Sergey name characteristics and meaning. Sergey and Valeria

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Sergey.

What does the name Sergey mean?

The name Sergey means tall (lat.)

The meaning of the name Sergey is character and fate

A man named Sergey is usually good-natured and flexible, however, if he feels pressure, pressure, he can show character. The dictatorial tone unbalances him. He is incapable of unseemly acts, but you shouldn’t test his patience. Sergei's biggest drawback is that he is easily influenced, and often in a bad way. He doesn’t want to look weak-willed among his friends; he tries to seem no worse than others, but this doesn’t always end well. For example, he may become addicted to alcohol, and only thanks to the great efforts of his loved ones does he manage to get rid of alcohol addiction. A man named Sergei can easily be married to an unloved woman. And although such a marriage will not be happy, Sergei will not be able to divorce her, especially if children appear. If he marries the woman he loves and on his own initiative, then best husband can not found. He is cordial, generous in soul, he manages to establish good relations between mother and wife, he smoothes out any conflicts, he presents his wife to his family in the most favorable light, praising him as a mistress and a wonderful mother. Sergei rarely goes on love affairs on the side, and if this happens, then again only for company with friends. He himself is not interested in this, and it’s a pity to waste time on such trifles. He is a good owner, constantly improves his home, tries to have a dacha, and enjoys tinkering with his car. When tipsy, he loves to boast, is cheerful and friendly. He has children of different sexes, but more often daughters, with whom he establishes warm, touching relationships.

The meaning of the name Sergey for sex

Sergey is able to caress a woman, kiss her drunk, and after meeting him she is left with a feeling of happiness and peace for a long time. “Summer” Sergei is a little constrained, indecisive, and is often in captivity of sexual prejudices. It is difficult to light up Sergei, although his sexual potential is quite high. This Sergei needs a knowledgeable and at the same time affectionate partner. Sergei is vulnerable; any little thing can upset his peace of mind. A man named Sergei is drawn to spiritually gifted women, with high level intellectual development. To such a woman, Sergei is able to open up completely, throwing off all the shackles of generally accepted morality. Sergei can be passionate, but he does not accept sexual excesses. He is worried about how he looks in the eyes of his beloved. “Winter” Sergei is insatiable in love, but in public with his girlfriend he is quite reserved, shows her few signs of attention, as if he is ashamed of their relationship, and this is very offending.

The character and fate of the name Sergei, taking into account the patronymic

First name Sergey and patronymic....

Sergey Alekseevich, Sergey Andreevich, Sergey Artemovich, Sergey Valentinovich, Sergey Vasilyevich, Sergey Viktorovich, Sergey Vitalievich, Sergey Vladimirovich, Sergey Evgenievich, Sergey Ivanovich, Sergey Ilyich, Sergey Mikhailovich, Sergey Sergeevich, Sergey Petrovich, Sergey Fedorovich, Sergey Yuryevich easily wounded, but one can envy his self-control. This Sergei is difficult to piss off. He is secretive, avoids conflicts so as not to complicate his own life, and subsequently family life. He copes with his problems independently, not wanting to burden his loved ones, and reluctantly resorts to their help. He marries early, not always for love, sometimes out of a sense of duty. In the family he is flexible and accommodating. Tries not to offend anyone. What he values ​​most in women is loyalty and kindness. He willingly helps his wife with housework, is not picky about food, and can greet his wife from work with a delicious dinner. He is very jealous, but clearly tries not to show it, he is proud and ambitious. Next to him, a woman is always calm, reliable and interested, he is cheerful, and is rarely in a bad mood. Sergei is noble; if his wife treats him well, he will never betray her. With a grumpy and domineering wife, Sergei can live only for the sake of the children and often leaves her when the children grow up and start their own families. He is a good father and accepts Active participation in the development of children, helps them arrange their personal lives, get an education, and take a position in society. Mostly girls are born.

First name Sergey and patronymic....

Sergey Alexandrovich, Sergey Arkadyevich, Sergey Borisovich, Sergey Vadimovich, Sergey Grigorievich, Sergey Kirillovich, Sergey Maksimovich, Sergey Matveevich, Sergey Nikitich, Sergey Pavlovich, Sergey Romanovich, Sergey Tarasovich, Sergey Timofeevich, Sergey Eduardovich, Sergey Yakovlevich always friendly, charming, welcoming. A little boastful, susceptible to praise and flattery, he easily falls for this bait. Sensitive, amorous and loving. With women he is attentive, courteous, gentle and passionate. No one can resist him, although he is more interested in spiritually gifted girls with high intelligence. Their external data is of secondary importance to him. He marries late, cannot understand his feelings, understand which of his girlfriends he loves more, who can become his life partner. He is afraid of making mistakes, and has an extremely negative attitude towards divorce. He likes to drink and may become dependent on alcohol. In marriage he cheats, loves entertainment, variety in life. With the birth of his first child, he becomes more balanced, at home, fussing with the child, from which he receives great pleasure. Such Sergei is an economical person, but... doesn't like to study homework. It’s easier for him to hire workers than to tinker himself. He knows how to provide for his family financially, improve everyday life, furnishes the apartment himself, manages repairs, updates household appliances. Nothing can be hidden from his economic gaze. The wife manages the family budget; Sergei does not control her. He loves to eat delicious food and really appreciates his wife’s culinary talents.

First name Sergey and patronymic....

Sergei Bogdanovich, Sergei Vilenovich, Sergei Vladislavovich, Sergei Vyacheslavovich, Sergei Gennadievich, Sergei Georgievich, Sergei Danilovich, Sergei Egorovich, Sergei Konstantinovich, Sergei Robertovich, Sergei Svyatoslavovich, Sergei Yanovich, Sergei Yaroslavovich has a sharp mind, an intellectual. He is lonely at heart, reaches out to people, tries to win universal recognition. Even at a young age, he thinks about a prestigious profession, strives to achieve material well-being, trying his hand at various fields of activity. Physical work quickly tires him, in addition, he is somewhat lazy, but with mental labor he achieves a lot. However, he is somewhat nervous, irritable in case of failure, and cannot concentrate. Excessive worry prevents him from making the right decision. He is a little constrained with women, indecisive, afraid of sexual failures, although with age, self-doubt disappears. Doesn't tolerate pressure, can't stand pushy women. You can stir him up only with affection and tenderness. He is in no hurry to get married. He starts a family, and usually successfully, after twenty-six years, with a woman whom he had dated for several years before. Sergei is such a good owner and father. He lives for his family, only family problems can throw him out of balance and really agitate him. Has children of different sexes.

First name Sergey and patronymic....

Sergey Antonovich, Sergey Arturovich, Sergey Valerievich, Sergey Germanovich, Sergey Glebovich, Sergey Denisovich, Sergey Igorevich, Sergey Leonidovich, Sergey Lvovich, Sergey Mironovich, Sergey Olegovich, Sergey Semenovich, Sergey Ruslanovich, Sergey Filippovich, Sergey Emmanuilovich independent and freedom-loving, does not allow anyone to lead him, does not tolerate interference in his personal life. He keeps women at a distance and dictates his terms to them. He easily abandons those who do not agree to obey him. For women, this Sergei is a mystery: temperamental and passionate, one day he can end the relationship without any explanation and disappear for a long time, and then return looking as if he left just yesterday and claim his rights. He knows no defeats on the love front. He likes to drink, is boastful when drunk, and is overly frank, which often harms him. Only a woman born in summer, can make him happy. Such Sergei marries late, often in two marriages. He never forgets his sons, and if his wife already has a child, she raises him as her own.

First name Sergey and patronymic....

Sergey Adamovich, Sergey Albertovich, Sergey Anatolyevich, Sergey Veniaminovich, Sergey Vladlenovich, Sergey Dmitrievich, Sergey Nikolaevich, Sergey Rostislavovich, Sergey Stanislavovich, Sergey Stepanovich, Sergey Feliksovich has a complex and contradictory character. He is friendly and generous, but any little thing can throw him off balance. We are vulnerable and touchy, but in a fit of anger we can offend anyone. He loves women very much, is attentive to them, gallant, elegant, and charming. Stubborn, persistent, if he likes a girl, he will definitely win her favor. Such a Sergei knows how to achieve a stable position in society and a good financial position. He is confident and disciplined. For all his sociability, he is very secretive, does not open up with anyone, and because of his temper, he easily makes enemies. He is cheerful in a good mood, knows a lot of jokes, and has a sense of humor. In the family, Sergei is a leader, a good husband, a wonderful father, and very economical. Neat, fastidious. Demanding of his wife. He wants to see her always well-groomed, well-combed, and dressed. Sergey is not averse to eating tasty and hearty meals; his wife must cook well, be clean and tidy. Sexual incompatibility can cause divorce. Sergei will not marry for the second time soon; he leads a hectic bachelor life. He changes lovers until he finds a woman with the same temperament as his, who is also smart and beautiful. Her child will not be a hindrance; Sergei loves children and will definitely have a child in his second marriage.

Numerology of the name Sergey

People who are unable to entertain themselves feel a need for you, but not a need.

George Saville Halifax

The meaning of the name Sergei is “highly revered” (Latin).

There are many memorial days, including 01/06, 04/05, 08/18, 10/08, 11/29.

Personality. Wise.

Characteristics of the name Sergey by letter:

C - the desire to stand out, to distinguish oneself;

E - supreme patronage;

P - professionalism;

G - sacrifice;

E - repetition, strengthening the properties of the letter;

Y - impulsiveness, expansiveness.

What does the name Sergey mean in numerology:

SERGEY = 169462 = 1 (Sun).

Characteristics of the name Sergey, taking into account the analysis

Sergey is smart, enterprising, passionate, and fortunate in material terms. A winner essentially. He is fair, law-abiding, faithful to duty. But he seems to “provoke” luck and constantly comes into conflict with an apparently prosperous life and fate. He often experiences catharsis and upheaval. Professions associated with risk are contraindicated for him: flying, astronautics, Ministry of Emergency Situations, mines, rescue operations. Can be a good engineer, designer, writer, publisher.

Sergei is very temperamental, women like him, and he likes them too. He is unreliable in marriage. Although careful, wise. The names of his women: Svetlana, Natalia, Zhanna, Nadezhda, Galina, Irina, Lyudmila.

The male name Sergey is widespread not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. In the ranking of the most popular in 2016, it ranks 4th. A lot of famous personalities- writers, actors, musicians - bear this name.

What does the name Sergey mean - the character of a man

A person named Sergey is friendly, strong-willed, assertive, and sometimes even stubborn. He is able to cope with any difficulties and adversity thanks to his rationalism and ability to control emotions.

Meaning of a boy's name

Little Seryozha is a joy for parents. He is obedient, attentive and caring. He completes any task entrusted to him instantly and with great desire. The boy loves to be praised and his hobbies and achievements discussed.

The child copes well with emotions, showing his attitude towards something through actions. He is a man of few words, so he does not always find a common language with other children.

The name Seryozha for a child symbolizes optimism; he rarely enters into conflicts. Thanks to his excellent memory and analytical warehouse mind, the boy easily copes with school assignments, and also receives good grades. The only problem that parents face is the child’s poor health and a tendency to frequent colds.

Characteristics of a man

The life of an adult man is not bright and rich; everything around him moves measuredly. However, in his life there are often situations when he receives a considerable dose of adrenaline, while being saturated with incredible energy.

The adult Sergei is distinguished by his complaisance and good nature, but he does not tolerate any pressure from others, including from close people.

Weak immunity eventually ceases to bother a man. With regular exercise, he is energetic, strong, and full of strength. The only thing he should pay attention to is nervous system. It is best to try to give vent to all the accumulated negativity and avoid stressful situations.

Character flaws are considered to be excessive susceptibility to the influence of others, as well as breakdowns in cases where a man feels an oppressive attitude towards him.

At work he demonstrates himself as a conscientious employee. He has all the qualities of a leader, but tries to avoid such positions, believing that it is more important for him to be responsible for his own actions. Excellent in the creative field. Professions such as designer, painter, publisher, musician are suitable for a man.

Many people are sure that a person’s fate is directly related to his name. You can, of course, argue. However, young mothers are looking for information about how the word they will call it will affect their future child. Agree, they have the right to their own beliefs. Moreover, there are more and more supporters of this theory. Let's look at the name Sergei, its origin and influence on its owner. This topic is not easy. Interesting?

Origin of the name Sergei

We probably need to start with the fact that our topic is quite complex. It causes a lot of controversy. The fact is that the name Sergei has ambiguous origin. Some sources claim that its origins are in Troy, others are confident in Slavic roots this word. All theories have the right to exist. After all, the very name Sergei, whose origin we are trying to determine, has many synonyms. The words are similar in pronunciation. This is what confuses researchers. And each term discussed below could actually become the basis for creating a name. After all, how does it work? Ancient people (and the origin of the name Sergei undoubtedly has ancient roots) did not particularly bother themselves with all sorts of inventions. Their thoughts were not in the clouds. A person was named based on the qualities that he demonstrated. For example, if his body grew longer than others, they said “long.” This word after a certain time became a name. Only later did they begin to unify such words. That is, special terms appeared that we perceive as names. By the way, the process was connected with religion. But let's return to the name Sergei.

Roman version

The theory presented is considered the most widespread. It is believed that the name Sergei originates from Sergius. IN Ancient Rome there was this kind. They say that its roots go back to the Trojans. If the given word is translated from Latin into Russian, we get “high”. It's not really about growth. When the name Sergei, the origin and meaning, and the fate of its owner are considered, the emphasis is placed on his nobility. It is in this sense that the translation “high” should be read. The term speaks of the authority, significance, and fame of the owner of this name. Naturally, many people like these characteristics. Therefore, the name remains in demand and popular for many centuries. Mothers really want their child to achieve a high position in society. And such an ancient name, it seems to them, will contribute to achieving this goal. It's nice to dream that the boy has some connection with the Roman patrician family. Let it be just sound. However, it is through vibrations that the name influences the personality. After all, a person hears it all the time. We can assume that the baby will receive through this connection some of the talents of his “old ancestors.”

Another Roman version

There is another theory that explains how the name Sergei came about. Its origin and meaning in this version are somewhat different from the previous one. Moreover, the theory so radically changes the meaning of the word being described that you should definitely familiarize yourself with it. Then you will begin to better understand the meaning of the name Sergei. Its origin and meaning, as they say, must be sought in the phrase servi dei. The literal translation from Latin is “servant of God.” Do you understand what the difference is? The first theory speaks of the importance of the individual in worldly society. And this one takes us into spirituality. It turns out that this name is very deep. It defines a person who has the opportunity to express his will in almost any area that is significant to humanity. Maybe this is the essence of his popularity. There are things that people feel intuitively without having specific information about theories and historical facts.

A little fly in our honey

There are researchers who have discovered the following fact. They rely on the word Servus. From Latin it is translated as “servant”. There is no spirituality or sublimity in him, these people believe. The word meant one who served the rich and noble. Not a very pretty theory. Although, it may also turn out to be fair. However, there is no reliable information about where the name Sergei came from. Some linguists insist that it is Russian, Orthodox origin. The name Sergius is cited as proof. Apparently it was this that was later changed. It turns out that how the name Sergei actually came about is a mystery. Its characteristics and origin are nevertheless described in various sources. To be sure this information is correct, it seems necessary to do your own “research.” Namely, to watch Sergei’s acquaintances. It is believed that they will definitely have similar traits. Let's get to know them.

Sergey: name meaning, origin, characteristics

Openness and creativity are the main characteristics of people named after Roman patricians (according to the first theory). These are sociable, active, inquisitive individuals. At a young age, Sergei is distinguished by some naivety. They are sometimes deceived. But this does not happen on purpose. It’s just that Sergei has a heart that is open to the world. They strive to learn as much as possible. They have great faith in people and their good traits. But a couple of lessons, as a rule, is enough for a boy to gain worldly wisdom. No, they don't become withdrawn. They just treat people more carefully and thoughtfully. Think and observe before making a decision. Because of such early maturation, these individuals have every potential to become high-ranking leaders. They know how to understand people.

What a friend and colleague he is

Sergei is capable of creating something new. These people are often inspired by ideas with a capital letter. If they themselves are passionate about a certain project, then only a select few are allowed to implement it. They are able to assess the internal and business qualities of others at one glance. Consequently, only the best will be attracted to their project. Each will be assigned exactly the role that Sergei will cope with almost perfectly. Sometimes Sergei shocks those around him, going beyond the bounds of morality. This is not due to any tendency to be shocking. It’s just that their moral principles are narrow and do not allow them to develop. Sergei, by the way, themselves suffer from this property. But they can't do anything. They need to constantly develop, create, improve. People around you should listen to Sergei they know. They won't recommend anything bad. And to become business partners with such people is real luck. They always achieve results.

In family life

For his wife, he is an obedient and kind friend. Sergei are very good husbands. Apparently, this is due to their ability to understand people. Only balanced, non-scandalous persons become life partners of such a person. He is fair with children. By the way, they adore their dad Sergei. He takes them to the movies and takes them to the sea. Such a father calmly and without unnecessary fuss solves any family problem. He a real man, in the noblest sense of the word.

The meaning of the name Sergey: The name for a boy means "clear" or "highly revered." This affects the character and fate of Sergei.

Origin of the name Sergei: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Seryoga, Serezha, Serenka, Gray, Sergeika, Sergulya, Sergunya, Sergunka.

What does the name Sergey mean: The name Sergei comes from the Roman family name Sergius. The name translates as “clear.” Another meaning of the name Sergei is “highly revered”, “venerable”. Among the owners of this name there are many talented individuals - singers, poets, writers or actors. The fact is that a guy with this name is gifted not only intellectually, but also creatively. He is responsible and reliable. You can always rely on him.

Patronymic name Sergei: Sergeevich, Sergeevna; decomposition Sergeich.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Sergei celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • July 11 (June 28) - St. Sergius the Wonderworker of Valaam, founder of the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga, spread the Orthodox faith in Karelia.
  • October 8 (September 25) - Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

Signs: On Sergius, in October, it begins, and from Matryona winter, winter sets in. If dry snow falls on Sergius of Radonezh, this promises nice summer. They pray to Sergius of Radonezh for chicken stock. On St. Sergius Day, cabbage is chopped.


  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color - pearl gray
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Treasured plant - heather
  • Patron - brown hare
  • Talisman stone - pearl

Characteristics of the name Sergey

Positive features: The meaning of the name Sergey from the point of view of psychology. Cheerfulness, outstanding creativity, kindness, responsiveness, ability to empathize. Seryozha has a refined nature; any rudeness or vulgarity hurts his feelings. A man with this name can easily adapt to new people and conditions, get along with everyone except rude people. With age, courageous traits become more and more evident in one's character: courage, perseverance, high goals.

Negative features: The name Sergey brings a lack of firmness, will, and irritation. To bring his ideas to life, he needs the help of others. He may give up on something halfway; he lacks the perseverance and willpower to bring it to the end. Seryozha loves to make unrealistic plans, dream, fantasize, and amaze others with his extravagance and recklessness. He can perform heroic deeds, one-time actions, but solving everyday complex problems is not his thing. Life’s failures easily “knock him out of the saddle.” In childhood, a child with this name cannot be spoiled. Excessive affection and guardianship are harmful to him. The disagreement of parents in the education system will bring him great harm. In this case, the guy will early begin to be a hypocrite, lie, and adapt. He must grow up confident in his abilities and able to take responsibility for himself and others.

Character of the name Sergei: What character traits does the meaning of the name Sergei determine? Seryoga is multi-talented; it is not without reason that among those bearing this name there are so many musicians, painters, artists, and writers. A guy with this name shuns leadership, tries to do without outside help, but he himself is reluctant to help even the closest people. A man with this name is an unconditional statesman, he puts the interests of the state above personal ones, but prefers to act alone, because in the team he is not liked for his edification and directness.

The weak point of a man named Sergey is a passion for alcohol, which sometimes even leads to collapse family relations. Many of them are alcoholics.

The little boy perceives the world optimistically and joyfully. Sometimes he has changes in activity: sometimes he runs around like crazy, sometimes he starts to act up. Parents will have to come to terms with this, so the child’s energy reserves are restored.

Seryozha is peaceful and sensitive, capable of empathy. In Skoda he studies well, conscientiously fulfills all orders, he doesn’t even need to be reminded - he remembers everything, takes care of everything. A guy named Sergei is very fond of music, cinema, and always takes part in amateur performances.

Having matured, Seryoga does not change in the main things: he is still obligatory, he can also listen, understand, and sympathize with a person. Seryozha is fair and calm. He is often offended, but he keeps all the grievances to himself and does not burden anyone with his problems.

He is unusually rich emotionally. He is very sensitive, able to evaluate a person at first sight. He has wonderful intuition. With such an imagination, Seryozha can be an actor, composer, writer, journalist, broadcaster, inventor.

Sergey and his personal life

Compatible with female names: successful marriage named with Galina, Irina, Christina, Lada, Lina, Lyubava, Lyubov, Tatyana. The name Sergey is also combined with Ulyana. Difficult relationships names can be with Anna, Valentina, Varvara, Victoria, Daria, Dina, Nina, Rimma.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Sergey promise happiness in love? Seryoga simply gets bogged down in love adventures, easily succumbs to the charms of love, but his affection is rarely long-lasting, a breakup occurs and then a new passion. He is attracted to calm, affectionate women; He is ready to cede leadership in the family to his wife, but on important issues he defends his point of view.

Sex has a special meaning for him. Intimate relationships are an obsession for Sergei. Its potential is great. After meeting him, a woman is left with a feeling of happiness and peace for a long time.

As a rule, Seryoga does not know unrequited love. There are many women in love with him, but he unshakably believes that he deserves it and that he is entitled to it in life. Moral standards seem too strict to him. Such bright personalities how Sergei live in another dimension and do not fit into the usual framework.

He is married several times. Beautiful, sophisticated wives eventually give way to a calm, homely woman, whom Seryozha helps with household chores. He is not picky about food, he eats what he gives. It happens that Sergei is addicted to alcohol, but he gets drunk slowly. Loves to receive guests in a grand manner. Dresses very elegantly.

With all his heart he becomes attached to feminine and modest partners. Willingly participates in household chores. I'm not picky about food. Seryoga is a jack of all trades. He willingly cedes leadership in the family to his wife, but reserves the final say on important issues. He is not prone to alcoholism. He is gentle and kind with children. He reaches heights in his career as a politician, in art, in sports, and is inclined towards engineering work. Loves to tinker with technology.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Sergei has many interests, tries his hand at everything and for a long time cannot choose future profession. A man named Sergei attaches great importance creative work. Among the men named Seryoga there are many outstanding composers, poets, and artists. The most diligent guy can find application for his extraordinary ideas in science and production.

Business and career: Sergei can achieve financial well-being through his own efforts or a successful marriage, but luck does not last long. He loves and knows how to dress with taste, he likes luxury. He can avoid troubles in money matters if he learns to spend money rationally, let it grow, and repel people who want to make money at his expense.

He cannot be called a great intellectual, but he is a reasonable, restrained person, he has enough firmness and skill to solve complex and intricate problems. Sergei may have a brilliant military career, and since he is able to push interesting idea, and, what is especially valuable, to bring it to life, then the career of a manager at all levels. In any case, the person with the name Sergei knows his business perfectly.

Health and energy

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Sergey from a medical point of view. A taciturn, obliging, friendly person, responsive, but secretive. Seryoga keeps his opinions about his loved ones, friends and colleagues secret. Derived from a Roman family name. In church tradition - Sergius. Initiative and persistent in achieving the set goal. He finishes what he starts.

In relations with loved ones, Sergezha is flexible and accommodating, trying not to offend anyone by accident. Sergey has good self-control and is touchy, but does not show this to others so as not to complicate the relationship. He is conscientious in business and does not like reminders of his duties.

He Sergei is restrained in expressing his feelings. Sergei is attracted to calm and affectionate women. Sergei's male potential is quite high, but he does not accept sexual excesses; in matters of sexual behavior he is captive of prejudices. A guy named Sergei is amorous and jealous. He often marries again.

The fate of Sergei in history

What does the name Sergei mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Venerable Sergei of Radonezh (from the city of Radonezh) even in childhood surprised everyone with his piety and strict abstinence; He avoided games, prayed earnestly to God, and ate only bread and water. Through prayers I received from God the gift of book understanding. The monk founded the Trinity-Sergius Lavra sixty miles from Moscow, and was its abbot. Out of great humility, he renounced the priesthood; for his holy life and great monastic deeds, he was honored with a miraculous appearance in the cell of the Mother of God with the holy apostles Peter and John; He was perspicacious and performed miracles with prayers. Radonezh died in 1392. His holy relics rest in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  2. Sergei Bukhvostov (1659-1728) - began serving in the stables, and in 1683, when the young tsar called the hunters, he was the first to enroll in the amusements. Subsequently, the tsar nicknamed him the first Russian soldier, always showing his special affection. In 1706, Sergei Bukhvostov was promoted to officer and continued military service, traveling the length and breadth of Russia, visited Sweden, Poland, Turkey, Holstein and Pomerania. In the case near Stetin (1713), Sergei Bukhvostov was wounded and, having lost the ability to serve in the ranks, was promoted to artillery major and enlisted in the St. Petersburg garrison. Peter repeatedly wanted to elevate Bukhvostov, but out of modesty he always shied away from honors.
  3. Sergei Witte - (1849 - 1915) Russian statesman. Minister of Railways (1892), Minister of Finance (1892 - 1903), Chairman of the Committee of Ministers (1903 - 1906), Chairman of the Council of Ministers (1905 - 1906). Member of the State Council (since 1903). Count (since 1905). Actual Privy Councilor (1899).
  4. Sergei Aksakov - (1791 - 1859) Russian writer, government official and public figure, literary and theater critic, memoirist, author of books about fishing and hunting, lepidopterologist. Father of Russian writers and public figures Slavophiles: Konstantin, Ivan and Vera Aksakov. Corresponding Member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
  5. Sergei Vernov - (1910 - 1982) Russian and Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), specialist in the field of cosmic ray physics. One of the participants in the discovery of the Earth's outer radiation belt. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Stalin and Lenin Prizes.
  6. Sergei Obraztsov - (1901 - 1992) Soviet Russian actor and puppet theater director, theater figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1984) and the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946).
  7. Sergei Bondarchuk - (1920 - 1994) Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1952). Hero of Socialist Labor (1980). Winner of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1952), Lenin Prize (1960), State Prize of the USSR (1984), winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe film awards.
  8. Sergei Botkin - (1832 - 1889) Russian physician and public figure, created the doctrine of the body as a single whole, subject to the will. Professor of the Medical-Surgical Academy (since 1861). Participant in the Crimean (1855) and Russian-Turkish (1877) wars. Founder of the school of clinicians.
  9. Sergei Filippov - (1912 - 1990) Soviet comedian, National artist RSFSR (1974).
  10. Sergei Solovyov - (born 1944) Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, producer, People's Artist of Russia (1993).
  11. Sergei Bubka - (born 1963) Soviet and Ukrainian pole vault athlete, the first person in the world to jump above six meters. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1983). Champion Olympic Games 1988, world (1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997), Europe (1986), USSR (1984, 1985). Winner of the World and European Cups (1985) in pole vault. Silver medalist of the international competition “Friendship - 84”.
  12. Sergei Eisenstein - (born 1898) Soviet theater and film director, artist, screenwriter, art theorist, teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). Professor at VGIK. Doctor of Art History (1939), author of fundamental works on cinema theory.
  13. Sergei Diaghilev - (1872 - 1929) Russian theatrical and artistic figure, entrepreneur, one of the founders of the World of Art group, organizer of the Russian Seasons in Paris and the Diaghilev Russian Ballet troupe.

Sergey in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning. The meaning of the name Sergey sounds a little different. On English language translated as Sergius (Sergius), in Spanish: Sergio (Sergio), in German: Sergius (Sergius), in Polish: Sergiusz (Sergiush), in Ukrainian: Sergiy.

In this article we will describe full meaning named Sergey for a boy. The origin of the name Sergei originates from the Latin language, is a Roman generic name, translated means - highly respected.

Character and destiny

The most important qualities for Sergey there is a certain balance between softness and hardness, its inner vein, irreplaceability. Oddly enough, with such a common name, politicians There are not so many with this name, just a couple of people, and the reason for this is not the inclination of this name for leadership. Thanks to his characteristic balance, Sergei’s pride can rarely be harmed. He has no need for painful self-affirmation, unless this is related to any other reasons, therefore his ambitious plans are quite rarely associated with confrontations and struggle; in psychology, this is defined as the absence of a goal to be a leader. In general, Sergey will prefer to be on equal rights with someone, or just by yourself.

What does the name Sergey mean for every man: The owner of this name is inclined to live as normal a life as possible. This name serves as a good support in difficult times, and this in turn gives strength when defending one’s personal interests. It is sensual and humane, but due to the fact that its sensuality and gentleness are in a certain balance, much will depend on Sergei’s upbringing.

As a child, Sergei tended to get sick often. But with age, his health will become stronger, as, in principle, he himself, and here the formation of his character is also characteristic. He grows up to be a rather caring boy who is prone to empathy. But as for the manifestation of feelings, here he is restrained, preferring actions to emotions. In business, he is very obligatory and conscientious, always trying to fulfill his promises. He always remembers everything, so you don’t have to remind him twice. Sergei prefers not to express his opinion about someone, he is a man of few words.

Hobbies and profession: He loves cinema, music, and is not against taking part in amateur performances. Concerning professional activity, then Sergei can be composers, actors, artists, musicians.

Sergei is quite accommodating and flexible; he generally behaves in such a way that he would never offend anyone, although he himself is quite easy to offend. But Sergei will not show his resentment; he has good self-control and is somewhat secretive. I'm used to dealing with my problems myself.

The history of the name Sergei is connected with Sergius the Roman and Sergius of Sinai, who died for the faith and are therefore considered holy martyrs.

What does the name Sergei mean for a family: For marriage, he chooses homely, calm women, and does not refuse them help with housework. Sergei is not picky when it comes to food. Likes to joke in groups. But he is quite jealous, so he can marry twice.

Sergei has many friends and is always on good terms with those around him. good relations, as for success in business, everything will depend on his own efforts.

Sergei in history

A fairly famous namesake of Sergei was Sergei Korolev (1906-1966), the founder of astronautics. When he proposed parallel placement of two rocket stages, he was considered an eccentric, but the scientist still managed to prove that he was right, spending a lot of effort on it. And after a certain number of years, American designers, using the trial and error method, came to the same discovery, which had been used in Russia for a long time, thanks to Sergei Korolev.

The Soviet government relied on him, and it was on him that the fate of the USSR in the space race depended. This man is deservedly called the father of astronautics, since it was under his direct leadership that the path from the creation of geophosics and ballistic missiles to a manned spacecraft.

Korolev spent all his time at work. Maybe that's why he did so much in his life.

Description of the name Sergey from his place of work: Thanks to Sergei's level-headedness, he is a good diplomat and stubborn in an argument, but it is not so easy to get him angry.

Name in horoscope

Meaning of the name Seryozha in astrology:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Libra;
  • Patron planet: Jupiter, Venus;
  • Character Traits: Reasonable, balanced, independent;
  • Name Colors: Silver shade of grey;
  • Lucky colors: All shades of red;
  • Patron saints of the name: Sergius of Valaam (July 11, September 24), Sergius of Radonezh (July 20, October 8);
  • Talisman stone: Ruby.