Farewell speech at graduation. Gratitude to the teacher from students: options and ideas

Each of us says words of gratitude to the teacher at least once in our lives. And excellent students, and even those who cannot be classified as exemplary quiet people. 🙂 After all, school is a golden time for every student .

And it’s no coincidence that we often remember the years we spent at our desks, the fun times we had and our first real friends. . A It’s funny to think, but just a few years ago we were afraid to answer in class, counted the days in anticipation of the holidays and dreamed about how we would spend our graduation party. 🙂

Well, it’s just around the corner - the last school holiday. The event is important, it is like a report of a new era, the beginning of an adult, so desired life.

And, of course, a special place among the ceremonial events is occupied by a word of gratitude to teachers . By the way, such words have to be said on Teacher’s Day too!

This moment is exciting for everyone: students, teachers and parents. What words of gratitude should I say to the teacher, and how to choose the right words that can express the entire overwhelming range of tender feelings?

Here are some examples of a possible response, solemn speech on behalf of parents or students. They, of course, are not a guide to action, but they may well serve as the basis for creating your own, unique text. The first option of the response word would be more appropriate to use for the parents of the students.

Words of gratitude to the teacher from parents

  • Our dear teachers! Let me say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart and with all my heart for the great and responsible work that you do every day. For ten whole years, you helped our children grow, learn and become real people. You not only brought a lot of new and important knowledge to them, you sowed respect, friendship and love in their souls. You, like second parents, took care of our children, day after day, in frost, rain and sunny days, despite the hardships and illnesses. You worried about their failures and rejoiced in their victories. Thanks to you, they learned Ohm's law, the Pythagorean theorem, the multiplication table, read hundreds of books and learned a huge number of poems. Our children learned what politeness, friendship, mutual assistance, responsibility are... Thank you for the knowledge and friendly support you are ready to give to every child, because everyone has and once had a teacher, the president of the country, the minister, the ordinary worker, scientist or doctor. Thank you for your hard work.

The second option for possible speech is also more preferable for parents of students

  • Teacher! How much meaning this word has for every student! Friend, mentor, comrade - these are the synonyms I want to choose for this great word! You keep knowledge and life values ​​that you pass on from generation to generation to our children. Thank you very much for this difficult and sometimes very difficult work. At this solemn moment, when yesterday’s kids are on the threshold of a new life, we want to thank you for your patience and attention to your students.

Well, this option can be used by the students themselves in their response speech.

Words of gratitude to the teacher from students

  • Our dear teachers! On this festive but sad day, we want to thank you very much! Thank you for being our mentors over these many years! Thank you for the support, advice, and knowledge that you gave us. Leaving our home school, we will never forget the happy hours we spent here. Thanks to your efforts and patience, today's graduates will become great people, because each of us has become special in our own way . You have opened new horizons and new knowledge for us. Everything you have done for us cannot be counted. Thank you for that!

A response speech can be formatted not only in prose, but also in poetic form. It is better if such congratulations come from schoolchildren, not parents.

This remark is due to the fact that poetry acts as an informal way of responding speech. There are quite a lot of options for the finished text; examples of response speech are posted in large numbers on the Internet, and are also found in specialized literature.

General rules for thanking teachers

When preparing your response, it is necessary to take into account several general, universal postulates.

  1. On average, the response word should take 2 – 3 minutes, in extreme cases, about 5 minutes.
  2. Should not be used a large number of complex and incomprehensible terms, this is completely unnecessary for this event.
  3. The speech should be generalized Not recommended highlight one specific teacher, with the exception of classroom teacher. If necessary, personal congratulations can be expressed after the end of the ceremony.

If you schematically depict the structure of the response word at the prom, you will get the following, rather classic diagram:

  • Greetings;
  • The main part is words of gratitude;
  • Conclusion.

The first part involves a general appeal to the teachers, the second part is a direct and basic text of gratitude. At this stage it is necessary to emphasize how much and for what exactly, you thank the teachers. You can end the text with a short repetition of mutual love and respect.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher or director

It is recommended to express a separate word to the class teacher or school director. In the first case, you can emphasize the similarity of the teacher with a second mother, highlighting the aspect of not so much teaching the subject, but rather guardianship and care. Here is one example of such speech:

  • Our dear (actor teacher), on this memorable day we want to thank you with all our hearts. For your help, for your friendly support and participation . You didn’t just teach us subjects and life, you protected and protected us, gave us advice and wise instructions. It was to you that we came with our hardships and difficulties, only you could wholeheartedly share our victories and new achievements. Today, like many years ago, we want to confess our love and respect to you. You are not just a teacher, you are a friend and a reliable comrade! Thank you for your hard work, believe me, it did not go unappreciated. Today, tomorrow and always we will open the doors of our school to come and visit you as if it were our home, in the warm and kind world of childhood that you created for us.

Speech for the school principal is also often mandatory. Since the director most often does not teach lessons, but is engaged in organizational activities, it is much more difficult to prepare a response.

It would be best if you thank the teacher for his excellent administrative work, the well-coordinated and professional school team he created, caring for children and creating a sincere atmosphere.

General rules for speaking with words of gratitude to the teacher

As for the speech itself, it is worth noting the following aspects.

Speech should be spoken clearly, moderately quickly, and, if possible, quite emotionally.

Try not to look sad, even if you have to say sentimental, soul-stirring things. .

The response word can also be successfully supplemented true history, which reflects the teacher’s concern for his students. This will give the response a certain personal touch and make it more sincere.

During a speech, you shouldn’t gesticulate too actively, but you just need to smile.

At the end of the response speech, it is appropriate to give a bouquet of flowers to the teacher or make a slight bow .

It is best to give a speech that you have learned in advance rather than reading it from a piece of paper; it looks more responsible and serious.

If desired, the speech can be told either solo or teaming up with one of the parents or students, or in a duet. In this case, the duration of the text in time can be slightly increased.

This is approximately how you can express your feelings and say words of gratitude to the teacher. However, do not forget the main thing. It doesn't matter what you say - or to the teachers.

The main thing is always your sincerity!

Only sincere words, coming from the depths of the soul, will be perceived and appreciated by the recipients. I learned this from my own experience. When . Be yourself - it's always beneficial! 🙂

By the way, what do you think is better: rework one of the prepared standard options for thanking the teacher, or come up with your own version? Have your say in the comments to the article, don’t be shy!

After a long winter, the first rays of the spring sun playing on the roofs of houses and transparent window panes are especially pleasing. Clear skies are filled with ringing bird voices, and the first leaves bloom on the trees, filling the air with the unique aroma of fresh greenery. In addition, for schoolchildren, the onset of spring means the end school year and long-awaited summer holidays is “just around the corner.” However, before this, all domestic schools will hold Last call- a traditional holiday with a solemn assembly, speeches by representatives of the city administration, graduates of grades 9 and 11 and their parents. As a rule, for this important event, students different classes they learn songs and poems as gifts for their beloved teachers, and graduates prepare to dance their farewell school waltz at the Last Bell. A touching speech at the Last Bell from the school principal and class teacher evokes a whole storm of emotions in the souls of “yesterday’s” schoolchildren, who are now entering adulthood. Yes, we have prepared best options speeches at the Last Bell in verse and prose (texts and videos), which can be included in the script of the “main” school holiday or add your own notes.

Thank you speech for the Last Call from parents of 11th grade students to teachers - options in poetry and prose

For parents of 11th grade graduates, the Last Bell is an important and exciting event. Indeed, during the ceremonial assembly, many mothers and fathers feel proud of their adult children, who will very soon leave the walls of their home school and become students at various educational institutions. In a solemn and heartfelt speech at the Last Bell, parents express words of gratitude to the first teacher, class teacher and other teachers who invested knowledge and a piece of their soul into the students. Here you will find options for a thank you speech in poetry and prose from parents of 11th grade students for teachers. Use our texts when composing a solemn speech that will touch everyone present at the Last Bell.

Options for a thank you speech in honor of the Last Bell - for teachers from parents of 11th grade graduates, poetry and prose:

You taught our children

Many long, long years

The last call has come,

And there are no more lessons,

We, parents, wish

Happiness to all teachers,

Let it not be in your life

Grief, pain and problems,

We say thank you

For care and work,

They gave knowledge to our children,

Let them find their way!

Today is a holiday for a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the lives of our children. We, parents, are grateful to teachers for becoming the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors. Let the last bell ring! For some, this is a joy, because a hot summer is ahead. For many, this means sadness and farewell to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for that. Happy Last Bell!

The last bell rang,

Who rejoiced, who roared,

The teachers will wipe away the tears,

That's how the paths diverged.

We express our gratitude

We appreciate, love, adore you,

After all, we taught our children,

Let's bow, say thank you,

For knowledge, skills,

Our respect to you!

Touching speech in prose from parents of 9th grade at the Last Bell

School years fly by unnoticed, and now yesterday’s first-graders have “turned” into 9th grade students. So, for some ninth-graders this year the school bell will actually ring last time, because ahead is admission to college, technical school or college. For those who decide to continue their studies at school, the ceremonial line in honor of the Last Bell only means the end of the next school year. Be that as it may, parents congratulate their children on graduating from 9th grade, wishing them success in their studies and further achievements in life. In addition, in their solemn speech at the Last Bell, mothers and fathers do not forget to express gratitude to school teachers for their everyday and such important work. How to prepare a beautiful speech for the Last Call? We bring to your attention the best examples of speech for an event in honor of the Last Bell - the best touching texts from parents to teachers and graduates.

Examples of a touching speech in your own words in honor of the Last Bell - for teachers and students of grade 9:

9 wonderful years have flown by, which will forever remain in our memories just like the guys. Anything could happen, not everything turned out smoothly. But we knew for sure that they would listen to us here, help us, and support us. Dear teachers, administration, all specialists of the friendly school team, thank you for our children. Gratitude for your work is difficult to express in words and just as difficult to appreciate. We wish your and our school only good luck, success and prosperity. Thanks again!

You have already come a long way in your school life. For some of you, today is really the last school bell, and adult worries lie ahead. We wish them to achieve their goal and get the desired profession. And for some, there are only a couple of school years left before the coveted certificate. We wish you a good rest during the holidays - and forward to battle, gaining new knowledge. After all, you shouldn’t relax, a large number of formulas, tasks, works of art. We express special gratitude to the teachers. Thank you for investing your knowledge and soul into our children. Your work is invaluable! Heartfelt thanks!

The last bell has rung! The results of the next academic year have been summed up. Our children spent nine years shoulder to shoulder with each other. Now someone will leave to conquer new horizons, and someone will sit at their home desk for a couple of years. We wish you to find yourself, find your purpose and decide on the place you want to occupy in this world. I wish you success, good luck, ease and great achievements!

A beautiful speech on the Last Call from graduates in prose - to parents and teachers

The last bell is a touching and slightly sad holiday, long remembered by graduates, their parents and teachers. So, for boys in formal suits and girls in touching brown dresses with white aprons, all this is the last time - the ceremonial ceremony, the parting words of teachers, and the ringing trill of the school bell. In turn, graduates prepare beautiful solemn speeches for the Last Bell addressed to their beloved teachers, who over the years have become truly family and friends. As a rule, for such a speech they choose a “speaker” - a graduate with good diction, who, on behalf of all “yesterday’s” schoolchildren, delivers a speech of gratitude in prose or poetry. In our selection you will find several original texts of speeches for the Last Call - they can be used as a template when composing a speech for teachers and parents.

Template texts for ceremonial speeches in prose for the Last Bell from graduates for parents and teachers:

Today we are graduates, all doors and all paths are open to us. And we have to make a difficult choice in favor of one profession or another. But no matter how our future life, we will never forget our native school and our beloved teachers. After all, everything we achieve in life will be only thanks to you and the knowledge you gave us. Today the last bell will ring for us, and its ringing will remain in our hearts forever, just like you and your lessons. Even if our relationship was not always smooth, even if we sometimes misunderstood each other. But we always found a compromise and a way out of difficult situations. We learned a lot from you, and understood a lot about life thanks to you. Thank you for this, because school is the first serious exam in life.

Dear our teachers! We, graduates, want to thank you for your work. To say thank you for giving us knowledge, and with it a “start” to adulthood. Today we will become “free” people, because we will become more mature. But this will give us responsibilities, because we have to become more responsible and independent. Now we have no one to rely on, nowhere to wait for clues. Now all responsibility for the correctness of the decision rests only with us. But we believe that we can withstand all this and pass the exam of life with flying colors. And all because we had the best teachers in the world, our favorite teachers!

Our beloved parents! Dear mothers and fathers, irreplaceable grandparents, dear aunts and uncles! Today is the important day for us to say goodbye to school and enter a new stage of life. We are grateful to you not only for being there at such an important moment, but also for leading us through life all these years. We know that at times it was not easy for you, but you steadfastly and courageously overcame all obstacles, hiding your children behind a safe back.

Parting speech of the class teacher at the Last Bell in grades 9 and 11 - in poetry and prose

Many adults often remember their class teacher with warmth. And it’s not surprising, because it is this person who occupies a special place in the life of every schoolchild - sometimes on a par with mothers and fathers. When graduating their students from their home school, each class teacher feels a sense of pride and concern for their future fate. According to tradition, in the parting speech at the Last Bell from the “cool mom”, students in grades 9 and 11 receive a lot of good wishes - achieving their goals, success in their careers and happiness in their personal lives. To prepare for a speech at the assembly dedicated to the Last Bell, we recommend using our examples of speech in poetry and prose on behalf of the class teacher.

The best examples of a parting speech for the Last Bell from the class teacher - poetry and prose for graduates of grades 9 and 11:

I am finishing 11th grade for the second time in my life. I remember how I stood and listened to the parting words of my class teacher, and did not even suspect that many years would pass and I would finish 11th grade again, only not as a graduate, but as a class teacher. My role has changed, but my feelings haven’t changed at all! I have a feeling that there is no you and me... there is WE! There is one big soul. I really want you to keep the warmest memories of school!

Don't be afraid of obstacles and difficult tasks,

Live for success and bright successes!

Learn, comprehend, get carried away, dare

And learn everything that is useful for life!

Let the sail of love not wander in the darkness,

Look for your soul mate on earth!

Dream, be surprised and please your friends,

Remain a light and happiness for your loved ones!

Always remember that you are unique, talented, cheerful, kind, worthy people! Be confident! Achieve the goals you set for yourself!

A heartfelt speech at the Last Bell from the school principal

The principal’s speech with a solemn speech has long become a good tradition at the school-wide assembly dedicated to the Last Bell. Every year the school director congratulates graduates of grades 9 and 11 on the start of their new adult life, expressing his best wishes and words of encouragement in his speech. In order for the Last Bell to be remembered by all those present as an amazing and vibrant event, it is important to deviate from “standard” phrases and fill your speech with soulful warmth and sincerity. Thus, the words of the director that each of the graduates, be it an “A” student or a “C” student, is an amazing and worthy person worthy of respect will certainly arouse the listeners’ attention and “live” interest. We are confident that the speech options we have proposed for the Last Bell will find a sincere response from graduates, parents and the entire teaching staff of the school.

Options for the school principal’s speech at the Last Bell for graduates of grades 9 and 11:

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope that you also fell in love with this house and will miss it. And we will be very glad if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams. The school doors will always be open for you.

Now you are listening to the last school bell ringing. And for some, it will sound for the first time in the fall... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow! Please accept congratulations and wishes from us - to successfully pass your exams, go to the prom like in a fairy tale, have an unforgettable summer and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness!

Congratulations on your graduation from school and we wish that the road to adulthood goes through a blooming garden, so that the carriage of life easily and happily carries you along the path of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties. Let everyone you need be nearby. Good luck and prosperity to you!

Solemn speech at the Last Bell - from the city administration, video

It is customary to invite representatives of the city, district or village administration as guests of honor to the ceremony dedicated to the Last Bell. Addressing the audience, officials express gratitude to the teaching staff of the school for the work done to educate the new generation, and congratulations to the graduates on this important life event. The ceremonial speech of the head of the city administration, presented in the video, can be included in the script of the upcoming Last Call for any secondary school. Happy holiday, dear graduates!

How to prepare a solemn speech for the Last Call? On our pages you will find different text options and video speeches at the Last Bell - from graduates of grades 9 and 11 and their parents, class teacher and school principal, and a representative of the city administration. Wishing you touching speeches and grateful listeners!

1. Stephen Colbert at Northwestern University, 2011

The American actor, satirist, and writer gave a ceremonial speech at the university where he once attended acting classes.

Fortunately, dreams can change. If we still wanted to make our first wishes and dreams come true, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. So no matter what your dream is now, if you haven't achieved it, it doesn't mean you've failed.

2. Ellen DeGeneres at Tulane, 2009

Tulane University President Scott Cowan formally asked Ellen DeGeneres to give a Communication Speech for a course whose students began their studies just 2 days before Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane hit hometown Ellen - New Orleans. Ellen responded to Cowan's request and came to New Orleans. The speech given there was included in the top of the most inspiring speeches delivered famous people in US universities.

The most important thing is to live your life honestly and not give in to peer pressure to try to become something you are not.

3. Steve Jobs, Stanford, 2005

This is a man who needs no introduction. Like the speech given at Stanford University, which everyone knows.

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the imaginary trap of making you think you have something to lose.

4. Oprah Winfrey at Harvard, 2013

The speech, delivered by the host of The Oprah Winfrey Show, the most popular talk show in the world, and a woman who has been named one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people of the year nine times, inspired and brought tears to many graduates.

And although this is the university where Facebook was born, I hope that you will get out of these walls and try to talk one-on-one with people with whom you disagree. That you will have the courage to look them in the eye and hear their point of view and help ensure that the speed, distance and anonymity of our world does not cause us to lose our ability to empathize and accept the fact that we are all human.

5. JK Rowling at Harvard, 2005

It is impossible to live without failing at anything, unless you live so carefully that it would be difficult to call it life. True, in this case you fail by definition.

6. Neil Gaiman at the University of the Arts, 2012

In 2012, Neil Gaiman gave a commencement speech to graduates of the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. The speech was called “Make good art.” good art” or “Create!”) and was so witty and inspiring that it was even published as a separate book.

The old rules are crumbling, and no one knows about the new rules... Therefore, make up your own rules.

7. Lewis Black at the University of California San Diego, 2013

The American stand-up comedian, actor, screenwriter is considered one of the most cynical comedians in the United States, and the nervousness and anger he often demonstrates during performances has become his kind of “ business card" The speech at the largest university also came out in his spirit. But this does not take away her inspiration and truthfulness.

You are now entering a world that is filled to the brim with idiots. Because there are so many idiots around you, you begin to think that you too have actually gone crazy. This is wrong.

8. David McCullough Jr. at Wellesley College, 2012

David McCullough Jr., teacher in English at a college in the suburbs of Boston, became very popular after the recording was published on Youtube. It was called “You're not special,” and this phrase was heard nine times during the entire performance.

Climb the mountain not to plant a flag, but to take on the challenge, enjoy the air and contemplate the view. Climb to the top to see the world, not for the world to see you.

9. John Stewart at the College of William and Mary, 2004

Graduates of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, where one of the most popular TV hosts of "The Daily Show" attended, witnessed one of the most inspiring speeches ever.

College is what you graduate, life is what you live. Don't worry about lessons, results or success. Success is defined in different ways, and when you get there, people will no longer judge you. It will come with your own inner sense of worth.

10. Nick Selby at Georgia Tech, 2013

Nick Selby is a Mechanical Engineering student and co-leader of Team Solar Jackets, a Georgia Tech team that built a solar car and competed in the Formula Sun Grand Prix. Nick is one of the best students at the university. Although the speech is not a wish for graduates on their graduation day, we will still include it in the list. She's cool!

Our mission as students is not to follow in the footsteps of cosmonaut laureates Nobel Prize, and the presidents who came before us. Our task is to surpass their victories.

Wishes to graduates in verse

Parting words, wishes to school graduates in prose

Kind words, a solemn farewell message to dear school graduates in prose, a text from the class teacher, from teachers, wishes from parents on the last bell and graduation evening. Dear friends!
Our dear graduates!
This holiday is a bright and exciting event for all those present. It is important for us, teachers, for whom every graduation is a milestone. After all, we have been through so much together.

When we part with you, we feel sadness, but at the same time we feel proud for each of you. This holiday is important for parents who for 11 years rejoiced at the successes of their children, worried about them, supported them in failures, and who did a lot to make this evening truly festive.

And, of course, it is important for the heroes of this holiday. I say heroes, not culprits. After all, you have overcome a very important stage on a long journey called “life”. A person makes his own path in life, even if he follows someone else.

You've been on the road for many years, and prom is like a crossroads. The meeting place from where a new countdown will begin - the countdown of kilometers-days of independent adult life.

We, your teachers and parents, tried to help you pave your own path, helped you in your search for knowledge, supported you in moments of difficult choice, and sometimes even laid straw to soften the blows. We are confident that the knowledge you gain at school will be in demand.

We hope that your thirst for knowledge, determination and desire for self-improvement will help you become successful people. May the path you choose lead you to success. Of course, you can stop along the way because you’re tired, or cry because it’s difficult.

But success will not come any closer. Therefore, just go ahead!
Don't go off the route!
And when you achieve success, do not forget to share it with your loved ones. After all, success increases through division. But all this is in the future, and today here, at the crossroads of our roads, is a wonderful holiday - graduation party. A holiday of friendship and fidelity, beauty and youth.

Let this evening remain in the heart of everyone present as a good and bright memory. Beautiful words, parting words to school graduates in prose, wishes from the class teacher
Dear graduates!
The day that we both waited for and feared at the same time has arrived. This is a solemn and slightly sad day when the last bell rings for you at our school. On the one hand, this is the moment of separation. On the other hand, the beginning of your road to adulthood. Remember how quite recently you, so small and curious, came to your first line.

Funny white bows, huge bouquets, joyful smiles... And now before us are young men and women with serious views, with their own plans for life. Over the years, the school has turned into a second home for all of you. The school is small

Here you learned to be friends and love, to be responsible, to understand others. You grew up and became a little smarter and wiser every day. Now you remember with a smile your first bad grade, how you didn’t want to get up in the morning and study homework in the evening.

Years will pass, certain moments of your school time will be forgotten, but your memories of school will always be warm and full of love. Now you are at the very door leading to adulthood. Nobody knows what's behind them.

Of course, there will be joys with victories and disappointments with defeats. There will be life. A life whose beauty lies in solving complex problems. But, no matter how difficult it may be for you, I would like to wish each of you, first of all, to always remain human.

Remaining a person with a capital “H”, you will definitely find your happiness, love, calling. We believe that everything will work out for you in life, and all your cherished dreams will come true. Don't be afraid to live; Let kindness, self-confidence and mental strength help you constantly move forward.

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope that you also fell in love with this house and will miss it. And we will be very glad if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams. The school doors will always be open for you.

Last call!
So ringing, pure, inviting... But.. Alas and ah!
It's too late for us to rush to him!
However, there will be more exams... But you don’t have to worry, you’ll definitely pass them easily!
And then there will be graduation... and hello, adulthood!
I recommend starting it so that by the next alumni meeting you will be among the youngest millionaires in the world!

Congratulations on the Last Call in beautiful prose

Now you are listening to how it rings
Last school bell.
And for some, it will sound for the first time in the fall... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow!
Please accept congratulations and wishes from us - to successfully pass your exams, go to the prom like in a fairy tale, have an unforgettable summer and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness!

Congratulations in prose on the Last Call

The school bell sparkles with gold and rings with silver. Congratulations on
Last call!
Isn’t it true, it was impossible to even imagine how good and sweet this long celebration of finishing school would be? And even exams aren’t scary, right?!
So fly forward, little bird!
That is, yesterday's student!
Believe in your strength and hold your nose high!

Congratulations on the Last Call in prose

Today it is not field bells that are swinging and trembling, but those that are called school bells... On the Day
On the last call, accept my congratulations and wishes to successfully demonstrate all your talents in the final exams!
May they come easier to you than anything you have ever learned before!

Good congratulations on the Last Call in prose

Today you hear the school bell for the last time, it sees you off... But don’t let you be sad!
And especially don’t think about the upcoming exams... You know, in
In the Middle Ages, they found it a hundred times more difficult in schools, and they wrote with a quill pen back then!
But, I’m digressing from the topic... You are a graduate of the 21st century and the whole world is open to you!
And if they conquer
Mars... Or maybe the whole space!

Parting wishes to graduates

Heartfelt congratulations in prose on the Last Call

Just yesterday it seemed so long to study!
And today - look around how quickly school has flown by and very soon the bell will ring
Last call!
Don't you already miss your school years? Of course, it’s better to adore them while you’re studying... But honeyed nostalgia is not bad either!

Cheerful congratulations in prose on the Last Call

On the day when the school bell rings for the last time, I want to tell you that I value and adore you so much that I could give you tips on the exams... But firstly, this is dishonest, and secondly, you have a brilliant mind too!
So I just congratulate you and wish you good luck!

In prose, congratulations on the Last Call

The school adventures are over!
The last bell is ringing!
So many years are behind us, but ahead... there is a whole life ahead!
Don’t think about everything strictly now, just get ready to look for your path and if it seems that it has been found... don’t stop there!
After all, the world and human possibilities are truly limitless!
Congratulations on
Last call!

Cool congratulations on the Last Call in prose

Last call!
Today is a bright holiday, there are a lot of hopes, like freshness on a summer morning!
It's time to give parting words... Always be an honest, courageous and dreamy person!
Appreciate what you have and eagerly desire more!
Don’t give up in difficult times and be able to consider prospects and real chances to make your dreams come true even beyond the horizon!

The best musical congratulations on your birthday. Animated postcard

Happy Last Bell, good congratulations in prose

Congratulations on
Last call!
And it seems like only yesterday that it sounded for you for the first time!
How much has been learned since then!
The time has come to brilliantly apply the acquired knowledge and pass the final exams so that your results will stun everyone!
From classmates to the director himself!

Good congratulations on the Last Call in prose

At school we all learn from textbooks, but we could hardly manage on our own, without teachers, even today, on the day
On the last call, I want to thank them for their work, into which, without exaggeration, they invested a lot of warmth and attention to all of us!
I also want to wish them bright, warm happiness and long life!

Sincere congratulations on the Last Call in prose

Today when it sounds
Last call, I want to say words of gratitude to the teachers... Let years pass, but I will not forget school, my native class and their science, care and attention!
I wish you good health, new grateful students and simple, lasting happiness!

Congratulations on graduation in prose

graduates of 4th grade graduates of 9th grade graduates of 11th grade to teachers from parents to parents farewell messages to graduates pictures what to give wall newspaper holiday scripts – date (when, what date is the holiday) Graduation ceremony is a ceremony associated with graduation from an educational institution. The ceremony is most often divided into two parts - official and solemn. Graduated at the official part educational institution are awarded certificates or diplomas. Shown!type of congratulations: SMS | | in verse | All
Today you are leaving your home school, and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, and responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave us the basis for what it is impossible to become real without.
A man with a capital letter!
We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply and cultivate in yourself best qualities. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck to you, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

It's over next stage in your life. You are moving into adulthood with more responsibility. Therefore we want to say
Parting words for you. Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on the difficult but very interesting path of life. School time is over!
Over the years, you have all matured and from touching chicks have turned into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. Ahead - long interesting life, and we wish everyone to find their own path in it. Let all the knowledge and skills that you received at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and let the people who have been with you all these years remain in everyone’s heart for a long time. Bon Voyage!
You have already received your start in life, but you have closed the doors to childhood forever.

So let graduation be your starting point for a journey through a happy and eventful youth. May youth give you a million chances, most of which will find a response in your heart and be successfully implemented. Let all the chosen roads be correct, and let the temptation to turn onto narrow path will not force you to abandon the right chosen goal. Congratulations to everyone on your graduation evening!
To graduates, I wish you a bright path in life, that everyone chooses their favorite profession, creates strong family, found a decent and well-paid job. I would like to thank the teachers for their patience and understanding, and wish them strength, health, good and responsive students. Happy graduation!
As you know, all doors open for young people. May the doors you choose lead you to happiness, joy and accomplishment. May what you achieve make your family and your teachers proud of you and remember with nostalgia the years before graduation.

Graduation is the end of school and the beginning of a free life, without boring student worries. But as soon as you plunge headlong into adult life, you immediately want to go back to the same desks, to the same boring classmates. I sincerely wish you to achieve your goals, let this knowledge help you with this. Happy holiday, guys!
Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of the educational institution, we enter new life.

So today, let each of us be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright and his plans will be grandiose. May everything that is wished for us today come true, and may the people who said kind words not be forgotten. Graduates!
You are entering adulthood, leaving the walls of school, and taking the first serious steps on your path. We wish you strength and courage to accept this responsibility and avoid irreparable mistakes. Do not be afraid of difficulties and make decisions boldly, using reason and own feelings. Let life be an exciting journey for you that will teach you valuable lessons for future use. Dear Guys!
Surely, everyone remembers how they were looking forward to their graduation day, and now you can see barely restrained tears in your eyes. Know that the doors of the school are always open to you, despite the fact that the paths of many of you will diverge. We hope that this is where you will bring your children and we will teach them everything that we taught you. Pages: 23 -total congratulations: Today, you stand on the threshold between childhood and adolescence!
Today is the very day that all schoolchildren are so looking forward to, and when it comes, for some reason my soul is sad and annoying!
Graduation evening... this phrase hides a lot of emotions, both joyful and sad at the same time!
After all, today you realize that the carefree time of childhood has already ended!
And those with whom you sat at the same desk will fly away like birds to different parts of the country!
May this evening remain in your memory forever. And bright photos, on cold evenings where you are with those who are dear to you, warm you. Happy holiday to you graduate. Smart girls in bright dresses, boys in tuxedos, flowers in their hands, tears in their eyes... Graduation has arrived.

And no matter how difficult it is now to believe that the doors to your childhood have already closed. Time is like water, and now the hour you’ve been waiting for has arrived!
It's time to say goodbye to school, because you won't sit at your favorite desk anymore, you won't stand at the blackboard with trembling knees and you won't get a grade in your diary!
You will no longer have to stand at school meetings and fool around during breaks. Now you are already a graduate, and school is in the past. Wishing you happiness and a bright future!

Today, you stand like a princess in a chic dress, lighting up everything around with a smile. Even though the cats are scratching your soul, you thought that it would be joyful and fun? Saying goodbye to school, but when the time came, for some reason it was no longer fun, not joyful. The realization came that the end of the school had come. It all ended so quickly, being late for class, the sound of the bell, notebooks, uniforms, bows, classmates, strict and wise teachers. And even though you have been waiting for this day for so long, you are no longer happy. You have adult life ahead, college, classes, lectures, seminars. Good luck in the future. Let this evening remain in your heart forever.

Graduate, sounds so proud!
It’s just a pity that today you will have to let go of your childhood, leave behind all the joys and troubles of school. I wish you to take with you all the experience that your wise teachers passed on to you. I wish you never forget your school friends!
It’s sad to realize that we have to say goodbye to school today. And now, if you would return there with joy, but, alas, there is no turning back. For others, all that is left now are desks, a bell, notebooks and diaries.

Remember about school, because it gave you a ticket to life. Happy holiday to you graduate!
Today, not only graduates are sad, teachers are also sad. They are sorry to say goodbye to you, because you are like children to them, they will remember each one, and will remember with a smile your childish jokes, timid answers at the board, and requests to rate higher!
No, everyone is sad today!
And you stand with tears in your eyes, because you know for sure that after this farewell waltz, with the classmate who once pulled your pigtails, everything will end. Childhood will recede forever. There will be no more first bell, now you will hear your last, farewell bell, which will lead you into adulthood!
Let this evening remain in your memory and heart!
May you have a bright road ahead to your future!
Happy holiday, albeit such a sad one!
Happy graduation!
Congratulations on graduating from school and we wish that the road to adulthood goes through a blooming garden, that the carriage of life easily and happily carries you along life’s roads, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, that everyone you need is nearby.

Good luck and prosperity to you!
Let the stars shine especially brightly today, illuminating the road you are just entering with a mysterious light. Let it be even and smooth, like the graduation ribbons that you are wearing now.

Let your life be as ebullient as the champagne in your glass, and as beautiful as your first school love. Our dear, most talented and smart graduates!
We are all very happy to congratulate you on such a significant and important day - your graduation!
Today you are very joyful, happy and cheerful. So let your whole life be just like this - illuminated by boundless joy, cloudless happiness and carefree fun. We wish you to choose exactly the profession that will bring you luck and victory. We wish you to realize all your plans and dreams!
We love you very much, are very proud of you and believe in you very much!
Today we are happy and pleased to congratulate our esteemed, dear and smartest graduates of our school!
There are so many talented and capable guys among you. There are future programmers, businessmen, actors, singers, doctors, and athletes. We ask you very much not to lose the invaluable knowledge and skills acquired at our school. We will always remember you and use you as an example for our growing students. We wish you to find a wonderful job that will bring you joy and satisfaction. Remember our school and us, come visit and tell us about your successes and victories.

Just yesterday you were high school students, and you came running to your own school as if it were your second home, but today is the first prom in your life, a prom!
The boys became more and more serious, and even seemed to have matured, and the girls, like those flowers in the spring, all blossomed with a gentle radiance!
You are all graduates today, today you are opening the start to an adult, serious life!
And it’s clear from your faces and smiles that you can’t wait to experience all this!
Remember one thing: after even a little time, you will all miss your desk, your classmates, your teachers, because school and youth, unfortunately, cannot be returned!
But seeing your commitment to the future, I want to believe that each of you will achieve all your planned peaks! Advertising: Children at school graduation resemble passengers at an airport, train station or pier. Everyone is in anticipation of an interesting new life, and there are many unknown roads ahead. I wish that every graduate of today quickly and correctly chooses his own, albeit confusing, but true, happy and free path to a new life. Congratulations!
In ten years, like today, we, already completely adults, will meet here.

Someone, perhaps, will become a scientist, someone - a lawyer, a doctor, an analyst. Some will have time to travel around the world, some will save up for the coolest car, some will give the world adorable children. But the main thing is that we all remain no less optimistic and friendly than we are now. Congratulations!
Our unique graduates, parents, teachers!
Today is a very touching holiday, today we are celebrating school graduation!
We wish young people who are entering adulthood not to stop believing in miracles and remember the moral principles that they learned within our school walls!
You, graduates, are like a beautiful bouquet, colorful, fresh, rich, which gives its beauty to others. We wish you not to lose this beauty, we wish you to acquire new skills and open wonderful horizons!
Appreciate friendship and the school experience that will support you in your future happy life!
Happy holiday, graduates!
I don’t want to start with banality and talk about the importance of this day.
I just want to congratulate you on your graduation from the bottom of my heart!
And to say that it is not this day that is important, but the principles and knowledge that you take away from school. This is one of the components of your successful future. Now you are young, brave, strong, daring, passionate, loving, risk-taking. And if you can put together your upbringing, principles, knowledge, existing life experience, advice from loved ones, then you will definitely succeed!!!
This is exactly what I wish for you, so that you can and know how to achieve your goals!
One of the most difficult and crucial moments in life has come - school graduation. So many doors are open before you, new knowledge and opportunities await you.

The main task before you is to make the right choice, to find your life path and calling. We wish you to listen to your heart, your inner voice and follow the right path that will lead to true happiness and satisfaction in life. May the new routes that await you be successful and enjoyable. Go towards your dream without giving up or falling. Lightness to you and harmony in your soul!
Well, what can I say today, student? Graduation is here.

So all the boring lessons, annoying homework, strict teachers, bad grades in the diaries, and parents being called to school are over. You must be happy and sad at the same time. After all, there were so many good things at school - beloved friends, fun breaks, delicious pies in the cafeteria, favorite books in the library and much, much more. I sincerely congratulate you on your
Graduation. I wish you to enter your new adult life confidently and cheerfully. I wish this life to be filled with success, love, happiness, fun and true friendship. Happy Graduation! See also: The day of bright sadness is approaching, the day of expressing gratitude to teachers, a day that will become a step into a new, unknown life full of serious adult events. School years were to some extent a carefree time, as well as kaleidoscopic, vibrant and nostalgically memorable. But still the time comes when childhood needs to say “Goodbye!” and take a step towards a new stage of life. Many factors will influence what he will be like, but teachers and parents with all their hearts want each of the graduates to adequately withstand the tests of a strict examiner called “life”. On the day of the last bell there will be many bright tears, congratulations and wishes - on behalf of parents, teachers, students. In order to facilitate your task of finding congratulations of a similar nature, we have combined congratulations on the last call in prose into a special collection. The selection presented here is unique, interesting, and varied. It was compiled by guests of our site, and congratulations have a varied focus. Both teachers and their students will find the option they need here. And, of course, parents can also choose congratulations on the last bell in prose - in order to use them on the special day. Many will find it difficult to find the right words in moments of excitement, so supporting our collection will be quite relevant. Anyone who wants to provide all possible assistance to our site and express their feelings towards this day can come up with congratulations for the last call in prose and place them in the form below - many will be grateful to him. And we, in turn, congratulating the current graduates, wish them a good journey on the road whose name is “Life”!

We brought you to these walls years ago - for the first school bell in your life on the first day of autumn. And although you have grown, matured and gained knowledge, your shining eyes and clear smiles have remained exactly the same, as if deja vu.

We have experienced many different bright emotions together over the years. A new stage of your life - exciting and responsible - is already approaching. In the meantime, let's celebrate the Last Call carefree, without remembering all the things to do. It's not every day that our children become adults overnight.

Dear graduates, our dear grown-up children! The last bell, the school bell - these are ours, the bright holiday of parents, and the teachers who gave you knowledge and taught you to be citizens. We, parents, sent you to school, experienced failures together, but were proud of our successes. And the teachers did everything necessary to introduce you to the vast world of knowledge and helped you grow up. This minute is warm, solemn, although a little sad for everyone. Remember with gratitude the school and those who shared their souls with you here for so many years!

I remember as if yesterday we, with a bouquet and smartly dressed children, were rushing to get acquainted with the school teacher. The children transformed from surprised, knowledge-hungry boys and girls into worthy and intelligent graduates. Parents in the family, and teachers in the classroom raised and taught life lessons. Together, we overcame the school path like sailors, with storms, calms and new lands, moving only forward. We wish our graduates to continue their journey in the vast living space, learning new things. And parents will be able to provide practical advice, guidance and love.

Today is a holiday for a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the lives of our children. We are parents, we are grateful to teachers for becoming the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors. Let the last bell ring! For some, this is joy, because a hot summer is ahead. For many, this is sadness and farewell to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for that. Happy last call!

Our dear beloved children! The last bell has rung. It's time for you to enter adulthood. Even though it won't be easy, we want to choose the right path in life. The path to a happy life, full of bright events and colorful moments. A life where there will be no bitter losses, misfortunes, wrong, cruel actions. Always, dear ones, do as we taught you, as school taught you. A school certificate is your ticket to life. Try to make sure you don't miss the chance to make your life happy. And today we all say in unison: “Thank you, school! We will never forget you. You made our children adults and independent. Prosperity and well-being for you, and patience for us!”

Dear friends, in a moment the long-awaited bell will ring - a symbol of the end of the school year, a new step, on the threshold of adulthood. For some, this call will be the last, because today many of our students, like birds, will fly out of the school nest, to new heights, to new knowledge and new victories. As a class teacher, I would like to wish: strive for the best, new and bright, let the obstacles recede on the way. Let your wings grow stronger. Let school life be a strong foundation for a happy future. Happy holiday, dear students!
