How to restore the energy field. How to strengthen your biofield, close holes in the aura and protect yourself from negative influences

But there are also more subtle layers of energy, which we can also influence with the help of harmonious thoughts, yoga, meditation. I will tell you about simpler methods :) ...

The aura is a continuation of the physical shell of each of us. It protects us from stress, anxiety and exhaustion, rejecting all influences that are potentially harmful to our psychological health. Many ancient cultures unanimously say that any illness begins with the weakness of our auric field. When the aura is damaged, its protective properties become very fragile and weaken, affecting our emotional and physical health making us more susceptible to outside stimuli and dangers.

General health maintenance is inextricably linked with maintaining the integrity of the aura, so it is important to cleanse, nourish and strengthen it from time to time. Surely everyone has their own secrets to stay well protected, but you can also try to strengthen your aura in one of the following ways:

Yogic cleansing bath

Take this bath every day for 20 minutes for a week. It will help cleanse your body of toxins and toxins and remove negativity from your aura. To make cleansing water, add 0.5 kg of baking soda and 1 cup of sea salt to it. If you suddenly feel unwell while taking a bath, stop the procedure for today and return to it tomorrow.

burning sage

The smoke from burning white sage, according to the Indians, is very cleansing. In addition to the amazing smell, it also emits negative ions that have a positive effect on our aura. Exactly the same are present in the air after a thunderstorm or near the ocean. That is why this air is so pleasant, light and refreshing.

If you want to get rid of negative vibrations, just light a sage incense stick and dip yourself in its smoke, enjoying the pleasant aroma.

Energy of sun

If you like to spend time open sky- Wonderful! - after all Sun rays nourish and expand our aura. The sun gives us energy, optimism and vitamin D, while being in nature makes us healthier physically, mentally and spiritually, nourishes our emotions and wonderfully grounds.

Sea salt

If you live far from the ocean and can't take a dip in the healing, cleansing water, if you can't take a bath and soak in salt water to relieve stress, just make yourself a sea salt scrub before taking a shower. This will cleanse your skin of dead cells, refresh your aura, and help flush out toxins.

Cold shower

Cold water is able to cleanse our aura of negativity, it flushes out toxins and relieves tension, and also improves blood circulation. The shower does not have to be freezing cold, first make it cool and pleasant for the body, later you can gradually reduce the temperature of the water as much as you feel comfortable. After a while, you will feel clearer in your thoughts and lighter in your body, you will be full of energy and become less susceptible to all sorts of negativity.

Sound healing

Many ancient cultures believe that sounds are endowed with a special ability to heal. Often meditation is accompanied by a drawn-out "Ommm", and this is no accident. Thus, you can quickly and effectively get rid of the negative energy accumulated by the body and aura.


Crystals are a very effective tool for cleansing and strengthening the aura, labradorite, called the "healing stone", deserves special attention. He is a frequent companion of teachers, nannies, health workers and looks great in jewelry. After holding it in your hands for only 20 minutes, you will feel its influence and benefits for another 12 hours.

Less electronics

Radiation from electrical appliances has a negative effect on general well-being, and the frequencies they create accumulate in our aura and disable it. Try to protect at least your bedroom from gadgets and keep them away from your head. In addition, pay attention to the miraculous crystal lepidolite, which serves as a kind of energy protection between you and electrical appliances, absorbing radiation. Place a small stone near your bed and the gadgets in your room, and you will notice how the stone will become thinner as it absorbs radiation.

Vetiver essential oil

Vetiver is tropical plant cereal family, essential oil which perfectly calms and grounds, helps to come into balance after a busy day. Try putting a few drops of this woody scented oil on your belly before bed to help you counter negativity from other people the next day.

Black Tourmaline

This beautiful stone is able to protect from harmful radiation and remove negative energy from the aura, protect you and set you up for positive thinking.

In general, crystals have long been used for healing and protection. For example, smoky quartz helps to resist stress and negativity from others, amber strengthens the aura, kunzite copes with bad thoughts, and the duet of amethyst and citrine heals holes in the auric field that have arisen, for example, after surgery, childbirth or severe stress.

flower essences

Violet and Angelic Flower Essences help repair the damaged auric field. They can be taken orally in about 7 drops, or you can apply a little essence to the solar plexus before bedtime.

Choose places and people

Pay attention to what places, events and people damage your aura and make you tense. Try to visit such places less often, avoid stressful situations and limit communication with unpleasant people. For added protection, carry some kind of crystal with you, you can start with labradorite.

All Beauty and Radiance!

The aura or biofield is our protective field shell, a natural protection against subtle-material influences, therefore, when it is disturbed, a person gets sick and has a bunch of problems, from health to psychological ones.

Violation of the integrity of this field shell, most often, occurs with aggressive external influence surrounding. In such cases, they often talk about the evil eye. But this is also possible with psychological problems. Both of these affect health vitality and good luck.

A breakdown in the aura is not necessarily created by some evil witches who look a lot like Baba Yaga from a fairy tale or a character in a horror movie ... Any person with strong energy, for example, your relative, a neighbor's grandmother at the entrance or a work colleague, is quite capable of providing it.

Attack on the biofield- a strong release of negatively charged emotional energy. The boss “got out” at work, the husband / wife yelled, or they quarreled in transport (substitute the right one). All this can lead to a breakdown of the biofield.

The most dangerous attack of its kind- this is when your aura takes on a strong flow of negativity from a mentally abnormal, crazy person, for example, who escaped from a dormice. There may not even be screams and insults, just hatred in the eyes and the release of a portion of energy.

A glance can kill. I am not kidding. Even in works of art and historians have repeatedly described such facts.

Signs of breakdown of the aura or biofield

Loss of strength, general malaise, sometimes a slight chill, unwillingness to live, unreasonable fear, and sometimes panic attacks. If you have the whole package at once, and especially - there is precisely an unreasonable fear, then most likely this is not a banal acute respiratory disease, but a breakdown of the aura or, in a popular way, the evil eye. It is being treated. :)

Most often, you don’t need to run around looking for grandmothers-healers and traditional healers certified in the most “can’t” manner. Most of them are just honestly cheating fellow citizens, taking advantage of their complete illiteracy in this area.

Most often, relatively healthy person, it goes away on its own, in a couple of days. The aura is restored if you or others do not aggravate the situation. If nothing has passed in a week, and chronic bad luck and unwillingness to live are added, then perhaps this is not the evil eye, but damage.

In this post I will describe how to restore the aura if your aura is broken and / or you have any reason to believe that it needs to be urgently patched up.

Pumping energy, which some healers offer, in the presence of a hole in the aura, is not very effective. It makes no sense to fill a leaky bucket, the energy will still go away. Therefore, first you need to close the holes ... The solution is below ...

Aura restoration in practice

1. Stand up, bend your legs slightly, calm your breathing. Give yourself the installation that now you will restore your field and health. Smile.

2. Turn off thoughts, the estimating factor interferes.

3. Stretch your relaxed arms forward, to the sides, up, try to feel the elastic border of the cocoon shell. Most likely, the border will be able to feel the first time. Imagine it as a package of light. It has a spindle shape, like a cocoon of butterflies.

4. Try to spin the cocoon around its axis without moving the body. Just imagine it. At first it will go tight and it will seem that nothing is happening. Don't think about it. Just do it. Thoughts and mind are the enemies of this practice. Pay no attention to them. Inhale - half a turn of the cocoon, exhale - the second half turn. Make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise.

5. Walk around the room, try not to think about anything. Repeat the previous paragraph, but now imagine that the cocoon has holes ... and the shell itself has become sticky and viscous, like honey, it sticks to itself ... When turning around the body, the holes swim and are smeared with this adhesive shell and tighten the holes ... Make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise. After mastering this practice, the previous paragraph is not needed.

6. Now you don't have any holes, everything is overgrown and sealed. You have a whole and elastic aura, which has the correct shape and is able to repel any attacks ... Fix this picture in your mind ...

7. Immediately engage in work that requires maximum attention. This will force the mind to switch from "sticking the spokes in the wheels" to the process of aura recovery to the new task. The result will automatically fix the subconscious.

After some time of practice, the restoration of the aura will take only a few minutes. The main keys of this practice are visualization, turning off thoughts and intention.

This set of exercises allows you to restore the biofield and make the aura “impenetrable” for various energy influences.

What to do to restore the biofield?

This set of exercises effectively eliminates holes in the aura and restores the biofield. This allows you to prevent the loss of energy, which is extremely important for spiritual growth and the development of superpowers, restores health, gives a boost of vitality and vigor.

Exercise "Golden Skeleton"

1. One should feel, feel, imagine or think of the golden energy that swirls around the feet in a clockwise direction. This energy must be allowed to enter the body through the feet. The mineral composition of the bones makes the skeleton a good conductor for this purified energy.

2. Now, bone by bone, you need to direct this golden energy through the entire skeleton: you should imagine that it rises higher and higher through the bones of the toes, the energy passes through all the bones, moves up the ankles to the knees, then goes to the bones of the hips.

4. Then you need to imagine how the energy flow passes through the shoulders and shoulder blades down the chest and around the ribs.

5. After that, the flow of energy is directed through the bones of the hands to the hands and to all the small bones of the hands and fingers.

6. Now you should direct attention and energy up to the bones of the neck, draw it around the jaw through the teeth, “wash” the skull with it.

During this exercise, you should be in a relaxed state, breathe deeply. It is important to allow the golden energy to pass through all the bones of the body, to feel its movement as brightly as possible.

Exercise "Golden Brain"

In this exercise, you need to move all the golden energy into the brain. For this you should:

1. Move your attention inside the brain and express the intention for the brain to absorb this energy. You need to start with the cerebral cortex (the gray matter that covers upper part brain).

2. Then you need to take the energy deeper. Just below the gray matter is white matter - the most most of brain. White matter is responsible for the development of extrasensory abilities. Let the white matter absorb this golden energy like a sponge. Consciousness independently distributes energy between the two hemispheres.

You need to direct the golden energy into it and completely surround this small point with it, and then express the intention that this energy be completely absorbed into the pituitary gland.

You should also mentally voice the intention to activate the hormonal changes that you desire. The pituitary gland is the first point of contact, energetically connected to the pineal gland.

4. Now you should move your attention to the center of the brain. This area is sometimes called the sacred chamber. This is where the pineal gland is located. This is a small kidney-shaped dot. It is necessary to direct energy into it and express the intention so that this golden energy is completely absorbed into this center.

5. Also in this part of the brain is the hypothalamus² and thalamus³. The thalamus is a fan-shaped organ composed of gray matter flanked by white matter. The two sections of the thalamus are located in the two hemispheres of the brain. The thalamus is responsible for the power of visualization.

At this stage, you should imagine a golden butterfly in the center of the head. Your intention should be to enhance its radiance with the help of golden energy.

Here is an egg-shaped organ called the pons varolii. One should visualize this ovoid organ completely covered in a radiant golden light.

7. After that, with the strongest intention, you need to direct the golden energy down the entire spinal cord.

During this exercise, you need to be relaxed and breathe deeply.

Aura restoration through the endocrine system

In this step, golden energy flows through the entire endocrine system. For this you need:

1. Focus the golden energy within the parathyroid and thyroid glands, which are located at the bottom of the throat. It is necessary to express the intention so that the golden energy is completely absorbed into these glands.

2. Above the region of the heart under the chest is the thymus gland. This is the point where all the energy of the body accumulates. Strengthening the radiation of energy in the area above the heart is one of the key points in the restoration of the biofield.

By directing energy to this center, we heal energy body, restore the aura.

To do this, you should direct the golden energy into the thymus gland and give a command so that this energy is completely absorbed. By an effort of will, you need to visualize as brightly as possible the filling of this gland with golden energy. Subsequently, from this center, energy will nourish the entire region of the heart.

3. Then you need to move your attention to the heart muscle. The heart is not part of the endocrine system. But, nevertheless, the pericardial sac that surrounds the heart must be filled with this healing energy. This will improve the work of the heart and heal the whole body.

4. To the left of the navel is the pancreas, it also needs to be nourished with golden energy.

5. Now you need to move your attention to the middle of the back - to the adrenal glands or adrenal glands. They are located above the kidneys. The power of intention should energize these internal organs.

6. Then you need to move your attention a little further down - to the ovaries or testicles, directing the golden energy into them.

The energy then travels down through the thighs, shins and ankles to the feet.

Grounding energy to restore the biofield

At this stage, you should “ground” the energy. To do this, direct the golden energy that rotates around the legs clockwise into the ground. There, this energy changes due to the vibrational frequencies of the earth and leaves it in the form of a concentrated beam (all steps must be imagined as vividly as possible in your imagination).

Then this beam of energy must be directed through the whole body, passing through all energy centers - chakras⁴. The change in energy can be felt as a change in temperature or a tingling sensation.

Biofield restoration through human energy centers

life center

First, to restore the aura, energy is directed to 1 energy center. To energize it, you should:

1. Direct your attention to the base of the spine (coccyx area) and feel, feel or imagine a glowing red sphere in this area. One must imagine how a golden ray gently enters this sphere and fills it, as a result of which the sphere begins to radiate in all directions.

Then you need to send a beam of golden energy to the next energy creative-sexual center.

Creative and sexual center

This is the second energy center of the human body. It is located approximately between the upper edge of the pubic bone and the navel and appears as an orange sphere. To saturate this center with golden energy, you need:

1. Focus on this center and imagine how a golden beam of energy fills the orange sphere.

2. Filling the sphere with energy, one should express the intention to bless, strengthen and balance this center. This is how we awaken our sexuality and creativity.

During the exercise, you should be in a relaxed state and breathe deeply.

solar plexus area

Further, the beam of energy is directed higher and reaches the area of ​​the solar plexus. This is another energy center. It should be represented as a yellow sphere. Filling the sphere with energy, one should express the intention to bless, strengthen and balance this center.

Breathing during work is calm, the state is relaxed.

Heart region

Next, you should direct your attention and the golden ray of energy higher, to the center of the heart. This is an emerald sphere. Having nourished this area with energy, you need to move your attention just above the heart - to the area of ​​​​the thymus gland. The intention should be to increase the golden light in that part of the body. When performing the exercise, you can feel warmth in the heart area.

When there is a feeling of fullness, you can move on to the next center.

throat area

The throat area is another energy center of our body. It appears as a blue sphere. This center is a special gate: it is a place where the energy of heaven and earth merges together and reincarnates into the life force of man. It is the center of truth, which is why the words we speak have such power.

Having reached this center with attention, you need to imagine how the golden ray fills the throat area and restores energy.

You can slowly turn your head from side to side while the energy feeds the throat area.

Then you should take a deep breath and turn your attention to the area between the eyebrows.

"Third Eye"

To do this, you need to focus on this area and direct a beam of golden energy up through the center of the brain closer to the forehead. Here is the area of ​​indigo color. Imagination should concentrate the beam in this center, imagining how it fills with energy and begins to glow like a precious stone.

In this work, one should express the intention to develop superpowers, deepen wisdom and increase understanding. This area is also associated with telepathy, the development of the sixth sense.

Temechka area

After the center between the eyebrows is filled with energy, you should shift your attention and the beam of golden energy up to the center of the crown. One should imagine how the golden energy begins to circle around the crown, forming a halo above the head.

"Delay and Ejection"

Then, with strong intention, exhale the air through your mouth, imagining as you exhale a fountain of colored energy rising up over your head and spiraling down. This colored energy envelops the body, restores the biofield, strengthens the connection with the energy of the earth.

This is where the exercise ends. It is advisable to do this practice daily. This will help not only restore energy and biofield, but also strengthen the aura, make it “impenetrable” for negative influences⁵, which in turn will have a positive effect on overall health.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The pituitary gland is a brain appendage in the form of a rounded formation located on the lower surface of the brain in a bone pocket called the Turkish saddle, which produces hormones that affect growth, metabolism and reproductive function (Wikipedia).

² The hypothalamus is a small area in the diencephalon that includes big number groups of cells (over 30 nuclei) that regulate the neuroendocrine activity of the brain and homeostasis of the body (Wikipedia).

³ Thalamus - the area of ​​the brain responsible for the redistribution of information from the senses, with the exception of smell, to the cerebral cortex (

The aura or biofield is our protective field shell, a natural protection against subtle-material influences, therefore, when it is disturbed, a person gets sick and has a bunch of problems, from health to psychological ones.

Violation of the integrity of this field shell, radiates with the aggressive external influence of others. In such cases, they often talk about the evil eye. But this is also possible with psychological problems. Both affect health, vitality, and luck.
A breakdown in the aura is not necessarily created by some evil witches who look a lot like Baba Yaga from a fairy tale or a horror movie character ... Any person with strong energy, for example, your relative, a neighbor's grandmother at the entrance or a work colleague, is quite capable of providing it.
An attack on the biofield is a strong release of negatively charged emotional energy. The boss at work “got out of control”, the husband / wife shouted, or they quarreled in the transport (substitute the right one). All this can lead to a breakdown of the biofield.
The most dangerous attack of this kind is when your aura takes on a strong flow of negativity from a mentally abnormal, crazy person, for example, who has escaped from a dormice. There may not even be screams and insults, just hatred in the eyes and the release of a portion of energy.
A glance can kill. Even in works of art and historians, such facts have been repeatedly described.

Signs of breakdown of the aura or biofield

Loss of strength, general malaise, sometimes a slight chill, unwillingness to live, unreasonable fear, and sometimes panic attacks. If you have the whole package at once, and especially - there is precisely an unreasonable fear, then most likely this is not a banal acute respiratory disease, but a breakdown of the aura or, in a popular way, the evil eye. It is being treated. Most often, you don’t need to run around looking for grandmothers-healers and certified traditional healers according to the most “I can’t”. Most of them are just honestly cheating fellow citizens, taking advantage of their complete illiteracy in this area.
Most often, in a relatively healthy person, it goes away on its own, in a couple of days. The aura is restored if you or others do not aggravate the situation. If nothing has passed in a week, and chronic bad luck and unwillingness to live are added, then perhaps this is not the evil eye, but damage. Pumping energy, which some healers offer, in the presence of a hole in the aura, is not very effective. It makes no sense to fill a leaky bucket, the energy will still go away. So the holes need to be covered first...

Aura restoration in practice

1. Stand up, bend your legs slightly, calm your breathing. Give yourself the installation that now you will restore your field and health. Smile. 2. Turn off thoughts, the estimating factor interferes.
3. Stretch your relaxed arms forward, to the sides, up, try to feel the elastic border of the cocoon shell. Most likely, the border will be able to feel the first time. Imagine it as a package of light. It has a spindle shape, like a cocoon of butterflies.
4. Try to spin the cocoon around its axis without moving the body. Just imagine it. At first it will go tight and it will seem that nothing is happening. Don't think about it. Just do it. Thoughts and mind are the enemies of this practice. Pay no attention to them. Inhale - half a turn of the cocoon, exhale - the second half turn. Make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise.
5. Walk around the room, try not to think about anything. Repeat the previous paragraph, but now imagine that the cocoon has holes, and the shell itself has become sticky and viscous, like honey, it sticks to itself ... When turning around the body, the holes swim and are smeared with this sticky shell and tighten the holes. Make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise. After mastering this practice, the previous paragraph is not needed.
6. Now you don't have any holes, everything is overgrown and sealed. You have a whole and elastic aura, which has the correct shape and is able to repel any attacks ... Fix this picture in your mind ...
7. Immediately engage in work that requires maximum attention. This will force the mind to switch from "sticking the spokes in the wheels" to the process of aura recovery to the new task. The result will automatically fix the subconscious.
After some time of practice, the restoration of the aura will take only a few minutes. The main keys of this practice are visualization, turning off thoughts and intention. I deliberately did not write in this post about prayers and turning to "specialists", a religious egregore or other muddy external forces for help. A person is quite capable of restoring the aura on his own, without any dubious and paid help. The author's presentation style has been preserved. Opinion
editions may not coincide with the opinion of the author.

It's no secret that people in modern world Magic is all around. Many of us do not notice it, but this does not mean that there is no magic. Perhaps you have had cases that were very difficult or even impossible to explain rationally. In such situations, most often we refer to an accident or coincidence, which is not at all true.

Aura human, or in scientific terms " biofield”, like a magnet, attracts events, people and incidents to its owner. The quality of a person's life and the events taking place around him depend on the state of the aura.

Raise your standard of living, improve your financial situation, get promotion at work, achieve career growth, establish a good relationship with others and other human everyday desires are unrealizable without a corresponding pure aura.

How to restore the aura and biofield

Before proceeding directly to cleansing and restoring your aura, you should understand the reason for its current deterioration.

You need to understand exactly what is preventing you from achieving your goals and desires. These can be unpleasant people, your own unwillingness to make efforts to get the desired result, lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities, fear of change and other reasons.

When you have accurately identified the circumstances that prevent you from achieving your goals, you need to renounce them for a while. For a short period without these actions, people or habits, you will be able to fully restore your aura.

Restoration of the aura in case of painful sensations in the body

The easiest and most affordable way to self- restoration of the biofield at painful sensations in one or another part of the body is the application of foil. The total recovery time is on average one week.

To carry it out, you should be patient and a roll of foil. On the part of the body where pain occurs, you need to attach a sheet cut out of food foil. The size of the foil should correspond to the area of ​​the affected area on the body. If necessary, fix the foil with adhesive tape or adhesive tape.

The duration of such a daily procedure depends on personal well-being. Enough from 5 to 30 minutes every day for 7 days. After applying this method, you must completely restore my aura.

During the week, try not to be overwhelmed, not to contact negative people and not to do unloved things. Refuse to restore the biofield with foil if you are allergic to metal.

After the stress

Key role in restoration of the biofield after nervous breakdowns and breakdowns, stress and difficult days, complete relaxation plays. Give yourself 30 minutes to spare. Lay a small pillow on a flat, smooth surface. Lean on her. Relax. Hear your measured and even breathing.

Imagine a large white funnel above the crown of your head that sucks negativity, fatigue, and poor health out of you. Feel how bad energy leaves you along with the funnel. Imagine a multi-colored glow around you, which is getting brighter and richer, filling you with new pure powers.

Rest. Mentally repeat the phrase: "Everything is fine." When you feel complete relaxation and relaxation of the body, you can slowly get up and start doing things with a fully restored aura.

After removal of damage

Removing damage is a laborious process that greatly consumes and weakens a person’s own aura. For recovery auras after damage it is necessary for several days to give up listening to loud music, contacts with unpleasant people, watching TV and searching for information on the Internet.

The state of the person after removal severe spoilage characterized by fatigue and weakness in the body, headache, unwillingness to see the world. Having suffered for several days in such a difficult state, a person should feel relief, satisfaction with his living conditions.

Good relationships will help restore the biofield. Dedicate all your free minutes and hours to yourself and your loved ones. Spend as much time with them as possible, relax with your family, recharge with positive energy from your family and friends.

Try not to think about problems, worries and enemies. Feel how your aura gains strength and fills the body with new possibilities for the implementation of plans.

Precautions that will protect against damage
