Rules for the sale of certain types of goods. Legislative base of the Russian Federation

Sales rules include four main points:

1) when it is appropriate to apply the impact;
2) where it is appropriate to apply the impact;
3) to whom the impact should be applied;
4) how to apply the impact to achieve the desired result.

In our war to increase sales, the Rules are extremely important, as they describe a consistent, understandable and repeatable model of the seller's behavior during the sale of goods to the buyer.

To be effective, the Rules must be carefully explained to the merchant, and these Rules must necessarily include different behaviors depending on the situation.

Ask yourself: "What rules do my competitors operate by?" Do they just cut prices? According to latest research, the issue of price is always a secondary issue for most flooring buyers. Buyers are willing to spend more money on a quality product. By offering a low price, you have minimal impact on the buying decision algorithm. So what other weapon is there in the seller's arsenal besides the low price? How about you, your behavior? What is your strategy?

We bring to your attention 10 Rules. Some may seem very simple, but if you or your staff adhere to these Rules, I am sure that you will significantly increase your profits. You will win the war for the buyer, especially when your competitors are fixated on an ineffective strategy to reduce the price of a product.

Rule 1

Greet a customer with a smile within the first 20 seconds of their arrival at the store. Busy or not, smile at any new customer. Act as if you are very happy that he / she went to your store. Now remember why customers quickly leave the store? They leave, as a rule, due to inattention and indifference on the part of the staff on the trading floor.

Rule 2

Let the client feel that he is in control of the situation. From a psychological point of view, this is very important. If the client feels that he is being manipulated, controlled or forced to do something, then he will definitely leave. Help the buyer feel they are in control by asking their permission to help them: "Can I ask you a few questions?", Can I get your attention?", "Is it convenient for you to talk to me now?"

The buyer will always feel in control if you offer multiple options for a product (but never offer too many options, this can confuse any buyer). "Based on what you've told me, I think we have four or five product options that would be great for you. Would you let me show them to you?" The customer will feel like they have everything under control if you spend more time asking questions and listening for answers than just telling the customer what they should buy from you.

Rule 3

Sell ​​what customers want to buy, not what you want to sell them. The seller is obliged to treat the product neutrally. Research shows that when a salesperson has a few favorite products, sales volumes drop. Remember, a good seller sells what customers want, not what the seller thinks the customer should buy. Following this rule also makes the buyer feel like they have everything under control.

Rule 4

Never talk to a customer for more than 30 seconds without asking them a single question. Listening to what they say is always difficult. The best salespeople are able to maintain a constant dialogue with the buyer by alternately asking questions and listening to the answers to them. If you talk too much, the client will not feel involved in the process. Why is it so? And all because the buyer feels control over the situation when he speaks, and you act as a listener.

Rule 5

Give the buyer space if they need it. Be careful - if by the behavior of the buyer, by the language of his body it becomes clear to you that the person needs space, give it. Observe the buyer (but in such a way that the person does not experience discomfort). The buyer will tell you (usually in a non-verbal way) that the moment has come for fruitful communication.

While a customer is browsing your store, ask them a question from time to time, thus engaging them in a dialogue that will eventually lead you to a sale. Space, freedom of action also gives the buyer a sense of control over the situation. Successful salespeople are always helpful, helpful with the buyer, without being brash or overwhelming.

Rule 6

Try to find out from the buyer how he imagines his dream house / apartment, what the concept is. Most sellers don't ask buyers enough questions. Remember that buyers make their buying decisions in three directions, so to speak: design, specifications and price. What is the most important of the above? It all depends directly on this particular buyer. The more you ask the right leading questions, the higher your chances of closing the deal. Questions are your most important "tool" in the sales process.

Rule 7

Never start a presentation until you know all the needs and desires of the buyer. The biggest mistake salespeople make is when they start talking about a product without first finding out what the customer wants. The customer might say, "I'd like to see what Berber rugs you have in stock." Most sellers will say, "Of course, follow me and I'll show you what we have." And here is the phrase that the seller had to say: "To better understand your requests, tell me why you are so attracted to Berber carpets?"

Rule 8

Try to find out the name of your buyer and where he lives. Imagine the situation: a customer has entered your store and starts walking around the showroom. He does not ask questions, he does not need the help of the seller. If you let this person walk away without a purchase, or at least not know his name and where he lives, then you have failed. With this information, you can strengthen and develop your "bond" with the client. You must be able to handle situations where a person is not ready to make a purchase on their first visit to your store. How do you know the name of the buyer and where he lives? It's simple, ask the following question: "Mr. Ivanov, if we have a product that you might like, or we have a promotion for a product, would you allow me to let you know? Would you mind if I ask you to name your phone number so I can inform you?"

Rule 9

Hang a price tag on all products in such a way that they are visible; the buyer should be able to compare without the help of the seller. This strategy also allows the buyer to feel in control of the situation. Buyers believe that if there are no price tags on the goods in the store, then this means that the store is trying to hide something. Trust is lost. The seller is forced to spend more time searching for the price of a particular product than the client.

In this situation, the buyer cannot properly evaluate the goods without the help of the seller. Remember that the buyer uses the price as the element of comparison. Keep in mind that customers remember all the prices for the products they like. As one buyer said: "Sometimes they charge per square meter and sometimes per linear meter. It's very annoying because I can't compare."

Rule 10

The customer experience in your store should be enjoyable and memorable. "Great store!" - that's what the buyer should say to his friends and acquaintances after visiting your store. Experience is the foundation of everything. Be calm, ask the right questions, focus on the client's wishes.

If a client buys something from you, you need to be sure that you are selling the right product and the installation will go smoothly. The buyer must feel that you care about him, and in this case, he will definitely tell his friends about you. You make the customer experience memorable. You don't manage sales, you manage relationships.

In sales, as in war, the winner takes all. Try to evaluate what else you can do for a sale that is almost closed? Indeed, times are not easy now, there are few buyers. We all need to get better, we need to close more deals. If you "close" at least one more person, you will increase sales by 33%. If you follow the Rules described above, you will be able to "close" even more trades. So let the buyers work for you!

Sam Allman
Translated by Natalya Utkina, the original style of the author was preserved during the translation.

Many business owners in Russia choose the sale of non-food products as their main activity. In this regard, managers must have knowledge of trade rules, responsibilities and rights. The specificity of this direction requires an understanding of the nuances and the ability to apply them in practice.

How trade rules have changed in 2019, and what bills have come into force, as well as other information regarding trade in the Russian Federation, can be obtained from qualified lawyers of our portal.

You can use the consultation 24 hours a day for free.

Retail sale in the Russian Federation of non-food products is regulated by the Legislation of the Russian Federation and has strict rules taking into account the rights of consumers.

Sale of goods can be carried out:

  • with the help of special organizations;
  • at specialized enterprises;
  • in supermarkets;
  • in departments;
  • in organizations for retail;
  • in small retail;
  • in other designated places.

Despite the apparent simplicity, sales are subject to established norms and standards all the way to the buyer. In this regard, it is necessary to adhere to the following order:

  • acceptance of products from the supplier, in accordance with the regulations of the rules of the Russian Federation;
  • verification of documents (quality certificates, certificate for the right to trade or production, declarations, etc.);
  • storage of products, according to the norms of the product type;
  • compliance with technical regulations (safety of packaging, completeness, warranty period, etc.);
  • preparation of goods for sale;
  • compliance with the terms of service;
  • delivery and transportation (presence of brand, weight, container, etc.);
  • observance of responsibility for the products sold;
  • observance of consumer rights.

You must follow all of the above rules, as well as many others. Thus, business processes should be set up in such a way that they proceed according to the regulations and are automated. This will minimize participation in them.

In the event that there is an unhealthy tendency for problems to arise, then the area in which they arise should be reconsidered. Additionally, you can invite a business consultant to adjust the activities of the company. Such a solution to problems is resorted to quite often, because. this reduces the risk of unpleasant situations, both with consumers and with regulatory authorities. Not infrequently, a consultant helps to increase net profit.

Changes in trading rules

In 2019, in Russia, the rules governing the activities of retail trade have undergone some changes. The obligatory conclusion of a contract for the sale of retail products remained unchanged.

In this regard, the seller (legal entity) acts as a person who sells goods. And the consumer is citizens who purchase products for personal use, i.e. uses the goods not for resale. This definition spelled out in Decree No. 81, clause 2 and in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

It is also not prohibited to sell product groups on the territory of the consumer's location, i.e. outside of a stationary store. In 2019, Decree No. 81 included the following changes:

  1. A group of goods that is prohibited for retail sale. Based on clause 4, it is prohibited to sell such products as ice cream, intoxicating drinks and those that do not contain alcohol, confectionery and flour products, medicines, products made of precious metals, weapons and additional materials for it.
  2. In retail peddling, the organization represented by the seller is required to identify itself to the buyer. Thus, the representative must have a "badge" with him, which contains the following information: the name of the seller, the details of the organization (name, address, TIN), activities.
  3. The representative of the organization in retail trade is obliged to have a price list certified by the seal of the company and the signature of the head.
  4. Be sure to issue a sales receipt or cash receipt, which is signed by the seller. It is also necessary to enter data on the date of sale of the goods, details of the organization, nomenclature of the product group, price and quantity in the check.

In the current rules in 2019 on the territory of Russia, clause 11 has also undergone changes.

Now the seller is obliged to notify the consumer about the presence of defects in the product. Previously, it was allowed to inform only orally, on the basis of changes, it is necessary to warn in writing. For example, product data on the price tag or on the attached information sheet.

Thus, the seller provides accurate data without violating the rights of the buyer. And the buyer, in turn, having paid for such products, has no right to make claims.

In the event that the buyer was not notified and discovered a defect, he has the right to demand:

  • make a replacement;
  • reduce cost;
  • to fix the defect free of charge;
  • compensate for the costs of self-correction of defects.

The conclusion of the contract between the seller and the buyer is the moment when the buyer receives the goods and the payment receipt. Based on the amended rules of 2019 in paragraph 28, the buyer can make claims even in the absence of a payment document.

Confirmation of the concluded contract may be witness testimony, video surveillance recording, and more.

The main change that came into force in 2019 also applies to paragraph 33. It affects, first of all, the sphere of food products, which, before being sold on the market, must be subjected to a sanitary examination.

Rules for the sale of commission goods

Rules for commission trade in non-food products appeared due to the spread of outlets such as "Second Hand". The legislation of the Russian Federation strictly regulates the rules of trade in relation to goods that were in use. In this regard, the following requirements apply:

  1. Preparatory stage. All goods must undergo a mandatory pre-sale preparation procedure, which consists in inspecting products, sorting for wear and tear and quality control.
  2. Sanitary standards. In retail sales, the goods must undergo a procedure of cleaning, washing and disinfection. However, the legal framework of Russia does not provide for documents that could confirm these actions. In this case, the seller is obliged to independently carry out these procedures.
  3. Informing. The seller is obliged to inform the consumer about the quality of the goods, the presence of defects, what procedures were performed (see clause 2), technical characteristics, and the purpose of the product.

It is mandatory to provide all the data on the label or price tags, if the organization does not do this, then the consumer has the right to act in accordance with clause 27 of the General Rules for Trade in Russia, which are contained in the legal requirement to provide a discount, repair, etc.

For the sale of product groups - electronics, Appliances, computer technology, etc. information should be provided on the possible service life. Also, the store is obliged to provide a warranty period of 14 days.

By the way, there are changes in the acquisition of such a group of goods abroad by Russian citizens. In the Republic of Belarus (RB), the rules for the sale of consignment goods are similar. In this regard, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to purchase products in Second Hand stores on the territory of the Republic of Belarus on the same terms as citizens of the Republic of Belarus. If you have any complaints about the quality, you can use the rules of commission trading in the Republic of Belarus.

Goods not for commission

The rules of commission trade, both for retail and wholesale, involve a number of groups of goods that cannot be accepted for commission. These include those products that were seized and traded on the territory of Russia. The ban also includes those products that were banned from being sold by the authorities of the Russian Federation.

Also in the Decree of the Government of Russia for 2019 there is a comment regarding those products that are forbidden to be sold:

  • medical group of goods;
  • medications;
  • personal care products;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • chemistry used in everyday life;
  • underwear;
  • disposable tableware.

Violation of the sales rules entails liability both under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How is the goods processed when accepted for commission?

In the retail sale of consignment goods, there are a number of important nuances that relate to the stage of clearance of goods. So, according to the rules changed in 2019, the product, in addition to the price tag, must have a label in which the following data is entered:

  • price;
  • Document Number;
  • product information;
  • mandatory indication of new product or used;
  • guarantee period.

Commission trade rules in Russia require sellers to provide reliable information about the goods being sold.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 569 (see attachment), a citizen who delivers goods to the commission department has the right to terminate the contract with the commission agent at any time.

However, the commission agent has the right to demand compensation for losses, if any. In the event that, upon termination of the contract, the citizen did not pick up his goods, the seller has the right to transfer this position to the storage warehouse, I rent a fee, which is paid by the citizen who handed over the goods. Also, the seller has the right, after the expiration of the storage period, which is indicated in the contract, to dispose of the commodity unit at its discretion. You can download forms and samples of document flow when registering products for commission sales on our portal.

The principle of pricing and remuneration

In 2019, the Russian Government published changes to the rules for trading in commission goods. An important point is how to determine the price and what remuneration is due to the commission agent. At the same time, there are no clear instructions in the rules according to which formula the calculation is made. Thus, the price and percentage size are determined independently. The calculation of remuneration can be prescribed in the contract, but it also allows for an option in which the amount is not indicated. And the cost of services is calculated on the basis of generally accepted in this segment.

In 2019, there were changes regarding the launch of goods for sale. The seller must not later next day after receiving the goods, put it up for sale. Otherwise, the committent may demand a penalty in the amount of 3% of the agreed amount to the commission agent.

The commission agent must sell the goods on favorable terms for the committent. Thus, the seller acts as an intermediary.

As for the warranty period for products sold through the commission department, the committent is obliged to attach documents, certificates, technical passport and other documents from the manufacturer to the product. In the event that the end customer purchases a low-quality product and at the same time without warning, the consumer can act in accordance with his rights, i.e. demand a refund Money, replace, reduce the cost, etc.

Everyone knows that for the sale of each individual product there are certain rules that must be adhered to. This article will outline the rules for the sale of certain types of goods in retail outlets.

To begin with, we will present to your attention general rules sales of goods that relate to absolutely all categories. Firstly, the seller is obliged to comply with all safety, sanitary, veterinary and fire regulations. Secondly, the place of trade must be equipped with all the necessary equipment for the proper storage and sale of goods. Thirdly, if the buyer demands to provide him with a book of reviews, then the seller is obliged to do this. Fourthly, there should be a buyer's corner in the premises, where, if necessary, he can familiarize himself with the license, registration and other documents permitting trade. Fifth rule: the seller is obliged to familiarize the buyer with the manufacturer, with the term for the sale of goods, with the price of the goods and, if necessary, provide quality certificates.

Now we will present to your attention the rules for selling individual by category:

On the packaging of the goods put up for sale, the composition of the product, its calorie content, cooking conditions, shelf life, contraindications must be indicated. Bread and other bakery products in small trade places must be sold only in packaged form. The seller, before selling a certain product, must familiarize himself with its quality according to outward signs. These rules for the sale of certain types of goods of the food group must be followed in addition to those set out above.

Clothing and footwear. To begin with, all products of this type must undergo pre-sale preparation. That is, sorted by type of material, models, sizes. Goods for women, men and children should be in different trading floors. Each product has a label that contains information about the price, size, fabric composition and more. The buyer must be provided with conditions for fitting.

Perfumes and cosmetics. Product labels, in addition to the previously listed list, should contain information about the purpose of this product, the effect it has, contraindications, conditions of use, and so on. The buyer is provided with samples of goods. When buying a product, the person who purchases it must familiarize themselves with the contents of the packaging box (paper).

Weapons and ammunition for it. Each unit of goods, except for tear substances, must have its own registered number, stamp. The pre-sale preparation of this type of product includes, in addition to unpacking and putting it on display in the store, cleaning and lubricating it in order to avoid malfunction due to improper care. The label of this product, in addition to the above information, must also contain its technical characteristics. Sale is allowed only to persons with Required documents for the acquisition of weapons and further maintenance.

Rules A product that does not contain a warning on the label that excessive consumption of alcoholic products is harmful to health should not be allowed to be sold. The sale of alcohol to people under the age of majority is prohibited. It is also prohibited to sell alcoholic products in children's institutions, educational and medical buildings, in public transport and places of culture. For the sale of alcoholic beverages, the seller must have such types of documents as an invoice for each type of product (commodity-transport) and a license authorizing the sale of alcohol. Alcoholic products should be sorted by type.

In this article, you got acquainted with the basics, but you can always study the rules for the sale of certain types of goods in more detail using the consumer protection law.

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repealed/lost Edition from 17.05.1996

Document nameDecree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.10.93 N 995 (as amended on 17.05.96) "ON RULES FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN TYPES OF FOOD AND NON-FOOD PRODUCTS"
Document typedecree, rules
Host bodyRussian government
Document Number995
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date17.05.1996
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • This document has not been published in this form.
  • (as amended on 10/08/93 - "Russian News", N 204, 10/21/93)

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.10.93 N 995 (as amended on 17.05.96) "ON RULES FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN TYPES OF FOOD AND NON-FOOD PRODUCTS"


dated 17.05.96 N 595)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules define the basic requirements for the sale of certain types of food and non-food products (bread and bakery products, meat and dairy products, eggs, margarine, fish products, fabrics, clothing, footwear, radio products, electrical household goods and perfumery and cosmetic products) and apply in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" for all economic entities (trading enterprises, individual entrepreneurs) operating in this area, regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

2. The seller of food and non-food products must have a license for the right to trade, if the licensing of this type of activity is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

3. A trading enterprise is obliged to strictly observe the buyer's rights provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

4. For the sale of goods subject to mandatory certification, including imported ones, the seller must have one of the following documents to confirm the fact of certification:

the original of the certificate;

a copy of the certificate certified by the holder of the original certificate, or by a certification body, or by a notary, or territorial body Gosstandart of Russia;

shipping documents issued by the manufacturer or supplier (seller) on the basis of the original certificate or its copy (certified by the holder of the original, or by the certification body, or by the territorial body of the Gosstandart of Russia), containing for each product name information about the presence of a certificate with an indication of the account number of the certificate , its validity period, the authority that issued the certificate. Certification information in the shipping documents must be certified by the manufacturer or supplier (seller) with a signature and seal indicating the address and telephone number.

Certified products are marked with a mark of conformity in the prescribed manner.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

5. The rules for the sale of goods must be brought to the attention of buyers by each trade enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership.

6. Shops, tents and pavilions selling goods must be equipped with necessary equipment, means of mechanization and inventory in accordance with the current standards of technical equipment.

Weights, scales and other measuring instruments used by trade enterprises must be kept in good condition, have clear marks and be submitted for verification within the established time limits in accordance with the current procedure.

7. The sale of goods in a trading enterprise is carried out to all citizens on a general basis.

Trade service benefits are provided certain categories population in accordance with applicable law.

Goods for which release norms are established are sold in compliance with these norms.

It is forbidden to condition the sale of some goods on the obligatory purchase of others.

8. A trade enterprise is obliged to ensure the availability of correctly drawn up price tags for the goods sold and, at the request of the buyer, to provide complete information about the manufacturers, the main consumer properties of the goods and prices, to ensure the proper level of customer service, and the sale of goods in full measure and weight.

9. The buyer has the right to check the correctness of the price, weight and measure of the goods released to him, as well as the shelf life of the products (according to waybills, picking sheets) and the availability of a quality certificate for this product.

Control scales and other measuring devices must be installed in the trading floors at a place accessible to the buyer.

10. Settlements with buyers for goods are carried out through cash registers.

The seller is obliged to issue to the buyer a canceled cash receipt or other document certifying the fact of purchase.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

11. In the case of the sale to the buyer of goods with defects not specified by the seller, the buyer may, at his choice, demand:

gratuitous elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of expenses for the correction of defects;

proportional reduction of the purchase price;

replacement for a product of a similar brand (model, article);

replacement for the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;

return the amount of money paid by him and compensation for the losses incurred.

Satisfaction of these requirements of the buyer is carried out by the seller in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

12. For seasonal goods (clothes, footwear and other products), the time limits for filing claims are calculated from the moment the corresponding season begins. The time of the season for each region of the Russian Federation is determined by the executive authorities, taking into account local climatic conditions.

13. The exchange of non-food products of proper quality purchased in a retail trade network specified in these Rules, or the return of money paid for them, is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

14. The buyer is obliged to compensate the merchant for the cost of goods and property damaged or destroyed through his fault.

II. Bread and bakery products

15. In trade enterprises selling bread and bakery products, during the established working hours, bread and bakery products must be on sale in accordance with the assortment provided by the assortment list.

In the trading floor of a specialized bakery shop or department that trades in bread products, information about the manufacturers of products, the timing of the sale of bread products, the properties of dietary bread products and new types of products must be posted in a conspicuous place.

16. When accepting bread and bakery products, the seller is obliged to check the quality of products in terms of organoleptic indicators, the compliance of the mass of each type of product with applicable standards and specifications, and other regulatory and technical documentation. If necessary, products can be sent to determine the physical and chemical parameters in accordance with applicable law.

In the supplier's accompanying document, without fail contain full information about these goods, provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

17. In specialized and branded bakery stores and in the bakery departments of other stores, except for bread, bakery and confectionery products, sugar, tea, coffee, cocoa, flour, cereals, pasta, dry products for baby food and food concentrates, and in stores with a cafeteria, also hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, milk), flour and confectionery products of their own production.

18. Bread and bakery products may be on sale at a bread trading enterprise after they leave the oven for no more than:

36 hours - bread made from rye and rye-wheat wholemeal and rye peeled flour, as well as a mixture of wheat and rye varietal flour;

24 hours - bread from wheat-rye and wheat wholemeal flour, bread and bakery products weighing more than 200 grams from high-quality wheat, rye flour;

16 hours - small items weighing 200 grams or less (including bagels).

After these terms, the sale of bread and bakery products is prohibited; they are subject to withdrawal from the trading floor and are returned to the supplier as stale.

19. At the request of buyers, bread and bakery products weighing 0.4 kilograms or more (except for packaged products) can be cut into 2-4 equal parts and sold without weighing.

20. The sale of bread and bakery products that do not meet the requirements of applicable standards, specifications, as well as with signs of damage from improper storage, is prohibited.

It is not allowed to sell grain products by persons who accept money from buyers.

In the event of the sale of low-quality bread or bakery products (crunch, hardening, voids, unmixed, presence of foreign inclusions), employees of enterprises are obliged, at the request of the buyer, to unconditionally exchange them for good-quality ones or return the money. Poor-quality bread and bakery products returned by the buyer are considered sanitary defects.

21. If during the storage or sale of signs of a disease of bread and bakery products with a potato disease, the seller is obliged to immediately inform the supplier about this. Affected products are withdrawn from sale and destroyed in accordance with current rules. An act on the disease of bread products with potato disease and their destruction is drawn up in the prescribed manner.

Shelves, cabinets, trays, containers-equipment in which products with potato disease were stored are thoroughly washed with soapy water and then with hot water.

III. Meat and dairy products, eggs, margarine, fish products

22. Trade enterprises receive meat and dairy products, eggs, margarine, fish products from retail and wholesale depots and warehouses. It is forbidden to accept meat without branding, offal without a veterinary certificate (branding).

23. Workplaces of sellers before the start of trading are provided with all goods available in the store. Goods entering the trading floor are carefully checked for quality and sorted. Before entering the trading floor, the products are prepared for sale (they are freed from containers, paper wrappers, binding materials, contaminated surfaces are cleaned, winded sections, the upper yellowed layer of fats, sausages and rennet cheeses are wiped with a cloth).

24. Sellers are obliged to monitor the quality of the products sold and, in case of deterioration, inform the administration about this in order to resolve the issue of the possibility of further sale of products or a decrease in retail prices on them. The release of eggs is carried out with a preliminary check of their quality on an ovoscope. It is not allowed to sell eggs with other bulk products (butter, cottage cheese, sausage, etc.).

25. Packing at the trade enterprise of smoked meats, sausages, butter, cheeses and margarine is allowed in the volumes required for one day of trade.

On the product packaged in the store, its name, grade, weight, price per kilogram, plumb line cost, date of packaging, expiration date, number or surname of the weigher are indicated. Packaged products are packed in paper, film materials approved by the sanitary and epidemiological authorities.

When selling a product packaged by the manufacturer with an indication of its weight on the package, it can be additionally weighed at the request of the buyer.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

26. When selling meat, meat products, cheese and fish culinary products without cutting to the buyer, it is allowed to add no more than two weights, not exceeding 10 percent of the total mass of the purchase. Attachments must correspond to the grade and quality of the goods sold.

At the request of the buyer, the seller is obliged to cut gastronomic products (sausage, ham, cheese, fish products, etc.), as well as give goods little known to the buyer for testing, while observing sanitary and hygienic rules. The use of the same knife for cutting cheese and other gastronomic products is not allowed.

27. Poultry meat is sold whole or with a cut: chickens, ducks - into two halves along the carcass, and geese and turkeys - into 2, 4, 6 and 8 parts.

28. The sale of jelly, liver sausages and other products with limited sales periods is allowed only in stores in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

29. Tools used for weighing and dispensing products (knives, forks, spatulas, etc.) must be processed daily in accordance with the requirements sanitary regulations and stored in designated areas.

30. If the consumer purchases food products with defects, the seller is obliged, at the request of the buyer, to replace them with goods of good quality or return to the buyer the amount paid by him, if the indicated defects are found within the expiration date.

IV. Fabrics, clothes, shoes

31. Fabrics, clothing, footwear must undergo pre-sale preparation before being submitted to the trading floor. Pre-sale preparation includes: unpacking, sorting, checking the quality of products, the presence of markings, the correctness of the price. If necessary, certain types of clothing (sewing and knitwear) are cleaned and ironed.

32. In the trading floor, for the convenience of buyers, fabrics, clothes, shoes should be grouped. Clothing and footwear are grouped mainly by types, models, sizes. Regardless of specialization, men's, women's, children's clothing and footwear are placed separately on the trading floor. Fabrics are grouped according to the type and type of fiber from which they are made. Each fabric must be accompanied by information about the percentage of fibers from which it is made.

33. When placing fabrics, clothes, shoes on the trading floor, such trading equipment should be used that allows you to provide Free access buyers for goods.

34. All samples of fabrics, clothing, footwear placed on the sales floor and in window display cases must have uniform, clearly and beautifully designed price indicators.

35. When choosing clothes (clothes, outerwear, hats) and shoes, the buyer must be provided with conditions for fitting. For this purpose, trading floors are equipped with fitting rooms with mirrors, equipped with banquettes or benches, stands, mirrors.

36. Measurement of woolen fabrics, batting and other heavy, voluminous fabrics when sold to the buyer is carried out by imposing a rigid standard meter on the fabric lying on the counter (table) in a free state without folds. Thin and light fabrics are measured, as a rule, with a rigid standard meter by throwing the fabric onto the counter with the fabric applied to the meter freely without tension.

It is also allowed to measure all types of fabrics, except for woolen fabrics and knitted fabrics, by placing the fabric on a counter (table), on one side of which a branded metal measuring tape is mounted.

It is forbidden to add pieces of fabric to the purchase, as well as the sale of pieces of fabric with a factory label and brand (chazny ends), if the factory finish is broken and the brand is not put on the wrong side.

37. The seller is obliged to assist the buyer in choosing fabrics, clothes, shoes, to acquaint him with the range of products available for sale, with methods of caring for them, if necessary, explain the digital designations on products, labels, labels. When selling fabrics, the seller, at the request of the buyer, must help determine the amount of fabric needed for the manufacture of various garments, select the appropriate finish.

38. When selling fabrics and clothes, trading enterprises may provide the buyer with a range of additional services: alteration of clothes purchased in this store (shortening and lengthening products, rearranging buttons, stretching headwear), cutting fabrics.

39. The buyer must be given the opportunity, along with the main purchase, to purchase related products designed to care for the product or complement the wardrobe.

40. The seller, the controller, when releasing fabrics, clothes, shoes to the buyer, must check in his presence the quality of the goods (mechanical damage, pollution, other external defects), the accuracy of the measure (quantity), the correctness of the calculation of the purchase price.

If general gross defects are detected during the sale, the goods are removed from sale.

41. Fabrics, clothes, shoes, when released to the buyer, are packed in paper, a box or other packaging materials no extra charge.

42. Along with the goods, the buyer is obligatorily issued a canceled cash and sales receipt with the designation of the established details.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

V. Radio and household goods

43. Radio products and electrical household goods must undergo pre-sale preparation before being delivered to the trading floor or to the place of issue of the purchase. Pre-sale preparation includes: unpacking, removal of factory grease, dust, chips, checking the completeness of the product and, if necessary, assembling it, as well as checking the quality of the product, the correctness of the price, marking, availability of operating instructions and warranty cards.

Completed and assembled technically complex products are checked by connecting to the mains. Sewing machines are tested in action, and radio equipment is adjusted and adjusted.

Information about the product, including instructions for its operation, must be in Russian.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

44. It is forbidden to sell substandard, incomplete or contaminated goods, products without instructions, passports or warranty cards.

45. All samples of radio and household goods placed on the trading floor and in window display cases must have clearly drawn labels indicating the name of the product, its brand, article number and price, as well as brief annotations containing the main technical characteristics of the products.

46. ​​In order to select goods by buyers and to test them, electrical measuring and testing instruments (shields or consoles) are installed on the trading floor.

47. The seller of radio products or electrical household products must know the device, features, purpose, properties of individual products, methods of testing them in action, methods of care, storage mode, be able to identify the main defects of products, know well the range of relevant groups of goods and their interchangeability, prices and other information about goods, give qualified advice to buyers.

48. When selling certain types of radio and household electrical goods, the seller must inform the buyer about the related products and spare parts available for sale.

49. The seller (mechanic, inspector), when the goods are released to the buyer, checks in his presence the quality of the goods (by external inspection, connection to the power grid), the completeness of the products sold disassembled, the availability of a passport, warranty card and instructions on the rules of use, the accuracy of the measure or quantity (cord, wire, small electrical goods), the correctness of the price.

50. When selling radio and household goods with warranty service life, store employees indicate in the product passport (warranty card) the date and place of sale, and, if necessary, the address of the warranty repair workshop.

51. Together with the goods, the buyer is obligatorily issued a sales receipt indicating the number (name) of the store, the date of purchase, the name of the goods, article number, grade, price and a canceled cash receipt with the specified details.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

52. Radio and household goods are packed in the store free of charge.

At the request of the buyer, large-sized products can be sold in appropriate wooden containers (packaging) with a mandatory preliminary check of the product in accordance with these Rules. The cost of packaging in this case will be charged additionally.

53. The delivery of large-sized radio and household goods to the buyer at the address indicated by him, as a rule, is organized by the trading company that sold this product.

When delivering bulky goods to their destination by the buyer, the trading company must ensure that the goods are loaded onto vehicle buyer free of charge.

54. In cases where the standards or technical conditions and rules for the use of certain types of technically complex goods do not allow them to be switched on and launched by the buyers themselves, these operations are carried out at the buyer's home by a store mechanic or on behalf of a warranty service workshop store.

Installation, inclusion and start-up of such products, as well as instructions on the rules of use, are free of charge no later than a week from the date of purchase or from the day the buyer contacts the workshop or store.

VI. Perfumes and cosmetics

55. Before entering the trading floor, the goods are unpacked, the products are carefully inspected, the labeling is checked, their quality is external. During storage and sale, direct impact on perfumery and cosmetic products is not allowed. sun rays, as well as being near heating appliances.

56. It is prohibited to sell perfumery and cosmetic products after the expiration date, if it is installed on the product, as well as without marking or with fuzzy marking that does not allow to establish the manufacturer, production date, expiration date.

57. The annotation and instructions for the use of perfumery and cosmetic products must be in Russian and contain information on the procedure for use, composition and effect achieved when using them.

58. When displaying goods, the seller is obliged to advise buyers on the properties of goods, methods of application, directions of smell of perfumes and other perfumery products, provide qualified assistance in choosing products and offer interchangeable, related products.

59. The seller acquaints the buyer with the smell of perfume, cologne, toilet water with the help of litmus papers soaked in the liquid of these products, as well as snuff samples provided by the manufacturer.

60. When a product is released in a package with a cellophane wrapper or branded tape, the seller is obliged to offer the buyer to check the contents of the package by removing the cellophane or branded tape.

61. When selling perfumery and cosmetic products in aerosol packaging, the seller, in the presence of the buyer, checks the operation of the aerosol packaging by pressing the valve.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)

VII. Monitoring compliance with these Rules

62. The bodies of the Russian Federation Committee on Trade, the Russian Federation Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation and other government bodies shall exercise control over compliance by trading enterprises with these Rules within their competence.

Supervisory bodies (institutions) may involve specialists, representatives of public organizations consumers.

63. A trading enterprise must assist the inspectors in carrying out the audit and take measures to eliminate shortcomings and violations.

In a trading enterprise, a book of statements and offers of buyers should be in an accessible place.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05.96 N 595)


dated October 8, 1993 N 995


Motor vehicles (except for motor vehicles purchased by disabled persons with the permission of the social protection population of the Russian Federation)

electric shavers

Electric hair dryers

Electric hair curlers

Medical electroreflectors

Heating pads, electric bandages, electric blankets, electric blankets

Electrical household appliances used for thermal processing of food and food preparation (household microwave ovens, electric ovens, toasters, electric boilers, electric kettles, electric baby food heaters, etc.)

by a resolution of the Council of Ministers -
Government of the Russian Federation
dated October 8, 1993 N 995


Products from precious metals, precious and semi-precious stones

Fabrics from all types of fibers and other dimensional goods (ribbons, braid, lace, etc.)

Linen knitwear for adults and children

Swimwear, swimming trunks

Briefs for adults and children, including sports

Underwear for newborns and toddlers

Bed sheets

Women's toilet items


Piece textile goods (tablecloths, napkins, towels, handkerchiefs, etc.)

Perfumes and cosmetics

Household chemicals

Plastic goods used for food preparation and storage

Personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, combs, hairpins, curlers, etc.)
