively functioning.

Fluctuations in body temperature are directly related to human activity. Therefore, changes in body temperature can be regarded as a physiological state. If you give the body a rest, the temperature will immediately drop and return to normal.


Sudden changes in body temperature do not have an exact cause. They often appear in the body due to various irritating factors. Clinicians believe that frequent changes in body temperature are associated with the following reasons:

  • impaired functioning of the hypothalamus;
  • adaptation of the body to climatic conditions;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • elderly age;
  • mental disorders;
  • violation of autonomic function.

In the female body, there are much more fluctuations in body temperature. The menstrual cycle also causes a slight increase in indicators. Another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant symptom can be pregnancy. Such jumps pose a particular danger to a woman’s body if there are pathological changes, such as:

  • catarrhal phenomena;
  • dysuric signs;
  • stomach ache;
  • rash on the body.

Children are quite vulnerable individuals. Their body at a young age is not prepared for all the body’s surges and deviations. In this regard, there are sharp changes in the thermal index. They are caused by the following processes:

  • overheating;
  • active exercises and work;
  • the process of digesting food;
  • excited psycho-emotional state.

Why does body temperature sometimes rise sharply to 38 degrees? This question worries quite a lot of people, since this symptom is characteristic of thermoneurosis.

In the adult population, body temperature often fluctuates due to the formation of pathologies. The symptom worsens with the following disorders:

  • post-infarction state;
  • purulent and infectious processes;
  • neoplasms;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • autoimmune condition;
  • injuries;
  • allergies;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;

In the evening, as a rule, noticeable deviations from the norm subside. The body temperature returns to normal and all symptoms fade away. However, in the presence of chronic pathologies, the indicator also increases at night. This indicator may increase or decrease if the patient has a number of the following diseases:

  • and etc.


Body temperature can jump different directions. The thermometer readings depend on the type of disease and physical condition of the person. Doctors identify the following thermal changes:

  • hypothermia - decreased temperature;
  • - overestimated indicators.


The temperature of a child and an adult fluctuates for special reasons, which also cause other symptoms. During changes in the indicator, the patient may feel both sudden drowsiness and fatigue, and vigor.

Fluctuations in a child’s temperature are accompanied by additional characteristic signs of a deteriorated condition:

  • heaviness and discomfort in the heart area;
  • the presence of rashes on the skin;
  • dyspeptic symptoms.

In an adult, along with the indicated sign, other indicators also appear:

  • irritability;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • swelling of the limbs.

Changes can also be observed under the influence of climate, which leads to changes in the amount of hormones. This process is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • hot flashes;
  • increased sweat production;
  • high rate blood pressure;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiac system.


If there are frequent changes in body temperature, the patient needs to be examined in a hospital. After a doctor’s examination and a diagnosis of “thermoregulation disorder,” the patient is prescribed treatment based on the examination results and age category.


Treatment of symptoms in younger and older age groups is different. In children, this symptom can manifest itself under the influence of autonomic dysfunction and disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamus.

After a sharp increase and decrease in body temperature in a child has been diagnosed, the doctor decides on the choice of treatment method.

At first, the patient should follow these recommendations:

  • actively engage in sports;
  • to walk outside;
  • eat healthy;
  • take vitamins, mineral complexes medicines and homeopathic preparations.

In adult patients, other methods of therapy are used. With regular manifestations of changes in body temperature, the patient must observe the following measures:

  • eliminate stressful situations;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Therapy can be supplemented with medications:

  • antispasmodics;
  • antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • neuroleptics.

If, during the diagnosis of a symptom, the doctor identifies a pathology, then, depending on this disease, a number of drugs are prescribed to eliminate the disease:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamines;
  • hormonal.

Often, temperature changes are a protective reaction of the body to the development of pathological processes. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations by doctors for timely detection and treatment of diseases.

“The norm for each person is an objective, real, individual phenomenon... A normal system is always an optimally functioning system.”

V. Petlenko

Body temperature is a complex indicator of the thermal state of the human body, reflecting the complex relationship between heat production (heat production) of various organs and tissues and heat exchange between them and the external environment. The average human body temperature typically ranges between 36.5 and 37.2 degrees Celsius, due to internal exothermic reactions and the presence of "safety valves" that allow excess heat to be removed through sweating.

The “thermostat” (hypothalamus) is located in the brain and is constantly engaged in thermoregulation. During the day, a person’s body temperature fluctuates, which is a reflection of circadian rhythms (more about which you can read in the previous issue of the newsletter - " Biological rhythms"from 09/15/2000, which you will find in the "archive" on the mailing site): the difference between body temperature early in the morning and in the evening reaches 0.5 - 1.0 ° C. Temperature differences between internal organs (several tenths of a degree) have been identified; the difference between the temperature of internal organs, muscles and skin can be up to 5 - 10°C.

In women, the temperature varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle; if a woman’s body temperature is usually 37°C, it drops to 36.8°C in the first days of the cycle, before ovulation it drops to 36.6°C, then, on the eve of the next menstruation, it rises to 37.2°C, and then again reaches 37°C. In addition, it has been found that in men the temperature in the testicular area is 1.5 ° C lower than on the rest of the body surface and the temperature of some parts of the body differs depending on physical activity and their position.

For example, a thermometer placed in the mouth will show a temperature 0.5°C lower than that of the stomach, kidneys and other organs. Temperature of various areas of the body of a conventional person at an ambient temperature of 20°C internal organs - 37°C armpit - 36°C deep muscular part of the thigh - 35°C deep layers of the calf muscle - 33°C elbow area - 32°C hand - 28°C center of the foot - 27-28°C The critical body temperature is considered to be 42°C, at which metabolic disorders occur in the brain tissue. The human body is better adapted to cold. For example, a drop in body temperature to 32°C causes chills, but does not pose a very serious danger.

At 27°C, coma occurs, cardiac activity and breathing are impaired. Temperatures below 25°C are critical, but some people manage to survive hypothermia. Thus, one man, covered with a seven-meter snowdrift and dug out five hours later, was in a state of imminent death, and his rectal temperature was 19°C. He managed to save his life. There are two other cases where patients who were hypothermic to 16°C survived.


Hyperthermia is an abnormal increase in body temperature above 37°C as a result of illness. This is a very common symptom that can occur when there is a problem in any part or system of the body. An elevated temperature that does not subside for a long time indicates a dangerous condition of a person. Elevated temperature can be: low (37.2-38°C), medium (38-40°C) and high (over 40°C). Body temperature above 42.2°C leads to loss of consciousness. If it does not subside, brain damage occurs.

Hyperthermia is divided into intermittent, temporary, permanent and recurrent. Intermittent hyperthermia (fever) is considered the most common type, characterized by daily temperature changes above normal. Temporary hyperthermia means a daytime decrease in temperature to normal levels, and then a new increase above normal. Temporary hyperthermia over a wide temperature range usually causes chills and increased sweating. It is also called septic fever.

Constant hyperthermia is a constant increase in temperature with small differences (fluctuations). Recurrent hyperthermia means alternating febrile and apyretic (characterized by the absence of elevated temperature) periods. Another classification takes into account the duration of hyperthermia: short (less than three weeks) or prolonged. Prolonged hyperthermia can occur when the temperature rises for unknown reasons, when careful examination cannot explain the causes. In infants and children younger age experiencing high temperatures for longer periods of time, with greater fluctuations and faster temperature rises than in older children and adults.

Possible causes of hyperthermia

Let's consider the most likely options. Some should not cause you concern, but others may make you worry.

Everything is fine

Mid-menstrual cycle(of course, if you are a woman). For many representatives of the fairer sex, the temperature usually rises slightly during ovulation and normalizes with the onset of menstruation. Return to measurements after 2-3 days.

Evening has come. It turns out that temperature fluctuations in many people can occur within one day. In the morning, immediately after waking up, the temperature is minimal, and in the evening it usually rises by half a degree. Go to bed and try to measure your temperature in the morning.

You recently played sports and danced. Physically and emotionally intense activities increase blood circulation and warm up the body. Calm down, rest for an hour and then put the thermometer under your arm again.

You are slightly overheated. For example, you just took a bath (water or sun). Or maybe you drank hot or intoxicating drinks, or simply dressed too warmly? Let your body cool down: sit in the shade, ventilate the room, take off excess clothing, drink soft drinks. So how? 36.6 again? And you were worried!

You have experienced severe stress. There is even a special term - psychogenic temperature. If something very unpleasant has happened in life, or maybe there is an unfavorable atmosphere at home or at work that makes you constantly nervous, then perhaps this is the reason that “warms you up” from the inside. Psychogenic fever is often accompanied by symptoms such as general poor health, shortness of breath and dizziness.

Low-grade fever is your norm. There are people for whom the normal value on the thermometer is not 36.6, but 37 °C or even a little higher. As a rule, this applies to asthenic boys and girls who, in addition to an elegant physique, also have a fine mental organization. Do you recognize yourself? Then you can rightfully consider yourself a “hot thing.”

It's time to see a doctor!

If you do not have any of the above circumstances, and at the same time measurements taken with the same thermometer over several days and at different times of the day show inflated numbers, it is better to find out what this may be connected with. Low-grade fever can accompany diseases and conditions such as:

Tuberculosis. Given the current alarming situation with the incidence of tuberculosis, it would not be superfluous to do fluorography. Moreover, this study is mandatory and must be carried out annually for all persons over 15 years of age. This is the only way to reliably control this dangerous disease.

Thyrotoxicosis. In addition to elevated temperature, nervousness and emotional instability, sweating and palpitations, increased fatigue and weakness, weight loss against the background of normal or even increased appetite are most often noted. To diagnose thyrotoxicosis, it is enough to determine the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood. Its decrease indicates an excess of thyroid hormones in the body.

Iron-deficiency anemia. Often, iron deficiency occurs due to hidden bleeding, minor but constant. Often their causes are heavy menstruation (particularly with uterine fibroids), as well as stomach or duodenal ulcers, stomach or intestinal tumors. Therefore, it is imperative to look for the cause of anemia.

Symptoms include weakness, fainting, pale skin, drowsiness, hair loss, brittle nails. A blood test for hemoglobin can confirm the presence of anemia.

Chronic infectious or autoimmune diseases, as well as malignant tumors. As a rule, in the presence of an organic cause of low-grade fever, an increase in temperature is combined with other characteristic symptoms: pain in different parts of the body, weight loss, lethargy, increased fatigue, sweating. When palpated, an enlarged spleen or lymph nodes may be detected.

Usually, finding out the reasons for the appearance of low-grade fever begins with a general and biochemical analysis of urine and blood, X-ray of the lungs, and ultrasound of the internal organs. Then, if necessary, more detailed studies are added - for example, blood tests for rheumatoid factor or thyroid hormones. In the presence of pain of unknown origin and especially with sudden weight loss, consultation with an oncologist is necessary.

Post-viral asthenia syndrome. Occurs after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection. Doctors in this case use the term “temperature tail”. A slightly elevated (subfebrile) temperature caused by the consequences of an infection is not accompanied by changes in tests and goes away on its own. But, in order not to confuse asthenia with incomplete recovery, it is better to donate blood and urine for tests and find out whether leukocytes are normal or elevated. If everything is in order, you can calm down, the temperature will jump and jump and over time it will “come to its senses.”

The presence of a focus of chronic infection (for example, tonsillitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the appendages and even caries). In practice, this cause of elevated temperature is rare, but if there is a source of infection, it must be treated. After all, it poisons the entire body.

Thermoneurosis. Doctors consider this condition as a manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome. Along with low-grade fever, there may be a feeling of lack of air, increased fatigue, sweaty limbs, and attacks of causeless fear. And although this is not a disease in its pure form, it is still not the norm.

Therefore, this condition must be treated. To normalize the tone of peripheral vessels, neurologists recommend massage and acupuncture. A clear daily routine, adequate sleep, walks in the fresh air, regular exercise, and sports (especially swimming) are helpful. Psychotherapeutic treatment often produces a lasting positive effect.

Interesting Facts

Highest body temperature July 10, 1980 at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, NY. Georgia, USA, 52-year-old Willie Jones was admitted with heatstroke. His temperature turned out to be 46.5° C. The patient was discharged from the hospital after 24 days.

The most low temperature human body was registered on February 23, 1994 in Regina, Ave. Saskatchewan, Canada, to 2-year-old Carly Kozolofsky. After the door of her house was accidentally locked and the girl was left in the cold for 6 hours at a temperature of -22°C, her rectal temperature was 14.2°C
From the Guinness Book of Records

Temperature in some animals:

Bat in hibernation - 1.3°
Golden hamster - 3.5°
Elephant - 3.5°
Horse - 37.6°
Cow - 38.3°
Cat - 38.6°
Dog - 38.9°
Ram - 39°
Pig - 39.1°
Rabbit - 39.5°
Goat - 39.9°
Chicken - 41.5°
Lizard in the sun - 50-60°C.

At the same time, temperature indicators depend on a person’s age, time of day, exposure to the environment, health status and other characteristics of the body. So what should a person's body temperature be?

Types of temperature indicators

People are accustomed to the fact that when body temperature changes, it is customary to talk about health problems. Even with a slight hesitation, a person is ready to sound the alarm. But everything is not always so sad. Normal human body temperature ranges from 35.5 to 37 degrees. In this case, the average in most cases is 36.4-36.7 degrees. I would also like to note that temperature indicators can be individual for everyone. A normal temperature regime is considered to be when a person feels completely healthy, able to work and there is no failure in metabolic processes.

What is the normal body temperature in adults also depends on what nationality the person is. For example, in Japan it stays at 36 degrees, and in Australia the body temperature rises to 37 degrees.

It is also worth noting that normal human body temperature can fluctuate throughout the day. In the morning it is lower, and in the evening it rises significantly. Moreover, its fluctuation during the day can be one degree.

Human temperature is divided into several types, which include:

  1. reduced body temperature. Her readings drop below 35.5 degrees. This process is commonly called hypothermia;
  2. normal body temperature. Indicators can range from 35.5 to 37 degrees;
  3. elevated body temperature. It rises above 37 degrees. In this case, it is measured in the armpit;
  4. low-grade body temperature. Its limits range from 37.5 to 38 degrees;
  5. febrile body temperature. Indicators range from 38 to 39 degrees;
  6. high or pyretic body temperature. It rises to 41 degrees. This is a critical body temperature that leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the brain;
  7. hyperpyretic body temperature. A lethal temperature that rises above 41 degrees and leads to death.

Internal temperature is also classified into other types as follows:

  • hypothermia. When temperatures are below 35.5 degrees;
  • normal temperature. It ranges from 35.5-37 degrees;
  • hyperthermia. The temperature is above 37 degrees;
  • feverish condition. The readings rise above 38 degrees, and the patient experiences chills and paleness skin, marble mesh.

Rules for measuring body temperature

All people are accustomed to the fact that, according to the standard, temperature indicators should be measured in the armpit. To complete the procedure, you must follow several rules.

  1. The armpit should be dry.
  2. Then take a thermometer and carefully shake it down to a value of 35 degrees.
  3. The tip of the thermometer is located in the armpit and pressed tightly with your hand.
  4. You need to hold it for five to ten minutes.
  5. After this, the result is evaluated.

You should be extremely careful with a mercury thermometer. You cannot break it, otherwise the mercury will spill out and release harmful fumes. It is strictly forbidden to give such things to children. As a replacement, you can have an infrared or electronic thermometer. Such devices measure temperature in a matter of seconds, but the values ​​​​from mercury may differ.

Not everyone thinks that temperature can be measured not only in the armpit, but also in other places. For example, in the mouth. With this measurement method normal indicators will be within 36-37.3 degrees.

How to measure the temperature in the mouth? There are several rules.

To measure the temperature in your mouth, you need to be in a calm state for five to seven minutes. If there are dentures, braces or plates in the mouth, they should be removed.

After this, the mercury thermometer must be wiped dry and placed under the tongue on either side. To get results, you need to hold it for four to five minutes.

It is worth noting that oral temperature differs significantly from measurements in the axillary zone. Temperature measurements in the mouth may show a result higher by 0.3-0.8 degrees. If an adult doubts the indicators, then a comparison needs to be made between the temperature obtained in the armpit.

If the patient does not know how to measure the temperature in the mouth, then you can adhere to conventional technology. During the procedure, you should follow the execution technique. The thermometer can be installed both behind the cheek and under the tongue. But clamping the device with your teeth is strictly prohibited.

Reduced body temperature

After the patient has found out what temperature he has, it is necessary to determine its nature. If it is below 35.5 degrees, then it is customary to talk about hypothermia.

The internal temperature may be low for some reasons, which include:

  • weakened immune function;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • recent illness;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • use of certain medications;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • failure in the hormonal system;
  • presence of internal bleeding;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • chronic fatigue.

If the patient's internal temperature is very low, he will feel weak, weak and dizzy.

To increase your temperature at home, you need to put your feet in a hot foot bath or on a heating pad. After this, put on warm socks and drink hot tea with honey, an infusion of medicinal herbs.

If the temperature indicators decrease gradually and reach 35-35.3 degrees, then we can say:

  • about simple fatigue, heavy physical exertion, chronic lack of sleep;
  • about poor nutrition or adherence to a strict diet;
  • about hormonal imbalance. Occurs during the gestation stage, during menopause or menstruation in women;
  • about disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism due to liver diseases.

Increased body temperature

The most common phenomenon is elevated body temperature. If it stays at levels from 37.3 to 39 degrees, then it is customary to talk about an infectious lesion. When viruses, bacteria and fungi enter the human body, severe intoxication occurs, which is expressed not only in an increase in body temperature, but also a runny nose, lacrimation, cough, drowsiness, and deterioration in general condition. If the internal temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, then doctors advise taking antipyretics.

The occurrence of temperature can be observed with burns and mechanical injuries.

In rare situations, hyperthermia occurs. This condition is caused by an increase in temperature above 40.3 degrees. If such a situation occurs, you must call an ambulance as soon as possible. When the indicators reach 41 degrees, it is customary to talk about a critical condition that threatens later life patient. At a temperature of 40 degrees, irreversible processes begin to occur. There is a gradual destruction of the brain and deterioration in the functioning of internal organs.

If the internal temperature is 42 degrees, the patient dies. There are cases when the patient experienced such a condition and survived. But their number is small.

If the internal temperature rises above normal, then the patient exhibits symptoms in the form of:

  1. fatigue and weakness;
  2. general painful condition;
  3. dry skin and lips;
  4. mild to severe chills. Depends on temperature indicators;
  5. pain in the head;
  6. aches in muscle structures;
  7. arrhythmias;
  8. decreased and complete loss of appetite;
  9. increased sweating.

Each person is individual. Therefore, everyone will have their own normal body temperature. Someone with readings of 35.5 degrees feels normal, but if they rise to 37 degrees they are already considered sick. For others, even 38 degrees may be the normal limit. Therefore, it is also worth focusing on the general condition of the body.

Diagnosis by body temperature

It would seem that what could be difficult here? An elevated body temperature indicates a disease, the need to consult a doctor, etc. Did you know that changes in temperature during the day can tell a lot about the nature of the disease?

First you need to correctly measure your body temperature. This also has its own rules, violation of which can lead to incorrect results.

Today, a mercury thermometer is used to measure body temperature. A column of mercury, expanding from heat, rises up a thin transparent tube, next to which there is a scale with divisions. One division is 0.1 degrees. This thermometer allows you to measure temperatures from 35 to 42 degrees. Having risen, the mercury column does not fall until the thermometer is shaken.

Before measuring the temperature, shake the thermometer vigorously so that the mercury drops to 35 °C. Inspect the column carefully. There should be no breaks in it, otherwise the thermometer will never show the correct temperature!

It is known that in some countries temperature (including body temperature) is measured in Fahrenheit. Degrees Fahrenheit is degrees Celsius multiplied by 1.8 + 32. The difference is due to the fact. what exact value was taken by scientists as absolute zero.

Most often, the temperature is measured in the axillary cavity. Before measuring, it must be wiped dry, otherwise the moisture evaporating from the surface of the skin will cool it, and the temperature will be lower than it actually is. The thermometer must be positioned so that the reservoir with mercury is completely covered by the skin. The hand should be pressed to the body and held there for 10 minutes. After this, the thermometer is removed and the result is viewed.

The armpit is not the only place to measure temperature. For example, if a person is weak and cannot hold a thermometer himself, you can measure the temperature in the groin fold. In addition, temperature is also measured in the rectum, vagina and sometimes in the mouth.

In order to measure the temperature in the rectum, you need to thoroughly wash the thermometer, lubricate its end with Vaseline and carefully insert it into the anus. After the measurement, the thermometer must be washed again and wiped with alcohol or cologne.

It must be remembered that the body temperature in the armpit, rectum or vagina will never be the same. In the rectum it will always be higher, but this difference should not exceed 0.8-1 degrees. If the difference exceeds these figures, this indicates inflammation of the internal organs, which means you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Everyone knows the normal temperature of the human body. It averages 36.6 degrees, and can fluctuate between 36.2-37 degrees. A temperature of 37 degrees is already considered elevated. Body temperature depends on environmental conditions, health status and time of day. In the evening it is usually higher than in the morning (sometimes it can even reach 37 °C).

When a person is sick, the temperature must be measured at least 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. It is advisable to record the results, even if the numbers correspond to the norm. It is very convenient to enter them into a special temperature sheet, which is easy to make yourself. To do this, draw two perpendicular axes. On the horizontal display the time (day, morning and evening), and on the vertical – the thermometer readings (with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees). Each time you measure the temperature, put a point in accordance with the results obtained. Then connect the points with straight lines. This way you will get a temperature graph (temperature curve), which is much easier to navigate than just a piece of paper with recorded results. Various diseases give different temperature curves, since the measurement data is always different. This can be a good help for diagnosis.

Oddly enough, a person almost feels worst at a slightly elevated body temperature (37.2 - 37.5 degrees).

Persistent fever

With this type of fever, the temperature is always elevated (even in the morning it exceeds 37 degrees), but in the morning it is still lower than in the evening. During the day the temperature difference is no more than 1 degree. At the same time, the morning temperature can be relatively low (37.2-38 degrees). This is exactly how body temperature fluctuates during lobar pneumonia, as well as during typhoid fever.

Relieving fever

The morning temperature is above 37 °C, and during the day it rises slightly. Evening temperatures are always higher than morning temperatures. This type of fever can occur with milder forms of pneumonia, purulent diseases, and tuberculosis.

Wasting (hectic) fever

With this form of fever, the morning temperature, as a rule, is normal or slightly elevated (no more than 37 - 37.1 degrees), and the evening temperature is much higher (by 2 -4 degrees). Since the temperature rises sharply, at this moment the person feels severe chills, headache and muscle pain. At night, the temperature can also drop sharply, while the person sweats a lot, his blood pressure decreases, which can even lead to loss of consciousness.

This type of fever occurs in severe diseases: advanced pulmonary tuberculosis, severe purulent diseases, and sepsis.

Intermittent fever

In order to identify this rather rare form of fever, you need to collect data on temperature changes over several days. The morning temperature is always normal; for several days in the evening it may rise slightly (by no more than 1 degree), and then fall again. Once every 2-3, less than 4 days per day, the temperature rises sharply by 2-4 degrees, and then drops just as sharply, after which “calm” days begin again. If you draw a chart, then tall teeth – candles – will periodically appear on it. This type of fever occurs due to malaria.

Wrong fever

With abnormal fever, there is no pattern in temperature changes. It either rises to high numbers, or remains normal. The only “rule” that is observed here is that the morning temperature is always lower than the evening temperature. This type of fever can be a sign of rheumatism, tuberculosis, sepsis and other serious diseases.

According to legend, Fever is one of Herod’s twelve sisters, along with Jaundice, May Day, Chill, Shaking and other diseases. Why exactly King Herod “got” such relatives is clear to anyone who is familiar with the gospel stories.

Reverse fever

There is also no system in the temperature change with this type of fever, but it is characterized by the fact that the morning temperature is higher than the evening temperature. This fever occurs with tuberculosis and brucellosis.

Some illnesses last for weeks or months. With regular measurement and recording of temperature, two more forms of fever are distinguished, which can be combined with the above.

Undulating fever

The morning temperature gradually increases day by day, and then also slowly decreases. Evening measurement data changes according to the same principle, and the differences in values ​​can be different. The graph clearly shows small waves - differences between morning and evening temperatures, and larger waves - gradual changes in the “reference point” - morning temperature.

This fever occurs with brucellosis and lymphogranulomatosis (systemic damage to the lymphatic system).

Relapsing fever

For a few days, both the morning and evening temperatures remain normal (or the evening may be slightly elevated), then the temperature rises sharply, and for several days both the morning and evening numbers remain high, after which the temperature rises again. Small fluctuations during the day (small waves) persist.

This type of fever occurs with relapsing fever.

Why does the temperature rise to 37 degrees in the evening? Causes and diagnosis

And sometimes the body temperature remains normal throughout the day, but invariably rises in the evening. This phenomenon does not always indicate the development of the disease, but it still indicates certain changes in the human body. For some people, such changes generally become a normal condition, because this is how their thermoregulatory system functions. And yet you should very carefully consider the reasons for the appearance of such numbers on the thermometer.

Every evening the temperature rises to 37 degrees in adults and children for a variety of reasons. The indicators will be influenced by various factors: physiological and pathological. Of course, if you have any complaints about your own health, you should consult a doctor. But sometimes a temperature of 37.1 (in the evening) does not mean something terrible, but is a variant of the norm.

But if such symptoms continue for a long time, you need to see a doctor. Most likely, this condition indicates an immune response to a certain threat or disadvantage.

What can affect the temperature change in the evening?

A person rarely resorts to using a thermometer unless there are additional health complaints or signs of illness. But after taking periodic measurements, you may be surprised that there is a temperature of 37 in the evening, but not in the morning. The thermometer readings are influenced by many factors:

  • time of day (it is known that in the morning the thermometer readings are lower than in the evening, and during deep sleep the lowest values ​​are observed);
  • rhythm of life (people with an active lifestyle have higher thermometer readings);
  • type of measuring device (it is generally accepted that electronic thermometers have an error, unlike mercury devices);
  • time of year and weather(in winter the temperature naturally rises and becomes lower in summer);
  • physiological and pathological conditions.

Physiological conditions that increase temperature

Hyperthermia does not always occur due to a specific threat. Very often it is a consequence of overload or hormonal changes in the body.

This can happen due to ingestion of hot or spicy food, nervous stress, and the prescription of certain medications.

Sometimes such numbers are not considered a pathology at all, but only a borderline state of the norm. Only in the case of a strong increase in them or an unacceptably long period of hyperthermia is a comprehensive examination of the patient’s body prescribed.

Among women

Many women periodically experience increased body temperature. This is why this happens. Hormones are constantly produced during the menstrual cycle.

On certain days, the release of some substances becomes greater and others less. Immediately after ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), progesterone comes into play.

This hormone is very important for maintaining the second phase of the cycle and the development of pregnancy. Thanks to it, smooth muscles relax. Progesterone also affects thermoregulation and reduces the rate of heat transfer.

Before menstruation, a woman may notice that her body temperature has increased by a fraction of a degree.

As soon as bleeding begins, progesterone levels will decrease and the thermometer readings will return to normal. If pregnancy has occurred, elevated values ​​may persist for several months until the placenta is formed. For expectant mothers, it is considered normal if the thermometer shows 37-37.2 degrees.

A rise in temperature in the evenings is usually explained by a sharp hormonal change in the body, toxicosis during pregnancy, an increase in metabolic rate, reflex effects when drinking alcoholic beverages, or normal thermoregulation processes.

Reasons why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening:

  • during premenstrual syndrome
  • during pregnancy
  • when feeding a baby
  • during ovulation
  • shortly after the birth of children
  • during menopause
  • after eating too much and too much food
  • with excessive consumption of strong alcoholic drinks
  • with significant overheating in the sun, etc.

For some women, such a temperature is generally normal, accompanying them throughout their lives. For other ladies, the numbers often change in the evening due to increased fatigue or severe nervous tension.

In men

Representatives of the stronger sex also often complain that in the evening the temperature rises to 37 degrees without symptoms. This may be a consequence of hypothermia or overheating, injury, or nervous strain. Hyperthermia can occur due to excessive consumption of spicy foods or addiction to alcoholic beverages.

The temperature may rise in the evening due to significant muscle strain after heavy physical work or intense sports training.

The most common cause could be taking a long bath or shower that is too hot, sleeping for a long time in a chair next to the radiator, or wearing a very warm dressing gown or suit.

In older people, temperature fluctuations may have their own characteristics. During the day, for example, there will be some hypothermia, and by the evening the numbers will creep up to around 37 degrees.

In addition, in men, as in women, such indicators can be quite normal and correspond to their physiological norm.

In children

A child often causes his parents great anxiety due to the temperature rising in the evening.

However, it is worth noting that in children under five years of age, due to their imperfect thermoregulation, a normal temperature can be considered 37.2 - 37.3 degrees.

Most often, an increase in temperature at night occurs shortly after an infection or other childhood illness. The baby's immunity is not yet fully strengthened, so he circulatory system reacts with an increased release of lymphocytes, accompanied by hyperthermia.

This is a normal reaction, indicating that the protective forces of the child’s body are guarding his health.

A rise in temperature in the evening to 37 in a child can also be explained by the most common reasons:

  • Overly active games
  • clothes that are too warm
  • reaction to vaccination
  • teething
  • hot drink at night
  • too warm blanket
  • change of biorhythms
  • a hearty dinner
  • unsettled metabolism, etc.

In newborns and premature babies, a temperature of thirty-seven degrees in the evening is not uncommon and is associated with the formation of normal thermoregulation processes in the baby’s body.

Such reasons are the most common and all parents face them.

An overly sensitive child's temperature may rise even when crying a lot or watching an interesting movie.

The baby's digestive system may also respond with a large release of enzymes and active work intestines, which causes the temperature to rise to 37 in the evening.

Therefore, children's temperatures are measured only after special training. The thermometer should be placed at the same time under the same conditions.

Sufficient time should pass after the cessation of all activity, the child should be calm and relaxed. The baby's armpit should be allowed to dry completely, and he should not be allowed to sweat. It is advisable to measure the temperature before dinner and water procedures.


Another physiological reason for an increase in thermometer readings is food. It is recommended to measure your temperature no earlier than half an hour after eating. The fact is that when eating, the body expends heat, so it constantly compensates for it.

A noticeable increase in temperature occurs in individuals with good metabolism. Most people don't feel these changes, but if you take your temperature immediately after eating, you'll be surprised.

Since a larger meal occurs in the evening (dinner), the increase in temperature at this time of day becomes more pronounced.


It is known that at night the thermometer readings become significantly lower. This is facilitated by decreased activity and low energy consumption. However, in the evening the indicators, on the contrary, become higher. This happens due to overwork, overexertion, and stress.

There is such a thing as chronic fatigue syndrome. In people with this diagnosis, the temperature may rise for no reason throughout the day.

Most often in the evening there is a temperature of 37-37.2 and weakness, headache. If during rest and deep sleep the indicators do not become lower, then it is worth thinking about the presence of a pathological cause of this condition.

Reasons for rising temperature

Not always, when the thermometer registers thirty-seven, this only speaks of harmless functional reasons. Often such numbers indicate the development of a disease.

Such jumps may be the first symptom:

  • Helminthiasis
  • inflammatory process in the body
  • introduction of infection
  • development of malignant neoplasm
  • cardiovascular pathology
  • allergies
  • neurological diseases
  • rheumatism
  • arthritis
  • endocrine diseases
  • development of mental pathologies

When an increase in body temperature is recorded in the evening, the reasons can be very different. They may be associated with intoxication by cell breakdown products, the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, or impaired neuromuscular conduction.

It is also possible to become infected with infectious diseases, so consulting a doctor in this case is mandatory.

Pathological conditions

If a person’s temperature rises to 37 in the evening, this may be an alarm bell. There are many pathological causes for this condition, but they all usually have additional symptoms. Busy people leading an active lifestyle may not even notice them.


The most common symptom of a cold is an increase in temperature. In this way, the human body tries to cope with the infectious agent. It is known that viruses die when the thermometer reaches 38 degrees. Therefore, you should not lower your temperature to 37. Allow your body to eliminate the infection on its own and build immunity.

Consequences of infection

Many infectious diseases occur with elevated temperature. But what if you are already healthy and it still continues to rise? Such an outcome is also possible. It is in the evening that the thermometer increases noticeably.

Especially often, such symptoms are due to chickenpox, acute intestinal infection, bacterial pathologies. Don't worry, your body will regain its strength in the near future. Such temperature indicators do not require the use of antipyretics. After a night's rest, they return to normal on their own.

Arterial pressure

Hypertensive patients often complain that they have an elevated body temperature. Such a natural consequence of high pressure cannot be called natural, but it is not entirely correct to consider it pathological either. As soon as the patient brings the blood pressure back to normal, the thermometer shows lower numbers.

Hypotonics, on the contrary, have a low body temperature. For some people it drops to 36 degrees. It is very important not to miss the moment. But if such a condition does not cause discomfort, then you can not try to fix it.

This abbreviation stands for vegetative-vascular dystonia. Until now, this disease remains incompletely studied. Many doctors refute it, saying that a person is dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome. One way or another, with vegetovascular dystonia, an increase in the thermometer readings occurs. A person may note that in the morning the temperature is 36, in the evening – 37.

Oncological pathologies

It is the evening increase in the values ​​of the thermometer that often makes a person turn to specialists. During the examination, tumor processes may be detected.

Benign neoplasms often do not make themselves felt like a symptom. But the reproduction of cancer cells affects the lymphatic system, so a slight increase in the mercury meter is the first wake-up call.

Immune diseases

Any deviations in the work of the immune system and the protective functions of the body affect the temperature values. They become higher with the following pathologies:

  1. allergy;
  2. rheumatic diseases;
  3. blood pathologies;
  4. system deviations.

Many diseases develop due to the increased immune work of the body, which provokes inflammation of a different nature.

What is low-grade fever, and how to deal with it?

Low-grade fever is an unreasonable increase in the temperature of the human body. In such cases, the readings do not exceed 37.5 degrees.

The temperature lasts for months or even years. This distinguishes it from the course of acute pathological diseases or physiological causes of the increase.

The main sign of subfebrile condition is that a person has an elevated body temperature. This disease accompanies:

  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • redness of the skin;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • increased sweating;
  • rapid pulse;
  • neuroses and insomnia.

Both a specialist and the patient himself can pre-diagnose the problem. But with low-grade fever, additional research is necessary. To do this, consult a doctor and find out why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening.

Diagnosis of low-grade fever

Before making a diagnosis, the specialist must examine the patient. The condition of the mucous membranes is studied, the work respiratory system, abdominal organs are palpated.

Defects in joints and lymph nodes are detected. Women undergo a gynecological examination and palpation of the mammary glands, and the menstrual cycle is studied. Anamnesis collection is carried out in several stages.

The doctor determines the following:

  1. have you been in the recent past? surgical interventions or trauma (for women - childbirth and abortion);
  2. what infectious diseases have been suffered during life and whether there are chronic pathologies (particular attention is paid to diabetes, HIV, liver and blood diseases);
  3. the possibility of hepatitis and bacterial endocarditis.

Usually, already at the examination stage, the specialist notices a rash on the body, a change in the color of the skin, uncharacteristic discharge or formations.

Therefore, to confirm his hypothesis, he prescribes a series of tests showing the state of the blood picture, the possible presence of severe infectious chronic diseases or helminthic infestation.

To do this, the specialist will send the patient for laboratory tests.

To clarify the reason why his temperature is always 37 in the evening, you need to go through:

  • clinical and biochemical blood test
  • four mandatory tests (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C)
  • allergen panel
  • general urine analysis
  • stool analysis for worm eggs and protozoan cysts
  • sputum microscopy
  • discharge from the urethra and genitals
  • biopsy
  • spinal puncture.

The results obtained help identify helminthiasis, inflammatory processes or allergic reactions.

For the purpose of differential diagnosis, it is also necessary to do fluorography, radiography, ultrasound scanning, ECG, EEG, CT, MRI, as well as conduct special targeted studies. All this quickly makes it possible to identify tuberculosis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys, malignant neoplasms, which often cause an increase in temperature in the evening.

The specialist receives final confirmation of the diagnosis by conducting instrumental studies. For this, mammography, FGDS, angiography, ultrasonography, etc. are used.

They quite accurately allow you to identify the disease due to which there is a regular rise in temperature, as they show the condition of the patient’s internal organs. In addition, they make it possible to correlate the general picture of the disease with the altered thermal regime.

Let's summarize

An increase in body temperature in the evening can be caused by many reasons. If you have been experiencing an increase in thermometer readings for a long time, then this is a serious reason for examination. Don't ignore your own complaints. Be sure to consult a doctor and find out why your temperature rises in the evening.

What is the normal body temperature for a person: normal for an adult

Thermoregulation is rightfully considered one of the most important features of the human body.

Body temperature is maintained by the body at the required level, and is responsible for its ability to generate heat and exchange with the environment.

Throughout the day, body temperature may vary, but only slightly.

This process is related to the metabolic rate, for example, in the morning it is lower, and in the evening it rises by about a degree.

It is worth finding out what is the normal body temperature of an adult, and what types are there? How is body temperature measured correctly in the armpit and mouth?

What does normal mean?

So, what temperature is considered normal? It is widely accepted that the temperature of the human body is exactly 36.6 degrees. A slight deviation in one direction or the other is allowed.

Based on the human condition, surrounding climatic conditions and time of day, as well as other parameters, body temperature can be from 35.5 to 37.4 degrees. It is worth noting that the average temperature regime women are higher, unlike men - by 0.5 degrees.

In the armpit, the body temperature should be 36.3-36.9, in the mouth - 36.8-37.3, in the rectum 37.3-37.7, and this is a normal temperature.

An interesting point is that average temperature bodies may differ depending on nationality. For example, for the Japanese the average is 36 degrees, and for the Australians it is 37.

Throughout the day, a person's body temperature can fluctuate by about one degree. The lowest body temperature occurs in the morning, and the highest in the late afternoon.

In women, body temperature may fluctuate depending on the menstrual cycle. There are people for whom a temperature of 38 is normal and is not a symptom of the development of the disease.

Each organ in the human body also has its own temperature. And what temperature is normal?

The norm is different for everyone. The internal organ liver is 39 degrees, the kidneys and stomach should be 1 less.

How to measure temperature correctly?

To correctly measure the temperature in the armpit, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Make sure that the armpit is dry.
  2. Take a thermometer, wipe it with a dry cloth, you can bring it down to 35.
  3. Place it in the armpit so that the tip filled with mercury is in close contact with the body.
  4. Keep for at least 10 minutes.
  5. You can evaluate the result.

How to correctly measure the temperature in the mouth:

  • Before measuring the temperature in your mouth, you need to spend about five minutes at rest.
  • If you have dentures in your mouth, remove them.
  • If the thermometer is ordinary, wipe it dry and place it under the tongue on either side.
  • Close your mouth and wait 4 minutes.

The normal temperature in the mouth of a healthy person should be 37.3 degrees. It is worth noting that measuring the temperature in the mouth with a regular thermometer requires special care.

What temperature is there?

Human temperature is divided into the following types:

Subfebrile temperature -.5 degrees. Such a temperature in a person may be normal and not cause danger, but it may also indicate pathological processes occurring in the body. Therefore, it is very important to find out why a person’s temperature has risen:

  1. Overheating in the sun, strong physical activity.
  2. Hot water procedures - sauna, bathhouse.
  3. Viral or cold disease.
  4. Hot and spicy food.
  5. Chronic illnesses.

Lead to a prolonged temperature of 37 and serious illnesses threatening life. Oncological diseases (a tumor can affect an organ such as the stomach) and tuberculosis in the early stages of development are characterized by a slight increase in temperature.

In some situations, this body temperature is normal for a healthy person, and there is no need to bring it down. But to make sure where the norm is and where there are deviations from it, you need to consult a doctor.

A febrile temperature of 37.6 always signals that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body. The normal temperature rises to such a level in order to fight pathogenic microorganisms, creating unfavorable conditions for them. Therefore, you should not knock it down with medications.

You can simply drink more warm liquid to reduce the concentration of toxins and prevent dehydration.

Pyretic temperature - more than 39, indicates an acute course of the inflammatory process. If the mercury column shows this value, doctors advise starting to take antipyretic medications.

If a person’s temperature is 39 degrees, convulsions are possible, so people who have concomitant illnesses need to be more careful.

The most common causes of this temperature are microorganisms and viruses that penetrate the body. Also, this body temperature is possible in case of severe burns or injuries.

Hyperthermia - temperature (40.3), makes you sound the alarm and immediately call an ambulance; it is important to know what to do if the temperature is 40 before the ambulance arrives. At 42 degrees, an organ such as the brain can be irreversibly damaged, the central nervous system is depressed, and blood pressure drops.

If nothing is done, every internal organ is damaged, resulting in coma and the risk of death.

Low temperature

Which temperature is considered low and which is considered low? It's simple, there are situations when the mercury column shows less than 35 degrees, here you need to start worrying.

After all, at a temperature of 32 the patient will feel stunned, at 29.5 there is loss of consciousness, and at 26.5 there will be death.

The reasons for low temperature are:

  • For hypothyroidism; due to alcoholic drinks (an organ such as the brain stops functioning, the thermoregulation center is affected)
  • Malfunction of the central nervous system, brain damage (trauma, tumor).
  • Paralysis, as a result of which body weight decreases and heat loss occurs.
  • Strict diets, constant hunger - all this leads to the fact that the body has little energy to produce heat, and every organ in the body “suffers”.
  • Hypothermia. A person is exposed to a low temperature for a long time, as a result of which the body’s own forces can no longer cope with the function of thermoregulation.
  • Dehydration, as a result of which the body lacks fluid, which leads to a decrease in metabolism.

A moderate decrease in temperature (35.3) occurs:

  1. Usual overwork, or serious physical exertion, chronic lack of sleep.
  2. Wrong diet or diet.
  3. Hormonal imbalance (pregnancy, thyroid disease, menopause).
  4. Carbohydrate metabolism was disrupted due to liver disease.

There are a number of methods by which you can increase your body temperature. As a rule, they do not involve any medications, except if the decrease is caused by serious illnesses.

To increase the temperature at home, you can put a hot water bottle under your feet and change into warmer clothes. warm clothes. Hot tea with honey, or decoctions with medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, ginseng) will help increase your blood pressure.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that everyone has their own norm for body temperature. If one person feels great with a temperature of 37, and there are no inflammatory processes in the body, this does not mean that the situation with another person will be exactly the same.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, so if you have the slightest doubt, you should visit a doctor. Elena Malysheva will popularly tell you what to do with the temperature in the video in that article.



Temperature changes are a frequent companion to illness. Why is it not necessary to reduce the temperature in most cases and how to relieve the fever if necessary?

Human body temperature: normal, changes and symptoms of disease

What to do with elevated body temperature is one of the most common questions for therapists and pediatricians. Indeed, fever often frightens patients. However, are elevated values ​​always a reason for panic? Under what conditions does the temperature persist, and under what diseases does it, on the contrary, drop? And when are antipyretics really needed? What temperature should be normal for children and the elderly? MedAboutMe looked into these and many other questions.

Body temperature in adults

Thermoregulation is responsible for human temperature - the ability of warm-blooded organisms to maintain a constant temperature, reduce or increase it if necessary. The hypothalamus is primarily responsible for these processes. However, today scientists are inclined to believe that it is incorrect to determine a single thermoregulation center, because many factors influence a person’s body temperature.

In childhood, the temperature changes under the slightest influence, but in adults (starting from the meeting) it is quite stable. Although it also rarely stays on one indicator all day. Physiological changes are known that reflect circadian rhythms. For example, the difference between normal morning and evening temperatures in a healthy person will be 0.5-1.0°C. These rhythms are also associated with the characteristic increase in fever in the evening hours in a sick person.

Temperature may change due to exposure external environment, increase with physical activity, eating certain foods (especially often after spicy food and overeating), with stress, feelings of fear and even intense mental work.

What temperature should be normal?

Everyone knows the value of 36.6°C. However, what temperature should actually be normal?

The figure of 36.6°C appeared as a result of research conducted by the German physician Karl Reinhold Wunderlich back in the mid-19th century. Then he took about 1 million temperature measurements in the armpit of 25 thousand patients. And the value of 36.6°C was just the average body temperature of a healthy person.

By modern standards, the norm is not a specific figure, but a range from 36°C to 37.4°C. Moreover, doctors recommend periodically measuring the temperature in a healthy state in order to accurately know the individual normal values. It should be taken into account that body temperature changes with age - in childhood it can be quite high, but in old age it decreases. Therefore, a reading of 36°C for an elderly person would be normal, but for a child it could indicate hypothermia and a symptom of illness.

It is also important to consider how exactly the temperature is measured - values ​​​​in the armpit, rectum or under the tongue can differ by 1-1.5 ° C.

Temperature during pregnancy

Temperature is highly dependent on hormonal activity and it is therefore not surprising that pregnant women often experience fever. Hot flashes during menopause and temperature fluctuations during menstruation are associated with hormonal changes.

It is very important for expectant mothers to closely monitor their condition, while understanding that a slightly increased or decreased temperature during pregnancy is the norm for most women. For example, if the values ​​do not exceed 37°C in the first weeks, and there are no other symptoms of malaise, then the condition can be explained by the activity of female sex hormones. In particular, progesterone.

And yet, if the temperature during pregnancy lasts for a long time, then even low-grade readings (37-38°C) should be a reason to consult a doctor. With such a symptom, it is important to undergo examinations and tests to exclude the presence of such infections - cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis, pyelonephritis, herpes, hepatitis and others.

Fever during pregnancy can also be a sign of common seasonal acute respiratory viral infections. In this case, it is very important not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. While a common cold is unlikely to pose a danger to the fetus, the flu can lead to serious consequences, including early miscarriage. With the flu, the temperature rises to 39°C.

Child's temperature

The thermoregulation system in children under 1 year of age has not yet been established, so the child’s temperature can change significantly under the slightest influence. This is especially true for infants in the first three months of life. Most often, parents are concerned about elevated values, but the reasons for a temperature of 37-38°C can be:

  • Clothes are too warm.
  • Cry.
  • Laughter.
  • Eating, including breastfeeding.
  • Swimming in water above 34-36°C.

After sleep, the values ​​are usually lower, but during active play, the child’s temperature quickly rises. Therefore, when taking measurements, you need to take into account all external factors that could influence them.

However, too high a temperature (38°C or higher) can be dangerous for small children. To compensate for the heat, the body uses a lot of water and therefore dehydration is often observed. Moreover, in a child this condition occurs faster than in an adult. Dehydration can pose a danger to health (often there is a deterioration of the condition against its background, subsequently acute respiratory viral infections are complicated by pneumonia) and life (with severe dehydration there can be loss of consciousness and even death).

In addition, some children under 5 years of age experience febrile convulsions - when the child’s temperature rises to 38-39°C, involuntary muscle contractions begin, and short-term fainting is possible. If such a condition was observed at least once, in the future, even with a slight fever, the baby needs to bring down the temperature.

Human temperature

Normally, a person’s temperature is controlled by the endocrine system, in particular, the hypothalamus and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4, as well as the hormone TSH, which regulates their production). Thermoregulation is influenced by sex hormones. And yet, infections remain the main cause of fever, and too low a temperature in most cases is caused by overwork or lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Temperature degrees

Humans are warm-blooded creatures, which means that the body can maintain a stable temperature regardless of environmental factors. At the same time, in severe frost the overall temperature drops, and in hot weather it can rise so much that a person gets heatstroke. This is due to the fact that our body is quite sensitive to thermal changes - changes of just 2-3 degrees in temperature significantly affect metabolic processes, hemodynamics and the transmission of impulses through nerve cells. As a result, blood pressure may increase, seizures, and confusion may occur. Frequent symptoms of low temperature are lethargy; at a value of 30-32°C there may be loss of consciousness; and high - delusional states.

Types of elevated temperature

The vast majority of diseases that occur with an increase in temperature are characterized by certain ranges of values. Therefore, to make a diagnosis, it is often enough for a doctor to know not the exact value, but the type of elevated temperature. In medicine, there are several types of them:

  • Low-grade fever – from 37°C to 38°C.
  • Febrile – from 38°C to 39°C.
  • High – more than 39°C.
  • Life-threatening – 40.5-41°C.

Temperature values ​​are assessed in conjunction with other symptoms, since the degree of fever does not always correspond to the severity of the disease. For example, low-grade fever is observed in such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, pyelonephritis and others. A particularly alarming symptom is considered to be a condition in which the temperature remains at 37-37.5°C for a long time. This may indicate disruption of the endocrine system and even malignant tumors.

Fluctuations in normal body temperature

As already mentioned, the normal temperature of a healthy person can change throughout the day, as well as under the influence of certain factors (food, physical activity, etc.). In this case, you need to remember what temperature should be at different ages:

  • Children under one year old – a temperature of 37-38°C can be considered normal.
  • Up to 5 years – 36.6-37.5°C.
  • Adolescence – strong temperature fluctuations are possible due to the activity of sex hormones. The values ​​for girls stabilize, while for boys, differences can be observed until the age of 18.
  • Adults – 36-37.4°C.
  • Elderly people over 65 years of age – up to 36.3°C. A temperature of 37°C can be considered a serious fever.

Men's average body temperature is on average 0.5°C lower than women's.

How is temperature measured?

There are several ways to measure body temperature. And in each case there will be its own norms of values. Among the most popular methods are:

In order to receive exact values, the skin should be dry, and the thermometer itself should be pressed quite tightly to the body. This method will take the most time (with a mercury thermometer - 7-10 minutes), since the skin itself must warm up. The normal temperature in the armpit is 36.2-36.9°C.

The method is most popular for young children, as one of the safest. For this method, it is better to use electronic thermometers with a soft tip; the measurement time is 1-1.5 minutes. Normal values ​​are 36.8-37.6°C (on average 1°C different from axillary values).

  • Oral, sublingual (in the mouth, under the tongue).

In our country, the method is not widespread, although in European countries this is how the temperature of adults is most often measured. It takes from 1 to 5 minutes to measure, depending on the type of device. The normal temperature range is 36.6-37.2°C.

The method is used to measure the temperature of a child and requires a special type of thermometer (non-contact measurement), so it is not widely used. In addition to defining general temperature The method will also help in diagnosing otitis media. If there is inflammation, then the temperature in different ears will vary greatly.

It is most often used to determine basal temperature (the lowest body temperature recorded during rest). Measured after sleep, an increase of 0.5°C indicates the beginning of ovulation.

Types of thermometers

Today you can find in pharmacies different types thermometers for measuring human temperature. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

It is considered one of the most accurate types and is also affordable. In addition, it is used in hospitals and clinics because it is easily disinfected and can be used for a large number of people. Disadvantages include slow temperature measurement and fragility. A broken thermometer is dangerous due to toxic mercury vapor. Therefore, today it is used quite rarely for children; it is not used for oral measurement.

The most popular type for home use. Quickly measures the temperature (from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes), and indicates the end with a sound signal. Electronic thermometers can be with soft tips (for rectal temperature measurement in a child) and hard ones (universal devices). If the thermometer is used rectally or orally, it must be individual - only for one person. The disadvantage of such a thermometer is often inaccurate values. Therefore, after purchase, you need to measure the temperature in a healthy state to know the possible range of error.

A relatively new and expensive type of thermometer. Used to measure temperature in a non-contact manner, for example in the ear, forehead or temple. The speed of obtaining results is 2-5 seconds. A slight error of 0.2-0.5°C is allowed. A significant disadvantage of the thermometer is its limited use - it is not used for measurements in the usual ways (axillary, rectal, oral). In addition, each model is designed for its own method (forehead, temple, ear) and cannot be used in other areas.

Relatively recently, thermal strips were popular - flexible films with crystals that different temperatures change color. In order to get the result, just apply the strip to your forehead and wait about 1 minute. This measurement method does not determine the exact degrees of temperature, but only shows the values ​​“low”, “normal”, “high”. Therefore, it cannot replace full-fledged thermometers.

Symptoms of fever

An increase in body temperature is well felt by a person. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue, general weakness.
  • Chills (the higher the fever, the more chills).
  • Headache.
  • Aches in the body, especially in the joints, muscles and fingers.
  • Feeling cold.
  • Feeling of heat in the area of ​​the eyeballs.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Decreased or complete loss of appetite.
  • Rapid heartbeat, arrhythmias.
  • Sweating (if the body can regulate heat), dry skin (when the temperature rises).

Pink and white fever

High fever can present differently in children and adults. It is customary to distinguish two types of fever:

Named after characteristic features– red skin, especially pronounced with blush on the cheeks and face as a whole. The most common type of fever, in which the body is able to provide optimal heat transfer - superficial vessels dilate (this is how the blood cools), sweating is activated (decreasing skin temperature). The patient's condition is usually stable, there are no significant disturbances in general condition and well-being.

A rather dangerous form of fever in which the body’s thermoregulatory processes malfunction. The skin in this case is white and sometimes even cool (especially cold hands and feet), while measuring rectal or oral temperature shows fever. The person suffers from chills, the condition worsens significantly, and fainting and confusion may occur. White fever develops when there is a spasm of blood vessels under the skin, as a result of which the body cannot start cooling mechanisms. The condition is dangerous because the temperature rises significantly in vital organs (brain, heart, liver, kidneys, etc.) and can affect their functions.

Reasons for rising temperature

Thermoregulation is provided by the endocrine system, which triggers various mechanisms to increase or decrease a person’s temperature. And of course, disturbances in the production of hormones or the functioning of the glands lead to disturbances in thermoregulation. Such manifestations, as a rule, are stable, and the values ​​​​remain within the subfebrile range.

The main cause of elevated temperature is pyrogens, which can affect thermoregulation. Moreover, some of them are not introduced from outside by pathogenic microorganisms, but are secreted by cells of the immune system. Such pyrogens are designed to increase the effectiveness of combating various health-threatening conditions. The temperature rises in the following cases:

  • Infections – viruses, bacteria, protozoa and others.
  • Burns, injuries. As a rule, there is a local increase in temperature, but with a large area of ​​​​the lesion there may be a general fever.
  • Allergic reactions. In these cases, the immune system produces pyrogens to fight harmless substances.
  • Shock states.

Acute respiratory infections and high temperature

Seasonal respiratory diseases are the most common cause of fever. However, depending on the type of infection, its values ​​will be different.

  • With a standard cold or mild form of acute respiratory viral infection, a low-grade fever is observed; in addition, it increases gradually, on average over 6-12 hours. With proper treatment, the fever lasts no more than 4 days, after which it begins to subside or goes away altogether.
  • If the temperature rises sharply and exceeds 38°C, this may be a symptom of the flu. Unlike other acute respiratory viral infections, this disease requires mandatory monitoring by a local physician or pediatrician.
  • If the fever resumes after the condition improves or does not go away on the 5th day from the onset of the disease, this most often indicates complications. The initial viral infection is followed by a bacterial one, and the temperature is usually above 38°C. The condition requires an urgent call to the doctor, since the patient may need antibiotic therapy.

Diseases with a temperature of 37-38°C

A temperature of 37-38°C is typical for the following diseases:

  • ARVI.
  • Exacerbations of chronic respiratory diseases. For example, bronchitis or bronchial asthma, tonsillitis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs during exacerbation: myocarditis, endocarditis (inflammation of the heart membranes), pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).
  • Ulcer, colitis.
  • Viral hepatitis (usually hepatitis B and C).
  • Herpes in the acute stage.
  • Exacerbation of psoriasis.
  • Infection with toxoplasmosis.

This temperature is typical for the initial stage of thyroid dysfunction, with increased production of hormones (thyrotoxicosis). Hormonal imbalances during menopause can also cause mild fever. Low-grade values ​​can be observed in people with helminthic infestation.

Diseases with a temperature of 39°C or higher

High temperature accompanies diseases that cause severe intoxication of the body. Most often, values ​​within 39°C degrees indicate the development of an acute bacterial infection:

  • Angina.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Acute pyelonephritis.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera.
  • Sepsis.

At the same time, high fever is also characteristic of other infections:

  • Flu.
  • Hemorrhagic fever, in which the kidneys are severely affected.
  • Chicken pox.
  • Measles.
  • Meningitis, encephalitis.
  • Viral hepatitis A.

Other causes of high fever

Thermoregulation disorders can be observed without visible diseases. Another dangerous reason for the rise in temperature is the body’s inability to provide adequate heat transfer. This usually happens during prolonged exposure to the sun during the hot season or in a too stuffy room. A child's temperature may rise if he or she is dressed too warmly. The condition is dangerous due to heat stroke, which can be fatal for people with heart and lung disease. With severe overheating, even healthy people Organs are significantly affected, primarily the brain. Also, fever for no apparent reason may appear in emotional people during periods of stress and great anxiety.

Symptoms of low temperature

Low temperature is less common than heat, but it can also indicate serious health problems. A sign of disease and dysfunction of the body is considered to be below 35.5°C for an adult, and for older people - below 35°C.

The following degrees of body temperature are considered life-threatening:

  • 32.2°C – a person will fall into a stupor, severe lethargy is observed.
  • 30-29°C – loss of consciousness.
  • Below 26.5°C – death is possible.

Low temperature is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • General weakness, malaise.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Irritability may occur.
  • The limbs become cold and the fingers develop numbness.
  • Violations of attention and problems with thought processes are noticeable, the speed of reactions decreases.
  • General feeling of coldness, trembling in the body.

Causes of low temperature

Among the main reasons for low temperature are the following:

  • General weakness of the body caused by external factors and living conditions.

Poor nutrition, lack of sleep, stress and emotional distress can affect thermoregulation.

Associated, as a rule, with insufficient synthesis of hormones.

The most common cause of low temperature in people. The condition is dangerous due to disruption of metabolic processes and frostbite of the extremities only in the event of a strong drop in temperature. With slight hypothermia, a person’s local immunity decreases, so one or another infection often develops later.

It is observed during the recovery period, after operations, and can occur during chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Also, low temperature is typical for people with AIDS.

Endocrine system diseases

Hormones play an important role in thermoregulation processes. In particular, the thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland are thyroxine and triiodothyronine. With their increased synthesis, fever is often observed, but hypothyroidism, on the contrary, leads to a decrease in overall temperature. In the initial stages, this is often the only symptom by which one can suspect the development of the disease.

A stable decrease in body temperature is also observed with adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease). The pathology develops slowly and may not show other signs for months or even several years.

Low hemoglobin in the blood

One of the most common causes of low temperature is iron deficiency anemia. It is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, and this in turn affects the functioning of the entire body. Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen to cells, and if it is not enough, varying degrees of hypoxia appear.

The person becomes lethargic, general weakness is noted, against the background of which metabolic processes slow down. Low temperatures are the result of these changes.

In addition, hemoglobin levels may drop due to various blood losses. In particular, anemia can develop in people with internal bleeding. If significant blood loss occurs in a short period of time, the volume of circulating blood decreases, and this already affects heat exchange.

Other causes of low temperature

Among the dangerous conditions that require mandatory medical consultation and treatment, the following diseases with low temperature can be identified:

  • Radiation sickness.
  • Severe intoxication.
  • AIDS.
  • Brain diseases, including tumors.
  • Shock of any etiology (with massive blood loss, allergic reactions, traumatic and toxic shock).

However, most often the reasons for temperature below 35.5°C are poor lifestyle and lack of vitamins. So, nutrition remains an important factor; if it is insufficient, the processes in the body will slow down, and as a result, thermoregulation will be disrupted. Therefore, with various strict diets, especially with a poor diet (deficiency of iodine, vitamin C, iron), low temperature without other symptoms occurs very often. If a person consumes less than 1200 calories per day, this will certainly affect thermoregulation.

Another common reason for this temperature is overwork, stress, and lack of sleep. It is especially characteristic of chronic fatigue syndrome. The body goes into a gentle mode of functioning, metabolic processes in the body slow down and, of course, this is reflected in heat exchange.

Temperature and other symptoms

Since temperature is only a symptom of various disorders in the body, it is best to consider it in combination with other signs of disease. It is the general picture of a person’s condition that can tell what kind of disease is developing and how dangerous it is.

An increase in temperature is often observed with various ailments. However, there are characteristic combinations of symptoms that appear in patients with specific diagnoses.

Temperature and pain

If the temperature remains above 37.5°C during abdominal pain, this may indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, this is observed with intestinal obstruction. In addition, the combination of symptoms is characteristic of the development of appendicitis. Therefore, if the pain is localized in the right hypochondrium, it is difficult for a person to pull his legs to his chest, there is loss of appetite and cold sweat, an ambulance should be called immediately. A complication of appendicitis, peritonitis, is also accompanied by persistent fever.

Other causes of a combination of abdominal pain and fever:

  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Bacterial diseases of the intestines.

If the temperature rises against the background of pain in the head, this most often indicates general intoxication of the body and is observed in the following diseases:

Pain in the joints and muscles, discomfort in the eyeballs are symptoms of a temperature above 39°C. In such conditions, it is recommended to take an antipyretic.

Fever and diarrhea

Elevated temperature accompanied by diarrhea is a clear sign of bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Among intestinal infections with the following symptoms:

Severe food poisoning can also cause fever along with diarrhea. The combination of such symptoms is very dangerous for health, so self-medication in such cases is unacceptable. It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and, if necessary, agree to hospitalization. This is especially true if a child is sick.

Fever and diarrhea are factors that contribute to dehydration. And when they are combined, fluid loss in the body can become critical in a fairly short period. Therefore, if it is not possible to adequately compensate for the lack of fluid by drinking (for example, a person is vomiting or the diarrhea itself is pronounced), the patient is given intravenous solutions in the hospital. Without this, dehydration can lead to serious consequences, organ damage and even death.

Fever and nausea

In some cases, nausea may occur due to fever. Due to the intense heat, weakness develops, blood pressure drops, dizziness occurs, and this is what results in mild nausea. In this condition, if the temperature is above 39°C, it must be brought down. A combination of symptoms may appear in the first days of the flu and be caused by severe intoxication of the body.

One of the causes of nausea and fever during pregnancy is toxicosis. But in this case, values ​​above subfebrile (up to 38°C) are rarely observed.

If nausea is accompanied by other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, pain, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation), simply lowering the temperature is not enough. This combination of symptoms may indicate serious diseases of the internal organs. Among them:

  • Viral hepatitis and other liver damage.
  • Acute appendicitis.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Kidney inflammation.
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Intestinal obstruction (accompanied by constipation).

In addition, fever and nausea are often observed against the background of intoxication with stale food, alcohol or medicines. And one of the most dangerous diagnoses for these symptoms is meningitis. All of the listed diseases and conditions require mandatory consultation with a doctor.

If vomiting occurs against the background of fever, it is very important to compensate for the loss of fluid. Children with this combination of symptoms are most often referred to hospital treatment.

Pressure and temperature

Increased blood pressure is a common symptom of fever. Heat affects hemodynamics - patients' heart rate increases, and blood begins to move faster through the vessels, they dilate, and this can affect blood pressure. However, such changes cannot cause severe hypertension; more often the values ​​do not exceed 140/90 mm Hg. Art., observed in patients with a fever of 38.5°C and above, disappear as soon as the temperature stabilizes.

In some cases, high temperature, on the contrary, is characterized by a decrease in pressure. There is no need to treat this condition as the readings return to normal after the fever subsides.

At the same time, for hypertensive patients, any fever, even a slight one, can threaten with serious consequences. Therefore, they should consult with their doctor and, if necessary, take antipyretics already at levels above 37.5°C (especially if we are talking about older people).

Pressure and temperature are a dangerous combination for patients with the following diseases:

  • Cardiac ischemia. Cardiologists note that this combination of symptoms sometimes accompanies myocardial infarction. Moreover, in this case, the temperature rises slightly and may be within the subfebrile range.
  • Heart failure.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Diabetes.

If low blood pressure and temperature in the subfebrile range persist for a long time, this may be a sign of oncological pathologies. However, not all oncologists agree with this statement, and the symptoms themselves should simply become the reason for a full examination of the person.

Low pressure and low temperature are a common combination. Such symptoms are especially characteristic of low hemoglobin, chronic fatigue, blood loss, and nervous disorders.

Temperature without other symptoms

Increased or decreased temperature without symptoms characteristic of acute infections should be a reason for mandatory medical examination. Violations may indicate the following diseases:

  • Chronic pyelonephritis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Malignant and benign tumors.
  • Organ infarctions (tissue necrosis).
  • Blood diseases.
  • Thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis at an early stage.
  • Disorders of the brain, in particular the hypothalamus.
  • Mental disorders.

Fever without other symptoms also occurs due to overwork, stress, after prolonged physical activity, overheating or hypothermia. But in these cases the indicators stabilize. If we are talking about serious diseases, the temperature without symptoms will be quite stable, and after normalization it will rise or fall again over time. Sometimes hypothermia or hyperemia is observed in the patient for several months.

How to lower the temperature

Fever can cause significant discomfort and in some cases even pose a threat to life. Therefore, any person needs to know what to do when they have a fever and how to properly reduce the temperature.

When to lower the temperature

It is not always the case that if the temperature rises, it needs to be brought back to normal. The fact is that during infections and other damage to the body, the body itself begins to produce pyrogens, which cause fever. High temperature helps the immune system fight antigens, in particular:

  • The synthesis of interferon, a protein that protects cells from viruses, is activated.
  • The production of antibodies is activated, which destroy antigens.
  • The process of phagocytosis—the absorption of foreign bodies by phagocyte cells—accelerates.
  • Motor activity and appetite decrease, which means the body can spend more energy fighting infection.
  • Most bacteria and viruses survive best at the normal temperature found in the human body. When it increases, some microorganisms die.

Therefore, before you decide to “bring down your temperature,” you need to remember that a fever helps the body recover. However, there are still situations in which the heat must be removed. Among them:

  • Temperature above 39°C.
  • Any temperature at which there is a serious deterioration in the condition - nausea, dizziness, etc.
  • Febrile convulsions in children (any fever above 37°C goes down).
  • In the presence of concomitant neurological diagnoses.
  • People with heart and vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus.

Air, humidity and other parameters in the room

There are many ways to lower your temperature. But the first task should always be to normalize the air parameters in the room where the patient is. This is especially important for children in the first years of life, and critical for infants. The fact is that the child’s sweating system is still poorly developed and therefore thermoregulation is carried out largely through breathing. The baby inhales cool air, which cools his lungs and the blood in them, and exhales heated air. If the room is too warm, this process is ineffective.

The humidity in the room is also important. The fact is that the humidity of exhaled air normally approaches 100%. With temperature, breathing becomes more frequent and if the room is too dry, a person additionally loses water through breathing. In addition, the mucous membranes dry out, and congestion develops in the bronchi and lungs.

Therefore, the ideal parameters in the room where a patient with fever is located are:

Antipyretic medications

If you need to quickly bring down the temperature, you can use antipyretics. They are taken symptomatically, which means that as soon as the symptom goes away or becomes less severe, the medication is stopped. It is unacceptable to drink antipyretics throughout the illness for prevention.

One of the main conditions for the successful action of drugs in this group is drinking plenty of fluids.

It is actively prescribed to adults and children and is considered a first-line drug. However latest research, in particular, those carried out by the American organization FDA, have proven that with uncontrolled use of the drug, paracetamol can cause serious liver damage. Paracetamol helps well if the temperature does not exceed 38°C, but in extreme heat it may not work.

One of the key non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used for fever. Prescribed for adults and children.

For a long time it was the main drug in the NSAID category, but over the past decades its connection with severe kidney and liver damage (in case of overdose) has been proven. Researchers also believe that taking aspirin in children can cause the development of Reye's syndrome (pathogenic encephalopathy), so the drug is not currently used in pediatrics.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the latest generation. Contraindicated for children.

Today it is practically not used as an antipyretic, but it can still relieve fever.

Folk remedies

The temperature can be brought down with the help of folk remedies. Among the most common and simple ways- decoctions of herbs and berries. Drinking plenty of fluids is always recommended during high temperatures as it helps improve sweating and reduces the risk of dehydration.

Among the most popular herbs and berries that are used for fever are:

A hypertonic solution will also help to normalize the temperature. It is prepared from ordinary boiled water and salt - take two teaspoons of salt for 1 glass of liquid. This drink helps cells retain water and is great if the temperature occurs against the background of vomiting and diarrhea.

  • Newborns - no more than 30 ml.
  • From 6 months to 1 year – 100 ml.
  • Up to 3 years – 200 ml.
  • Up to 5 years – 300 ml.
  • Over 6 years old – 0.5 l.

Ice can also be used for fever symptoms. But it must be used very carefully, since sudden cooling of the skin can lead to vasospasm and the development of white fever. Ice is placed in a bag or placed on a piece of cloth and only in this form is applied to the body. A good alternative would be wiping with a towel soaked in cold water. If you can’t bring down the temperature, antipyretics don’t work, and folk remedies don’t help, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

How to increase the temperature

If the body temperature drops below 35.5°C, a person feels weak and unwell, you can increase it in the following ways:

  • Warm, plenty of drink. Tea with honey and rosehip decoction help well.
  • Liquid warm soups and broths.
  • Warm clothes.
  • Cover with several blankets; for greater effect, you can use a heating pad.
  • Hot bath. Can be supplemented essential oils coniferous trees(fir, spruce, pine).
  • Exercise stress. A few intense exercises will help improve blood circulation and increase body temperature.

If the temperature remains below 36°C for a long time, you should consult a doctor. And after finding out the cause of such a symptom, the specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment.

When emergency medical care is needed

In some cases, high fever can pose a serious threat to health, and then you simply cannot do without the help of doctors. Ambulance must be called in the following cases:

  • Temperature 39.5°C or higher.
  • A sharp increase in temperature and the inability to bring it down with antipyretic and other methods.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting is observed against the background of fever.
  • Fever is accompanied by difficulty breathing.
  • There is severe pain in any part of the body.
  • There are signs of dehydration: dry mucous membranes, pallor, severe weakness, dark urine or lack of urination.
  • High blood pressure and temperature above 38°C.
  • The fever is accompanied by a rash. Particularly dangerous is a red rash that does not disappear with pressure - a sign of meningococcal infection.

Fever or low temperature is an important signal from the body about illness. You should always pay due attention to this symptom and try to fully understand its causes, and not just eliminate it with medications and other methods. But we should not forget that normal temperature is an individual concept and not everyone corresponds to the well-known indicator of 36.6°C.
