What factors are most important in shaping the climate in your area? What factors matter most to your area.

climate-forming factors. You already know that the following factors influence the formation of the climate of any territory: geographical location, solar radiation, circulation of air masses, underlying surface, proximity of seas and oceans, sea ​​currents, elevation above sea level, direction of mountain ranges and ridges, anthropogenic impacts.

All these climate-forming factors also operate on the territory of our country, forming peculiar climatic conditions one place or another (region).

Main climate indicators- the amount of heat, the amount of precipitation and their distribution according to the seasons of the year, evaporation, moisture coefficient.

What climate-forming factors play a leading role in shaping the climate of our country?

Rice. 28. The height of the Sun above the horizon on the day of the summer solstice: a - Cape Chelyuskin; b - Krasnodar

Influence geographical location on the climate. The great length of Russia from north to south determines the position of the country in different climatic zones, causes a different amount solar heat received by a certain territory.

The radiation of heat and light from the sun is called solar radiation. Radiation is measured by the amount of heat and is expressed in kilocalories per square centimeter (kcal / cm 2) earth's surface.

The amount of solar radiation that the earth's surface receives depends on the geographic latitude of the place, since latitude determines the angle of incidence sun rays, on the state of the atmosphere, and also on the nature of the underlying surface.

The greatest amount of solar radiation comes to the surface in the southern regions of our country, so it is there that the highest air temperatures are observed.

Rice. 29. Distribution of solar radiation

According to Figure 29, tell how the solar radiation arriving on the lower surface is distributed. What prevents solar radiation from reaching the Earth's surface? Explain how the amount of solar radiation is distributed depending on the geographical latitude of a place.

Rice. 30. The amount of solar heat depending on the height of the sun above the horizon (A 1 - high. A 2 - low)

The total amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface is called total radiation.

The heated earth's surface radiates heat. The higher the surface temperature and the less cloudiness, the greater the loss of thermal energy. For example, in temperate latitudes, on average, about half of the energy spent on surface heating is spent on thermal radiation.

The nature of the underlying surface greatly affects the reflection or absorption of radiation. Snow on average reflects up to 70-80% of the total solar radiation, sand is two times less than snow, forest and black soil is about five times less.

Air mass circulation. The movement of air masses above the Earth's surface leads to the transfer of heat and moisture from one area to another.

Remember from the course of geography of continents and oceans what the main air masses. What air masses can operate in temperate latitudes?

Arctic, temperate and tropical air masses move over Russia. Basically it is continental air.

Rice. 31. Total solar radiation

Carefully study the map (Fig. 31) and tell us which air masses prevail over the European part of Russia and in Siberia in winter, and which in summer.

Since in temperate latitudes, where most of our country is located, the western transfer of air masses dominates, Atlantic Ocean has a much greater impact on the climate compared to the Pacific.

The role of western transport is especially great during the warm period of the year, when western and northwestern winds prevail over most of the country.

In winter, the main role is played by a vast area of ​​high pressure, called the Siberian anticyclone or the Asian maximum, the center of which is located in the regions of Transbaikalia, the Republic of Tuva and Northern Mongolia. From it, areas with increased pressure spread in two directions: to the northeast up to the Chukchi coast and to the west through Northern Kazakhstan and the south of the Russian Plain (up to about 50 ° N).

Rice. 32. Atmospheric fronts over the territory of Russia

The movement of air masses of different temperature and humidity determines the nature of the weather. For example, continental air of temperate latitudes (CLA) all year round predominant in the western regions Eastern Siberia. Therefore, in winter there is clear frosty weather (Siberian winter), and in summer it is quite warm.

It is important to realize that when air masses move over a particular territory, they are able to gradually change their properties under the influence of the underlying surface. This process is called transformation. For example, Arctic air masses, passing through the entire Russian Plain in summer, warm up to such an extent that they lead to the formation of dry winds in Ciscaucasia.

Rice. 33. Air movement in cold and warm fronts

In the strip separating air masses of different properties, peculiar transition zones are formed - atmospheric fronts .

On the map (Fig. 32), determine which atmospheric fronts pass over the territory of Russia.

The width of the atmospheric front usually reaches several tens of kilometers. In the frontal zone, when two air masses of different properties come into contact, a fairly rapid change in pressure, temperature, and humidity occurs. Therefore, the passage of the front is accompanied by winds, cloudiness, precipitation, that is, a change in weather.

When warm air masses move towards cold air, warm front, and when moving cold air masses towards warm - cold.

With the intrusion of warm air, it, as lighter, rises above the cold. As it rises, it cools, so the moisture it contains condenses, which causes precipitation. The weather changes in this way: warming comes, there are prolonged rains.

When cold air invades, it, being heavier, flows under warm air, pushing it up. Warm air quickly cools, followed by heavy rainfall - downpours, often with thunderstorms. After that, it quickly clears up and clear, cool weather sets in.

Cyclones and anticyclones- these are large atmospheric vortices. Cyclones are vortices with low pressure in the center, anticyclones- with high pressure in the center.

on synoptic and climate maps it is quite easy to detect cyclones and anticyclones by closed concentric isobars (lines of equal pressure).

Cyclones have very impressive dimensions - 2-3 thousand km in diameter and move at a speed of about 30 km / h. The air in the cyclone moves from the periphery to the center, deviating counterclockwise. In the center, the air rises and spreads to the outskirts. In this case, moisture condensation occurs and precipitation occurs.

On the territory of Russia, cyclones usually move from west to east, since western transfer dominates in temperate latitudes.

Rice. 34. Wind direction in the anticyclone and cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere (ND - region low pressure, HP - area of ​​high pressure)

In an anticyclone, air moves from the center to the periphery with a clockwise deviation. The center of the anticyclone constantly receives air from upper layers troposphere. When lowered, this air warms up and is removed from saturation. Therefore, in the anticyclone, the weather is clear, cloudless, with large daily temperature fluctuations.

Compare climatic and physical map Russia and give examples of the influence of relief on climate.

The main areas of action of cyclones are associated with the passage of atmospheric fronts. Therefore, intense cyclonic activity in winter develops over the Barents, Kara, Okhotsk Seas and over northwestern part Russian plain.

IN summer period cyclones develop most intensively in the Far East and in the west of the Russian Plain.

Anticyclones are active in winter in Eastern Siberia, as well as both in winter and in summer in the south of the Russian Plain.

Influence of the underlying surface. Relief has a great influence on the climate. The absence of mountains in the north and west of Russia contributes to the penetration of Arctic and Atlantic air masses into the interior of the country. Mountain ranges in the east limit influence Pacific Ocean on the climate of the interior.

Depending on where the air masses are formed, they are divided into marine and continental.

The nature of the surface also affects the amount of incoming radiation, thus preventing deep heating of the surface.

Questions and tasks

  1. What climate-forming factors influence the climate of our country?
  2. What is total radiation? Does it depend on him?
  3. What is air mass transformation?
  4. What atmospheric fronts operate on the territory of Russia? How do they go in winter and summer?
  5. What is the difference between a cyclone and an anticyclone? Which regions of the country are characterized by cyclonic, which anticyclonic weather?
  6. What factors have highest value in shaping the climate of your area?

My family and I live in Yekaterinburg. The weather here is not just changeable, but, I would say, unpredictable! Here, for example, the summer here is quite acceptable warm, but there is heat up to 40 ° C and even frosts, the winter is cold, but everything is possible: from severe frosts to unexpected thaws, rains. I propose to consider what affects the weather and determines the climate of Yekaterinburg.

Climate of Yekaterinburg

The city is located in temperate latitudes, and the climate of the area is temperate continental with all its inherent properties:

  • well-defined seasons;
  • warm summer (average temperature July is +19.0 °C);
  • Cold winter(the average January temperature is −12.6 °C);
  • the average annual precipitation is modest and equals 540 mm (maximum precipitation in July);
  • the level of humidity is low - the average humidity is 71%.

Such weather, as in Yekaterinburg, is inherent in the central parts of Eurasia, the interior of the continents. Since the site is remote from any oceans and rivers, the formation of steppes and even deserts is quite predictable. Therefore, the air is periodically excessively dusty. In dry areas the wind is uplifting dust storms. The air temperature is changing rapidly not only throughout the year, but also during the day.

Climate-forming factors in Yekaterinburg

In general, climatic conditions are influenced by:

  • air currents;
  • precipitation;
  • cyclones that hit here.

Mountain ranges slow down the speed of the wind and it, bypassing the city, passes to the north and south. Modest in height, the Ural Mountains have an exceptionally strong influence on the climate of Yekaterinburg, since the ridges block the way for air masses that rush here from the western side - the European part of Russia. The result of this fence is that Middle Ural remains open for free penetration of air from the arctic side (cold) and air West Siberian Plains s, which is characterized by a strongly pronounced continentality (dry). At the same time, from the south side, it freely penetrates warm air Caspian Sea, deserts of Central Asia.


The role of climate in nature and economic activity man is hard to overestimate. It determines the ratio of heat and moisture and, consequently, the conditions for the occurrence of modern relief-forming processes, the formation inland waters, development of vegetation, accommodation of animals. Climate features have to be taken into account by a person in his life and economic activity.

A great contribution to the study of the climate of our country was made by the founders of modern climatology A.I. Voeikov, A.A. Kaminsky, P.I. Brounov, B.P. Alisov, S.P. Khromov, M.I. Budyko and many other domestic climatologists.

Climate shaping factors

The climate of Russia, like any region, is formed under the influence of a number of climate-forming factors and processes. Their analysis reveals the genesis of the climate, helps to explain the geographical distribution of its elements, makes it possible to understand climatic features individual regions of the country.

The main climate-forming processes are radiation and circulation. The features of their manifestation, the interaction of these processes depend on the geographical position of the country, the features of the relief and the influence of the properties of the underlying surface. Therefore, both the geographical location and the underlying surface are also among the factors of climate formation.

Influence of geographical location. The latitudinal position of the country determines the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface and its intra-annual distribution. Russia is located between 77 and 41°N; its main area is located between 50 and 70 ° N. latitude. This is the reason for the position of Russia mainly in the temperate and subarctic zones, which predetermines sharp changes in the amount of solar radiation by the seasons of the year. The large extent of the territory from north to south determines the significant differences in the annual total radiation between its northern and southern regions. In the arctic archipelagos of Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya the annual total radiation is about 60 kcal / cm 2 (2500 mJ / m 2) and in the extreme south - about 120 kcal / cm 2 (5000 mJ / m 2).

Of great importance is the position of the country in relation to the oceans, since the distribution of cloudiness depends on it, which affects the ratio of direct and diffuse radiation and through it the amount of total radiation, as well as the supply of more humid sea air. Russia, as you know, is washed by the seas, mainly in the north and east, which, with the western transfer of air masses prevailing in these latitudes, limits the influence of the seas within a relatively narrow coastal strip. However, a sharp increase in cloudiness in the Far East in summer reduces solar radiation in July in the Sikhote-Alin area up to 550 mJ/m 2 , which is equal to the total radiation in the north of the Kola Peninsula, Yamal and Taimyr.

The decisive influence on the development of circulation processes is exerted by the position of the territory in relation to baric centers, or, as they are otherwise called, centers of action of the atmosphere. The climate of Russia is influenced by the Azores and Arctic highs, as well as the Icelandic and Aleutian lows. In winter, the Asian High is formed within Russia and neighboring regions of Mongolia. The prevailing winds and, consequently, the air masses depend on the position in relation to these baric centers. The influence of certain baric centers on the climate of Russia varies with the seasons of the year.

Relief has a significant influence on the formation of the Russian climate. The location of the mountains along the eastern and, partially, along the southern outskirts of the country, its openness to the north and northwest ensure the influence of the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean on most of the territory of Russia, limit the influence of the Pacific Ocean and Central Asia. At the same time, the influence of Central Asia is more pronounced than the influence of the Black Sea or the Near Asian highlands. The height of the mountains and their location in relation to the prevailing air currents determine the varying degree of their influence on the climate of neighboring territories (the Caucasus and the Urals). In the mountains, a special, mountainous, climate is formed, which changes with height. Mountains exacerbate cyclones. Differences are observed in the climate of the leeward and windward slopes, mountain ranges and intermountain basins. On the plains, there are differences in the climate of uplands and lowlands, river valleys and interfluves, although they are much less significant than in the mountains.

Not only the relief, but also other features of the underlying surface affect the climatic features of a particular territory. The presence of snow cover determines the change in the ratio of reflected and absorbed radiation due to the high albedo of snow, especially freshly fallen snow (up to 80-95%). Tundra, forest, dry steppe and meadow also have different reflectivity; it is the lowest coniferous forest(10-15%). Dark, bare soils absorb heat three times more than dry, light-colored soils. sandy soils. Differences in the albedo of the underlying surface are one of the reasons for differences in the radiation balance of territories receiving the same total radiation. Evaporation of moisture from the soil surface, transpiration of plants also vary from place to place. In this case, the amount of heat spent on evaporation changes, therefore, the temperature of the soil surface and the surface air layer changes.

As we can see, the differences in the nature of the underlying surface are reflected in the climate of the territories.

radiation conditions. Solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface is the main energy base for climate formation. It determines the main influx of heat to the earth's surface. The farther from the equator, the smaller the angle of incidence of the sun's rays, the lower the intensity of solar radiation. Due to the large cloudiness in the western regions of the Arctic Basin, which delays direct solar radiation, the lowest annual total radiation is typical for the polar islands of this part of the Arctic and the Varanger Fjord region on the Kola Peninsula (about 2500 mJ/m2). To the south, the total radiation increases, reaching a maximum on the Taman Peninsula and in the area of ​​Lake Khanka in the Far East (over 5000 mJ/m2). Thus, the annual total radiation doubles from the northern borders to the southern ones.

The total radiation is the incoming part of the radiation balance: R = Q (1 - a) - J. The outgoing part is reflected radiation (Q · a) and effective radiation (J). The reflected radiation depends on the albedo of the underlying surface, and therefore varies from zone to zone and seasons. The effective radiation increases with decreasing cloudiness, hence from the coasts of the seas inland. In addition, the effective radiation depends on the air temperature and the temperature of the active surface. In general, the effective radiation increases from north to south.

The radiation balance at the most northern islands negative; in the mainland it varies from 400 mJ/m2 in the extreme north of Taimyr to 2000 mJ/m2 in the extreme south Far East, in the lower reaches of the Volga and Eastern Ciscaucasia. The maximum value (2100 mJ / m 2) the radiation balance reaches in the Western Ciscaucasia. The radiation balance determines the amount of heat that is spent on the diverse processes occurring in nature. Consequently, near the northern continental margins of Russia on natural processes, and above all for climate formation, five times less heat is spent than near its southern outskirts.

circulation processes. On the territory of Russia, circulation processes are no less important in providing thermal resources than radiation ones.

Due to various physical properties land and ocean, there is an unequal heating and cooling of the air in contact with them. As a result, there are movements of air masses of various origins - atmospheric circulation. The circulation proceeds under the influence of centers of high and low pressure. Their position and degree of expression change according to the seasons of the year, in connection with which the prevailing winds, which bring certain air masses to the territory of Russia, also change significantly. However, throughout most of the country, westerly winds prevail throughout the year, bringing Atlantic air masses, with which the main precipitation is associated.

Air masses and their frequency. The regular repetition of air masses, with the characteristics of which the nature of the weather is associated, determines the main features of the climate of the territory. Three types of air masses are typical for Russia: arctic air (AB), air of temperate latitudes (TSL) and tropical air (TV). Air masses of temperate latitudes prevail throughout most of the country's territory throughout the year, represented by two sharply different subtypes - continental (CLW) and maritime (MW). Continental air is formed directly over the territory of Russia and neighboring regions of the mainland. It is characterized by dryness throughout the year, low temperatures in winter and fairly high summers. Sea air of temperate latitudes enters Russia from the North Atlantic (Atlantic), and to the eastern regions from the North Pacific Ocean. Compared to continental air, it is humid, more cool in summer and more warm in winter. Moving through the territory of Russia, the sea air is quite quickly transformed, acquiring the features of a continental one.

Arctic air is formed over the icy expanses of the Arctic, so it is cold, has a small absolute humidity and high transparency. The entire northern half of Russia is under the influence of the Arctic air; especially significant is its role in the Middle and Northeast Siberia. In the transitional seasons, the Arctic air, penetrating into the middle and southern latitudes, causes late spring and early autumn frosts. In summer, droughts and dry winds are associated with the breakthrough of arctic air into the southern regions of the East European and West Siberian plains, since as you move south it transforms into air of temperate latitudes: its temperature rises, and humidity drops more and more.

Air forming over for the most part The Arctic, in its low humidity approaches the continental. Only over Barents Sea, into which the warm waters of the North Atlantic Current penetrate, the Arctic air is not so cold and more humid. Sea arctic air is formed here.

Tropical air influences the climatic features of the southern regions of Russia. Local continental tropical air is formed over the plains of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, over Caspian lowland and the eastern regions of the Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia as a result of the transformation of the air coming here from temperate latitudes. Tropical air is different high temperatures, low humidity and low transparency.

Tropical marine air (MTA) sometimes penetrates into the southern regions of the Far East from the central regions of the Pacific Ocean, and into the western regions of the Caucasus from the Mediterranean (Mediterranean air). It is characterized by high humidity and relatively high temperatures compared to MWSS.

atmospheric fronts. At the contact of qualitatively different air masses, atmospheric fronts arise. Since three types of air masses are distributed over the territory of Russia, two atmospheric fronts arise: the Arctic and the Polar. Above northern regions In Russia, at the contact of arctic air and air of temperate latitudes, an arctic front is formed, migrating within the arctic and subarctic belts. The polar front separates the air masses of temperate latitudes and tropical air and is located mainly to the south of the borders of Russia.

A series of cyclones and anticyclones continuously pass over the territory of Russia, contributing to weather changes, but in some areas anticyclone weather prevails, especially in winter ( Central Siberia, Northeast, Baikal and Transbaikalia), or cyclonic ( Kurile Islands, southeast of Kamchatka, Kaliningrad region, etc.).

Currently with artificial satellites receive data on the meteorological elements of the Earth's atmosphere and photographs of the processes that create weather on the planet. The images show large cloudless bands and spots, atmospheric fronts and Various types clouds. Remote meteorological data is used to compile synoptic maps and weather forecast maps.

What is the process of personality formation?

Personality and the process of its formation is a phenomenon that is rarely interpreted in the same way by different researchers in this area.

Personality formation is a process that does not end at a certain stage human life, but it lasts forever. The term "personality" is a rather multifaceted concept and therefore there are no two identical interpretations of this term. Despite the fact that the personality is mainly formed in the course of communication with other people, the factors influencing the formation of the personality are in the process of its formation.

There are two radically different professional views on the phenomenon of the human personality. From one point of view, the formation and development of a personality is determined by its innate qualities and abilities, while the social environment has little effect on this process. From another point of view, the personality is formed and developed in the course of social experience, and the internal traits and abilities of the personality play a small role in this. But, despite the difference in views, all psychological theories personalities agree on one thing: a person’s personality begins to form already in early childhood and continues throughout life.

What factors influence a person's personality?

There are many aspects that change personality. Scientists have been studying them for a long time and come to the conclusion that all environment down to climate and geographic location. The formation of personality is influenced by internal (biological) and external (social) factors.

Factor(from lat. factor - making - producing) - the reason, driving force any process, phenomenon that determines its nature or its individual features.

Internal (biological) factors

Of the biological factors, the main influence is exerted by the genetic characteristics of the individual, received by him at birth. Hereditary traits are the basis for the formation of personality. Such hereditary qualities of an individual as abilities or physical qualities leave an imprint on his character, the way he perceives the world around him and evaluates other people. Biological heredity largely explains the individuality of the individual, its difference from other individuals, since there are no two identical individuals in terms of their biological heredity.

Under biological factors refers to the transfer from parents to children of certain qualities and characteristics inherent in its genetic program. The data of genetics make it possible to assert that the properties of an organism are encrypted in a kind of genetic code that stores and transmits this information about the properties of an organism.
The hereditary program of human development ensures, first of all, the continuation human race, as well as the development of systems that help the human body adapt to changing conditions of its existence.

Heredity- the property of organisms to transmit certain qualities and characteristics from parents to children.

The following are inherited from parents to children:

1) anatomical and physiological structure

reflects specific features an individual as a representative of the human race (the makings of speech, upright posture, thinking, labor activity).

2) physical data

External racial characteristics, physique, constitution, facial features, hair, eye, skin color.

3) physiological features

Metabolism, arterial pressure and blood group, Rh factor, stages of maturation of the body.

4) features nervous system

The structure of the cerebral cortex and its peripheral apparatus (visual, auditory, olfactory, etc.), the originality of nervous processes, which determines the nature and certain type of higher nervous activity.

5) anomalies in the development of the body

Color blindness (partial color blindness), "cleft lip", "cleft palate".

6) predisposition to certain diseases of a hereditary nature

Hemophilia (blood diseases) diabetes, schizophrenia, endocrine disorders (dwarfism, etc.).

7) innate characteristics of a person

Associated with a change in the genotype, acquired as a result of adverse living conditions (complications after illness, physical trauma or neglect during the development of the child, violation of diet, work, hardening of the body, etc.).

Makings- these are the anatomical and physiological features of the body, which are prerequisites for the development of abilities. Inclinations provide a predisposition to a particular activity.

1) universal (structure of the brain, central nervous system, receptors)

2) individual (typological properties of the nervous system, which determine the rate of formation of temporary connections, their strength, the strength of concentrated attention, mental performance; structural features of analyzers, individual areas of the cerebral cortex, organs, etc.)

3) special (musical, artistic, mathematical, linguistic, sports and other inclinations)

External (social) factors

Human development is influenced not only by heredity, but also by the environment.

Wednesday- this reality, in the conditions of which human development takes place (geographical, national, school, family; social environment- the social system, the system of production relations, the material conditions of life, the nature of the flow of production and social processes, etc.)

All scientists recognize the influence of the environment on the formation of man. Only their assessments of the degree of such influence on the formation of personality do not coincide. This is because there is no abstract environment. There is a specific social system, a specific near and far environment of a person, specific conditions of life. It is clear that more high level development is achieved in the environment where favorable conditions are created.

Communication is an important factor influencing human development.

Communication- this is one of the universal forms of personality activity (along with cognition, work, play), manifested in the establishment and development of contacts between people, in the formation of interpersonal relationships. Personality is formed only in communication, interaction with other people. Outside of human society, spiritual, social, mental development cannot take place.

In addition to the above, an important factor influencing the formation of personality is education.

Upbringing- this is a process of purposeful and consciously controlled socialization (family, religious, school education), which acts as a kind of mechanism for managing socialization processes.

For development personal qualities big influence performs collective action.

Activity- the form of being and the way of existence of a person, his activity aimed at changing and transforming the world around him and himself. Scientists recognize that, on the one hand, under certain conditions, the team levels the personality, and on the other hand, the development and manifestation of individuality is possible only in the team. Such activity contributes to the manifestation, the role of the team is indispensable in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the individual, her civic position, and in emotional development.

In the formation of personality, the role of self-education is great.

self-education- self-education, work on your personality. It begins with the awareness and acceptance of an objective goal as a subjective, desirable motive for one's actions. The subjective setting of the goal of behavior generates a conscious tension of the will, the definition of a plan of activity. The implementation of this goal ensures the development of the individual.

We organize the educational process

Education plays a decisive role in the development of a person's personality. It follows from the experiments that the development of the child is determined by various types of activities. Therefore, for the successful development of the child's personality, a reasonable organization of his activity, the right choice of its types and forms, the implementation of systematic control over it and the results are necessary.


1. A game- It has great importance for the development of the child, it is the first source of knowledge of the world around. The game develops the creative abilities of the child, forms the skills and habits of his behavior, expands his horizons, enriches the amount of knowledge and skills.

1.1 Object games- carried out with bright attractive objects (toys), during which the development of motor, sensory and other skills and abilities takes place.

1.2 Story and role-playing games - in them the child acts as a certain actor(manager, performer, partner, etc.). These games act for children as conditions for the manifestation of the role and those relationships that they wish to have in adult society.

1.3 Sport games(mobile, military sports) - aimed at physical development, development of will, character, endurance.

1.4 Didactic games - are an important means of mental development of children.

2. Studies

As a type of activity has a great influence on the development of the personality of the child. It develops thinking, enriches memory, develops the creative abilities of the child, forms the motives of behavior, prepares for work.

3. Work

With its proper organization, it contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual.

3.1 Socially useful work- this is self-service work, work on the school site for landscaping a school, city, village, etc.

3.2 Labor training- aimed at equipping schoolchildren with skills in handling various tools, tools, machines and mechanisms that are used in various industries.

3.3 Productive labor- this is work associated with the creation of material wealth, organized according to the production principle in student production teams, the Criminal Procedure Code, in school forestries, etc.


Thus, the process and results of human development are determined by both biological and social factors which act not individually, but in combination. Under different circumstances, various factors may have a greater or lesser influence on the formation of personality. According to most authors, the leading role in the system of factors belongs to education.
