The emergence of reptiles. Origin and evolution of reptiles

Varanus niloticus ornatus at London Zoo

Permian period

From the upper Permian deposits North America, Western Europe, Russia and China, the remains of cotylosaurs (Cotylosauria) are known. In a number of ways, they are still very close to stegocephals. Their skull was in the form of a solid bone box with holes only for the eyes, nostrils and parietal organ. cervical region the spine was poorly formed (although there is a structure of the first two vertebrae characteristic of modern reptiles - atlanta And epistrophy), the sacrum had from 2 to 5 vertebrae; in the shoulder girdle, a kleytrum was preserved - a skin bone characteristic of fish; the limbs were short and widely spaced.

The further evolution of reptiles was determined by their variability due to the influence of various living conditions that they encountered during reproduction and settlement. Most groups have become more mobile; their skeleton became lighter, but at the same time stronger. Reptiles used a more varied diet than amphibians. The technique of obtaining it has changed. In this regard, the structure of the limbs, the axial skeleton and the skull underwent significant changes. Most of the limbs became longer, the pelvis, acquiring stability, was attached to two or more sacral vertebrae. In the shoulder girdle, the "fish" bone of the kleytrum disappeared. The solid shell of the skull has undergone a partial reduction. In connection with the more differentiated muscles of the jaw apparatus in the temporal region of the skull, pits and bone bridges separating them appeared - arcs that served to attach a complex system of muscles.


The main ancestral group that gave all the diversity of modern and fossil reptiles was probably cotylosaurs, but the further development of reptiles went in different ways.


The next group to separate from the cotylosaurs were the Diapsida. Their skull has two temporal cavities located above and below the postorbital bone. Diapsid at the end of the Paleozoic (Permian) gave an extremely wide adaptive radiation systematic groups and species that are found both among extinct forms and among current reptiles. Among the diapsids, two main groups have emerged: lepidosauromorphs (Lepidosauromorpha) and archosauromorphs (Archosauromorpha). The most primitive diapsids from the group of lepidosaurs - the Eosuchia squad - were the ancestors of the Beakhead order, of which only one genus is currently preserved - tuatara.

At the end of the Permian, squamates (Squamata) separated from primitive diapsids, which became numerous in

Origin of reptiles

Origin of reptiles- one of the important questions in the theory of evolution, the process as a result of which the first animals belonging to the class Reptiles (Reptilia) appeared.

Varanus niloticus ornatus at London Zoo

Permian period

From the upper Permian deposits of North America, Western Europe, Russia, and China, remains of cotylosaurs are known ( Cotylosauria). In a number of ways, they are still very close to stegocephals. Their skull was in the form of a solid bone box with holes only for the eyes, nostrils and parietal organ, the cervical spine was poorly formed (although there is a structure of the first two vertebrae characteristic of modern reptiles - atlanta And epistrophy), the sacrum had from 2 to 5 vertebrae; in the shoulder girdle, a kleytrum was preserved - a skin bone characteristic of fish; the limbs were short and widely spaced.

The further evolution of reptiles was determined by their variability due to the influence of various living conditions that they encountered during reproduction and settlement. Most groups have become more mobile; their skeleton became lighter, but at the same time stronger. Reptiles used a more varied diet than amphibians. The technique of obtaining it has changed. In this regard, the structure of the limbs, the axial skeleton and the skull underwent significant changes. Most of the limbs became longer, the pelvis, acquiring stability, was attached to two or more sacral vertebrae. In the shoulder girdle, the "fish" bone of the kleytrum disappeared. The solid shell of the skull has undergone a partial reduction. In connection with the more differentiated muscles of the jaw apparatus in the temporal region of the skull, pits and bone bridges separating them appeared - arcs that served to attach a complex system of muscles.


The main ancestral group that gave all the variety of modern and fossil reptiles were cotylosaurs, however, the further development of reptiles went in different ways.


The next group to separate from the cotylosaurs were the Diapsida. Their skull has two temporal cavities located above and below the postorbital bone. Diapsids at the end of the Paleozoic (Permian) gave extremely wide adaptive radiation to systematic groups and species, which are found both among extinct forms and among modern reptiles. Among the diapsids, there are two main groups of Lepidosauromorphs (Lepidosauromorpha) and Archosauromorphs (Archosauromorpha). The most primitive diapsids from the Lepidosaur group are the Eosuchia order ( Eosuchia) - were the ancestors of the order Beakheads, of which only one genus is currently preserved - tuatara.

At the end of the Permian, scaly ones (Squamata) separated from primitive diapsids, which became numerous in the Cretaceous period. By the end Cretaceous snakes evolved from lizards.

Origin of archosaurs

see also

  • Temporal arches



  • Naumov N.P., Kartashev N.N. Part 2. Reptiles, birds, mammals // Vertebrate Zoology. - M.: graduate School, 1979. - S. 272.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Everything about everything. Volume 5 Likum Arkady

When did the first reptiles appear?

The first reptiles roamed the Earth about 300,000,000 years ago. In those days, the largest animals on land were amphibians. But they laid eggs in the water. The first reptiles resembled amphibians, but they already laid their eggs on land. Their offspring had lungs and legs and could breathe air. They roamed the wet ground of the forests and could feed on insects. Later, the reptiles became bigger and stronger. They reminded appearance lizards and turtles.

There were also reptiles with short tails, thick legs and large heads. One of the species of early reptiles had a very great importance because of their descendants, who also looked like lizards, but moved on their hind legs. From these creatures a new type of reptile developed. Some of them had wings. Others fledged and became warm-blooded. This is how birds were born. From some reptiles, crocodiles and the first dinosaurs developed.

At one time, reptiles were the main animals on Earth. But over the course of millions of years, many of the ancient types of reptiles became extinct. There are many theories explaining why this happened. The main reason is seen in the fact that the changes in conditions and climate that have occurred on Earth have made the existence of these animals impossible. The swamps dried up, and the reptiles could not live on land. Their food is gone. The climate became seasonal, changing from summer heat until winter frost. Most reptiles were unable to adapt to these changes, so they became extinct.

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When did the first pirates appear? Piracy, or sea robbery, has existed for several millennia. Even ancient Greek and Roman ships were attacked by pirates in the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. The pirates were so powerful that even

). They lived near reservoirs and were closely associated with them, since they bred only in water. The development of spaces remote from water bodies required a significant restructuring of the organization: adaptation to protecting the body from drying out, to breathing atmospheric oxygen, efficient movement on a solid substrate, and the ability to reproduce outside the water. These are the basic prerequisites for the emergence of a qualitatively different group of animals - reptiles. These restructurings were quite complex, for example, it required the design of powerful lungs, a change in the nature of the skin.

Carboniferous period

The remains of the most ancient reptiles are known from the Upper Carboniferous (about 300 million years ago). It is assumed that separation from amphibian ancestors should have begun, apparently, in the Middle Carboniferous (320 million years), when from anthracosaurs, like Diplovertebron, forms were isolated, apparently better adapted to the terrestrial way of life. From such forms, a new branch arises - seymuriomorphs ( Seymouriomorpha), the remains of which were found in the Upper Carboniferous - Middle Permian. Some paleontologists classify these animals as amphibians.

Permian period

From the upper Permian deposits of North America, Western Europe, Russia, and China, remains of cotylosaurs are known ( Cotylosauria). In a number of ways, they are still very close to stegocephals. Their skull was in the form of a solid bone box with holes only for the eyes, nostrils and parietal organ, the cervical spine was poorly formed (although there is a structure of the first two vertebrae characteristic of modern reptiles - atlanta And epistrophy), the sacrum had from 2 to 5 vertebrae; in the shoulder girdle, a kleytrum was preserved - a skin bone characteristic of fish; the limbs were short and widely spaced.

The further evolution of reptiles was determined by their variability due to the influence of various living conditions that they encountered during reproduction and settlement. Most groups have become more mobile; their skeleton became lighter, but at the same time stronger. Reptiles used a more varied diet than amphibians. The technique of obtaining it has changed. In this regard, the structure of the limbs, the axial skeleton and the skull underwent significant changes. Most of the limbs became longer, the pelvis, acquiring stability, was attached to two or more sacral vertebrae. In the shoulder girdle, the "fish" bone of the kleytrum disappeared. The solid shell of the skull has undergone a partial reduction. In connection with the more differentiated muscles of the jaw apparatus in the temporal region of the skull, pits and bone bridges separating them appeared - arcs that served to attach a complex system of muscles.


The main ancestral group that gave all the variety of modern and fossil reptiles were cotylosaurs, however, the further development of reptiles went in different ways.


The next group to separate from the cotylosaurs were the diapsid ( Diapsida). Their skull has two temporal cavities located above and below the postorbital bone. Diapsids at the end of the Paleozoic (Permian) gave extremely wide adaptive radiation to systematic groups and species, which are found both among extinct forms and among modern reptiles. Among the diapsids, there are two main groups of Lepidosauromorphs ( Lepidosauromorpha) and Archosauromorphs ( archosauromorpha). The most primitive diapsids from the Lepidosaur group are the Eosuchia order ( Eosuchia) - were the ancestors of the order Beakheads, of which only one genus is currently preserved - tuatara.

At the end of the Permian, squamosals separated from primitive diapsids ( Squamata), which became numerous during the Cretaceous period. Towards the end of the Cretaceous, snakes evolved from lizards.

Origin of archosaurs

see also

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  • Naumov N. P., Kartashev N. N. Part 2. Reptiles, birds, mammals // Vertebrate Zoology. - M .: Higher School, 1979. - S. 272.

An excerpt characterizing the origin of reptiles

He wanted to say something else, but at that time Prince Vasily and his daughter got up, and two young men got up to give them way.
“Excuse me, my dear viscount,” said Prince Vasily to the Frenchman, gently pulling him by the sleeve down to the chair so that he would not get up. “This unfortunate feast at the Messenger’s is depriving me of my pleasure and interrupting you. I am very sad to leave your delightful evening,” he said to Anna Pavlovna.
His daughter, Princess Helen, lightly holding the folds of her dress, went between the chairs, and the smile shone even brighter on her beautiful face. Pierre looked with almost frightened, enthusiastic eyes at this beauty when she passed him.
“Very good,” said Prince Andrei.
“Very,” said Pierre.
Passing by, Prince Vasily grabbed Pierre by the hand and turned to Anna Pavlovna.
“Educate me this bear,” he said. - Here he lives with me for a month, and for the first time I see him in the light. Nothing is needed young man as a society of smart women.

Anna Pavlovna smiled and promised to take care of Pierre, who, she knew, was related to Prince Vasily on her father's side. The elderly lady, who had previously been sitting with ma tante, hastily got up and overtook Prince Vasily in the hall. All the old pretense of interest was gone from her face. Her kind, weepy face expressed only anxiety and fear.
- What will you tell me, prince, about my Boris? she said, catching up with him in the front. (She pronounced the name Boris with a special emphasis on o). – I cannot stay longer in Petersburg. Tell me, what news can I bring to my poor boy?
Despite the fact that Prince Vasily listened reluctantly and almost impolitely to the elderly lady and even showed impatience, she smiled affectionately and touchingly at him and, so that he would not leave, took his hand.
“That you should say a word to the sovereign, and he will be directly transferred to the guards,” she asked.
“Believe me that I will do everything I can, princess,” answered Prince Vasily, “but it’s hard for me to ask the sovereign; I would advise you to turn to Rumyantsev, through Prince Golitsyn: that would be smarter.
The elderly lady bore the name of Princess Drubetskaya, one of the best families in Russia, but she was poor, long gone from the world and lost her former connections. She has come now to procure a definition for the guards of her only son. Only then, in order to see Prince Vasily, did she name herself and come to Anna Pavlovna's for the evening, only then did she listen to the history of the viscount. She was frightened by the words of Prince Vasily; sometime Beautiful face she was exasperated, but it lasted only a minute. She smiled again and gripped Prince Vasili more firmly by the arm.
“Listen, prince,” she said, “I never asked you, I will never ask, I never reminded you of my father’s friendship for you. But now, I conjure you by God, do this for my son, and I will consider you a benefactor,” she added hastily. - No, you are not angry, but you promise me. I asked Golitsyn, he refused. Soyez le bon enfant que vous avez ete, [Be a good fellow, as you were,] she said, trying to smile, while there were tears in her eyes.
“Daddy, we’ll be late,” she said, turning her beautiful head on ancient shoulders, Princess Helene, waiting at the door.
But influence in the world is a capital that must be protected so that it does not disappear. Prince Vasily knew this, and once he realized that if he began to ask for everyone who asks him, then soon he would not be able to ask for himself, he rarely used his influence. In the case of Princess Drubetskaya, however, after her new call, he felt something like a reproach of conscience. She reminded him of the truth: he owed his first steps in the service to her father. In addition, he saw from her methods that she was one of those women, especially mothers, who, once taking something into their heads, will not lag behind until they fulfill their desires, otherwise they are ready for daily, every minute pestering and even on the stage. This last consideration shook him.
“Chere Anna Mikhailovna,” he said with his usual familiarity and boredom in his voice, “it is almost impossible for me to do what you want; but in order to prove to you how much I love you and honor the memory of your late father, I will do the impossible: your son will be transferred to the guards, here is my hand to you. Are you satisfied?
- My dear, you are a benefactor! I did not expect anything else from you; I knew how kind you are.
He wanted to leave.
- Wait, two words. Une fois passe aux gardes ... [Once he goes to the guards ...] - She hesitated: - You are good with Mikhail Ilarionovich Kutuzov, recommend Boris to him as adjutant. Then I would be calm, and then I would...
Prince Vasily smiled.
- I don't promise that. You do not know how Kutuzov has been besieged since he was appointed commander in chief. He himself told me that all the Moscow ladies conspired to give him all their children as adjutants.
“No, promise me, I won’t let you in, dear, my benefactor…
- Dad! - the beauty repeated again in the same tone, - we will be late.
- Well, au revoir, [goodbye,] goodbye. See?
- So tomorrow you will report to the sovereign?
- Certainly, but I do not promise Kutuzov.
“No, promise, promise, Basile, [Vasily],” Anna Mikhailovna said after him, with a smile of a young coquette, which once must have been characteristic of her, but now did not suit her emaciated face.
She apparently forgot her years and used, out of habit, all the old women's means. But as soon as he left, her face again assumed the same cold, feigned expression that had been on it before. She returned to the circle, in which the viscount continued to talk, and again pretended to be listening, waiting for the time to leave, since her business was done.
“But how do you find all this latest comedy du sacre de Milan?” [Milanese anointing?] – said Anna Pavlovna. Et la nouvelle comedie des peuples de Genes et de Lucques, qui viennent presenter leurs voeux a M. Buonaparte assis sur un trone, et exaucant les voeux des nations! Adorable! Non, mais c "est a en devenir folle! On dirait, que le monde entier a perdu la tete. [And here is a new comedy: the peoples of Genoa and Lucca express their desires to Mr. Bonaparte. And Mr. Bonaparte sits on the throne and fulfills the wishes of the peoples. 0! It's amazing! No, it's crazy. You'll think the whole world has lost its head.]
Prince Andrei grinned, looking directly into the face of Anna Pavlovna.
- “Dieu me la donne, gare a qui la touche,” he said (the words of Bonaparte, spoken at the laying of the crown). - On dit qu "il a ete tres beau en prononcant ces paroles, [God gave me the crown. Trouble for the one who touches it. - They say he was very good pronouncing these words,] - he added and repeated these words again in Italian: "Dio mi la dona, guai a chi la tocca".
- J "espere enfin," continued Anna Pavlovna, "que ca a ete la goutte d" eau qui fera deborder le verre. Les souverains ne peuvent plus supporter cet homme, qui menace tout. [I hope that it was finally the drop that would overflow the glass. Sovereigns can no longer tolerate this man who threatens everything.]
– Les souverains? Je ne parle pas de la Russie,” said the viscount politely and hopelessly: “Les souverains, madame!” Qu "ont ils fait pour Louis XVII, pour la reine, pour madame Elisabeth? Rien," he continued animatedly. - Et croyez moi, ils subissent la punition pour leur trahison de la cause des Bourbons. Les souverains? Ils envoient des ambassadeurs complimenter l "usurpateur. [Sovereigns! I'm not talking about Russia. Sovereigns! But what did they do for Louis XVII, for the Queen, for Elisabeth? Nothing. And believe me, they are punished for their betrayal of the Bourbon cause. Sovereigns! They send envoys to greet the stealer of the throne.]
And he, with a contemptuous sigh, changed his position again. Prince Hippolyte, who had been looking at the viscount through a lorgnette for a long time, suddenly, at these words, turned his whole body to the little princess and, asking her for a needle, began to show her, drawing with a needle on the table, the coat of arms of Condé. He explained this coat of arms to her with such a significant air, as if the princess asked him about it.
- Baton de gueules, engrele de gueules d "azur - maison Conde, [A phrase that cannot be translated literally, as it consists of conditional heraldic terms that are not quite accurately used. The general meaning is this: The coat of arms of Conde represents a shield with red and blue narrow jagged stripes ,] he said.

Origin of reptiles

Origin of reptiles- one of the important questions in the theory of evolution, the process as a result of which the first animals belonging to the class Reptiles (Reptilia) appeared.

Varanus niloticus ornatus at London Zoo

Permian period

From the upper Permian deposits of North America, Western Europe, Russia, and China, remains of cotylosaurs are known ( Cotylosauria). In a number of ways, they are still very close to stegocephals. Their skull was in the form of a solid bone box with holes only for the eyes, nostrils and parietal organ, the cervical spine was poorly formed (although there is a structure of the first two vertebrae characteristic of modern reptiles - atlanta And epistrophy), the sacrum had from 2 to 5 vertebrae; in the shoulder girdle, a kleytrum was preserved - a skin bone characteristic of fish; the limbs were short and widely spaced.

The further evolution of reptiles was determined by their variability due to the influence of various living conditions that they encountered during reproduction and settlement. Most groups have become more mobile; their skeleton became lighter, but at the same time stronger. Reptiles used a more varied diet than amphibians. The technique of obtaining it has changed. In this regard, the structure of the limbs, the axial skeleton and the skull underwent significant changes. Most of the limbs became longer, the pelvis, acquiring stability, was attached to two or more sacral vertebrae. In the shoulder girdle, the "fish" bone of the kleytrum disappeared. The solid shell of the skull has undergone a partial reduction. In connection with the more differentiated muscles of the jaw apparatus in the temporal region of the skull, pits and bone bridges separating them appeared - arcs that served to attach a complex system of muscles.


The main ancestral group that gave all the variety of modern and fossil reptiles were cotylosaurs, however, the further development of reptiles went in different ways.


The next group to separate from the cotylosaurs were the Diapsida. Their skull has two temporal cavities located above and below the postorbital bone. Diapsids at the end of the Paleozoic (Permian) gave extremely wide adaptive radiation to systematic groups and species, which are found both among extinct forms and among modern reptiles. Among the diapsids, there are two main groups of Lepidosauromorphs (Lepidosauromorpha) and Archosauromorphs (Archosauromorpha). The most primitive diapsids from the Lepidosaur group are the Eosuchia order ( Eosuchia) - were the ancestors of the order Beakheads, of which only one genus is currently preserved - tuatara.

At the end of the Permian, scaly ones (Squamata) separated from primitive diapsids, which became numerous in the Cretaceous period. Towards the end of the Cretaceous, snakes evolved from lizards.

Origin of archosaurs

see also

  • Temporal arches



  • Naumov N.P., Kartashev N.N. Part 2. Reptiles, birds, mammals // Vertebrate Zoology. - M .: Higher School, 1979. - S. 272.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .
