Right side of the back. Pain on the right side from the back

Many people know the condition when there is pain in the lower back on the right. Her appearance Various factors could have contributed: hypothermia, the presence of inflammatory diseases of internal organs, neuroses, pinched nerves and many others. For an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

But depending on the nature of the pain and the events that may have influenced its occurrence, you can more accurately determine which doctor to contact and what to pay special attention to.

First, let's look at the causes of pain in the lower back area on the right.


The causes of pain in the lower back and right side are quite extensive. Let's sort them all out more details.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

  1. Hypothermia. The reason, at first glance, is not capable of affecting the condition of the spine. However, it is worth taking it seriously. When hypothermia occurs, the nerve endings of the lumbar region become inflamed, muscle spasm occurs, which can lead to pain.
  2. Lumbar spine injuries. Even old injuries can periodically remind of themselves with pain. If your lower back hurts on the right, remember the injuries you received in this part of the body. Perhaps they are the cause of discomfort.
  3. Curvature of the spinal column. One of the most common causes of severe lower back pain is lardosis, a curvature of the lumbar spine. As a result of curvature, intervertebral discs become deformed and nerve endings become compressed, which leads to pain in the area of ​​curvature. In this case, you should consult an orthopedic doctor.

Nature of pain

Depending on the nature of the pain in the side it is possible to determine possible disorders in the body.

  • An acute pain that occurs in the right side of the lower back indicates the possible presence of an intervertebral hernia. It also occurs when the lower back is overloaded and the intervertebral ligaments are sprained.
  • Pulling - possible hepatitis or other liver diseases. Possible myositis.
  • Aching characterizes degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system. Most often it is osteochondrosis, spondylitis, spondyloarthrosis.
  • Stitching indicates problems with the intestines, urolithiasis.
  • speaks of inflammation of the uterus or ovaries.
  • Dull indicates possible kidney disease.
  • Sharp pain can occur due to a lower back injury or compression of the nerves. It can also be a signal of inflammatory processes in internal organs.

Possible pathologies as causes of pain

We looked at the simplest possible causes of lower back pain. However, more severe pain may indicate the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, lumbar muscles, internal organs and neurological pathologies. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Congenital and acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system

If there is pain that radiates to the lower back, in the presence of certain symptoms, this may indicate the presence of a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system. Let's consider possible diseases and their characteristics.


Infection, affecting bone, periosteum and bone marrow. The inflamed area swells, blood flow in the damaged area is disrupted, which leads to a destructive process.

  • Symptoms: aches, bursting pain, swelling, redness of the sore spot, possible appearance of white spots on the inflamed area, discharge of pus, increased body temperature to 39 degrees, clammy sweat, chills.
  • The reason is staphylococci, bacteria that provoke the appearance and development of this disease.
  • Predisposing factors: weakened immune system, hypothermia, hidden infectious diseases, genetic predisposition, colds, prolonged stress, physical and nervous exhaustion, burns.
  • Diagnostics. If the above symptoms are present, the orthopedic doctor performs palpation, prescribes a general blood and urine test, radiography, and, if necessary, computed tomography. The patient may also be referred to a neurologist.
  • Treatment. Treatment is prescribed by the attending physician, including hospitalization, the use of antibiotics, intraosseous infusion of drugs, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections or tablets, and radiation exposure. Surgery is possible if the disease was detected in late stages. After relieving acute pain and inflammation, exercise therapy is applied.


Inflammatory chronic disease of the spine, characterized by a decrease in bone density, which leads to severe deformations of the affected area of ​​the spine.

  • Symptoms: chills, elevated body temperature, drowsiness, limited motor function, aching pain in the spine, numbness of the damaged area, muscle spasms.
  • Reason: introduction of tuberculosis microbacteria into the body, which enter the blood and spread to the spine. This disease can also be caused by gonococci and Treponema pallidum (the causative agent of syphilis).
  • Predisposing factors: previous spinal injuries, previous history of gonorrhea, syphilis, brucellosis, antinomycosis, a general decrease in immunity due to the presence of pathogens of these diseases in the body.
  • Diagnostics: a biochemical blood test, general urine test, and computed tomography are prescribed. To diagnose this disease, you should contact a neurosurgeon or neurologist.
  • Treatment: complex treatment is used, which includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, intravenous solutions, antibiotics, and physiotherapeutic treatment. If necessary, surgical operations are performed.


Pathological inflammatory condition
iliosacral region of the spinal column.

  • Symptoms: severe pain in the lower back that intensifies after prolonged rest, mainly pronounced in the morning, increased body temperature, and the presence of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Causes: infection of the iliosacral region, lower back injuries, aseptic arthritis, tumor processes in this area.
  • Diagnosis: the disease is identified by examining an orthopedic doctor who deals with infectious lesions of the spine, determining the clinical indicators of this disease and radiography. Clinical signs of sacroiliitis are curvature of posture, impaired mobility of the sacroiliac joint, and limited mobility of the chest.
  • Treatment. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for treatment; antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis drugs; physiotherapy: laser infrared irradiation, pulsed magnetic therapy, ultraphonophoresis; corrective gymnastics, therapeutic massage.

A chronic disease of the lumbosacral region, characterized by displacement and deformation of the intervertebral discs. At a late stage of the disease, osteophytes (bone growths) appear.

  • Symptoms: prolonged aching pain in the lower back, radiating to the thigh and gluteal muscle. Discomfort occurs mainly in the morning, also provoked by stiffness in the sacral area (which signals the possible appearance of osteophytes).
  • Causes: metabolic disorders associated with natural aging of the body (since the disease is typical for older people). The disease can also be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, and abnormal development of the spine from birth.
  • Diagnostics. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used to identify the disease. These methods make it possible to take a three-dimensional image of all layers of affected tissue and identify the stage of the disease. For diagnosis, you should consult an orthopedist or vertebrologist (a doctor who specializes in spine problems).
  • Treatment. For treatment, NPP is used (in cases where muscle spasms occur), as well as physiotherapy, massage, and therapeutic.


Congenital pathology spine with displacement of the vertebra forward or backward relative to the spinal column. This provokes a narrowing of the spinal column, deformation of the spine in the area of ​​​​displacement of the vertebra, overload of the lumbar region, and therefore leads to severe pain.

  • Symptoms: pain in the lower back, radiating to the sacrum, coccyx, lower limbs. Often with this disease there is pain in the thoracic spine. May be accompanied by neurological disorders.
  • A neurosurgeon diagnoses this disease. For this purpose, radiography with oblique projection with different orientation angles and computed tomography are used. Clinical blood and urine tests are also prescribed to exclude the presence of inflammatory processes.
  • Treatment. Physiotherapy is used as treatment. It includes corrective and stabilizing physical education, wearing a fixation belt, and orthopedic placement. In the later stages of the disease - surgical correction.

Chronic spine disease, characterized by dystrophic disorders of intervertebral discs and cartilage. This disease is accompanied by a violation of mineral metabolism in the body, blood circulation, the formation of osteophytes and intervertebral hernias.

  • : sharp pain in the lower back, worsening after physical activity, intervertebral hernia, stiffness in the spine in the morning and.
  • Causes: spinal injuries, hidden infections, poor posture, heavy load on the lumbar spine (for example, when playing sports);
  • Predisposing factors: physical inactivity, excess weight, genetic predisposition, constant stress, wearing high heels, smoking.
  • Diagnostics. To diagnose osteochondrosis, a manual examination by a therapist is used, then he will refer the patient to a neurologist, who will prescribe an MRI and clinical tests. If necessary, ultrasound of the damaged area. In accordance with the diagnosis, the neurologist prescribes treatment.
  • Treatment. Used for treatment various methods: medication (including anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, etc.), acupuncture, wave therapy, (, etc.), mud therapy, and others, depending on the doctor’s prescription. Osteochondrosis can be treated with burning compresses that help improve blood circulation in the lumbar vertebrae. It is useful to use the roots and leaves of horseradish, black radish, garlic, and mustard powder. Honey massage also gives good results.

Tumor processes

Proliferation of cells and tissues lumbar spinal column. This may cause lower back pain. The tumor may spread into the spinal canal or to adjacent organs. The tumor can be malignant or benign.

  • Symptoms: weakness in lumbar region(especially under stress), decreased sensitivity or paralysis of the lower back, deformation of the lumbar region. In the later stages there is a sharp decrease in weight, heat body and severe lower back pain.
  • Causes: genetic predisposition, congenital defect.
  • Risk factors. The development of spinal tumors can be affected by frequent ultraviolet irradiation (eg solarium), smoking, and exposure to radiation.
  • Diagnostics. The diagnosis of this pathology is initially carried out by a general practitioner who prescribes CT, MRI and melography, which will help identify the presence of a tumor. Next (if available), the patient is referred to an oncologist. He will order a biopsy of the tumor to find out its type and prescribe treatment according to the diagnosis.
  • Treatment depends on the stage and type of tumor. First used surgery(excision of the tumor). In later stages, before surgery, medication (NSAIDs, painkillers) is prescribed along with radiation or chemotherapy (if large sizes tumors).

The diagnosis and treatment of the above pathologies is carried out by a vertebrologist.

But not every clinic has it. If it is absent, you can contact an orthopedist, neurologist, or neurosurgeon.

Neurological pathologies

If your back hurts in the lumbar region on the right, and the condition of the musculoskeletal system is good, then the cause may be hidden in neurological pathology.

Diseases of this type also characterized by stiffness and pain in the lower back.

Right-sided neuritis

Inflammation of the peripheral nerve of the lumbar spine. The disease causes complications on non-sciatic nerves and limbs.

  • Symptoms: swelling, possibly blue discoloration of the affected area, numbness, tingling, limited movement.
  • Causes: spinal injuries, past infections, vascular disorders, hypothermia, diabetes.
  • A neurologist diagnoses the disease using tests that detect movement disorders and peripheral nerve damage.
  • Treatment. For treatment, drug therapy (antibacterial, antiviral, vasodilator, anti-inflammatory drugs, depending on the cause of the disease) and physiotherapy (ultraphonophoresis, UHF, electrophoresis, massage, exercise therapy) are used.


Lumbosacral plexitis is characterized by damage to the nerve plexuses of the lumbar region. It affects the vegetative-trophic, sensory and motor systems of the body.

  • Symptoms: pain in the sacrum, buttocks and thighs; swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Causes: infectious diseases, intoxication (alcohol, lead, etc.), previous spinal injuries, tumors, vertebral displacement, curvature.
  • For diagnosis, a neuropathologist uses anamnesis, electroneuromyography, CT, MRI and general clinical tests.
  • Treatment includes medication and physical therapy. Anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics are used. Mud therapy, UHF, paraffin therapy, and exercise therapy are also effective.


Inflammatory disease of the lumbosacral region spine.

  • Symptoms: sharp or nagging pain in the lower back on the right and in the sacrum area, radiating to the leg, weakness, increased body temperature.
  • Causes: inflammatory processes in the body, hypothermia, injury.
  • Diagnosis is carried out by a neurosurgeon or neurologist by analyzing the patient's complaints, X-rays, CT scans, based on the results of a biochemical blood test and a general urine test.
  • Treatment includes drug therapy (NSAIDs, antibiotics, analgesics), exercise therapy.

Diseases of the lumbar and sciatic muscles

Lower back pain on the right side can occur due to diseases of the lumbar and sciatic muscles. Often this is a spasm. The cause may be prolonged physical activity improperly distributed on the spine; curvature of posture, due to which the muscles in the curved area are constantly tense; physical inactivity. Spasm of the lumbar and sciatic muscles occurs in 80% of patients. It is characterized by tightness, pain in the lower back, buttocks and hips, and limited mobility.

Used as treatment manual therapy (different types massage), acupuncture, apitherapy, physical therapy.

Intervertebral ligament sprain

Sprained intervertebral ligaments are characterized by sharp pain in the lumbar region on the right side, limited mobility, and inability to bend down due to severe pain. This condition occurs due to overload of the spine and improper distribution of the load during physical exercise. Treatment for this condition is quite simple. It includes providing rest to the patient for 2-3 days: restriction of mobility, any physical activity is contraindicated. It is also helpful to apply ice to the injured area on the first day of diagnosis.

Inflammatory diseases of internal organs

If the right side of the lower back hurts, this may be due to diseases of the internal organs located in this area.

Due to inflammation of internal organs, pain can radiate to the right side and lower back.


The inflammatory process in the intestines is accompanied by stabbing or cutting pain in the abdomen, lower back, right side, abnormal bowel movements, and elevated body temperature. A gastroentrologist diagnoses and treats the disease. Diagnosis is carried out through clinical tests.

Treatment is carried out with medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, medications that improve the condition of the digestive system, and analgesics.

Right kidney

Low back pain with right side may indicate inflammation or prolapse of the right kidney. This process is accompanied by a nagging pain, noticeable in the morning and after physical activity, and pain when urinating. If these symptoms are present, you should contact a urologist. Diagnosis is carried out using clinical tests, palpation, and ultrasound of the kidneys. Treatment is prescribed depending on the test results.

It consists of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, and kidney teas.


If liver diseases occur, the localization of pain is on the right under the ribs. However, it can radiate to the right side and lower back. This disease is accompanied by yellowing of the skin, heaviness in the liver area, pain, and indigestion. Diagnosis is carried out by a gastroenterologist or hepatologist (specializing only in liver diseases). For diagnosis, ultrasound of the liver and digestive system and clinical tests are prescribed. For inflammatory processes, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and analgesics are used as treatment. Drugs are also used to restore the liver.

A diet is required.


When the right hypochondrium, as well as the right side and lower back, hurt, this may indicate the presence of gallbladder diseases. They are also accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, and vomiting bile. A gastroenterologist diagnoses and treats gallbladder diseases. Surgeon intervention may be required.

To identify cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, a bile culture test, and an x-ray of the gallbladder and biliary tract are required. Treatment includes biliary medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics.

Diet adherence is mandatory.

Right ovary

The characteristic pain in the right side behind the lumbar region can be caused by inflammation of the right ovary. This disease is accompanied by pain on the right lower front, during sexual intercourse and physical activity, and discomfort when urinating. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. To make a correct diagnosis, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and general clinical tests are prescribed. Treatment is carried out using medications: drugs (tablets, intramuscular injections, vaginal suppositories), immunomodulators.

Complications of this disease can lead to infertility and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

The lower back on the right can hurt for various reasons. Some may indicate the presence of serious diseases, others may disappear naturally. If a sharp pain occurs, which was preceded by a bruise, injury, overload of the lower back, then do not panic, such pain will pass over time. In this case, you need to stick to bed rest and not put stress on your lower back.

If the pain does not go away within a few days, consult a traumatologist.

In other cases, you should immediately consult a doctor, since acute, cutting, dull or other types of pain may indicate the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system or internal organs. Timely consultation with a doctor will help identify the disease early stage and avoid complications.

First aid

In cases where the right side of the back hurts, you need to take urgent measures before going to the doctor. First, you need to relieve pain; analgesics (, etc.) will help with this. You can also apply folk remedies: applying a cold cabbage leaf, ice, in cases where you are sure that the cause of the discomfort is a sprain or injury.

Under no circumstances should you warm up the sore spot.


Lower back pain on the right indicates changes in the body - both serious and minor. Under no circumstances should you ignore it and you should immediately consult a doctor. After analyzing the type of pain, you can go to the appropriate specialist or visit a therapist who will give a referral. Treatment must be carried out strictly in accordance with the diagnosis and doctor's prescription.

Don't self-medicate!

Look useful tips doctor on this topic

Paroxysmal pain piercing the lower back forces a person to take a forced position in which the pain is alleviated; such pain syndrome drags on for at least a week; painkillers, warming agents and massage usually help to cope with the disease. Even after such a one-time attack of the disease, you should consult a doctor, since this is a sign of the presence of pathological changes in the lumbosacral spine.​

​Diseases of the pelvic organs. In women - inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages, endometriosis, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, STDs (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.) In men - prostatitis, prostate cancer

Causes of lower back pain in women

​manual therapy and massage;​

  1. ​inflammation of the internal organs that are located in this part of the body - the liver, intestines, right kidney or right ovary in women;​
  2. ​Signs that require immediate medical attention:​
  3. Even if the attack of pain was suppressed with a painkiller, you cannot ignore it, because the problem is not solved, and no one knows when the pain will recur, and what process caused it. It is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination.​

Only a doctor can accurately determine the problem based on the results of the examination. Based on the location and nature of the pain, assumptions can be made about the cause that caused it. For example, dull and aching sensations in the back after sleep can occur due to an uncomfortable sleeping position or the wrong mattress.​

Provoking factors for pain below the lower back

​Permanent poor posture or prolonged stay in an uncomfortable, physiologically incorrect position leads to the fact that the load, distributed incorrectly, causes compensatory deformation of part of the spinal column and, as a consequence, deformation of internal organs or accelerated aging of the spine.​

​The first question the doctor asks the patient concerns the characteristics of the symptom. For a faster and more accurate diagnosis of the disease, medical specialists need to know exactly how it hurt on the right side, what symptoms and conditions preceded this phenomenon. Nagging pain in the lower back can have varying degrees of intensity. You need to know that if there is a slight pain in the back on the right, this is not a fact that the illness is harmless. It is the aching pain that accompanies the development of life-threatening inflammation of internal organs and the appearance of malignant neoplasms.​

​increase in temperature;​

​Characteristic pain will be present when a woman has some pathological conditions, such as uterine prolapse or prolapse.​

Gynecological problems

​Pain below the lumbar region in women requires differential diagnosis between pelvic diseases (adnexitis, vaginitis, salpingitis) and pathology of the lumbar spine (intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, osteochondrosis). The symptom appears at least once in a lifetime, but appears in the fair sex.​

  • ​Kidney diseases - renal colic, kidney stones​
  • ​physiotherapeutic procedures;​

​disorders of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system caused by the development of diseases such as osteomyelitis, spondylitis, spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis and others;​

  • ​sudden, sharp and persistent pain on the right side of the back;
  • In addition, we must not forget about the danger of sharp and acute pain that arose suddenly. Such pain may be a consequence of acute painful conditions of the internal organs. In such cases, the patient’s life may be in danger and minutes are literally counting; urgent medical attention is needed.​

​Muscle pain in the back can appear due to fatigue, overexertion during exercise, sudden weight gain and even stress.​

​Displacement of the spinal disc is another common reason that leads to lower back pain on the right, below or above the waist.​

  • ​If you feel a dull aching pain in the lower back on the right, there is a high probability that it is osteochondrosis. An unpleasant sensation in the back on the right with this disease occurs due to impaired functioning of the spine, spasmodic conditions of muscles and ligaments. Someone who suffers from osteochondrosis may have pain on the right side in the morning.​


The normal location of the uterus is the central part of the small pelvis, in which the distances from the pubis and sacrum are the same. It should also be equally distant from the side walls of the pelvis. When this distance changes to one side, the woman may feel pain below the lower back.​

  • ​Pain can be of different nature and localized on the right or left with the same frequency. It all depends on the causative factor of the pathology.​

Lower back pain in women with endometriosis

​Intestinal diseases - inflammation of the diverticulum, ulcerative colitis, intestinal tumors

​bath with hydromassage.​

​unilateral sprain of the intervertebral ligaments, inflammation of the sciatic or lumbar muscles on the right;​

​sharp and sudden pain under the ribs;​

​It is advisable not to take any medications, so as not to distort the clinical picture and to allow the emergency doctor to make a diagnosis as quickly as possible. And if any drugs were used, then it is necessary to warn doctors about this.


Why does the lower back hurt on the right: treatment

​Pain in the shoulder blade and upper back can occur due to lung problems, neuralgia or tumors. In these cases, both the right and left sides may hurt.​

​Weakness and numbness of the limbs, severe pain in the spine, pinching of the sciatic nerve - these are far from full list disorders arising from intervertebral pathology. Most often, the disease overtakes those who like to lift weights, old people or young people with congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.​

​Acute and dull pain arising from the right behind is a sign of exacerbation of radiculitis. This symptom is usually pronounced and is accompanied by lumbago in other parts of the body. The phenomenon of lumbago can turn out to be an independent disease. Pain in the lower back on the right can be of varying intensity. If there is pain in the back above the lower back, then this is most likely the result of the person lifting something heavy.​

Difficulty in making a diagnosis


  • Normally, the uterus is slightly tilted forward towards the abdominal wall and upward. When the angle between the cervix and the body of the uterus changes, the uterus is said to be inverted. It can occur from inflammatory and adhesive processes, from fibroids and ovarian tumors.​
  • ​They can be classified as follows:​
  • ​Upsetting aortic aneurysm​
  • ​None of these methods should be used if pain occurs on the right side of the back without the appointment of a specialist. Because some of them are effective in eliminating problems of one kind, while others can only aggravate the situation. Especially if the right back hurts constantly. This indicates a chronic course of the disease.​

​injuries of the spine, in particular the right part, in which pain is felt immediately after a fall or bruise and is accompanied by a hematoma of the inflamed area;​

​sudden and severe pain below, accompanied by loss of consciousness, weakness and dizziness.​

​Pain in the right side of the back can occur for a variety of reasons. But it is never accidental. Pain in this area indicates a number of diseases of the respiratory, urinary, nervous, sexual and circulatory systems. However, by identifying the nature of the pain and carrying out a number of additional diagnostics, you can accurately determine why the right side of the back hurts.​

​The most common cause is intercostal neuralgia.​

​Traumatic injuries of the spinal column.​

  • ​If you lift weights incorrectly, the load on the spinal discs increases 9 times​
  • Difficulty and increased urination.
  • ​Pain in the lower back after childbirth is common.​
  • Acute lumbago (lumbago) - a response to hypothermia or high stress;

​If the back hurts on the right above the lower back, liver pain can radiate, with any pathological changes in the liver - hepatitis, liver failure, taking toxic medicines. The pain is most often localized in the right hypochondrium. If pain is felt on the right or left just above the lower back, it is very possible that the cause lies in acute kidney disease. Many chronic kidney diseases, such as polycystic disease, malignant kidney tumors, chronic pyelonephritis, are accompanied by minor symptoms, since the renal capsule gradually stretches.​

​A person who pays due attention to his health, leads an active lifestyle and engages in moderate physical activity, often does not know that there are any disorders of the back.​

Neuralgic diseases, for example, plexitis or right-sided neuritis.

Diseases that often present with back pain

​Depending on the nature of the pain and its location, the cause of its occurrence can be determined. Of course, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a complete examination. But the nature, intensity and location of the pain will help you decide which specialist to contact.​

​Most often, back pain on the right is localized in the area where the problem structure is located. Therefore, pain indicates pathology of organs in a particular place. In some cases, pain can occur far from the painful organ: it radiates and spreads to the most unexpected points of the body.​

​But it is necessary to see a doctor and undergo an examination in order to rule out pneumonia or diagnose the development of oncology at an early stage.​

​Painful sensations in this case appear soon after a blow or an unsuccessful fall that injures the back. As a rule, if the bruises are minor, the pain goes away on its own within a few days, without special treatment.​

​Lifting weights is strictly prohibited in a position where a person is trying to straighten up from a bent position. Then there is an increased load on the spine, and the risk of injury increases. You need to lift weights from a squat position with a straight back, slowly straightening your legs at the knees. Then you can avoid shooting in the back.​

​There may be other symptoms that allow you to quickly diagnose the disease.​

The cause is weakened muscles of the anterior abdominal wall or injury received during childbirth - rupture of the pelvic floor muscles. With such pathologies, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, lower back and sacrum, frequent urination, and constipation.

Causes of back pain in women: pathologies of internal organs and pregnancy

​Lumbodynia - aching chronic pain during prolonged sedentary work or constant stress on the spine;​

With swelling during acute pyelonephritis, as well as when the ureter is blocked, the pain is more intense, but dull, aching. In this case, the pain is constant, sometimes radiating to the navel, lower abdomen, and pain also occurs in the left hypochondrium or right, depending on the diseased kidney. Also, in case of chronic kidney diseases, taking certain medications contributes to the occurrence of such pain. The increased load on the kidneys, as a filtering organ, due to the toxic effects of certain medications, causes pain that goes away after discontinuation of the drug.​

​A strong muscle corset and proper blood circulation in the lower back will be the key to well-being and health for many years.​

​Spasm of muscles and ligaments in the spine will be expressed by aching constant pain and, most likely, is a harbinger of the development of osteochondrosis. Severe and acute pain can often be a sign of developing radiculitis, which radiates not only to the right side of the lower back, but to the buttock, and sometimes to the leg.​

​1) My back hurts in the central part on the right. Possible problem– kidney disease.​

​Regardless of where the pain occurs, it can have a different character:

Unpleasant sensations in the hypochondrium are an alarming symptom. Most often they are caused by diseases of such vital organs as the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. Increasing aching pain may be a symptom of an inflammatory process.​


Should I see a doctor if I have lower back pain on the right?

​Malignant neoplasms localized in the peritoneum and above can also manifest themselves with painful sensations in the side or lower back.​

Causes of pain in the right side of the lower back

If it pulls above the kidney area, the assumption may be confirmed that the patient has myositis - inflammation of the muscles. The disease is accompanied by a general deterioration in health. The pain symptom may not be so pronounced, which cannot be said about the danger of the disease, which is fraught with various complications.​

  • The causes of back pain are congenital and acquired ailments. Often lower back pain on the right can be one of the manifestations of musculoskeletal problems.​

​The weakening of the ligamentous apparatus that develops with these pathologies may be associated with congenital characteristics or be the result of several births. When the uterus is bent, women complain of pain below the lower back (in the sacrum) and in the lower abdomen. They can also occur during sexual intercourse and during menstruation. In such cases, infertility or problems with bearing a child are often observed.​

  • Lumboischiaglia - pain radiating to the leg. May be a sign of a herniated disc. It requires immediate treatment.​

​When the back hurts below the lower back, in addition to obvious diseases of the spine (sciatica, lumbago, intervertebral hernias, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.), possible causes are periodic pain during menstruation in women, diseases of the female genital organs, such as inflammation of the uterine appendages - oophoritis, salpingo-oophoritis (adnexitis), as well as diseases of the pelvic peritoneum, intestines, inflammation of the appendix (an extension of the cecum, see symptoms of appendicitis in adults), in men - diseases of the prostate gland, bladder.​

  • ​Author of the article:​

​Sometimes pain on the right side of the lower back can feel like a sudden lumbago that limits a person’s mobility. This most often indicates excessive stress on the back and the inability of the muscles to cope with such tension.​

  • ​2) Back pain on the right under the shoulder blade. This problem may be neurological in nature (a consequence of a pinched nerve). If the back hurts under the right shoulder blade, the person may have lung problems. This is how cancerous tumors in the bronchi or lungs, pleurisy or pneumonia can manifest themselves. When the left side from the back hurts, the same pathologies are possible.​
  • ​cramping - often associated with a sharp contraction of the muscles of the hollow organs;​
  • ​A cutting acute pain symptom is a reason to immediately call an ambulance medical care. Such pain can accompany dangerous conditions of internal organs, which can lead to death.​

Features of pain in the right side and lower back in women

​Severe pain in the lower back on the right side indicates a problem with the kidneys. In this case, painful sensations, localized lower in the lumbar region, often radiate forward and higher, to the hypochondrium or to the side.

​If it is myositis, then the muscles will become harder than usual during pain. If at first there are nagging pains in the lower back, and then they turn into attacks, there is almost a 100% chance that these are symptoms of a hernia. In addition to this phenomenon, poor posture and limited mobility can indicate the disease. Discomfort above and below the lower back is accompanied in some cases by a noticeable tingling sensation in the legs. In this case, patients often complain of numbness of the limbs.​

​If a person’s osteochondrosis worsens, it manifests itself in the form of pain. When there is pain on the right side of the back, it could be osteomyelitis. Spondylitis and sacroiliitis are diagnosed more quickly in later stages precisely because people suffering from these ailments have back pain on the right. The causes of pain in the right side of the lower back may also indicate tumor processes.​

If a woman is pregnant

The cause of severe lower back pain in women can be serious diseases that require emergency intervention by gynecologists. This could be an ectopic pregnancy, rupture of an ovary or cyst, or its torsion.​

Aching pain in the lower back in women usually does not cause serious concern if it is not a symptom of chronic infectious diseases in the pelvis. When pain is provoked by a pathology of the spinal column, it is a consequence of compression of the spinal nerves by an intervertebral hernia or an unstable vertebra (for example, due to torsion or rotation).​

How to be treated, which doctor to visit?

If such pain appears simultaneously on both the right and left side of the lower back, this may also be symptoms of pyelonephritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages or prostate gland, pneumonia or pleurisy. With radiating pain in the sides, the causes may be intestinal obstruction or atypical appendicitis. Lower back pain on the right or left occurs with the following diseases:

​Expert of the site Bolit Sustav.ru​


​A detailed and thorough description of all symptoms and the nature of the pain will help the doctor determine the correct cause of its occurrence, and this will be the key to prescribing effective treatment.​

​3) Pain under the ribs on the right side. This area contains the liver and gall bladder. Violation of any of them can cause pain. If the pain is long-lasting, the liver should be checked first. If the pain does not subside for several days and is accompanied by vomiting, fever, nausea, and abdominal muscle tension, it may indicate an attack of cholecystitis. In some cases, such pain radiates to the chest, right shoulder blade, or right shoulder.​

Nature of pain and possible causes

​permanent - correlates with stretching of the outer shell of parenchymal structures;​

Blockage of the bile duct, movement of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, exacerbation of cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, rupture of a vessel in the internal organs, perforation of an ulcer in the duodenum - these diseases can be accompanied by severe vomiting, loss of consciousness, and a sharp increase in temperature.

Upper back

Inflammatory disease of bone tissue (osteomyelitis) causes excruciating nagging lumbar pain, signaling the emergence of an area of ​​purulent-necrotic damage to part of the tissue.

In women, discomfort on the right side above the lower back is often caused by malignant and benign neoplasms. In such cases, pain is often felt below the lower back on the right. Symptoms often affect the left side of the back - it all depends on where exactly the organ is located and where the tumor is located. Stitching pain below the lower back on the right will indicate pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. It is accompanied by spasms during urination. Development of osteochondrosis with a sedentary lifestyle

Pain in the side in the hypochondrium

​As endometrial cells grow, they can spread to the ovaries, the outer surface of the uterus, the intestines and the pelvic mucosa. This pathology requires mandatory treatment.

Acute pain in the hypochondrium from the back

A woman who has not done physical labor for a long time suddenly goes out into the garden and begins weeding the beds or planting some plants. Such work is associated with frequent bending and overwork: it is quite natural that after it the lower back will hurt due to the unpreparedness of the skeletal muscles for intense physical activity.​

​Diseases of the spine​

​https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/10153437303821031/ Cayce Pollard​

Renal colic

​In itself, pain in the right lower back can only appear after an uncomfortable sleep on a mattress of the wrong hardness. Sometimes in the morning a person may feel a nagging pain in one part of the back if he slept all night in an uncomfortable position. A few simple exercises to stretch and relax tight back muscles can help relieve this pain.​

Painful sensations in pregnant women

​4) Pain in the right lower back. It may be a sign of damage and pathologies of the spine and intervertebral hernias. Another possible problem is problems in the urinary system. In this case, it is impossible to find a comfortable position in which the pain would ease.

​increasing - distinguishes inflammatory processes;​

​In women, such sensations may be a symptom of problems with the genital organs, which require immediate medical intervention.​

Pain on the right side of the lower back

​In addition to the causes of painful discomfort inherent in representatives of both sexes, there are factors that determine the presence of purely female reasons to experience unpleasant sensations in the side or back. Pain localized in the right side of the lower back, most likely indicating an inflammatory process in the reproductive system.​

Stitching pain below the lower back on the right will indicate pyelonephritis or urolithiasis

​Diseases of the sciatic muscles also signal themselves when there is pain in the back on the right. With such pain, accompanying symptoms appear. In some cases they are standard:

First aid for pain on the right side of the back

​Pain below the lower back in women can be caused by endometriosis - excessive growth of the epithelium outside the uterus. With pathology, the inner layer of the organ is non-functional. It is actively growing, complicating the functionality of the reproductive sphere of the fair half.

​The same sensations can be experienced by athletes who overload themselves with training, or who are new to fitness.​

Acquired diseases include tumors, degenerative pathologies such as spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis, inflammatory processes - osteomyelitis, spondylitis, as well as traumatic injuries, intervertebral hernias, lumbago, sciatica. Congenital pathologies include sacralization, spondylosis, lubalization, and spondylolisthesis.​

What should be the set of exercises to eliminate lower back pain after sleep? What should you focus on, and what should you absolutely not do?​

The right side from the back hurts. Causes of pain

​In all other cases, unpleasant sensations on the right behind will be accompanied by additional symptoms that can suggest the correct direction for diagnosing the disease. For example, if urolithiasis has arisen and is developing, then the pain will be accompanied by difficulty urinating, dark urine and increased temperature.​

Pain on the right side of the back: nature and intensity

​5) My back hurts in the morning. A possible problem is muscle dystrophy, an incorrectly selected mattress.​

​sharp, dagger - may indicate a rupture of any formation, perforation of an organ, blockage of blood vessels, sudden intra-abdominal bleeding;

  • Cramping pain may be a sign of renal colic. This pain can affect both the right and left sides. Renal colic affects people suffering from urological diseases after a diet disorder or heavy drinking. Sometimes it appears for no particular reason.​
  • ​In a similar way, pathologies of the pelvic organs, cysts and benign ovarian tumors can make themselves known. The insidiousness of lower back pain is that, often, apart from it, a woman does not experience any other unpleasant sensations. And the pain, which at first is simply unbearable, weakens over time, remaining a familiar part of a person’s life. That is why the absence of pronounced symptoms leads to the patient postponing a visit to the doctor or self-medicating, only aggravating the problem.​
  • Stitching pain below the lower back with pyelonephritis and diseases of the ureter often has a girdling character. If the stone is in the ureter, it usually moves down. It is possible that it will radiate above the lower back on the right, which significantly complicates diagnosis.​
  • ​deterioration in a person’s general well-being;​
  • The pathology very often leads to infertility, since in the initial stages it does not manifest clinical symptoms. Women attribute isolated pain in the lower back to hormonal imbalances or to the approach of menstruation. As a result, the disease progresses.​
  • ​But not only an excess of active movements causes the female lower back to suffer from pain, but also their obvious lack. A sedentary lifestyle associated with working in a sedentary position (for example, at a computer) also leads to lower back pain in women. This especially often happens to those who do not know how to sit correctly and do not monitor their posture.​
  • ​Diseases of internal organs​
  • ​Metabolic bone diseases - osteomalacia, osteoporosis​

​If in addition painful sensations If you also feel heaviness in your back on the right side and there is a disruption in the functioning of the digestive system, then the problem most likely lies in the functioning of the liver.​

It is not recommended to take any medications without consulting a doctor. Also, until the diagnostic results are obtained, you should not self-medicate. The right side of our body contains vital organs. Therefore, it is better to combine your own observations with the help of professionals. You can take a pain reliever for immediate pain relief. But this won't solve the problem. The pain will go away only when the cause is eliminated.​

Severe back pain: when to call an ambulance?

​lumbago - indicates problems with the spinal cord or peripheral nervous system;​

Very often, expectant mothers complain of discomfort in the lumbar region and hypochondrium from the back, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. They can be caused by the fact that the growing fetus causes displacement of all internal organs, puts pressure on them and makes it difficult for them to function normally.​

  • The problem of excess weight is another reason why lower back pain occurs on the right. Creating additional stress on a woman’s musculoskeletal system, pain signals gradual deformation of the joints. Fortunately, this problem can be solved quite easily. Along with normalization of weight, discomfort in the lower back also disappears.​
  • If, with such a symptom, a person observes darkening of his urine, he should immediately contact a medical facility, as he may need urgent hospitalization in the coming hours. Pyelonephritis and problems with the functioning of the ureter are often accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature. You should not use any analgesics on your own during a deterioration in health, because they will further aggravate the attack and negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys.​
  • ​oppression;​

Causes of pain on the right side of the back

The danger of this condition is that pathological cells begin to grow in other organs. At the same time, other symptoms appear: coughing up blood, pain in the head (with brain damage), constipation.

​The same harmless reasons include improper lifting of weights, uneven load when carrying them, as well as hypothermia. It is very easy to get a cold in the lower back - a small draft or too light clothes in extreme cold - and problems in the back will certainly make themselves felt.​

For inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs - parametrial tissue, bladder, prostate gland, uterus and its appendages. In case of pathological processes in the abdominal organs - intestines, kidneys.​

​Primary tumors and metastatic tumors of the spinal cord, vertebrae, retroperitoneal space.​

​In cases where the pain is accompanied by back numbness, loss of sensation, limited mobility and curvature of posture, the doctor can diagnose the occurrence of an intervertebral hernia.​

The spine and back as a whole are the foundation of the body, ensuring its mobility and vital functions. This is why back health is so important to a person and should always be maintained in good condition.​

How to relieve back pain?

​pulling, aching, dull;​


​It can also be muscle pain, especially if the back muscles are weak, because the load on them during this period is very high. Nevertheless, it is advisable for pregnant women to undergo tests for kidney function in order to exclude pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases. The huge load on all organs and systems of the body that a woman experiences during pregnancy could not but affect the painful sensations. Pain in the lower back on the right occurs due to the accelerated growth of the uterus, which compresses and deforms the internal organs. The liver, located on the right side of the body, and the kidneys, as well as the diaphragm located above, suffer the most. Discomfort in the back is a frequent companion of pregnancy. The best option It is believed that a woman, even before pregnancy, prepares herself for the problems that may arise during it. During pregnancy, the load on the spine increases significantly.​


Of course, you should not get used to pain in the lower back. They are a sign of serious diseases that lead to disability.​

Causes of pain in the right lower back

​Severe lower back pain, which gynecology describes with particular care, often occurs due to infectious diseases of the reproductive system.​

  • ​Diseases of the nervous system in the lumbosacral region​
  • ​Growing pains - scoliosis​
  • Pain in the lumbar region cannot be tolerated. You can try to eliminate painful sensations in the back on your own only if they arose after an uncomfortable sleep or a long stay in one position. But at the same time, you need to be sure that the pain arose precisely because of this, and that it was not caused by any other disturbances in the functioning of the body.​
  • ​Any pain or dysfunction of the spine should cause concern and be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.​
  • ​long;​

​It should be remembered that during pregnancy the load on a woman’s kidneys increases sharply. Therefore, failure to comply with the recommended diet and drinking regimen for pregnant women can cause a malfunction in their work.​

Without maintenance therapy, including hepatoprotectors and nephroprotectors approved during pregnancy, tired back syndrome will accompany the woman until childbirth. A significant increase in pregnant women’s body weight over a short period of time increases the load on the back muscles, causing painful discomfort. In this case, gentle physical exercise – leisurely walks or swimming – gives excellent results. A special bandage that evenly distributes the load and sleeping on an orthopedic mattress will ease the woman’s discomfort.​

​Pregnant women often complain of different localization of pain symptoms, which are felt either on the right or on the left.​

Associated symptoms


​Lower back pain is a fairly common occurrence. Surveys show that about 30% of the adult population of Russia suffer from various discomforts in the back. According to respondents, they experience lower back pain equally often on the right and left sides. The causes of back pain on the right were not only diseases of the spine, but also problems in the functioning of internal organs. Under a number of circumstances, they experienced pain in the lower back on the right when moving. In some cases the pain was aching, in others it was acute.​

During menstruation, many women experience pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. At this time, the concentration of so-called pain mediators – prostaglandins – increases.

​For compression of roots, nerve columns, for various neurological diseases - hysteria, neurasthenia, neuritis, neuromyalgia, radiculitis, for metabolic disorders, for gout, diabetes, for malformations of the nervous system.​

What to do if pain occurs

​Infectious lesions of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae (epidural abscess, spinal tuberculosis, brucellosis)​

​In all other cases, regardless of the nature of the pain, dull and aching or sharp and sharp, you must seek advice from a qualified specialist who can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.​

​Especially if the lower back hurts in the back right, and the symptoms appear constantly.​

​short, etc.​

  • Pain in the lower back is most often associated with pathologies of the spine and hypothermia of the lower back. Colds often occur in young people who dress too lightly during the cold season. The cause of pain in the lower back in older people can be changes associated with the aging of the spine: osteochondrosis, sciatica, arthritis and others.​
  • ​If back pain on the right side strikes you suddenly, schedule a visit to your doctor. A neurologist at any district hospital will conduct a routine examination and advise which specialists you should visit in the future. Before visiting a doctor, try not to self-medicate.​
  • Pregnancy is most often accompanied by radiating pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. During pregnancy, they partly radiate to the leg, intensifying with fatigue or after physical activity. A woman expecting a child is in a difficult position. She should take any medications only as a last resort, as well as external rubs, ointments and warm compresses. In any case, she should not consider pain symptoms in the back and legs as the norm, but be sure to inform her doctor about this.​
  • ​Often such discomfort is concentrated in the sacrum area. Acute pain in the lower back is characterized by injuries, inflammatory processes in the sciatic muscles and sprain of the intervertebral ligaments, which is no less dangerous. Patients usually do not take into account that neurological pathologies provoke pain in the lower back on the right. The reasons may be different.​

​The majority of respondents admitted that when they experienced acute and nagging pain in the lower back, they were in no hurry to see a doctor. What is the reason? Many felt that pain symptoms did not interfere with their movement. Moreover, almost all respondents knew that urgent measures should be taken in case of back pain, and only 15% of them acted accordingly.​

Very often pregnant women experience the same pain. The fetus is constantly growing and the woman’s ability to bear stress decreases. In addition, actively produced progesterone weakens joints and ligaments. With inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve, with lumbosacral radiculitis, back pain in the lower back can be very varied. It can be a burning sensation, lumbago, tingling, with elements of numbness or goosebumps, and can be either moderate or intolerable, long-term or short-term. The sciatic nerve is the most powerful, longest nerve in the human body and appears on only one side of the body, usually on the right in women and on the left in men.​

​Non-infectious inflammatory diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter's syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis.​ ​Most often, most lower back diseases can be solved by a well-designed set of therapeutic exercises. Exercises will help relax muscles, relieve spasms and tension, and regular exercises will strengthen the muscle corset. If pain occurs in the right side of the back, therapeutic exercises will contain most exercises with an emphasis on the right side.​

  • In order to relieve pain in the lower back, it is necessary to understand the reasons that caused the pain. To do this, the doctor conducts an examination and comprehensive diagnostics. Self-medication, heating or, conversely, applying ice to the inflamed area on the back of the back is not allowed. Attempting to eliminate pain on your own can aggravate the situation and lead to negative consequences.​

    ​Whatever the nature of the pain, it should alert you. After all, this is a signal from the body about a violation. This is how our brain forces us to pay attention to our health.​


Back pain in the lumbar region - what could it be | ABC of health

  • ​Acute pain in the lower abdomen and back, accompanied by fever and constipation, may be a sign of appendicitis. If you have the listed symptoms, you must definitely call an ambulance.​
  • While the causes of pain are unknown, uncontrolled use of medications can only cause harm. During your illness, avoid any physical activity and, if possible, stay in bed. Strict implementation of medical recommendations, physiotherapy and physiotherapeutic procedures will allow you to forget about unpleasant painful sensations and maintain health and good spirits for many years.​
  • ​Lower back pain on the right or side is often one of the most recognizable and characteristic symptoms of dysfunction of the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. The nature of the pain is both temporary, occurring in periods, and permanent.
  • ​These pathologies can be of different etiologies. Right-sided neuritis often makes itself felt for the first time when a person has pain in the back on the right. In this case, as with muscle problems, the pain often radiates to the leg. This symptom is characteristic of plexitis. Neuromyalgia is also characterized by a condition where the lower back hurts on the right. Lower back pain on the right is also a sign various diseases internal organs. If inflammatory processes occur in the intestines, right kidney, liver, gall bladder, right ovary, pain in the back on the right immediately begins.
  • ​Lower back pain is a reason to consult a doctor
​In the first trimester of pregnancy, there is often a threat of detachment of the fertilized egg, which is sometimes manifested by brown discharge and nagging pain in the lower back. These same symptoms can be ominous signs of diseases such as cervical cancer, pelvic infections (including sexually transmitted infections).​
  • There is a certain theory why there is such a difference, the pattern of inflammation of the sciatic nerve in men and women - you can learn about this in our article, the symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve. Such shooting pains in the buttock or along the back surface of one leg usually intensify when changing body position, the place under the knee and in the area of ​​​​the bony protrusion at the bottom of the buttock is especially painful; a person may also discover painful nodules on the muscles of the lower leg or the back surface of the thigh, which when especially sensitive to touch.​
  • ​Radiating pain in some diseases of the internal organs​
  • ​Other methods of eliminating painful sensations may be:​
  • ​Only a qualified specialist can prescribe effective treatment for the lower back, based on the symptoms and identified causes of pain. Following all the doctor’s recommendations will help eliminate the problem in a short time and stop the development of the pathological process.​
  • ​When your right side hurts from your back, you need to determine what to do first. In some cases, it is enough to take a painkiller, and in others, you need to urgently call an ambulance.​

Pain above the lower back

​Aching and nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen may indicate problems with women's health. Moreover, this can be a signal of such dangerous pathologies as ectopic pregnancy or cancer in the ovaries.​

​Any pain in the back reminds you of itself with every movement. It is virtually impossible to localize and not notice it.​

Why does my back hurt below my lower back?

Why does pain occur in the lower back on the right? Most often, pain syndrome is observed in the following cases:

Lower back pain on the right or left

​Lower back pain on the right can be a sign of various diseases of the internal organs​

  • ​When the right back hurts, you need to find out the reasons for this condition. They can be very different. Discomfort is usually accompanied by accompanying changes in the body. Such changes include:​

​Causes lower back pain in women and endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus). All these facts are a reason to urgently consult a doctor.​

  • Lumbago is a disease that is popularly called radiculitis; many people know about this pain firsthand. This is a sudden lumbago that appears against the background of physical activity with hypothermia, working in a draft or in a certain long-term uncomfortable position, during sudden movement.​

​Diseases of the stomach, pancreas, duodenum, gall bladder​

  • ​drug treatment with drugs;​

​When experiencing pain on the right side of the back, a person can most often determine whether the pain is inside the body or the sensations are external. This might give you a hint possible reason occurrence of a violation. Lower back pain on the right can be caused by the following conditions:

Pain due to pinched sciatic nerve and lumbago

Some diseases require urgent treatment, even surgery. The patient’s life often depends on the speed of medical care.​

​Back pain doesn't just happen. The most harmless reasons why the right side of the back may hurt is a pinched nerve and muscle spasms or inflammation. However, a symptom such as back pain can occur due to purulent pneumonia, vertebral hernia, acute problems with internal organs.​

​If the right side of the back hurts, this may be a manifestation of a disease of the internal organs, a symptom of neuralgia or problems with the spine. Some conditions can be very dangerous and require urgent medical attention.​

​Curvature of the spine.​

Everyone has back pain sometimes. In most cases, this symptom is not a cause for serious concern. But if back pain on the right is felt regularly, you should listen to this signal to the body, try to analyze the causes of the symptom and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

For what reasons can pain appear on the right side of the back?

One of the most common reasons why aching back pain appears on the right side is poor posture or prolonged stay of the body in a physiologically unfavorable position. Regularly being in an incorrect position leads to compensatory deformation of the spine and improper distribution of the load on the muscles that support it. Insufficient level of physical activity, working in a sitting position, improper selection of bedding - all this can disrupt your posture.

Sometimes pain on the right side of the back occurs due to displacement of the intervertebral discs. The cause of this pathology may be a chronic disease of the musculoskeletal system or injury. With any deformation of the intervertebral discs, the nerves located in the immediate vicinity are affected, resulting in a feeling of discomfort.

Aching back pain may also indicate problems with the digestive system, in particular with the intestines. More often, the symptom indicates a hormonal imbalance and a violation of the diet. If pulling back pain on the right appears regularly, you should think about following a diet and consulting a gastroenterologist.

If the pain radiates to the back on the right, it may be caused by kidney pathology. Unpleasant sensations can also be felt in the front, in the abdomen and under the ribs. The most common cause of this phenomenon is kidney stones or obstruction of urine flow. Sometimes a regular feeling of discomfort may be accompanied by urinary problems.

Back pain on the lower right side may be a consequence of obesity. Excess weight disrupts the functioning of all body systems. In particular, excessive body weight imparts extra stress musculoskeletal system. The result is regular back pain, which, as a rule, disappears without a trace after weight normalization.

What could such pain mean?

Diseases of the reproductive organs in women are the main cause of back pain

In women, pain in the lower back on the right may indicate diseases of the reproductive organs. This symptom is typical of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, tumors and ovarian cysts. The greatest danger in this situation is the absence of clear symptoms - the erased clinical picture “pushes” the patient not to pay attention to the appearance of this symptom, and attention is drawn only to the pain, which can no longer be ignored. A woman may think that the nagging pain in the lower back on the right appears due to lifting weights or other loads and does not even think about its true cause.

Back pain on the upper right side may indicate diseases of the respiratory system. If discomfort is felt regularly, there is a high probability of having a chronic disease. Some experienced doctors are able to diagnose the presence of tumors in the lungs and bronchi based on the patient’s description of pain. Often this not only causes pain in the upper back, but also discomfort in the chest area. Sometimes this pain can radiate to the arm. With severe damage to internal organs, it can be felt both on the right and on the left.

If the sharp back pain on the right side is not traumatic in nature, it can be caused by various disorders in the functioning of the peripheral nervous system. If the discomfort appeared after an injury, or the back was damaged in the recent past, severe back pain is a direct consequence of this injury. In this case, it is necessary to go to a medical institution and, if necessary, undergo a doctor’s examination and examination, which will include the entire range of modern x-ray examination methods (computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging).

For what other reasons can pain occur?

Back pain on the right side after intense physical activity is common and harmless. If you regularly feel discomfort after work involving heavy lifting or bending, you can try simple exercises to strengthen your back and learn to keep your back in the correct position for the spine. If the pain on the right side of the back is too severe, it makes sense to minimize physical activity and undergo an examination to detect chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Women often complain of pain on the right side of the back during pregnancy. The symptom is harmless if the possibility of chronic pathologies of the spine and kidneys is excluded. While carrying a child, a significant weight gain occurs in a short period of time, and the load on the back muscles changes accordingly, which can result in regular back pain pulling on the right side. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to give preference to such types of physical activity as walking and swimming, get an orthopedic mattress, wear a properly selected prenatal bandage and avoid heavy physical work.

Why does the lower back hurt on the right: treatment

Lower back pain is a fairly common occurrence. Surveys show that about 30% of the adult population of Russia suffer from various discomforts in the back. According to respondents, they experience lower back pain equally often on the right and left sides. The causes of back pain on the right were not only diseases of the spine, but also problems in the functioning of internal organs. Under a number of circumstances, they experienced pain in the lower back on the right when moving. In some cases the pain was aching, in others it was acute.

Most of the respondents admitted that when they experienced acute and nagging pain in the lower back, they were in no hurry to see a doctor. What is the reason? Many felt that pain symptoms did not interfere with their movement. Moreover, almost all respondents knew that urgent measures must be taken in case of back pain, and only 15% of them acted accordingly.

Lower back pain is a reason to see a doctor

Difficulty in making a diagnosis

When your back hurts on the right, you need to find out the reasons for this condition. They can be very different. Discomfort is usually accompanied by accompanying changes in the body. Such changes include:

  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • vomit;
  • difficulty and increased urination.

There may be other symptoms that help diagnose the disease more quickly.

The causes of back pain are congenital and acquired ailments. Often lower back pain on the right can be one of the manifestations of musculoskeletal problems.

If a person’s osteochondrosis worsens, it manifests itself in the form of pain. When there is pain on the right side of the back, it could be osteomyelitis. Spondylitis and sacroiliitis are diagnosed more quickly in later stages precisely because people suffering from these ailments have back pain on the right. The causes of pain in the right side of the lower back may also indicate tumor processes.

Development of osteochondrosis with a sedentary lifestyle

Diseases of the sciatic muscles also signal themselves when there is pain in the back on the right. With such pain, accompanying symptoms appear. In some cases they are standard:

  • deterioration of a person’s general well-being;
  • oppression;
  • apathy;
  • weakness.

Often such discomfort is concentrated in the sacrum area. Acute pain in the lower back is characterized by injuries, inflammatory processes in the sciatic muscles and sprain of the intervertebral ligaments, which is no less dangerous. Patients usually do not take into account that neurological pathologies provoke pain in the lower back on the right. The reasons may be different.

These pathologies can be of different etiologies. Right-sided neuritis often makes itself felt for the first time when a person has pain in the back on the right. In this case, as with muscle problems, the pain often radiates to the leg. This symptom is characteristic of plexitis. Neuromyalgia is also characterized by a condition where the lower back hurts on the right. Lower back pain on the right is also a sign of various diseases of the internal organs. If inflammatory processes occur in the intestines, right kidney, liver, gall bladder, right ovary, pain in the back on the right immediately begins.

Lower back pain on the right can be a sign of various diseases of the internal organs

Diseases that often present with back pain

The first question the doctor asks the patient concerns the characteristics of the symptom. For a faster and more accurate diagnosis of the disease, medical specialists need to know exactly how it hurt on the right side, what symptoms and conditions preceded this phenomenon. Nagging pain in the lower back can have varying degrees of intensity. You need to know that if there is a slight pain in the back on the right, this is not a fact that the illness is harmless. It is the aching pain that accompanies the development of life-threatening inflammation of internal organs and the appearance of malignant neoplasms.

If you feel a dull aching pain in the lower back on the right, there is a high probability that it is osteochondrosis. An unpleasant sensation in the back on the right with this disease occurs due to impaired functioning of the spine, spasmodic conditions of muscles and ligaments. Someone who suffers from osteochondrosis may have pain on the right side in the morning.

Sharp and dull pain arising from the right behind is a sign of exacerbation of radiculitis. This symptom is usually pronounced and is accompanied by lumbago in other parts of the body. The phenomenon of lumbago can turn out to be an independent disease. Pain in the lower back on the right can be of varying intensity. If there is pain in the back above the lower back, then this is most likely the result of the person lifting something heavy.

When lifting weights incorrectly, the load on the spinal discs increases 9 times

Lifting weights is strictly prohibited in a position where a person is trying to straighten up from a bent position. Then there is an increased load on the spine, and the risk of injury increases. You need to lift weights from a squat position with a straight back, slowly straightening your legs at the knees. Then you can avoid shooting in the back.

If it pulls above the kidney area, the assumption may be confirmed that the patient has myositis - inflammation of the muscles. The disease is accompanied by a general deterioration in health. The pain symptom may not be so pronounced, which cannot be said about the danger of the disease, which is fraught with various complications.

If it is myositis, the muscles will become harder than usual during pain. If at first there are nagging pains in the lower back, and then they turn into attacks, there is almost a 100% chance that these are symptoms of a hernia. In addition to this phenomenon, poor posture and limited mobility can indicate the disease. Discomfort above and below the lower back is accompanied in some cases by a noticeable tingling sensation in the legs. In this case, patients often complain of numbness of the limbs.

Causes of back pain in women: pathologies of internal organs and pregnancy

In women, discomfort on the right side above the lower back is often caused by malignant and benign neoplasms. In such cases, pain is often felt below the lower back on the right. Symptoms often affect the left side of the back - it all depends on where exactly the organ is located and where the tumor is located. Stitching pain below the lower back on the right will indicate pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. It is accompanied by spasms during urination.

Stitching pain below the lower back on the right will indicate pyelonephritis or urolithiasis

Stitching pain below the lower back with pyelonephritis and diseases of the ureter often has a girdling character. If the stone is in the ureter, it usually moves down. It is possible that it will radiate above the lower back on the right, which significantly complicates diagnosis.

If, with such a symptom, a person observes darkening of his urine, he should immediately contact a medical facility, as he may require urgent hospitalization in the coming hours. Pyelonephritis and problems with the functioning of the ureter are often accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature. It is impossible to use any analgesics on your own during a deterioration in health, because they will further aggravate the attack and negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys.

Back discomfort is a common symptom of pregnancy. The best option is if a woman, even before pregnancy, prepares herself for the problems that may arise during it. During pregnancy, the load on the spine increases significantly.

Pregnant women often complain of different localization of pain symptoms, which are felt either on the right or on the left.

Pregnancy is most often accompanied by radiating pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. During pregnancy, they partly radiate to the leg, intensifying with fatigue or after physical activity. A woman expecting a child is in a difficult position. She should take any medications only as a last resort, as well as external rubs, ointments and warm compresses. In any case, she should not consider pain symptoms in the back and legs as the norm, but be sure to inform her doctor about this.

Causes of pain in the lower back

When a loved one has lower back pain, everyone tries to advise something: grandmothers - a heated brick and rubbing, aunts - an urgent urine test. What can actually cause pain in this area of ​​the body, what are their causes?

Characteristics of pain syndrome

When patients talk about the “lower back,” it is necessary to clarify which area they mean. Typically this is everything that lies below the edge of the costal arch (lower back and sacrum) along the spine, as well as to the right and left of it.

Pain in the lower back has different intensity, duration, radiation and unequal location. Often patients associate the maximum manifestation of pain with:

  • sudden movements;
  • turning the body;
  • tilting the spine forward;
  • lifting your legs.

Dull pain can be constant and worsen at night. Sudden sharp pain literally “crouches” a person, accompanied by paleness, increased heart rate, and in hypertensive patients – a rise in blood pressure.

Possible irradiation to the leg, shoulder blade, groin, abdomen, or local pain in the lower back upon palpation or tapping.

All features of the manifestation are important in interviewing the patient and are used by the doctor for a preliminary diagnosis.

Pathogenesis of pain

Why does pain occur? The answer is simple: “This is how a person feels overstimulation of pain receptors (nerve fiber endings) in the tissues or along the direction of the impulse.”

Nerve endings are located in the capsules of all organs (kidneys, pancreas, intestinal wall). This means that any pathological process in them can cause a painful reaction. Most often, the capsule is stretched due to inflammation and swelling of the internal organs.

What can clamp a passing nerve trunk?

The roots extend from the spinal cord in accordance with the segments. They can be compressed and injured when the vertebrae are not in good condition (growth of bone spines in osteochondrosis, prolapse of a disc in a hernia, curvature in scoliosis, destruction of articular surfaces).

Injuries to the lumbar region and sacrum are accompanied by:

  • bruises;
  • fractures of the lower ribs and pelvic bones;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • formation of hematomas (encysted hemorrhage).

They also have a negative effect on nearby nerve trunks.

Benign or malignant tumors internal organs or spine can cause bone destruction and mechanical pressure on nerve endings. The same process occurs with specific tuberculous lesions of the vertebrae.

If the cause is in the spine

Any increased load on the spine can cause pain. These include:

  • lifting weights (especially with a jerk) from bottom to top;
  • poor posture while working at a desk;
  • prolonged stationary position in a car.

Incorrect desk and chair heights in the workplace can cause muscle pain

Uncomfortable body position gradually leads to constant aching pain in the back due to muscle tension. Here it is important to take measures to normalize the workplace, control your posture, and organize active breaks with stretching exercises. You can get rid of such pain on your own.

Acute pain in the lower back on the left or right occurs when lifting weights with one hand. There is a sharp compensatory bending of the spinal column in the opposite direction.

Osteochondrosis leads to destruction of the vertebral body and proliferation of processes. As a result, severe radiculitis (radicular) pain occurs. Based on their irradiation, neurologists judge the location of the lesion in the lower spine. The same symptoms of compression are caused by a prolapsed disc herniation.

The table shows the main direction of pain irradiation

In addition, neurologists detect characteristic numbness of the skin with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region on the thigh at the lower back on the right or left, depending on the side of the lesion. When the upper lumbar vertebrae are affected, the sensitivity disorder is located in the calf muscle and along the lateral surface of the foot.

With a long course of the disease, weakness appears in the thigh muscles and foot. Measuring the volume at the hip level shows a decrease on the affected side. This is due to muscle atrophy.

Autoallergic inflammation of the vertebrae in ankylosing spondylitis and psoriasis causes stiffness and movement disorders.

It is recommended to carry weights in both hands, distributing the weight equally

What diseases cause pain in the lower back

Kidney diseases occur with pain. It is characterized by:

  • pain in the lumbar region when palpating the kidneys and tapping;
  • increased body temperature;
  • impaired urination (cramps, frequent urge);
  • irradiation to the groin area;
  • changes in urine analysis (appearance of red blood cells, protein, leukocytosis).

Inflammatory kidney diseases are accompanied by severe constant pain. Typical for urolithiasis are paroxysmal sharp pains in the lower back, radiating to the tailbone and groin. In this case, an attack occurs every time the stone moves.

The pancreas is adjacent to the spine with its tail section. Therefore, its inflammation (pancreatitis) causes severe attacks of prolonged pain. They are usually associated with poor diet (overeating fatty foods, drinking alcohol). Accompanied by vomiting and cold sweat.

Diseases of the large intestine (ulcerative colitis, tumors, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis) cause pain in the lower abdomen and back. Accompanied by stool disorders, intestinal bleeding, and weight loss.

More often, lower back pain in pregnant women occurs as a result of changes in the sacrum, pressure of the uterus

Pain due to functional disorders

There are known pain sensations that occur in girls and women before and during menstruation. Moreover, by nature they can be aching or very strong cramping. Localization is usually on the back, lower left and right, in the lower abdomen. Gynecologists believe that they are caused by hormonal imbalance, a violation of the ratio of estrogens and androgens. At the same time, women feel nausea, drooling, and weakness.

Particular importance is attached to back pain during pregnancy. They can signal increased uterine tone and provoke termination of pregnancy. Therefore, you cannot endure and cope with such pain on your own. You should call an ambulance.

Pain with benign uterine fibroids is accompanied by bleeding.

An experienced doctor will prescribe treatment for pain syndrome only after examination and determination of the causes. It is strictly forbidden to warm your back, rub yourself with ointments, or take physiotherapeutic procedures. Only a specialist can determine the correct therapy in a particular case.

Right back pain - causes and treatment

Almost everyone knows that any back pain brings a lot of discomfort. Movements are constrained, posture is disturbed, mood deteriorates and headaches appear. It is especially difficult when you do not know the cause of these unpleasant sensations. After all, a symptom such as right back pain can be a consequence of many diseases.

When determining the cause, the most common diagnosis is muscle strain. This type of disease is typical for people in the older age category. This happens due to lifting heavy loads, uncomfortable sleeping positions, or sudden changes in body position. The pain can be acute or chronic. At the same time, the person cannot make movements, it hurts him to walk and sit.

Causes of pain

As mentioned above, there are many causes of pain. We will look at some of the most common diseases.

  • Poor posture. Distributed among people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. When a person works, for example, at a computer, he does not notice that he is crooked in his back. This causes the muscles to become overstrained, which results in severe pain in the right side. Posture is also impaired due to uncomfortable posture during sleep and walking.
  • Disc displacement. Pain on the right side of the back often occurs due to inflammation of the nerves, which is caused by the displacement of the spinal discs. If qualified treatment is not applied, the disease progresses and there is a high risk of earning disability.
  • Intestinal irritation. Intestinal disorders create problems in the colon, which can cause aching pain in the lower back on the right or left. Violations are the consequences of poor nutrition or hormonal imbalances.
  • Herniated intervertebral discs. The resulting disease causes severe discomfort. Pain while walking, coughing or laughing, straightening the back and other activities. Mostly the hernia is observed in males after the age of 40-50 years. The pain in the lower back on the right subsides in a horizontal position.
  • Kidney diseases. If there is a kidney pathology, then the pain will be aching. Sometimes the pain radiates to the navel, stomach and hypochondrium. The presence of kidney stones is also accompanied by back pain, but not very severe. Back pain appears, discomfort periodically covers the right side or left.
  • Obesity. Excess weight can cause discomfort and pain. A person becomes inactive, constantly wants to lie down, and subcutaneous fat affects the muscles. In addition, internal organs suffer. The disease progresses mainly in women.
  • Diseases of the urinary system. Pain in the right back is accompanied by difficulty urinating.

Often, if a muscle strain occurs, the pain goes away on its own. But if it drags on, does not bring relief with painkillers and limits movement, then qualified help is needed. If the patient is sure that he does not have serious illnesses, then the pain can be reduced with warming ointments and massage. It is necessary to create good blood circulation in the back muscles. But when there is no relief, you need to contact a specialist; it is possible that the pain in the right back is due to displaced discs.

First of all, a diagnosis of internal organs and an x-ray of the lumbar region are necessary. Without identifying the cause, treatment cannot be prescribed. However, you do not need to rely only on the experience of doctors who are familiar with this situation. The examination must be mandatory.

Based on the examination results, appropriate treatment is prescribed. The most important thing is not to delay in order to prevent complications and the development of the disease. In this case, the cause and type of disease does not matter. Only by getting rid of back pain can you return to a full life.

What does pain in the right side of the back mean?

Pain is both our tormentor and helper: it interferes with life, work, rest, and at the same time helps with diagnosis. Knowing the geography of pain, it is possible to identify its source, although cases are not so rare when it turns out to be at a distance sufficient to confuse the doctor from the painful area. But with the help of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics, the truth can eventually be established.

Everyone experiences pain in the right side of their back. This is not always given much importance. The habit of having a large dinner before going to bed or conscientiously tasting all the dishes on the holiday table leads to the fact that in the middle of the night a person wakes up from pain in the left or right hypochondrium or from cramps in the stomach or intestines. And what is usually done in this case? They take life-saving mezim, holiver or no-shpa, which everyone has in abundance. The malaise usually passes and temporarily leaves us alone until the next “hellish” holidays and late-night dinners for the gastrointestinal tract. Without changing our lives, without ceasing to consume fatty, floury, super-spicy foods, alcohol and sweets in abundance, we “continue to dig our own grave with a knife and fork” (c).

The cause of pain in the right side of the back, in addition to diseases of the spine, can be serious diseases of the internal organs

Why does it hurt on the right side of my back?

Any chronic disease sooner or later turns into an acute one, and the risk increases many times over, so it is important to determine by the nature of the pain whether it can be tolerated or whether you need to immediately dial 903

So, what does pain mean?

  1. Constant, pulling, aching - about changes that have occurred in the parenchyma of organs and about its possible stretching. So, such pain symptoms may indicate sand or stones in the right kidney, cholelithiasis
  2. Increasing - about the beginning of the inflammatory process
  3. Cramping – about muscle spasms of hollow organs caused by inflammation
  4. Sharp dagger:
    • about a rupture of an abscess or cystic formation
    • about organ rupture
    • about violation of the integrity of the organ (perforation, perforation)
    • about bleeding into the abdominal cavity
  5. In the form of a lumbago - about a neurological nature

Severe pain with shooting usually occurs when the peripheral nervous system and spinal cord are involved in the pathological process.
More often this is characteristic of spinal diseases in severe stages or during exacerbations

We have already examined these ailments in detail, as well as their treatment:

  • Osteochondrosis
  • Arthrosis of the spine
  • Right-sided protrusion or intervertebral hernia
  • Dorsal hernia (right posterolateral or paramedian)
  • Sequestrated right-sided hernia

To eliminate pain of this kind, you will need pain therapy and a long period of rehabilitation treatment.

Incipient spinal diseases are characterized by constant, aching and increasing pain.

When to call an ambulance?

In what cases, when there is pain in the right side, should you call an ambulance?

  1. For any sharp, sudden and long-lasting pain in the right side:
    • in the hypochondrium
    • in back
    • lower abdomen
  2. If the attack is accompanied by loss of consciousness, pallor, a sharp decrease in blood pressure

What should you not do before the ambulance arrives?

Under no circumstances should you give the patient antibiotics, analgesics or antipyretics, as this will smooth out the clinical picture and may interfere with making a correct diagnosis.

When it hurts on the right side - what does it mean?

These are symptoms of many diseases. Knowledge of them will help to correctly assess the possible danger.

To determine the cause of pain in the right side of the back based on symptoms, you need to know the anatomical location of the internal organs

Pain in the right side under the ribs

If they are of the type of hepatic colic, then this indicates problems:

  • gallbladder (biliary dyskinesia, stones)
  • descending part of the duodenum
  • ascending branch of the large intestine
  • head of the pancreas

Acute pain on the right is often mistakenly associated with the liver, although it cannot hurt: there are no nerves in it, and in this sense, “liver colic” is a wrong expression:

Dull, nagging pain in the right side may be associated with changes in the liver membrane due to hepatitis or fatty hepatosis: the liver enlarges and the capsule stretches.

The pain is located on the right, but closer to the back

This may be related:
With urological diseases:

  • Pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis
  • Kidney stone disease
  • Kidney tuberculosis
  • Kidney tumor
  • Nephroptosis (drooping)

The range of pain and symptoms associated with these ailments is varied:

  1. In chronic diseases, the pain in the right side of the back is dull and aching
  2. With exacerbation of nephritis, renal colic begins, which is explained by the accumulation of pus, stones, decay products in the ureter and impaired urine outflow:
    • its daily volume drops sharply
    • the process of urination becomes painful
    • urine color changes from cloudy yellow to dark brown
    • temperature rises
    • the condition worsens every time after drinking heavily
  3. When a stone moves from its place and blocks the urinary canal, sharp, excruciating cramping pain begins:
    • pain moves downward as the stone moves
    • radiates from the right side of the back to the stomach
    • the temperature is very high
    • When the stone comes out, the severity of pain drops sharply

Pain in the right side and lower abdomen

If they are acute, then this is the most common reason for hospitalization, so you should never take such symptoms lightly, trying to reduce them with pills

Acute pain in the right lower abdomen may be a sign of appendicitis

The cause of colic below can be:

  1. Acute appendicitis
    He does not choose your age, nor whether you are healthy or whether you have a whole “bouquet” of illnesses. It can affect literally everyone, especially lovers of seeds and other products with husks and skins.
    It can be determined by:
    • increased pain on the right when moving, lifting the right hip, pressing and sharply releasing and other tests (pain may radiate to the upper right side part, closer to the stomach)
    • increased abdominal hardness
    • a sharp increase in leukocytes in the blood

    In addition to these signs, nausea and vomiting, and high fever are possible.

    When the appendix ruptures, the following symptoms are observed:

    • A cramping pain attack, after which the pain spreads over the entire surface of the peritoneum and can radiate to the rectum
    • The abdomen becomes extremely painful: the slightest movement and even touch causes pain
    • The pressure drops sharply, the state becomes semi-fainting

    These signs indicate developing peritonitis.

  2. Adnexit
    Chronic adnexitis
    • Manifested by aching, nagging pain, especially during menstruation or immediately after it
    • Usually both ovaries and fallopian tubes are affected
    • The pain is present on the left, then on the right, radiating to the back

    Acute right-sided adnexitis:

    • Inflammation of the right ovary and fallopian tube
    • Sharp pain in the right side, lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, perineum
    • Temperature rises, purulent discharge appears
  3. Tumor or cyst in the right ovary or tube:
    Acute pain occurs either when the cyst is twisted or when the ovary ruptures (apoplexy).
    In both cases, urgent surgical intervention is required
  4. Ectopic pregnancy
    Sometimes a fertilized egg gets “stuck” in the tube before reaching the uterus. In this case, the woman inevitably faces an operating table. True, she usually doesn’t even know about it.
    Signs of a right-sided ectopic pregnancy:
    • Delay of menstruation
    • Scanty bleeding
      This all resembles an inflammatory process when a woman gets a cold in her lower abdomen
    • As the embryo grows, pain symptoms become stronger
    • A pipe rupture is accompanied by acute pain, bleeding, and fever
    • Peritonitis begins, as in all cases of organ ruptures with internal hemorrhages

As you can see, pain in the right side of the back is a very serious, life-threatening phenomenon. We must try to immediately identify its cause and treat the disease in a timely manner, “without waiting for peritonitis” (c)

Video: About pain in the right side of the back

The right side from the back hurts. Causes of pain

Pain in the right side of the back can occur for a variety of reasons. But it is never accidental. Pain in this area indicates a number of diseases of the respiratory, urinary, nervous, reproductive and circulatory systems. However, by identifying the nature of the pain and carrying out a number of additional diagnostics, you can accurately determine why the right side of the back hurts.

Pain on the right side of the back: nature and intensity

Most often, back pain on the right is localized in the area where the problem structure is located. Therefore, pain indicates pathology of organs in a particular place. In some cases, pain can occur far from the painful organ: it radiates and spreads to the most unexpected points of the body.

Regardless of where the pain occurs, it can have a different character:

  • cramping - often associated with a sharp contraction of the muscles of the hollow organs;
  • constant – correlates with stretching of the outer shell of parenchymal structures;
  • increasing – distinguishes inflammatory processes;
  • sharp, dagger - may indicate a rupture of any formation, perforation of an organ, blockage of blood vessels, sudden intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • lumbago - indicates problems with the spinal cord or peripheral nervous system;
  • pulling, aching, dull;
  • long;
  • short, etc.

Whatever the nature of the pain, it should alert you. After all, this is a signal from the body about a violation. This is how our brain forces us to pay attention to our health.

When your right side hurts from your back, you need to determine what to do first. In some cases, it is enough to take a painkiller, and in others, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Severe back pain: when to call an ambulance?

Some diseases require urgent treatment, even surgery. The patient’s life often depends on the speed of medical care.

Signs that require immediate medical attention:

  • sudden, sharp and persistent pain on the right side of the back;
  • sharp and sudden pain under the ribs;
  • sudden and severe pain below, accompanied by loss of consciousness, weakness and dizziness.

Causes of pain on the right side of the back

Depending on the nature of the pain and its location, the cause of its occurrence can be determined. Of course, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a complete examination. But the nature, intensity and location of the pain will help you decide which specialist to contact.

1) My back hurts in the central part on the right. A possible problem is kidney disease. 2) Back pain on the right under the shoulder blade. This problem may be neurological in nature (a consequence of a pinched nerve). If the back hurts under the right shoulder blade, the person may have lung problems. This is how cancerous tumors in the bronchi or lungs, pleurisy or pneumonia can manifest themselves. When the left side from the back hurts, the same pathologies are possible. 3) Pain under the ribs on the right side. This area contains the liver and gall bladder. Violation of any of them can cause pain. If the pain is long-lasting, the liver should be checked first. If the pain does not subside for several days and is accompanied by vomiting, fever, nausea, and abdominal muscle tension, it may indicate an attack of cholecystitis. In some cases, such pain radiates to the chest, right shoulder blade or right shoulder. 4) Pain in the right lower back. It may be a sign of damage and pathologies of the spine and intervertebral hernias. Another possible problem is problems in the urinary system. In this case, it is impossible to find a comfortable position in which the pain would subside. 5) My back hurts in the morning. A possible problem is muscle dystrophy, an incorrectly selected mattress.

How to relieve back pain?

It is not recommended to take any medications without consulting a doctor. Also, until the diagnostic results are obtained, you should not self-medicate. The right side of our body contains vital organs. Therefore, it is better to combine your own observations with the help of professionals. You can take a pain reliever for immediate pain relief. But this won't solve the problem. The pain will go away only when the cause is eliminated.


Pain in the right side, pain in the lower right - Diseases on KRASGMU.NET

Pain in the right side, pain in the right side in the lower abdomen, pain in the right side under the rib, pain in the right side of the back Pain is one of the most unpleasant symptoms, which every time indicates trouble in the body. Pain in the right side is most often caused by diseases of the liver, biliary tract, head of the pancreas, right kidney and ureter, inflammation of the intestines, diseases of the female genital organs and other pathologies

Pain is one of the most unpleasant symptoms, which always indicates trouble in the body. Perhaps the most diverse in nature among all types of such sensations are pains that occur in the abdomen and back, or, as patients more often say, pain in the right side or left side. Of course, this is not accidental, because in the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space a significant part of the organs of the digestive system, urinary organs, internal genital organs, many nerve nodes and blood vessels are located.

Pain in the right side

In most cases, the localization of pain coincides with the location of the problem structure, which means pain in the right side of the bowl is associated with the pathology of the organs located in this area. But sometimes the pain “deceives” and occurs far from the site of the “accident”, spreads and radiates to the most unexpected points of the body. Thus, the cause of pain in the right side of the abdomen, in its upper part, can be acute appendicitis, although the appendix is ​​located far from this place - on the right in the lower abdomen.

By nature, all pains, including pain in the right side, can be strong, sharp, sudden, nagging, dull, long-lasting, and can increase over time or subside. Cramping pain is more often associated with sharp contractions of the muscles of the hollow organs, constant pain is with stretching of the outer shell of parenchymal structures, and increasing pain is more typical of inflammatory processes. Acute stabbing pains usually occur when a formation ruptures, an organ is perforated, sudden intraperitoneal bleeding or vascular blockage occurs. But no matter what the nature of the painful sensations, even minor ones, comparable to ordinary severity, wherever the pain occurs, in the right side or in the teeth, it should always alert a person and force him to take care of his health.

Pain in the right side is most often caused by diseases of the liver, biliary tract, duodenum, head of the pancreas, right kidney and ureter, inflammation of the ascending part of the large intestine, cecum and appendix, diseases of the female genital organs and other pathologies. Let's take a closer look at how pain in the right side differs in these diseases.

Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen

Most often, pain in the right side of the lower abdomen is associated with diseases of the genital organs in women and appendicitis.

Ectopic pregnancy is a disease caused by the pathological development of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. In 99% of cases, the embryo develops in the fallopian tube, leading to its stretching, thinning and rupture. During the period when the fertilized egg has not yet destroyed its container, the woman is bothered by dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and it is quite natural that if an ectopic pregnancy develops in the right fallopian tube, then pain occurs in the right side. During this period, a delay in menstruation, spotting from the genital tract and other subjective signs of pregnancy are more common. Acute dagger pain in the lower right side, radiating into the rectum, is characteristic of a rupture of the fallopian tube. In this case, the situation becomes critical and can lead to the death of the woman as a result of bleeding. “Acute abdomen,” as doctors call this condition, always requires immediate emergency care and urgent surgery.

Inflammatory changes in the right fallopian tube are manifested by constant pulling and dull (chronic adnexitis) or acute and severe (acute right-sided adnexitis) pain in the right side, in the lower anterior abdominal wall, closer to the groin. The pain spreads to the inner thigh, lower back and perineum. Often a woman notices the appearance of purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the genital tract and an increase in body temperature. When an abscess forms and ruptures, there is a feeling of a “dagger blow” and a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition due to the development of pelvioperitonitis. Sharp, sudden pain in the right side, below, in the area where the uterine appendages are located, may be a symptom of torsion of a cyst or tumor of the right ovary or fallopian tube. These situations also require urgent surgical treatment. In the case of apoplexy (rupture) of the ovary, the onset of pain often coincides with the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and in this case, the tactics depend on the nature of the disease and the amount of blood loss.

Acute appendicitis at the beginning of its development is characterized by pain in the right side of unclear localization. Often the first pain to appear is in the right side in the upper abdomen, which then, as the disease progresses, descends to the right iliac region. In addition, the patient notes an increase in body temperature, often vomiting and a sharp tension in the abdominal muscles.

Pain in the right side under the rib

Pain in the right hypochondrium can be caused by diseases of the liver, biliary system, duodenum or right corner of the large intestine.

Most common reasons pain in the right side under the ribs are biliary dyskinesia and acute calculous cholecystitis. The similar nature of pain in these diseases served as the basis for their association under the name “hepatic colic.” Sharp, acute sudden pain in the right side under the ribs occurs more often at night and is a consequence of overstretching of the bile ducts with bile accumulating as a result of a violation of its outflow into the intestines. The pain radiates to the right shoulder blade, shoulder and neck, spreads throughout the upper abdomen, accompanied by repeated vomiting and anxiety of the patient. When the stone passes and the outflow of bile normalizes, the acute painful sensations suddenly stop, leaving only heaviness in the hypochondrium area. In the case of acute cholecystitis with the addition of inflammation, in addition to pain in the right side under the ribs, increased body temperature, chills, weakness and other signs of intoxication appear.

Dull, constant pain in the right hypochondrium can be the result of stretching of the liver capsule, with an enlargement of the organ as a result of inflammation, that is, hepatitis. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by jaundice, that is, the appearance of a yellow tint to the mucous membranes and skin, which indicates damage to liver cells and the entry of bile metabolic products into the blood.

Pain in the right side under the ribs is sometimes a manifestation of herpes zoster, an inflammation of the spinal ganglia and intercostal nerves caused by a herpetic infection. In this case, unpleasant sensations are accompanied by characteristic rashes on the surface of the skin along the nerve fibers in the form of bubbles, general malaise and a slight increase in body temperature.

Pain in the right side of the back

Pain in the right side of the abdomen and, at the same time, the back is more often associated with urological diseases such as urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, kidney tumors, thrombosis of the kidney vessels, kidney tuberculosis, nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidney), hydronephrosis, and others.

Acute sudden cramping pain in the side of the back, developing as a result of blockage of the ureter with a stone, inflammatory masses, products of tuberculous tissue breakdown or a blood clot, is called “renal colic”. Renal colic appears in urological patients after drinking too much, physical stress, and sometimes even in a state of complete rest. Violation of the outflow of urine leads to an increase in fluid pressure inside the urinary tract, swelling of the kidney, overstretching of its richly innervated capsule, and, as a result, pain.

Naturally, pain in the right side behind develops with right-sided kidney damage and often spreads and moves to the upper right side of the abdomen. The sensations are so sharp and unbearable that patients rush around and look for the most comfortable body position to alleviate their condition. Over time, as a stone or clot moves through the ureter, the pain migrates to the lower back and abdomen and begins to radiate to the bladder and genital area. When a stone falls out, the sharp sensations suddenly stop, giving way to a dull pain in the right side of the back, along the right urinary tract injured by the stone. Renal colic is often accompanied by vomiting, increased urination and increased body temperature.

Right-sided glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis in an acute course are characterized by the sudden onset and increase of acute constant pain from above in the right side of the back, and in a chronic course - by the presence of dull, constant nagging painful sensations. The examination reveals an increase in body temperature, the development of edema, changes in urine and urinary disturbances. Sometimes the presence of impurities in the urine can be observed by the patient himself. With pyelonephritis, it becomes cloudy due to the presence of pus, and with glomerulonephritis, it turns the color of “meat slop” due to the admixture of red blood cells.

We can talk for a long time about what can cause pain in the right side of the abdomen, what causes pain in the right side behind... There are many known diseases that can cause these unpleasant sensations. But only a doctor, having carefully analyzed all the manifestations of the disease, the causes that could contribute to the occurrence of pain in the right side, the dynamics of the development of symptoms of the disease and research data, can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent, adequate treatment.

The conclusion suggests itself: if you have pain in the right side of your abdomen or back, or indeed pain anywhere in your body, you need to consult a specialist as quickly as possible, and not try to cope with the problem yourself. Unfortunately, sometimes, in order to preserve health and life, the doctor lacks a few minutes lost by the patient in empty thoughts and self-medication.

Why does my right side from my back hurt?

Looking for reasons

But sometimes it happens that the back hurts only in the lower right back or the pain is localized only in the right side.

In any case, this phenomenon does not simply arise and you need to consult a specialist, because many diseases are characterized by this symptom:

  • Central part of the back on the right – kidney problems;
  • On the right under the scapula – possible neurology (pinched nerve). Also, localization in this area may indicate a disease that has affected the lung. Sometimes this is how cancerous tumors of the lungs and bronchi appear, as well as pneumonia and pleurisy. The same can be said about the left side of the back;
  • Under the ribs on the right side. The gallbladder and liver are located here. Damage to any of the above organs causes pain. If this phenomenon is observed for a long time, then first of all it is necessary to check the liver. When the pain is accompanied by other symptoms (nausea and vomiting, fever, tension in the abdominal muscles), then this is an attack of cholecystitis. In some cases, it can radiate to other areas of the body, but most often to the right shoulder and shoulder blade;
  • On the lower right side of the back, there is damage or pathology of the spinal column/intervertebral hernia. Also, localization in this area indicates a disruption of the urinary system. In the latter case, the pain does not subside even with a change in body position;
  • Painful sensations only in the morning are due to an unsuitable mattress, but perhaps a more serious problem is muscle dystrophy.

Nature of pain in the lumbar region

This unpleasant phenomenon can be either temporary or periodic in nature. In the first case, pain usually appears only with sudden movement, as well as after being in an uncomfortable position, for example, sitting.

Acute attacks can occur when trying to bend over or straighten up:

  • Cramping is usually associated with contraction of the muscles of the hollow organs;
  • Constant signals about stretching of the membrane of parenchymal structures;
  • Increasing – inflammatory process;
  • Acute - rupture of a formation, organ, blockage of blood vessels, intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • Shooting – problems with the spinal cord or nervous system;
  • Long lasting;
  • Drawing, aching, dull;
  • Short, etc.

Despite their nature, they are not a normal state of the body, but indicate a disorder in it. Therefore, if there is any alarming sign, you should visit a doctor. If your right side from your back hurts, you can simply take painkillers, but there are situations when urgent medical attention is needed.

There are several diseases that require surgical treatment and even surgical intervention, and a person’s life may depend on the speed of assistance. When pain occurs suddenly and sharply, does not stop and is localized on the right side of the back, this is a reason to call an ambulance.

It is also necessary to do this in case of acute, sudden pain above the lower back under the ribs and in cases where pain is accompanied by dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Back pain on the right in the area above the lower back:

  • Nagging pain in women can signal a disease in the gynecological area;
  • In men, this is often a symptom of the initial stage of prostatitis;
  • Those whining talk about osteomyelitis. This disease requires a particularly thorough examination, including x-rays of bone tissue;
  • Severe bruise, fall, injury;
  • If the lower back and right side of the back hurt at the same time, this may indicate cholecystitis, hepatitis, pneumonia (right-sided), pyelonephritis, hepatomegaly;
  • Incorrect posture caused by spinal deformation, for example, scoliosis.

Most often, the pain is localized in the place where the problematic structure is located. That is, pain indicates pathology in organs in a specific place, but there are cases when this phenomenon is located far from the source of inflammation and spreads to the most unexpected points of the body.

Back pain in the lumbar region to the right of the spine

The right side of the body contains vital organs, which is why you need to seek help from professionals, talking about your well-being and your own observations.

To immediately relieve pain, you can take a painkiller, but this is only a temporary solution, because the reason that caused this phenomenon will not go away on its own.

Back pain on the right can appear anywhere: in the lower back, under the shoulder blade, under the ribs. Depending on the location, we can talk about different diseases. The side of the body on which the symptom arose is also of great importance.

If pain is felt under the right shoulder blade, then it makes sense to talk about:

  • gallbladder spasms;
  • subphrenic abscess;
  • inflammation in the kidneys;
  • gallstone disease.

The pain can be caused by a spasm of the gallbladder or its ducts, a stuck stone, it is called biliary or hepatic colic, it is difficult to endure, it is pronounced.

An attack can occur due to poor nutrition, for example, consumption large quantity spicy and fatty foods, spices, milk, eggs or chocolate can provoke colic. This happens a few hours after eating contraindicated food, most often in the morning or evening.

The pain can be described as sharp, stabbing, tearing. It can radiate to the shoulder, neck and jaw, sometimes reaching the eye. The attacks are difficult for the patient to endure and can cause nausea and vomiting.

A subdiaphragmatic abscess is characterized by acute pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, and somewhat less frequently it can also be in the left. The main symptom is increased pain during inhalation, radiating to the shoulder and the scapula itself. At the same time, the temperature rises, and a shift in the leukocytosis formula may be detected.

Kidney and gallbladder diseases

If there is inflammation in the kidneys, for example, pyelonephritis or nephritis, then the back hurts on the right in the lumbar region. Sensations can be transmitted to the right shoulder blade, to the hypochondrium, to the iliac region. A symptom such as painful urination helps identify the disease.

Hepatic or biliary colic occurs as a consequence of cholelithiasis. The pain is localized in the right hypochondrium, occurs abruptly, and after some time the focus moves closer to the gallbladder. It is characterized as stabbing, cutting, can be felt in the neck, jaw, under the shoulder blade, in the area of ​​the heart, and an attack of angina may occur.

Pain under the right shoulder blade

Pain in the human body is transmitted using nerve fibers; they travel from the source of pain through the spinal cord and reach a location that is finally felt by a person. There are no organs under the right shoulder blade, so the doctor will have to conduct a full examination of the body to identify the cause.

Pain under the scapula can cause osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine. If the disease has become chronic, changes in the vertebrae can lead to pinched nerve endings.

If there is pain under the right shoulder blade, then the trapezius muscle of the right shoulder may have been damaged. Unpleasant sensations intensify if a person sits or stands, that is, does not move.

The next reason is a compression injury of the suprascapular nerve, which can occur on both the left and right sides. Then the pain radiates to the entire shoulder bend, although the main focus is under the scapula.

Pain syndrome can cause adhesions after right-sided pleurisy. It appears when adhesions begin to dissolve.

Pain is sent under the right shoulder blade or in the right hypochondrium if there is an inflammatory process that affects the head of the pancreas. AND last reason- right-sided myofascial syndrome.

Other health problems

If the pain is severe, then perhaps we are talking about the following diseases.

Acute vertebrogenic radiculopathy is pinched nerve roots; intervertebral discs can also be displaced to the right. This condition occurs due to constant compression of nerve endings in the exit zone, namely articular tissue, hernia, osteophytes.

The following diseases can cause pain:

  • digestive;
  • respiratory;
  • genitourinary system.

In acute cholecystitis, symptoms can last for several days. The disease may be accompanied by vomiting, fever, and pain on palpation.

The back also reacts painfully to pneumonia, pneumothorax, dry pleurisy, bronchial and lung cancer, and pleural invasion. If the disease is associated with respiratory system, then the severity of the pain will intensify when inhaling or during coughing.

Diseases of the urinary system include the following: renal artery thrombosis, impaired urine outflow, retroperitoneal hematoma, kidney stones.

Lower back pain

Pain may be caused by damage to the spinal cord or peripheral nervous system. In particular, curvature of the spine.

If a woman has back pain on the right side, then she needs to be checked for the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs; there is a risk of tumors or ovarian cysts.

The back can hurt not only in the upper part, that is, near the shoulder blades, but also in the lower back area. Pain can also appear due to problems with the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and pancreas, intestines and organs of the urinary system, and there may also be problems with the musculoskeletal system.

More than 50% of the working population of the Earth suffers from painful sensations in the back. Paradoxically, only one in five patients goes to the doctor. It should be remembered that back pain is quite an alarming signal.


Our body can speak, and it does this through various signals. - one of them.

If pain appears on the right side of the lower back, it is better to listen to such signals from the body. This may be one of the symptoms of a serious illness:

  • Prolonged pain is a signal of serious chronic diseases or physical strain, which is caused by prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position or.
  • Sharp and acute pain is usually a consequence of injury. In this case, only the surgeon will be able to determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
  • Dull pain radiating to the back can be caused by the presence of a chronic disease in an advanced state or is considered one of the symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Causes of pain

  1. The most common cause on the right side of the back is poor posture. Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time leads to deformation of the spine and the surrounding muscles, which causes pain.
  2. Another very known cause– displacement of intervertebral discs. Due to a change in normal localization, the discs touch nearby nerves, which leads to unpleasant sensations.
  3. - This is another factor in the occurrence of pain in the lower back. The presence of urolithiasis often interferes with the outflow of urine and causes pain.
  4. If there is pain in the back of the right lower back, in a woman this may be a symptom of a gynecological disease.
  5. Heavy physical activity can cause discomfort in the spine.
  6. People who are overweight are also at risk. The spine bears a colossal load, which is why pain occurs.
  7. There are many complaints about back pain. While carrying a child, women become overweight, have a large belly, and therefore, excessive stress on the lower back, causing back discomfort.

First aid

If you experience any discomfort in the lumbar region, it is best to immediately consult a specialist. If this is not possible, your lower back hurts and this prevents you from doing normal things, you can use these tips:

  1. The inflamed area needs to be immobilized. Both a professional belt and a regular wide scarf or shawl will do. Wrap it tightly around your lumbar region and secure with pins or clips.
  2. If the root cause of pain is muscle strain, then massage with ice cubes or chilled massage rollers will help temporarily get rid of the sharp pain.
  3. It’s good if you have anti-inflammatory drugs in your medicine cabinet. They should be used first. They will relieve pain and reduce swelling, if any.

Important! The group of drugs is indicated for general information! Must be used after consultation with a specialist!

If the pain syndrome is accompanied by pain and does not go away within three days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What not to do if you experience pain

  1. Do not heat the sore spot: if swelling and inflammation occur, warming agents will only aggravate the condition.
  2. You should not indulge in self-medication and prescribe oral medications yourself.
  3. You should not engage in heavy physical labor and overload the spine.

Previously, it was mostly older people who experienced back pain. Now this problem has also affected the younger generation.

Many people, when they first experience pain in the lower back, try to eliminate them on their own at home, without even thinking about the seriousness of the situation.

It can last from two weeks to several months. Timely treatment will help avoid pain and also prevent recurrence of the disease.

Regardless of the age of the disease, treatment is better and more pleasant. Moderate physical activity, a healthy lifestyle and systematic check-ups with a doctor will allow you to identify the symptoms of the disease in time and avoid complex and lengthy treatment.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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