Why is the fly agaric so called. "Magic fly agaric"

Elena Vladimirovna Luzina
"Magic fly agaric". Ecological component in the upbringing of junior schoolchildren with disabilities

Target: Develop ecological children's thinking through creative comprehension of a cognizable object.

Tasks: Introduce mushroom fly agaric, his characteristic features, features, learn to portray fly agaric in a fairy tale.

Bring up respect for nature.

Correction of logical thinking, attention, fine motor skills of fingers, active speech, development of creative imagination, fantasy. Equipment: images of red and panther fly agaric, posters: "Don't tear fly agaric And "Do not destroy fly agaric, Images "come alive fly agaric» , sheets for drawing, colored pencils.

Org. moment:


Guys, we have guests at the lesson today, let's greet them.

Children welcome guests.

And now, guys, sit properly, your back should be straight.

Children take the correct position at their desks.

I will guess riddles, and you guess.

1. Under the pine tree by the path

Who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boots.

There is a hat - no head.


2. Near the forest at the edge,

Decorating the dark forest

Grew up variegated like parsley,

Poisonous… (fly agaric) .

3. Proudly stood on a strong leg

In an apron and a red cap

The painter is daring.

The view is pleasant, the temper is evil.

(fly agaric) .

Round dance and in a row

Well done in hats.


Standing in the meadow

In a red dress Tatyanka,

All in white dots.

(fly agaric)

Red, beautiful frame

Yes, terrible poison.

(fly agaric)

Hiding behind a stump

Sideways hat;

Who passes near

Bows low.


In a red hat

The enemy is dangerous:

love, look

Yes, go around!

(fly agaric)

Introduction to the topic:

As you probably already guessed, the lesson will focus on fly agaric.

« Fly agaric is beautiful and red Yes, dangerous for people- that's what they say about fly agaric mushroom pickers.

I think that many of you have seen these beautiful and bright, but poisonous mushrooms.

Didactic exercise: "Collect the Word" based on a number line. Children are offered envelopes with cards. The cards are divided into two parts. On the top is a letter, on the bottom is a number indicating the order of this letter in the word. The senior subgroup collects the word « fly agaric» , A younger"mushroom". Having collected, the children should read the words.


Now guys, listen to what I'm going to tell you about fly agaric.

Main part:

1. -grow up fly agaric and in the forests, and in parks, and sometimes appear in gardens.

The garden is buried in fallen leaves,

The old fence smells of dampness.

At the fence, he opens his umbrella

Bright red, large fly agaric.

What does it look like fly agaric?

caregiver draws children's attention to images fly agaric.

Red fly agaric stands among a pile of fallen leaves on a high white stem, bordered near the cap with a thin fringed film.

His hat is bright red, as if spattered with white paint, covered in some places with white convex tubercles - specks.

Another variety fly agaric - panther fly agaric. They have a white fibrous leg with a ring - fringe, at the bottom of the leg thickens and becomes like a tuber. panther hats fly agaric painted in greenish-brown and gray-brown colors. They are flat and painted with white spots.

Did. a game: "Mosaic". Children are offered envelopes with a cut picture (the older subgroup has a more complex picture with a red fly agaric, junior subgroup a simpler picture depicting a panther fly agaric). Children must put the pictures together and name the mushroom.

Why fly agarics are called?

In the hollow of old hats fly agaric often accumulates rain moisture. Insects, wanting to get drunk, fly to "water hole". Having quenched their thirst, they die and fall dead near the mushroom. After all, mushrooms contain poison that kills flies and other insects. Hence the name.

fly agaric do not hide under leaves, knots, pine needles. They are open and visible from afar.

In the thicket of boron, in the twilight,

Between the firs here and there

fly agaric like poppies

Bright red blooms

Bold and open.

Too bad they're poisonous!

Consider the poster "Don't tear fly agaric

Why do you guys think I drew this poster? (Fly agaric - poisonous mushroom , it cannot be broken)

Why did I draw the poster "Do not destroy fly agaric» ?

Although fly agaric poisonous and dangerous for humans, yet you should not knock off hats fly agaric and trample the mushrooms with your feet. After all fly agaric some animals and birds are being treated. An ill elk eats these mushrooms.

The elk knows the forest kingdom,

He will go into the resinous forest,

Find your medicine here

bright red fly agaric.

Magpies - white-sided are also treated fly agaric. Is it possible to destroy fly agaric? (No)

Guys, I suggest you take a little rest at the mushroom physical education. To do this, stand up from the desk.

Physical education minute:

Early in the morning, early in the morning

We will go to the pine forest.

Toadstools lurk there

And handsome fly agaric.

We will not tear toadstools,

We will bypass fly agaric.

We will walk along the forest

Let's get some more mushrooms.


We rested a little, and now we will quietly sit at our desks, take the correct position, straighten our backs.

2. Creative task.

Guys, and me fly agaric like, they are bright, beautiful, decoration of our forests. Let's draw fly agaric. But not ordinary, but fabulous, revived. See what fly agaric I drew. fly agaric draw very Just: first we draw a hat, then a leg. Then we revive our mushroom. (Tili - bom, tili - bom, quickly become a living mushroom) What do you think, what can tell about yourself, revived fly agaric?

Independent work of children.

Final part: What will he say fly agaric? Survey of children. The children who drew fly agaric, go out with a drawing to the board, showing their drawing, speak on behalf of the revived fly agaric. The works of the responding children are displayed at the exhibition.

Outcome: We did a good job today. Learned a lot about the handsome fly agaric. revived fly agaric through your imagination.

Why is the fly agaric so called? and got the best answer

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Amanita muscaria - Amanita muscaria - got its name from the ability of the extract of this fungus to kill insects, due to the content of ibotenic acid in it. In addition, the mushroom contains muscarine (0.0002-0.0003% of the raw weight of the mushroom), muscazone and muscimol
In many European languages, the common name of this mushroom is the same: Russian. fly agaric, english Flyagaric (fly or flying agaric), French. Tue - mouche (fly swatter), German. Hiegenpilz (fly or flying mushroom).
In Russian, it comes from a combination of words: "mu ha" - an insect that was considered a product of the dead flesh, and "mor" ("mora", "mara") - death and the ancient Slavic goddess of death and winter. As a result - "fly death", which indicates the use of fly agarics among the people for the extermination of flies and bedbugs.
To kill flies, the fly agaric was cut into small pieces, doused with water or milk and placed in plates on the windows (sometimes a decoction was used or the fly agaric was pre-cooked). Blotting paper or cloth was placed on the plate so that it protruded beyond the edges and flies landed on it. The bugs were eliminated by smearing the cracks with fresh juice or gruel from boiled fly agarics.
Sometimes, because of the same flies, which are evil forces in popular beliefs, the fly agaric is called "Duhomor".

Answer from Max[guru]
Flies die from it.

Answer from Rex Raise[active]
Flies die from it!

Answer from Ivan[active]
it releases an extract that kills flies

Answer from Rustam Asatov[active]
because this mushroom is going to cocks

Answer from Natalia Kraus[newbie]
In many European languages, the name of this mushroom comes from its ancient method of use - as a means against flies (English fly agaric, German Fliegenpilz, French amanite tue-mouches), the Latin specific epithet also comes from the word "fly" (lat. muscle). IN Slavic languages the word "fly agaric" (Polish muchomor, Bulgarian fly agaric, Czech muchomůrka, etc.) became the name of the genus Amanita

Answer from Mishka[active]
Flies die from it

Answer from Saule[guru]
....i ludi mrut

Answer from Maestro 49[guru]
You won’t kill your mother-in-law with them, only a fly!

Answer from Igor komukak[guru]
In the hut they are dried for future use for treatment and the flies do not climb into the hut. Ischo when the mushroom ripened - frosts conceived and the fly disappeared - it's cold, however.

Answer from Saar[guru]
In many European languages, the name of this mushroom comes from its ancient method of use - as a means against flies (English fly agaric, German Fliegenpilz, French amanite tue-mouches), the Latin specific epithet also comes from the word "fly" (lat. muscle). In the Slavic languages, the word "fly agaric" (Polish muchomor, Bulgarian fly agaric, Czech muchomůrka, etc.) became the name of the genus Amanita. This mushroom was used to repel flies. Mushrooms were rubbed, added to sweetened water and smeared with it on the place where there were most flies. Flies flew to the sweet and, having tasted the poisoned water, died. In American slang (Slang and euphemism. R.A.Spears. - A Signet Book), for example, fly agaric is called "woodpecker of Mars", i.e. "woodpecker from Mars" or "woodpecker of Mars", while the word itself "woodpecker "(Red-headed woodpecker) means in the same slang by no means" blockhead "or" bore "like ours, but" machine gun ", in other words, something that introduces something into something with terrible force, frequency and speed. It is generally accepted that the red fly agaric is a dangerous poisonous mushroom, in reality, the pale and white grebe and the panther fly agaric are much more poisonous and dangerous. Amanita muscaria also contains toxic substances, but to a small extent. Due to the presence of hallucinogens in the fly agaric, some peoples, for example, the indigenous people Eastern Siberia, it is used to achieve the effect of intoxication. It is also believed that this mushroom, which gives courage and fury and dulls the feeling of pain, was eaten by the Vikings before throwing themselves at the enemy. In the old chronicles, however, no facts were found to confirm this version. It is assumed that it is the red fly agaric that is mentioned in the ancient Indian Vedas as the mysterious plant “soma”, capable of bestowing divine power.

Unlike many other varieties of mushrooms, both the name and appearance fly agaric, today are known, perhaps, to most people. Moreover, this fact applies to both adults and the smallest children.

From a very young age, children hear about such mushrooms in fairy tales, see them in cartoons, read about them in books. And this is not done in vain, because this mushroom is not a delicacy and can cause direct harm to a person, and even the smallest children should know about this.

But that's why the fly agaric mushroom is called that. Let's look into this issue.

The name "Amanita" in Latin

As is the case with most other names of mushrooms known to Russian people, the name "Amanita" is popular. In fact, mushrooms of this genus have the Latin name "Amánita".

The history of the origin of the original name of mushrooms in Latin is extremely simple - the first fly agarics were found on Mount Amanon, where they grew in the widest abundance.

Why is the fly agaric so called by the people

If we talk about the popular name, which is widely used among residents of the CIS countries, being perhaps the most common name for mushrooms, then it was given to this plant for a reason.

The reason for this is the use of fly agaric for sanitary purposes, because this type of fungus is an ideal insecticidal agent that can help in the fight against insects, including flies. It is worth noting that only the red fly agaric helps in the fight against insects, which has the very “classic” appearance that we are so used to seeing in images, cartoons and illustrated books.

Interpretation of the name "Amanita" for children

It is very important to convey to the children why the fly agaric is called that, because our offspring can stumble upon such plants on the street, and it is extremely important that they understand that such a mushroom can harm their body.

The name, as we have already said, was given to the mushroom due to its use to counteract flies, therefore it can be explained by the merging of two words: to kill and flies.

This information should be deposited in the memory of children and become a kind of danger indicator, reminding you that you should not even approach plants similar to fly agaric.

Of course, among the abundance of mushrooms of the fly agaric family, there are also harmless, even edible ones. Some species of this genus are considered delicacies, but it is almost impossible to find them on the territory of our country, so it is better to be wary of any fly agaric that can meet a person.

Amanita is the king of mushrooms, decorating the forest thicket with lanterns of bright scarlet hats dotted with white specks. A helpful imagination draws pictures from old children's fairy tales, where Baba Yaga brews a magic potion from it.

fly agaric species

Fly agaric is a genus of mycorrhiza-forming lamellar fungi of the amanitaceae family. The same name is used for a mushroom with a red cap with white specks. Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom. The Latin name of the mushroom genus is Amánita. There are more than 600 species in the fly agaric family. There are several variants of the taxonomy of these fungi, the most famous are the classifications of E. Gilbert, Garsens, Jenkins. In the modern scientific community, the most authoritative system is R. Singer.

The color of the fly agaric depends on its type. Hats different types can be red, yellow, white, green, brown, orange. The most famous are the red fly agaric, pale grebe, smelly fly agaric, royal fly agaric, Caesar mushroom.

Fly agaric: description and photo

Fly agaric is a rather large mushroom with a fleshy body and a leg. In young specimens, the hat has a domed shape, and in the process of growth it opens in the form of an umbrella. The foot of the fly agaric is expanded to the base, easily separated from the cap. From above, the leg is framed by a “skirt” - the remains of a shell in which very young individuals are enclosed. The color of the fly agaric cap can vary depending on the type of fly agaric, place of growth and age. The fly agaric mushroom reproduces by spores that look like white powder.

mushroom properties

The fly agaric mushroom is known for its hallucinogenic properties, and some types of fly agaric are deadly poisonous. Blame for this ibotenic acid, muscarine and other components. Fly agaric poison spreads through the body quickly, so signs of fly agaric poisoning appear about 15 minutes after consumption. poisonous mushrooms.

Is it possible to eat fly agaric?

To be fair, it should be noted that edible fly agaric is also found in the forests. In the Mediterranean grows the Caesar mushroom (Caesar's fly agaric), which was considered a delicacy in ancient times. The Roman commander Lucullus, a recognized gourmet, ordered it to be served as the main dish at his feasts. And yet, experts do not recommend experimenting with their health and eating fly agaric, although in some Asian countries this mushroom is loved.

Where do fly agarics grow?

Finding a fly agaric in the forest is very easy. This beautiful but poisonous mushroom is found almost everywhere, its varieties are found even in Australia. In Russia, fly agaric grows both in conifers and in deciduous forests. You can also see fly agaric in the tundra, among dwarf birches. Fly agaric mushrooms grow both in groups and singly. The growing season is quite long: from early summer to November.

Why is the mushroom called fly agaric?

In Russia of the past centuries, fly agaric was used for its intended purpose - as an insecticide. Hats sprinkled with sugar were laid out on windowsills and furniture to attract flies, mosquitoes and other harmful insects. The tool worked no worse than modern aerosols. Hence the name of the mushroom.

What is useful fly agaric?

fly agaric, medicinal properties which were discovered long ago, is used in medicine for medicinal purposes. For the preparation of medicinal tinctures, only hats are used. The list of diseases for which tinctures, extracts and ointments from fly agaric are used is quite extensive: arthritis, gout, various tumors, eczema, rheumatic pains. Treat with infusions and diseases of the digestive tract, diabetes. In addition, forest fly agaric helps rejuvenate the body and restore energy. In France, an extract from these mushrooms is used to treat insomnia.

Application and benefits

Collect fly agaric during the entire growing season. Only dark-colored hats are taken, rounded and even. Cut lengthwise, the mushrooms are dried in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50 °. If the fly agaric caps are large, it is advisable to pre-dry them in the open air. Store dried mushrooms in a sealed container in a dark, dry place. Medicines prepared from fly agaric should be taken only under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor.

External use always gives a good healing effect. Fly agaric in the forest is the first remedy for healing wounds. To do this, you just need to take a hat, stretch it and bandage it to the affected area. In less than 2 hours, the wound will begin to heal.

When using fly agaric, you should always remember that this mushroom is deadly poisonous! All mushrooms collected for storage, as well as preparations from them, must be kept in signed containers on the far shelves. Children and pets should not have access to them. If there are signs of fly agaric poisoning or even suspicion of it, you should urgently apply for medical care.

  • Despite its toxicity, fly agaric benefits humans. Since ancient times, priests have used these mushrooms for religious rites and ritual ceremonies. The prepared fly agaric tincture helped Siberian shamans to put themselves into a trance and communicate with the souls of the dead in other worlds.

The message about the fly agaric can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story about the fly agaric for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Fly agaric report

fly agaric- a poisonous mushroom from the genus Amanita. This handsome man has a luxurious, usually bright red hat with white spots, a fringe ring on the stem, and scales or a lash at the very base of the leg. This beautiful, but poisonous mushroom is found in almost all forests of our planet.

Why is the fly agaric so called? The origin of the name of this mushroom is historical - since it has long been used to repel flies. These mushrooms were ground finely, the powder was added to sweetened water and smeared with it on those places where the flies were the most. Stupid flies flew for sweets and died after tasting poisoned water.

Description of fly agaric

Fly agaric is a rather large mushroom with a fleshy body and a leg. In young specimens, the hat has a domed shape, and in the process of growth it opens in the form of an umbrella. The foot of the fly agaric is expanded to the base, easily separated from the cap. From above, the leg is framed by a “skirt” - the remains of a shell in which very young individuals are enclosed. The fly agaric mushroom reproduces by spores that look like a white powder.

There are more than 600 species in the fly agaric family. The color of the fly agaric depends on its type and age. Fly agaric hats can be red, yellow, white, green, brown, orange. The most famous fly agaric are the red fly agaric, death cap, smelly fly agaric, fly agaric royal, Caesar mushroom. Almost all fly agarics are very poisonous, the most poisonous member of their family is the pale grebe.

The fly agaric mushroom is known for its hallucinogenic properties, and some types of fly agaric are deadly poisonous. Blame for this ibotenic acid, muscarine and other components. Fly agaric poison spreads through the body quickly, so that signs of fly agaric poisoning appear about 15 minutes after eating poisonous mushrooms. Even children know about fly agaric and its poisonous properties.
