Pattinson and his new girlfriend. Robert Pattinson: love, cheating and coming out

Robert Pattinson was recently spotted with a new girlfriend. It seems that the performer of the role of Edward Cullen in "Twilight" successfully licked his wounds after breaking up with his cheater Kristen Stewart and with might and main enjoys the company of extravagant singer Talia Barnett, who is known under the stage name FKA twigs.

Robert Pattinson and Thalia Burnett: music connected them

The sultry mulatto, who has Jamaican, Spanish and English roots, conquered Rob with her doll-like appearance and reliability. The joint photo shows that the lovers absolutely do not bother about their appearance. Young people brought together by friends really like each other and it is easy for them to communicate, because they have a lot in common: they were both born in London and are seriously passionate about music. Before "Twilight" turned Pattinson into a world-class star, there was nothing better for him than playing the guitar and writing songs. Now he has returned to his old passion, which he shares new girl whose work is admired by music critics.

Robert Pattinson's friends say that he is crazy about Thalia and each of their dates is a real holiday for him.

Robert and Talia have been dating for about a month or more. As usually happens in such cases, at first they denied their affair, so as not to inflate unnecessary hype, but you can’t hide an awl in a bag. The lovers were spotted on the Los Angeles beach, where they touchingly held hands, and on the streets of New York, and then intriguing details surfaced. For example, on your new passion Rob does not spare money and takes her to expensive restaurants.

Moreover, the geography of their dates in Lately significantly expanded due to Paris, where the couple had a great time shopping. Robert patiently waited at the fitting rooms for his chosen one to appear in front of him in new outfits. Presumably, the Parisian toilets sat on the graceful figure of Thalia just right. Still, love works wonders, because we all know that men consider shopping to be a kind of sophisticated torture that women doom them to. Between forays into boutiques, the lovers refreshed themselves in the best Parisian establishments, where they were served the most exquisite dishes. It turned out that the actor accompanies the singer on her European tour. After France they went to Holland and Belgium.

This ardent courtship turned into an equally ardent criticism of Miss Burnett. Twilight fans miss the time when Robert and Kristen were together. The 26-year-old Thalia is most attacked because of her dark, Rihanna-like skin. The girl wrote on her Twitter that she considers such attacks a terrible manifestation of racism. In fairness, it should be noted that fans of the vampire saga would condemn any girl who dared to stand between their idols.

Deceived trust, or why Pattinson left Stewart

Recall that more than a year has passed since Robert Pattinson broke up with his longtime sweetheart, whom he met on the set. The actress was guilty of having started love affair at work with the director of the film "Snow White and the Huntsman", where she, in fact, got the role of Snow White. Rupert Sanders was so persistent and powerful that Kristen just could not refuse him. When incriminating pictures with a kiss of these two were made public, a loud scandal erupted. Kristen Stewart had to publicly repent. The wife of 41-year-old Sanders eventually accepted her guilty husband back, and Robert forgave his beloved, who publicly wore his T-shirts and regretted everything that had happened. A couple, having rented a house in a secluded area of ​​​​Los Angeles, but they failed to restore their relationship.

After the final break with his girlfriend, Pattinson took a long time to come to his senses. But then he started looking for love again, even going to speed dating parties that were held in New York. Rumor has it that he laid eyes on his good friend Katy Perry, but they never got to the novel.. At that time, Robert was seen with, including Dylan, the daughter of Sean Penn, but these brief meetings did not result in anything.

Video about the relationship of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

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Undoubtedly, the 26-year-old actress was the brightest of Robert's girlfriends. The star couple went through fire, water and copper pipes together. And even if they defeated all the villains and gave birth to a child, they were just in the movies, the fans had no doubt: these guys were simply made for each other.

The ideal age difference (Pattinson is only four years older than Stewart), similar fees and a common army of fans. When it came to the wedding, the couple even bought a house for living together, but they never got to the registry office.

At some point, Kristen seemed to have been replaced. She cheated on her future husband with director Rupert Sanders, after which she apologized to Robert for a long time. After much persuasion, the vampire forgave the runaway girlfriend. But trust has been eroded. The couple soon fled. Kristen has since switched to girls. She has already proposed to her friend Alicia Cargile.

Katy Perry

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After breaking up with Kristen, the Englishman found solace in the arms of Kristen's friend, singer Katy Perry.

The girl lent her shoulder to the actor when he was having a hard time with betrayal. And, it seems, skillfully took advantage of the situation. Katie appeared arm in arm with Robert on all red carpets and parties. And they say she was seriously in love with a handsome vampire.

However Serious relationships the actor and singer failed. Friends claim that Robert was frightened by the girl's frivolity. After all, the list of her novels is not small. She was married to British comedian Russell Brand, and was later seen in a relationship with John Mayer and his colleague Robert Ackroyd. And with Stewart, they soon reunited. As it turns out, not for long.

Sara Roemer

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Among the actor's hobbies, albeit fleeting, was the star of the film "Paranoia" green-eyed blonde Sara Remer.

Journalists managed to catch a couple leaving nightclubs together several times. Only now, neither Sarah nor Robert were in a hurry to make loud statements ... And soon they simply stopped seeing each other.

Riley Keough

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Yes, yes, among the passions of the star was the granddaughter of the legendary Elvis Presley - the red-haired beast Riley Keough.

The girl, like no one else, reminded me of Kristen's type. Thin, short, mysterious ...

“They are inseparable. Rob is flattered by the fact that Riley is Elvis' granddaughter, a source close to the couple once told British MailOnline. "They both love Los Angeles, London, rock music and table tennis."

Talia Barnett

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Another girl Pattinson almost walked down the aisle with. By the time of the meeting, Robert had already fully recovered from parting with Stuart and stopped looking for her traits in companions. After all, Bernatt is the exact opposite of the star of the Twilight saga.

The couple stayed together for over a year. Rumors about an imminent wedding even leaked to the press. The promising ring on the ring finger of the actor's companion also added fuel to the fire. But again it didn't work out. Constant business trips, a busy filming schedule and, as a result, frequent quarrels. In addition, Burnatt categorically did not like Pattinson's parents ...

According to insiders, the decision to leave was mutual. After another scandal, young people came to the conclusion that they would be happier individually.

Suki Waterhouse

Robert decided not to talk about his new relationship with actress Suki Waterhouse. "If you let strangers in a relationship, it devalues ​​love. If stranger on the street asked you about your relationship, you would consider it extremely impolite. If you build a wall, everything will turn out much better, ”said Pattinson.

Recall that the 27th anniversary british model Sookie and Robert started dating in the summer of 2018. The couple does not comment on their relationship in any way, but periodically fall under the sights of cameras kissing and happy. We keep our fingers crossed for the twilight handsome man and let's hope that this time everything will work out for him.

Robert Pattinson - a famous musician, model and talented actor was born on May 13, 1986 in the suburbs of the capital of Great Britain.


The Pattinson family was very idiosyncratic. His father was fond of vintage cars and built his small but pretty successful business. For the sake of her husband, her mother left her modeling career and completely devoted herself to caring for the house and children. It was from her that Robert inherited his bright appearance and natural acting talent.

In childhood

However, all the children in this family were bright and extraordinary. Robert's two older sisters also showed early talents. One of them chose musical career, and the second went into business following the example of her father and now heads her own advertising agency.

Trying to give him a good education, his parents sent the boy to one of the best closed private schools. But there he did not have a relationship with classmates. The boy was too kind, and the cruel jokes of his peers often brought him to tears. The teachers got fed up with his constant whining and complaining and sent the boy home.

He was transferred to another school, and his mother decided that something had to be done about his shyness and lack of contact. She talked heart to heart with her son and found out that he dreams of an acting career. She was pleasantly surprised by this news, and she offered to start following in her footsteps and go to modeling school in order to gain self-confidence and learn how to handle her own body.

The first exits to the podium were very difficult for Robert. He had to overcome his own fears all the time. But gradually he got used to it and even began to enjoy being the center of attention. And thanks to his impeccable appearance, he very quickly became popular and in demand.


A year later, Robert enrolled in a school theater studio and began to play small roles. Not only parents, but also ordinary viewers were invited to the performances. It was at one of these performances that filmmakers noticed Robert. So he received the first offer to work in front of the camera - a small episode in the fantastic drama "Ring of the Nibelungen".

In this tape, the American director liked him, and he offered him a small role in the film adaptation of the novel Vanity Fair. But after the work was fully completed, the director for some reason did not like Pattinson's character, and almost all the scenes with his participation were cut from the film. But Robert himself received invaluable acting experience.

flourish it acting career began in 2005, when he managed to get into the team of actors of the next part of the "Potteriana" "Goblet of Fire". He coped with the work brilliantly, and immediately followed by an invitation to the debut leading role in the military drama "The Pursuer of Tobby Jaga".

The role was very difficult psychologically, but the young artist perfectly conveyed all the subtleties of his character.

New proposals followed one after another. By 2008, he was already one of the most sought-after actors, and a year later he was on the list of the sexiest actors. This happened after the premiere of the vampire saga "Twilight", where he played an incredibly charming protagonist.

The producers immediately offered him a contract to continue filming, where the fees were indicated by seven figures.

To date, the artist's filmography has more than 20 diverse roles. Not all of them are successful - there are those who mercilessly defeated film critics. But this does not prevent the actor from moving on and delighting us with new works. He is one of the youngest and most beautiful millionaire artists in the world.

But in the life of Pattinson there is not only cinema. WITH early childhood he started playing the synthesizer, and as a teenager picked up the guitar and has not parted with it until now.

Robert has good vocal abilities, and he even tried to make a solo career. But there was simply not enough time to seriously engage in cinema and music, and, to the delight of millions of fans, he chose cinema.

Personal life

Rorbert experienced his first love as a teenager, and it lasted only a few weeks. Then he became interested in theater and cinema, and there was simply no time for stupidity. Therefore, new feelings flared up only on the set while working on Twilight.

She became his chosen one, and for a long time they hid the novel not only from the general public, but also from colleagues on the site. She publicly announced the relationship only on the release of the Opry Winfrey show dedicated to the heroes of the film. They were immediately declared one of the most beautiful and sexy couples and began to wait for the wedding.

With Kristen Stewart

But very soon, Kristen broke the heart of her lover, spinning new novel with Rupert Sanders, with whom she starred as Snow White. Robert, having learned about the betrayal, immediately broke off the relationship, took his things and left Kristen forever. In order to somehow heal a spiritual wound, Robert began to change girlfriends like gloves, but such relationships did not bring him satisfaction.

Fortunately, he soon met the young British singer Talia Barnett, who won his heart literally from the first meeting.

The relationship developed rapidly, and after six months, a ring flaunted on Thalia's finger, indicating that she had received a marriage proposal. But the wedding still did not come - in early 2017, the couple broke up.

Robert Pattinson is a famous British film actor, model, producer and musician. The young actor is the idol of many young fans, starring in Hollywood and appearing on the covers of the most famous publications.

Pattinson rose to fame ten years ago when the first part of the Twilight saga was released. The trilogy of the writer Stephenie Meyer about the love of a vampire and an ordinary American girl has become new history about Romeo and Juliet, but unlike Shakespeare's heroes, the couple's love will last forever, as they are immortal. The release of the film made the actor incredibly popular, and for a long time secured the name of the hero, "Edward", for him.

After the release of the film around the names of the performers of the main roles, a whole hype arose. Fans bought souvenirs with vampire images and movie paraphernalia, and Mayer's books in Russian publishing houses began to come out immediately with a photo of Robert and Kristin Stewart, who performed his on-screen lover.

Fans began to actively google the actor's personal life, his hobbies, gastronomic addictions, new projects, and were interested in everything related to the actor. Even his height, weight, age were not ignored. You can’t even tell how old Robert Pattinson is from the first acquaintance with his career, because it seems that the actor has been playing on the screens for a large number of years, so great is its popularity. Although in reality Robert is only 31, he is young and full of plans. The actor is 185 cm tall and weighs about 80 kg.

Biography of Robert Pattinson

The biography of Robert Pattinson began in 1987 in the capital of Great Britain. As a child, he studied at a closed school for boys, as is customary in the vicinity of London in good wealthy families.

In general, the actor was a rather restrained and shy child, so the fact that he managed to become an actor is solely his merit. He overcame shyness in himself, and first began studying at the Barnes acting studio when he was 15. It was on the stage of the theater that the agent for the selection of actors in theaters saw the boy, and invited the guy to try his hand at the stage. At first it was just amateur performances. And then Pattinson began to look for where else to find application for his emerging acting ambitions, and began to go to auditions. The guy began to study in a modeling studio and began to go to the podium, advertising the collections of British fashion designers. At that time, he still did not know for sure whether he would be able to become an actor, and he was preparing a reserve springboard.

After a small role on the stage of the theater in the production of Macbeth, the film directors noticed the actor, and in 2004 Robert first appeared on the screen. The first role is a minor character in the film "Ring of the Nibelungs", and a year later he gets the role of Cedric Digory in the film adaptation of Harry Potter. This role brought Pattinson the first success among fans. The handsome young guy was also noticed by the directors of big movies, and after the film about the young wizard, Pattinson starred in two more films that for some reason pass by his career.

Filmography: films starring Robert Pattinson

Real star filmography Robert Pattinson started when he was 20 years old. In 2007, Robert is still participating in various castings, and in one of them he pulls out a real lucky ticket - he is approved for the main role. Then the guy did not yet know that the film "Twilight" would become a real bestseller, collect millions at the box office, and he would wake up truly famous. By the way, in the film, Robert showed himself not only as an actor, but also as a musician. He played the main soundtrack for the film, which became very popular after. Few people know that the actor tried his hand at music before his film career, at one time he played in the little-known group Bad Girls.

After the release of the vampire saga, roles fell on the actor, as if from a cornucopia. He acted in Remember Me, Water for Elephants, and Beloved Friend, films that were more female-oriented. But in a serious "men's movie", Pattinson also starred. For example, in the movie "Rover", and "Cosmopolis".

Personal life of Robert Pattinson

The personal life of Robert Pattinson is full of rumors and conjectures. After the release of the film "Twilight", rumors immediately began to circulate that love between the heroes of the vampire saga exists in life. The media discussed the main news: the performers of the on-screen lover of the hero, Kristen Stewart, and Robert Pattinson began to meet. The couple was seen at film premieres, star parties, and at various events. On the red carpet, they also appeared together, and the Internet was full of their joint pictures. For several years, everyone talked about their love, however, the actors themselves mysteriously kept silent, and did not confirm the relationship. The fact that the couple met was officially announced only four years later, at the time of their break. According to journalists, Kristen cheated on a guy with director Rupert Sanders.

After parting with Kristen, the actor met with various actresses, including Dakota Faning and Katy Perry, but the novels ended very quickly. A few years later, the young man nevertheless found a new love. Robert Pattinson and Talia Barnett, a famous singer, dated for several years, but eventually also broke up, and in 2016, several publications reported at once that the actor admitted to being gay. Robert Pattinson and his boyfriend do not publicly disclose their relationship, but journalists are sure that women are no longer interested in the actor.

Robert Pattinson family

Robert Pattinson's family also had a hand in the fact that the young man became an actor. The father of the actor is a very wealthy man, he is engaged in the transportation of vintage cars, and thanks to him, Robert received a good education, and in early years I could do what I like without thinking about money and earnings for the future. And the mother worked in a modeling agency and it was she who helped her son overcome his shyness and stiffness.

Mom has always been the closest person to Robert, she supported him and helped him get into a modeling agency. The woman accompanied her son to the casting, and gave him hope that he would succeed, so Pattinson always had a worthy example of a family. Maybe that's why it's so hard for him to build his relationships, he compares all women with his mother.

Robert Pattinson children

Despite the fact that the actor is already over 30, while he still feels absolutely free from obligations, and does not think about the fact that if he were married, he could already have children. Robert Pattinson is now primarily interested in his career, he is very successful in films, and tries himself in different roles.

Rob's favorite actor is Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson, and he tries his best to adopt the best and character traits. Well, Robert may not look like his idols, but he is also world-famous. In 2014, a Russian astronomer named an asteroid after the British actor, so we can say that Pattinson has already achieved quite a lot in his life.

Robert Pattinson's wife Talia Barnett

The handsome guy had quite a few novels, but only one of them led to the engagement. In 2014, the actor met singer Talia Barnett and the couple immediately began dating. Young people spent a lot of time together, and constantly appeared in public in an embrace.

A year later, they announced their official engagement, and the fans with bated breath began to wait for a beautiful and magnificent wedding. The media has already covered the upcoming event, and future wife Robert Pattinson - Thalia Barnett wore a luxurious ring on her finger when the actor announced the disappointing news in 2017: they broke up. Well, let's hope that the actor still meets his soul mate.

Robert Pattinson latest news

Despite the release of many vampire films since Twilight, for many fans today there is a definite favorite in this role: Robert Pattinson. Last news about the life of an actor they say that he is very successful and starred in a big movie.

Last year, the actor starred in the Zellner brothers' film The Maiden, and today he is presenting the film at the Berlin Film Festival. Mia Wasikowska became the partner on the site this time. At a press conference young man asked a lot of questions about the tape, and did not forget to ask him about the current personal status. For example, journalists asked the actor if he believes in love - very actual question, given that today, apparently, the guy's heart is free. Robert answered this question ambiguously, saying that love is different, but he still believes that he will definitely meet her.

Instagram and Wikipedia Robert Pattinson

Few people know that Robert loves animals very much and is a champion of justice. As a child, when his classmates were playing football and chasing girls, Pattinson collected snails in the school yard and collected them in matchboxes. The boys crushed the snails with their feet, and Rob was very sorry that the creatures were dying for the amusement of schoolchildren, so he tried to save as many snails as possible. Because of this guy, they began to tease and conflicts often arose in which Pattinson got it nobly.

Today he can stand up for himself and is no longer afraid to speak the truth, so those who are interested in life and creative way actor, welcome to Robert Pattinson's Instagram and Wikipedia.

Before Robert Pattinson became the star of Twilight, no one was interested in his personal life at all. It is not even known for certain who the vampire met and whether he met at all. On the Olympus of fame, Rob climbed arm in arm with Twilight partner Kristen Stewart. In the eyes of fans, these two became inseparable like Tom and Jerry, like a goat and cabbage... The romance lasted 4 years, it was going to the wedding: the lovers even bought a house for living together. But then Kristen jumped and she cheated on her future husband with director Rupert Sanders. Robert was offended, the young people fled. After a while, however, they got back together, but not for long.

After that, and Robert Pattinson went to suffer. He has been spotted several times with Elvis Presley's granddaughter, the red-haired Riley Keough. However, the girl denied the rumors about the novel.

They also saw Rob in the company of Sarah Roemer, but she also assured reporters that she and Pattinson were just friends. Whether Sarah told the truth or not, we did not check.

In August 2014, Rob began an affair with singer Talia Barnett, better known as FKA twings. And the air again smelled of spring, or rather a wedding. But alas: today the couple officially announced their separation. The reason is called jealousy and frequent quarrels about and without. In addition, Pattinson's parents categorically did not like Barnett, so they are very glad that the matter did not end with an oath of allegiance and a dozen grandchildren.

By the way, Kristen Stewart also recently broke up with her girlfriend. Maybe the "twilight" lovers will get back together after all?
