Cause of death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: why the singer could not defeat brain cancer. Dmitry Hvorostovsky before his death managed to say goodbye to his parents Komsomolskaya Pravda Hvorostovsky died

Death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, opera singer and People's Artist Russia is a great loss not only for his family and entourage, but also for the opera world. Colleagues and friends of the artists are talking about this today, expressing their condolences in connection with his death.

Soloist Bolshoi Theater Dinara Alieva, who worked with Hvorostovsky admitted that until recently she did not believe that her colleague could die so suddenly.

“I can only say that we have lost a great singer, a wonderful person, a friend, a world personality who made a huge contribution, he made a huge contribution to the world opera culture and also in the world and in Russia. I think that for a very long time we will not have such a singer as Dima. He was still a very close friend to us, I was lucky to be on the same stage with him ... I express my condolences to his entire family. This is terrible news. It’s just somehow unexpected… We all knew about it, but everyone didn’t believe until the very end that it would happen,” Aliyeva told Komsomolskaya Pravda Radio.

The message about the death of the artist was also commented on by another colleague of Hvorostovsky - singer and composer Alexander Gradsky. He told the RT television channel that he was "horrified" by the news about the death of Hvorostovsky, with whom he had previously communicated well.

Known writer Daria Dontsova also responded to the news of the death of Hvorostovsky. She urged to remember that cancer is not always a sentence. And do not despair even with such a serious diagnosis

I am so sorry that Dmitri Hvorostovsky is gone... This is an insanely talented singer who personally gave me many moments of joy when I listened to his performance. I want to say my dear, even though we are in Lately We often hear about deaths. famous people, oncology - treated. And in order for you to be cured, the disease must be caught at the very beginning, in the first stages. Therefore, please, address elementarily to the doctor. Not when you have something sick, not when you are already being taken to intensive care, but simply for examination. Every six months. Take a blood test, do not spare time and money for this. And if you find any disease, remember that at the very beginning everything is treated quite well. Oncology is not a sentence by any means.

One more thing. Each of us has our own destiny, our own life. Never try on someone else's disease. If you suffer from oncology, or if you have someone in your family with this diagnosis, you don’t have to think now, remembering Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Mikhail Zadornov, Zhanna Friske, that this is your destiny, that death is inevitable. If you still want to look at someone, to have an “example” before your eyes, then I will say the words that I never say to people, but in this situation I will say: look at me, please. Your happy future is most likely me. I love you very much. Yours Daria Dontsova.

Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky expressed condolences to the relatives and fans of the wonderful baritone: “I am deeply shocked by the sad news about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Our culture has suffered an irreparable loss - a wonderful person, an outstanding singer, a true patriot of his Motherland, has passed away. Dmitry Alexandrovich was rightfully considered one of the leading baritones of our time, whose amazing vocal abilities and skill were applauded by the largest halls of the world. Such success was the result of his great diligence, sincerity towards the audience, boundless desire to give them his creativity. For the foreign audience, many of the works of Russian classical opera were opened in a new way precisely in the performance of Hvorostovsky.

The Minister of Culture recalled that the outstanding singer never forgot his roots and regularly gave concerts in Russian cities. “Dmitry Aleksandrovich paid great attention to supporting young talents and, even while waging a stubborn struggle with a debilitating disease, he continued to engage in charitable activities,” the minister continued. He also expressed condolences to the family of Dmitry Alexandrovich and all admirers of his talent.

“This is a tragic event, a very big loss for our entire operatic art, for our entire culture. The Ministry of Culture is aware of this tragic event, and now work is underway to transport the body of our great opera singer and work out the issue related to the funeral and farewell - where will this be done and in what time frame," Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia Alexander Zhuravsky also told the TV channel .

The news of the death of the opera singer did not leave indifferent the authorities. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Vladimir Bortko expressed his condolences on the death of Hvorostovsky and noted the talent of the opera singer.

“I love music, I love singing. Listening to Hvorostovsky was a gift for me. Now this gift is gone, he is dead. What will you do. He was great, he was a real man, a wonderful singer. Very sad. I grieve with everyone, ”said RT Bortko.

Recall that the opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away in London on the night of Wednesday, November 22. The artist passed away after a long battle with cancer. Information about the death of the singer was confirmed by Hvorostovsky's colleague, conductor Konstantin Orbelyan.

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Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky has died. Dmitri Hvorostovsky - beloved operatic baritone, husband, father, son and friend - has died at the age of 55. After a two and a half year battle with brain cancer, he quietly passed away this morning, November 22, in London, surrounded by his family. Our condolences to the family and friends of the artist.


Dmitry Hvorostovsky bequeathed to bury his ashes in Moscow and Krasnoyarsk

It was very difficult to hope, because Dmitry Hvorostovsky's diagnosis was incurable - an oncological brain tumor, - People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon told KP. - But Dmitry fought. I fought as best I could. And I understand him, maybe more than anyone else. Because when I had critical situations with oncology, they, in fact, remained, I fought. And chemotherapy, which, of course, affected both my body and life ... And I thought about Hvorostovsky - how he relates to his damned diagnosis

Dmitri Hvorostovsky has died. This tragic news, which came from London in the morning, was confirmed to us by a friend, like-minded person and colleague of Hvorostovsky, conductor Konstantin Orbelyan.

I managed to say goodbye to Dmitry last night at 21.00. And today, early in the morning, his wife Florence called me and said that Dima had died a minute ago. This was at 3:30 am. He died in a hospital in London.

Unfortunately, the fight for his life ended today.

I cannot say that in the last minutes he was conscious. His parents arrived yesterday morning. They saw each other. We even managed to talk as much as possible. And they also said goodbye to him, although until the last minute no one believed that Dima would leave.

We all hoped for a miracle.

In October, People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky turned 55 years old.

The brightest performances of Dmitry Hvorostovsky!. October 16, 55 years of the magnificent baritone, People's Artist of Russia and a very handsome man Dmitry Hvorostovsky


On behalf of the Hvorostovsky family, it is with a heavy heart that we announce that Dmitry Hvorostovsky - beloved operatic baritone, husband, father, son and friend - has died at the age of 55. After battling brain cancer for two and a half years, he passed away quietly this morning, November 22, surrounded by family at his home in London, UK. The warmth of his voice and his spirit will forever remain with us.

Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky has died. Dmitri Hvorostovsky - beloved operatic baritone, husband, father, son and friend - has died at the age of 55. After a two and a half year battle with brain cancer, he quietly passed away this morning, November 22, in London, surrounded by his family. Our condolences to the family and friends of the artist.


One of the best baritones of our time, the owner of a sensual timbre, who owns all the secrets of bel canto, was born into an average Soviet family. In Krasnoyarsk . Dad is an engineer, mom is a doctor. What's unusual? Only a unique voice that sounded very early. From the age of 4, Dima performed Russian romances and folk songs quite professionally. And while classmates were puffing over puzzles and equations, he played scales and sang at the music school. Maybe even then he understood: he had a different purpose. Or maybe they liked music lessons more.

The outstanding teachers of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts helped to hone the technique of singing. Among them, the main one is Professor Ekaterina Iofel.

A happy father with children (from left to right): Maria (daughter of the singer's first wife, whom he adopted), 21-year-old Danila and 21-year-old Alexandra (children from their first marriage with ballerina Svetlana Ivanova), 10-year-old Nina, in the second row - 15 year old Maxim. Photo:

After the institute, Dmitry's career went like clockwork: solo parts in the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater, victories in international competitions.

In 1989, he won first place in international competition vocalists "Singer of the World" in Cardiff (Wales). What is behind this? Firstly, world fame, and secondly, contracts with the best opera scenes. La Scala, Theater Royal, Covent Garden, Metropolitan Opera… Any piece for any audience. Even on the big opera stage, even in the chamber hall or a concert under open sky. Hvorostovsky was capable of everything and talent: from the most complex opera parts to Russian romances, from Italian songs to Soviet hits. He sang romances by Fauré, Tchaikovsky, Taneyev, Liszt and Rachmaninoff. One of his favorite roles was Rigoletto in the Verdi opera of the same name ... Once he threw out a completely unexpected trick - he began to collaborate with pop composer Igor Krutoy. Hvorostovsky released a video for his song "You and I".

It seemed that life gave him everything with a full spoon: both talent and wife - a beautiful half-French half-Italian Florence, and five children on the benches. Not to mention the fact that Hvorostovsky himself looked incredibly impressive not only on stage, but also in life. Strong, handsome, dives into the hole, goes on a boat along the Yenisei. And suddenly an illness ... A few years ago, his concerts were canceled in Moscow due to problems with his voice. Then no one suspected anything fatal - problems with the voice of opera performers happen. But two years ago, like a bolt from the blue, Dmitry was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Everyone believed that he would cope with this misfortune. He is strong, he is a Siberian. Alas, the disease was stronger.


A close friend of Hvorostovsky about his last days: He could not speak, but he heard and understood everything

Died Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky. People's Artist of Russia, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree and other awards, an internationally recognized opera singer, died on the night of November 22 at 3.35. He was 55 years old. Cancer. IN last days the artist’s life (he was in a hospice in London) there were the closest people nearby, among them the Russian poetess Lilia Vinogradova. We called a close friend of Dmitri Hvorostovsky in London

Colleagues and friends on the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: We did not believe until the last that this would happen

The death of Dmitri Hvorostovsky, an opera singer and People's Artist of Russia, is a great loss not only for his family and entourage, but also for the opera world. Colleagues and friends of the artist are talking about this today, expressing condolences in connection with his death.

“I can only say that we have lost a great singer, a wonderful person, a friend, a world personality who made a huge contribution, he made a huge contribution to the world opera culture and also in the world and in Russia. I think that for a very long time we will not have such a singer as Dima. He was still a very close friend to us, I was lucky to be on the same stage with him ... I express my condolences to his entire family. This is terrible news. It’s just somehow unexpected ... We all knew about it, but everyone didn’t believe until the last that it would happen, ”Dinara Aliyeva, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, told Komsomolskaya Pravda Radio


Dmitry Hvorostovsky bequeathed to bury his ashes in Moscow and Krasnoyarsk

It was very difficult to hope, because Dmitry Hvorostovsky's diagnosis was incurable - an oncological brain tumor, - People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon told KP. - But Dmitry fought. I fought as best I could. And I understand him, maybe more than anyone else. Because when I had critical situations with oncology, they, in fact, remained, I fought. And chemotherapy, which, of course, affected both my body and life ... And I thought about Hvorostovsky - how he relates to his damned diagnosis


Personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: on the first date with his wife Florence, they sculpted dumplings

In 1999, Dmitry met the singer Florence Illy. Actually love affair at work grew into a marriage that lasted until the last breath of the artist. We talk about the personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - the love story of the singer and his "Flosha", as he called his beloved


Dmitri Hvorostovsky: I am a Russian person. I take hostile words against our culture with hostility

On November 22, the world-famous opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away. We have collected the most important statements of the artist about life, stage, homeland and relationship with his wife.

real a good relationship above intrigue and envy. The main thing here is that if you listen to advice, it should be the advice of professionals and those you know and love. It's better not to listen to the incompetent

“He will live a hundred years after this”: how the Russian media “buried” Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Komsomolskaya Pravda published a message about the death of opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Dozens of federal and regional Russian media wrote about the artist's departure from life. But later it turned out that the KP sources were mistaken - the singer is actually alive.

RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov

The news on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website appeared on the night of October 11. The newspaper reported that the singer died at the age of 54 after a long battle with cancer. The news was disseminated by many federal and regional Russian media. In addition, Senator Elena Mizulina wrote about the death of the singer on her Twitter account. The woman expressed her regret at his death.

At about 2:30 am, the KP information was denied by RIA Novosti. The publication contacted the director of the singer, Mark Hildrew, who said that Hvorostovsky was alive and at home.

This is completely false!!! He is alive and at home

- Mark Hildrew.

Also, the death of Hvorostovsky was denied by the opera singer Khibla Gerzmava on Instagram. "He's alive! Wrong information! Lord God! What happens to journalists? she wrote.

Posted by Hibla Gerzmava (@hiblagerzmava) Oct 10, 2017 at 4:20 PDT

The wife of the singer Florenke Hvorostovskaya also reacted to the KP message. “My husband is fine and sleeps happily next to me!!! ***** people who write such things,” she said in her Facebook account.

Elena Mizulina deleted her tweets and wrote that she announced the death of the artist because she believed the publications of KP and other publications.

Komsomolskaya Pravda itself changed the note about death to news with the heading "Information about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky has not been confirmed." The publication apologized to relatives, friends and fans of Hvorostovsky for spreading false information. “We got it from a source that we trusted. Like all our readers, we were shocked and shocked by this terrible news, and did not have the opportunity to quickly verify it. We will take all measures so that this does not happen again, ”the newspaper wrote.

Komsolskaya Pravda correspondent Elena Baudouin admitted on her Facebook account that she spread the information about the singer's death. The journalist wrote that "an evil person published on the Web", after which she confirmed this information from insiders and wrote the news without checking it.

God grant, may he live happily ever after with our prayers. I will, of course, apologize to him and his wife, and I don’t know how I will make amends. You can’t rely on unverified information in such things - this is a big lesson not only for me, but for all our media. I deserved all the stones this time. I'm very embarrassed. But, of course, the most important thing is that he is alive

Elena Baudouin.

The artistic director of the Helikon-Opera Dmitry Bertman told Ekho Moskvy that Hvorostovsky laughed at what had happened. "Everything is fine. He laughs at this. He writes “ha-ha-ha, what ducks”. I tell him to call your parents immediately. He says everything is fine, everything is fine. We decided that we would live a hundred years after this,” Bertman said.

Opera singer Dmitri Hvorostovsky has died in London. The information was officially confirmed by his agent. The media have already talked about the death of the world-famous Russian artist some time ago. This time, unfortunately, it's not a fake.

Singer Dmitry Malikov was one of the first to report the death of Hvorostovsky, but then for some reason deleted his tweet.

Although you can understand it. After all, not so long ago, the media had already spread the news about the death of Hvorostovsky. But then it turned out to be fake.

On October 11, Komsomolskaya Pravda told about the death of the singer. Then the message was refuted. Including on Facebook that everything is in order with the singer, his wife said.

Florence Hvorostovskaya

My husband is fine and sleeps happily next to me. How the hell do you write stuff like that?

This time, the death of the singer in an interview with RBC was confirmed by the Russian singer Iosif Kobzon. Then he told TASS about the death of Hvorostovsky with reference to his representative in Russia. also in information Agency received an official message from Sean Michael Gross, Executive Vice President of 21C Media Group, who represented the artist in London.

With deep regret we inform you that on November 22 at 3:20 in London, Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky, everyone's favorite opera baritone, wonderful husband, father, son and friend, passed away. He passed away after two and a half years of fighting serious illness- brain cancer. Dmitry Alexandrovich was only 55. He spent his last days surrounded by loved ones - in a hospice, not far from his home in London.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky was diagnosed with a brain tumor in June 2015. When the disease became known, the artist canceled performances for two months and underwent several courses of chemotherapy. Then he returned to the stage and the performance after his recovery ended with a special tribute to the singer.

Kostya Inochkin

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died (((The great singer. Dmitry's performance of military songs is an amazing impression for a lifetime. Earth rest in peace ...