Full name Boris. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Boris

When meeting a person, have you ever had to push away the thought: “What kind of Victor is this? Maxim this." Are there anyone among your friends who are dissatisfied with their name and are ashamed of it? Or, on the contrary, when introducing himself, a man proudly says: “My name is Boris.” The meaning of our names is quite large and affects the fate of every person. This is exactly what a huge number of people think. And some of them even officially change the name given at birth, choosing the one that seems more suitable to them for soul and body.

Why were we called that?

In pagan times, people were called by several names. One thing - the truth - could not be said out loud, so that ill-wishers would not take away the power. Another - for spirits and idols - was supposed to somewhat underestimate (or exaggerate) the importance of a person for his family. So that evil spirits do not take away this value from their parents - children. Just remember the fairy tale “About the priest and his worker Balda.” It would seem, what parent in their right mind would name their child that? Meanwhile, Balda is a very smart and strong young man who is spared by adversity.

A number of peoples assigned a name to a person according to his knowledge and skills. We encounter these customs in F. Cooper's novels about Indians. Later, with the development of handicrafts, a definition was added to the name, indicating the type of activity. According to one version, this is how some surnames appeared.

With the development of religion (and Christianity in particular), children began to be named according to the calendar - a kind of calendar that determined the patron saint for the child. A boy was born - they gave him the name Boris, the meaning of which is not so important for the family. Much more valuable is that it is on this day that the saint, the namesake of the newborn, is venerated.

IN different times a fashion appeared for names: French or famous artists or athletes; heroes of books or films; great commanders and discoverers.

Meaning of the name

Among the huge number of Latin, Greek and Jewish names, there are quite a few Slavic names. But they also meet. For example, the name Boris. Its origin and meaning are almost beyond doubt. There are several versions, but they are all tied to the culture and history of the Slavic peoples.

So, almost all linguists translate it into modern language in the same way: “fighter for glory,” “fighter for glory.” One of the assumptions is that the name Boris, the meaning of which we are analyzing, is an abbreviation for Borislav. In any case, the man named so will be somewhat vain, because the constant “struggle for glory” leaves its mark. Boris needs recognition from the outside, and he will achieve it by all available means.

According to some historians, this name appeared thanks to Tsar Bogoris, who ruled in Bulgaria and brought Christianity to it. IN Orthodox calendar it appeared after Prince Boris was recognized as a saint. He and his brother Gleb were tortured to death by their elder brother Svyatopolk. Name days are celebrated only once a year - August 6 (July 24).

But there is another version that explains what the name Boris means. The meaning of the name can be found out if you translate the word “bayorish” from the Turkic: “giving”, “gift”.

Borenka's child

A boy with this name is almost always hyperactive. He has a rather eccentric character. But this does not prevent him from being obedient and loving parents son. True, his secrecy of character and reluctance to share his plans with anyone leads to the fact that Boris’s parents find out about everything that happened “after the fact.”

He is stubborn and does not obey the general opinion of his company, but he knows that friends are support and reliable support not only in the game, but also in business. This is the influence and meaning of the name Boris.

It is extremely important for a boy to take care of his health: stubbornness and hot temper quite often lead to injuries. This is especially dangerous at an early age, when the child has not yet learned to control his temper.

Work comes first

Boris has been very hardworking since childhood. He always has things to do. Excellent performance and the desire to succeed in the profession - this is what distinguishes a man if his name is Boris. The meaning of the name and fate require him to apply his talents in design activities. Analytical allows you to achieve fairly high positions when building a career. He knows how to set problems for himself and find non-trivial solutions for them.

However, hot temper and excessive demands can harm Boris. A boss who demands unconditional obedience most often redoes all the work himself. His department is experiencing high staff turnover due to management with such strong will. The lack of even minimal diplomacy skills also adds drama to these conflicts.

A matter of principle

However, despite his ardor, Boris (the meaning of the name, character and fate is what we are now studying) is extremely objective. His exactingness is directed primarily at himself. He is ready to give everything for the idea that has captured him. “Autumn” owners of this name are the most practical and serious. Boris will even sacrifice close friends and family.

Such devotion to principle is quite naturally complemented by a dislike of people who change their minds as the situation develops. His ardor wins, and a man can say a lot of unpleasant things to his opponent. Which he will regret later. True, in some cases, the generally easy-going Boris can show rare and long-lasting vindictiveness.

Sensitivity and susceptibility

But, with all the ambitious and stubborn qualities listed above, he is a very sensitive person. The name Boris (the meaning of the name and fate are closely related) requires its owner to study music, painting, visit museums and various exhibitions. Such men are very receptive to all types of art. And this only helps them improve themselves. Crazy curiosity in the company of analytical mind allow Boris to take on projects from any area of ​​life.

Lightness of character and unwillingness to obey anyone lead to the fact that a man quickly forgets about his responsibilities. But he always remembers his rights. And stands for their observance. This is especially true in families with several children. for a child, sometimes predetermines his entire life) forces its owner to demand justice in everything. And in parental love too.

Family is a source of inspiration

So, we already know quite a lot about what it carries male name Boris. The importance of family for such a person cannot be overestimated. Looking ahead, let's say that he finds relaxation in communicating with children, car repairs and digging in the country.

“Summer” representatives of the stronger sex with this name are more suitable for starting a family. They are kind and flexible, altruists, but they also have character.

Girls who meet Boris can be sure that if their characters and hobbies match, they will quickly receive a marriage proposal. These men create strong families. The saying that a man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son was written about Borisov. He simply has an uncontrollable desire for such a life - calm and reliable.

True, there is also a flip side to the coin. Sanguine by nature, Boris rarely shows his feelings. And even more so talks about them. Therefore, both the wife and children just need to get used to the idea: they are the most precious thing. It is in the family that a person with this name finds inspiration and a source of energy for his projects.

Free love

In his youth, and sometimes even in adulthood, any man does not like any complications in relationships with women. This is especially noticeable if his name is Boris. He is well aware and understands the importance of family ties. But why burden yourself with them in advance? After all, free love is much more attractive.

But, as usual, there were some nuances. Being a man of strong will and in some sense even despotic, he is terribly jealous. A woman needs to be honest, frank and open with him.

This man is a big inventor. When he is in love, fantasy, ideas and romance flow out of him. You never know how the next date will end. But, as already noted, most often Boris is sanguine: he instantly got carried away, quickly cooled down, flared up, etc. In general, you never know whether this bomb will explode now or a little later...

Friendship for centuries

Boris behaves approximately the same way in friendship. Basically sociable, they will not waste time on people with whom they have little in common. A reliable and loyal friend, he can be so demanding and intrusive that he is often left alone for a while.

Let us also remember that this is a very capricious and principled person. And he will make every effort to instill his views in those around him.

But Boris is truly interested in other people's lives. He does not pretend that he listens to his interlocutor and empathizes with him. He really cheers for his friends. This extrovert is easy-going and will come to real friends at the first call.

Programmed for Success

Boris (the meaning of the name, the character - everything bears imprints of princely roots) is quite lucky. His curiosity, sharp mind and amazing memory allow him to achieve success in almost any endeavor. Already in mature age(not in his youth) he takes a worthy place in society. And, importantly, he almost always does this without the support of influential acquaintances.

This is probably why such men do not know how to lose and take failure very hard. It is especially difficult for those born in winter in such situations. They become “icy” and intolerant in relationships with loved ones, easily irritated and conflict at every opportunity. With insufficient knowledge of Boris's character, this can lead to conflicts in the family and a general crisis in life.

We must also remember that not a single Boris knows how to ask for forgiveness, forgive and repent of what he has done. This is extremely difficult for him, and you should not demand such behavior. It’s easier to gradually start conversations with him on an exciting topic and offer him compromises.

All the character complexities associated with such a majestic and “fighting” name lead to the fact that Boris is the most powerful. They suppress the will of loved ones and subordinates, especially in crisis situations. The most difficult in this regard are the “spring” Boris: they are squeamish, pedantic and scrupulous in everything.

But at the same time, if you awaken his curiosity, he himself becomes a donor. Such flows of energy emanate from it that everyone around can bathe and consume it. And getting him interested is quite simple: just give him the opportunity to express himself, show off his intelligence and skills. In general, we need to let Boris “ride the horse.”

Despite such a complex character, people like these men. They are fascinated by their development, speed and sharpness of mind, lightning-fast reaction, curiosity and at the same time firmness of convictions.


The name Boris comes from the Old Church Slavonic name Borislav, the interpretation of which sounds like “glorious in struggle” or “fighter”. But there is another version, according to which the name Boris can mean “hog” or “strong” when translated.

The male name Boris today continues to be in demand in most Russian-speaking countries, like many Russian names. It has excellent significance, and this name promises a lot of good things for a boy, both in terms of fate and in relationships with the opposite sex.

Popularity: On this moment The name Boris in the ranking of popular male names is in positions 69-71 and, according to statistics, accounts for only 1-3 boys out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Borya, Boriska, Boryasha, Boryunya

Modern English analogues: Borys

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Boris promises many good qualities to boys who received it at birth. It is believed that Boris is an obedient, successful, intelligent and attentive person who does not need to point out his shortcomings - he sees them himself. This is a person who finds it easiest to live by the rules, and it is thanks to this trait that he manages to achieve success in his career and beyond. He always follows the rules, acts only according to his conscience, is never rude to anyone, communicates with everyone as equals and has many friends.

As for the last thing, friends, we can only add the fact that Boris chooses his friends extremely carefully. He will never associate with a person he does not trust, will never be friends with someone who has once acted unfairly or dishonestly towards someone. And in general, usually people in Boris’s social circle are extremely kind, decent and correct. Although, of course, there are exceptions.

Advantages and positive features: positive, principled, unselfish, loves to communicate, is sociable, always acts only according to his conscience, is ready to help everyone around him, will never betray or lie, even for the sake of profit, and tries to communicate with everyone on an equal footing.

Boris has a bad attitude towards people who are unjust and deceitful, people who are prone to selfish actions, those who have already tarnished their conscience and reputation, people who are secretive and distrustful, and those who try to dominate others.

Each culture interprets the name Boris differently. So, in Ancient Persia it would be interpreted as “heir”, and in Arab countries it means a “prominent” man.

Character of the name Boris

The character of the name Boris, or rather the bearer of this name, presupposes the presence of a whole bunch of advantages, but at the same time a very changeable nature, which changes over time as they grow older. Thus, in adolescence, the character of Boris personifies a tomboy, a naughty man and a rowdy, but trying to live by generally accepted rules, sometimes showing independence, but in general, trying not to stand out from the crowd. The character of a teenager Bori suggests the presence of such qualities as love, imagination, curiosity, unpredictability, obedience and complaisance, but only with parents, determination and hard work, assertiveness and perseverance, honesty and politeness, but irresponsibility and lack of performance.

As an adult Boris, his character may change dramatically. The character of an adult man named in the same way presupposes the dominance of responsibility and diligence, which a teenager does not have, as well. Manifestation of other qualities, including leadership abilities, organizational skills, sociability, sociability, eloquence, charm, courtesy, friendliness, and integrity. The character of the mature Bori is so correct that at times it makes you admire him. But at the same time, Boris himself will never focus the attention of the people around him on himself and his merits.

Early childhood

IN early childhood a boy whose parents gave him the rare Russian name Boris at birth may have a rather difficult nature, but a good character. The most good quality little boy, over whom the meaning of the name Boris protects, is that he behaves exemplarily, does not play around and obeys his parents in everything. For this, the father should be an authority, in theory, but Borya’s mother will sincerely respect her and will never allow himself to offend her or disobey her. Borya is a smart, talented, reserved, calm, kind, reasonable, obedient, purposeful, systematic and predictable boy. With this, parents will have a minimum of trouble, at least at a very young age. But over time, Boris may begin to show independence, and that’s when problems will begin. Self-love and the desire to become independent, free, which the meaning of this name promises, can lead to a lot of problems - no, he will not become less obedient, but he will begin to resist instructions, begin to try to challenge the decisions of his parents, and show disagreement with everything he can. to disagree.

But Boris knows his worth and will never allow selfish people to take advantage of him. He may have many friends and like-minded people, and everyone should respect him. If he sees disrespect, he will refuse to communicate with such a person. And the meaning can reward him with weak resistance to social principles. It is very easy to re-educate him and accustom him to bad things, so mom and dad should pay attention Special attention his protection from negative influence environment.


A teenage boy, patronized by the meaning and energy of the name Boris, has a more complex nature. The most a big problem The struggle of a teenager is that he does not want to depend on anyone and constantly strives to prove to everyone that he is capable of being independent. Moreover, even in cases where he is doomed to failure on his own, he does not give up, but this is a separate topic, the topic of determination and perseverance, which is also worth paying attention to. The fact is that Boris are usually too self-confident and stubborn, they are purposeful and always achieve their goals no matter what, even if they are doomed to complete failure. The boy named by this name always has some kind of action plan, he is self-confident, assertive, hardworking, but the meaning does not endow him with equally important traits: responsibility, diligence, commitment, correctness, in the end. Such people often achieve high altitudes in their careers and studies, but often fall from the top to the bottom because of their unwillingness to live by the rules and show a sense of responsibility.

The meaning of this name gives him an excellent sense of humor and eloquence, thanks to which Borya can become popular in society, and, moreover, a real leader. But meaning does not bestow the ability to see in people not an ideal, but a true face. Boriss do not understand people and often keep in their circle those who should, on the contrary, be driven as far away from themselves as possible. And they also easily forgive any insults, and that is why the boy Bori most likely will not have enemies, even in adolescence or adulthood.

Grown man

The meaning of this nominal form can bestow an adult Boris with a lot of advantages, as well. Call upon previously missing qualities for dominance. We are talking about such qualities as honesty, loyalty, reliability, responsibility, hard work, diligence, commitment, perseverance, eloquence, charm, attentiveness and caring. In addition, such people are often endowed with excellent organizational skills - at the same time, Boris knows how to organize social work and command people without belittling anyone’s merits. It is thanks to this that the adult Boris can reach incredible heights in his chosen field. professional activity, and at the same time become a respected person in simple society, even among his subordinates.

Erudite, sociable, eloquent, easily immersed in any topic, always happy to make contact and eager for new meetings and acquaintances, will not refuse new people in his environment, very sociable - all this makes a man who is protected by the meaning and energy of the nominal form Boris , a good conversationalist and an excellent friend. Plus, Boris will never betray a loved one, neither for the sake of self-interest, nor for the sake of anything else, he will not deceive, he will not refuse help.

The only major disadvantage of Boris, who has reached maturity, is his frivolity with regard to his own promises to loved ones. He easily forgets what he promised and then can still try to prove that he is right. And he doesn’t admit his mistakes; he believes that he shouldn’t apologize to anyone for anything.

Interaction of Boris's character with the seasons

Spring - patronage and the meaning of the spring season bestows too much dependence on the environment and emotions. He is loving and has many novels, but in them he values ​​not storminess and transience mixed with passion, but understanding. Will search perfect couple, sorting through them like clothes in a store. He has high self-esteem, is narcissistic, principled, harsh and rude, and loves to manipulate people.

Summer - the origin of the name itself and the influence of the summer season, will give the character shyness, shyness, suspiciousness and kindness. He is a kind and sympathetic boy at heart, but hides these traits under the guise of rudeness and independence. Sociable, but does not like to be criticized. A lover of flattery and compliments, he never forgives betrayal and is a little vindictive.

Autumn - autumn child will eventually become serious, ambitious, principled, purposeful, straightforward and fickle. He can achieve great heights in his career understanding, but only if he learns to control his emotions - he is overly emotional and aggressive. At his core, he is a leader who knows how to manage and lead, but sometimes he thinks frivolously, which is why he makes mistakes.

Winter - and the winter period and severe cold endow Bori’s personality with a difficult, unpredictable, active and active inner world. Hard work, diligence, exactingness towards himself and others, love and amorousness - these are his main characteristics. He does not distinguish between good and bad, often makes mistakes in choosing friends and suffers from betrayal. Emotional and impressionable, vulnerable.

The fate of the name Boris

The fate of the name Boris is one of the most difficult factors, and, no less important, one of the most unpredictable, one might even say theoretical. And yet, it is known that the fate of the teenager Boris presupposes a very stormy personal life, frequent changes of partners, love of love, and a craving for variety in his sex life. The fate of such a guy is predetermined mainly by the characteristics and energy of the name - it is thanks to them that Boris can become a guy who is very popular among representatives of the opposite sex.

As for what the fate of an adult man will be, everything is simple. By becoming more serious and balanced, Boris can turn into a careerist and hard worker. His destiny is to pursue material wealth and power all his life. It is unlikely that fate will turn him into an exemplary family man or a good father, but one cannot complain about him either; he will do everything possible for the well-being of the family.

Love and marriage

Most Boris are popular with women, and this in turn makes them popular ladies' men. It is not surprising that they are not immediately interested in the prospect of a serious relationship and marriage. However, the wild life ends when true love comes into their lives.

A bearer of the name Boris can only marry a woman who will be different not only external beauty, but also a rich inner world, sharpness of mind and complaisance. She must be fragile, cheerful, caring and patient. And in general, Boris may have really strict requirements for a potential wife.

Family relationships are very important for such a man. Boris believes that understanding, reliability, peace and stability should always reign in a family. The only thing Boris’s wife needs to remember is that he hates it when people ask him for something. It is important for Boris to maintain his personal space. You should not deprive him of his personal space and even indirectly encroach on him.

Boris as Father

Often it is common children who are the main link in family relationships men named Boris. They love their children very much and always take care of them. Fathers with this name most often show their love and care not with beautiful words, but with actions. Often they can silently take on some of the household chores or devote maximum time to their children.

But for Boris, not only the upbringing and education of children, but also their personal preferences are of paramount importance. He believes that parents are simply obliged to follow the interests of their children, indulge them in everything without exception, do everything for their happiness and try to develop and improve them as much as possible.

In addition, Boris always tries to provide his children with a comfortable and cozy home, a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family, regular entertainment, travel, and varied leisure activities. He tries to make sure that nothing overshadows happy childhood his children. For him, the happiness of children is the main objective in life. And in general, Boris for the most part change a lot in better side with the arrival of children in the family.

Compatibility with female names

The issue of compatibility of the name Boris has also been studied by astrologers of our days for quite a long time, and today they have several already proven, although not one hundred percent, facts. So, it turned out that...

The best connection in love and feelings is with those ladies who have such female names like Evgenia, Margarita, Stefania, Roxana, Regina, Marta, Nora, Eva and Maya.

In marriage and longevity, such variations as Agatha, Nadezhda, Inga, Camilla, Carolina, Lada, Christina, Tamara and Nelly are ideal.

You should not associate your life with Agnia, Ada, Elsa, Yana, Emma, ​​Valeria, Dora, Seraphim.

This conflicted and uncompromising man needs a compliant and kind woman, attentive and at the same time infantile.

Unfortunately, the exact etymology of the name Boris is unknown, but there are still several versions on this matter. According to one version, the name Boris is short form named Borislav. If so, then you can find out its meaning in the article dedicated to the corresponding name. According to the second version the name Boris means "profit", which is translated from Turkic as “benefit”.

The meaning of the name Boris for a child

Boris grows up to be a neat and persistent child. The boy has these traits from birth, which brings a lot of positive things to his character. Borya is also endowed with a remarkable mind, so the child constantly pleases his parents and others. It can be noted that despite the lack of cunning, the boy grows up quite secretive. He doesn’t like to dedicate even those closest to him to his thoughts and plans, so don’t expect frankness from him. The boy is endowed with high self-esteem, which proper education will be a benefit, but if done incorrectly it can have negative effects.

Studying is easy for Boris, but not all subjects are interesting to him. If Boris gets a low score, then most likely the subject itself does not inspire him. If a boy likes something, then with his work and perseverance he will definitely be able to achieve a good result. It can be noted that the boy grows up athletic, and his leadership abilities often make him the captain of the team. By the way, his leadership is manifested not only in sports and noticeably not only in childhood.

Bori's health is good, and his tone can be called high. The boy grows up strong and often stands out from other children. It is worth noting that if Boris stops regularly playing sports, then his high vitality will quickly leave him. He should also learn to relieve nervous tension without alcohol, since he has an unfavorable predisposition in this regard.

Short name Boris

Borya, Borka, Boriska, Boryukha.

Diminutive pet names

Borechka, Borenka, Boryushka, Boryusya, Boryusik, Boryusha, Boryasha, Borchik.

Children's middle names

Borisovich and Borisovna. Colloquial forms of abbreviation Borisych and Borisychna.

Name Boris in English

IN English language the name Boris has several spellings, Boris and Borys.

Name Boris for international passport- BORIS.

Translation of the name Boris into other languages

in Belarusian - Barys
in Bulgarian - Boris
in Hungarian - Borisz
in Hebrew - בוריס‎
in Spanish - Boris
in Italian -
Latin spelling - Boris
in German - Boris
in Polish - Borys
in Romanian - Boris
in Serbian - Boris
in Tatar - Barys
in Ukrainian - Boris
in French - Boris
in Croatian - Boris
in Czech - Boris
in Swedish - Boris

Church name Boris(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Boris. But this is not mandatory. Boris may be given a different name at baptism, of course from the list of church names. On this topic It is best to consult a priest.

Characteristics of the name Boris

As an adult, Boris does not change much compared to his childhood years. He is still the same brave, persistent and of course active man. His ability to achieve his plans impresses those around him. Many people do not take Boris seriously at first, but this is a big mistake. He’s just in no hurry to talk about his plans until he considers it necessary for the business. Often only by his actions can you guess the goals he is pursuing.

Boris's strong character traits will definitely be in demand at work. Especially often, it is his leadership abilities that allow him to achieve serious results. He has excellent intuition for people and knows how to work in a team. However, he is completely ruthless on the path to success and easily breaks up with people. You can also note his good data for engaging in private business, where he will also have great success.

Boris doesn’t even think about his family for a long time, because he is very loving. If Boris married early, then his wife will have to endure all his adventures, since he definitely will not calm down. Many women can’t stand it and get divorced, but Boris doesn’t even worry about it. For children, Boris becomes an excellent older friend and mentor. If he gets divorced, then even after the divorce he maintains a wonderful relationship with his children. He takes care of his wife and shows sincere attention, but all this changes with periods of complete ignorance.

The secret of the name Boris

Boris's secret will always be his plans. Often, even the people who take part in the implementation of his plans do not know the ultimate goal of what is happening. This feature is noticeable even in childhood, and will only intensify with age.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

Totem animal- Cuckoo.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Mulberry.

Plant- Iris.

Stone- Amethyst.

A man's name is his guiding star. It’s not for nothing that women today pay special attention to choosing a name for their child. What does the name Boris mean? What is the origin and history of the name Boris?

The meaning of the name Boris

Boris is diminutive name from Borislav. This man is a true fighter for glory, for his place in the sun. The zodiac sign that protects Boris is Aries. The planet Mars rules his life.

The color that suits Boris best is purple. He highlights a very extraordinary and creative personality. The tree that will become a talisman for him is mulberry. The plant that will save him from many troubles is the iris.

The cuckoo is considered the patron saint of Boris. He should not be afraid of quick death or early old age. The stone that will become protective for him is amethyst. It will help improve sleep and relieve bad habits.

Origin and history of the name Boris

Boris is Slavic name. The meaning of the name Boris has undergone a number of changes throughout its existence. At first it was interpreted as a “fighter for glory”, because many historians believe that the original source of the name is Borislav.

Subsequently, the name was interpreted as “overcame”, “victor”. In any case, Boris is a real man who knows his own worth and the worth of his actions. In the Christian tradition, Boris's angel day falls on the sixth of August. Today the name is popular in many countries around the world. In America and Italy it has the same pronunciation as in European countries.

The character and fate of Boris

It is worth noting separately the positive character traits of Boris:

Strength of will;

Independence without crossing boundaries;



Hard work;

Cheerful and easy-going disposition.

TO negative traits character should include:



Lack of flexibility in character.

While still a child, Boris believes that he can afford a lot. Namely, do not let adults in on your plans, do not listen to their admonitions. All this does not lead to good consequences for Boris himself, and it also heats up the situation in the family as a whole. At an older age, Boris can be tyrannical with his peers. He tries to teach them a lesson, to teach them reason. What does the name Boris mean? Fight. He powerfully makes his way forward at a fairly young age.

Boris is very intolerant of the weaknesses of other people, which makes communication with him almost unbearable for those who have certain flaws, who are inferior to Boris in some ways. When Boris loses to someone in his favorite business, to say that he is upset is to say nothing. He loses interest in everything that happens around him and becomes despondent. He may even give up his cherished plans for some time.

His unique intellectual abilities will not allow Boris to remain in the shadow of his colleagues. He is always one step ahead of his opponents and is ready to fight to the end. He is inspired not by the process of achieving results, but by the result. It is in such an inspired state that Boris is capable of enormous feats and accomplishments for the sake of his cherished goal.

Boris idealizes many things. If Boris idealized friendship, and his friend betrayed him, Boris’s revenge will be truly cruel. When Boris decides to go into business, he should seriously think about minimizing risks. In the securities business and in the business with large investments, he should be especially careful.

Of course, he is very smart, but he may not have enough cunning to beat his competitors. The character and fate of Boris makes competitors truly fear his influence and influence. Many Boris fail in business precisely because of the betrayal of those closest to them.

Boris takes his family and friends too seriously. He cannot even imagine that there might be a traitor among these people. If Boris, by occupation, is subordinate to someone, then it will be very difficult for this person to deal with him. At first, Boris will learn everything that his boss knows and knows, and then he will begin to apply this knowledge in practice even better than his mentor.

He will easily achieve a promotion, and will not look at the fact that someone else could be aiming for his place. Perhaps he will even become the head of a department for a while, but Boris will always want to do his own thing, build his own business.

Due to the enormous mental stress, Boris should be especially careful about the health of his nervous system. If he wants to remain first in his chosen business for quite a long time, he needs to monitor his heart health. Alcohol abuse could ruin Boris's career. But, fortunately, most Boris love themselves so much that they take excellent care of their health.

Boris's love

It is worth noting that Boris is quite domineering in relationships and jealous. He will not give peace to his chosen one if he suspects her of being carried away by another man. Boris will really believe that the fault of what is happening is the temperament of his chosen one. He will not think for a second that the cause of all the problems may lie in his internal conflicts and pressure on his beloved.

He loves his children very much, as well as his parents. Boris is unlucky in love and marriage precisely because of his complex nature. He is constantly looking for something and does not find it. He constantly tries to explain to himself that it is necessary to restrain emotions and not put pressure on loved ones. Only someone who is confident and confident will feel comfortable in a relationship with Boris. loving girl. Only the one who, behind the rude manner of expressing her feelings, will consider the real Boris - she will become the happy wife of a successful man, a wonderful father.

There are several versions about the origin of the name Boris. Most researchers are inclined towards its Bulgarian and Slavic roots. The hypothesis with the Turkic peoples, ancient Persians and Jews is also being considered. In Bulgarian culture, the meaning of the name Boris sounds like “ snow leopard" Among the Slavs it comes from Borislav, the interpretation of which consists of two words - “fight” and “glory”. Over time, the last syllables disappeared during pronunciation.

On the territory of Persia, an analogue of the name Boris was used - Bogoris. If translated into Russian, Bogoris means “God’s anointed.” Due to speculation about the relationship between the Proto-Bulgarian language and Iranian, some scholars claim that the name Boris came from Asia.

Mongolian names quickly spread among the Slavic peoples. “Small” - this is precisely the meaning of another form of the name Boris among the Mongols and related peoples. The word "heir" in the language of the ancient Persians is called possible reason appearance of this name. Modern Jews usually pronounce the name Boris in their own way. For example, men are called Ber or Baruch, but their interpretation is different from the original.

Orthodox traditions

The formation of the name Boris in Christianity has a peculiar history. Men in official documents(letters, chronicles) were often called Romans, while at birth they were called differently. However, this tradition did not last long, and now nothing changes during baptism.

Orthodox calendars indicate several dates with name days. The most famous of them is August 6, when the memory of the noble princes Boris and Gleb is honored. Believers can read a daily prayer that protects men named Boris.

Child's character

Immediately after birth, the baby named Boris behaves quietly. As you grow older, stubbornness appears, and when the process of education becomes global scale, the boy shows waywardness.

Independent, but does not refuse the help of his parents. An example in behavior is taken from the father, if he is a courageous, strict and dominant person in the family.

Friendship is only possible with guys of similar character. He is passionate about making plans for the future. Most likely, a friend named Boris occupies a leadership position in the company. Organizes active games with peers and competitions for physical endurance. Sometimes despotic traits emerge if cherished goals are difficult to achieve by conventional means.

He may tease girls, but will never humiliate the dignity of others. Does not tolerate deception from close people, and deals quickly with enemies. Puts presumptuous classmates in their place. Boris tends to surround himself with trusted comrades.

Comes to the rescue, rarely demanding an answer in return. Acts as an arbitrator.

Teenage years

Early begins to be interested in the opposite sex. The handsome man wins the attention of the first, regularly being disappointed in own feelings. Serious relationship impossible for a young man. He quickly switches to a new object of affection. Hobbies:

  • football,
  • volleyball,
  • fight,
  • active pastime,
  • gambling.

A cool mind allows a guy named Boris to stop when necessary.

Studying is easy in all directions. Any information is carefully analyzed. Story, exact sciences, literature are favorite subjects. Enters into arguments with teachers, but respects the opinions of elders. The behavior of a schoolboy named Boris cannot be called ideal. Truancy is common in high school.

He attends electives provided that he chooses the subject independently and the teacher is easy to communicate with. Interested origin famous people, the secrets of civilizations, the philosophical works of great scientists.

Profession, career

A smart student named Boris decides on his specialty early. Children's aspirations and talents make it possible to achieve success in education already in the first years of university, because one of the meanings of the name Boris is “a fighter for glory.”

Boris Tadić (Serbian politician. President of Serbia (2004-2012))

  • Enjoys the favor of other students and teachers.
  • Natural charm helps to establish contact with useful people, establish trusting relationships.
  • Boris will make a career in science and creative professions.
  • Versatile hobbies force a man to develop mental capacity all life.

Becomes a manager in the first years of work. Acquires a large number of Companions, but ill-wishers and envious people should be feared. Boris experiences the consequences of their machinations with difficulty.

Love, family, compatibility

Characteristics of the name Boris determines difficult relationships with passions. Constantly rushing from one girl to another embitters the already selfish young man.

A guy named Boris puts family well-being at the forefront, the ability of the chosen one to create comfort, to be a submissive, obedient wife.

You won’t find him at home, but otherwise, his husband named Boris everyday problems doesn't do much. Raising children in such a family rests on the shoulders of the mother. Here the meaning of the name Boris is not justified.

In union with a woman, the name Boris is combined with:

  • Anna,
  • Angelina,
  • Zoey,
  • Valentina.

Experts recommend approaching marriage with Tatyana and Nadezhda with extreme caution. There is a list suitable middle names, among whom are Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Stanislavovich.


Most men named Boris have good health and nervous system. It is worth protecting yourself from alcohol abuse, a habit that develops with age.

Astrology, numerology, talismans

Horoscopes, numerology, as well as related sciences will tell you exactly what the name Boris means in esotericism.

  • The main sign of the zodiac is Aries, which gives people complexity of character.
  • Wednesday is a happy day of the week, and spring is the time of year.
  • An amethyst talisman will push you towards good luck, give you confidence and spiritual strength.
  • The patronizing planet for the true warrior Boris is Mars.
  • Mulberries, along with rice, have magical meaning.
  • Of the animals, it is worth paying attention to the cuckoo.
  • The favorable number is 2. This fact indicates temperament, perseverance, and strength of character.

Famous namesakes

History tells about great people and their difficult fate both contemporaries and personalities from the past. The following figures in politics and the world of art bore the name Boris:

  1. Yeltsin is the President of the Russian Federation.
  2. Pasternak is a writer, poet from a Jewish family who was persecuted.
  3. Kustodiev is a famous artist, a student of Repin.
  4. Shaposhnikov - military leader, marshal of the USSR.
  5. Fedchenko is a researcher, scientist, traveler.
  6. Godunov is the ruler of all Rus'.
  7. Nemtsov is an official, an active politician with a tragic fate.
  8. Nevzorov is a Russian actor.
  9. Sichkin is an actor, performing the role of Kupletist.
  10. Grebenshchikov - singer, leader of Aquarium.

Church scriptures and calendars mention many saints, mostly Orthodox.
