Trial and real work in social studies. Theory in social studies

The Unified State Exam in Social Studies is the most popular elective exam and at the same time one of the most difficult subjects on the Unified State Exam. What are the pros and cons of the exam for those who decide to take the Unified State Exam in social studies? What should the preparation for the Unified State Examination in social studies consist of? Social studies teacher at gymnasium No. 1576 Alexander Gulin participated in the “Unified State Exam for Teachers” campaign, during which teachers voluntarily took the exam in an environment as close as possible to the exam room. Here are his impressions, presented on the Mel portal.

As a school student, the Unified State Exam found me indirectly. Back in 2002, as an experiment at school, we were offered to take the Unified State Exam in Geography after the 10th grade, which I successfully did with a score of 63 out of 64 points.

When I came to work at the school in 2009, I was immediately given a graduating class, which had to be prepared in history and social studies. Since then, every year I have had a graduating class, as well as working with applicants at the university.

Since the introduction of the mandatory Unified State Exam in 2008, both the exam itself and the procedure for conducting it have changed significantly. According to statistics, two-thirds of all graduates choose social studies - this is the most common elective exam. In the fall of 2016, I myself had the opportunity to pass an exam in my subject, taking part in the “Unified State Exam for Teachers” campaign.

Unified State Exam assignments in social studies

The exam consists of two parts and includes 29 tasks in five modules of social studies: man and society, including cognition and spiritual culture, economics, social relations, politics, law. Twenty tasks with a short answer and nine with a detailed answer. A total of 62 primary points can be scored. The duration of the exam is 3 hours 55 minutes.

Interesting fact: if it lasted 4 hours, then at the PPE (exam point) it would be necessary to organize meals for the participants.

Disadvantages of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

  1. Different levels of difficulty of options. If the first part has clearly assigned tasks for various modules, then in the second part one may come across a text about family (from social relations), and the other about cognition (a theory from philosophy). For assignments to the text, you can get 12 initial points, which can critically affect the result of one of the test takers.
  2. Subjectivity of checking the second part. The tasks of the first part are checked by computer, and the second part is checked by experts. (There is a complex verification algorithm: first, two experts check, if their results differ greatly, then a third one is involved, and so on.) Ordinary teachers work as experts, and they are given strict deadlines for submitting results. The criteria themselves are often vague: “other examples of similar meaning may be given” - a quote from the criteria. As far as I remember, the student managed to defend 12 (!) points on appeal (although this was not in Moscow).
  3. Appeal algorithm. Several years ago, subject commissions were simply inundated with applications for appeal. Students can understand: one point can determine further fate. This could completely paralyze the work of the commission.

To improve the situation, clear appeal rules have been adopted. Only children and parents without teachers are allowed to attend (the most interesting thing is when a parent-teacher comes). According to the current algorithm, the commission can revise the scores either upward or downward - the flow of appeals has decreased.

In fairness it should be noted constant increase inspection quality. Recent years five discrepancies are rarely 1-2 points. When students send me scans of their work, I immediately see where and for what they were deducted points, transparency has increased.

  1. Lack of a proper textbook. As mentioned above, the subject consists of five modules, and it is impossible to prepare for a high result using any current textbook. The fate of the subject itself in school is now very vague; some schools introduce separate subjects or special courses (theory of knowledge, law, economics, political science, sociology) to prepare for the exam.
  2. The prohibitive complexity of some modules. Example one: in an assignment on law in the topic “Legal Entities,” sometimes you have to delve into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which is studied by humanities students in the 2nd or 3rd year. 92% legal entities- this is an LLC (limited liability company), but in the exam, of course, you will come across a task about limited partnerships (limited partnerships), which real life are hundredths of a percent.

Example two: a mandatory task on knowledge of the Constitution was included in the exam; now the children need to memorize 1-2 chapters (or better yet, all 137 articles). The appendix to the specification lists 11 regulations that you need to know, but you cannot use any source during the exam.

Advantages of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

  1. Creates equal conditions on admission. When opponents of the Unified State Exam try to return the old procedures, I remember my preparation for admission. In the 10th grade, I took courses at Moscow State University, because everyone knew: without classes with teachers who will take the exam, it is impossible to enroll. In the 11th grade, I took courses at the pedagogical school and there they actually gave me the material for admission.

Nowadays, decent universities can allow themselves to choose their applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam, without regard to the “protection” of their own employees. Students from the regions now have a real chance to enter universities in the capital.

  1. This is not a guessing game. Although the first part consists of test tasks, it is impossible to complete them at random. They are called “short answer tasks”: tasks to select several correct answers, tasks with tables, tasks to establish correspondence, tasks to define terms and concepts. In most of the tasks in the second part, you can unleash your creativity by making interesting arguments. This is especially important when writing social studies essays.
  2. Gives useful life skills. The skill of meaningful reading and analysis of information helps a lot in reality. Former students understand why to read loan agreements, how to assert their rights, and how to plan a budget. Some engineering students note that the material they studied in grades 10-11 allowed them to easily cope with non-core subjects at university.
  3. Increases motivation. All participants in the educational process (school, students and parents) are gradually coming to the realization that it will no longer be possible to pass social studies well by simply starting to study or hiring a tutor a year before the test. Therefore, schools are changing their approach to this subject: students already in grades 7-8 are thinking about what they need to do to prepare. Parents, when enrolling their child in first grade, focus on the quality of preparation for the Unified State Exam at school. As a result, the quality of education improves.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

Of course, there is no single algorithm. But general recommendations such:

  • good study in high school: in grades 5-9, material is given that lays the basis for the Unified State Exam;
  • choose social studies as an exam in the 9th grade (OGE), this will be good training for the Unified State Exam;
  • participate in Olympiads, especially the All-Russian and Moscow Olympiads for schoolchildren;
  • attend developmental clubs and extra classes at school;
  • be sure to start your day by reading news on the Internet or newspapers, this is a necessary condition for successfully completing the tasks of the second part;
  • attending training courses or a tutor is an extreme and very ambiguous thing, let’s leave it on the conscience of the parents.

What impressions did passing the Unified State Exam leave me with?

  1. There really isn't enough time. Having solved the demo option from the FIPI website (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) in 20 minutes, I barely managed to complete 235 on the exam.
  2. The tasks are more difficult than in manuals and training work. There are much fewer ambiguous ambiguous tasks than in training work (I came across one, and I was wrong about it).
  3. An exam is very stressful. When I chose the correct answer in the draft and simply forgot to transfer it to the answer form, a picture arose before my eyes of how I reprimanded one of my students for this mistake. Now I have a different attitude towards such things.
  4. I still needed an appeal. I was given a 0 for the essay, but after applying they revised it and gave me 3 out of 5 (which is basically normal).
  5. 100 points on the Unified State Exam in social studies is luck and perseverance. I received my well-deserved 90 points, for which I am not ashamed in front of my students (in the test I made a mistake on an ambiguous question: I knew the correct answer, but outsmarted myself). I didn’t transfer part of the 25th task onto the form. Well, an essay is always a subjective assessment.

Comment on the article "How to pass the Unified State Exam in social studies? The result of a social studies teacher is 90 points"

And in social studies there are also textbooks as smart as a mouse’s tail. Requires fairly clear formulations, knowledge of legislation (by article), etc. Recommend trusted tutors in social studies, English and Russian to prepare for the Unified State Exam.


Psychology, biology or physical education? This set doesn't seem to go anywhere else.
If the school doesn’t kick you out of the profiles, then you don’t have to worry about it for now, OGE at 3rd level is not scary yet.
But for the Unified State Exam, you will have to work hard on knowledge - not rap, but courses. Schools do not prepare for the Unified State Exam; at most they provide the correct basic set of knowledge, on the basis of which you can further study

He calmly prepares for the oge himself. Take and decide - decide the tickets. There is nothing complicated in the Unified State Exam, it’s not worth wasting money.... And I’m already preparing for the Unified State Exam with teachers.

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam. Preparing for the Unified State Exam - expert advice: social studies - exact science. Is it possible to prepare for the OGE in social studies on your own? For me personally, preparation for any >.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies. Choosing an option for effective dorm training next year. My friend says that preparation for the Unified State Exam is in great demand now. He says that now absolutely everyone needs it. someone's exam...

The Unified State Examination in social studies is the most popular elective exam after the mandatory Unified State Examination in mathematics and the Russian language. Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies: expert advice, questions and assignments. Social studies at school and preparation for exams in courses. Human...

Training in writing and arguing essays.

Please advise which manuals to pay attention to in preparing for the OGE. In social studies, my daughter mainly solved assignments on Dmitry Gushchin’s website and many of the actual assignments for the Unified State Exam this year did not coincide with any of the options, which...


In Russian we study according to Akhremenkova “Towards an A, step by step.” It’s convenient that first there is theory, then there are a lot of exercises and there are answers.

Last year my daughter took dormitory and physics, so I can’t tell you about English.
IMHO: in mathematics, the optimal way to prepare is to print it out yourself and solve the options from Larin’s website [link-1]. Plus solve tasks online on Dmitry Gushchin’s website [link-2].
If you buy, then only manuals from the “FIPI-school” series [link-3]
There are some errors in the simulators/collections of other publishing houses (we bought collections from AST, Exam, Legion), and I would not have noticed some of the errors if it weren’t for a friend who is a tutor. For example, the answers in the test part are obtained in the form of ordinary fractions or roots, but this is impossible in the format of a real OGE, and children preparing using normal simulators reject such solutions on autopilot as incorrect.
My daughter was well prepared in Russian at school; as an elective, the children studied a collection from the same series. If you have problems with your essay (your daughter didn’t have any), the teacher advised you to additionally buy Pavlova/Ranneva workbooks, but personal experience I haven’t worked with them, so I can’t definitely recommend them.
In social studies, my daughter mainly completed assignments on Dmitry Gushchin’s website and read a lot. At the last stage, I found Kalacheva’s collection [link-4] very useful. There, the tasks are grouped not by options, but by types of questions - it is very convenient to practice the skill of solving tests of certain types until automaticity, when the basic material, in principle, has already been well studied.

Recommend a manual for the OGE. Unified State Exam and other exams. Teenagers. Recommend manuals for preparation in the Russian language, social studies, history, mathematics, literature. In social studies, I also liked this: [link-2] the tasks from 2 are well analyzed there...


I can answer you about my English. My students and I spent the whole year preparing primarily based on assignments on the fipi website. We did EVERYTHING. As a result, my students knew all 4 letter options perfectly well. We also learned about listening and listened to it in class. I haven’t taken the oral part yet, but I know that all the tasks there are fipi. Within a year, the benefits of Verbitskaya, Milrud and Veselova were overcome.

06/02/2016 07:58:12, Evgeniya__

Not the same. For preparation, take only fancy and only fresh books (they usually appear in October and can disappear quite quickly:) otherwise something changes every year.
In Russian, at school we were told to buy two books, one contains grammar, the other contains everything else (I can confuse it, I don’t really understand what the child said to buy, so I bought it)
Grekov with exactly this name [link-1] and Rosenthal [link-2]
The teacher said that it would also be useful for preparing for the Unified State Exam later.
I won’t say anything about the rest, I just bought a fipi book with tasks and a disk for English, mine needed it more for familiarization.
We ran mathematics for a whole year using Larin’s variants (new on the website once a week, everything was solved) and according to a recent book, too.

Creative task in social studies. Social studies 6th grade, ed. Bogolyubov and Ivanova. Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies: expert advice, questions and assignments. Social studies at school and preparation for exams in courses.

The Unified State Examination in social studies is the most popular elective exam after the mandatory Unified State Examination in mathematics and the Russian language. According to previous years, social studies was chosen by more than half of graduates, and in 2013, 69.3% passed it! And at the same time, this is one of the most difficult exams. This year, 5.3% of graduates failed the Unified State Examination in social studies, which is about 25 thousand people! What is the reason for this failure?

Five pitfalls of social studies

There is a common misconception among graduates that social studies is one of the easiest subjects. Many of them are sure that they can “talk something out” about him. This is the first trap of social studies. Students rely on their experience of giving oral answers in class, where you can really say a lot, and the teacher himself will extract the correct answer from what has been said. On the Unified State Exam, where even the detailed answers to Part C consist of only a few sentences, it is impossible to “talk”, but you need to give clear answers.

And here we have the second trap of social studies: knowledge of terminology and ability to operate with it. If terminology can be learned, then the ability to operate with it requires logical thinking skills: the ability to compare and analyze. This means that the Unified State Examination in social studies, more than any other exam, involves not simply reproducing memorized material, but “dissecting” it, which is much more difficult.

The Unified State Examination in social studies is a real integral exam: it includes five topics related to different sciences: economics, law, philosophy, sociology and political science. Each science has its own conceptual apparatus: terminology, approaches to assessment and analysis. This is the third trap - the student needs to master all the terminology and logic of each of the five sciences. The difficulty of the Unified State Exam in social studies is that, unlike, for example, mathematics, where geometric problems occupy a clear place in the structure of the exam, a comparison question can be either in the topic of economics or sociology. Consequently, the student must, first of all, determine what discipline he is dealing with, and then “turn on” the necessary conceptual apparatus.

The Unified State Exam in social studies is taken for many specialties - economics, law, public administration, architecture, customs, logistics and other specialties in the humanitarian and socio-economic fields.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies, it is difficult to avoid the fourth trap: numerous textbooks and manuals. Some of them, unfortunately, are not always conscientious and can do a bad job. It is best to take two basic textbooks as a basis - Kravchenko and Bogolyubov, which are used in most schools. However, it must be borne in mind that schools may use textbooks different years, and FIPI in its developments of the Unified State Exam relies on the latest editions.

The fifth trap of the Unified State Examination is insufficient hours, which is assigned to this subject in school. This is due, first of all, to the paradoxes of the development of Russian education. As the Unified State Examination in social studies improves, it becomes more difficult, and at school this time is running departure from the specialized study of this subject. And this despite the fact that it is in demand in more than 30% of humanitarian universities. Today social science in school curriculum exists only as a basic subject, to which only one hour is devoted per week.

How to avoid pitfalls and turn them into advantages when preparing?

Here are five specific tips that Maxim Sigal, head of the teaching department at the MAXIMUM training center for preparing for the Unified State Exam, gives to eleventh graders:

"Don't underestimate this exam. Many students treat social studies as something very simple, where you can barely prepare and just give answers according to logic - this is definitely not true!"

First trap: When choosing this subject, objectively evaluate your knowledge. Treat social studies like an exact science.

Second trap: learn terminology and train to think logically. All types of tasks are described in FIPI materials. Look for answers to questions, find out what exactly is required in a given answer and how each answer is scored. In the detailed assignments, specify how much you need to write to answer each question.

Third trap: learn to distinguish the terminology of each of the five disciplines included in the Unified State Exam in social studies. When answering, the first thing to do is to identify the discipline you will be dealing with.

Fourth trap: Choose your preparation guides with care: some of them use unused terminology and concepts. Take into account the changes that were made to the Unified State Exam 2014 compared to 2013, namely:

  1. Task B5 has been made more difficult. The total number of judgments given in the task conditions increases from 4 to 5. It is necessary to distribute them into three, instead of the previous two, groups of judgments: facts, assessments, theoretical statements. Here it is very easy to get confused in estimates and theoretical statements. It should be remembered that theory is learned knowledge, and assessment is one’s own opinion.
  2. The topics proposed for essay writing are grouped into five blocks instead of the previous six. Topics covered taking into account the provisions of sociology and social psychology, are now included in one general direction. This makes it easier to write assignments this topic, since the line between the terminology of these two disciplines is not always distinguishable.
  3. You can get a maximum of 5 points for your essay. It is important to remember here that if the meaning of the statement is not revealed, then the work is simply not checked. Extra points are given for presenting a theoretical rationale, and the highest points are given for factual argumentation.

Fifth trap: an insufficient number of hours can be compensated for by only one thing - additional preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies in correctly and timely chosen courses.

Many parents will be horrified after reading this material. It is so difficult and requires time and dedication to prepare! But should we be afraid, because we all want to teach our children the ability to reason independently and think logically. Often accusations are made against the Unified State Exam: this exam format, they say, “dumbs” children, forcing teachers to “train” them for the exam instead of imparting knowledge. We don't like it, do we? So we should be glad that with the Unified State Exam in social studies the opposite is true - in the process of preparing for it, children learn to think and use the knowledge they have acquired. Isn't this what most parents strive for?


If the state textbooks of Bogolyubov and Kravchenko are bad, then the tests compiled on the basis of these textbooks will also always be bad. This is the main problem when passing the Unified State Exam in social studies. The only way out is to change basic textbooks, change social studies standards and change tests. I advise you to use my textbook - Valery Starikov “Interesting Social Science”, which is published on Russian and English Wikipedia:

05.01.2019 17:15:47, Valery Starikov

Useless information, a lot of water, thanks for your time

21.11.2017 18:08:06, JonikNE@

03/22/2016 22:47:59, Ashati

Comment on the article "Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam"

History and social studies - how to cook. Unified State Exam and other exams. Teenagers. Good afternoon My child failed history and society. Most likely you will have to apply next year. He doesn’t know how to prepare himself (as it turned out), the lyceum is technical, but they prepared him well for...

Unified State Examination results in social studies. Unified State Exam and other exams. Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies: expert advice, questions and assignments. Social studies at school and preparation for exams in courses. person online.

Recommend trusted tutors in social studies, English and Russian to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Boy in 11th grade. If the tutor is really good, we will travel to any region, or consider classes via Skype.

Unified State Examination in Social Studies. Unified State Exam and other exams. Teenagers. Social studies for the Unified State Exam and more. Tutoring. Adult education. Preparation for the Unified State Exam - classes are conducted individually and in groups. receive replies by E-mail. show links to images in...

Recommend a manual for the OGE. Unified State Exam and other exams. Teenagers. Recommend manuals for training in the Russian language, social studies, history, mathematics, literature, English.

There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social studies is the simplest subject of the Unified State Exam. Many people choose it for this reason. But this is a misconception that takes away from serious preparation.

Changes in KIM Unified State Exam 2019 in social studies:

  • The wording has been detailed and the assessment system for task 25 has been revised.
  • The maximum score for completing task 25 has been increased from 3 to 4.
  • The wording of tasks 28, 29 was detailed, and the systems were improved
    their assessments.
  • The maximum initial score for completing all work has been increased
    from 64 to 65.

Where to start preparing for the Unified State Examination in social studies?

1. Learn theory.

For this purpose, theoretical material has been selected for each task, which you need to know and take into account when completing the task. There will be questions with a philosophical bias (man and society) and sociological (relations in society). Remember that there are only 8 topics: society

  • Human
  • cognition
  • spiritual sphere (culture)
  • social sphere
  • economy
  • policy
  • right

Indicate what topics the survey will be on in the assignments. Within each topic there are many smaller subtopics that you should pay attention to while studying.

For getting high results The examinee must confidently operate with basic concepts and terms. Analyze information provided in graphical form. Work with text. Reason competently within the framework of the problem posed, concisely express your thoughts in writing.

Important tip: When preparing, you should not use materials and manuals for 2016 and earlier, since they have lost compliance with the updated tasks.

2. Study well the structure of assignments and their evaluation system.

The examination ticket is divided into two parts:

  1. Tasks 1 to 20, requiring a short answer (word, phrase or number);
  2. Tasks 21 to 29 - with a detailed answer and mini-essays.

The assessment of Unified State Exam assignments in social studies was distributed as follows:

  • 1 point - for tasks 1, 2, 3, 10, 12.
  • 2 points - 4-9, 11, 13-22.
  • 3 points - 23, 24, 26, 27.
  • 4 points - 25, 28.
  • 6 points - 29.

You can score a maximum of 65 points.
The minimum must be 43 total points.

Special attention Pay attention to Unified State Exam assignments with detailed answers in social studies.

3. Solving Unified State Exam assignments in social studies.

The more test tasks you complete, the stronger your knowledge will be. The tasks are based on demo version from FIPI in social studies. Solve complete and thematic online tests with answers, no matter what stage of studying the theory you are at. By registering on the site, check and analyze your mistakes and keep statistics in your personal account, so that later they will not be allowed in the exam.

Formula for exam success

High scores on the Unified State Exam = theory + practice + systematic repetition + clearly planned time for studying + desire / will / hard work.

Get ready. Try your best. Strive for success! And then you will succeed.

Life analyzed guidelines for teachers, prepared by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) based on typical mistakes of 2016 Unified State Exam participants, and identified 5 problems for graduates taking exams in social studies.

As it turned out, the results of this Unified State Exam in 2016 are comparable to 2015: 17.6% of children were unable to achieve the minimum score, the number of graduates who received more than 80 points decreased by 0.7%, and only 59 people scored 100 points (in 2015 There were more hundred-pointers - 80 people).

Guys confuse the concepts of "demand" and "supply"

And they also don’t know the factors that influence the increase and decrease of these categories

Example task:

The graph shows the change in the supply of fresh vegetables in the consumer market: the supply curve has moved from position

S to positionS1.

(On the graph: P - price of goods; Q - quantity of goods).

Which of the following factors could cause this change?

1. Bad harvest.

2. Decrease in consumer income.

3. Increase in energy tariffs.

4. Increase in prices for fruits.

5. The onset of the heating season.

Correct answer: 1 - bad harvest; 3 - increase in energy tariffs.

According to experts, sometimes students and teachers deliberately ignore this type of task when preparing for the Unified State Exam.

FIPI specialists proposed an algorithm for performing the following tasks:

The student needs to carefully read the terms of the assignment and understand what we are talking about (about a change in “demand” or “supply”), because sometimes it is inattention that entails incorrect completion of the assignment.

Afterwards you need to determine what happened - “increase” or “decrease”.

And in the end, before giving your answer, you should analyze all the proposed options, correlating them with changes in a particular category.

Due to ignorance of terminology, schoolchildren cannot solve a task where they need to choose a word or phrase

Such problems often arise due to inattention and unwillingness to double-check yourself

One of the key problems with doing this type of assignment incorrectly is that graduates do not read the assignment requirements carefully enough. A typical mistake made by participants is writing down a word or phrase that was used in the task condition. The average completion rate is 67%.

Example task:

Write down the word missing in the table.

Correct answer: specificity.

In order to correctly complete this type of task, the student needs to determine what the answer should be - in one “word” or “phrase”. Next, you need to identify the area of ​​knowledge from which you need to find this concept (experts advise paying attention to the name of the table and columns).

Afterwards, analyze the completed row of the table and then try to identify the characteristic of the term in the problem statement.

If you needed to write down a “word”, but it turned out to be a “phrase”, you should remember what synonyms are.

The problem of choosing a generalizing word or phrase

The main problem is that the participants do not understand the requirements: the answer must indicate the word (phrase) proposed in the task

This type of task was not completed by 53% of participants who did not pass the minimum score.

Example task:

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts. Write this word down.

Subsystem, institution, society, group, personality.

Correct answer: society.

Experts ask students to draw their attention to the need to write down the required word or phrase exactly in the form in which it is written in the task.

Graduates have little understanding of the characteristics of the state

To complete the task, you not only need to know the theory, but also understand what a “generic concept” means.

Only a third of the graduates completed this task correctly.

Example task:

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the characteristics of a state of any type. Find two terms that do not correspond to the general row of words and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1. Sovereignty.

2. Monopoly on the legal use of force.

3. Setting prices for goods.

4. Comprehensive control over the lives of citizens.

5. The right to collect taxes and fees from the population.

6. The right to create generally binding legal norms.

Correct answer: 4 - comprehensive control over the lives of citizens; 3 - setting prices for goods.

When performing such a task, it is necessary to understand the meaning of a generic concept - this is a type of term that completely includes the amount of information of the others.

Plan for a mini-essay on social studies:

1. First you need to explain the statement (at least five sentences).

2. After this, the student should express his agreement with it and write down in one sentence how it is justified.

3. After this, the participant gives the first argument and example in defense of his position.

4. Then writes the second argument, as well as an example to support it.

5. Ends the mini-essay with a conclusion.

What is an argument?

This is the participant’s thought that proves that he is right: the answer to the question of why he agrees with the statement.

What is an example?

As an example, the participant can cite a case from life (can be real or fictitious. - Note Life), history and literature. The example needs to be written in detail. It is best if it is from history, literature, geography or the media.

You will need

  • - four hours of free time daily for 2-3 weeks;
  • - perseverance and diligence;
  • - 2-3 books on social studies by various authors;
  • - necessary legal acts in the current version;
  • - access to the Internet.


Your best friends in the near future should be patience and perseverance. Social studies is a subject, but the amount of information that you need to know in order to successfully pass the Unified State Exam is large, so you will have to work hard to eliminate gaps in knowledge. If you devote four hours a day to preparation, then in 2-3 weeks you will study the entire course of this subject. But you will have to concentrate as much as possible on assimilating the information so as not to re-read the same material several times.

Make short cheat sheets. This way you will consolidate and summarize the entire array of information. You may not have to use them, but in the process of writing them you will additionally repeat the most important things from the entire course. If you are too lazy to make cheat sheets, you can highlight the main points of each paragraph in the book with a pencil - re-read it, and then carefully erase the pencil with an eraser.

Don't limit yourself to one book - use 2-3 textbooks from different authors. Why is this necessary? There are so many lawyers, so many opinions. Social science the structure of the state and society, by authors who have . On just one topic: “What comes first: the state or society?” There are several hypotheses that you need to know. If you prepare for the Unified State Exam using only one book, your knowledge will be limited to the opinion of one specific person on a particular issue. But during the exam you may come across some very tricky questions and it is simply necessary to have material for reasoning.


If you think about it, it turns out that schools give pretty good preparation for passing the Unified State Exam. They basically consist of the following: stay at home and study, study and study again. But overload can cause both a nervous breakdown and overwork, which is equally undesirable to experience before an exam. It's better to prepare, but in advance.

Preliminary preparation should begin about a year in advance. I mean for academic year. As soon as the first of September has passed, you can immediately begin your search. The safest thing to do is to seek the help of those who teach at. Such people have much more experience, plus they can suggest some “tricks” that will help when passing the exam. Again, the presence of recommendations plays an important role. When someone “from the outside” comes, you have to take his word for it. But in fact, it is not known what kind of teacher he is and how he teaches.

Other tasks in part require the use of typical techniques Unified State Exam. Be sure to gain an understanding of typical tasks. Decide Unified State Exam previous years. To solve for performance, you need to build a table - this will allow you to find the desired answer.

Unified State Exam Useful advice

In this article we will get acquainted with the structure of the CMM, testing and measuring material, a list of tasks and exam topics.

1. Part A

Part A is a test of 20 items. For each correct answer you receive 1 point. It is enough to complete 15 tasks of Part A correctly to overcome the passing threshold. So what do examiners want in this part?

Tasks A1-A4 include the topic "philosophy". To cope with these tasks, you need to get a textbook and very carefully re-read topics such as “Man”, “Society”, “Truth” and “Nature”.
Tasks A5-A9 are the first half, economics. Task A8 is almost always a task with a schedule. Don't be scared, all the symbols will be explained in the task itself.
To answer questions A13-A16 you will have to remember the policy. Good knowledge of the Constitution is preferred.
And finally, tasks A17-A20 - right. A19 in this section is a task.
Remember that there can only be one correct answer in Part A.

2. Part B

Part B tasks are considered the most difficult, but don’t be scared. Possible pitfalls are described below, and forewarned is forearmed.

B1 - task in which you need to insert the missing word. Most likely, you will find a table with definitions there, so don't be lazy to repeat the terms often! For this task, if completed correctly, - 1 point.
B2 - select two terms that fall out of the logical series, in other words, remove the unnecessary. Also worth 1 point.
B3 - task to establish compliance. If done correctly, you will replenish your piggy bank with 2 points. For one mistake - 1 point.
Q4 - choose the correct answer from the list. There may be several answers here: both 3 and 4 out of, say, 6. It is also assessed as B3.
B5 will not cause difficulties if there are no problems with Russian. And the point of the task is to determine the type of text: fact, theory or assessment. A little hint: if there are numbers ( , for example), then this is a fact. If there is a phrase “I believe” or “opinion”, it is an assessment.
Q6 - insert the missing words. Once again, terminology will help you!
Task B7 is similar to B4. It is assessed in the same way as B6, B5: 1-2 points.
Well, the easiest thing is to find a generalizing word - task B8. Well, it is assessed accordingly - 1 point.

Important! In the answer form for exams and history, numbers are entered without spaces, periods, or commas! Remember what their computer is checking.

3. Part C

C1-C4 - working with text. The first two are carried out strictly according to the text; in C3 and C4 you need to add your knowledge. Maximum amount points for C1 - 2, for C3 and C4 - 3.
In task C5 you will need to reveal the meaning of the concept and make two sentences on the topic. The maximum you can score is 2 points.
C6 - signs of some phenomenon. For the correct answer you will receive 3 points.
Correctly solved problem C7 will also earn 3 points. It's impossible to guess the theme here.
C8 - make a plan. Students do not like this task, although it is also highly rated - 3 points.
C9 - essay. You will be given a choice of 5 statements on 5 topics: philosophy, economics, sociology and social science, law. It is categorically not recommended to choose philosophy: this is a very vague topic and the majority of those who choose this topic, according to statistics, only wasted their paperwork and did not receive a single point. And so - to your taste. In any case, do not ignore this task. Even if you simply reveal the meaning of the statement, you will already receive 1 point. The volume of your essay is not limited; request as many blank sheets as you need: they must be given to you. And write legibly: Part C assignments are checked by people.

So, now you know what awaits you, which means there is nothing stopping you from preparing calmly and productively.

Break a leg! Good luck with exams!

Video on the topic


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