"Yasna" - the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, talisman stones. The characteristic features of the name is clear

The awareness of your own elegance gives you a sense of self-confidence. It is important for you to be “well dressed”, fit, solid. Sometimes your appearance can serve as a kind of shield for you, allowing you to isolate yourself from people with whom you this moment for some reason it is undesirable for you. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, disposes to you, arouses sympathy.

Yasna name compatibility, manifestation in love

It is clear that self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity”. You are extremely choosy in any relationships, whether it be friendship or a closer relationship. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for a partner misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a closed person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one's own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the outside world.

Over time, this "shell" becomes thicker, and the opportunity to "go outside" becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail external pressure, burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intellect nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of "interpenetration", without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a commodity that can be “sold”, but as a tool for teamwork. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot”, but the location of others is not a trifle.

IN Lately become very popular rare Slavic names. Among them there is a beautiful unusual female name- Jasna, quite common in Serbia. It became popular with us after the film by Emir Kusturica "The Testament", where Yasnaya was the name of the main character. But in order to decide whether it is worth naming your daughter that, you need to know the meaning of the name Yasna.

Origin and meaning of the name

The roots of the meaning of the name Yasna go far into the past. It is considered Slavic. It was extremely common among Western Slavs. Now this name is becoming popular again.

The meaning of the name is clear, clear sky, clear, clear (clear) water.

According to other sources, the meaning is a bright, pure, goddess (one or many), accompanying a victorious army or a sacred warrior into battle. Yasna's key is a magical source in which one can see the hidden or distant in space and time.

In short, a girl with that name can be called Yasenka and Yasenka.

The analogue of the name in the West is Clara, Claire, Clarity.

The patroness is the holy martyr Faina (Comm. 18 May), meaning bright. Known as Clara (translated into German) and Jasna.

Character traits and career building

As a child, Yasna is a very cheerful and sociable child, obedient, but nevertheless with character, she will not let herself be offended.

The main character traits: cheerfulness, kindness, responsiveness, empathy and sympathy, hates any rudeness or vulgarity. Easily adapts to new people and conditions, gets along with everyone except rude people. A polite person and loves the truth, as well as honest people. Often gets animals and loves nature very much. A little impatient.

If Jasna wants to succeed in her career, then she should learn to concentrate as much as possible and gain perseverance. As soon as she starts doing what she loves, life itself will provide an opportunity to earn money in a creative field, and from this the level of comfort will increase by itself.

Famous people

Jasna Shekarich (December 17, 1965, Belgrade, Yugoslavia) is one of the best female shooters in Serbia, Europe and the world. Multiple winner Olympic Games, world and European championships, other major competitions. In 1994, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2004 and 2005 she was the Serbian Shooter of the Year, and in 1990, 1994 and 2005 the World Shooter of the Year. He is a member of the Red Star shooting club.

The name is clear, what does it mean? Does the name clearly influence the fate of the bearer, or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in his life met a person whose name does not suit him: "Well, she is clear of pure water!"

Have you ever called people you barely know by the "wrong" name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant signs of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, we tried to collect the most full information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, platnets-patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Yasna: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Yasna is: light; pure
  • Origin of the name Yasna: Slavic

Numerology Of The Name Yasna

  • Name number: 5
  • Heart number: 7
  • Personality number: 7
  • Happiness number: 5
  • Lucky numbers named after Yasna: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95, 104, 113
  • Lucky days of the month: 5, 14, 23

The meaning of the letters of the name Yasna

The letters of the name play an important role in shaping the character of a person. For example, the first letter of the name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles' heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • I - intelligence, creativity, self-esteem
  • c - nervousness, depression, common sense, oppression, imperiousness, capriciousness
  • n - energy and creative ambitions, interest in health, sharp mind
  • a - strength and power

Talismans named after Yasna

  • Lucky season: Spring
  • Lucky days of the week: Monday and Friday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Thursday
  • Lucky Color: Blue
  • Mascot Plant: Clover
  • Talisman stones named after Yasna: Bloodstone, Bronze, Brass, Alabaster, White Coral, Rock crystal, Sapphire, Emerald, Carnelian, Jade, Chrysoprase, Agate, Turquoise, Malachite
  • Spirit Animal: Beaver
  • Tree: Willow

Astrology named after Yasna

According to astrology, a correspondence was revealed between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Yasna, the ruling planet is Venus, which endows the name with a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits that Venus gives: Firmness, fertility, tranquility, vegetative forces of nature

The disadvantages that Venus gives the name: Excessive desire for pleasure, stubbornness, stinginess

  • Name astrological color: Purple
  • Cardinal direction: East
  • Astrological stone: Turquoise, Danburite, Emerald
  • Representing Animal: Stork, Raven, Cow, Doe, Fox, Peacock

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to a particular planet, which in turn have a direct impact on the fate of a person. Therefore, if the name has repeated letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter is greatly enhanced. Such planets are called dominant and one should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, in which sign of the Zodiac it is located).

Dominant planet for Jasna:

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls last letter name - final. The final planet in some cases affects the duration of life and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Sun

Planetary number and meaning of the name Yasna

For the name Yasna planetary number - 6 and governs this name Venus.

For the name Yasna zodiacal number - 2 Taurus.

Taurus involves a person in solving material problems. IN best case they create a field of harmony and order, and at worst - a field of accumulation, greed, inertia and laziness.

Sacred number for the name Yasna - 8 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Scorpion

The key sign of Scorpio creates a field of risk and attraction of extreme situations. These names, in the worst case, create a field of destruction around the person, into which the surrounding people can also fall. At best, they give life-saving protection in extreme situations, help to overcome their fears and become different, to be reborn. All names associated with the sign of Scorpio are magical.

Reveal the secret of the name JASNA(in Latin transliteration YASNA) looking at the results of the calculation in the numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. Perhaps you do not understand them, but you feel that you do not know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter I of the name YASNA will tell about the character

You are bold and courageous, but you hide quite a few secrets. You are too fond of being witty and sarcastic, and this greatly scares people away from you. At the same time, you are very passionate, with a rich sexual fantasy. If there is a person who will get used to your evil tongue, you have every chance to create an interesting couple: secrets plus always new games in bed will delight your partner.

Characteristic features of the name YASNA

  • power
  • comfort
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • authority
  • common sense
  • capriciousness
  • oppression
  • intelligence
  • Creative skills
  • self-esteem

JASNA: the number of interaction with the world "5"

A person who is under the influence of the vibrations of the five remains elusive and incomprehensible even to those who are close to him for a long time. Almost all of his actions are driven by the desire for independence and freedom; There is only one way to keep the "five" - ​​to let him go on all four sides: in this case, there is a chance that he will still someday return. Charming, easily won sympathy, sweet and friendly people of the five rarely become attached to someone seriously; emotional dependence is as difficult for them as any other. Among the priorities of the “five” is the opportunity to travel around the world, to see different countries, and not be limited either in terms of travel or in its cost. The stories of such travelers about their experiences are unusually bright and colorful, but devoid of exaggeration and very useful; which is why A's often make a living by sharing their own experiences.

They are excellent writers and journalists, they know how to convey shades of mood with the help of words and make a good description, and therefore they are often in demand not only in the press, but also on the radio. The horizons of the "five" are very wide, but marital and family relationships- here the people of the five cannot be considered either experts or specialists worthy of respect. Any problem in their personal lives can become an insurmountable obstacle for them; the ability to understand another person, to respect his interests and desires, is not enough for many “A”s.

Five people are great at avoiding problems, but they don't like to solve them, usually leaving others to deal with everyday difficulties. The whole life of the “five” is a great journey in search of a new and equally long escape from difficulties, monotony, routine, duties and responsibilities. A person of the five is capable of deep emotional attachments, but they rarely bring him happiness, sometimes becoming a burden and preventing him from achieving his goal. The Pyaterochnik will only benefit if he learns to separate the main from the secondary and understands what is better to give up so as not to burden himself.

Throughout their lives, A's learn the lessons of tolerance, understanding, and perseverance. The faster they become excellent students in these difficult disciplines, the better. If it is not possible to draw lessons from what is happening, such a person becomes unrestrained, angry and unable to restrain his emotions and conduct a constructive dialogue.

YASNA: the number of spiritual aspirations "7"

Often their main occupation is mentoring, to which they devote maximum time. Such people are endowed with an extraordinary sense of tact, which allows them to transfer their knowledge and experience, while not imposing on others. own position and look at things as the only correct one.

In life, the “sevens” rely solely on themselves, willingly offer help to others, but almost never accept it from the outside, which is why they often suffer. At the same time, problems for them are not a reason for despair. Thanks to internal energy, they are able to cope with any problem on their own, without flaunting their own weaknesses. Often, unfamiliar people consider the "sevens" closed, gloomy, and even snobby, while for close people they are always open, sincere and sociable.

People - "sevens" often do not like excessive attention to their person. They never openly boast of their own achievements, but they do not hide their success either. Disharmony in their lives is often brought about by a desire for change: although such people strive to find sources of new impressions, they are at the same time very afraid to take a decisive step, finding themselves faced with the need to make a choice. "Sevens" can doubt and hesitate for a long time, trying to predict the likely "dangers". As a result, after long reflections, they often remain in their usual comfort zone.

Despite the fact that the "sevens" are quite sociable, they prefer to spend time with like-minded people - random people almost never happens in their environment. Developed intuition and insight allow them to “on the move” form an opinion about a person and attract to their “circle” precisely those who are similar to the “seven” himself: proud, intelligent, purposeful people with self-esteem.

People - "sevens" never lose self-respect, despite what successes they have achieved in life. Often their financial condition and career growth are very solid, but even if everything is not as chic as we would like, the "seven" will never sink to the bottom because of this. Nevertheless, such people do not consist entirely of virtues: under certain life circumstances, they turn into real arrogant egoists, neglecting the interests and problems of even the closest people.

The “sevens” are very scrupulous and meticulous about the choice of a life partner, often re-educating him throughout their life together. Disputes in their family are common and frequent, while the decisive word is the prerogative of the "seven".

YASNA: number of true traits "7"

People who are under the influence of the number 7 perceive the surrounding reality calmly and peacefully. They always obey the voice of reason and have enviable self-control. When those around them lose self-control, the people of the seven remain completely calm, and take the situation into their own hands.

In the event of a fire, the “seven” will be the first to remember the evacuation plan, and in the event of a shipwreck, it will look for life jackets and boats. He is not afraid to experiment, making sure at first that he will not harm himself and his environment.

In peak situations, the “man-seven” is necessary, but also in Everyday life his ingenuity certainly does not hurt. "Seven" is satisfied with his life. He does not set himself impossible tasks and does not regret what happened, he always acts deliberately, but is not alien to reasonable risk. He overlooks the little things, which sometimes lets him down a lot. However, having set a goal for himself, a person of the seven usually achieves it, thanks to the support of reliable associates.

"Seven" is able to defend its interests, but does not forget about others. He makes every effort to improve the lives of loved ones, but he is also worried about global problems, in the solution of which he participates to the best of his ability. A person of the seven will not pass by other people's suffering, because of a heightened sense of justice and the ability to empathize with the undeservedly offended.

Usually these people choose independent activities. When working in a team, they spend too much a large number of forces, to establish a comfortable, calm, comradely atmosphere among colleagues. "Seven" prefers not to use the beaten path.

It is interesting for him to succeed on the path where others have failed. Thus, he shows himself and everyone else that for him, as for a person who is strongly passionate about any idea, everything in this world is possible.

Now in the naming of children, you can see several pronounced trends: some parents are trying to ensure that the name of their child does not get out of the generally accepted framework, others seek to name their beloved child in a Western manner - with a long-term aim, so that later it would be easier for a person to assimilate in the global world system.

The third trend is when adults try to return their own kind to the name of the child. Slavic roots, calling the baby or baby Svyatoslav, or Zabava, Lyubava. In the last row, the name Jasna stands somewhat apart. Apart - because the name is quite rare, for a long time it was in oblivion, and its sound has already become somewhat unusual for the Russian ear, in contrast to the same Zabava or Lyubava.

On the one hand, the meaning of this name is read quite easily: “clear”, that is, “bright”, “sunny”, “radiant”. The most common version of its origin says that this name was in use among the Slavs in the western territories of their residence.

In this reading, the name Yasna is a symbol of clarity of thinking, subtle intuition, understanding of one's own destiny and one's own path on earth. There is an ancient belief that spirits were called Yasnas female who accompanied the soldiers to a righteous battle, helping them to win.

There is another version of the origin of the name. According to her, Yasna is a female "couple" to the male name "Yasen" - it was common (and still in use) among the Slavs living in the Balkans. Meaning male name translated from Greek as "healer" or "healer"; if we agree with this version, then Yasna as a female name acquires the meaning of “healer” or “healing”.

One way or another, but today, judging by the women's forums, more and more expectant mothers are thinking about naming their daughter Yasnaya. And therefore it is worth telling more about this name - after all, not much is known about him now.

"Young Naturalist"

What is worth learning about the meaning of this name in the first place? Of course, what effect the name will have on the child, namely:

  • What will be the character of a girl with such an unusual name?
  • What Jasna will show herself when she grows up?
  • Does the unusual name and any special talents mean the bearer of the name?
  • How will the girl develop clear relationships with guys and what will be family life adult woman?

If today a young mother wants to name her future daughter Yasnaya, many relatives begin to dissuade her: they say that the child will have a hard time with that name, she will be teased both in kindergarten and at school. Future young fathers are especially conservative in this matter. But for the most part, these experiences are in vain.

TO unusual name children get used to it quickly - in children's groups, many girls with rare names today, such as Oktyabrina, Vesniana, Milana, feel completely free and do not experience difficulties in communicating with their peers. And the desire to tease someone, as a rule, arises in children not because of the unusual name of another child, but because of a cocky character.

But little Yasna is unlikely to cause such an attitude from her peers: Yasna is a really bright and cheerful girl who loves outdoor games very much, often acts as their initiator and organizer. Despite the restlessness of the baby, the educators in kindergarten and teachers in primary school are sympathetic to this “fuzzy fidget”, because its mobility is more positive character and does not lead to leprosy and unnecessary pranks.

Jasechka is a very sociable girl, great importance for her has the opportunity to get answers from her parents, grandparents to all her many questions. Both at home and in kindergarten, Yasna is obedient, but at the same time she can show character and does not allow herself to be offended. Easily merges into a new children's team, but can not stand rude people - both among peers and among adults.

She loves very much when her parents take her with them on some trips - even if it will be small trips to nature. Yasna generally loves to travel long distances, as well as beautiful landscapes and beautiful and good people around you. Often he persuades parents to get a pet if he is not in the house, and if there is a cat or a dog in the house, they become for Yasna both friends and companions for games.

Plastic and independence

Studying at Yasna's school is easy thanks to her lively mind and ability to delve into the essence of the issue. Jasna does not like to memorize formulas, preferring to understand the pattern and, based on it, get the result. But her childhood mobility does not decrease over time and may somewhat prevent the girl from maintaining good academic performance.

To prevent this from happening, parents should observe Yasnochka's inclinations and send her to the sports section or creative studio in time. As a rule, Yasna is a graceful and plastic girl, and sports ballroom or modern dances, figure skating, gymnastics or swimming are more suitable for her as mobile activities.

It is clear that sports should be avoided, which can make her figure masculine and drown out natural plasticity. If Yasya, because of her fighting character, wants to engage in martial arts, then she should prefer, for example, wu-shu, which helps to maintain and develop the plasticity and beauty of the figure.

In any case, constant physical activity, movement and training will help Jasna more calmly “hatch out” school lessons and better learn the material. school curriculum. But sometimes it seems to her that what is taught at school is not enough - especially in terms of the humanities, and Yasna begins to independently look for answers to her questions in books.

Perseverance in studies is the main guarantee of future success for Yasna. In addition to physical activity, attention concentration exercises can contribute to the development of this quality in a lively and mobile teenager.

But as soon as Jasna decides what she wants to do in life, what professional field to choose for herself, Jasna is so fond of this that she begins preparing for this with all the activity she is capable of. Both at a young age and adult life Jasna highly values ​​her own independence - attempts to subdue her will or use her for her own purposes cause violent protest and a fierce rebuff.

It should be noted that clear born in summer, show great diligence in any business. With all the outward seeming fragility, these are very strong and whole natures who stubbornly go towards their goal.

"Winter" Yasna may not be so calm about her own mistakes, but nevertheless she does not give up and continues to stubbornly achieve her goal. At the same time, a girl who knows how to critically evaluate her own achievements will not make concessions to anyone around her.

Prosperity and freedom

Despite her sociability, Jasnah is not too eager to get close to the people around her, and she chooses friends with whom she can fully open her soul with great care. But if someone managed to make friends with Yasya, then such friendship will survive for many years. A woman will communicate with childhood friends not only after marriage, but even at a very respectable age.

A somewhat romantic and very receptive nature does not prevent Yasna from becoming a brilliant professional in her chosen field. The name Yasna gives its owner perseverance and willpower, and therefore she always moves forward and achieves what she wants. And the difficulties that arise do not force Yasna to retreat - they awaken in her ingenuity and originality of thinking, and as a result, Yasna overcomes the obstacles that arise in non-standard ways.

Jasna can become an excellent leader - both in public, administrative, business activities, and in the field of art and culture. Yasna is a born leader, able to infect others with her idea and make everything “spin”, working for a given goal. The only thing that Yasna needs to learn in this case is not to shoulder all the responsibility on her own shoulders, but to delegate authority.

All these abilities help Yasna earn well and provide herself with a decent standard of living. At the same time, she is ready to help a friend or close person if she needs help.

Among other things, this strong and self-confident lady has a huge feminine charm, which Yasna competently emphasizes with her ability to dress stylishly. Sometimes she needs a strict and stylish suit as some kind of protection when Yasna faces, for example, difficult negotiations. But even in this case, she knows how to choose clothes so that appearance win over an interlocutor or opponent.

A bright woman, as a rule, gets married early. She is happy in marriage and especially appreciates mutual understanding with her husband, as well as a certain degree of freedom that they can give each other. It is clearly important that her married life be filled with vivid impressions, and she subconsciously chooses a spouse who is able to provide this for her. Author: Olga Inozemtseva
