Procedure for disposal and destruction of expired food and other goods. Rules and methods for disposal of medical waste in the Russian Federation

This is an important step for ecological state countries and treatment systems.

Previously the state worked according to the old document from 1995. Since then, other processing and disposal technologies have appeared, and new animal diseases have been identified.

Processing equipment is hopelessly outdated, and the operation of cattle burial grounds, once so popular, is now dangerous and unprofitable. Therefore, regulations regarding biological waste have become unsuitable for modern times.

The project was under consideration until June 25, 2019. The rules for the disposal of biological waste have undergone some changes, which we will discuss in this article.

According to the new rules, the following waste is considered biological:

  • corpses of animals (mammals, fish, birds, insects, aquatic organisms);
  • incubator waste, abortive material and stillborn fetuses, placenta;
  • biowaste, that is, fragments of organs and tissues obtained as a result of experiments or in veterinary medicine, laboratory samples;
  • waste from processing raw materials of animal origin;
  • veterinary confiscations;
  • feed containing animal products.

Depending on the hazard class, biowaste divided into the following groups:

  • especially dangerous, infected with rapidly spreading diseases that can cause a mass epidemic;
  • moderately dangerous;
  • radioactive.

Why is recycling necessary?

This class of waste represents great danger For environment and people's health.

Failure to comply with disposal rules has a detrimental effect on the environmental situation:

  • when corpses decompose, biogas and liquids are formed that pose a danger to all living things;
  • unauthorized biowaste dumps attract scavengers who spread rabies and other dangerous diseases;
  • the state loses the potential profit that could be obtained from processing such waste to feed farm animals and vivarium inhabitants;
  • improper disposal of infected corpses entails consequences in the form of epidemics among people and animals.

The problem of biological waste disposal has become very acute. This happened not only because the set of laws on the management of biowaste is outdated, but also because, unfortunately, in our country they do not monitor well enough who and how they dispose of them.

Consequently we have a disappointing result:

  • animal corpses are dumped in unauthorized landfills or buried in the ground, which is strictly prohibited;
  • enterprises for processing biowaste, founded back in the days of the USSR, are out of order or equipped with equipment that is no longer used in modern times;
  • High-tech enterprises exist in small numbers and simply cannot cope with the flow of biological waste.

New veterinary and sanitary rules regulating the collection of biowaste

Section II of the draft veterinary and sanitary rules “Storage of biological waste” specifies the following collection standards.

Firstly, for storage and collection you need to use airtight containers or special packaging, excluding contact of tissue and organ fragments with the environment.

Tanks must be labeled with the characteristics of the contents, be easy to disinfect and must not come into contact with products that have passed veterinary inspection.

In the absence of such, biowaste must be moved to special refrigeration chambers designed for these purposes. The temperature in such chambers should vary from 0 degrees Celsius and below. Depending on it, the shelf life is set at 7–30 days.

New veterinary rules for the collection and destruction of biological waste allow the storage of corpses in moisture-proof areas until removal for disposal, but for a period of no more than 24 hours.

If the waste is contaminated with dangerous diseases, their shelf life without the use of refrigerators is determined by an emergency commission. However, they cannot be stored for more than 168 hours.

Unauthorized persons should not come into contact with biological waste. The same applies to other potential carriers. Responsibility for the safety and handling of biological waste of animal origin before its removal to the place of processing or destruction lies with the owner of the enterprise, farm or household where this waste was generated.

Changed export standards

Export and transportation biological waste carried out in accordance with the following standards:

  1. Arrangements for proper transportation are the responsibility of the owner. If there is no such person, he is considered to be the owner of the territory where the waste was found.
  2. Movement without special veterinary documents is prohibited.
  3. Transportation is carried out using specially equipped transport that excludes contact with external environment. Otherwise, hazardous elements may disperse and harm others. Using such vehicles for other purposes without proper disinfection is strictly prohibited.
  4. The soil where the waste was located is covered with bleach, equipment and clothing are disinfected each time after use. Additional processing and issuance of specific equipment is provided if the waste belongs to groups 1 and 3.

How are they recycled?

Correct and timely processing is the key to obtaining valuable recyclables, which can be used for various needs. But this process has its own nuances.

Firstly, biowaste is first sorted and then crushed. Secondly, heat treatment is required for them.

In this regard, it has been established separate rules regarding each type of waste. It all depends on their mass, origin and purposes for which the resulting recyclable materials are then used.

Biowaste is a must sterilized in one of the following ways:

  • in the extruder;
  • by cooking in vacuum boilers;
  • compost in special closed containers;
  • using conventional cooking in open or closed boilers (this type of processing is only available if the resulting feed is used on the same farm).

If the enterprise is equipped with a special recycling workshop, it has the right to use it only in relation to its by-products.

Acceptance of “other people’s” waste is prohibited.

All biological waste of animal origin belonging to group 2 must be recycled. In this way, feed for agricultural institutions, meat and bone and bone meal, fertilizers, etc. are obtained.

Animal skins are also used. They are removed, processed and then used in the leather industry. Processing of remains and skinning of carcasses belonging to groups 1 and 3 is not allowed - they are destroyed.


Group 3 waste is subject to the same treatment as radiation waste. All 1 group of biological waste, according to the rules, is subject to mandatory destruction in several ways.

According to the new rules, this can be organized by:

  1. Incineration in cremators or incinerators. The resulting ash is subject to further disposal as industrial waste (7 47 800 00 00 0 according to FKKO).
  2. Burning under open air or in special pits or trenches, but only under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  3. The use of cattle burial grounds, but this is an extremely undesirable measure. It becomes available as a result of a decision of an emergency commission, when other methods of destruction are impossible.

Burial in cemeteries is strictly prohibited according to the rules. The exception is mass death animals due to natural disasters, when transportation or burning is impossible. But such a decision is made only by the emergency anti-epizootic commission.

Video on the topic

Process recycling biological waste of the 2nd group into bone meal is presented in the video:


If capacities for processing biowaste appear in Russia, and producers follow all the new veterinary rules for its collection and disposal, then recycling of biological waste will provide significant savings in the agricultural sector.

There will be additional financial inflow, and the environmental situation in the country will improve. However, this is only possible with strict control over compliance with the letter of the law.

A special bonus of the new project is the long-awaited abandonment of the mass construction and operation of cattle burial grounds. This is another significant step towards development modern system waste management.

In contact with

In the generally accepted concept, recycling is the safe destruction of any object or item for the purpose of its further processing and use of a secondary resource. The same applies to car recycling. If a car cannot be used for its intended purpose, then it must be properly destroyed. This is necessary to ensure that the materials from which it is made do not harm the environment and can subsequently be recycled and reused.

For example:

  • Metal parts of vehicles are melted down to produce metal alloys. Scrap metal is known to be a valuable source for the automotive and metallurgical industries;
  • automobile glass is turned into glass wool, filtering and abrasive materials, used in the production of reflectors and in road construction;
  • plastic, which makes up about 10 percent of a car's weight, finds its secondary use in the iron and steel industry, manufacturing building materials and packaging containers;
  • Automobile rubber, after processing, is used for the manufacture of rubber asphalts (we see them mainly at railway crossings), sports coatings, floor mats, conveyor belts, as well as for the manufacture of modern roofing and soundproofing materials. In cement production, automobile rubber is used to produce fuel that prevents harmful emissions into the atmosphere due to high temperatures melting;
  • technical auto fluids pose the greatest danger to the environment, especially to soil and water. Their technological processing consists of regeneration (purification and production of new materials with similar chemical properties), as well as their use as an alternative fuel in various industries. Some automobile fluids are burned in a special way, without harm to humans and nature.

Thus, each scrapped car can bring a lot of benefit and gain many new “lives”.

Reasons for car recycling

How to scrap a car? What reasons should there be for this?

There are the following reasons on the basis of which a vehicle can and should be disposed of:

  • your vehicle is badly worn out, old or cannot be restored after a traffic accident;
  • your vehicle is stolen and all hope is gone that it will be found and returned to you. In this case, you will have to set out in writing the details of the theft and search actions and declare your desire to receive certificates for the remaining parts, documents and numbers (if any remain);
  • After the sale, your vehicle was not re-registered to the new owner within the required time frame. Accordingly, transport taxes and fines continue to be received in your name, but the new owner does not make contact.

Step-by-step recycling procedure

How to dispose of a car in 2020 within the framework of current Russian legislation? The vehicle recycling procedure includes physical and legal rejection. Moreover, these two constituent elements can be applied to the car both jointly and separately. For example, if a car is worn out or irreparably damaged, but as an object physically exists and is in the possession of the car owner, then he is first required to take legal action to reject it, and then you can think about scrapping it. And if the car is not physically there, for example, it is stolen or is in the possession of another person who is not documented to be its owner, then we are only talking about the fact that disposal will occur only from a legal point of view, on paper.

In one case or another, the legal procedure will be as follows:

  1. The person who owns the vehicle personally visits the State Traffic Inspectorate office in order to declare in writing his desire to carry out the disposal procedure and explains the reason for his decision. Depending on the reason, you need to submit explanatory notes addressed to the head of the traffic police MREO.
  2. The car owner receives a certificate of completed legal action - deregistration vehicle for the purpose of disposal.

List of required documents

If the car can no longer be used for its intended purpose due to physical unfitness, was stolen or is in the possession of a third party who, after purchasing (or donating) the vehicle, did not re-register it in his name, then the owner of the vehicle must submit the following documents to the traffic police:

  • personal passport as a document confirming the identity of the owner of the vehicle;
  • a written application to deregister the vehicle (required indicating the reasons for your decision);
  • an explanatory note addressed to the head of the territorial department of the State Traffic Inspectorate about the reasons for disposal;
  • car documents (STS, PTS, car alienation agreement, state registration numbers) if available. If there are no documents on hand, for example, the car was stolen along with papers for it, then this fact must be described in an explanatory note. You also need to write that if you find them, you undertake to return them to the traffic police. If the contracts under which the car was sold are lost, you can order an extract from the register from the same traffic police department, which will indicate the data of the contract.

Inspection of vehicles during disposal for the above reasons is not carried out!

What to do if the owner of the car decided that his “iron friend” can no longer drive on the roads, but can bring some income from selling it in parts? This question quite often arises among car owners who have lost their car as a result of an accident, do not see the point in restoring it, but at the same time have the opportunity to make money on intact and working parts of the car.

To deregister such a car, the owner of the vehicle, in addition to the generally accepted package of documents, will have to submit mandatory documents for the car: its passport, certificate and two state documents. sign, pay the state duty, and ensure delivery of the released units (engine, body, etc.) for inspection to the traffic police. At the same time, in the application and explanatory note you must list all the parts that you plan to sell and be sure to declare your desire to obtain certificates for all parts of the car. In practice, it is necessary to obtain certificates only for those parts that have personal identification numbers. As a rule, vehicle owners receive documents only for the engine, since registration papers are required when selling or buying it. As a result of such actions, the car owner must receive an extract from the register and certificates for the released units.

If there are no documents for the car, license plate or the car itself

How to hand over a car for recycling if you don’t have any documents on it, and you don’t even have the car itself? This usually occurs as a result of theft, physical destruction (for example, the car burned down or drowned) of the car along with the documents that were inside it. This situation also happens after its alienation (sale or donation), and the new owner refuses to re-register the vehicle in his name. Rejection of a car and legal actions to deregister it can be carried out without submitting the original documents for the car and inspecting it. To carry out legal measures for its documentary destruction, the owner’s personal passport, an application and a written explanation of the reason are sufficient.

However, if there are documents, then it is better to submit them (even if the documents are not all available or they are damaged). This will save the applicant from the mass controversial issues on the part of employees in uniform, and will ensure the smooth implementation of the intended goal.

Disposal cost

The state service of deregistering a car is provided free of charge. The state duty is charged only for issuing a certificate for released units (for selling vehicles in parts). It is 200 rubles per document.

From the moment a car is deregistered, it has no right to move under its own power on the roads. Therefore, if you decide to scrap it in special item reception or use the state recycling program, then its delivery to the final station can only be carried out by tow truck. Its cost is paid according to the rates in your city.

You should also take into account that there is such a thing as . For all cars purchased before 2012 in the Russian Federation, it is considered automatically paid. And when you hand over the car to a specialized vehicle recycling point, no fee will be charged. Owners of all other cars must pay this fee independently and according to the price list of the selected company.

Is it possible to return a car from scrap?

Some car enthusiasts want to know: is it possible to restore their registration rights to a car after it has been deregistered due to disposal? The answer to this question is regulated by paragraph 13 of the Rules of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on registration actions with vehicles:

  • in the event that the car is deregistered with the traffic police due to disposal, but has not yet been physically disposed of, then it is possible to restore the registration rights to it;
  • and if a car is deregistered and physically scrapped, then it is impossible to restore its registration.

State recycling program

Almost 8 years ago, a current model for supporting the domestic automobile industry appeared in our country - a vehicle recycling program. This program is also designed to improve general state ecology and reduce the number of old, dangerous cars on our roads.

Any car owner can enter the program if he owns a car weighing up to 3.5 tons, for more than 1 year, and its age is more than 10 years. For many people, scrapping their old car and getting a discount on the purchase of a new car has become the fulfillment of the dream of owning a new car. The current list of cars that can be purchased under this state program is constantly updated and is located on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Initially, the program was planned for a period of 1 year (calendar 2010), then it was extended until the end of 2011. However, the rapidly declining demand in the automotive market in Russia predetermined the resumption of the program from 2014 to the present.

How do you know if a car has been scrapped?

If you know the VIN number of any car (not even necessarily your own, for example, before purchasing) and have access to the Internet, then using the official website of the traffic police you can find out the entire history of registration actions with it completely free of charge. At the same time, for the purposes of safety and confidentiality of citizens, the report will indicate the periods of ownership of the vehicle without indicating names and surnames.

A similar check can be carried out by residents of the capital and its environs on the Autocode website. RU". This specialized service reflects data on theft, disposal, arrests, pledges, as well as taxi operations of those cars that are registered in the Moscow region. You can purchase and receive a detailed report in electronic form.

You can also check the car directly by requesting information from the State Traffic Inspectorate. This is possible only on behalf of the owner of the vehicle and in writing.


It's impossible to imagine modern office or an enterprise without computers, printers, copiers, faxes and other office equipment. It faithfully serves entrepreneurs, but there comes a time when the equipment either becomes obsolete or breaks down irreparably. Will be purchased to replace the old one new technology, but obsolete devices that have turned into garbage cannot simply be taken to the nearest trash heap.

Why computer equipment needs special disposal and how to correctly carry out this procedure from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, read this article.

Why unnecessary office equipment is not just trash

Anything that cannot be sold (donated) or reused is unwanted items, in other words, garbage. The accumulation of such items is unacceptable in an enterprise where everything should work to make a profit. If the computer is no longer efficient or is hopelessly damaged, you cannot work on it, which means you will need to purchase another one to replace it.

Naturally, you need to get rid of useless things. Assets such as office equipment are written off and disposed of according to a special procedure provided for by law. Reasons for regulating the disposal of office equipment:

  1. Preventing harm to the environment. Used office equipment belongs to hazardous waste. In the production of computers and other units, substances that are hazardous to life are used, for example, lead, arsenic, etc. The usual throwing away of equipment, especially regularly, can cause irreparable harm to the environment and health.
  2. Saving what can be saved. Office equipment includes parts containing non-ferrous metal, as well as a certain amount of precious metals: gold, silver, platinum. Thus, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation considers even completely unusable equipment not without a certain value. The metal can be recovered and reused, and the valuable components must be properly accounted for as part of the assets.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! A sufficient basis for the regulated disposal of computer equipment is its legislative justification. In other words, an organization or person found guilty of normal release such equipment will be brought to administrative responsibility for environmental pollution and violation of epidemiological standards.

What the law says

The disposal of obsolete office equipment is regulated by several legal acts:

  1. Administrative Code in Art. 8.2 prohibits throwing away equipment along with ordinary garbage, and the ban applies to both individuals and organizations.
  2. A separate ban on this action for legal entities is prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 340.
  3. Federal Law No. 89 prohibits enterprises from doing this on their own.
  4. Clause 2 art. 20 of Federal Law No. 41 of March 26, 1998 stipulates improper disposal of equipment as a violation of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation due to the content of valuable metals in it, which must be recycled and sent to the state fund.
  5. Specialized enterprises are allowed to dispose of equipment if they have the appropriate license, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 524 of August 26, 2006.

What exactly needs to be recycled

The list of equipment subject to mandatory disposal due to potential danger is contained in the order of the Ministry natural resources, as well as in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 818. It includes:

  • computers;
  • monitors;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • Medical equipment;
  • Appliances;
  • batteries;
  • scanners;
  • copiers;
  • printers and cartridges for them, etc.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to properly dispose of not only the units themselves, but also their scrap, that is, even individual parts of broken equipment.

Disposal of office equipment before disposal

If an ordinary consumer can simply contact a company engaged in recycling equipment, the legal entity must have a legislative basis for this: write off this property from the balance sheet. It's not as simple as it seems.

The main difficulty of this procedure is determining the residual value of used equipment. In order for the write-off act to be legal, it is necessary to competently evaluate the technical and moral aspects of the devices and their material value, which only experts can do. This examination can only be carried out by a specially certified organization, issuing a conclusion on the unsuitability of the equipment for further use.

Violation of the write-off procedure is fraught with administrative and even criminal liability, because equipment is of material value. It will certainly provoke irregularities in accounting, which is fraught with sanctions for the management and chief accountant of the organization:

  • a fine of 20-50 minimum wages for executives;
  • a fine of 100-1000 minimum wages imposed on the organization.

ATTENTION! The decision to install old equipment at the enterprise in order to avoid the costs of write-off and disposal will not save money in any way, since you will have to pay tax on the equipment that remains an asset.

Accounting entries for writing off office equipment

If a decision is made to dispose of certain equipment, this a priori means that as an asset it has been fully depreciated and no longer takes part in production activities. Its accounting is carried out on account 01 “Fixed assets” and off-balance sheet account 013 “Depreciation fund for the reproduction of intangible assets.”

In the postings, the write-off is documented as a disposal of fixed assets. Subsequent disposal costs should be written off in the same accounting period, although the disposal itself may occur at a later date.

Stages of recycling office equipment

The first stage is carried out by the organization with the involvement of certified experts. The subsequent stages have the right to be carried out by one of the specialized companies registered with the Assay Chamber of the Russian Federation.

  1. Receiving a write-off certificate:
    • expert review;
    • determining the residual value of write-off equipment;
    • a conclusion about the impossibility of its further use;
    • registration of disposal of fixed assets.
  2. Dismantling of equipment with separation of parts containing precious metals:
    • an act on the seizure of components is required, on the basis of which the equipment is written off from the registration cards;
    • on its basis, each part has its own accounting card (), which indicates the name of the scrap (name of the unit), its total mass and the share of precious metals of each name in it.
  3. Refining – department precious metals from parts of equipment.
  4. Capitalization of received values.
  5. Transfer of precious metals to the state fund.

NOTE! When contacting a specialized company for disposal, it will be enough for the organization to carry out the implementation old technology: this will eliminate the need for accounting and capitalization of scrap and precious metals.

How to recycle using special companies

Organizations specializing in the recycling of office and household appliances, have everything necessary permissions and licenses, as well as equipment for the refining of precious metals. Many of them are authorized to conduct technical examinations prior to decommissioning of such equipment. Specialists will:

  • assistance in drawing up write-off reports for each of the discarded devices;
  • transportation, neutralization and disposal of hazardous waste;
  • registration of sanitary and epidemiological documents;
  • all subsequent procedures related to precious metals.

Algorithm for representatives of companies that own old office equipment

  1. Choose a company for recycling equipment certified by the Assay Office.
  2. Make a preliminary list of equipment to be disposed of.
  3. Agree with the company the cost of its services depending on the number of units of equipment and the service provided.
  4. Conclude an agreement for the disposal of written-off fixed technical equipment.
  5. Dismantling of named equipment.
  6. Removal of dismantled equipment.
  7. Signing of the work completion certificate and final payment.

Don’t forget to check the correctness and completeness of the package of recycling documents: you can additionally negotiate the service of their registration with the recycling company.

Article 5 of the Law lists the categories of products for which expiration dates are established. These include:

  • Food.
  • Perfumes and cosmetics.
  • Medicines.
  • Household chemicals.

Products from the listed categories whose shelf life has expired are subject to destruction or disposal (in Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ “On the quality and safety of food products”).

Recycling and destruction are fundamentally different concepts:

  1. Recycling implies that an expired product can be used in the future, but no longer for its intended purpose. (Article 1 No. 29-FZ “On the quality and safety of food products”). For example, it can be used as animal feed, processed into jam, vinegar, etc.

    Only a state examination by Rospotrebnadzor will make sure that a product can be processed for its subsequent use.

  2. We have to talk about the destruction of goods in the case when an examination has recognized the impossibility of its disposal.

    If expired products are unsuitable for further use in any form, it is necessary to destroy them (clause 11 of the Regulations on the examination of low-quality and dangerous food raw materials and food products, their use or destruction, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 29, 1997 No. 1263. Further - Position).

How to determine what exactly to do with expired goods?

To determine future fate expired goods, you must contact Rospotrebnadzor for an examination.

The specific procedure will depend on the type of product.

  1. For medicinal products, perfumes, and tobacco products, examination is required in all cases. This is regulated by a number of legal acts: clause 2 of Art. 31 of the Federal Law of June 22, 1998 No. 86-FZ “On Medicines” and clause 18 of the Regulations.
  2. In case of food products they can be destroyed or disposed of without examination. This is permitted by clause 4 of the Regulations under the following conditions:
    • The owner cannot confirm the origin of the products.
    • The goods have obvious signs of poor quality and thus pose a threat to human life.
  3. In all other cases, expired goods are subject to examination. To do this you need to contact territorial division Rospotrebnadzor in order to determine the possibility of disposal or destruction of illiquid products.

Based on the results of the procedure, Rospotrebnadzor issues a decision on either disposal or destruction of expired goods.

Methods and conditions for further processing of products are chosen by their owner independently and must comply with the requirements of regulatory or technical documents. However, the chosen method must be agreed upon with Rospotrebnadzor officials. All examination services are paid by the owner of the goods.

If the products are planned to be disposed of as animal feed, the procedure must be agreed upon with the Commissioner of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor).

How to dispose of goods that have passed their sell-by date?

Working with expired goods begins with identifying options for its further use. For this:

  1. The owner contacts Rospotrebnadzor to conduct an examination of the product. You can familiarize yourself with the list of goods that are considered unsuitable for use after the expiration date in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1997 No. 720. The assessment procedure itself is regulated by the following regulations:
    • paragraph 2 art. 3, art. 25 of the Federal Law of January 2, 2000 N 29-FZ;
    • clauses 2, 3 of the Regulations.
  2. Based on the results of the inspection, the authorized body issues a conclusion that the product can be disposed of.
  3. The specific permission depends on the further intended use of expired products. For example, for the processing of raw materials into animal feed, an appropriate conclusion is issued signed by a representative of the veterinary supervision.
  4. Until disposal, all expired products must be stored in strictly designated areas. Storage containers must fully comply with sanitary requirements: be airtight.
  5. Disposal is carried out by a specialized company. This company must have a license from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out activities for the disposal of a specific type of waste (Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste” dated June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ). In accordance with the law, products must be removed for disposal in a timely manner.
  6. The company removes expired products from the plant to a processing site.
  7. Based on the results of the examination, the products are processed either into animal feed or secondary raw materials.
  8. The owner of the product is obliged to notify the authority that issued the disposal permit that the product has been transferred to the appropriate company for further use. This must be done within 3 days after the product is transferred to the recycling company. Notification is carried out by providing the original document confirming the transfer, or its notarized copy. (Clause 16 of the Regulations).

Despite the fact that the law allows for the independent destruction of expired goods, it is considered most appropriate to contact a specialized company.

In this case, the owner will not have to worry about the rules for the destruction of certain types of products or their proper storage.

A cooperation agreement is concluded with the recycling company. The company itself picks up the goods and takes them to the place of destruction. The company carrying out the liquidation of products must be accredited.

During the destruction of expired products, reporting documents are also drawn up. These include:

  • Primary documentation.
  • Product disposal act.

The exact requirements for the content of documents depend on the type of product. Thus, the destruction of food and perfumery and cosmetic products is formalized by an act of form No. TORG-16. It is drawn up in several copies (according to the number of commission members) and signed by all its members. The composition is approved by the director of the organization. May include company employees, representatives of the recycling company and Rospotrebnadzor (if necessary).

Ways to dispose of products

  • Burial in a landfill. The most non-ecological method. Products are shipped to special place and are stored there.
  • Burning. The goods are placed in special ovens - crematoria and burned there. The resulting ash can later be used as fertilizer.

Thus, if goods have an expiration date, the seller is obliged to carefully monitor the period of delay. Expired products cannot be sold and must be recycled or destroyed. These are 2 fundamentally different procedures, the implementation of which allows the owner to legally get rid of illiquid products.

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The car recycling procedure is attracting more and more attention from residents of the Russian Federation. After all, this program not only allows you to get rid of very old vehicles, but also, in the case of special conditions for purchasing a car, you can earn more than from their direct sale. How to recycle a car in 2020, the procedure in the form of instructions and Required documents to deregister a car from the traffic police on the basis of recycling - we will consider all this in our publication.

What are the rules for recycling?

The regulatory framework governing the procedure for recycling old cars is reflected in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2009 No. 1194.

Significant changes this document has not undergone any changes throughout its existence - the last changes were dated April 26, 2012. That is, as of 2020, the Rules approved by the said Resolution are in full force as amended seven years ago.

What kind of car can I rent out?

Anything that is outdated, faulty, or its restoration and maintenance will cost more than a modest remuneration when it is sold or scrapped.

Typically, vehicles over 20 years old, as well as cars damaged in an accident that cannot be restored, are handed over for recycling. It is also possible to hand over dismantled vehicles, but in this case it will not always be possible to receive a discount on recycling under the state program.

Where to submit?

You can hand over the scrapped car to specialized recycling points, as well as to a number of scrap metal collection points, but the latter must issue a recycling certificate of the established form.

Please note that without documents confirming the delivery of the car for disposal in the established form, you will not be able to deregister the car! If you simply sell or scrap the car without receiving official documents, you will face serious difficulties in deregistering your car.

To deregister a vehicle with the traffic police for recycling, a certificate (certificate) is required confirming the transfer of this vehicle to a specialized organization. The mandatory nature and format of such a certificate is regulated by the relevant Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade No. 10.

Previously, it was possible to first deregister a car and only then hand it over for recycling, but due to regular cases of continued illegal operation of a car after deregistration, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate has tightened the requirements for the procedure for disposing of a car.

Innovations on changing the procedure for deregistering a car due to disposal came into force on July 10, 2017. Amendments were made to the administrative regulations (clause 66 of the regulations), approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 7, 2013 No. 605.

How to deregister a car due to scrapping?

It is necessary to contact the traffic police at the place of registration of the car after its actual destruction or delivery to a dealership that provides a discount on disposal.

To complete the process of recycling a car and deregistering it, you need to contact the traffic police department in person or through a representative. To do this, you will need an application in a free form, but recommended by the State Traffic Inspectorate.

  • Download an application in DOC format for deregistration in connection with the disposal of a car (can be filled out from a computer),
  • Download the application in PDF format (can be filled out by hand),

You must submit to the traffic police:

  1. application in the prescribed form;
  2. certificate (certificate) of disposal of the vehicle;
  3. personal passport of the vehicle owner;
  4. vehicle registration certificate;
  5. state registration license plate (both numbers).

If the application is submitted by a representative, then his authority must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney.

In this case, the license plates can either be handed over for recycling to the traffic police, or transferred for storage for further use on another car for up to six months.

An alternative way is to contact the traffic police through the State Services portal.

Deregistration online through State Services

With the development of government services, you can save a little time and submit an application electronically through State Services.

  1. We log in to the State Services portal through the ESIA system. A verified account will be required.
  2. Enter the desired service in the search field or select it in the "Transport and driving" section.
  3. We select the necessary service for deregistration of a vehicle due to disposal.
  4. Click the "Get service" button. We fill out an application indicating passport data for ourselves, technical and legal information for the car. The application must be printed to be submitted to the traffic police. Also, after filling out all the documents, you need to choose a convenient time to appear at the traffic police and select the traffic police department itself that is convenient for you (not necessarily at your registered address).

Important note!

Recycling to get a discount when buying a new car

Since 2010, the car recycling program has gained increased popularity, under which citizens who scrapped their old car received a substantial discount of 50 to 110 thousand rubles on the purchase of a new domestically produced or assembled car.

Officially in this moment the document for this program is not valid, however, a number of car dealers still provide a discount when scrapping an old car through dealerships or specialized centers. However, not every car can be traded in under this program to receive a discount - the car must meet a number of requirements. You can write off a car simply so that it is not registered as a citizen in any condition.

Basic conditions for recycling an old car to receive a discount:

  • the owner of the car is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the car has been owned for at least a year;
  • the vehicle is at least 10 years old and the total weight cannot exceed 3.5 tons;
  • all documents in in perfect order, there is a PTS, there are no discrepancies in unit numbers;
  • the car meets the requirements for technical condition, which are presented when handing over the vehicle for recycling.

What are the technical requirements for the car?

To hand over an old vehicle under the recycling program, it is not at all necessary that the car be able to move independently. There are also no requirements for its good condition, but the car must have all the main components and assemblies, including:

  • transmission,
  • glazing and body elements,
  • dashboard;
  • battery and electrical equipment;
  • technical fluids.

Such requirements are established mainly by dealers in order to avoid formal disposal of auto junk, consisting of a body frame and a pair of wheels. But the program itself does not resolve the issues of completing the scrapped vehicle.

Is it possible to return a damaged car?

Yes, the Program Rules do not contain any restrictions in this part. However, damage to the vehicle must not conflict with the requirements of the receiving organization (or dealer) regarding the completeness of the vehicle.

Roughly speaking, it’s unlikely to be possible to hand over a broken down car, of which only half remains.
