Poisonous mushrooms in Russia: How to identify a poisonous mushroom, how to distinguish an edible mushroom. What mushrooms can be eaten without harm to health? List of edible mushrooms Edible mushrooms

Everyone who does not understand mushrooms is limited to buying them in a supermarket. After all, champignons and oyster mushrooms grown under artificial sun inspire more confidence than unknown natural gifts. But true mushroom pickers will not be able to be satisfied with the taste of fruits that do not smell of needles and are not washed with morning dew. Yes, and it is very difficult to deny yourself forest walks on a clear day off. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the external signs of popular edible mushrooms our region.

Main characteristics of edible mushrooms

All the biological and ecological diversity of mushrooms on a planetary scale is simply impossible to cover. This is one of the largest specific groups of living organisms, which has become an integral part of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Modern scientists know many types of the mushroom kingdom, but today there is no exact figure in any scientific source. In different literature, the species number of mushrooms varies from 100 thousand to 1.5 million. It is characteristic that each species is divided into classes, orders, and also has thousands of generic names and synonyms. Therefore, it is easy to get lost here just like in the forest.

Did you know? by the most unusual mushroom in the world, contemporaries consider Plasmodium, which grows in central Russia. This creation of nature can walk. True, it moves at a speed of 1 meter in a few days..

Edible mushrooms are considered to be those specimens that are allowed for consumption and do not carry any risks to human health. They differ from poisonous forest fruits in the structure of the hymenophore, color and shape. fruiting body as well as smell and taste. Their peculiarity lies in high gastronomic properties. After all, it is not in vain that among mushroom pickers there are parallel names for mushrooms - “vegetable meat” and “forest protein”. It is scientifically proven that such gifts of nature are rich in:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • mycosis and glycogen (specific mushroom sugar);
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • gray;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • chlorine;
  • vitamins (A, C, PP, D, the whole group B);
  • enzymes (represented by amylase, lactase, oxidase, zymase, protease, cytase, which are of particular importance because they improve the absorption of food).

Many types of mushrooms in their nutritional value compete with potatoes, vegetables and fruits traditional for the Ukrainian table. Their significant disadvantage is poorly digestible shells of mushroom bodies. That is why the greatest benefit to the human body is brought by dried and powdered fruits.

Did you know? Of the entire mushroom kingdom, the rarest specimen is considered to be the mushroom Chorioactis geaster, which means "devil's cigar" in translation. It is found in isolated cases only in the central zones of Texas and on some islands of Japan. The unique feature of this natural wonder is a specific whistle that is heard when the fungus releases spores.

According to the nutritional characteristics of mushrooms, Soviet scientists divided the edible group into 4 varieties:

  1. Mushrooms, mushrooms and milk mushrooms.
  2. Boletus, boletus, duboviki, oilers, volnushki, whites and champignons.
  3. Flywheels, valui, russula, chanterelles, morels and autumn mushrooms.
  4. Rows, raincoats and other little-known, rarely collected specimens.

Today, this classification is considered a bit outdated. Modern botanists agree that the division of mushrooms into food categories is inefficient and the scientific literature provides an individual description of each species. Beginning mushroom pickers should learn the golden rule " silent hunting": one poisonous mushroom able to spoil all the forest trophies in the basket. Therefore, if you find any inedible fruit among the harvested crop, send all the contents to the trash without regret. After all, the risks of intoxication are not included in any comparisons with the time and effort spent.

Edible mushrooms: photos and names

Of the variety of edible mushrooms known to mankind, there are only a few thousand. At the same time, the lion's share of them went to representatives of fleshy micromycetes. Consider the most popular types.

Did you know? Real mushroom giants were found by Americans in 1985 in the states of Wisconsin and Oregon. The first find struck with its 140-kilogram weight, and the second - with the area of ​​the mycelium, which occupied about a thousand hectares..

In botanical literature, this forest trophy is designated as or ( Boletus edulis). In everyday life, it is called truthful, dubrovnik, shirak and belas.
The variety belongs to the genus Boletov and is considered the best of all known edible mushrooms. In Ukraine, it is not uncommon and occurs from early summer to mid-autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests. Often mushrooms can be found under birches, oaks, hornbeams, hazels, fir trees and pines.

It is characteristic that you can find both squat specimens with a small hat, and wide-legged ones, in which the leg is four times smaller than the upper part. The classic variations of mushrooms are:
  • a hat with a diameter of 3 to 20 cm, hemispherical, convex brown in color with a smoky or reddish tint (the color of the hat largely depends on the place where the fungus grows: it is purple-brown under pines, chestnut or olive green under oaks, and light brown under birches);
  • leg length from 4 to 15 cm with a volume of 2-6 cm, club-shaped, cream-colored with a grayish or brown tint;
  • white mesh on the top of the leg;
  • the pulp is dense, juicy-fleshy, white color, which does not change when cut;
  • spindle-shaped spores, yellowish-olive, about 15-18 microns in size;
  • a tubular layer of light and greenish tones (depending on the age of the fungus), which is easily separated from the cap;
  • the smell at the site of the cuts is pleasant.

Important! Mushrooms are often confused with mustards. These are inedible mushrooms that are distinguished by pinkish spores, a black mesh on the stem, and bitter flesh.

It is worth taking note that in true porcini mushrooms, the skin from the cap is never removed. In Ukraine, the industrial harvesting of these forest trophies is carried out only in the Carpathians and Polissya. They are suitable for fresh consumption, for drying, conservation, salting, pickling. Traditional medicine advises introducing belas into the diet for angina pectoris, tuberculosis, frostbite, loss of strength and anemia.


These trophies are considered conditionally edible. They are used as food only by residents of the northern regions. the globe, and Europeans do not recognize for food. Botanists call these mushrooms Lactarius torminósus, and mushroom pickers call them volnyanka, decoctions and rubella. They represent the Russula family of the Milky genus, are pink and white.

Pink waves are characterized by:
  • a hat 4 to 12 cm in diameter, with a deep depression in the center and convex, pubescent edges, a pale pink or grayish hue that darkens when touched;
  • stalk about 3-6 cm high with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm, cylindrical in shape, powerful and elastic structure with specific pubescence on a pale pink surface;
  • cream or white spores;
  • plates are frequent and not wide, which are always interspersed with intermediate membranes;
  • the pulp is dense and firm, white in color, does not change when cut and is characterized by abundant, sharp-tasting juice secretion.

Important! Mushroom pickers should pay attention to the fact that volatility is characteristic of volushki, which depends on their age. For example, caps can change their color from yellow-orange to light green, and plates - from pinkish to yellow.

White waves are different:
  • a cap with a diameter of 4 to 8 cm with white densely pubescent skin (in older specimens, its surface is smoother and yellow);
  • leg height from 2 to 4 cm with a volume of up to 2 cm, cylindrical shape with low hairiness, dense structure and uniform color;
  • the pulp is slightly fragrant, white in color, with a dense but brittle structure;
  • spores of white or cream color;
  • plates are narrow and frequent;
  • milky juice of white color, which does not change when interacting with oxygen and is characterized by causticity.

most often grow in groups under birches, on forest edges, rarely in coniferous forests. They are harvested from early August to mid-autumn. Any cooking requires thorough soaking and blanching. Use these mushrooms for preservation, drying, salting.

Important! Edible volnushki are easily distinguished from other lactic mushrooms by the hairiness on the hat.

But in the latter version, the flesh becomes brown, which does not look aesthetically pleasing. Undercooked specimens are toxic, can cause digestive disorders and irritation of the mucous membranes. In salted form, they are allowed to be consumed no earlier than one hour after salting.

The species also represents the Syroezhkov family of the Mlechnikov genus. In scientific sources, the mushroom is designated Lactarius résimus, and in everyday life it is called real.
Externally, this mushroom is characterized by:

  • a hat with a diameter of 5 to 20 cm, funnel-shaped with strongly fleecy edges wrapped inward, with wet mucous skin of a milky or yellowish color;
  • a leg up to 7 cm high with a volume up to 5 cm, cylindrical in shape, yellowish in color, with a smooth surface and a hollow interior;
  • firm white pulp with a specific fruity odor;
  • yellow spores;
  • plates frequent and wide, white-yellow;
  • milky juice caustic in taste, white, which in places of cuts changes to dirty yellow.
The season of mushrooms comes from July to September. + 8-10 ° С on the soil surface is enough for their fruiting. The fungus is distributed in the northern part of the Eurasian continent and is considered completely unsuitable for food purposes in the West. Most often found in deciduous and mixed arrays. In cooking, it is used for salting. Beginning mushroom pickers may confuse the trophy with a violinist, a white wave and a loader.

Important! Milk mushrooms are characterized by variability: old mushrooms become hollow inside, their plates turn yellow, and brown spotting may appear on the hat.

This bright mushroom with a peculiar shape is found on postage stamps Romania, Moldova, Belarus. The real chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) is a member of the Cantarell family.
Many people recognize her by:

  • a hat - with a diameter of 2.5 to 5 cm, which is characterized by asymmetrical bulges at the edges and a leuko-shaped depression in the center, a yellow tint and a smooth surface;
  • the stem is short (up to 4 cm high), smooth and solid, identical in color to the cap;
  • spores - their size does not exceed 9.5 microns;
  • plates - narrow, folded, bright yellow;
  • pulp - differs in density and elasticity, white or slightly yellowish, with pleasant aroma and tastes.
Experienced mushroom pickers have noticed that true, even overripe specimens, are not spoiled by a wormhole. Mushrooms grow rapidly in a humid environment; in the absence of rain, spore development stops. Finding such trophies is easy throughout Ukraine, their season starts in July and lasts until November. It is best to go in search of moss-covered, damp, but well-lit, areas with a weak grassy cover.

Important! Real chanterelles are often confused with their counterparts. Therefore, when harvesting Special attention pay attention to the color of the pulp of the trophy. In pseudochanterelles, it is yellow-orange or pale pink.

At the same time, keep in mind that this variety is not on the forest edges. In cooking, it is customary to use chanterelles in fresh, pickled, salted and dried forms. They have a specific aroma and taste. Experts note that this variety exceeds all mushrooms known to mankind in terms of the composition of carotene, but is not recommended in large quantities, since it is difficult to digest in the body.

In the scientific literature, oyster mushrooms are simultaneously called oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatu) and belong to predatory varieties. The fact is that their spores are able to paralyze and digest nematodes living in the soil. Thus, the body compensates for its need for nitrogen. In addition, the variety is considered wood-destroying, as it grows in groups on the stumps and trunks of weakened living plants, as well as on dead wood.
You can find most often on oaks, birches, mountain ash, willows, aspens. As a rule, these are dense bunches of 30 or more pieces, which coalesce at the base and form multi-tiered outgrowths. It is easy to recognize oyster mushrooms by the following characteristics:

  • the cap in diameter reaches about 5-30 cm, very fleshy, rounded ear-shaped with wavy edges (in young specimens it differs in convexity, and in adulthood becomes flat), with a smooth glossy surface and an unstable peculiar tonality, which borders on ashy, purple-brown and faded dirty yellow hues;
  • mycelial plaque is present only on the skin of mushrooms that grow in a humid environment;
  • leg up to 5 cm long and 0.8-3 cm thick, sometimes almost imperceptible, dense, cylindrical structure;
  • the plates are sparse, up to 15 mm wide, have jumpers near the legs, their color varies from white to yellow-gray;
  • spores are smooth, colorless, elongated, up to 13 microns in size;
  • the pulp with age becomes more elastic and loses juiciness, fibrous, does not smell, has an anise flavor.

Did you know? Ukrainian mycelium from Volyn - Nina Danilyuk - in 2000 managed to find a giant mushroom that did not fit in a bucket and weighed about 3 kg. Its leg reached 40 cm, and the cap circumference - 94 cm.

Due to the fact that old oyster mushrooms are characterized by rigidity, only young mushrooms are suitable for food, the caps of which do not exceed 10 cm in diameter. In this case, the legs are removed on all trophies. The oyster mushroom hunting season begins in September and, with favorable weather conditions lasts until the New Year. This variety in our latitudes cannot be confused with anything, but for Australians there is a risk of putting poisonous omphalotus in the basket.

This is the popular name for a certain group of fungi that grow on living or dead wood. They belong to different families and genera, and also differ in preferences for habitat conditions.
For food purposes, autumn mushrooms are most often used. ( Armillaria mellea), which represent the Physalacrian family. According to various estimates of scientists, they are classified as conditionally edible or generally inedible. For example, honey mushrooms are not in demand among Western gourmets and are considered a low-value product. And in Eastern Europe - this is one of the favorite trophies of mushroom pickers.

Important! Undercooked mushrooms cause allergic reactions and severe eating disorders in people.

Honey mushrooms are easily recognizable by outward signs. They have:
  • the cap in diameter develops up to 10 cm, is characterized by a bulge in young age and flat when mature, it has a smooth surface and a greenish-olive coloration;
  • leg solid, yellow-brown, 8 to 10 cm long with a volume of 2 cm, with small flaky scales;
  • the plates are sparse, white-cream in color, darken with age to pinkish-brown hues;
  • spores are white, up to 6 microns in size, have the shape of a wide ellipse;
  • the flesh is white, juicy, with a pleasant aroma and taste, dense and fleshy on the caps, and fibrous and rough on the stem.
The honey agaric season starts at the end of summer and lasts until December. September is especially productive, when forest fruits appear in several layers. It is best to look for trophies in damp forest areas under the bark of weakened trees, on stumps, dead plants.
They love the wood of birch, elm, oak, pine, alder and aspen left after felling. In especially fruitful years, a night glow of stumps is noted, which is radiated by group growths of honey agarics. For food purposes, the fruits are salted, pickled, fried, boiled and dried.

Important! When collecting again, be careful. The color of their hats depends on the soil in which they grow. For example, those specimens that appear on poplar, mulberry and white acacia are distinguished by honey-yellow tones, those that have grown from elderberry are dark gray, those from coniferous crops are purple-brown, and those from oak are brown. Edible mushrooms are often confused with false ones. Therefore, only those fruits that have a ring on the stem should be put in the basket.

Most mushroom pickers prefer green flywheels (Xerócomus subtomentósus), which are the most common of their kind. Some botanists classify them as mushrooms.
These fruits are:

  • a hat with a maximum diameter of up to 16 cm, a cushion-shaped bulge, a velvety surface and a smoky olive color;
  • a cylindrical leg, up to 10 cm high and up to 2 cm thick, with a fibrous dark brown mesh;
  • brown spores, up to 12 microns in size;
  • the flesh is snow-white, in contact with oxygen it may acquire a slight blue.
To hunt for this species, you should go to deciduous and mixed forests. also grow on the outskirts of roads, but such specimens are not recommended for consumption. The fruiting period lasts from late spring to late autumn. The harvested crop is best eaten fresh. When dried, it turns black.

Did you know? Although fly agarics are considered very poisonous, there are much fewer toxic substances in them than in pale grebe. For example, to obtain a lethal concentration of mushroom poison, you need to eat 4 kg of fly agaric. And one toadstool is enough to poison 4 people.

Among the edible varieties of oil, white, marsh, yellow, Bollini, and larch species are popular. In our latitudes, the latter variation is especially popular.
She is characterized by:

  • a hat up to 15 cm in diameter, convex in shape, with a bare sticky surface of lemon yellow or rich yellow-orange color;
  • the stem is up to 12 cm high and 3 cm wide, club-shaped, with granular-mesh fragments at the top, as well as a ring, its color exactly matches the tone of the cap;
  • spores are smooth, pale yellow, ellipsoid, up to 10 microns in size;
  • the flesh is yellow with a lemon tint, brownish under the skin, soft, juicy with hard fibers, in old mushrooms the sections turn a little pink.
The season runs from July to September. The species is very common in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere. Most often found in groups deciduous forests where the soil is acidic and enriched. In cooking, these forest trophies are used for making soups, frying, salting, pickling.

Did you know? Truffles are considered the most expensive mushrooms in the world. In France, the price per kilogram of this delicacy never falls below 2,000 euros..

In the people, this mushroom is also called the blackhead and. In botanical literature, it is designated as Léccinum scábrum and represents the genus Obabok.
He is recognized by:

  • a hat with a specific color that varies from white to gray-black;
  • club-shaped stem, with oblong dark and light scales;
  • white flesh that does not change when exposed to oxygen.
Young specimens are tastier. You can find them in summer and autumn in birch thickets. They are suitable for frying, boiling, marinating and drying.

Represents the family and includes about fifty species. Most of them are considered edible. Some varieties have a bitter aftertaste, which is lost with careful pre-soaking and cooking of forest gifts.
From the entire mushroom kingdom of russula stand out:

  • a hat is spherical or prostrate (in some specimens it may be in the form of a funnel), with wrapped ribbed edges, dry skin of different colors;
  • a cylindrical leg, with a hollow or dense structure, white or colored;
  • plates frequent, brittle, yellowish;
  • spores of white and dark yellow tones;
  • the pulp is spongy and very fragile, white in young mushrooms and dark, as well as reddish in old ones.

Important! Russula with caustic burning pulp are poisonous. A small piece of raw fruit can cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes, vomiting and dizziness..

Fruiting in these representatives of the genus Obabok begins in early summer and lasts until mid-September. They are most often found in damp areas under shady trees. Rarely such a trophy can be found in coniferous forests. Aspen mushrooms are popular in Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, in Western Europe and North America.
The features of this forest fruit are:

  • a hat of a hemispherical shape, with a circumference of up to 25 cm, with a bare or fleecy surface of a white-pink color (sometimes there are specimens with brown, bluish and greenish shades of the peel);
  • club-shaped leg, high, white with brown-gray scales that appear over time;
  • disputes Brown;
  • tubular layer white-yellow or gray-brown;
  • the flesh is juicy and fleshy, white or yellow, sometimes blue-green, upon contact with oxygen, it very soon acquires a bluish tint, after which it turns black (it becomes purple in the leg).
most often harvested for marinades, drying, as well as frying and boiling.

Did you know? It is scientifically proven that mushrooms existed about 400 million years ago. This means that they appeared before dinosaurs. Like ferns, these gifts of nature were among the oldest inhabitants of the globe. Moreover, their spores have been able to adapt to new conditions for millennia, retaining all ancient species to this day.

These edible representatives of the Syroezhkov genus conquered all mushroom pickers with their specific taste. In everyday life they are called reeds or, and in the scientific literature - Lactarius deliciosus.
The harvest should be sent between August and October. Often such trophies are found in humid forest areas. In Ukraine, these are Polissya and Prykarpattya. Signs of mushrooms are:

  • hat with a diameter of 3 to 12 cm, leuco-shaped, sticky to the touch, gray-orange in color, with clear concentric stripes;
  • the plates are rich orange, when touched they begin to turn green;
  • spores are warty, up to 7 microns in size;
  • the stem is very dense, exactly matches the cap in color, reaches up to 7 cm in length, and up to 2.5 cm in volume, becomes hollow with age;
  • the flesh is yellow in the cap and white in the stem, when interacting with oxygen, the places of the cuts turn green;
  • the milky juice is purple-orange (becomes dirty green after a few hours), has a pleasant smell and taste.
In cooking, mushrooms are boiled, fried, salted.

Did you know? The natural antibiotic lactarioviolin was found in the composition of mushrooms.

In France, absolutely all mushrooms are called. Therefore, linguists tend to think that Slavic name of a whole genus of organisms from the Agarikov family is of French origin.
Champignons have:

  • the hat is massive and dense, hemispherical in shape, which becomes flat with age, white or dark brown, up to 20 cm in diameter;
  • the plates are initially white, which turn gray with age;
  • leg up to 5 cm high, dense, club-shaped, always having a one- or two-layered ring;
  • the flesh, which comes in all sorts of shades of white, becomes yellow-red, juicy, with a pronounced mushroom smell when exposed to oxygen.
In nature, there are about 200 types of champignons. But all of them develop only on a substrate enriched with organic substances. They can also be found on anthills, dead bark. It is characteristic that some mushrooms can grow only in the forest, others - exclusively among grasses, and others - in desert zones.

Important! When collecting champignons, pay attention to their records. This is the only important sign by which they can be distinguished from the poisonous representatives of the Amanitov family. In the latter, this part remains invariably white or lemon throughout life..

In the nature of the Eurasian continent, there is a small species diversity of such trophies. Mushroom pickers should beware of only yellow-skinned (Agaricus xanthodermus) and variegated (Agaricus meleagris) champignons. All other species are non-toxic. They are even massively cultivated on an industrial scale.

Outwardly, these fruits are very unattractive, but for their taste they are considered a valuable delicacy. In everyday life, they are called the "earth heart", since they can be located underground at a depth of half a meter. And it is also the "black diamonds of cooking." Botanists classify truffles as a separate genus of marsupial mushrooms with an underground fleshy and juicy fruiting body. In cooking, Italian, Perigord and winter species are most valued.
Basically, they grow in oak and beech forests of southern France and northern Italy. In Europe, specially trained dogs and pigs are used for "silent hunting". Experienced mushroom pickers advise paying attention to flies - in places where they swarm, under the foliage, there will surely be an earthen heart.

You can recognize the most valuable fruit by the following signs:

  • the fruit body is potato-shaped, 2.5 to 8 cm in diameter, with a slight pleasant smell and large pyramidal protrusions up to 10 mm in diameter, olive-black;
  • the flesh is white or yellow-brown with clear light veins, tastes like roasted sunflower seeds or nuts;
  • ellipsoid-shaped spores develop only in a humus substrate.
Truffles form mycorrhiza with rhizomes of oak, hornbeam, hazel, beech. Since 1808 they have been cultivated for industrial purposes.

Did you know? According to statistics, the world's truffle harvest is declining every year. On average, it does not exceed 50 tons.

This is a type of edible mushroom from the genus Lentinula. They are very widespread in East Asia. They got their name due to the growth on chestnut trees. Translated from Japanese, the word means "chestnut mushroom". In cooking, it is used in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai cuisines as a gourmet spice. In oriental medicine, there are also many recipes for the treatment of these fruits.
In everyday life, the mushroom is also called oak, winter, black. Characteristically, in the world market, shiitake is considered the second important mushroom that is cultivated in industry. Growing a delicacy is quite realistic in the climatic conditions of Ukraine. To do this, it is important to acquire an artificial mushroom substrate.

When harvesting shiitake, you need to focus on the following characteristics of the mushroom:

  • a hat of a hemispherical shape, up to 29 cm in diameter, with dry velvety skin of coffee or brown-brown color;
  • the plates are white, thin and dense, in young specimens they are protected by a membrane coating, when squeezed they become dark brown;
  • the leg is fibrous, cylindrical in shape, up to 20 cm high and up to 1.5 cm thick, with a smooth light brown surface;
  • white ellipsoid spores;
  • the pulp is dense, fleshy, juicy, cream or snow-white in color, with a pleasant aroma and a pronounced specific taste.

Did you know? The increased interest in shiitake in the world market is due to its antitumor effect. The main consumer of this delicacy is Japan, which annually imports about 2 thousand tons of the product.

The mushroom belongs to the Boletov family. In everyday life, it is called a bruise, tannery, dirty brown. The fruiting period begins in July and lasts until late autumn. August is considered the most fruitful. You should go in search of forests, where there are oaks, hornbeams, beeches, birches. also prefer calcareous soil and well-lit areas. These forest fruits are known in the Caucasus, Europe and the Far East.
The signs of the fungus are:

  • a hat with a diameter of 5 to 20 cm, semicircular in shape, with an olive-brown velvety skin that darkens when touched;
  • the pulp is dense, odorless, with a mild taste, yellow in color (purple at the base of the stem);
  • the plates are yellow, about 2.5-3 cm long, green or olive;
  • club-shaped leg, up to 15 cm high with a volume of up to 6 cm, yellow-orange hue;
  • spores olive-brown, smooth, fusiform.
Experienced mushroom pickers are advised to pay attention to the colors of the oak caps. It is highly variable and can vary between red, yellow, brown, brown and olive tones. These fruits are considered conditionally edible. They are harvested for marinades and drying.

Important! If you eat undercooked or raw oak, you may experience severe poisoning. It is strictly contraindicated to combine this product of any degree cooking with alcoholic drinks.

Edible varieties of these fruits must necessarily undergo thorough boiling. They differ from poisonous specimens in their bright color and not too tart smell. Most often used for filling in pies, and also consumed freshly prepared.
Experienced mushroom pickers are advised to go "on a quiet hunt" from early July to the second half of October. To improve the taste of talkers, only the caps of young fruits are used for food. You can find them by:

  • a cap with a bell-shaped circumference up to 22 cm, with folded edges and a tubercle in the middle, a smooth surface of a matte or red color;
  • a stem up to 15 cm high, with a dense structure, a cylindrical shape and a color scheme corresponding to the hat (there are darker shades at the base);
  • plates of medium density brown;
  • the pulp is fleshy, dry, with a slightly pronounced almond aroma, white in color, which does not change on the cuts.

Important! Pay attention to the skin of the talker's hat. Poisonous fruits always have a characteristic powdery coating on it.

Many novice mushroom pickers are always impressed by the appearance of the bigheads. These trophies stand out from their counterparts very favorably due to their impressive size and shape.
They have:

  • fruiting body large sizes, in diameter it can develop up to 20 cm, non-standard club-shaped, which hardly fits into the generally accepted ideas about mushrooms;
  • the stem can also reach 20 cm in height, there are more or less caps, in color it harmonizes with the top;
  • the pulp is loose, white color.
For culinary purposes, only young fruits are suitable, which are distinguished by light shades of the fruiting body. With age, the hat darkens, and cracks appear on it. You can harvest golovach in any woodland. Some young mushrooms are very similar to puffballs. But such confusion is not dangerous to health, since both varieties are edible. mushroom season starts from the second decade of July and lasts until the very cold. Collected trophies are best dried.

Did you know? Mushrooms can survive at an altitude of 30 thousand meters above sea level, withstand radioactive exposure and pressure of 8 atmospheres. They also take root easily even on the surface of sulfuric acid..

He is a member of the genus Borovik. In everyday life, it is referred to as a yellow boletus or yellow boletus. It is very common in Polissya, the Carpathian region and in Western Europe. It is considered a heat-loving variety of Boletovs. It can be found in oak, hornbeam, beech plantations with high humidity and clay substrate.
Externally, the fungus is characterized by:

  • a cap with a diameter of 5 to 20 cm, a convex shape, which becomes flat with age, with a smooth matte surface of a clay color;
  • pulp is heavy, with a dense structure, white or light yellow in color, which does not change when cut, with a pleasant, slightly sweet taste and a specific smell, reminiscent of iodoform;
  • a leg with a rough surface, up to 16 cm high, up to 6 cm in volume, club-shaped, without a grid;
  • tubular layer up to 3 cm in size, yellow at an early age and olive-lemon - in mature;
  • yellow-olive spores, up to 6 microns in size, spindle-shaped and smooth.
Semi-white mushrooms are often harvested for making marinades and drying. It is important to thoroughly boil the harvested crop before use - then the unpleasant odor disappears.

Did you know? In the history of mushrooms, a fact was captured when Swiss mushroom pickers accidentally stumbled upon a huge trophy that had been growing for a thousand years. This giant honey agaric measured 800 m long and 500 m wide, and its mycelium occupied 35 hectares of local area. national park in the city of Openpass.

Basic rules for picking mushrooms

Mushroom hunting has its risks. In order not to be exposed to them, you need to clearly understand that it is extremely important to be able to collect mushrooms and understand their varieties.
To safely harvest forest trophies, you must follow these rules:

  1. Go in search of environmentally friendly areas, away from noisy highways and production assets.
  2. Never put items in the shopping cart that you are not sure about. In this case, it is better to seek help from experienced mushroom pickers.
  3. Never take samples from raw fruit.
  4. During the "silent hunt" to minimize the touch of the hands to the mouth and face.
  5. Do not take mushrooms that have a white tuberous formation at the base.
  6. Compare found trophies with their toxic counterparts.
  7. Visually evaluate the entire fruit: leg, plates, cap, pulp.
  8. Do not delay the preparation of the harvest. It is better to immediately carry out the planned processing, because every hour the mushrooms lose their value.
  9. Never eat water in which mushrooms have been boiled. It can contain many toxic substances.
  10. Delete instances damaged by the wormhole, as well as those that have any damage.
  11. Only young fruits should fall into the mushroom picker's basket.
  12. All trophies must be cut, not pulled out.
  13. The best time for "quiet hunting" is considered to be early morning.
  14. If you go for mushrooms with children, do not lose sight of them and explain to the kids in advance about the potential danger of forest gifts.

Did you know? Soft mushroom caps can break through asphalt, concrete, marble and iron.

Video: mushroom picking rules

Mushroom poisoning is evidenced by:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • cramps in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea (up to 15 times a day);
  • weakened heartbeat;
  • hallucinations;
  • cold extremities.
Similar symptoms can occur within one and a half to two hours after mushroom food. When intoxicated, it is important not to waste time. Need to call immediately ambulance and provide the victim with plenty of fluids. It is allowed to drink cold water or cold strong tea. It is recommended to take activated charcoal tablets or Enterosgel.
It also does not hurt to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract with an enema and gastric lavage before the doctor arrives (drink about 2 liters of a weak solution of potassium permanganate to induce vomiting). Improvement in the condition with adequate treatment occurs within a day. During the "quiet hunt" do not lose vigilance, carefully inspect the trophies and, if there are doubts about their edibility, it is better not to take them with you.

Video: mushroom poisoning

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Not all varieties of mushrooms are edible. Therefore, going to the forest, you need to know how edible mushrooms differ from inedible ones.

  • Photos and names of mushrooms


    Sometimes poisoning occurs due to one piece of pale toadstool or red fly agaric that fell on the table along with edible mushrooms. In order not to confuse edible and inedible mushrooms, it is necessary to accurately understand which specimens are common in the area, how they look. They put in the basket only the mushroom that is well known.

    These are the main differences between edible and inedible mushrooms. Of the poisonous species in Russia, the most common are pale grebe (green fly agaric), red fly agaric, thin pig and satanic mushroom. Death cap deadly.

    If the above signs are absent, but there is no certainty that the specimen found does not contain toxic substances, it should not be taken.

    Types of edible mushrooms

    There are different classifications of mushrooms. They are divided into categories depending on the growing area (forest, steppe), fruiting time (spring, summer, autumn, winter), structures (tubular, lamellar), etc. To recognize, edible mushroom or not, it is not necessary to know about the existence of these categories, a fairly accurate and complete description.

    The list of edible mushrooms is huge. On the territory of Russia, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, volnushki, chanterelles, russula, boletus and milk mushrooms are most often found.


    This mushroom is also known as "white". He owes this name due to the snow-white color of the pulp. Due to their taste and rich aroma, mushrooms are considered a delicacy.

    Boletus has a tubular hymenophore structure. The size of the cap varies from 10 to 30 cm. In small mushrooms, the shape of the cap resembles a hemisphere. As they grow older, it straightens a little and becomes flat-rounded. The cap is covered with a matte cuticle of medium thickness, colored light brown or brown, less often dark orange. The edges of the cap are always slightly lighter than its center. After rain, it acquires a slight sheen. The fleshy pulp has a rich mushroom aroma and a dense structure.

    The height of the leg varies from 10 to 25 cm. It is painted light brown, sometimes there is a slight reddish tint. At the base, the stem is slightly wider than at the junction with the cap (this is a typical shape). In shape, it resembles a barrel or cylinder. The tubular layer is painted white or olive.

    This species is easy to find in both coniferous and deciduous forests. Collection time is summer. Borovik is unpretentious to the climate and grows well even in the north.

    Honey mushrooms

    This type of mushroom is most often found near stumps and trees. Honey mushrooms grow in numerous groups, which is their characteristic feature. They have a lamellar structure of the spore-bearing layer. The diameter of the hat varies between 5-10 cm. It is painted in beige, honey or brown. In young specimens, the color of the cap is more saturated than in old ones. Changes with age and its shape. From hemispherical, it turns into an umbrella-shaped. The surface of the skin on the cap at a young age is covered with a small number of scales, and later becomes smooth.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Experienced mushroom pickers advise collecting only young mushrooms that meet all the requirements for appearance, according to which they clearly differ from poisonous counterparts:

    • scales on the surface of the cap;
    • "skirt" on the leg;
    • plates of cream, white or slightly yellowish color;
    • calm color of the fruiting body.

    The height of a thin cylindrical leg varies between 5-13 cm. The color of the flexible leg matches the color of the cap. At the base of the leg, it is more saturated than in other areas. Many representatives have a membranous “skirt” on the leg - the remnant of the film that covered the hymenophore. The harvest time is autumn.


    These edible mushrooms prefer coniferous forests. The structure of the hymenophore (spore-bearing layer) of the fungus is lamellar. The diameter of the hat varies from 3 to 9 cm. It is painted in a soft orange color. The color of the cap corresponds to the dense pulp. In shape, it is hemispherical in young specimens, and funnel-shaped in old specimens, smooth edges are slightly bent inward. The smooth skin covering the hat becomes sticky after rain and high humidity.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    The mushrooms rise above the ground to a height of 3-8 cm. The brittle leg is painted in a color corresponding to the color of the cap, and becomes hollow inside with age. Sometimes there are spots of a lighter or darker shade on the leg. The first mushrooms appear in early summer. They can be found in coniferous forests.


    Forest butterflies have a tubular hat, as if covered with oil, which is their characteristic feature. Therefore, such a name arose. At a young age, the cap has a hemispherical shape, then becomes flat-rounded. The diameter of the cap varies from 7 to 15 cm. The color of the thin skin, which looks more like a film, varies from light beige, reddish, chocolate or ocher shades with spots. To the touch it is sticky or velvety. It depends on the type of oil and the weather. Their hymenophore is tubular (spongy).

    A dense low leg (4-10 cm) has a barrel-shaped or straight shape. It is decorated with a white skirt and has a cream or light yellow color. Butterflies are harvested already in the middle of spring.

    Aspen mushrooms

    The boletus is popularly called aspen or redhead. And he owes his name to what grows next to aspens, and the color of the skin covering the hat and the color of the autumn aspen are almost identical.

    The hemispherical fleshy cap with a tubular structure of the spore-bearing layer has a bright red-orange color. Its diameter varies from 5 to 30 cm. In young specimens, the shape of the cap resembles a thimble. It is difficult to remove the skin from the hat. It feels dry or velvety to the touch. The flesh is colored milky or creamy.

    The height of the leg varies from 15 to 20 cm, which is why the boletus is clearly visible above the ground. characteristic shape boletus legs are club-shaped. She is painted white. On the surface there are a large number of small scales, painted in brown or black. Aspen mushrooms are harvested in mid-summer and early autumn. They grow both in the south and in the northwest. They feel comfortable in any climatic conditions.


    Volnushki attract not only with an unusual color, but also with a hat pattern. They prefer to grow near birches on sandy soils. The lamellar cap at a young age is hemispherical, at the old one it is funnel-shaped with edges turned inward. Its diameter varies from 4 to 12 cm. The skin covering the hat is colored pinkish or pink-orange, but white specimens are also found. On the hat there are rings of various shades. They have different widths and jagged edges. The fleshy pulp is pungent in taste. The bottom of the cap (hymenophore) is painted light pink. Even in a white wave, the bottom of the cap has a pinkish tint.

    A thin solid leg becomes hollow with age and has a length of 2 to 6 cm. It is painted in light or pale pink. Collect waves in mixed forests or birch groves from late summer to mid-autumn.


    This type of edible mushroom is different external features hats. It is lamellar, funnel-shaped, with wavy and slightly curved edges. The diameter of the cap varies from 6 to 13 cm. The skin covering the cap is yellow-orange. Fleshy and dense in structure, the pulp is creamy or light yellow.

    The length of the straight leg varies from 4 to 7 cm. It is painted in a color that matches the color of the hat. Rarely, the leg and cap of the chanterelle differ in color. Chanterelles are harvested in coniferous forests from late spring to late autumn.


    A feature of russula is the variety of colors in which the hat is painted. There is red-yellow or reddish, light purple, raspberry, white, cream and greenish, which greatly complicates the recognition of russula. The diameter of the lamellar cap varies from 5 to 17 cm. The top is hemispherical in shape, but with age it becomes reminiscent of a funnel. The skin is thick. It is difficult to separate it from the pulp. Often the cap is covered with shallow cracks. These colorful mushrooms have a rich aroma.

    The height of the light leg varies from 4 to 11 cm. It has a cylindrical shape. Sometimes at the base it is 3-4 mm thicker than at the junction with the cap. Russula collection time begins in July and ends in September. In nature, they are found in deciduous or mixed forests.


    The boletus grows in birch groves. The diameter of its gray, brown or dark brown hat varies from 5 to 12 cm. Its shape in young mushrooms is spherical, because. fits snugly to the leg, and in adults it resembles a hemisphere. Boletus mushrooms belong to tubular mushrooms and have high taste qualities. The fleshy pulp has a dense structure. Mature mushrooms do not have a rich aroma.

    The white stem, on which there are a large number of brown and black scales, slightly tapers upwards. The first boletus trees appear in May. Collect them until September.

    Milk mushrooms

    It is easy to recognize a breast by its size. The diameter of a yellow, light gray or brown hat is sometimes 25-30 cm. Small scales are present on its surface. The flat-round shape becomes funnel-shaped with age. The edges are slightly bent inwards.

    The height of the stem, the color of which corresponds to the color of the cap, varies from 5 to 14 cm. It is hollow, but strong. There are notches on the leg. It is sticky to the touch. It is better to look for a breast in spruce forests or next to aspens. myceliums form mushrooms from early spring to late autumn. As a place of growth, they choose mixed forests. They develop in the forest floor. To see them, you need to pay attention to all the "suspicious" tubercles of foliage.

    This list of common edible mushrooms can be expanded with the following types: kolchak, chimney (grandfather's tobacco), bear ears, raincoat or rain mushroom, bordered galerina, cyanosis, ringed cap (they are sometimes called "Turks"). But they are much less common in Russia, which is why their description is not presented.

    Mushroom picking rules

    By following simple rules, it will be possible to avoid poisoning:

    1. Unknown mushrooms should not be taken, even if they have a pleasant smell and have a velvety skin.
    2. It is advisable for novice mushroom pickers to have a memo with a description and photographs of non-dangerous varieties. This may be a table in which dangerous varieties are also presented.
    3. Also, it would not be superfluous to look at an atlas of mushroom places or Internet services, the task of which is to determine the type of mushroom from a photo.
    4. At first, it is better to go to the forest with people who understand mushrooms. They will help you find mushroom glades and identify varieties, help you understand them and teach you to distinguish edible specimens from harmful ones.
    5. Each mushroom is best tested by breaking it open and looking at the color change.

    To protect themselves from poisoning, people grow certain categories of mushrooms at home. Mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are the most popular cultivated species. Oyster mushrooms, in which the hat is covered with skin gray color are easier to grow.

    If, after eating a mushroom dish, there are signs characteristic of food poisoning, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical care and save the mushroom dish for laboratory analysis to make it easier to determine the toxin that caused the poisoning.

  • Irina Kamshilina

    Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


    How many amateurs are waiting for the start of the season to walk through the forest in search of mushrooms or buttercups. Fry chanterelles, pickle milk mushrooms, marinate boletus to taste for winter festive table. Unfortunately, not everything ends well if you do not know whether you have collected. Armed with useful knowledge of how to distinguish inedible species, every mushroom eater is obliged.

    How to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones

    You should not go into the forest if you do not know how to determine whether a mushroom is poisonous or not. Ask an experienced person to take you on a quiet hunt. In the forest more often he will tell about edible varieties, show how they look. Read books or find information on websites. Only in this way will you protect your loved ones and yourself from mortal danger. Even one inedible specimen in the basket can lead to trouble if you do not distinguish it and cook it together with others.

    Inedible species are dangerous because they can provoke food poisoning cause disruption of the central nervous system, lead to death. Experienced mushroom pickers recommend following the rules when collecting:

    • do not taste - you can instantly get poisoned;
    • do not take if in doubt;
    • do not cut dry, overripe specimens - it is difficult to determine their belonging;
    • do not collect everything in the hope of sorting it out at home;
    • visit the forest with experienced people;
    • do not collect specimens with a stem thickened at the bottom;
    • Refresh your knowledge of species features before departure.

    What do edible mushrooms look like?

    Experienced lovers of quiet forest hunting know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. You can’t go wrong, you can put the copy you like in the basket, and then cook it if:

    • there is a "skirt" on the leg;
    • under the cap is a layer of a tubular type;
    • a pleasant smell emanates from it;
    • hats have a characteristic appearance and color for their variety;
    • insects were noticed on the surface - bugs and worms.

    There are varieties that are very famous and popular in the middle forest belt. They are known, collected, although among them there are specimens that have dangerous twins. To get a unique taste, you need different ways cooking. Favorite species include:

    • white - boletus;
    • breast;
    • camelina;
    • boletus;
    • honey agaric;
    • boletus;
    • oiler;
    • wave;
    • fox;
    • russula.

    What mushrooms are poisonous

    How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible? Poisonous varieties are often recognized by the following features:

    • color - have an unusual or very bright color;
    • adhesive cap in some varieties;
    • discoloration of the legs - when cut, an unnatural color appears;
    • the absence of worms and insects inside and on the surface - they do not tolerate mushroom poison;
    • smell - it can be fetid, medicinal, chlorine;
    • the absence of a tubular layer under the cap.

    Inedible varieties contain toxic substances. It is necessary to carefully collect, to know the special signs of dangerous specimens in order to distinguish them:

    • pale grebe - deadly poisonous, has a hat of greenish or olive color, a leg thickened downwards;
    • satanic - different from white in red tones;
    • fly agaric red - has a bright hat with white dots, provokes the destruction of brain cells;
    • thin pig - has a hallucinogenic property when interacting with alcohol;
    • fly agaric smelly - has the smell of chlorine, very poisonous.

    How to distinguish mushrooms

    Among the variety of species, one can find poisonous specimens - twins, similar to species suitable for consumption. How to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms in this case? The resemblance may be distant or very close. Twins have the following edible varieties:

    • white - satanic, bile;
    • mossiness mushrooms, boletus - pepper;
    • chanterelles - false chanterelles;
    • milk mushrooms - waxy talkers;
    • champignons - fly agaric;
    • mushrooms - false mushrooms.

    How to distinguish a false white mushroom

    Inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse a strong boletus with false species, although they are not very similar. A real white copy is strong, dense, grows in groups, sometimes making up a path. It is distinguished by a hat, from below it is exclusively olive, yellow, white. Its flesh is firm, dense, the smell is pleasant. If you make a cut, it will be white.

    There are two types of falsehoods:

    • Biliary - has a shade of pinkish color. There is a dark mesh on the surface of the leg.
    • Satanic - with a strong smell of rotten onions, it has a velvety hat, yellow or red flesh. The leg is thickened at the bottom. It has a very bright color that varies in height from rich red to shades of green and yellow.

    How to recognize a false chanterelle mushroom

    How to determine edible and inedible mushrooms, if both look bright and elegant? What are similar and by what signs can chanterelles be distinguished? For inedible variety characteristic are:

    • a bright, velvety, orange-colored hat;
    • smaller diameter - about 2.5 cm;
    • pulp with an unpleasant odor;
    • leg tapering downward;
    • a hat that looks like a funnel with smooth edges;
    • the absence of worms - the composition contains chitinmannose - an anthelmintic substance.

    Edible chanterelles grow in groups in mixed, coniferous forests. They often have large specimens with a hat up to 10 cm. They are distinguished by:

    • thick dense leg, which is never hollow;
    • the hat is lowered down, has bumpy edges, the color is not bright - from light yellow to pale orange;
    • the plates are dense, go down to the leg;
    • the flesh is red when pressed.

    How to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms

    Of particular difficulty is the correct definition of mushrooms, since they collect several edible varieties that have different shapes. They grow on stumps, tree trunks, in the grass, often large groups. Good mushrooms can be distinguished by:

    • hats from light beige to brown with dark scales;
    • leg ring;
    • cream or white plates under the hat;
    • pleasant smell.

    Inedible mushrooms often grow singly. The difference from edible ones is the absence of a ring on the leg. Other features of inedible varieties:

    • brightly colored hat, red, orange, rusty brown, sticky and smooth after rain;
    • the plates are dark - green olive-black, yellow;
    • moldy smell;
    • spots on the hat in black.

    Video: how to check mushrooms for edibility

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    poisonous mushrooms they contain deadly toxins and that is why it is strictly forbidden to eat them! Even after long and careful processing (drying, soaking, salting, etc.) poisonous mushrooms may not lose harmful substances. Before you go to the forest to pick mushrooms, you need to know at least in theory what some types of poisonous mushrooms that can be found in our forests. Every person who likes to go for mushrooms should clearly remember that putting unknown mushrooms in the basket is not worth it. After all, even the smallest poisonous mushroom, processed already along with the rest of the mushrooms, can lead to serious consequences.

    poisonous mushrooms- These are mushrooms, when consumed in normal doses, a person receives severe poisoning. The nature of the action of toxins poisonous mushrooms are divided into three groups:

    • mushrooms with a local irritant effect (food intoxication);
    • fungi that cause disruption of activity in the central nervous system;
    • mushrooms that cause poisoning, leading to death.

    The first signs of mushroom poisoning - what to do in case of mushroom poisoning

    The first signs of mushroom poisoning are similar to many other pathologies:

    • vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, fever.
    The matter may end with this, but sometimes, after the first symptoms, severe damage to the liver, pancreas, and kidneys develops. Death may occur. That is why self-treatment should not be done in any case! If you have eaten mushrooms and feel unwell, contact your doctor immediately. While the ambulance is on the way, drink in small sips 4-5 glasses of boiled water at room temperature (a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda solution). This is done in order to make you vomit and flush your stomach. Mortality from mushroom poisoning is very high - from 50 to 90% in the regions of Russia. Tragic cases are known when entire families died.
    In general, mushrooms are a very difficult product to digest. Mushrooms are not recommended for children, the elderly, and those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, even healthy people mushrooms should not be consumed with alcohol and with starchy foods, in particular with potatoes.

    Poisonous mushrooms in the forests of Russia

    Mortality from poisoning with poisonous mushrooms in some cases reaches 90%! Poisonous mushrooms are especially dangerous for a child's body. The main distinguishing feature of poisonous mushrooms is the presence of deadly substances in them, and not the external resemblance or absence of any "normal" mushroom sign. Therefore, going on a mushroom hunt, it is important to get acquainted with the representatives of poisonous mushrooms.

    • Poisonous Mushrooms - Pale Grebe

    Pale grebe - perhaps the most poisonous mushroom! It is better to avoid poisoning with a pale toadstool! The appearance of this mushroom is practically not much different from other mushrooms growing in forests, so it is easy to quite simply confuse it with an edible mushroom.
    The color of the cap of this toadstool has a yellowish-brown, pale greenish or greenish-olive color. Usually the center of the cap is darker in color than its edges. The structure of this mushroom species is quite fleshy, with pale green cylindrical stripes. On top of the leg is a striped-pale or white ring.
    Pale grebe (photo) forms mycorrhiza with deciduous trees, growing in mixed and deciduous forests. Fruiting begins in late summer to late September. Pale grebe (pictures) has a strong toxic effect.

    • Poison mushrooms - False mushroom

    The mushroom has a convex hat up to 5 cm in diameter. The color of the cap is predominantly yellowish with a red or orange tint and a darker color in the center. The mushroom has a thin, even, hollow, fibrous leg. The flesh of the mushroom is light yellow, has a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor.
    False worm lives from June to October.
    Most often it can be found in fairly large groups on rotting wood.
    Mushroom - Poisonous and causes upset digestive organs. After 1-6 hours, signs of poisoning immediately appear: vomiting, loss of consciousness, nausea, excessive sweating.
    False honey agarics are similar in appearance to autumn, winter, summer and gray-lamellar honey agarics.

    • Poisonous mushrooms - Chanterelle false (orange talker)

    This poisonous mushroom has a cap of a bright color from orange-red to copper-red. The shape of the false chanterelle hat resembles a funnel with a smooth edge. The plates of the fungus are bright red, sinuous. The stalk is about 10 cm long and 10 mm wide, often narrowed towards the base. Chanterelle false mainly grows in the warm period of the year from July to October, near real chanterelles. Also, this type of mushroom often grows in families, in rare cases singly.
    The false chanterelle can be easily distinguished from edible chanterelle: A real chanterelle has a bright yellow color, a hat that is concave, smooth on top and wavy at the edges. The leg is dense and elastic, slightly darker than the cap. A characteristic feature of chanterelles is their pleasant fruity aroma. False relatives of the chanterelle are outwardly brighter, yellow-orange in color, with a hollow and thin leg. The edges of her hat are even, unlike a real fox. And most importantly: the pulp of the false chanterelle has a very unpleasant odor.

    How to spot a poisonous mushroom How to spot an edible mushroom

    It's no secret that many poisonous mushrooms disguise themselves as edible ones. So, let's figure out how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. It is worth remembering that even an edible mushroom can cause poisoning.

    Overripe mushrooms with a cap open like an umbrella have no nutritional value. It is better to hang such a mushroom on a twig - let the disputes spread around the area. But if the hat is curved like a dome, it means the mushroom has already released spores and poison is formed in it, similar to cadaveric. It is dangerous, it is the main cause of poisoning.

    Differences between poisonous and edible mushrooms

    Let's figure out what differences between poisonous and edible mushrooms beginner mushroom pickers need to know. What you should pay attention to when picking mushrooms, what should alert mushroom lovers and how not to become a victim of poisonous mushrooms.
    Porcini Description: Cep is distinguished by a thick and dense stem, brown cap, white flesh, pleasant taste and smell. White fungus is quite easy to distinguish from poisonous ones.
    Danger: discoloration at the break, bitter taste. Don't confuse White mushroom with poisonous yellow - on the cut, its flesh turns pink.
    boletus Description: The boletus is distinguished by a dense, brown-red hat, the flesh turns blue at the break. So you can distinguish the edible boletus mushroom from other mushrooms.
    boletus Description: The boletus is distinguished by a white leg with bright scales, a brownish hat on top, a white hat below, and white flesh at the break. These are the main differences between an edible mushroom, this is how edible boletus is distinguished from inedible mushrooms.
    Danger: the mushroom does not grow under its own tree.
    Oilers Description: Oiler (butter) has a yellow leg and the same hat with white marks along the edges and sticky, as if oiled, skin on top, which is easily removed with a knife. Learn to identify poisonous mushrooms.
    Danger: discoloration at the break, reddish spongy layer, bitter taste.
    Mokhoviki Description: Flywheels have a dark green or reddish velvet cap, yellow stem and spongy layer. These are the main features by which you can distinguish edible fly mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
    Danger: lack of velvety, reddish color of the spongy layer, bitter taste.
    Chanterelle Description: Chanterelle - dense, apricot or light orange in color, the plates from under the cap smoothly pass to a dense and strong leg. A way to distinguish edible chanterelle mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
    Danger: red-orange color, empty stem.
    Ginger Description: Camelina - agaric fungus of the corresponding color, secreting milky juice - orange and not bitter in taste. So to distinguish the edible mushroom mushroom from twin mushrooms.
    Danger: white, bitter, caustic milky juice.
    Honey mushrooms Description: Honey mushrooms are hatched by families on stumps, roots, trunks of dead trees. The ocher cap is covered with small black scales directed from the middle, under it are whitish plates, on the stem there is a white ring or film.
    Danger: growing on the ground, cap yellow or reddish, without scales, black, green or brown plates, no film or ring on the stem, earthy smell.
    breast Description: Milk mushroom - agaric, white, with fluffy edges, white and caustic milky juice, grows in flocks next to birch trees. So you can distinguish a mushroom from poisonous and inedible mushrooms.
    Danger: sparse blades, sharp blueness and stone hardness at the break, absence of birches nearby.
    Volnushka Description: Volnushka - agaric mushroom with a shaggy pink hat, curved at the edges, white and caustic milky juice. These are the distinguishing features of the wave.
    Danger: "wrong" hat - not pink, unfolded, without hairiness.
    Russula Description: Russula - agaric, easily broken, hats of different colors - pink, brownish, greenish, the skin is easily removed from them. So you can distinguish edible russula mushrooms from inedible ones.
    Danger: red or brown-black cap, pink stem, reddened or darkened soft film on the stem, rough and hard flesh, unpleasant and bitter taste.

    There are no reliable methods for distinguishing between edible and poisonous mushrooms by eye.
    , so the only way out is to know each of the mushrooms. If the species affiliation of mushrooms is in doubt, it is by no means worth eating them. Fortunately, among the hundreds of species found in nature, many differ in such clearly defined characters that it is difficult to confuse them with others. However, it is best to always have a mushroom guide on hand to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible mushrooms.

    How to identify poisonous mushrooms

    Poisonous mushroom, know: there are two ways to remove poison:

    1. Boil the mushrooms for 15-30 minutes, then drain the broth and rinse the gifts of the forest in running water. To be sure, the procedure can be repeated twice. Only then mushrooms can be fried, marinated, added to soups.
    2. Dry mushrooms. By the way, this should be done in a warm, but well-ventilated room, strung on a thread and hung up, and not laid out on a battery or on a stove. In the first case, the toxin passes into the decoction, in the second it evaporates.

    Both of these methods do not work on only one mushroom - pale grebe.

    We wish you a pleasant quiet hunting. And remember that brought home mushrooms must be processed on the same day. The exception is agaric mushrooms - they can be soaked overnight.

    To collect edible mushrooms, it is not necessary to wait until the end of summer. Many appetizing species have inhabited the forest since June, and especially early ones - already from spring. Knowing the species of some edible mushrooms will help distinguish them from dangerous ones.

    Mushrooms that appear before everyone else, when properly prepared, are no less tasty than those picked in summer and autumn. The main thing is to distinguish them from poisonous species, also growing immediately after the snow melts.


    They appear in areas well warmed by the rays of the sun. Their hat is dotted with folds and indentations, giving the morel a wrinkled appearance. The mushroom has several common varieties, so the shape of the cap may vary.: be pear-shaped, elongated, conical.


    Scientific name - thyroid rosacea. It has brown legs and a hat. The diameter of the latter is from 1 to 10 cm. The white pulp, which tastes good, is traditionally used in canning. Grows in gardens and wild groves with apricot.


    oyster mushrooms

    They grow in limbo on stumps, attaching to them with a thin leg. The color of the hat, often growing up to 30 cm in diameter, varies from snow-white to brown. Oyster mushrooms usually form whole flocks, which makes them easier to collect.

    Meadow mushrooms

    These are thin agaric mushrooms, appearing in May in glades and forest edges in the form of "witch's rings". The diameter of the chestnut hat is quite small: less than 4 cm.

    Meadow mushrooms


    These valuable forest dwellers appear in mid-May in regions with warm climate choosing well-lit open spaces. The globular hat is painted white, and the leg may have beige shades. It is widely used in cooking, including for the preparation of gourmet dishes.

    Gallery: edible mushrooms (25 photos)


    They appear everywhere at the end of May. This is a hat mushroom that loves the sun. Boletus usually grows in "families" around trees. Their hemispherical cap can be either white or dark brown, depending on the age of the find. It is important to distinguish between boletus and gall fungus: the latter has a burning taste with bitterness and a pink layer of spores, while in boletus spores the spores are gray.



    Appear simultaneously with boletus, but prefer pine forests. hallmark a butter dish is a brown hat covered with a sticky film.

    How to pick mushrooms (video)

    summer edible mushrooms

    In summer, spring mushrooms also grow, to which new ones join. Avid lovers of quiet hunting go to the forest from June itself, and in August, which is the peak of fruiting, everyone else joins them.


    The first place in the list of summer species is, of course, white. This is a very valuable species, because it has not only excellent taste, but also healing properties: it contains substances that kill bacteria.

    The appearance of "white" is difficult to confuse with others: a fleshy hat, dyed in warm shades of brown, pink or even white, is attached to a plump leg. The pulp has a pleasant taste and aroma.

    For its positive properties, it is called the "king of mushrooms." You can find "white" in forests with birches and pines, in open areas. But the mushroom itself prefers to remain in the shade, hiding under fallen trees or thick grass.



    Grows in forests that have oaks or pines. At first glance, the flywheel resembles a butter dish, but the surface of its brown or olive cap is dry and has a velvety texture. Their diameter does not exceed 10 cm, but in a favorable environment, this figure can become larger.


    This is a small and very fragile mushroom, which grows everywhere in in large numbers. The color of the hats is the most diverse: yellow, pink, purple, white. White flesh, easily broken when pressed, sweet in taste. Russula grow until late autumn mainly in the lowlands of any forest, and are undemanding to the soil. Despite the name, russula is better to cook: fry in breadcrumbs, boil, add to soup and potatoes, or pickle for the winter.



    They grow in large "families" in well-moistened areas of mixed and coniferous forests. This agaric does not exceed 10 cm in diameter. His hat in a young bitter is almost flat, with time it turns into a funnel-shaped one. Both the leg and the skin are brick-colored. The pulp, like that of russula, is fragile; when damaged, white juice may appear from it.


    These are mushrooms loved by many, making an excellent duet with potatoes when frying. They appear in June among moss in birch or pine forests.

    Chanterelles grow in a dense carpet or bright yellow (for which they got their name). The funnel-shaped hat has a wavy edging. A nice feature of the fungus is that it is almost always untouched by worms.

    Varieties of edible mushrooms (video)

    Edible autumn mushrooms

    The beginning of September can be called the most productive time for picking mushrooms, when a wide variety of mushrooms grow in the forest. different types: starting with boletus, which appeared in May, and ending with autumn mushrooms.

    Honey mushrooms

    Perhaps the most beloved inhabitants of the mushroom kingdom that appear in the fall are honey agarics (they are also called honey agarics). Some varieties begin to grow as early as late summer.

    Honey mushrooms never grow alone: ​​they "attack" stumps, logs and even healthy trees in whole colonies. One family can have up to 100 pieces. Therefore, collecting them is easy and fast.

    Honey mushrooms are hat mushrooms brown and red. The diameter of the brown cap, darkening towards the middle, is from 2 to 10 cm. These are mushrooms that smell and taste good, so they are used for cooking in almost any form. Especially tasty are miniature young mushrooms with legs, marinated in spicy brine.


    A large family whose representatives grow in orderly rows in pine or mixed forests. Can sometimes form ring-shaped colonies . They have many species, most of which are edible. But there are also poisonous rows.

    These are medium-sized mushrooms (average diameter is 5-13 cm), the caps of which are painted in various colors. Their shape changes over time: old specimens are usually almost flat, with a knob in the middle; young ones can be cone-shaped.


    This edible kind, which is often confused with grebes. Its cap is usually covered with mucus, but may be dry. There are different types of mokruha, for example, spruce and pink.

    How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible

    The task of a lover of quiet hunting is not only to find mushrooms, but also to distinguish edible from inedible and even poisonous ones. Knowledge and practical experience help in this. The easiest way to avoid mistakes is to know the characteristics of the species. But there is still general rules, allowing you to determine how safe the fungus is for health.

    edible mushrooms

    They have the following properties:

    • pleasant “edible” smell;
    • the bottom of the cap is covered with a tubular layer;
    • they were chosen by bugs or worms;
    • the skin of the cap is characteristic in color for its species.

    There are general rules to determine how safe a mushroom is for health.

    inedible mushrooms

    If there is any doubt about the suitability for eating the find, then it is better to leave it when the mushroom:

    • has an unusual or bright color;
    • a sharp and unpleasant odor emanates from it;
    • there are no pests on the surface;
    • the cut acquires an unnatural color;
    • there is no tubular layer under the hat.

    The variety of species does not allow us to derive an axiom, how to determine by appearance Is the fungus dangerous or not? They successfully disguise themselves as each other and almost do not differ. Therefore, the main rule of all mushroom pickers says: "If you're not sure - don't take it."

    The main rule of all mushroom pickers is: If you're not sure, don't take it.

    What mushrooms appear the very first

    Poisonous mushrooms of small size usually appear first from the ground. They are thin, fragile and unremarkable; grow literally everywhere: in forests, parks and lawns along with the first grass.

    The very first edible morels will appear a little later, from about mid-April in the middle lane.

    The importance of edible mushrooms in human nutrition

    Mushrooms are widely used in cooking. Their taste and smell are determined by extractive and aromatic substances. The product is used mainly after heat treatment: as an addition to vegetable and meat dishes, salads and snacks. Dried caps and legs are added to soups to give them a characteristic flavor and aroma. Another common cooking method is canning, in which spicy spices and plants are added.
